11 resultados para Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos (RJ)

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The Pitimbu River is located at the oriental portion of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, including three importants cities named Macaíba, Parnamirim e Natal. Although its high importance as a water source, which supplys great part of the South Zone of the Natal city, this river receives a large quantity of domestic and industrial waste water without treatment. The Pitimbu River headhas its river-head located in the city of Macaiba, goes through Parnamirim, then it flowing into at the Jiqui Lake in Natal. The aim of this study was to evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the environmental quality of the Pitimbu River by genotoxicity bio-assays, which are important tools for genetics toxicological evaluation. In this work, five samples sites, distributed along the river, were used to collect water samples. Another point site, located near Jiqui lake, was used to collect drinkable water, which was treated by CAERN, the water treatment entreprise of Rio Grande do Norte. The following assays where used to evaluate the quality of these samples: Allium cepa assay; Comet assay; Micronuclei (MN) assay; and Ames test. For the Allium cepa assay, sixteen specimes where used for each water sample from the sample sites. In this assay both microscopic, like cytogenetic damage, and macroscopic aspects, as morphological variation were evaluated. Red blood cells from periferical blood of the Crenicichla menezesi native specie were used not only for the MN assay, but also for the Comet assay. These fishes were collected at different points on the Pitimbu River and the negative control was developed using fishes of the same species that were bring to the laboratory and maintained for 100 days in the optimal experimental conditions. For the Ames test, TA100, YG1042, TA98 and YG1041 strains were used in the directed method without metabolic activation. The results found by the Allium cepa assay showed that two water sample sites induced increase of mitotic index (IM). Additionally, compared to the control, all the water samples increased the chromossomal aberrations frequency and/or micronucleus. Among the sample sites, two also showed an abnormal growth rate in its root and two samples induced morphological alteration. With the MN test in red blood cells, a high frequence of MN was observed in tree sample. By comparing all the results obtained on the water sample points and with the negative control, a significant variation on the MN frequency was observed. Positive results were also observed for the same sample to water test by the Comet assay. These results allow concluding that the proposed specie Crenicichla menezesi has a good profile as a bio-indicator for the evaluation of environmental water quality and the MN and comet test can be usuful for in situ evaluation. By the Ames test, it was possible to detect the mutagenic activity on the waters from the Pitimbu River in different levels of mutagenicity. This result suggests that this river has several substances that induced changes directly to the DNA. The mechanisms involved to this phenomenon could be by both processes, by changing of the reading frame and by nucleotide substitution. These data set indicate the presence of mutagenic agents, which can represent in risk to biot and human beens


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The great diversity of the textile industries activities causes the formation of wastewaters with high complex characteristics during the productive process, according to the industrial process used. The principal aim of the present work is the characterization of the wastewater from the textile industry that process the indigo, located in the Industrial District of Natal-RN, to know the contaminante load of each stage of the process and the framing of the wastewater with the standards of act of receiving of the System of Treatment of Wastewater of the Industrial District of Natal-RN SITEL-DIN, operated for the Company of Waters and Sewers of the RN CAERN. It was analyzed the following properties and pollutants agents: temperature; pH; alcalinity; color; COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand); total and suspended solids; heavy metals, thermotolerants coliformes, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. As conclusion it is distinguished that the wastewater did not get resulted satisfactory, according to comparisons with other sources, in only three parameters: turbidity, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity, however none of these parameters is criteria of acts of receiving of the SITEL-DIN,therefore the wastewater if finds inside of normality. After the analysis of the obtained results it was verified that SITEL-DIN is indispensable for completing the wastewater treatment


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The study that resulted in this dissertation was developed at OU RNCE PETROBRAS, in Natal, which implemented a project of rational use and reuse of water, including use of wastewater from a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) already in place, diluted with water from own wells for irrigation of green area of the building complex corporate enterprise. Establish a methodology that can serve as guidelines for future projects controlled reuse of water like this was the objective of this research. Been proposed, implemented and evaluated three instruments of sanitary and environmental control: 1) adaptation of sewage treatment plant and quality control of the treated effluent 2) analysis of soil-nutrient interaction in the irrigated area, 3) knowledge of the local hydrogeology, especially with regard to the direction of flow of the aquifer and location of collection wells of Companhia de Águas e Esgotos do Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) situated in the surroundings. These instruments have proven sufficient and appropriate to ensure the levels of sanitary and environmental control proposed and studied, which were: a) control of water quality off the STP and the output of the irrigation reservoir, b) control of water quality sub surface soil and assessment of progress on soil composition, c) assessment of water quality in the aquifer. For this, we must: 1) establishing the monitoring plan of the STP and its effluent quality sampling points and defining the parameters of analysis, improve the functioning of that identifying the adequacy of flow and screening as the main factors of operational control, and increase the efficiency of the station to a relatively low cost, using additional filters, 2) propose, implement and adapt simple collectors to assess the quality of water percolating into the soil of the irrigated area, 3) determine the direction of groundwater flow in the area study and select the wells for monitoring of the aquifer.


