110 resultados para CÁRIE DENTÁRIA
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidência de cárie dentária em adolescentes em município do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.
O Projeto SB Brasil 2010, planejado e executado por órgãos do SUS, nos âmbitos federal, estadual e municipal, e de universidades brasileiras, por meio de Centros Colaboradores do Ministério da Saúde se constitui em recurso de valor estratégico para aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os agravos bucais no país, e dá contribuição inestimável para orientar os rumos da PNSB e avançar na construção de um modelo de atenção pautado na Vigilância à Saúde
O Projeto SB Brasil 2010, planejado e executado por órgãos do SUS, nos âmbitos federal, estadual e municipal, e de universidades brasileiras, por meio de Centros Colaboradores do Ministério da Saúde se constitui em recurso de valor estratégico para aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os agravos bucais no país, e dá contribuição inestimável para orientar os rumos da PNSB e avançar na construção de um modelo de atenção pautado na Vigilância à Saúde
NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidência de cárie dentária em adolescentes em município do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.
The aims of this study were to analyze the access of dental services by child population, to determine the prevalence of dental caries, gingivitis and malocclusion in resident children from the municipal district of Sobral Ceará and to evaluate the incidence of the dental decay in adolescents associated with the factors related to socioeconomic condition, access to health services and self-perception. This study had as main factor the multidisciplinary represented by the participation of health professional (doctors, dentists, nurses) in the development of the survey's initial reference; student from Human Sciences area to apply the structured questionnaire in domiciliary visits; statistics professionals in the orientation of the analysis to be held and family health team (community health agents, dentists and dental clinic assistants) in the scheduling of domiciliary visits and the accomplishment of oral exam. The sample was determined from the domicile record that included children born between 1990 and 1994 to develop the research Children health conditions in the municipal district of Sobral Ceará . The first sample comprised 3425 parents of children from 5 to 9 years old, living in the urban area at the municipal district of Sobral Ceará, aiming at identifying the most important factors associated to the access to dental service. From this sample, 1021 children were selected in a systematic way, for the accomplishment to the epidemiological study of decay, gingivitis and malocclusion. In the study's third phase, in order to arrange the group to be followed, 688 adolescents were examined and interviewed, by means of the active search from the 1021 individuals that had been previously examined. It was observed that 50.9% of the children had access to dental service at least once in a lifetime. Of this total, 65.3% accomplished it during the last year, and 85.4% of these did in public services, what allows to identify the importance of this sector in the access to dental services. It was observed that the factors that most affected the access to dental 129 services were related to socioeconomic condition, such as the access to health plan, the possession of toothbrush, garbage collecting, mother s schooling, sewerage treatment and malnutrition. In relation to oral diseases, an increase in the DMF-T index according the age was observed, from 0.10 in five years old to 1.66 in the nine years old, while with the dmf-t index, the inverse happened, since the index decreased from 3.59 in five years old to 2.69 in nine years old. In relation to gingivitis, an average 32.7% of the children presented gum bleeding. In what concerns malocclusion, it was observed that 60.3% of the children didn't present any problem, 30.17% had light malocclusion and 9.5% severe malocclusion. The average incidence of dental caries was 1.86 teeth per youngster. Among the studied variables, tooth pain in the last six months, mother's income and school snack, adjusted by the perception about the need of treatment, the mother's schooling and the dentist's appointment at least once in a lifetime, were the variables that presented positive relationship with the high incidence of dental caries on this population by logistic regression. Variables of socioeconomic nature, related to the access to health services and behavior and biological variables presented a relationship with the high caries incidence. The study point out to the need of developing health actions in a humanized way, by an oral health team effectively bound to the population's interest, with the great objective to provide, with the public health services managers, adequate conditions to improve oral health
