4 resultados para Arte moderna Séc. XXI Teses

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Cette tude prsente l anthropophagie comme une notion thorique et experiementale du corps qui rhabilite le sensible et rveille le monde peru. L argumentation fait ressortir la dimension sensible du corps et de la connaissance, en considerant sa sensibilit et motricit, corps qui ne se spare pas de la nature et de l histoire, en actuant dans le monde comme prsence vive, originaire, en mouvement ; en supposant un sujet qui, au mme temps que construit ses propres senses, il dpend de l exprience de l autre et du monde, en crant et en recrant la culture, et il agrandit le processus de connatre, de sentir, de penser, d agir, d tre, de se transformer. Cette attitude annonce une connaissance sensible et un corps qui est suscetible de sensations, mais d exprssions aussi, de communication, de cration, aspects indispensables pour se pensar l ducation comme un space sensible, d apprantissage et rssignification de la culture ; que dvient possible la communion avec le corps, le temps, le space ; qu enseigne rapprendre voir le monde, que considre la rversibilit des senses et l esthsie comme champs de l exprience sensible et de l imputation des senses ; qu voque la beaut des multiples lctures du vcu et qu agrandit la comprhension du soi et de l autre. L objectif de ce travail est comprendre l anthropophagie comme une attitude du corps et de la connaisance sensible, qu approfondit la rlation de l tre au monde, la rlation avec l autre et permet la cration de senses culturelles, sthetiques et xistentielles our l ducation. Nos prsentons l attitude phnomologique de Maurice Merleau-Ponty comme rfrence thorique et mthodologique de notre recherche. Il s agit d une attitude de la pense qui place la conaissance au centre de nos expriences vcues au monde ; une attitude qui ne propose pas un sens dfinitif des choses et des personnes et qui contribue pour la comprhension de l anthropophagie, du corps, du sensible, du monde et de l autre, en indiquant des dveloppements de ces rflexions pour l ducation. En crant des horizonts de sense et strastgies de prception sur l anthopophagie, nos considrons comme choix notre exprience vcu, comme les voyages; atelier d extension avec des lves du cours de Technologie en Production Culturelle de l Institut Fdral d ducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte-IFRN, Campus Cidade Alta ; l anthropophagie comme lement de l Art Moderne Brsilien ; les crations et les rcits des lves ; images ; filmes et livres recherchs ; dialogues avec les penseurs Lvi-Strauss, Montaigne et Oswald de Andrade, qui constituent nos principales rfrences conceptuelles et qui ont permis travers des savoirs et promouvoir un dialogue entre divers champs de connaissance, comme l Anthropologie, la Philosophie, l Art et l ducation. Ces stratgies constituent le resultat partiel et inachev d un processus de connaisance de soi et de l autre, que permet de revivre des mmoires, faire ressortir des couleurs, des senses, des gots, des dcouvertes sensibles et encourageantes sur la connaissance, sur l art, des dcouvertes sur soi mme, sur l autre, sur le monde, sur la vie, indiquant que l ducation peut tre un processus fort sensible, dans lequel le corps est une prsence indispensable, aussi comme le toucher, le crer, les delires, les affections, les encontres et l invention


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The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESCCA) is a phenomenon that has been given priority in public policy agenda of many democratic governments of Western countries and civil sectors of society, besides the object of studies in different fields of knowledge. Psychology is among these areas and is considered one of the references in the construction of knowledge and actions to confront the phenomenon. However, the epistemological foundations of psychological science are quite different, and so, several are his speeches, knowledge produced and ways of conceiving man and the world. This is evident in the publications of psychology on ESCCA. This work aims to achieve a state of the art of psychology publication in Brazil (in the post-graduation - through theses and dissertations - and journals) on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents. More specifically try to evidence (a) what conceptions of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents the authors lists, (b) what are aimed at research and publications, (c) how the research and issues are justified, and (d) that theoretical approaches the authors are affiliated and methodological possibilities are applied to range the aim proposed in their work. In order to do so, a survey was conducted in the major index sites (eg, BVS-Psi, Capes, theses and dissertations database of university libraries) of the material, covering the period 1990 to 2007. Through research on these sites, we built a database, including information relating to the work sought from specific descriptors for studies in the area of victimization of children and adolescents, with reference to a list provided by Faleiros (2000). After reading the summary of the work, the number of recovered 25 productions was reached - including theses, dissertations and articles. For analysis of the material used in the analysis of thematic content. Two axes themes were established in order to guide the analysis: conceptual elements of commercial sexual exploitation, and theoretical and methodological strategies employed. The axes have as reference for analysis a chapter built on the concept of commercial sexual exploitation, so that all analysis is anchored on it. The analysis points to the existence, still strong, conceptual and terminological confusion about ESCCA. Few studies have not demonstrated this confusion, maintaining a consistent theoretical approach. In relation to the theoretical and methodological strategies, there is a great diversity of approaches in psychology surrounding the phenomenon of ESCCA, enriching levels of understanding and action. This diversity reflects a constitutive heterogeneity of psychological science. We emphasize the perspective of socio-historical psychology, most frequently among the publications. It is hoped that this research will help advance the qualitative approach to ESCCA, especially in the field of psychology, as well as contribute to new research in the area and construction of new means of addressing this human rights violation


