21 resultados para Doença Inflamatória Intestinal

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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A colite de derivação fecal (CD) é um processo inflamatório que ocorre no segmento colorretal desfuncionalizado, após uma cirurgia de desvio do trânsito intestinal. As principais características dessa entidade clínica são: apresenta-se na desfuncionalização do cólon ou reto; não há doença inflamatória intestinal preexistente; nunca acomete o sítio proximal à colostomia e ocorre resolução do processo após a restauração do trânsito intestinal. Diversas são as hipóteses postuladas para explicar o seu aparecimento; todavia, a deficiência nutricional do epitélio colônico, pela ausência dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), no segmento desfuncionalizado, é a mais aceita na atualidade. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura enfocando os aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos desta doença


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Ulcerative colitis comprising an inflammatory bowel disease, whose most severe consequence is the development of intestinal neoplasia. The drugs currently used to treat the disease trigger a variety of serious adverse effects and are not effective in many cases. Recent studies demonstrated the effectiveness of natural products for the treatment of inflammatory processes. Seaweed extracts and their purified products have shown protective effects in models of inflammation and the association of traditional therapies with probiotics has significantly improved the clinical symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, the aims of this study include evaluating the potential effects of the use of probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium 32 (Ef32), the methanolic extract of the green seaweed Caulerpa mexicana (M.E.) and their concomitant administration in a murine model of colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). Accordingly, C57BL /6 mice were pretreated orally with Ef32 (109 CFU/ml) for seven days. In the seven days following, the colitis was induced by administration of 3% DSS (w/v) diluted in the animals drinking water. During this period, animals were treated daily with Ef32 and the M.E. (2.0 mg/kg) every other day by intravenous route. The development of colitis was monitored by the disease activity index (DAI), which takes into account the loss of body weight, consistency and presence of blood in stools. After euthanasia, the colon was removed, its length measured and tissue samples were destined for histological analysis and culture for cytokine quantification. The levels of cytokines in the culture supernatant of the colon were measured by ELISA. The treatments with the probiotic Ef32 or the M.E. alone or the combination of these two substances provoked significant improvement as to weight loss and DAI, and prevented the shortening of the colon in response to DSS. The isolated treatments triggered a slight improvement in intestinal mucosal tissue damage. However, their combination was able to completely repair the injury triggered by DSS. The association was also able to reduce the levels of all the cytokines analyzed (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17A and TNF-α). On the other hand, the treatment with Ef32 did not interfere with the levels of TNF-α, whereas treatment with M.E. did not alter the levels of IL-6. Moreover, the treatment with Ef32 not interferes in TNF-α levels, whereas treatment with M.E. did not alter the levels of IL-6. Therefore, the potential probiotic Ef32 and M.E. and especially when these samples were associated proved promising alternatives in the treatment of ulcerative colitis as demonstrated in an experimental model because of its beneficial effects on morphological and clinical parameters, and by reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines of Th1, Th2 and Th17


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As doenças inflamatórias intestinais são enfermidades onde a tolerância e homeostase da resposta inflamatória estão comprometidas, gerando lesões teciduais e favorecendo o surgimento de neoplasias. Há dois importantes exemplos de doenças inflamatórias intestinais, a colite ulcerativa, foco do modelo desse estudo, e a doença de Crohn. Os medicamentos utilizados no tratamento dessas doenças desencadeiam diversos efeitos adversos; além disso, em alguns pacientes, eles não são eficazes. Os extratos de algas têm demonstrado várias atividades biológicas, entre elas a atividade anti-inflamatória. Os extratos das algas do gênero Caulerpa foram utilizados em vários estudos, onde modelos inflamatórios foram analisados, entre eles o modelo de colite ulcerativa. A utilização do extrato metanólico da C. mexicana como terapêutica nesse modelo atenuou o quadro clinico desenvolvido pelos animais. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a ação terapêutica da Caulerpina (CLP), extraída da C. racemosa, no modelo murino de colite ulcerativa. Camundongos C57BL/6 machos foram expostos a uma solução de Dextrana Sulfato de Sódio (DSS) a 3% por sete dias. A partir do primeiro dia de exposição ao DSS os animais foram tratados em dias alternados com a CLP nas doses de 4 e 40 mg/kg e com a dexametasona (3 mg/kg) por via oral. O desenvolvimento da doença foi analisado através do índice de atividade da doença (IAD), que leva em consideração a perda de peso corporal, a consistência e a presença de sangue nas fezes. Após a eutanásia, o cólon foi removido e mensurado, e amostras do tecido colônico foram destinadas a análise histológica e à cultura para dosagem de citocinas. Os níveis de citocinas no sobrenadante da cultura do cólon foram mensurados por ELISA. O tratamento com a CLP (4 mg/kg) desencadeou significativa melhora quanto à perda de peso corporal e ao IAD, e atenuou o encurtamento do cólon em resposta ao DSS. Tal dose foi capaz de reduzir os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias analisadas (TNF-, IFN-, IL-6, IL-17), mas não teve efeito significativo nas citocinas anti-inflamatórias IL-10 e TGF-. O tratamento com a CLP (40 mg/kg) não foi eficaz quanto a perda de peso e ao IAD, além de não ter atenuado a redução do cólon em resposta ao DSS. Essa dose conseguiu reduzir os níveis das citocinas pró-inflamatórias, porém não os níveis de IL-6. O tratamento com a dexametasona obteve melhora discreta quanto à perda de peso corporal e ao IAD, porém não atenuou a redução do cólon em resposta ao DSS. Esse tratamento também conseguiu reduzir todas as citocinas pró-inflamatórias testadas. Deste modo a CLP (4 mg/kg) demonstrou ser uma alternativa promissora no tratamento da colite ulcerativa, em razão dos seus efeitos benéficos sobre parâmetros clínicos, morfológicos e moleculares do modelo em estudo


