140 resultados para Assistência ao Paciente
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This study aimed to understand the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care in the light of the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. It is a comprehensive phenomenological research, using the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. For the unveiling of the phenomenon (the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care), the search process was configured from the proposed guiding principles for a research methodology based on the work itself of Schutz held by Zeferino (2010) in his PhD. For data collection, we used the focus group technique, counting on the collaboration of thirteen practical nurses working in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, who responded positively to the inclusion criteria: working in the study hospital, performing care direct to patients. Forty-four subjects showed interest in participating, being held a draw for selection of the research sample, consisting of 14 professionals, one of whom did not attend the gathering of data collection. The focus group, entitled "What I think about the systematization of nursing care", took place on February 15th, 2013, totaling 101 minutes. It was performed according to the Experiential Education Humanescent using building posters as projective technique, from the key question: "What is the systematization of nursing care for you?". In order to understand some of the biographical situation of the participants, a questionnaire was administered to study participants. From the agreement of the subjects, the focus group was recorded and photographed with the cooperation of one reporter and two other employees. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to perform the transcript of the meeting and Microsoft Excel 2010 for synthesizing the results via a spreadsheet. The study followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on humans, recommended in Resolution nº 196/96, it was approved by Opinion Embodied Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), nº 98 424, of August 31th, 2012, CAAE No. 05906912.0.0000.5537. The analysis of the nursing staff speeches, along with the contemplation of their posters and their written descriptions, allowed from the guiding principles of Zeferino (2010), in light of the reference of Alfred Schutz, unveiling the typical ideal of nursing technicians about the systematization of nursing care, passing four themes: typing of the concept of systematization of nursing care; benefits, which resulted in the reasons to believe in the positivity of this working tool; experienced problems, revealing the world of everyday life of nursing professionals, and possibilities for improvement. It was concluded that the nursing technicians are unaware of the systematization of nursing care. However, they typify a very positive perception about the same, especially with regard to improvements that may foster care
COSTA, Roberta Kaliny de Souza ; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de . Trabalho em equipe em saúde: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, v. 7, p. 530-536, 2008.
Exploratory descriptive study, with a quantitative approach and prospective data, performed in Pronto Socorro Clóvis Sarinho (PSCS), in Natal/RN, aiming to analyze care given by the nursing and medical staff to victims of violence attended to in an emergency hospital in Natal/RN; to identify care given by the nursing and medical staff as viewed by the victims; to compare data observed during the process of care with the victim s view on the care given by the nursing and medical staff; to identify the existing knowledge on violence and the process of caring for victims and its relation with prejudice; to identify obstacles and perspectives for prevention during the process of caring for victims in the emergency services. The population consisted of 97 physicians, 16 nurses, 75 nursing technicians and assistants and 365 victims of violence, with data collected from April to May 2009. Out of 188 professionals, 52.1% are female; 32% were aged 41 to 50; 99.5% had given care to a victim of violence; 90.4% reported to have given care to patients under custody; among these, 17.3% felt prejudice; 55.3% stated they don t provide different care for assaulted victims and assailants, however 44.7% stated they do; 86.7% feel their workplace is unsafe; 61.7% denied the existence of any obstacle and 38.3% reported the existence of obstacles; among these, 26.1% referred to inadequate facilities; 37.8% believe reinforcing security and professional training are the main solutions. Among the 365 researched violence victims, 82.2% were assaulted; male (69.6%); aged 18 to 24 (24.9%); hailing from the Greater Natal area (89.9%); on 19.7% the event happened on Saturday; during the night (48.8%); victim of physical assault (61.4%); produced by body force (27.7%); 24.4% were injured in the head and neck. 57% had used some drug, among which alcohol was predominant (75.5%). On 621 observations performed during the victim care process, when compared to the report of assaulted victims, there was a statistical difference, at 5% significance level, regarding reception, resistance from the professionals, questioning