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Early childhood caries, especially in its severe form, which is characterized by an acute and aggressive nature, can have negative impacts on thequality of life of a child, due to effects such as difficulty in chewing, decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, changes in behavior and a decreased performance in school, among others. Moreover, the quality of life of the child`s family can also be affected, as the pain and discomfort caused by this type of caries result in loss of working days of parents, spending on dental treatments, changes in sleep patterns and stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of severe early childhood caries in the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of public daycares`s preschool children through the Escala de Impacto da Saúde Bucal na Primeira Infância, a Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). A single calibrated examiner (kappa=1.0) evaluated, through the dmfs index, the oral health of 116 children aged between 3 and 5, which were included in one of three study groups: "caries-free", "not-severe early childhood caries" and "severe early childhood caries". The parents responded to ECOHIS, to assess their perception regarding the OHRQoL of their children, and a questionnaire on socioeconomic conditions. The OHRQoL was measured through the total scores and domains of ECOHIS. Descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, chi-square test and Poisson multiple regression with robust variance were used. Among the children observed, 38.8% were caries-free, 27.6% showed not-severe early childhood caries and 33.6% showed severe early childhood caries. Regarding the total score of ECOHIS, severe early childhood caries had a greater negative impact on OHRQoL, compared to caries-free and not-severe early childhood caries groups (p <0.001). Regarding the child subscale, there was significant difference between the "severe early childhood caries" group and the other groups in all domains, except for theone of self-image / social interaction. In the family subscale domains, there was statistical significance between the severe early childhood caries and the caries-free groups in all domains (p <0.001), whereas between the "severe early childhood caries and not-severe early childhood caries groups there was a statistically significant difference only in the domain of parental anguish (p <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that early childhood caries and the parent`s age were significantly associated to OHRQoL (p <0.05), independently of the other variables in the model. The presence of severe early childhood caries resulted in greater negative impact on OHRQoL (AdjPR= 6.016; 95%CI = 3.12 11.56; p<0.001), while older parents reported better OHRQoL (AdjPR = 0.603; 95%CI = 0.428 - 0.850; p = 0.004). The presence of severe early childhood caries had a negative impact on OHRQoL of preschool children and their families.
The science of Dentistry wishes obtains the ideal solution for the dental plaque chemical control. This research evaluated antimicrobial action capacity in calcium hydroxide and tergentol various solutions starting for the CHD 20, a root canals irrigating solution with a reason of 80% calcium hydroxide saturated solution and 20% tergentol detergent with the aim of evaluate this drug mouth rinse indication with prevention or combat objective for dental caries and periodontal diseases. Antibiogram disks and biofilm tests were accomplished for the microorganisms: Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacillus casei. Different reasons of detergent for the calcium hydroxide saturated solution, tergentol and distillated water solution, 0,12% clorhexydine digluconate solution was positive control and distillated water was negative control. The results showed better performance of clorhexydine in relation to calcium hydroxide directing to not accept this (CHD20) as mouth rinse solution
