14 resultados para Ácido p-cumárico

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing


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With the advances in medicine, life expectancy of the world population has grown considerably in recent decades. Studies have been performed in order to maintain the quality of life through the development of new drugs and new surgical procedures. Biomaterials is an example of the researches to improve quality of life, and its use goes from the reconstruction of tissues and organs affected by diseases or other types of failure, to use in drug delivery system able to prolong the drug in the body and increase its bioavailability. Biopolymers are a class of biomaterials widely targeted by researchers since they have ideal properties for biomedical applications, such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a biopolymer used as a biomaterial and its monomer, lactic acid, is eliminated by the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle). It is possible to synthesize PLA through various synthesis routes, however, the direct polycondensation is cheaper due the use of few steps of polymerization. In this work we used experimental design (DOE) to produce PLAs with different molecular weight from the direct polycondensation of lactic acid, with characteristics suitable for use in drug delivery system (DDS). Through the experimental design it was noted that the time of esterification, in the direct polycondensation, is the most important stage to obtain a higher molecular weight. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrograms obtained were equivalent to the PLAs available in the literature. Results of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that all PLAs produced are semicrystalline with glass transition temperatures (Tgs) ranging between 36 - 48 °C, and melting temperatures (Tm) ranging from 117 to 130 °C. The PLAs molecular weight characterized from Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), varied from 1000 to 11,000 g/mol. PLAs obtained showed a fibrous morphology characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)


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The environmental impact caused by the disposal of non-biodegradable polymer packaging on the environment, as well as the high price and scarcity of oil, caused increase of searches in the area of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources were developed. The poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a promising polymer in the market, with a large availability of raw material for the production of its monomer, as well as good processability. The aimed of this study was synthesis PLA by direct polycondesation of lactic acid, using the tool of experimental design (DOE) (central composite rotatable design (CCRD)) to optimize the conditions of synthesis. The polymer obtained was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results confirmed the formation of a poly (lactic acid) semicrystalline in the syntheses performed. Through the central composite rotatable design was possible to optimize the crystallization temperature (Tc) and crystallinity degree (Xc). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for percentage of catalyst around the central point (0,3 (%W)) and values of time ranging from the central point (6h) to the upper level (+1) (8h). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for the total synthesis time of 4h (-1) and percentage of catalyst 0,1(W%) (-1). The results of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed higher molecular weights to 0,3 (W%) percent of catalyst and total time synthesis of 3,2h


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A esplenectomia é indicada em doenças hematológicas, hiperesplenismo grave, traumas e tem sido causa de importantes alterações metabólicas e imunológicas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar se a retirada do baço altera a biodistribuição do radiofármaco DMSA Tc99m em ratos Wistar e se há correlação com possíveis alterações da função renal. Foram usados dois grupos: esplenectomia (n=6) e controle (n=6) animais não operados. Após 15 dias, foi administrado 0,1 ml de DMSA-Tc99m via plexo orbital (0,66 MBq). Trinta minutos depois, foram retiradas amostras do rim, coração, pulmão, tireóide, estômago, bexiga, fêmur, sangue. Após pesadas as amostras, foi determinado o percentual de radioatividade/g (% ATI/g) em cada uma delas, com o Wizard Gama Counter Perkin-Elmer . Dosadas uréia e creatinina sérica, hematócrito, plaquetas e leucócitos. Estatística pelo teste t, com significância 0,05. Foi observada redução significante no %ATI/g no rim e sangue (p<0,05) dos animais esplenectomizados, aumento significante (p<0,05) da uréia (88,8±18,6mg/dL) e creatinina (0,56±0,08), comparado aos controles (51,5±1,6 e 0,37±0,02mg/dL, respectivamente) assim como leucocitose, aumento de plaquetas e redução de hematócrito. Em conclusão, a esplenectomia provocou comprometimento da função renal, repercutindo na alteração da captação de DMSA 99mTc pelo rim de ratos. Uma parceria entre a Unidade de Medicina Nuclear da Liga Norteriograndense Contra o Câncer e o Núcleo de Cirurgia Experimental da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande doNorte tornou possível a realização deste trabalho, que contou com a participação de profissionais de diferentes áreas como: Biologia, Biomedicina, Medicina Nuclear, Cirurgia Geral, Bioquímica e Estatística, atestando dessa forma o caráter multidisciplinar do trabalho


