60 resultados para Dignidade
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The thesis aims at discussing and analyzing the Principle of Human Dignity in its multidimensionality, in a way not exclusively individual and anthropocentrical, but rather intersubjective and planetary, which implies to say that such understanding transcends the human itself, in order to contemplate the dignity of an individual connected to the world. In this context, the thesis proposes stretching the disciplinarity of the Law, unfolding the Legal Science to a more thorough perception of the human condition, encompassing the individual, social, anthropolitical and anthropoetical dimensions. It is not about, however, resorting to an abstract idea, but rather undertaking the construction of the concrete universality of such understanding, which translates into contextualizing the face of a planetary identity of the man, also taking into account its triunic nature which encompasses the dialogical and complementary relations amongst individual, society and species
This work aims to show that the protection of the employment relation is one of the determining factors to respect the principle of the human dignity. The goal is initially to show the devaluation of work from antiquity to the early twentieth century, when the constitutions began to standardize protective devices. This way, the consecration of the social labor rights in the Constitution of 1988 represents the culmination of the historical achievements. This work demonstrates that such rights can not be reduced or suppressed by political conveniences, once these rights are included in the list of immutable clauses. It is displayed that to achieve the fundamental right to work is not well advised to encourage the creation of jobs that maculates the worker s dignity. The outsourced work is, therefore, a classic example of the advancement of precarious forms of contemporary labor. It is inferred that the presence of various forms of harassment results in a degradation of working environment, bringing about dire consequences on professional and personal life of the worker. Thus, decent work must be the appropriate benchmark for the creation of new jobs. It is also shown that the flexibilization of the propaganda rights by certain pressure groups has as main goal to reduce or eliminate rights, based on fallacious data depicting an increase of competitiveness and jobs. In addition, the flexibility implies a growth of the precarization of the work - a reality felt by many workers subjected to such a situation due to the unemployment phenomenon whose origin is not in the protectionism of the norms. It is necessary to expand and structure the constitutionally legitimate institutions to monitor and curb the precarized work, as well as all practices that go against the dignity of the worker. It is also shown the loss of power of the sindicates in the last few years as a consequence of the pulverization workes and the capital attacks through the productive restructure whose outsourcings and privatizations are notorious examples
The current research come from need to analyze possibilities to materialize human dignity principle during freedom curtail penalties fullfilment, abreast finding that internal and international regulations dictate this is the way to be tread by Brazilian penitentiary system, however, verily, indignity, assistance missing, overcrownding, crime, in the end, barbarie reigns. The work will analyze two strands in order to effective the mentioned principle: the state responsability optics, such in internal scope, as internationally, abreast historical omission in satisfy Constitution, international treaties and laws; and also indicating penal execution alternative methods adoption as a way, bringing to fore a case study - called "apaqueano" method. With such desideratum will bring, first of all, considerations about consolidation process of human dignity principle, its concept and essential content. Furthermore, will address historical and philosophical evolution of freedom curtail penalties. As it follows, will be done an approach about constitutional and underconstitutional legislation that disciplines penalties fullfiling in Brazil, analyzing their main aspects, emphasizing the possibility to charge Brazilian state for disregarding mentioned standards. Next, will also be started a critical analyzis about international regulations, which forbids diminishing or cruel penalties or treatments, approaching human rights international treaties and conventions ratified by Braziland their incorporation and effectiveness in local Law, emphasizing monitoring forms and country international charging possibility for disregarding international regulations. Lastly, will advance to the real possibility to materialize human dignity principle in penalties fullfiling, based in a case study verification - the APAC (Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados) called method, analyzing the various theories about penalties grounding, with emphasis in their ressocializing function, as well as traditional penitentiary systems, and the theory adopted by vernacular order, in desideratum to contribute to improve national penitentiary system chaotic situation