O presente estudo objetivou analisar as características epidemiológicas das condições de saúde bucal de 98 idosos de uma Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) e de 125 participantes de Grupos de Convivência, de bairros periféricos, socialmente semelhantes, de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, para orientação do tratamento odontológico. Investigou-se a autopercepção em saúde bucal desses idosos a fim de realizar uma avaliação comparativa entre eles e com os levantamentos epidemiológicos de base nacional (SB Brasil) e de base estadual (SB Ceará). Devido a alguns idosos da ILPI recusarem o tratamento dentário e a identificação do elevado percentual de demenciados, optou-se por realizar uma avaliação cognitiva, o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) visando identificar os aptos à reabilitação oral. Métodos: abordagem epidemiológica do tipo transversal, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por cinco examinadores, utilizando os critérios recomendados pela OMS (1997). Resultados: O CPO-D médio encontrado na ILPI, foi de 29,88, com predomínio do componente perdido (93,27%) enquanto o CPO-D médio dos não institucionalizados fixou-se em 30,17, com predomínio do componente perdido (63,70%). Também se avaliou o uso e a necessidade de prótese dentária: dos residentes na ILPI, 10,20% usavam prótese superior e 3,06%, inferior; 94,90% necessitavam de prótese superior e 97,96% de inferior; sendo a prótese total foi o tipo mais prevalente, 88,78% para ambos os arcos. O percentual do uso de prótese dos não institucionalizados foi 71,20% no arco superior, sendo 66,40% prótese total; já para o arco inferior, 32,80%, das quais 31,20% era prótese total. No presente estudo, tanto para uso quanto para necessidade, considerando ambos os arcos, a diferença entre os idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados foi estatisticamente significativa pelo teste Qui - quadrado (p<0,001). Como resultado do MEEM, observou-se deterioração cognitiva (escore ≤ 12) em 37,25% dos entrevistados, bem como um declínio cognitivo com o avanço da idade. Conclusões: Os resultados apontam que há um maior percentual de uso de prótese total no arco superior e maior frequência quanto à ausência de próteses de qualquer tipo no arco inferior. Evidenciou-se que os idosos pesquisados foram submetidos a tratamento mutilador e, como consequência necessitam de reabilitação oral, o que pressupõe a necessidade de políticas públicas para que isso ocorra efetivamente. Os participantes deste estudo caracterizam-se por uma autopercepção positiva da sua saúde bucal, a despeito das condições clínicas insatisfatórias e de precária saúde bucal, com acentuada prevalência de cárie dentária e edentulismo. O MEEM revelou deficiência cognitiva na maioria dos idosos, confirmando que a sua aplicação, previamente à reabilitação oral pode evitar desperdícios financeiros.Tais achados refletem a necessidade de implantação de políticas reabilitadoras em saúde bucal voltadas para o idoso; baseadas na perspectiva da integralidade como princípio doutrinário do Sistema Único de Saúde, o que redundaria numa melhor qualidade de vida, tanto pela melhor mastigação, digestão e nutrição, pelo maior aproveitamento dos alimentos, quanto pelo favorecimento à comunicação, pela dicção e fala, contribuindo para a socialização e consequente elevação da autoestima dessa clientela.
Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant
Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte
The objective of this study was to evaluate a baby dentistry program which has been in the city of Natal for five years. The research was based on two analysis: a quantitative one, which tried to check caries prevalence in 52 children supported by the program and a qualitative one, which, through interviews carried out with the mothers, using the focus group technique, tried to realize the effect of the program their attitudes related to the care of their children´s oral health. For the quantitative analyses of caries prevalence there was the use of def-s and knutson rates and the values obtained were shown in a descritive and analytical way.The results showed that 4.2% of babies ranging 24 to 36 months old presented carie disease. Children from 36 to 48 months old and above 48 months old presented 18.2% and 16.7% carie prevalence respectively.The def-s averages found in ages 24 to 36, 36 to 48 and 48 to 60 months old were 0.08; 0.40 and 1.16 respectively, considered as being equally low, going along with Knutson rates. The qualitative analyses showed a high level of the mothers` satisfaction, considering the access,practitioner-patient relationship and opportunity to keep the oral health. Children supported by the program showed a low carie prevalence and the program turned out to be effective under the mothers` point of view
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the current situation of white enamel lesions on vestibular surfaces of permanent upper incisors, diagnosed 6 years ago, without clinical intervention. Methods: A prospective study reassessed 53 students of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all attending the public school system in Natal, Brazil. Data collection was performed by duly calibrated examiners, and a clinical chart consisting of demographic data on dental caries, oral hygiene, and gingival condition was prepared. A tactile-visual examination was conducted using a clinical mirror and periodontal probe. Data compilation and analysis were carried out using a SPSS software. In this analysis the chi-squared test was used for qualitative independent variables. To identify the net effect of treatment, multiple logistic analysis with forward stepwise model selection was performed. Results: The final sample was composed of 106 lesions in the 53 individuals, with mean age of 15.02 years, visible plaque index (VPI) of 23.34%, and gingival blood indices (GBI) of 25.92%. A statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) was found between initial DMFS and prognosis of white enamel lesion. Conclusions: We observed that past caries experience and dental plaque were the main predictive factors for negative lesion outcomes, demonstrating the need for oral hygiene control through continuing preventive measures
Nas últimas décadas, com a significativa redução da cárie dentária em crianças e adolescentes, uma maior atenção tem sido dada a outros problemas bucais como as oclusopatias. Em termos epidemiológicos no Brasil, esta tem ocupado o terceiro lugar dentre os problemas de saúde oral na população e, portanto, a inclusão destas como um problema de saúde pública se deve não apenas à sua alta prevalência, mas também ao impacto social, que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Diante do exposto é que este estudo objetiva buscar o impacto da presença e severidade das oclusopatias e suas respectivas necessidades de tratamento na qualidade de vida de adolescentes escolares de um município. Sendo assim, foram examinados 356 escolares na faixa etária de 15 -19 anos e determinadas a prevalência, severidade e necessidade de tratamento de oclusopatias através dos índices DAI, IOTN e ICON. O impacto sócio dentário das oclusopatias na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes foi analisado através do índice CS-OIDP. A fim de se verificar possíveis influências de variáveis estudadas na determinaçao do impacto na qualidade de vida das oclusopatias, estas serão coletadas através do estatus sócio-econômico, gênero, idade e tipo escola. Nos resultados parciais, relacionado a 50% da amostra, se observou uma maior prevalência do escolares de escola pública(68,1%), idade entre 15-16 anos(74,7%), gênero feminino(52,7%) e maior prevalência do SES baixo(77,5%). A análise estatística usando o teste qui-quadrado mostrou uma associação significativa do impacto da oclusopatia na qualidade de vida apenas quando avaliada com o índice ICON e o A-IOTN do examinado, comprovando uma associação da necessidade de tratamento com a presença do impacto na qualidade de vida. Com isso, busca-se comprovar e enfatizar a necessidade de se estabelecer políticas públicas que trabalhem na prevenção e interceptação dessas oclusopatias na população, melhorando, portanto, a qualidade de vida e saúde oral dos adolescentes.
Nas últimas décadas, com a significativa redução da cárie dentária em crianças e adolescentes, uma maior atenção tem sido dada a outros problemas bucais como as oclusopatias. Em termos epidemiológicos no Brasil, esta tem ocupado o terceiro lugar dentre os problemas de saúde oral na população e, portanto, a inclusão destas como um problema de saúde pública se deve não apenas à sua alta prevalência, mas também ao impacto social, que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Diante do exposto é que este estudo objetiva buscar o impacto da presença e severidade das oclusopatias e suas respectivas necessidades de tratamento na qualidade de vida de adolescentes escolares de um município. Sendo assim, foram examinados 356 escolares na faixa etária de 15 -19 anos e determinadas a prevalência, severidade e necessidade de tratamento de oclusopatias através dos índices DAI, IOTN e ICON. O impacto sócio dentário das oclusopatias na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes foi analisado através do índice CS-OIDP. A fim de se verificar possíveis influências de variáveis estudadas na determinaçao do impacto na qualidade de vida das oclusopatias, estas serão coletadas através do estatus sócio-econômico, gênero, idade e tipo escola. Nos resultados parciais, relacionado a 50% da amostra, se observou uma maior prevalência do escolares de escola pública(68,1%), idade entre 15-16 anos(74,7%), gênero feminino(52,7%) e maior prevalência do SES baixo(77,5%). A análise estatística usando o teste qui-quadrado mostrou uma associação significativa do impacto da oclusopatia na qualidade de vida apenas quando avaliada com o índice ICON e o A-IOTN do examinado, comprovando uma associação da necessidade de tratamento com a presença do impacto na qualidade de vida. Com isso, busca-se comprovar e enfatizar a necessidade de se estabelecer políticas públicas que trabalhem na prevenção e interceptação dessas oclusopatias na população, melhorando, portanto, a qualidade de vida e saúde oral dos adolescentes.