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Bone is a dynamic tissue that is in constant process of remodeling in response to mechanical stress and hormonal changes. This study aimed to understand the relationship between the biochemical changes, which women in the menopausal transition are subject to, and how the use of an alternative therapy with lipoic acid (LA) could influence these changes. The study of double-blind, was carried out in perimenopausal women that underwent a three month treatment with 600 mg of AL compared with another group that received placebo during the same period. This study showed that women had a waist circunference and body mass index above the values recommended by WHO (WC ≥ 80 cm; BMI > 25kg/m2). Associated with this, these women had increased concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides, and borderline LDL (Total Cholesterol > 200mg/dL; Triglycerides > 150mg/dL; LDL >130mg/dL). These changes were not affected by treatment with AL. There were no shifts in liver profile (ALT, AST and GGT), kidney profile (urea, creatinine, total protein and albumin), mineral profile (Total Calcium, Ionized Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium) as well in bone markers (osteocalcin, Total Alkaline Phosphatase and Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase) after treatment with LA. The results of the oxidative profile showed that treatment with LA decreased GPx activity (p < 0,01), while for the TBARS, GSH and SOD activity there were no differences. With regard to SOD, this enzyme will submit to be high in the placebo group after 3 months of study (p<0,05). The expression of RANKL mRNA was reduced (p < 0,05) and of RANK increased (p <0.001), after treatment with LA, while the expression of IL-6 and TNF-ɑ genes were no changed. We conclude that women already in the perimenopause stage have changes in lipid profile and body composition that could induce shifts in oxidative and bone metabolism. However, LA treatment has provided an effective effect in the oxidative and bone profile since the earliest markers such as GPx activity and mRNA expression of RANKL, respectively, were reduced associated with no change in SOD activity. These results suggest a beneficial and protective effect of LA, indicating it potential as an alternative treatment to help the to prevent the complications associated with estrogen deficiency


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The herbal medicine Sanativo® is produced by the Pernambucano Laboratory since 1888 with indications of healing and hemostasis. It is composed of a fluid extract about Piptadenia colubrina, Schinus terebinthifolius, Cereus peruvianus and Physalis angulata. Among the plants in their composition, S. terebinthifolius and P. colubrina have in common phenolic compounds which are assigned most of its pharmacological effects. The tannins, gallic acid and catechin were selected as markers for quality control. The aim of this study was the development and validation of analytical method by HPLC/UV/DAD for the separation and simultaneous quantification of gallic acid (GAC) and catechin (CTQ) in Sanativo®. The chromatographic system was to stationary phase, C-18 RP column, 4,6 x 150 mm (5 mm) under a temperature of 35 ° C, detection at 270 and 210 nm. The mobile phase consisted of 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid and methanol in the proportions 88:12 (v/v), a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The analytical method presented a retention factor of 0.30 and 1.36, tail factor of 1.8 and 1.63 for gallic acid and catechin, respectively, resolution of 18.2, and theoretical plates above 2000. The method validation parameters met the requirements of Resolution n º 899 of May 29, 2003, ANVISA. The correlation coefficient of linear regression analysis for GAC and CTQ from the standard solution was 0.9958 and 0.9973 and when performed from the Sanativo® 0.9973 and 0.9936, the matrix does not interfere in the range 70 to 110 %. The limits of detection and quantification for GAC and CQT were 3.25 and 0.863, and 9.57 and 2.55 mg/mL, respectively. The markers, GAC and CQT, showed repetibility (coefficient of variation of 0.94 % and 2.36 %) and satisfactory recovery (100.02 ± 1.11 % and 101.32 ± 1.36 %). The method has been characterized selective and robust quantification of GAC and CTQ in the Sanativo® and was considered validated


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Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant with favourable anti-inflammatory, metabolic and endothelial effects, and has been widely investigated due to its potential against cardiovascular risk factors. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of oral ALA supplementation on oxidative stress biomarkers, inflammation and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension. This is a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, where the intervention was evaluated prospectively comparing results in both groups. The sample consisted of 64 hypertensive patients who were randomly distributed into ALA group (n = 32), receiving 600 mg / day ALA for twelve weeks and control group (n = 32), receiving placebo for the same period. The following parameters were evaluated before and after intervention: lipid peroxidation, content of reduced glutathione (GSH), enzymatic activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismustase, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions, fasting glucose and anthropometric indicators. There was a statistically significant reduction (p <0.05) in serum concentrations of total cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and blood glucose. There was a reduction in body weight and waist, abdominal and hip circumferences in the group that received ALA. In addition, there was a statistically significant increase (p <0.05) in the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in the group receiving ALA. Oral administration of ALA appears to be a valuable adjuvant therapy, which may contribute to decrease the damage caused by oxidative stress and other risk factors associated with the atherosclerotic process


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The dried beef is a food traditionally eaten by Northeastern and has an extensive trade in the city of Natal-RN. It is usually produced in an empirical manner, without any standardization in production. Characterized as partially dehydrated meat product, so that the activity of water present is not sufficient to prevent microbial growth, degradation or the production of microbial toxins. The guarantee that the market dried beef is to provide a quality product hygienic, microbiological, physicochemical and sensory stable and adequate for the safety and consumer satisfaction, which has been increasingly attracted to food with natural preservatives. Thus, the meat industries are replacing the current seasonings and natural preservatives for similar, with it without affecting the shelf life of products. Lactic acid has been used to meet these requirements. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of lactic acid on the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory, besides knowing the consumer profile of dried meat of the City of Natal / RN. The results demonstrated that the use of lactic acid in concentrations of 1% and 2% during the processing of dried meat, had statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) on the physico-chemical (pH and water activity) and consequently reduced the microbial count does not alter the taste of the new product developed. Regarding the results on the consumer profile, it was found that the majority of respondents (71.75%) did not observe the presence of the stamp of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) to buy this meat food that 81.55% of consumers check the hygiene conditions of the site and handlers, however, a large proportion of respondents not concerned with the guarantee of origin of typical regional products featuring a hazard to food safety for consumers of the city of Natal-RN


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Inflammatory bowel diseases is composed by a set of chronic and inflammatory disorders, among them is ulcerative colitis (UC). UC treatment is based on anti-inflammatory administration; however, this group of drugs clearly leads to development of undesirable side effects, what stimulate the search for new therapies alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcholic Turnera subulata extract on acetic acid-induced acute UC in rats. UC was induced by 1 mL injection of 4% acetic acid via rectal in Wistar mouse. 42 animals were distributed among 6 experimental groups: Control, UC, Sulfasalazine 500 mg/Kg/day (SSZ), T. subulata 50mg/Kg/day (TS 50), T. subulata 100mg/Kg/day (TS 100), T. subulata 200mg/Kg/day (TS 200). Throughout the experiment, body weight, food and water ingestion was daily evaluated. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and a colon fragment was observed by macroscopic analysis. Colon fragments were also collected for microscopic analysis and oxidative stress evaluation. The means from each group was compared by ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) using GraphPad Prism Software. As results, we can clearly observe that SSZ group had the greater body weight decrease among the groups throughout the experiments, 14.78%, as well as, the lowest food intake, 6.23 g of food/day. The animals treated with T. subulata extracts showed no important body weight loss when compared to control. UC group showed the highest tissue damage macroscope score, 6.5, while TS 50 showed the lowest tissue damage score: 1. Microscope evaluation showed the presence of edema, haemorraghia and ulceration in all group of animals, except for Control. Nevertheless, TS 50 showed the lowest inflammatory damage among all groups. Oxidative stress analysis revealed that T. subulata treatment modulate catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, we also observed a decrease in protein and lipid peroxidation in response to extract administration. Taken together, these results shows that T. subulata extract exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on experimental UC.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases is composed by a set of chronic and inflammatory disorders, among them is ulcerative colitis (UC). UC treatment is based on anti-inflammatory administration; however, this group of drugs clearly leads to development of undesirable side effects, what stimulate the search for new therapies alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcholic Turnera subulata extract on acetic acid-induced acute UC in rats. UC was induced by 1 mL injection of 4% acetic acid via rectal in Wistar mouse. 42 animals were distributed among 6 experimental groups: Control, UC, Sulfasalazine 500 mg/Kg/day (SSZ), T. subulata 50mg/Kg/day (TS 50), T. subulata 100mg/Kg/day (TS 100), T. subulata 200mg/Kg/day (TS 200). Throughout the experiment, body weight, food and water ingestion was daily evaluated. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and a colon fragment was observed by macroscopic analysis. Colon fragments were also collected for microscopic analysis and oxidative stress evaluation. The means from each group was compared by ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) using GraphPad Prism Software. As results, we can clearly observe that SSZ group had the greater body weight decrease among the groups throughout the experiments, 14.78%, as well as, the lowest food intake, 6.23 g of food/day. The animals treated with T. subulata extracts showed no important body weight loss when compared to control. UC group showed the highest tissue damage macroscope score, 6.5, while TS 50 showed the lowest tissue damage score: 1. Microscope evaluation showed the presence of edema, haemorraghia and ulceration in all group of animals, except for Control. Nevertheless, TS 50 showed the lowest inflammatory damage among all groups. Oxidative stress analysis revealed that T. subulata treatment modulate catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, we also observed a decrease in protein and lipid peroxidation in response to extract administration. Taken together, these results shows that T. subulata extract exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on experimental UC.


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Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing


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With the advances in medicine, life expectancy of the world population has grown considerably in recent decades. Studies have been performed in order to maintain the quality of life through the development of new drugs and new surgical procedures. Biomaterials is an example of the researches to improve quality of life, and its use goes from the reconstruction of tissues and organs affected by diseases or other types of failure, to use in drug delivery system able to prolong the drug in the body and increase its bioavailability. Biopolymers are a class of biomaterials widely targeted by researchers since they have ideal properties for biomedical applications, such as high biocompatibility and biodegradability. Poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a biopolymer used as a biomaterial and its monomer, lactic acid, is eliminated by the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle). It is possible to synthesize PLA through various synthesis routes, however, the direct polycondensation is cheaper due the use of few steps of polymerization. In this work we used experimental design (DOE) to produce PLAs with different molecular weight from the direct polycondensation of lactic acid, with characteristics suitable for use in drug delivery system (DDS). Through the experimental design it was noted that the time of esterification, in the direct polycondensation, is the most important stage to obtain a higher molecular weight. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrograms obtained were equivalent to the PLAs available in the literature. Results of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that all PLAs produced are semicrystalline with glass transition temperatures (Tgs) ranging between 36 - 48 °C, and melting temperatures (Tm) ranging from 117 to 130 °C. The PLAs molecular weight characterized from Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), varied from 1000 to 11,000 g/mol. PLAs obtained showed a fibrous morphology characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)


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The environmental impact caused by the disposal of non-biodegradable polymer packaging on the environment, as well as the high price and scarcity of oil, caused increase of searches in the area of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources were developed. The poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a promising polymer in the market, with a large availability of raw material for the production of its monomer, as well as good processability. The aimed of this study was synthesis PLA by direct polycondesation of lactic acid, using the tool of experimental design (DOE) (central composite rotatable design (CCRD)) to optimize the conditions of synthesis. The polymer obtained was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results confirmed the formation of a poly (lactic acid) semicrystalline in the syntheses performed. Through the central composite rotatable design was possible to optimize the crystallization temperature (Tc) and crystallinity degree (Xc). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for percentage of catalyst around the central point (0,3 (%W)) and values of time ranging from the central point (6h) to the upper level (+1) (8h). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for the total synthesis time of 4h (-1) and percentage of catalyst 0,1(W%) (-1). The results of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed higher molecular weights to 0,3 (W%) percent of catalyst and total time synthesis of 3,2h