12 resultados para ASA
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The great importance in selecting the profile of an aircraft wing concerns the fact that its relevance in the performance thereof; influencing this displacement costs (fuel consumption, flight level, for example), the conditions of flight safety (response in critical condition) of the plane. The aim of this study was to examine the aerodynamic parameters that affect some types of wing profile, based on wind tunnel testing, to determine the aerodynamic efficiency of each one of them. We compared three types of planforms, chosen from considerations about the characteristics of the aircraft model. One of them has a common setup, and very common in laboratory classes to be a sort of standard aerodynamic, it is a symmetrical profile. The second profile shows a conFiguration of the concave-convex type, the third is also a concave-convex profile, but with different implementation of the second, and finally, the fourth airfoil profile has a plano-convex. Thus, three different categories are covered in profile, showing the main points of relevance to their employment. To perform the experiment used a wind tunnel-type open circuit, where we analyzed the pressure distribution across the surface of each profile. Possession of the drag polar of each wing profile can be, from the theoretical basis of this work, the aerodynamic characteristics relate to the expected performance of the experimental aircraft, thus creating a selection model with guaranteed performance aerodynamics. It is believed that the philosophy used in this dissertation research validates the results, resulting in an experimental alternative for reliable implementation of aerodynamic testing in models of planforms
O termo melancolia, como foi mostrado em todo o decorrer do nosso trabalho, principalmente no histórico da melancolia, é um termo, por excelência, escorregadio. De várias facetas, a melancolia pode vir a designar desde patologia, passando por inspiração filosófica, para desaguar num modo de ver a vida, como bem nos coloca Denílson Lopes em seu livro Nós os mortos: melancolia e neo Barroco (1999). A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (LUFT, 2005) é uma obra que já nos acompanha há algum tempo, pois desde a graduação estudamo-la. Em torno da protagonista, chamada de Gisela pela mãe e Guísela pela avó, circula toda a trama desse romance moderno. Tentamos visualizá-la nos três capítulos da dissertação. No primeiro, focalizamos a obra sob o aspecto de uma possível estética da melancolia, tendo por base teórica Marie Claude Lambotte (2000). Depois, elaboramos algumas linhas sobre as perdas da protagonista que do enredo emergem. Por fim, demonstramos Gisela pelo aspecto de múltiplas faces. Sabendo que uma obra literária é infinita em seus significados, cremos que A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (2005) suscita outras nuances. Isto nos dá a certeza que não é um texto acabado, finalizado. Estas nuances poderão ser estudadas, pesquisadas em uma outra oportunidade por nós ou por outros leitores de Luft. A fim de estudar a melancolia em Gisela, fundamentamos nossa dissertação com os estudos de Freud (1980) a respeito do tema. Este faz uma análise comparando a melancolia ao luto, para poder chegar, assim, a um denominador comum, já que o termo é flexível em seus significados. Freud e alguns outros autores no campo, tais como, Bataille (1980); Benjamin (1984); Erickson (2003); Klein (1971); Kristeva (1989); Lino (2004); Peres (2003); Santos (2005), Scliar (2003), pois, nos auxiliaram em nossas pesquisas e direcionaram melhor o nosso olhar sobre a obra. Acreditamos ter alcançado nosso objetivo estudar a obra A Asa Esquerda do Anjo (LLUFT, 2005) pelo foco da melancolia e suas nuances. Gisela é um personagem inacabado. Em seu discurso ela deixa isto bem nítido. Assim também, não buscamos respostas prontas, com teor de acabamento. O fechar da história está nas mãos do leitor. Mas, à medida que reiniciamos nova leitura, percebemos algo novo, que pode ser extraído da obra, do personagem, da trama. É neste abrir/fechar que a própria Gisela sussurra: Vem, vem, vem.... Ao chamar a todos nós, chama também para um novo caminhar com ela, em suas perturbações subjetivas e sua ausência de respostas. Ao aceitarmos este convite, fica difícil retornarmos pelo mesmo caminho de antes. É necessário, então, junto com este ser de papel, rever nossos passos, para, enfim, redimensionarmos nossa escrita acerca de nós mesmos e (por que não dizer?) do mundo que nos circunda
A analgesia pós-operatória eficaz é especialmente importante após cirurgias torácicas, pois, além de aliviar a dor, facilita a retomada de atividades normais, incluindo a deambulação, a respiração e a tosse. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo são: avaliar a eficácia analgésica da associação entre anestesia geral e raquianestesia com morfina e ropivacaína mais esquema multimodal em relação à anestesia geral e esquema multimodal em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio; analisar a eficácia analgésica da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína e analgesia multimodal na remoção de tubos torácicos em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. A metodologia consiste em ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, envolvendo 58 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 59,8 8,9 anos, estado físico ASA II e III. Os participantes foram alocados em dois grupos, sendo o GI composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina 400μg e 6 ml (30mg) a 8 ml (40mg) de ropivacaína a 0,5% e analgesia multimodal; já o GII foi composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral associada à analgesia multimodal. Foi avaliada a dor, ao despertar, nas primeiras 24 horas, e ao realizar exercício respiratório, ao retirar drenos de torácicos e o tempo para extubação. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos testes do Qui-quadrado e Teste t de Student e o teste de Fisher. O resultado obtido foi o seguinte: o GI apresentou menor intensidade de dor ao despertar (p= 0,001), nas primeiras 24 horas (p= 0,001) e durante a realização dos exercícios respiratórios (p= 0,004). Houve maior necessidade de analgesia complementar no grupo GII, com maior consumo de morfina (p= 0,05), e os efeitos colaterais leves, como náuseas (p= 0,001), vômito (p= 0,002), prurido (p= 0,030), predominaram no GI. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (P= 0,47), em relação à intensidade de dor na remoção dos drenos. Após as observações feitas, o estudo sugere que a anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina associada à ropivacaína oferece melhor efeito analgésico no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Adicionalmente, o estudo sugere que o efeito analgésico da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína 1% associado à analgesia multimodal não é eficaz
Colon-specific drug delivery systems have attracted increasing attention from the pharmaceutical industry due to their ability of treating intestinal bowel diseases (IBD), which represent a public health problem in several countries. In spite of being considered a quite effective molecule for the treatment of IBD, mesalazine (5-ASA) is rapidly absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and its systemic absorption leads to risks of adverse effects. The aim of this work was to develop a microparticulate system based on xylan and Eudragit® S- 100 (ES100) for colon-specific delivery of 5-ASA and evaluate the interaction between the polymers present in the systems. Additionaly, the physicochemical and rheological properties of xylan were also evaluated. Initially, xylan was extracted from corn cobs and characterized regarding the yield and rheological properties. Afterwards, 10 formulations were prepared in different xylan and ES100 weight ratios by spray-drying the polymer solutions in 0.6N NaOH and phosphate buffer pH 7.4. In addition, 3 formulations consisting of xylan microcapsules were produced by interfacial cross-linking polymerization and coated by ES100 by means of spray-drying in different polymer weight ratios of xylan and ES100. The microparticles were characterized regarding yield, morphology, homogeneity, visual aspect, crystallinity and thermal behavior. The polymer interaction was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. The extracted xylan was presented as a very fine and yellowish powder, with mean particle size smaller than 40μm. Regarding the rheological properties of xylan, they demonstrated that this polymer has a poor flow, low density and high cohesiveness. The microparticles obtained were shown to be spherical and aggregates could not be observed. They were found to present amorphous structure and have a very high thermal stability. The yield varied according to the polymer ratios. Moreover, it was confirmed that the interaction between xylan and ES100 occurs only by means of physical aggregation
This research work intends to carry out a study focused on the dynamic between development, poverty reduction and conservation of natural resources. To consider this relationship to the region chosen was the micro-region of Eastern and Western Seridó in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. In recent years, several studies (Araújo, 2011; BASTOS, 2009) have pointed out that after a period of economic crisis in its tripodproductive, formed by the activities of farming, cotton farming, mining and faced in the eighties, this region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has not only shown signs of economic recovery but also improve their social indicators. On the other hand, studies of desertification as the view of the state of RN (produced in cooperation between the Government of RN and research institutions) and the Sustainable Development Plan of Seridó (ADES, 2000), indicate that there is an ongoing French process of degradation of natural resources that is capable of compromising the ability of sustaining such a system. To verify this reality and likely finding this relationship, this work is adopted for this study, the analysis of evolution of secondary data from official bodies such as the IBGE on HDI, per capita income and other social indicators between 2000 and 2009. Here is another time of the survey analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews with institutions of academic intervention in nature, researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) State agencies that address the issue of the Middle Environment in Seridó: Institute for Sustainable Development of the NB (IDEMA) and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and the Amazon (IBAMA) and institutions of direct intervention in the region, as the Agency's Sustainable Development Seridó (adhesive) and the Joint Semi-Arid (ASA). After crossing data from quantitative and qualitative, it was found that the dynamics of the region's economic Seridó Potiguar partially answers the improvement of social indicators of poverty. Contribution by the State in this shared stock transfer income. Regarding the influence of productive restructuring in the region on issues of environment, it is noted that the ceramic tile industry, responsible for the absorption percentage of the population with limited ingress into the urban economy, given the low education, accounts for the increase of susceptibility to the ongoing process of desertification in North Seridó Rio Grande. We conclude finally that the guarantee of increased income, freedom and conservation of natural resources ensures primarily by changing the beliefs and values, especially on the part of the business sector, which use natural resources so predatory, aimed at maintaining their rates of return on investment. And concomitantly, the synchronization between technological change, through the use of new energy sources, and institutional change.