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This doctoral dissertationproposes the description, interpretation and analysis of the compositional structure of thesis and dissertation abstracts, with regard to the linguistic mechanisms that evidence text zones of different typological sequences, such as those of the text plan. Along these lines, the research problem was developed from the notion of compositional structure (sequences and text plans), as one of the levels or plans of text analysis, according to the theoretical framework proposed by Jean-Michel Adam (2011a). The main objective of this study was to recognize how the compositional structure, of thesis and dissertation abstracts, is achieved, with respect to text units and the global organization of this text category. The hypothesis posed in this research posits that specific informational text composition categories of abstracts are necessary to process the representation of the original text and the way in which it makes its meaning. Subsequently, this study is based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Text Linguistics (TL) and, above all, Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), as we endeavor to understand the organizational structure of abstracts from both a linguistic and textual perspective. This structure involves the text plan of abstracts, with respect to their communicative purpose, i.e, the sharing of scientific information in its standard textual form. Thus, the development of this study, from a theoretical and methodological perspective, is based on the theoretical and descriptive premises from TDA (ADAM, 2011a, 2012; PASSEGGI et al., 2010), and also from TL (BEAUGRANDE; DRESSLER, (2012 [1981]); COSERIU; LAMAS (2010); MARCUSCHI, 2009 [1983]; FVERO; KOCH, 1994;KOCH, 2006; BENTES, 2004; BENTES; LEITE, 2010), within the field of text studies. The methodology of this study relies on empirical, documental research, which is qualitative, and adopts a descriptive and interpretive approach. From the empirical perspective, our objective is to understand the problems pertaining to the textual composition of abstracts, aiming to elucidate them in light of the theoretical and methodological framework previously mentioned. The corpus of the analysis is comprised of seven abstracts designated for systematic data collection. These texts, written between 2004 and 2011,were selected from Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations in their electronic version, from the graduate program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. A thorough review of the literature reveals a clear fluctuation in the terminology of the concept, abstract. The results of the analysis revealed that the abstracts, which comprise the corpus of analysis in this study, in general, present typological heterogeneity, while the text plan remains fixed. Finally, the new knowledge gained in this research contributes both to the understanding of the compositional structure of abstracts as well as their production.


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This work aims to study about the importance of cinema for cultural and professional training of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The educational potential of cinema is emphasizing by different authors, which also reveal the teachers' training gap in this issue (media). In this study, we defend the audiovisual language of cinema as an integrating element of Arts and Science for cultural and professional training of teachers. This subject has been developed by different authors, in which the emphasis has been the importance of intelligent dialogue with the world. Specifically, the training of science teachers and mathematics, by the approach of Cinema in its formation, It envisions the possibility of minimizing the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific training, already much discussed by some researchers. Educational products contribute to an effective experience and reflection on the cultural and educational role of the Seventh Art. Considering the Cinema as a possible "bridge" between the two cultures (scientific culture and humanistic culture) and promoting ownership of audiovisual language in teacher training It was accomplished the I Exhibition - Cultural Spring: Cinema and Science Education in UFRN. The production of the booklet "Topics of History, Language and Art of Cinema for Science and Mathematics Teachers," and its application in a short course in the XXI National Symposium on Physics Teaching also aimed to contribute to the approximation of Science and Art in training teachers.