16 resultados para A Temática Ambiental

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This doctoral thesis addresses the environmental issues and its vinculum with the tourism through the protected natural areas, in particular the conservation units, which consists in territorial areas created and demarcated by the government in order to protect ecosystems that have a high ecological and scenic-landscaped representativeness designed to the contemplation and controlled public visitation. In regard to its use for the touristic activities, are conceived while socio-environmental and symbolic materiality built around an imagery view of a nature-show, designed to attract visitors, aiming ensure the maintenance and reproduction of the capital in an entrepreneurial and preservationist way in the Metropolitan Region of Natal. It s a study about the Dunes State Park Jornalista José Maria Alves and the Jenipabu Environmental Protected Area, both created with the purpose of favor the implantation and empowerment of the touristic area through the State intervention as the main articulator agent of a new process of urbanization that uses the city marketing and the ideological discuss of environmental sustainability to recreate the imaginary of lost paradise and incorporate into the daily universe of tourists visiting the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The unveiling of this empirical reality made possible the construction and defense of the terms environmental entrepreneurship and compensatory preservationism, to explain how the formatting and idealization of this paradisiacal scenarios produce the commoditization of nature in an efficient and competitive way


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The present study is included in the environmental international theme, approaching the search for the environmental conformity in public events. It describes the main environmental impacts, objects of the study Sound Disturbances, implications concerning the increase in the Volume of Traffic and in the volume of Solid Residues generated in the surroundings of the event. The methodology used consists of the report of the case study of the festivity called Carnatal, held in Natal/RN, in December of 2001. As a work method, it was used a quantitative evaluation of the sound intensity level, according to the effective legislation, an electronic count of volume of traffic and an evaluation of the productive performance of the means of production of public urban sanitation company used in the event. The results pinpoint the recognition of the impacts generated by the event and the proposition of a Program of Environmental Management, aiming at, in addition to the establishment of the instruments and goals for the mitigation of the impacts, defining the role of the social actors in the search for the environmental conformity of festivities


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The present study inserts on the international environmental thematic, approaching the integrated management of solid waste and the participation of the social actors in the search of the sustainable development. The awareness in combining it still describes a Selective Collection Program SCP of solid waste, in partnership with the municipal public power, in the development of joint actions that result in better alternatives of waste management in the urban centers, providing better life quality for the population and conservation of the environment. The aim of this research is to study problematic of the management of solid waste under the point of view of the environmental awareness and the participation of the population in a city of Brazil. In this matter, the target of the work is focusing on the strategy of solid waste management, through the attitudes and the respondents behaviors to aid in the making decision of the public manager related to the implantation of a selective collection program in Natal/RN. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of attitudes and of behaviors, besides a social-demographic scale. For analysis statistics is used the Pearson s Chi-Square Method in order to verify the dependence of the associations between the social-demographic variables and the attitude and the behavior ones. The results appear for a larger participation in a SCP, since this provides a better quality of life of the population (28,3 %), followed for offering a financial advantage (27,3%). Other results indicate the existence of the variables that exercise influence on the environmental awareness of the population to its demographic aspects


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The environmental management in the health establishments is a reality still little explored in the health sector in Brazil, especially concerning its wastes. The management of wastes of health services is established in the valid legislation through the National Council of Environment and Sanitary Vigilance Agency (358/2005 and 304/2004 respectively). The present work is about a descriptive work about the environmental health in the health services. The used criterion was to diagnose the environmental management in twelve establishments of health inserted in the three levels of complexity of the Unique Health System (Sistema Ùnico de Saúde SUS). Among the sub criteria used the waste management is the one of bigger concern. The one referring to the water quality is considered good. The analysis of data reveals that 66% of the establishments got a poor environmental ranking, 17% critical and 17% appropriate, showing that the health establishments in the three levels of complexity of the SUS need urgent structural, environmental and educational interventions


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The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water