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A colite de derivação fecal (CD) é um processo inflamatório que ocorre no segmento colorretal desfuncionalizado, após uma cirurgia de desvio do trânsito intestinal. As principais características dessa entidade clínica são: apresenta-se na desfuncionalização do cólon ou reto; não há doença inflamatória intestinal preexistente; nunca acomete o sítio proximal à colostomia e ocorre resolução do processo após a restauração do trânsito intestinal. Diversas são as hipóteses postuladas para explicar o seu aparecimento; todavia, a deficiência nutricional do epitélio colônico, pela ausência dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), no segmento desfuncionalizado, é a mais aceita na atualidade. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura enfocando os aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos desta doença


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The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintain homeostasis. Several studies have been performed to search new drugs that can contribute to avoiding or minimizing an excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexican in models of inflammation. In mice, the model of peritonitis induced inflammatory zymosan pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanol extracts of C. mexican was able to reduce cell migration to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment of mice with extracts of C. mexican also reduced the ear edema induced by xylene and exerted inhibitory action on the migration of leukocytes in inflammation-induced zymosan the air pouch, and timedependent for the extracts tested in the model of ulcerative colitis induced by DSS 3%, the extract methanol, but not the aqueous C. mexican, significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of colitis, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the culture of mouse colon, in the histological analysis there was a slight reduction of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. We concluded that the administration of the extracts resulted in the reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as reducing the edema formation induced by chemical irritant. This study demonstrates for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from green marine algae Caulerpa mexican


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Periodontal diseases, highly prevalent disease in worldwide population, manifest primarily in two distinct entities: plaque-induced gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized of different levels of collagen, cementum, and alveolar bone destruction. Recent experimental studies demonstrated anti-inflammatory and antirreabsortive effect of antihypertensive agents of the angiotensin II receptor blockers class on periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of azilsartan (AZT), a potent inhibitor of the angiotensin II receptor which has minimal adverse effects on bone loss, inflammation, and the expression of matrix metallo proteinases (MMPs), receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand (RANKL), receptor activator of nuclear factor kB (RANK), osteoprotegerin (OPG), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and cathepsin K in periodontal tissue in a rat model of ligature-induced periodontitis. Male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of 20 rats each: (1) nonligated, water; (2) ligated, water; (3) ligated, 1 mg/kg AZT; (4) ligated, 5 mg/kg AZT; and (5) ligated, 10 mg/kg AZT. All groups were treated with water or AZT for 10 days. Periodontal tissues were analyzed by morphometric exam, histopathology and immunohistochemical detection of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANKL, RANK, OPG, and cathepsin K. Levels of IL-1b, IL-10, TNF-a, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and glutathione (GSH) were determined by ELISA. Treatment with 5 mg/kg AZT resulted in reduced MPO (p˂0.05) and IL-1b (p˂0.05) levels and increased in Il-10 levels (p˂0.05). It was observed a reduced expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANK, RANKL, cathepsin K, and a increased expression of OPG in the animals subjected to experimental periodontitis and threated with AZT (5 mg/kg). Conclusions: These findings suggest an anti-inflammatory and anti-reabsortive effects of AZT on ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.