about the violent event, providing of guidance, interaction with the patient and the understanding of receiving proper care, and care resolution. In comparisons involving the observed and the assailant victims reports, there was a statistical difference regarding the resence of resistance from the professionals, performance of necessary procedures and the nteraction with the patient and the understanding of receiving proper care and 58.1% reported the nursing team was the one that provided the best care. We conclude that professionals had lready given care to assailant patients, acknowledge the importance of knowing how the vent took place and acquired this preparation during their practice. The most often referred bstacles that hinder assistance were: inadequate facilities, material deficit and lack of rofessional preparation. As solutions for these problems, they cited the reinforcement of ecurity and professional training
Asthma treatment aims to achieve and maintain the control of the disease for prolonged periods. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) may be an alternative in the care of patients with asthma, and it is used as a complementary therapy to the pharmacological treatment. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a domiciliary program of IMT on the electromyographic activity of the respiratory muscles in adults with asthma. This is a clinical trial in which ten adults with asthma and ten healthy adults were randomized into two groups (control and training). The electrical activity of inspiratory muscles (sternocleidomastoid (ECM) and diaphragm) was obtained by a surface electromyography. Furthermore, we assessed lung function (spirometry), maximal inspiratory pressure - MIP - (manometer). The functional capacity was evaluated by six minute walk test. Participants were assessed before and after the IMT protocol of 6 weeks with POWERbreathe® device. The training and the control groups underwent IMT with 50% and 15 % of MIP, respectively. The sample data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0, attributing significance of 5 %. Were used t test, ANOVA one way and Pearson correlation. It was observed an increase in MIP, after IMT, in both training groups and in healthy sham group (P < 0.05), which was accompanied by a significant increase in ECM activity during MIP in healthy training group (1488 %) and in asthma training group (ATG) (1186.4%). The ATG also showed a significant increase in diaphragm activity in basal respiration (48.5%). Functional capacity increased significantly in the asthma sham group (26.5 m) and in the asthma training group (45.2 m). These findings suggest that IMT promoted clinical improvements in all groups, especially the ATG, which makes it an important complementary treatment for patients with asthma
The interprofessional education still represents a great challenge for the health education. This paper aims at implementing the Interprofessional Cardiology Visit (VIC, acronym in Portuguese) as a teaching strategy for the interprofessional education in the undergraduate and graduate courses of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, acronym in Portuguese). It is a prospective and exploratory study held from March 2013 to November 2014, in the cardiology department of HUOL (Portuguese acronym for Onofre Lopes University Hospital), including health professionals from the mentioned hospital (doctor, psycologist, physiotherapist, dentist, social assistant, nutritionist, pharmacist and nurse), undergraduate and graduate students from the health courses of UFRN. The study happened in three parts: interprofessional activity planning; Implementation of the activity “Interprofessional Cardiology Visit (VIC)”; and Activity evaluation, this last one was made through focus groups. The process of planning and implementation of the VIC was described during the implementation phase: 60 meetings in which 1324 participants discussed one specific patient per meeting. After each case presentation, an interprofessional discussion was held, pointing out each professional’s specific point of view towards improving the overall care of that discussed patient. From the focus group analysis, five categories emerged: Recognition of previous participations in interprofessional activities; Conceptual vision of interprofessional activities; Impacts of the VIC to the patient’s care; Contributions of VIC to the professional training; and Challenges of VIC continuation. The making and planning of VIC process has reached its goals, despite of some health professional’s participation not being systematic due to work overload, such as the nurses’ case, as well as schedule difficulties. The VIC was praised as a successful experience and considered an initiative with positive impact for improving the care of patients with heart diseases. It is clear, from analyzing the discourses, that the VIC is a strategy which positively impacts both the care and the teaching. However, some difficulties remain, such as the lack of human resources and the challenge of making it systematic.
COSTA, Roberta Kaliny de Souza ; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de . Trabalho em equipe em saúde: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, v. 7, p. 530-536, 2008.