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This thesis proposes environmental education as a strategy for the inclusion of sustainability in the academic education of higher level. The dentistry course has been the object of study, which is justified by the recognition of the need for reflection on environmental issues in the dental academia, initially based on professional experience of the author as a dental surgeon. The aim of this study is to investigate the scientific production of dentistry and its content related to environmental issues, in addition to expanding discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education as academic content. With the specific purpose of verifying the amount and analyze the content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry, Chapter 01 presents research in leading journals portals available on the internet. Works were surveyed where sustainability and related issues were present and placed in a theoretical framework that analyzes the dental service inclusion in the dominant economic model. These procedures are intended to prove the hypothesis that the dental profession does not produce significant scientific content that relates the profession to the environment and sustainability. A literature review was conducted with the statement of dentistry changes from its origins to the front position to the dominant development model and exemplification of the deleterious effects of this model on the environment. In addition, there was a scientific research in journals portals available on the internet and investigated the amount and content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry. Chapter 02 has the specific purpose of providing content to expand discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education in undergraduate courses in dentistry, such as insertion strategy into a new development model guided by sustainability. In this, students questionnaires were given the 8th dentistry course of the period the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), to be understood environmental perception of learners and were obtained grants for proof of the thesis that environmental education applied dentistry has the potential to make people aware and willing to act practicing and propagating sustainability in their conduct. The overall results indicate little scientific production, as the research and work that relates to dentistry to sustainability and the issues related to the environment have not significantly been present in the syllabus of the undergraduate courses in dentistry, despite the interest shown by survey respondents When such issues are addressed. In this context, it is proposed fostering actions to environmental education, so that dental professionals are engaged in the construction of a new development model based on sustainability, as despite the environmental theme seems to be little explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, there interest from students and great potential multiplier for appropriate environmental behavior. After proving the hypothesis that the environment-related content are poorly explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, the main conclusions were recognizing the importance of environmental education as an interdisciplinary tool for environmental thematic approach in undergraduate courses dentistry, in addition to implementing this new pedagogical proposal in the professional practice of dentists, given their potential multiplier for environmental knowledge.


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Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.


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Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.


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Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte


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This work discusses the environmental management thematic, on the basis of ISO 14001 standard and learning organization. This study is carried through an exploratory survey in a company of fuel transport, located in Natal/RN. The objective of this research was to investigate the practices of environmental management, carried through in the context of an implemented ISO 14001 environmental management system, in the researched organization, from the perspective of the learning organization. The methodology used in this work is supported in the quantitative method, combining the exploratory and descriptive types, and uses the technique of questionnaires, having as scope of the research, the managers, employee controlling, coordinators, supervisors and - proper and contracted - of the company. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research, it was used software Excel and Statistical version 6.0. The analysis of the data is divided in two parts: descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results point, on the basis of the studied theory, as well as in the results of the research, that the implemented ISO 14001 environmental system in the searched organization presents elements that promote learning organization. From the results, it can be concluded that the company uses external information in the decision taking on environmental problems; that the employees are mobilized to generate ideas and to collect n environmental information and that the company has carried through partnerships in the activities of the environmental area with other companies. All these item cited can contribute for the generation of knowledge of the organization. It can also be concluded that the company has evaluated environmental errors occurrences in the past, as well as carried through environmental benchmarking. These practical can be considered as good ways of the company to acquire knowledge. The results also show that the employees have not found difficulties in the accomplishment of the tasks when the manager of its sector is not present. This result can demonstrate that the company has a good diffusion of knowledge


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The search for a sustainable development is result of the exhaustion of the natural resources of the planet that demands globalizated politics with practical of compatible economic development with the protection of the quality of life for the future generations. This work presents a study on the thematic on the environmental liabilities in the organizations with focus in the industry of the oil and the production of oil in land in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Some types of environmental liabilities are presented, as well as, some estimates techniques. Moreover, this work presents surveys of some variable that stimulate the organizations to implant technologies of reduction of the impacts in the environment as: the environmental legislation, costs, the main impacts of the production of oil in land. On the basis of the bibliographical research and in the identified variable, it was carried a case study with state and municipal technician that act in the sectors of fiscalization (IBAMA-RN and IDEMA-RN) with the objective to deepen the discussion regarding the impacts of the industry of the oil, the effectiveness of the current law, the performance of the institutions the federal level and how to prevent impacts in the environment. It was observed that the environmental liabilities are a little spread subject in the organizations, perhaps to be unknown and of few theoretical referencees at the national level, regarding to the evaluation techniques. At the same time, absentee in the national politics that conducts the oil exploration


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The objective of this work is to identify, to chart and to explain the evolution of the soil occupation and the envirionment vulnerability of the areas of Canto do Amaro and Alto da Pedra, in the city of Mossoró-RN, having as base analyzes it multiweather of images of orbital remote sensors, the accomplishment of extensive integrated works of field to a Geographic Information System (GIS). With the use of inserted techniques of it analyzes space inserted in a (GIS), and related with the interpretation and analyzes of products that comes from the Remote Sensoriamento (RS.), make possible resulted significant to reach the objectives of this works. Having as support for the management of the information, the data set gotten of the most varied sources and stored in digital environment, it comes to constitute the geographic data base of this research. The previous knowledge of the spectral behavior of the natural or artificial targets, and the use of algorithms of Processing of Digital images (DIP), it facilitates the interpretation task sufficiently and searchs of new information on the spectral level. Use as background these data, was generated a varied thematic cartography was: Maps of Geology, Geomorfológicals Units soils, Vegetation and Use and Occupation of the soil. The crossing in environment SIG, of the above-mentioned maps, generated the maps of Natural and Vulnerability envirionmental of the petroliferous fields of I Canto do Amaro and Alto da Pedra-RN, working in an ambient centered in the management of waters and solid residuos, as well as the analysis of the spatial data, making possible then a more complex analysis of the studied area


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Given the prediction of the Federal Constitution of 1988 about the need to establish some areas to be especially protected, it was published the Law No. 9.985/00, which established the National System of Conservation Units. Several aspects make these units differ from one another, one of them being the possibility of presence of even traditional human populations inside the area to be protected. In case of allowing these people to continue in the area, it still must be provided their participation in the management of the new space. Management councils show up, then, as a specific way of social and political participation. This way, from an overview of legal norms and the doctrine that are relevant to the topic, It is aimed to make a legal and theoretical survey about the process of traditional populations permanence inside Conservation Units, with aspects linked to ethnoconservation and, therefore, to participation in environmental management of these specially protected spaces


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The study area islocated in the northern cost of Rio Grande do Norte State, preciselyin a west zone of Apodi-Mossoró River, inclunding Tibau City, Grossos City and part of Mossoró City. Geologicaly, this area is composed by rokcs of Potiguar basin, represented by Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This area is characterizer by the intense action of cosatal processes (eolic and costal tranports, generalized erosion, alteration in the sediments balance and coast modification), reponsable for it´s morfological instability, also the antropic interference, where the iol industry is located, next Mossoró City, and also the salt exploration industry and the tendency of expantion of shrimp cultivation. This report had as objective the multitemporalgeoenvorimentalmonitoring of the region by recognizingin the field and analizingimages of orbital sensors of diferents years of last four decades. This analisys was achieved by Digital Images Procesing (DIP) thecnics, com subsidized, in a GIS, the preparion of Thematic Maps of natural resources (Geology, Geomorphology and Use & Ocupatios of Earth) and the Envorimental Sensivity to Oil Spilling, main objective os this project. Such technics constitute important tools of envoriment monitoring and maneging, indicating tendencies of antropic of natural growing, making possible the apropiated planning of development of the region, where the steps can be indicated minimized possibles envorimental impacts caused by antropics interferencies on the region, mainly those related to industrial activities, and oil industry above all. Researchs of this nature are very important to the analisys and ordered manegements of use and ocupation of coastal places