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The deficit of water and sewerage services is a historic problem in Brazil. The introduction of a new regulatory framework, in 2007, presented ways intending to overcome these deficits, among them, the providers efficiency improvement. This thesis aims to analyze the regulators performance regarding its ability to induce the efficiency of the Brazilian water and sewerage services providers. To this end, an analytical approach based on a sequential explanatory strategy was used, and it consists of three steps. In the first step, the Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) was used to measure the providers efficiency in 2006 and 2011. The results show that the average efficiency may be considered high; however significant inefficiencies among the 29 analyzed providers were detected. The ones in the Southeast region showed better performance level and Northeast had the lowest. The local and the private providers were more efficient on average. In 2006 and 2011 the average performance was higher among non-regulated providers. In 2006 the group regulated by local agencies had the best average performance, in 2011, the best performance was the group regulated by the consortium agencies. To analyse the second step was used the Malmquist Index, it pointed that the productivity between 2006 and 2011 dropped. The analysis through decomposing Malmquist Index showed a shift of technical efficiency frontier to a lower level, however was detected a small provider s advance towards the frontier. Only the Midwest region recorded progress in overall productivity. The deterioration in the total factor productivity was higher among regional providers but the local ones and the private agencies moved quickly to the frontier level. The providers regulated from 2007 showed less decrease on the total productivity and the results of the catch up effect were more meaningful. In the last step, the regulators standardization activity analyses noted that there are agencies that had not issued rules until 2011. The most standards topics discussed in the issued rules were the tariff adjustments and the setting of general conditions for the provision and use of services; in another hand, the least covered topics were new technologies incentive and the introduction of efficiency-inducing regulatory mechanisms and productivity gains for price reviews. Regulators created from 2007 were more active proportionately. Even with the advent of the regulatory framework and the creation of new regulatory bodies, the evidence points to a reality in which the actions of these agencies have not been ensuring that providers of water and sewage, regulated by them, has achieved better performance. The non- achievement of regulatory goals can be explained by the incipient level of performance of the Brazilian regulatory authorities, which should be strengthened because of its potential contribution to the Brazilian basic sanitation department


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Brazil s semi-arid region is an immense territory characterized by a mosaic of natural environments and human settlements. Inside this multifaceted framework, there are problems that are specific to the region (the water resources situation, for example) while others are more universal (such as the inequality between men and women). The circumstances that give rise to these problems are complex and require a holistic view so that our understanding can go beyond the simple concept that this is a problem region . The semi-arid must be perceived as a viable area in need of a new analysis, taking into account its successes, limitations, challenges and the strategic public policy framework that guarantees its sustainable development. The dissertation analyzes, from a sustainable local development perspective, the experience of the Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project (PROASNE), carried out from 2001 to 2003, in partnership with the Waters and Sewers Company of Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) in the rural community of Mirandas, municipality of Caraúbas/RN, situated in the middle of the northeastern Brazil semi-arid region


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The city of Natal comprises an area of about 170 km² (65,63 squares miles). The Dunas-Barreiras Aquifer is the most important reservoir of the coastal basin of RN. It is being responsible for the water supplying of about 70% of the population, however, due to the sewage disposal system by cesspools and drains, it is presently affected in a great extent by nitrates contamination. Thus, the present work proposes to research the utilization of contaminated water by nitrates of this fountainhead and find cost of the potable water through the ionic exchange technology. This technology consists in the removal of mineral salts by the exchange of cations for one ion of hydrogen (H+), through the passage of water by cationic resin bed and, secondly, by the exchange of the anions for hydroxyl ions (OH-) through a anionic resin bed. The obtained results have showed the waters derived from fountains, big water holes and shallow wells were microbiologically contaminated, while the waters derived from deep wells (above 70 m 76,58 yards) were free of contamination. Thus, only these ones are suitable to the use of ionic technology. The experiments were conducted with the resin IMAC-HP-555 such as kinetic, thermodynamic, and adsorption by fixed bed studies, being obtained several project variables for the experimental column, as follow: work temperature of 25oC; resin maximum capacity maximum e mean of adsorption ==0,01692 g NO3-1/g R e 0,0110 g NO3-1/g R, respectively. On the experimental column were performed breakthrough tests which pointed for an average ideal average speed of work of 13.2 m / h, with an average efficiency of 45% of adsorption, an optimal concentration of NaCl desorption of 8%, and an ideal desorption time of 80 minutes for the equilibrium conditions of water from the Dunas-Barreiras aquifer. Scale projection for ion-exchange column for denitrification, for these variables, using a computer modeling programme, to project the column of ion exchange ROREX-420/2000, obtained a cost for the drinking water denitrified by this system of R$ 0,16 / m3