This work has as objective to rise stages of the human beings dignity evolution and its superposing with the entirety and the men s activities development, until its elevation as a constitutional principle and its evolution as a judicial decisions vector, being important to register that conviction ethics or convenience ethics imposes the existence of the constitutional principle. Human beings dignity principle deals about a historic and cultural, politic and social and economical construction, whose sloping is violently imposed to the production resources, which drives the present work through a trial of clarifying and aggregating all those nuances of the men s stages until they find out, welcome and construct the human beings dignity in all its subjective and objective aspects. The adopted research method was based in historic enrolment of the appearance among people since the bases of the word dignity until the acceptation of this value in the Brazilian society. This research searched dignity s doctrinaire valuation at the juridical point of view and the way of appreciation of this value, in its condition of constitutional principle, by the Brazilian Judicial Power. The work concludes that man and Law s evolution, in this moment, exposes, necessarily, an ethical posture in favor of dignity
The main goal of this work is to verify the presence of the principle of human dignity, determined by the Constitution of 1988, when Socio Educational Acts from the Statute of Children and adolescent were put in practice, focusing on the treatment designated to the youth whose acts were against the law in the city of Natal, as well as the difficulties to match the legal texts and its reality. It is common knowledge that the law for children and adolescent was based in the principle of human dignity, for its institutes say so. But would the Law match the practice of Socio Educational Acts? Or this law would be an example of good intentions that never left the paper and became reality? First there is an approach on the human dignity principle, with its definition and limitation, according to a theory about the theme. Afterwards it is made a connection between human rights and the principle of human dignity considering historical and social features, for the law is also a reflect of these transformations, we try to show the different laws the country had until today, concerning the children inflicted by poverty and those whose acts were against the law, since the rodas dos expostos, the phase of irregular situation, in which the children were arrested simply because they were beggars, until present time. The theory aspects are shown beside a field research made with the adolescent and staff from CEDUC/Natal, producing a critical view about the subject and showing some solutions for the problems found. At last, it is made a critical analyses of the problems detected on the field research, and, in some cases, a suggestion is given to change the reality
Portraits de la Dignité: Noirs du Riacho (2005-2006) analyse le Projet Dignité, comme un produit publicitaire du gouverne du Rio Grande do Norte, à travers de trois voie: l éducation; l identité; la propagande publicitaire. Notre regard a été dirigé vers les images écrites, parlés et photografiées pour meilleur comprendre comme la communauté des Noirs du Riacho, a été incorporer a polítique d égalité de races proposé par les gouvernes Municipal, de l État, et Fédéral, tout em transformant la communauté en produit publicitaire du gouverne. Entre une partie et l outre on a enregistrés des questions sur l identité, plus particulierment la (des)constrution identitaire tout en s appuyant dans le rôle de la langage publicitaire, que em utilisand les richeses de ses techniques, montre le Riacho et le peuple dans la exposition etno-photogaphique Portraits de la Dignité. Ainsi, c est important comprendre la divulgation du Projet Dignité, appuyer dans la propragande de l image des personnages du Riacho divulguées dans la presse locale. Cette problematique, nos conduit a controverser des questions três anciennes par rapports aux discriminations contre les négres, ainsi comme la façon que le gouvernement en la période analysé, s engage en la problematique des communautés restantes de quilombolas dans l État du Rio Grande do Norte. Au choisir la communauté du Riacho pour développer sa politique d action affirmative l État place le Riacho comme laboratoire sociale , en cette contexte nous cherchons à travers des analyses des documents officiels, thèses, recherches bibliografiques et de champs, bien comme de matériel journalistique et publicitaire, révéler les messages véhiculés dans la presse locale sur des questions proposés par cette étude. Pour développer l étude nous appuyons metodologicament en la recherche qualitative, sans perdre de vue l analyse critique des contenus, vu que les sujets en étude ne doive pas être analyser basé en un unique point de vue. Ainsi, nous pensons ne pas fermer la question, mas ouvrir l outres pour permettre meilleur débattre la liason chaque jour plus fort entre la publicité e l action gouvernamentale, en ce qui est relatif aux usages de l image photografique
O trabalho é uma atividade de fundamental importância na vida do homem porque é uma condição essencial para sua existência social. Ao longo do tempo o trabalho teve diversas definições e significados, mas na atualidade pode-se dizer que ele sintetiza e satisfaz três necessidades essenciais da natureza humana, a necessidade de subsistir (função econômica), a de criar (função psicológica) e a de colaborar (função social). Nesse contexto a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender as relações estabelecidas entre os trabalhos remunerado e voluntário, na perspectiva de identificar os aspectos convergentes e divergentes dessas atividades, que possam explicar a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas dimensões laborais e ao mesmo tempo entender qual a importância e reflexo que ambas as atividades têm na vida dos entrevistados. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-estruturada do tipo focalizada. Foram entrevistados nove líderes da Pastoral da Criança no mês de dezembro de 2009 na cidade de Natal/RN. Os dados foram interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo, proposta por Bardin. Os principais resultados encontrados quanto aos aspectos convergentes do trabalho remunerado foram a importância do salário para prover a sobrevivência, convivência com as pessoas e troca de experiência além do valor do trabalho para manter a dignidade do homem. Os pontos divergentes enquadraram: trabalho como obrigação, competitividade no ambiente laboral e baixa remuneração. Quanto ao trabalho voluntário, os aspectos convergentes emergidos foram a realização pessoal, a solidariedade, o envolvimento com a causa da Pastoral, valorização das coisas que possui diante de outras realidades mais difíceis, reconhecimento e prestígio dos voluntários pelas famílias assistidas, e por fim a visão do trabalho voluntário como complementação da vida. Com relação aos pontos divergentes foram citados a falta de comprometimento de alguns voluntários, bem como a necessidade de adesão de novas pessoas à este tipo de trabalho, limitação de querer fazer mais e não poder, exigências do público assistido e imagem distorcida da missão da Pastoral da Criança por parte das famílias, além da constatação dos níveis de pobreza e injustiça social que geram desigualdades as mais diversas. Sobre os aspectos marcantes para a permanência dos sujeitos nas duas esferas de trabalho, o amor, a dedicação, a realização pessoal foram os motivos mais apontados. Nas relações entre os dois trabalhos, as transferências de valores aparecem como recíprocas e naturais, sendo aproveitados para estabelecê-las o que cada atividade laboral apresenta de melhor. Conclui-se que o altruísmo, a solidariedade, a generosidade, o acolhimento, a paz espiritual, o bem-estar e sobretudo o amor, são sentimentos que sustentam e confortam o homem, cujas relações aparecem de forma expressiva nas falas dos entrevistados e permeando todo o decorrer da pesquisa.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los avances y límites de las políticas de accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal. Se investigan las políticas publicas municipales de accesibilidad implantadas en los diez años subsecuentes, a partir de la sanción de la Ley Municipal de Accesibilidad Nº 4.090 del 03 de junio de 1992, que torna obligatorio la eliminación de las barreras arquitectónicas para personas con discapacidades en los lugares de circulación de peatones y edificios de uso público de la ciudad. Accesibilidad, en los proyectos de arquitectura y urbanismo es la condición esencial para asegurar a cualquier ciudadano su derecho a ir y venir con seguridad, dignidad y autonomía. Esta investigación se concentra en los barrios de: ciudad alta, Petrópolis y Ribeira, ya que esta área, en el período ya mencionado, fue la que tuvo una mayor concentración del presupuesto de inversiones públicas municipales de la ciudad de Natal, en la eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas en vías urbanas. El método adoptado fue el hipotético deductivo, a partir de la formulación de dos hipótesis de trabajo: la primera, una divergencia entre los objetivos propuestos por la Ley Nº 4.090 y sus aplicaciones prácticas y, la segunda, de las diferencias que existen en el grado de entendimiento del concepto de accesibilidad, para eso, se realizó una colecta y análisis de datos tanto empíricos como teóricos. Este estudio también retrata en el año de 2004, con el uso de la técnica de la fotografía, la realidad actual de la ciudad sirviendo como un parámetro comparativo con los proyectos asociados a la Coordinación para integración de las personas con discapacidades. Se utiliza la técnica de entrevista con especialistas en accesibilidad envueltos a lo largo del proceso de implantación de las políticas públicas en la ciudad de Natal, durante los años mencionados, obteniendo así un testimonio sobre las directrices adoptadas en ese período, con base en la legislación vigente. En la investigación documental y fotográfica se realiza una evaluación de la dimensión real de lo propuesto y ejecutado en un periodo de diez años, y se concluye sobre todos los avances y retrocesos de las políticas de gestiones públicas adoptadas con relación a la accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal
Institutional violence ranges from the most widespread lack of access to the poor quality of services provided. It includes abuses committed by virtue of the unequal power between patients and professionals within institutions. The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of women with regard to this type of violence, in the services offered at a reproductive health facility belonging to the National Health System (SUS) in Natal, Brazil. Interdisciplinary perspective is important, in that it provides interaction and complementarity between various disciplines, favoring, in an integrated way, a thematic approach in research activities, teaching and extension, involving professionals, students and researchers in medicine, social services, psychology, nursing, anthropology and physical therapy. A quantitative/qualitative approach was used, involving a sample of 401 women, as part of a transversal observational study. In the qualitative stage, which consisted of participatory observation and semi-structured interviews, we used an intentional sample of 10 individuals. The data were analyzed using logistic regression techniques, correspondence analysis and categorical thematic content analysis, showing that the 2 questions that investigated directly the perception of institutional violence obtained affirmative response frequencies of 28.2% and 31.8%, respectively. In regard to data collected in a field diary related to participatory observation, the main complaints referred to the health providerpatient relation, translated into dissatisfaction with the interpersonal relationship and with the resolution of the specific demand that required care. From content analysis, we classified 4 categories: Access; Information; Health professionalpatient relation; and Respect/dignity. We identified 6 subcategories: Impossibility of choice; Repressed demand; Communication difficulty; Asymmetric interpersonal relations; Privacy/confidentiality; Disrespect. We concluded, therefore, that the data presented show that in the reproductive health care programs, there are indicators of institutional violence. However, it is difficult to approach this phenomenon, mainly because of the power relations involved in the patient-health care provider interaction, resulting from unawareness that determinate situations violate sexual and reproductive rights. This can be explained by sociostructural questions that reveal marked inequalities, ratified by issues related to violation of the rights of National Health System (SUS) patients
A busca por um modelo democrático de saúde despertou a atenção do governo brasileiro para o estabelecimento de prioridades e estratégias, que impulsionaram a implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), atualmente denominada Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), a fim de aproximar a equipe de saúde da comunidade e, assim, implementar ações de promoção da saúde e de prevenção do adoecimento. Nessa perspectiva a Terapia Comunitária (TC) emerge como uma tecnologia de cuidado voltada à saúde mental na Atenção Básica de Saúde. Desde 2007, a TC vem sendo desenvolvida no município de João Pessoa/PB por profissionais da ESF: enfermeiras, agentes comunitários de saúde, médicos, odontólogos, fisioterapeutas, nutricionistas, psicólogos, entre outros. O estudo teve como objetivos: avaliar a satisfação dos usuários em relação à TC na Atenção Básica no município de João Pessoa/PB; medir o nível de satisfação dos participantes da TC em relação a essa ferramenta do cuidado; identificar elementos importantes para a satisfação em relação à TC por parte dos usuários. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo, transversal e observacional, realizado no período de maio a agosto de 2009. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados a Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Usuários com os Serviços de Saúde Mental Satis-BR, bem como um instrumento de perguntas complementares utilizado pelos terapeutas comunitários. Os resultados revelaram que dos 198 (100%) entrevistados, 105 (53%) verbalizaram satisfação e 93 (47%) muita satisfação nos encontros de TC, o que evidencia que a totalidade da amostra está satisfeita com a terapia. Os elementos importantes que concorreram para a satisfação dos usuários da TC foram: respeito, dignidade, escuta, compreensão, acolhimento, apoio nas necessidades e boas instalações dos locais onde ocorre a terapia. A TC vem fortalecendo o cuidado à saúde mental, por se constituir como uma tecnologia de prevenção e fortalecendo a porta de entrada para a rede de saúde mental e de apoio psicossocial. Conclui-se, portanto, que a TC vem se destacando como instrumento de inclusão da saúde mental na Atenção Básica no atendimento aos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde
Social violence is one of the phenomena of human life that produce effects on the social imaginary as it is in it that are designed conflicting values concerning what is most vital to humans, such as respect for the strength and the fear of death, pleasure trespass for injury and pain, the rejection of injustice and anger that is born of revolt. The variability of feelings and reasons that constitute violence has required academic knowledge increasingly sensitive reflections that encompass the complexity of its manifestations. The feeling of fear and insecurity which constitute the collective social imagination has caused large changes in the behavior of both individuals and the society as a whole. This study aims to reflect on media representations the social violence in Natal-RN. Through a thematic survey and documentary analysis of three newspapers of Rio Grande do Norte - Tribuna do Norte, Novo Jornal and Jornal Metropolitano - was possible to list events and trace different discursive strategies that lead to receptors ideological interests of class, constitute social and spatial segregations and maximize violations of rights and of the human dignity, with important implications in the construction of social representations concerning the reality of violence
The Caldeirão is a site located in the city of Crato, in the south of Ceará, belonged to priest Cícero Romão Batista. There, was created a religious community led by blessed José Lourenço, who marked the life of thousands of Northeast country people in 1930s, for represent to them a space of religious conviviality, work and devotion. The Caldeirão s population was about three thousand of people, originated from states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, who share the community s daily activities. The misery caused by the dryness and exploration of these country people by the landlords are indicated as the motivator elements of this migratory flux by the greater number of works published about the Caldeirão, turning the community into a primitive experience of class struggles. This present study proposes other comprehension of this migratory movement by the religious speech of salvation taken to country people by the counselor Severino Tavares. Was used as analysis camp the remaining norte-rio-grandenses that migrated to the Caldeirão, and as theoretical and methodological references the understanding model of investigation, the cultural history and the remaining memorial speech analysis. The work follows that pointing the phenomenon of Caldeirão as an campestral revolt is try to impose to this people the aspirations or wishes of others, besides of deny to them the right and the dignity of act by their believes and their own dreams.
Esta tesis trata de discutir y entender los diversos tipos de redes sociales y formas de interacción social presentes en el sistema penitenciario de Rio Grande do Norte. Nuestro problema se basa en un incremento significativo en las tasas de encarcelamiento y la prisión en Brasil y el mundo en los últimos diez años. Asimismo, la aparición del crimen organizado ya, en cierta medida, el control de las prisiones brasileñas, como el Comando Vermelho (CV) y el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), una consecuencia directa de las terribles condiciones de las prisiones de Brasil y aumento de la violencia y el crimen en nuestro país. Para resolver el problema, se optó por utilizar las categorías de análisis de Michel Foucault (prisión y la disciplina), Pierre Bourdieu (habitus y campo), Ervirng Goffman (institución total, de interacción, de fachada y de equipo) y Mark Granovetter, Ricardo Abramovay e João Peixoto, entre otros, la nueva sociología económica (Redes, nodos y lazos) como principal apoyo. También construyó una revisión histórica de la cárcel en Brasil y Rio Grande do Norte hasta llegar al objeto. Esto, en términos de investigación cualitativa, se sumergió en el mundo de las prisiones Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes, conocido como Penitenciario de Alcaçuz, ubicado en el municipio de Nísia Bosque, Rio Grande do Norte. Penitenciaría del Estado de origen, las casas de Alcaçuz seiscientos cuarenta y tres reclusos, divididos en cinco pabellones, un total de ciento cuarenta y siete células. Mediante la observación sistemática y la entrevista cualitativa s semi-estructurada como las principales fuentes de recopilación de datos, hemos tratado de explicar el universo que acabamos de analizar por las Ciencias Sociales. Nos dimos cuenta de que, para cumplir con la escena nacional, regaliz viola de manera flagrante lo que se denomina en la Constitución de 1988 y LEP (Ley de Ejecución Penal), sin tener en cuenta los derechos de los individuos a una porción de una oración con un mínimo de dignidad. Se ha demostrado que las personas que permean el universo proviene de un ambiente de la prisión, la sociabilidad violenta, sedo también tienen un habitus precario. La prisión, espacio disciplinario y un tipo específico de interacción social marcada por el control, contribuye a la profundización de habitus, pero que muestra que no es también como un espacio cerrado en absoluto, sino un lugar donde penetran las redes y dinámicas muy social. Al mismo tiempo, se encontró que más de la presencia de "grupos organizados" es el espacio en las cárceles para la interacción social y las redes sociales que pasan dentro y fuera de su espacio
This thesis deals with the intellectual itinerary of the humanist, lawyer and educator RN Helio Vasconcelos in building a more cohesive society, just and egalitarian, less marked by inequality, by poverty, ignorance and lack of freedom of his people suffered and loved. It also shows, as after suffering the hardships caused by the political persecution and imprisonment, exile faced with dignity, developing an exemplary job of defending the rights of children and adolescents. For this, redo the way that intellectual humanist, simple man who never gave up their way of thinking, of viewing the world, to love and respect all that surrounds him, thinking globally and acting locally, always holding the defense Rights human. Helium shows how solidarity exercised intensely and as bothered with the real interests of the community to hold public office. It seeks to demonstrate the need for reformulation of Legal Education in order to stimulate the formation of a lawyer gifted humanist profile
Electrical energy today is an essential element in the life of any human being. Through the access to electrical energy it is possible to enjoy dignified conditions of life, having in mind the possibility of making use of minimal material conditions of life. The lack of access to electricity is directly linked to poverty and degrading conditions of life, in which are some communities in Brazil, especially the more isolated from urban centers. Access to the electric service is a determining factor for the preservation of human dignity, constitutional principle inscribe in the art.1 of the Federal Constitution, and the promotion of development, being a right of everyone and a duty of the State to promote universal access. For that reason, focuses mainly on the analysis of their setting as a fundamental social right and its importance for national development. For this, the theoretical and descriptive method was used, with normative and literary analysis, in particular the Constitution of 1988. This study also discusses the form of action of the State in the energy sector, to give effect to the fundamental social right of access to electricity, the characteristics of public service and the principles that guide it, in addition to the role of public policies in universalization of access, in particular the analysis of the Program Luz para Todos, and the function of regulation in the implementation of these policies and the provision of adequate public services.