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The Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the axial skeleton, leading to limitation of spine mobility and functional disability. Physical therapy, especially exercise, is an important part in your treatment. The Global Postural Reeducation(GPR),a method that uses stretching based on evaluation of muscular chains, with significant interference in postural changes may be a complementary alternative for the treatment of this disease. The aim was to evaluate the effects of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and compare GPR with group conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises. This is a controlled interventional study of 38 patients divided into 2 groups: a GPR group (n = 22) and a control group (n = 16). Both groups were treated over four months. With the GPR group patients, positions that stretched the shortened muscle chains were used. With the control group patients, conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises were performed. The variables analyzed were: pain intensity, morning stiffness, spine mobility, chest expansion, functional capacity (Health Assessment Questionnaire - Spondyloarthropathies - HAQ-S), quality of life (Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 Healthy Survey-SF-36), and disease activity (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index - BASDAI). Statistical analysis was used with a significance level of p < 0.05. There was a statistically significant difference for all the parameters analyzed between pre and post-treatment in both groups. In the inter-group comparison the GPR group showed a statistically significant improvement in morning stiffness (p = 0.01), spine mobility parameters, except finger-floor distance (p = 0.11), in chest expansion (p = 0.02), and in the physical aspect component of the SF-36 (p = 0.00).Finally, we observed that this sample of patients with AS ,treatment with RPG 60 seems to have a better response in some clinical measures, than the conventional self stretching performed in groups. Further studies are needed to further evaluate this therapeutic alternative in the EA


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Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a relatively common, cronic inflammatory disease. Its etiopathogenesis is no completely understood and several factors have proposed in attempt to explain the appearance, variety of clinical manifestations and periods of exacerbation and remission of the symptons of the lesions. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of local factors, systemic diseases and levels of anxiety in patients with OLP, investigating their association with the clinical characteristics of the lesions. The sample consisted of 37 patients with histopathologically confirmed OLP that were submitted to a clinical exam to evaluate the presence of smoking habits, consumption of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The existence of skin lesions, as well as the time course, clinical form, symptomatology, number and location of the oral lesions were also registered. The trait anxiety was measured by Spielberger s Stai-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and to associate the variables we used the chi-square or Fisher s exact test. It was observed that females were the most affected (75%) and the mean age of the patients was 53,3 years. Most cases were non-smoker (97,3%) and none was drinker. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were present in 10,8% e 16,2% of the sample, respectively and only one patient was HCV-seropositive (2,7%). Moderate levels of anxiety were seen in most cases (78,4%) and 21,6% had elevated levels. The oral lesions persisted in 95% of the cases for a period of 6 months to 13 years. The erosive form was the most prevalent (57,1%) and symptons were reported by 45,7% of the patients. Multiple lesions were frequent (60%), affecting mainly the buccal mucosa, followed by gums e tongue. There was no significant association of the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety with the clinical form or symptomatology of the oral lesions (p>0,005), despite a trend in patients with hypertension to have erosive lesions. It was concluded that, in the sample studied, moderate levels of anxiety were commonly observed, and the HCV infection apparently is not related to the onset of the OLP. In this study, the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety seem not to be associated with the clinical characteristics of the lesions of OLP


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Intestinal Mucositis is inflammation and/or ulceration of mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract caused by anticancer therapies. Histologically, villous atrophy, damage to enterocytes and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Methotrexate (MTX) is a compound that depletes dihydrofolate pools and is widely used in the treatment of leukemia and other malignancies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Olmesartan (OLM), an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, on an Intestinal Mucositis Model (IMM) induced by MTX in Wistar rats. IMM was induced via intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of MTX (7 mg/kg) for three consecutive days. The animals were pretreated with oral OLM at 0.5, 1 or 5 mg/kg or with vehicle 30 min prior to exposure to MTX, for three days. Small intestinal (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) homogenates were assayed for levels of the IL-1β, IL-10 and TNF-α cytokines, malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase activity. Additionally, immunohistochemical analyses of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANK/RANKL and SOCS-1 and confocal microscopy analysis of SOCS-1 expression were performed. Treatment with MTX+OLM (5 mg/kg) resulted in a reduction of mucosal inflammatory infiltration, ulcerations, vasodilatation and hemorrhagic areas (p<0.05) as well as reduced concentrations of MPO (p<0.001) and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α (p<0.01), and increase antiinflammatory cytosine IL-10 (p,0.05). Additionally, the combined treatment reduced expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, RANK and RANKL (p<0.05) and increased cytoplasmic expression of SOCS-1 (p<0.05). Our findings confirm the involvement of OLM in reducing the inflammatory response through increased immunosuppressive signaling in an IMM. We also suggest that the beneficial effect of Olmesartan treatment is specifically exerted during the damage through blocking inflammatory cytosines.