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The Pirangi beach is located in the eastern coastline of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the municipality of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta. In it flow into Pirangi Watershed (PW), whose water receives large amounts of pollutants, mainly domestic and industrial sewage from districts where pass the rivers that consist it, compromising, thus, the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beach. Bearing in mind the importance of water sanitary quality to ensure an environment that no present risk to the bathers s health, this work had as main objective to assess the influence of the PW s waters in the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches. To that end, were made collections of water in the beaches and in the rivers with the intention of quantify the fecal contamination indicators thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci, to then classify the conditions of bathing water quality according with the CONAMA Resolution number 274 of 2000. For the purposes greater knowledge about the health conditions of the Beaches Pirangi and about the influence the PW s waters exert on it, was done parallely to the study of the water quality, an investigation of the sand sanitary quality. Furthermore, it was made an evaluation of the PW s Water Quality through Water Quality Index (WQI). Starting from the results obtained in the research present was possible to verify, among other aspects, that the entry of the PW s waters in the Pirangi beaches exerts direct influence in the bathing water quality of the same ones, being the North Pirangi beach (point tracking PA-02) the most influenced. There was noticed also a significant reduction in the conditions of bathing water quality of the beaches in the rainy season. However, the precariousness do sewerage system of the Natal metropolitan region and the absence of a right system of treatment an final disposal of domestic sewage and industrial are the main factors responsi le for deterioration of the PW s Water Quality, and as a consequence, compromising the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches


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This study is an environmental diagnosis of the Jundiaí-Potengi/RN estuarine system waters, using calculations of pollution indicator indices such as the Water Quality Index (WQI) and the Toxicity Index (TI). The samples were collected at twelve points on the estuary, at high and low tide, between August and November 2007, over four campaigns. The study area, located in a high impact region, has various activities on its banks such as: discharge of untreated or undertreated domestic and industrial sewage, shrimp farming, immunizer stabilization lakes, riverside communities, etc. All the parameters analyzed were compared to the limits of CONAMA Resolution No. 357 of 2005 for healthy and saline Class 1 waters. The results found prove the impact caused by various activities, mainly the parameters related to the presence of organic material, such as DQO, DBO, COT and thermotolerant colliforms. The IQA for most of the collection points was of medium quality. For the metals, although values above the Resolution limits were found, most of them were lower than the detection limits of ICP-OES used, indicating that they tend to be transported by the dynamic of the tides or rainfall and are deposited in bottom sediments, resulting in a TI of 1.0 in this water, when they are absent, which occurs in most cases, or 0.0, when heavy metals are found in these waters


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The detection of emerging interest microcontaminants in environmental samples of surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and effluents from water and sewage treatment plants (WTP and STP), in many countries, suggests these pollutants are widespread in the environment, mainly in urban areas. This is a reason for great concern, since many of these compounds are potentially harmful for humans other living beings, and they are not efficiently removed in the majority of WTP and STP, which is exacerbated by precariousness of water supply and sanitation services. In Natal, like other Brazilian cities, the sewage system serves only part of the urban area (about 30%), so that the rest of the wastewater is infiltrated in the sandy soil of the region in cesspool-dry well systems. This has resulted in contamination of groundwater in the area (sand-dune barrier aquifer, which supplies more than 50% of the city population), which has been observed by the increase in nitrate concentration in supply wells. The vulnerability of the sanddune barrier aquifer, combined with reports of the presence of emerging interest microcontaminants in Brazil and worldwide, led to this research, which investigated the occurrence of fifteen microcontaminants in Natal groundwater and sewage. Samples were collected at five wells used for water supply, the raw sewage and the effluents from biological reactors from STP (UASB and activated sludge reactors). Two samples of each sample were taken, with one week apart between the samples. To determine the contaminants, extraction of aquifer water, and raw and treated sewage samples were performed, through the technique of using SPE Strata X cartridge (Phenomenex®) to the aquifer water, and Strata SAX and Strata X (Phenomenex® ) for samples of raw and treated sewage. Subsequently the extracts were analyzed using GC-MS technique. Much of the analyzed microcontaminants were detected in groundwater and sewage. The concentrations in groundwater are generally lower than those found in the sewers. Some of the compounds (estrone, estradiol, bisphenol A, caffeine, diclofenac, naproxen, paracetamol and ibuprofen) are partially removed at STP.


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The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.


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The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.