This study aimed to validate the contents of an Instrument for Nursing Consultation in the Home Visit of people with Spinal Cord Injury (INCEVDOP-LM), based on the Self-Care Deficit Theory. The methodological development study was conducted with spinal cord injured (SCI) people ascribed in the Family Health Units the city of Natal/RN/Brazil, and with the nurses of these institutions. The study was conducted from Januray 2012 to January 2013 in two phases: the first aimed to identify the need for self-care of persons with SCI, and the second to develop and validate the INCEVDOP-LM. The first phase consisted of a census study of people with SCI living in Natal/RN. In the second phase, a non-probabilistic convencience sample of subjects was selected to form two groups: First stage - Group 1 of the first stage was comprised by 73 adults with SCI diagnosed with paraplegia or tetraplegia, with cognitive function preserved and that were registered to some family health unit; Group 2 of the Second phase was composed of six experts that were nurses with doctoral formation, scientific experience in the area of technology development or assistance to persons with SCI, and with publications in periodicals Qualis A2. Data collection of the first phase was conducted through home visits of people with SCI that responded three instruments: Questionnaire I (comprised of demographic and socioeconomic variables), The Competency Rating Scale for Self-care (ASA) and the Barthel Index (an instrument for evaluation of functional capacity). The research for the second phase was conducted in two stages: I-construction of the INCEVDOP LM; II-validation of the INCEVDOP-LM. The instrument and an evaluation form were forwarded to the experts for the validation. The correlations between the responses were analyzed by the Kappa test, with accepting values of>0.75. The evaluation criteria were: organization, clarity, simplicity, readability, appropriateness of vocabulary, objectivity, accuracy, reliability and suitability and the positive responses with frequency values of≥90% were considered excellent. The chi-square test was used to investigate the differences between proportions. The study attended to the principles of Human Rights CNS Resolution 196/96. Results were reported by means of four articles derived from the study. The findings indicate that the items that showed disagreement among experts (k=0.02) were diagnoses, interventions and evaluation of the nursing features pertaining to the domains of Nutrition, Hygiene, Elimination, Physical, Social and Psychological, and of the Ability to perform work activities feature. Agreement among the experts were reported for the other items, with kappa ranging from 0.72 to 1. After removing items with disagreement, all criteria achieved excellent rates and no significant differences were observed between the proportions of responses of evaluation of experts (p>0.05). We conclude that the instrument shows validity to serve as a guide for nurses to conduct a systematic consultation during the home visit to people with spinal cord injury, with emphasis on self-care. The instrument must go through other levels of validation when applied in the clinical setting
Desfechos clínicos e mortalidade de sujeitos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica no Rio Grande do Norte
Introduction: Actually the obesity is a public health problem throughout the world. Bariatric surgery has been an efficient method of weight reduction body in severe obesity, reducing its associated effects and presenting low levels of immediate and late postoperative complications. In Brazil, bariatric surgery asa recent therapeutic that has been growing recently. Being Brazil a country with continental dimensions and with a huge diversity socioeconomic and cultural, it is essential to understand the reality of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in less economically privileged regions of Brazil. Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical outcomes and mortality of patients undergoing videolaparoscopic bariatric surgery through the public health system in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte- Brazil. Methods: Observational descriptive study of a prospective, carried out from February 2009 to February 2011, the Clinic Obesity and Bariatric Surgery at Universitary Hospital Onofre Lopes - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (HUOL-UFRN). Anthropometric measures, comorbidity and deaths register were made in the postoperative period. Results: Seventy patients (54 women) with low income aged 22 to 63 years completed the study. We recorded the death of three patients during the study period. The results show significant decrease anthropometric parameters, especially in relation to body weight, waist circumference and hipin both sexes. Only Waist / Hip ratio showed no difference after intervention in male patients It had a resolution of comorbidities. No significant differences in reports of daily sleepiness and the snoring male patients. Conclusion: Our findings attest laparoscopic bariatric surgery as an effective method reducing weight and comorbidities in morbidly obese patients
The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.