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Compounds derived from fungi has been the subject of many studies in order to broaden the knowledge of their bioactive potential. Polysaccharides from Caripia montagnei have been described to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this study, glucans extracted from Caripia montagnei mushroom were chemically characterized and their effects evaluated at different doses and intervals of treatment. It was also described their action on colonic injury in the model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and its action on cells of the human colon carcinoma (HT-29). Compounds extracted of C. montagnei contain high level of carbohydrates (96%), low content of phenolic compounds (1.5%) and low contamination with proteins (2.5%). The (FT-IR) and (NMR) analysis showed that polysaccharides from this species of mushroom are composed of α- and β-glucans. The colonic damage was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, biochemical and immunologic analyses. The results showed a reduction of colonic lesions in all groups treated with the glucans of Caripia montagnei (GCM). GCM significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 (50 and 75 mg/kg, p < 0.05), a major inflammatory cytokine. Biochemical analyses showed that such glucans acted on reducing levels of alkaline phosphatase (75 mg/kg, p < 0.01), nitric oxide (p < 0.001), and myeloperoxidase (p < 0.001). These results were confirmed microscopically by the reduction of cellular infiltration. The increase of catalase activity suggest a protective effect of GCM on colonic tissue, confirming their anti-inflammatory potential. GCM displayed cytostatic activity against HT-29 cells, causing accumulation of cells in G1 phase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Those glucans also showed ability to modulate the adhesion of HT-29 cells to Matrigel® and reduced the oxidative stress. The antiproliferative activity against HT-29 cells displayed by GCM (p <0.001) can be attributed to its cytostatic activity and induction of apoptosis by GCM


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Despite advances in antibiotic therapy, bacterial meningitis (BM) remains with high mortality and morbidity rates in worldwide. One important mechanism associated to sequels during disease is the intense inflammatory response which promotes an oxidative burst and release of reactive oxygen species, consequently leading to cell death. Activation of DNA repair enzymes during oxidative stress has been demonstrated in several neurological disorders. APE1/Ref-1 is a multifunctional protein involved in DNA repair and plays a redox function on transcription factors such as NFkB and AP-1.The aim of this study was assess the role of APE1/Ref-1 on inflammatory response and the possibility of its modulation to reduce the sequels of the disease. Firstly it was performed an assay to measure cytokine in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with BM due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseriae meningitides. Further, a cellular model of inflammation was used to observe the effect of the inhibition of the endonuclease and redox activity of APE1/Ref-1 on cytokine levels. Additionally, APE1/Ref-1 expression in cortex and hippocampus of rat with MB after vitamin B6 treatment was evaluated. Altogether, results showed a similar profile of cytokines in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients from both pathogens, although IFNy showed higher expression in patients with BM caused by S. pneumoniae. On the other hand, inhibitors of APE1/Ref-1 reduced cytokine levels, mainly TNF-α. Reduction of oxidative stress markers was also observed after introduction of inhibitors in the LPS-stimulated cell. In the animal model, BM increased the expression of the protein APE1/Ref-1, while vitamin B6 promoted reduction. Thereby, this data rise important factors to be considered in pathogenesis of BM, e.g., IFNy can be used as prognostic factor during corticosteroid therapy, APE1/Ref-1 can be an important target to modulate the level of inflammation and VIII oxidative stress, and vitamin B6 seems modulates several proteins related to cell death. So, this study highlights a new understanding on the role of APE1/Ref-1 on the inflammation and the oxidative stress during inflammation condition