Introdução: Os idosos constituem os maiores consumidores dos serviços de saúde, especialmente os de reabilitação, tornando imprescindível a avaliação da qualidade da assistência fisioterapêutica prestada. A satisfação do paciente tem sido considerada uma das melhores e mais eficazes formas de avaliar o cuidado e direcionar o provedor do serviço para suprir as necessidades e expectativas do paciente-cliente. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os principais aspectos (preditores) que contribuem para a satisfação do paciente geriátrico com o tratamento fisioterapêutico ambulatorial. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo com enfoque epidemiológico, transversal e descritivo de cunho exploratório. Foi utilizado o instrumento de avaliação da satisfação do paciente com a fisioterapia, desenvolvido e validado para a população brasileira por Mendonça em 2007, com uma escala de satisfação do paciente composta por 23 itens. Os dados foram coletados na sala de espera de 29 clínicas de Fisioterapia da rede privada da capital do RN/Brasil e a amostra selecionada de forma não-probabilística constou de 221 pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos, que realizaram entre 5 e 60 sessões de fisioterapia onde os dados foram coletados, deveriam ser usuários de plano de saúde e ter condições cognitivas preservadas. Resultados: A análise fatorial indicou a existência de quatro fatores com autovalor maior que 1: interação pacienteterapeuta (7 itens) α = 0,901; acesso e atendimento de recepcionista e pessoal de apoio (8 itens) α = 0,888; ambiente físico e satisfação global (5 itens) α = 0,835; e conveniência (3 itens) α = 0,711. Os itens com maiores escores de satisfação completa foram os contemplados nos aspectos de interação paciente-terapeuta, especialmente o respeito e a gentileza do fisioterapeuta. As associações realizadas através do teste do Qui-quadrado e regressão logística binária entre a satisfação do paciente e as variáveis sócio-demográficas, percepção do estado de saúde e capacidade funcional demonstraram que a satisfação do paciente idoso associa significativamente com o sexo e estado civil. Os achados revelam que as mulheres mostram-se mais satisfeitas com a fisioterapia. Conclusão: Os aspectos interpessoais demonstraram ser preditores relevantes para assistência fisioterapêutica satisfatória, especialmente na população idosa que requer atenção além do suporte puramente técnico
Tratar-se-á de um estudo metodológico, com abordagem quantitativa; baseado no referencial metodológico da técnica Delphi, com objetivo de construir e validar um protocolo clínico para assistência do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. A proposta metodológica seguiu duas etapas: elaboração do instrumento por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura e validação de conteúdo do protocolo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, mediante o Parecer CAAE 41873314.5.0000.5537. O universo amostral foi composto por profissionais enfermeiros, considerados peritos, doutores ou mestres na área da saúde, com experiência em alta complexidade e/ ou estudos de validação de instrumento/protocolo, selecionados por meio da Plataforma Lattes. Referente à primeira etapa elaborou-se um instrumento composto pela caracterização profissional dos peritos; e baseado em evidência científica e nas diretrizes do Surviving Sepsis Campaign, contemplando três tópicos assistenciais ao paciente com sepse, a saber: Triagem para Sepse- Reconhecimento das Manifestações Clínicas; Pacote de Ressuscitação Inicial (Controle das Primeiras 6 Horas); Tratamento de Suporte. A segunda etapa caracterizou-se na validação de conteúdo do instrumento para elaboração final do protocolo, utilizando à técnica Delphi, em duas fases. No que concernem as variáveis referentes ao estudo, na 1ª fase de Delphi, 34 peritos avaliaram o instrumento composto por 18 itens, no período de maio a julho de 2015, e os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva (frequência, média, mediana e desvio padrão) e pelo Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), demonstrando um IVC extremamente satisfatório para 15 itens, com total de 0,79, obtendo assim, a reformulação e refinamento do conteúdo do instrumento. Na segunda fase de Delphi, entre julho e agosto de 2015, participaram 26 peritos, e utilizou-se o percentual de concordância acima de 75% para as variáveis consideradas pertinentes ao protocolo de cuidados ao paciente séptico em UTI, obtendo nesta fase, o percentual de concordância de 95%. O protocolo foi concluído com 15 itens, sendo respaldado e modificado, baseado em evidência científica, nas diretrizes internacionais e nas sugestões dos peritos. A utilização do protocolo proposto poderá contribuir para a prática clínica do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.
Tratar-se-á de um estudo metodológico, com abordagem quantitativa; baseado no referencial metodológico da técnica Delphi, com objetivo de construir e validar um protocolo clínico para assistência do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. A proposta metodológica seguiu duas etapas: elaboração do instrumento por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura e validação de conteúdo do protocolo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, mediante o Parecer CAAE 41873314.5.0000.5537. O universo amostral foi composto por profissionais enfermeiros, considerados peritos, doutores ou mestres na área da saúde, com experiência em alta complexidade e/ ou estudos de validação de instrumento/protocolo, selecionados por meio da Plataforma Lattes. Referente à primeira etapa elaborou-se um instrumento composto pela caracterização profissional dos peritos; e baseado em evidência científica e nas diretrizes do Surviving Sepsis Campaign, contemplando três tópicos assistenciais ao paciente com sepse, a saber: Triagem para Sepse- Reconhecimento das Manifestações Clínicas; Pacote de Ressuscitação Inicial (Controle das Primeiras 6 Horas); Tratamento de Suporte. A segunda etapa caracterizou-se na validação de conteúdo do instrumento para elaboração final do protocolo, utilizando à técnica Delphi, em duas fases. No que concernem as variáveis referentes ao estudo, na 1ª fase de Delphi, 34 peritos avaliaram o instrumento composto por 18 itens, no período de maio a julho de 2015, e os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva (frequência, média, mediana e desvio padrão) e pelo Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), demonstrando um IVC extremamente satisfatório para 15 itens, com total de 0,79, obtendo assim, a reformulação e refinamento do conteúdo do instrumento. Na segunda fase de Delphi, entre julho e agosto de 2015, participaram 26 peritos, e utilizou-se o percentual de concordância acima de 75% para as variáveis consideradas pertinentes ao protocolo de cuidados ao paciente séptico em UTI, obtendo nesta fase, o percentual de concordância de 95%. O protocolo foi concluído com 15 itens, sendo respaldado e modificado, baseado em evidência científica, nas diretrizes internacionais e nas sugestões dos peritos. A utilização do protocolo proposto poderá contribuir para a prática clínica do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.
Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
Vivências de familiares do paciente internado em unidade de terapia intensiva: estudo fenomenológico
This study originated from my concerns as critical care nurse, regarding the lived experience of the family member of the patient that is hospitalized in the intensive care unit - ICU. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the experience of the family members while having a loved one interned in an ICU, and to identify the common elements of the phenomenon, based on the descriptions of their experiences. Considering that the object of study involves subjective and social questions, the study was conducted using some fundamental ideas of descriptive phenomenology as a referential and the situated phenomenon as suggested by Martins and Bicudo (1989). Ten (10) family members of patients that were interned in the ICU of private hospital in Natal, RN were interviewed using the following leading question: What is it like to have a member of your family interned in the ICU? Five thematic structural categories emerged from the comprehensive analysis of the interviews: Fear of the family member s death; Lack of humanization; Social isolation; Confidence in the ICU; and Overload to the personal life. The description of the phenomenon enabled a new look at how the care team relates to the family members of the patients interned in the ICU, providing some guidance on how to construct a humanized care that involves the family and that is based on affective human relations. This involves a rethinking of the care provided by team to the family and stimulates the reformulation of personal and social attitudes, and of hospital organizational norms
In tertiary care, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is nowadays one of the most complex settings in providing care to critically ill patients and could make the difference in favor of life. Nevertheless, the stigma of death which pervades the imagination when the ICU is mentioned and the excessive importance placed on machines rather than on the human being end up by causing distress to some extent. As the purpose of this investigation is to understand the distress caused to a patient in an ICU, it has been grounded on the following question: What kind of distress does a patient go through during his/her experience in an ICU? This study has, therefore, an analytical and reflexive character embedded in a qualitative dimension of a phenomenological approach based on narratives. To this purpose, five patients were interviewed from November to December 2008. Out of the empirical material gathered from these narratives we were able to identify several factors that cause distress to ICU patients. Among them were: the certainty that they are critically ill and fear death, a closed room, too much lighting, a typical loneliness arising from being isolated from family members and dear ones, lack of communication with the professional staff, and noise; besides having to undergo therapeutic procedures. In summary, although the ICU is seen as a place of distress, in many aspects and in accord with this research, such distress can and should be relieved. On the other hand, being near to death leads them to a redefinition of life, said the patients.
Estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado num hospital de urgência hospitalar referência em traumatologia, em Natal/RN, com o objetivo de identificar o conhecimento do enfermeiro a respeito da ECGl para avaliação do nível de consciência e do processo de cuidar na fase pré-hospitalar e hospitalar às vítimas de TCE. A população constou de 44 enfermeiros e os dados foram coletados entre abril e maio de 2010. Os resultados mostram que, 35 (79,5%) dos enfermeiros eram do sexo feminino; 17 (38,64%) estavam na faixa etária entre 24 a 30 anos e 12 (27,27%) entre 51 a 60 anos; 25(56,82%) solteiros, 30 (68,18%) católicos e 25 (56,82%) sem filhos; 40 (90,90%) eram formados por instituições públicas, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço na enfermagem acima de 21 anos e 14 (31,82%) até quatro anos; 18 (40,91%) estavam alocados nas UTIs e 13 (29,55%) atuavam em mais de um setor e 20 (65,90%) possuíam especialização. Dos que estavam mais especializados, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço até quatro anos e 08 (34,48%) acima de 21 anos. Todos relataram ter prestado assistência às vítimas de TCE e 36 (81,82%) sentiam-se preparados; 35 (46,67%) adquiriram essas informações na prática e apenas 8 (10,67%) na graduação. Em relação a opinião dos pesquisados sobre os empecilhos que dificultam esta assistência, 23 (23,01%) relataram déficit de recursos humanos e 19 (20,65%) despreparo da equipe de enfermagem, estrutura física inadequada e recursos materiais precários. Como propostas de solução para os problemas, 26 (47,27%) sugeriram reforma na gestão e 13 (23,63%) referiram educação continuada. Em relação a ECGl, 40 (90,1%) afirmaram conhecê-la, 33 (82,50%) a utilizavam, 32 (80%) conheciam sua finalidade, 25 (62,5%) acertaram os indicadores fisiológicos e 36 (90%) classificaram corretamente a gravidade do TCE. Dos enfermeiros que utilizam a ECGl, 23 (92%) conheciam seus indicadores e classificação e 20 (60,61%) utilizavam uma vez por plantão. Em relação às dificuldades no manejo da ECGl, 11 (21,58%) não tinham nenhum problema; 10 (19,60%) citaram a falta de tempo e com o mesmo percentual responderam interpretação da resposta verbal nos pacientes intubados. Quanto ao conhecimento dos enfermeiros na descrição do processo de cuidar, 31 (70,45%) das respostas da fase pré e 35 (79,55%) da hospitalar não possuíam etapas importantes, sendo consideradas como incorretas. Quanto à afirmativa dos enfermeiros em estar, e realmente estar preparados para esta assistência, detectamos que daqueles que disseram estar preparados, apenas 12 (33,33%) acertaram todos os passos do atendimento pré hospitalar e 6 (16,67%) no atendimento hospitalar. Concluímos que diante dos resultados obtidos, os enfermeiros conhecem a ECGl, no entanto, necessitam de capacitação para sua melhor compreensão e utilização. Quanto ao conhecimento do processo de cuidar aos pacientes com TCE, é necessário modificar urgente esta realidade, especialmente na atenção às ações desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro no âmbito hospitalar, onde as consequências das lesões secundárias, muitas delas evitadas com diagnóstico precoce e intervenções imediatas, podem acarretar incapacidades permanentes e prejudicar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos
Venous ulcers (VU), recurrent chronic wounds resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), affect different age groups and would severely affect ambulation of patients. The lesions require treatment lasting and complex and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Thus, this study aims to identify the important aspects covered in the scientific literature protocol for assisting patients with venous ulcers, identifying the issues to be proposed by the judges of the study (nurses, doctors and physiotherapists) to the protocol of care provided to patients venous ulcers and present the structure of protocol proposed by the judges of the study to assist patients with venous ulcers treated at a referral hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach, carried out at the dressings, located in the outpatient surgical clinic of the Hospital University Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located in East Sanitary District, Natal-RN. The sample consisted of 39 professionals, 30 nurses, seven doctors and two physical therapists, team members HUOL surgical clinic and other public and private institutions of Rio Grande do Norte and Jequié/Bahia. These professionals were the judges responsible for selecting the guidelines already proposed in the literature on VU protocols. Approved by the Ethics in Research HUOL (Report n.o 081/07), began the first stage of the study which consisted of reviewing the scientific literature about the relevant aspects to be included in a protocol for assisting patients with VU. These aspects were organized into a proposed questionnaire to the judges of the study. Following examination, held on the content validation with application of the Kappa (K), accepting a score higher than 0.80 and the Likert Scale, whereas rates from 4.0 to 5.0. The data collected were organized in Microsoft Excel and exported into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. The literature review included national and international scientific articles, thesis, dissertation and institutional protocols. Regarding the characterization of professional nurses predominated (76.1%), between 34 and 45 years (41.0%), female (79.5%), married/consensual union (46.2%), with specialization in VU care (61.5%), working in the hospital network (46.1%), with up to 5 years experience in VU (69.2%) and claiming to feel prepared to care for these injuries (92.3 %). With regard to aspects that had very good agreement (K ≥ 0.81), remained the items found in the literature with some modifications. In the analysis of the proposed evaluation items had very important, ranging from 4.1 (drug treatment) to 4.9 (patient assessment and care of the injury and the injured and perilesional skin). The proposition of the protocol is arranged in eleven items: A) Evaluation of patient and lesion, B) Registration and documentation, C) the wound and perilesional skin, D) an indication of coverage, E) Use of antibiotic and pain treatment, F) Surgical treatment of CVI, G) Drug treatment, H) Improving venous return and prevetion of recurrence, I) Referral of patients, J) Training and K) Reference and counter reference