The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species
Brazil lives a time of experimentation and maturity as it pertains to managing the use of water, which comes institutionalising increasingly social participation. In Rio Grande do Norte, since 1997, the government has been developing actions accordingly, through the State Department of Water Resources, which has implemented a programme of adutoras within the State and created Water Users Associations, in the installation of dessalinizadores for places where the Adutora was not necessary or not yet arrived, so that should be managed by communities through associations of users. Since 2003, Civil Society Organisations - CSOs come through ASA - Articulation in the Semi-arid Brazilian, implementing the P1MC - Program of Training and Mobilization for Social Living with the Semi-Arid (One Million Rural Cisternas), in its third year of implementation in Rio Grande do Norte, in the spirit of working together with the semi arid. In the municipality of Serrinha / RN which incorporates the Semi-arid region, we find in the rural community of Pendêcias dos Emídios the experience of the State and Civil Society, which referred to a discussion about the environmental sustainability of these initiatives. The general objective of this work is to examine the strategies for participatory management in the use and access to water in the community of Pendêcias dos Emídios of the municipality of Serrinha / RN, to understand how those experiences can contribute to environmental sustainability. The methodology used envolvel bibliographic research in categories involving each article, the analysis of the terms of reference of each strategy as part of the documentary research, the application forms covering 40 families benefited, and interviews based on comprehensive analysis of the speech. This study is divided into 02 articles, where the first is a discussion held on collective action and environmental sustainability, and the second is held a discussion about the sustainability of the initiatives underway to access water. The results of the discussion held on 02 articles that had their empirical built from the experience of the Commonwealth of Pendências dos Emídios revealed how far will the ability of the State to promote collective action and the limitations of the perception of sustainability that permeates these initiatives in the search for democratic access to water in semi-arid
Duas espécies de borboletas miméticas Heliconius erato e Heliconius melpomene apresentam coloração similar. Tal similaridade pode atuar confundindo o reconhecimento de seus co-específicos no momento da escolha de parceiros sexuais. As duas espécies possuem um conjunto de variações sutis na cor de suas asas que são compartilhadas por ambas espécies, como os pontos vermelhos encontrados acima da faixa amarela. Em H. erato variações na cor de suas asas são exclusivas da espécie como os red raylets e pontos amarelos na região distal da asa posterior. Acredita-se que tais variações fenotípicas auxiliem no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos, para tanto, o presente estudo tem por intuito verificar se as duas espécies envolvidas na análise reconhecem seus co-específicos. Experimentos com modelos que contemplaram variações sutis foram montados e apresentados aos machos de H. erato e H. melpomene. Em cada experimento foi verificado a probabilidade relativa de aproximação do macho ao modelo. O teste de likelihood indicou que as diferenças sutis encontradas nos padrões de asas de H. erato e H. melpomene podem atuar como pistas de reconhecimento de indivíduos da mesma espécie. Sendo que a espécie H. erato pode ser considerada um discriminador mais refinado no reconhecimento, e ambas as espécies selecionaram modelos que possuem variações médias, indicando seleção normalizadora para a escolha do padrão de asa. Podemos concluir, que a cor e, principalmente, os padrões sutis na variação da cor são utilizados como um sinal usado por borboletas no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos.
The caatinga is considered the only exclusively Brazilian biome, with a total area of 735.000km². It is estimated that about 59% of this area has already been removed and only 2% are protected in conservations units. The region is characteristic by strong seasonality and heterogeneity in their environments. This paper sets generate information on morphological and population patterns Lanio pilatus in two areas of caatinga of Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC – Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte - RN. Data collection was performed in six phases between July 2012 and December 2014, covering the end of the dry and rainy seasons in the region. The captures were performed with nets and individuals captured were marked with metal rings and measured (weight, wing length, tail, tarsus, culmen and tip of the bill to nostril). Through these measures, we observed that only males of open area range in weight during the dry and rainy season, youngs were significantly lower for all parameters measured, and males were larger than females in three characteristics (weight, wing length and tail) in open area and only one (wing length) in the closed area. The population parameters were generated from the mark-capture-recapture technique by program MARK, using the techniques of robust design and CJS. The survival probability of detection and population estimates varied with time. Only individuals of open area fluctuated in their estimates during the study. Overall, the environment was a great mediator of results which increases the need for more studies on the life history of the species in the region.