10 resultados para Diagnóstico de plasma

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Plasma DC hollow cathode has been used for film deposition by sputtering with release of neutral atoms from the cathode. The DC Plasma Ar-H2 hollow cathode currently used in the industry has proven to be effective in cleaning surfaces and thin film deposition when compared to argon plasma. When we wish to avoid the effects of ion bombardment on the substrate discharge, it uses the post-discharge region. Were generated by discharge plasma of argon and hydrogen hollow cathode deposition of thin films of titanium on glass substrate. The optical emission spectroscopy was used for the post-discharge diagnosis. The films formed were analyzed by mechanical profilometry technique. It was observed that in the spectrum of the excitation lines of argon occurred species. There are variations in the rate of deposition of titanium on the glass substrate for different process parameters such as deposition time, distance and discharge working gases. It was noted an increase in intensity of the lines of argon compared with the lines of titanium. Deposition with argon and hydrogen in glass sample observed a higher rate deposition of titanium as more closer the sample was in the discharge


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Plasma diagnostics by Optical Emission Spectroscopy were performed for electrical discharge in three gas mixture respecting the combinations z N2 y Ar x H2, z N2 y Ar x O2 e z N2 y Ar x CH4, in which the indexes z and y systematically vary from 1 to 4 and x varies from 0 to 4, every one has dimension SCCM, resulting in 80 combinations. From the all obtained spectrums, the species CH (387,1 nm), N2+ (391,4 nm), Hβ (486,1 nm), Hα (656,3 nm), Ar (750,4 nm), O (777,4 nm) e O (842,6 nm) were analyzed because of their abundance and importance on the kinetic of reaction from the plasma to surface, besides their high dependences on the gases flows. Particularly interesting z, y and x combinations were chosen in order to study the influence of active species on the surface modification during the thermochemical treatment. From the mixtures N2 Ar O2 e N2 Ar CH4 were chosen three peculiar proportions which presented luminous intensity profile with unexpected maximum or minimum values, denominated as plasma anomaly. Those plasma concentrations were utilized as atmosphere of titanium treatment maintaining constant the control parameters pressure and temperature. It has been verified a relation among luminous intensity associated to N2+ and roughness, nanohardness and O atoms diffusion into the crystalline lattice of treated titanium and it has been seen which those properties becomes more intense precisely in the higher points found in the optical profile associated to the N2+ specie. Those parameters were verified for the mixture which involved O2 gas. For the mixture which involves CH4 gas, the relation was determinate by roughness, number of nitrogen and carbon atoms diffused into the titanium structure which presented direct proportionality with the luminous intensity referent to the N2+ and CH. It has been yet studied the formation of TiCN phases on the surface which presented to be essentially directly proportional to the increasing of the CH specie and inversely proportional to the increasing of the specie N2+


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Plasma diagnostics by Optical Emission Spectroscopy were performed for electrical discharge in three gas mixture respecting the combinations z N2 y Ar x H2, z N2 y Ar x O2 e z N2 y Ar x CH4, in which the indexes z and y systematically vary from 1 to 4 and x varies from 0 to 4, every one has dimension SCCM, resulting in 80 combinations. From the all obtained spectrums, the species CH (387,1 nm), N2+ (391,4 nm), Hβ (486,1 nm), Hα (656,3 nm), Ar (750,4 nm), O (777,4 nm) e O (842,6 nm) were analyzed because of their abundance and importance on the kinetic of reaction from the plasma to surface, besides their high dependences on the gases flows. Particularly interesting z, y and x combinations were chosen in order to study the influence of active species on the surface modification during the thermochemical treatment. From the mixtures N2 Ar O2 e N2 Ar CH4 were chosen three peculiar proportions which presented luminous intensity profile with unexpected maximum or minimum values, denominated as plasma anomaly. Those plasma concentrations were utilized as atmosphere of titanium treatment maintaining constant the control parameters pressure and temperature. It has been verified a relation among luminous intensity associated to N2+ and roughness, nanohardness and O atoms diffusion into the crystalline lattice of treated titanium and it has been seen which those properties becomes more intense precisely in the higher points found in the optical profile associated to the N2+ specie. Those parameters were verified for the mixture which involved O2 gas. For the mixture which involves CH4 gas, the relation was determinate by roughness, number of nitrogen and carbon atoms diffused into the titanium structure which presented direct proportionality with the luminous intensity referent to the N2+ and CH. It has been yet studied the formation of TiCN phases on the surface which presented to be essentially directly proportional to the increasing of the CH specie and inversely proportional to the increasing of the specie N2+


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Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.


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The plasma produced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is a promising technique for producing plasma in atmospheric pressure and has been highlighted in several areas, especially in biomedical and textile industry, this is due to the fact that the plasma generated by DBD not reaches high temperatures, enabling use it for thermally sensitive materials. But still it is necessary the development of research related to understanding of the chemical, physical and biological interaction between the non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure with cells, tissues, organs and organisms. This work proposes to develop equipment DBD and characterize it in order to obtain a better understanding of the process parameters of plasma production and how it behaves under the parameters adopted in the process, such as distance, frequency and voltage applied between electrodes. For this purpose two techniques were used to characterize distinct from each other. The first was the method of Lissajous figures, this technique is quite effective and accurately for complete electrical characterization equipment DBD. The second technique used was Optical Emission Spectroscopy (EEO) very effective tool for the diagnosis of plasma with it being possible to identify the excited species present in the plasma produced. Finally comparing the data obtained by the two techniques was possible to identify a set of parameters that optimize the production when combined DBD plasma atmosphere in the equipment was built precisely in this condition 0.5mm-15kV 600Hz, giving way for further work


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Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.


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Plasma process like ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding are utilized in order to become hard surface of steels. The ionic nitriding is already accepted in the industry while cathodic cage plasma nitriding process is in industrial implementation stage. Those process depend of plasma parameters like electronic and ionic temperature (Te, Ti), species density (ne, ni) and of distribution function of these species. In the present work, the plasma used to those two processes has been observed through Optical Emission Spectroscopy OES technique in order to identify presents species in the treatment ambient and relatively quantify them. So plasma of typical mixtures like N2 H2 has been monitored through in order to study evolution of those species during the process. Moreover, it has been realized a systematic study about leaks, also thought OES, that accomplish the evolution of contaminant species arising because there is flux of atmosphere to inside nitriding chamber and in what conditions the species are sufficiently reduced. Finally, to describe the physic mechanism that acts on both coating techniques ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding


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Plasma process like ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding are utilized in order to become hard surface of steels. The ionic nitriding is already accepted in the industry while cathodic cage plasma nitriding process is in industrial implementation stage. Those process depend of plasma parameters like electronic and ionic temperature (Te, Ti), species density (ne, ni) and of distribution function of these species. In the present work, the plasma used to those two processes has been observed through Optical Emission Spectroscopy OES technique in order to identify presents species in the treatment ambient and relatively quantify them. So plasma of typical mixtures like N2 H2 has been monitored through in order to study evolution of those species during the process. Moreover, it has been realized a systematic study about leaks, also thought OES, that accomplish the evolution of contaminant species arising because there is flux of atmosphere to inside nitriding chamber and in what conditions the species are sufficiently reduced. Finally, to describe the physic mechanism that acts on both coating techniques ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding


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Many applications require that the plasma discharge is produced apart from the surface to be processed, thus preventing damage caused by bombardment and/or plasma radiation. In the post-discharge regime in various applications thermally sensitive materials can be used. In this work, active species produced by discharge and post-discharge hollow cathode were diagnosed by optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The discharge was produced with the gases Ar and Ar - N2 gas flow ranging from 1 to 6 cm3/min and electric current between 150 to 600 mA. It was estimated that the ion density inside the hollow cathode, with 2 mm diameter ranged between 7.71 and 14.1 x 1015 cm-3. It was observed that the gas flow and the electric current changes the emission intensity of Ar and N2 species. The major ionic species detected by quadrupole mass spectrometry were Ar+ and N2+. The ratio of optical emission intensities of N2(1 +)/Ar(811 nm) was related to the partial pressure of N2 after the hollow cathode discharge at low pressure


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Os polímeros biodegradáveis, como o poliácido láctico (PLA) apesar de consolidado nos campos farmacêuticos, médico e biomédico como biomateriais úteis para aplicações variadas, porém, depende da necessidade de funcionalizar a sua superfície estudando suas propriedades tais como hidrofilidade e hidrofobicidade favorecendo a interação do polímero com os materiais de aplicação farmacêutica, médica e biomédica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo produzir um material com características diferentes em cada um de seus lados, sendo um lado hidrofílico e o outro hidrofóbico. O substrato têxtil utilizado neste estudo foi um tecido de malha de composição 100% PLA que é biodegradável e biocompatível, o que possibilita sua aplicação na área biomédica. Para modificação superficial foi utilizado o tratamento a plasma de baixa pressão. A técnica de modificação de superfície por plasma foi escolhida por ser uma tecnologia limpa, anticorrosiva e não tóxica ao contrario de muitos processos químicos convencionais utilizados na indústria têxtil, além disso, não afeta as propriedades de massa do substrato. Neste estudo, um lado da superfície do substrato foi tratado com plasma oxigênio, argônio e nitrogênio, para o trabalho de melhoria da hidrofilidade da superfície e metano para a hidrofobicidade da amostra. A espectroscopia de emissão ótica (OEE) foi utilizada para fazer o diagnóstico das espécies do plasma durante o tratamento. Após o tratamento a plasma as amostras foram caracterizadas por medidas de ângulo de contato, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X (XPS), Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) de reflexão total atenuada (ATR), medidas da área de espalhamento do líquido e arraste vertical. Onde foi caracterizado o aumento e diminuição da molhabilidade das amostras tratadas por plasma bem como as variáveis que contribuíram para tal efeito. O tratamento das amostras de PLA com O2 + CH4 apresenta comportamento hidrofílico no lado tratado com O2, apresentando aumento de rugosidade e grupos funcionais e no lado tratado com CH4, apresentando a formação de um filme polimérico formado sobre a superfície da amostra. O tratamento com N2 + CH4 apresenta comportamento hidrofóbico, porém com variações no fluxo do CH4 tem-se um controle da molhabilidade na superfície das amostras, podendo ir de hidrofóbico a hidrofílico, neste tratamento as amostras apresentaram pequenas diferenças de molhabilidade entre os lados tratados com plasma de N2 e com plasma de CH4