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In vitro and in animal models, APE1, OGG1, and PARP-1 have been proposed as being involved with inflammatory response. In this work, we have investigated if the SNPs APE1 Asn148Glu, OGG1 Ser326Cys, and PARP-1 Val762Ala are associated to meningitis and also developed a system to enable the functional analysis of polymorphic proteins. Patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and controls (non-infected) genotypes were investigated by PIRA-PCR or PCR-RFLP. DNA damages were detected in genomic DNA by Fpg treatment. IgG and IgA were measured from plasma and the cytokines and chemokines were measured from cerebrospinal fluid samples using Bio-Plex assays. The levels of NF-κB and c-Jun were measured in CSF by dot blot assays. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequency of APE1 148Glu allele in BM and AM patients was observed. A significant increase in the genotypes Asn/Asn in control group and Asn/Glu in BM group was also found. For the SNP OGG1 Ser326Cys, the genotype Cys/Cys was more frequent (P<0.05) in BM group. The frequency of PARP-1 Val/Val genotype was higher in control group (P<0.05). The occurrence of combined SNPs increased significantly in BM patients, indicating that these SNPs may be associated to the disease. Increasing in sensitive sites to Fpg was observed in carriers of APE1 148Glu allele or OGG1 326Cys allele, suggesting that SNPs affect DNA repair activity. Alterations in IgG production were observed in the presence of SNPs APE1Asn148Glu, OGG1Ser326Cys or PARP-1Val762Ala. Reductions in the levels ofIL-6, IL-1Ra, MCP-1/CCL2and IL-8/CXCL8 were observed in the presence of APE1148Glu allele in BM patients, however no differences were observed in the levels of NF-κB and c-Jun considering genotypes and analyzed groups. Using APE1 as model, a system to enable the analysis of cellular effects and functional characterization of polymorphic proteins was developed using strategies of cloning APE1 cDNA in pIRES2-EGFP vector, cellular transfection of the construction obtained, siRNA for endogenous APE1 and cellular cultures genotyping. In conclusion, we obtained evidences of an effect of SNPs in DNA repair genes on the regulation of immune response. This is a pioneering work in the field that shows association of BER variant enzymes with an infectious disease in human patients, suggesting that the SNPs analyzed may affect immune response and damage by oxidative stress level during brain infection. Considering these data, new approaches of functional characterization must be developed to better analysis and interactions of polymorphic proteins in response to this context


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Periodontal disease is a complex inflammatory and infectious condition that immune host, front of the microbial aggressions, can lead to disease progression, resulting in tissue destruction. The tissue damage induces the release of regulatory molecules, which protective roles and / or destructive, including proteins VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor vascular) and HIF-1 α (hypoxia-induced factor α -1). Thus, this study investigated, quantitatively and comparatively, the immunohistochemical expression of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and HIF-1 α (hypoxia induced factor 1-α), proteins involved in inflammation, angiogenesis and hypoxia, in human gingival tissues. Therefore, 75 samples of gingival tissues were examined. Thirty samples were chronic periodontitis, 30 with chronic gingivitis and 15 healthy gingival. After sections analysis, positives and negatives inflammatory and endothelial cells in the connective tissue were counted and converted into percentage. Data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation. The results showed that both proteins marked. It was observed higher immunoreactivity for HIF-1 α at chronic gingivitis and periodontitis specimens compared to healthy sites, however, no statistically significant differences were observed among them (p>0.05). The VEGF immunostaining showed similarity among the cases of periodontitis, gingivitis and healthy gingiva. Moderate and positive correlation statistically significant differences were verified for the expressions of VEGF and HIF-1α in gingival health (r = 0,529, p = 0.04). Thus, it can be conclude that possibly the route of HIF-1 α, is activated in periodontal disease may have involvement of the protein in pathogenesis and progression of disease, and that activation of VEGF, can be in addition to being triggered transcription by HIF-1 α may be also influenced by other additional factors such as the action of periodontal microorganisms endotoxins


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Periodontal disease is an infectious disease resulting from the immunoinflammatory response of the host to microorganisms present in the dental biofilm which causes tissue destruction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of cyclophilin A (CYPA), extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7) in human specimens of clinically healthy gingiva (n=32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n=28), and chronic periodontitis (n=30). Immunopositivity for CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 differed significantly between the three groups, with higher percentages of staining in chronic periodontitis specimens, followed by chronic gingivitis and healthy gingiva specimens (p < 0.001). Immunoexpression of CYPA and MMP-7 was higher in the intense inflammatory infiltrate observed mainly in cases of periodontitis. Analysis of possible correlations between the immunoexpression of EMMPRIN, MMP-7 and CYPA and between the expression of these proteins and clinical parameters (probing depth and clinical attachment loss) showed a positive correlation of CYPA expression with MMP-7 (r = 0.831; p < 0.001) and EMMPRIN (r = 0.289; p = 0.006). In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between probing depth and expression of MMP-7 (r = 0.726; p < 0.001), EMMPRIN (r = 0.345; p = 0.001), and CYPA (r = 0.803; p < 0.001). These results suggest that CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 are associated with the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease