146 resultados para Terapia pelo movimento


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Introdução: Vem sendo crescente o número de pesquisas que buscam o entendimento das relações entre os desfechos adversos à saúde e as concentrações do cortisol salivar, o qual é um marcador de estresse biológico. O cortisol parece seguir dois estágios de resposta: em situações de baixo/moderado estresse ocorre ativação do eixo Hipotálamo-Pituitária-Adrenal, aumentando o nível do cortisol, entretanto, quando o estresse persiste, o eixo HPA parece tornar-se hipoativo. A sintomatologia depressiva parece ter relação com as concentrações do cortisol, no entanto, essa relação é controversa na literatura. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre sintomatologia depressiva e concentrações do cortisol em uma amostra de idosos do Nordeste brasileiro, residentes na comunidade. Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico, de caráter transversal, em uma amostra de 256 idosos (≥ 65 anos), residentes na comunidade. A sintomatologia depressiva foi avaliada pela versão brasileira da Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (≥ 16) e as concentrações do cortisol através da coleta salivar (ao acordar, 30 minutos após acordar, 60 minutos após acordar, às 15 horas e antes de dormir), além de medidas compostas. Como co-variáveis foram avaliadas condições sociodemográficas e de saúde. Para análise das medidas do cortisol entre idosos com e sem presença da sintomatologia depressiva, e entre os sexos, foi realizado o teste t de Student. Para verificar as diferenças entre as medidas do cortisol em cada curva foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) de medidas repetidas, com teste post-hoc de Bonferroni. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa para a medida de cortisol salivar ao acordar, entre os idosos com presença e ausência da sintomatologia depressiva (p=0,04). Não houve significância em relação ao sexo. Na análise entre as medidas de cada curva, foi observado que nos idosos com sintomatologia depressiva a 1ª medida não teve diferença significativa em relação à 2ª e 3ª medidas. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa da 4ª medida em relação à 5ª, demonstrando um maior nível noturno de cortisol para os idosos com sintomatologia depressiva, sem declínio, com aspecto plano da curva. Conclusão: Parece existir relação entre sintomatologia depressiva e hipocortisolismo. Entretanto, no Brasil, as condições adversas de vida podem levar ao estresse crônico e serem fatores fortes suficientes para sobrepor maiores diferenças que pudessem existir em relação à presença da sintomatologia depressiva


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Asthma treatment aims to achieve and maintain the control of the disease for prolonged periods. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) may be an alternative in the care of patients with asthma, and it is used as a complementary therapy to the pharmacological treatment. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a domiciliary program of IMT on the electromyographic activity of the respiratory muscles in adults with asthma. This is a clinical trial in which ten adults with asthma and ten healthy adults were randomized into two groups (control and training). The electrical activity of inspiratory muscles (sternocleidomastoid (ECM) and diaphragm) was obtained by a surface electromyography. Furthermore, we assessed lung function (spirometry), maximal inspiratory pressure - MIP - (manometer). The functional capacity was evaluated by six minute walk test. Participants were assessed before and after the IMT protocol of 6 weeks with POWERbreathe® device. The training and the control groups underwent IMT with 50% and 15 % of MIP, respectively. The sample data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0, attributing significance of 5 %. Were used t test, ANOVA one way and Pearson correlation. It was observed an increase in MIP, after IMT, in both training groups and in healthy sham group (P < 0.05), which was accompanied by a significant increase in ECM activity during MIP in healthy training group (1488 %) and in asthma training group (ATG) (1186.4%). The ATG also showed a significant increase in diaphragm activity in basal respiration (48.5%). Functional capacity increased significantly in the asthma sham group (26.5 m) and in the asthma training group (45.2 m). These findings suggest that IMT promoted clinical improvements in all groups, especially the ATG, which makes it an important complementary treatment for patients with asthma


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Exercise-induced muscle damage mainly affects individuals who returned to physical activity after a time without practicing it or had some kind of exhaustive exercise, particularly eccentric exercise. To evaluate the effect of cryotherapy and laser therapy in response to muscle damage induced by eccentric exercise on the biceps muscle. This was a randomized clinical trial consisting of 60 female subjects. All subjects initially underwent an evaluation consisting of perimetry, measurement of pain sensation (via algometry and visual analogue scale), electromyography and dynamometry. Then the subjects performed an exercise protocol on the isokinetic dynamometer consisting of 2 sets of 10 eccentric elbow flexors contraction at 60 °/s. Completed this protocol, an intervention was held according to a previously random group distribution: control group (no intervention), cryotherapy group and laser therapy group. Finally, subjects were re-evaluated immediately and 48 hours after the intervention protocol, except for Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which was also evaluated 24 hours after exercise. The circumference of the limb, the pain sensation (VAS and algometry), the muscle activation amplitude (via Root Mean Square - RMS), median frequency, peak torque normalized per body weight, average peak torque, power and work were analyzed. The median frequency immediately after the intervention protocol on the cryotherapy group was the only variable that showed inter and intra-group differences; the remaining variables showed only intragroup differences. The perimetry values did not change immediately after the protocol on the groups which underwent cryotherapy and laser therapy, however, there was an increase after 48 hours; algometry values decreased in all groups for 48 hours and the VAS values increased 24 and 48 hours also for all groups. Regarding RMS no significant change was observed. For dynamometry, peak torque normalized per body weight and average peak torque had a similar behavior, with a reduction in the post protocol that has remained after 48 hours. For the power and work, a decrease was observed immediately after the protocol with a further reduction after 48 hours. Cryotherapy and laser therapy does not alter the muscle damage response, except for the perimetry values immediately after exercise.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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obesity affects rightly functional capacity diminishing the cardiovascular system efficiency and oxygen uptake (VO2). Field tests, such as, Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT) and Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) has been employed as alternative of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPX), to functional assessing for conditions which transport of oxygen to peripheral is diminished. Nevertheless, the knowing about metabolic variables response in real time and it comparing among different maximal and submaximal tests in obese is absent. Aim: to compare cardiopulmonary, metabolic response during CPX, ISWT and 6MWT and to analyse it influence of adiposity markers in obese. Material e Method: crosssectional, prospective study. Obese included if: (BMI>30Kg/m2; FVC>80%), were assessed as clinical, anthropometric (BMI, body adiposity index-BAI, waist-WC, hip- HC and neck-NC circumferences) and spirometry (forced vital capacity-FVC, Forced expiratory volume-1°second-FEV1, maximal voluntary ventilation-MVV) variables. Obese performed the sequence of tests: CPX, ISWT and 6MWT. Throughout tests was assessed breath-by-breath by telemetry system (Cortex-Biophysik-Metamax3B) variables; oxygen uptake on peak of activity (VO2peak); carbon dioxide production (VCO2); Volume Expiratory (VE); ventilatory equivalents for VO2 (VE/VO2) and CO2 (VE/VCO2); respiratory exchange rate (RER) and perceived effort-Borg6-20). Results: 15 obese (10women) 39.4+10.1years, normal spirometry (%CVF=93.7+9.7) finished all test. They have BMI (43.5+6.6kg/m2) and different as %adiposity (BAI=50.0+10.5% and 48.8+16.9% respectively women and men). Difference of VO2ml/kg/min and %VO2 were finding between CPX (18.6+4.0) and 6MWT (13.2+2.5) but not between ISWT (15.4+2.9). Agreement was found for ISWT and CPX on VO2Peak (3.2ml/kg/min; 95%; IC-3.0 9.4) and %VO2 (16.4%). VCO2(l/min) confirms similarity in production for CPX (2.3+1.0) and ISWT (1.7+0.7) and difference for 6MWT (1.4+0.6). WC explains more the response of CPX and ISWT than other adiposity markers. Adiposity diminishes 3.2% duration of CPX. Conclusion: ISWT promotes similar metabolic and cardiovascular response than CPX in obese. It suggesting that ISWT could be useful and reliable to assess oxygen uptake and functional capacity in obese


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O AVC é uma grande causa de mortalidade e uma das principais causas de incapacidade entre adultos. O presente estudo visa analisar o estado do sono e da utilização de cartilhas educativas em pacientes com AVC. No primeiro estudo foram abordados os fatores associados com os horários de dormir/acordar e no segundo estudo foi analisado o conhecimento e prática quanto às orientações sobre os hábitos de sono e estimulação cognitiva. No estudo 1 foram avaliados 50 pacientes sendo 28 homens, de faixa etária entre 25 e 90 anos que durante uma semana completaram um diário do sono e o registro de atividades através do Social Rhythm Metric (SRM) e do Indice de Nível de Atividades (ALI) e aplicação do questionário de cronotipo (MEQ). Utilizado o teste de correlação de Spearman verificou-se correlação significativa entre os horários de dormir/acordar com cronotipo e entre os horários de dormir/acordar com SRM e o ALI. No segundo estudo foram abordados 40 pacientes com idade média 56,1 ± 11,9 anos, sendo 15 homens e 25 mulheres; como instrumentos foram utilizados National Institute Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) e em seguida os pacientes observaram cartilhas educativas sobre hábitos de sono e estimulação cognitiva respondendo se conheciam e se praticavam as orientações apresentadas. A análise estatística realizada através do teste de Fisher obteve como resultado, que das 10 orientações apresentadas sobre os hábitos de sono, 6 foram citadas como conhecidas e apenas 4 foram praticadas. Das 6 orientações cognitivas, não houve diferença significativa entre os que conheciam e não conheciam, mas em 5 delas a maior frequência foi dos pacientes que não praticaram. Os resultados dos estudos indicam a importância de avaliar o cronotipo antes do planejamento de reabilitação, e a necessidade de se estimular o ritmo social a fim de contribuir para a melhoria dos padrões de sono de pacientes. Verificou-se também que em relação ao conhecimento e prática de orientações apresentadas muitos pacientes não conheceram ou não praticaram orientações importantes a respeito de hábitos de sono e de estimulação cognitiva, mesmo na fase crônica da patologia, sugerindo que mais políticas de educação em saúde devem ser implementadas com intuito de causar mudança nos hábitos de vida dos pacientes com AVC


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Venous wounds cause physical, psychological and financial problems that impact the quality of life of patients. Treatment alternatives are investigated in order to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life of people affected by this problem. Physical resources, such as therapeutic ultrasound (US), are being considered in the treatment of ulcers as a potential healing agent. This study aimed to investigate the application of US as a treatment for venous ulcers. Subjects were divided into two groups: US group, where treatment consisted of 5 sessions of pulsed US (3 MHz, 1W/cm²) associated with compression and kinesiotherapy; and sham group, where individuals went through the same procedures, but with sham US therapy. Subjects were evaluated for wound size by planimetry and digital photography, visual analogue scale for pain, quality of life by the questionnaires SF- 36 and VEINES-QoL/Sym and enzymatic activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography. It was observed mean reduction in wound area of 41.58±53.8% for the US group and 63.47±37.2% for the placebo group, maintenance of quality of life scores in the US group and significant improvement (p<0.05) in the placebo group by VEINES questionnaire. It was observed decreased perception of pain in the placebo group. Sample feasibility for analysis of the protein activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography collected by swab method was also confirmed. Our data did not give us evidence to support the theory that the US accelerates healing of venous ulcers in a short-term analysis. However, we observed that standard care associated with compression therapy and kinesiotherapy were able to significantly shorten the progression of chronic venous ulcers


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Chronic venous disease (CVD) is evident among the chronic diseases and affects the elderly population and primarily is responsible for leg ulcers in this population. The use of dressings in the care of a venous ulcer is a fundamental part of the treatment for healing, however, evidence to assist in choosing the best dressing is scarce. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with hydrogel in the healing of venous ulcers using search methods, synthesis of information and statistical research through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Randomized controlled trials were selected in the following databases: CENTRAL; DARE; NHS EED; MEDLINE; EMBASE; CINAHL. Beyond these databases three websites were consulted to identify ongoing studies: ClinicalTrials.gov, OMS ICTRP e ISRCTN. The primary outcomes were analyzed: complete wound healing, incidence of wound infection and the secondary were: changes in ulcer size, time to ulcer healing, recurrence of ulcer, quality of life of participants, pain and costs of treatment. Four studies are currently included in the review with a total of 250 participants. The use of hydrogel appears to be superior to conventional dressing, gauze soaked in saline, for the healing of venous leg ulcers; 16/30 patients showed complete healing of ulcers (RR 5,33, 95%CI [1,73,16,42]). The alginate gel was shown to be more effective when compared to the hydrogel dressing in reduction of the wound area; 61,2% (± 26,2%) with alginate e 19,4% (± 24,3%) with hydrogel at the end of four weeks of treatment. Manuka honey has shown to be similar to the hydrogel dressings in percentage of area reduction. This review demonstrated that there is no evidence available about the effectiveness of the hydrogel compared to other types of dressings on the healing of venous leg ulcers of the lower limbs, thus demonstrating the need of future studies to assist health professionals in choosing the correct dressing.


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The Wii Balance Board (WBB) began to be investigated as a low-cost alternative for assessing static balance in vertical posture. However, studies employed methodological procedures that did not eliminate result variability between the tests and equipment used. Objective: Determine the validity and reproducibility of the WBB as an instrument for assessing static balance in the vertical position, using simultaneous data analysis and superimposed equipment. Methods: This is an accuracy study of 29 healthy young individuals of both sexes aged 18 to 30 years. Subjects were assessed 24h apart (test-retest), using unipodal and bipodal support tests, with eyes closed and open. To that end the WBB was placed on top of a force platform (FP) and data (postural sway) were collected simultaneously on both devices. Validity and reproducibility were analyzed using the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Finally, Bland-Altman analysis was applied to assess agreement. Results: The sample was composed of 23 women and 6 men, with mean age of 24.2±6.3 years, 60.7±6.3 kg and 1.64±4.2 m. The validity of the WBB compared to the FP was excellent for all 4 tasks proposed (ICC = 0.93 0.98). The reproducibility analyzed by test-retest was excellent for the bipodal support tasks (ICC = 0.93-0.98) and only moderate for the unipodal support tests (ICC = 0.46 0.70). Graphic analysis exhibited good agreement between the devices, since most of the measures were within the limits of agreement. Conclusion: this study proved the validity and reproducibility of the Wii Balance Board as an instrument for assessing static balance in vertical posture, using simultaneous analysis with superimposed equipment. Thus, the WBB has been increasingly used by physical therapists and other health professionals in their clinical practice, as both a rehabilitation and assessment tool


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Introduction: Hypoestrogenism is the main characteristic of female aging. It promotes significant changes in body composition, both in fat mass as in lean body mass, leading to a decrease in muscle strength and physical performance. Objective: The aim of this study was to test whether menopausal status and hormone levels are associated with muscular strength and physical performance in middle-aged women. Methods: In a cross-sectional study it was collected sociodemographic data, gynecological history, anthropometric and biochemical measures in women aged 40 to 65 years in Parnamirim-RN. The menopause status (pre, peri and post menopause) was determined by menstrual history. All women underwent three dimensions of physical performance assessment: handgrip dynamometry, gait speed and chair stands test - Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Categorical data were presented as absolute and relative frequencies. Quantitative data were showed as mean and standard deviation and the normality of distribution was verified with Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. Biochemical measures of estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were transformed to log10. ANOVA with Tukey post-test for comparison of variables between the groups pre, peri and post-menopausal was performed and then multiple linear regression analyzes. Results: Two hundred and seventy eight women aged 50.2 (±5.58) years composed this study, being 50 women in premenopausal status (18%), 122 in perimenopausal (43.9%), and 106 postmenopausal stage (38.1%). The groups were different in age (p=0.001), marital relationship duration (p <0.001), number of pregnancies (p=0.001) and parity (p=0.001). Differences in biochemical measures were observed among the groups: estradiol (p<0.001), FSH (p<0.001), total cholesterol (p=0.001). There were no differences in gait velocity between menopausal status. Values in mean of grip strength decreased by postmenopausal women to perimenopausal and premenopausal ones (24.5 ± 5.1, 25.6 ± 5.4, 26.9 ± 4.9 for post-stage, pre and peri menopausas, respectively, p = 0.02) and the performance of chair stands test was better in premenopausal women compared with that in peri and postmenopausal status (p = 0.02). In multiple linear regression for muscle strength, the variables that remained were: age, estradiol and somatic symptoms measured by Menopause Rating Scale-MRS (R2=0.15). While for the xiv chair-stands test the predictors were number of births and FSH values (R2=0.04). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the stages of menopause and muscle performance in measures of grip strength and sit-up test and these are influenced by the fall of estrogens levels. Data suggest that the decrease in muscle strength and physical performance already appear in the transition to menopause stage, pointing to the need for more research in this area and appropriate preventive interventions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic


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This work exams the presence of music in the imaginary constitution of spaces, taking as study s object part of the musical production of the Armorial Movement, officially casted in 1970 in the city of Recife, Pernambuco. From that so called, by the Armorial s discourse, the essence of the brazilian northeastern popular art , the armorialists has intended to make an art that express an idea of northeasternity and brazility . Tries to demonstrate how the music has exerted a basic function of condensation and spreading of the armorial aesthetics, auditorily delimiting the territory of Brazilian Northeastern and, at the same time, trying to impose a sonority to it. This work still analyses the elaboration of what would be a proper soundscape of the Northeastern and how this elaboration passes trough the desire of crystallization of an idealized space, perpetual, escape line of the characteristic modernizing and postmodernizing experience of the twentieth century, product, in turn, of the anxiety of conservation of the Northeastern as a shelter to the traditions that has been evidenced by the construction of an visibility and, also, an audibility to the so called northeastern universe. It analyses, too, the way as works the confrontation between the idea of a so called northeastern soundscape - sonorous events set taken as typical from the rural space - and a sonorous archives series produced since 1920 with the regionalist discourse, showing how was elaborated an armorial music that has intended to represent the brazilian Northeastern. It evidences how, to the elaboration of armorial music, it was managed elements from the European musical culture so called scholar. It argues that the utilization of, to the manufacture of the armorial thinking and aesthetics, of a European mimical capital, so called that way by Stephen Greenblat, was consequence of the intellectual leadership of the Movement, centered in the writer Ariano Suassuna. It argues that Suassuna, followed by the musicians and the artists of the Movement, has searched to evidence a genetic linking between what he has considered the Brazilian true popular art and the medieval Iberian culture. For in such a way, the music was taken as a formation element of the social imaginary and directed to verify a relationship between the Northeastern idealized by the Armorial and the music produced by the Movement. This work has searched, therefore, through the analysis of the armorial music, to study the possible confluences between music and the space that has produced it to, by this analysis, to think the complicity between music and history


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The history of women has been an important thematic in the field of Historiography in recent years. Many History scholars have discussed thematics related to genre, pointing out their relationship and conflicts. These new thematics are also the result of a series of changing in history that bring out new problems, subjects and approaches. Our aim in this work is to analise the experience of women militants inserted into the student secondarist movement (ME) in Rio Grande do Norte in the years of 1980 s. Discussing the concepts of History and Spaces, we try to analise the political spaces of ME through public and private spaces that make part of the student militant life, pointing out the conflicts faced during their standing into the movement. To a better understanding of the ME political overview, we set a summary to point out the reconstruction of the student entities reorganized after the military governments, as well as we picture a general picture of this women s insertion in history. We use the oral source as the main methodological resource to the development of our work


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Mirror therapy (MT) is being used as a rehabilitation tool in various diseases, including stroke. Although some studies have shown its effectiveness, little is known about neural mechanisms that underlie the rehabilitation process. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing cortical neuromodulation after a single MT intervention in ischemic stroke survivors, by means of by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Fifteen patients participated in a single thirty minutes MT session. fMRI data was analyzed bilaterally in the following Regions of Interest (ROI): Supplementary Motor Area (SMA), Premotor cortex (PMC), Primary Motor cortex (M1), Primary Sensory cortex (S1) and Cerebellum. In each ROI, changes in the percentage of occupation and beta values were computed. Group fMRI data showed a significant decreased in the percentage of occupation in PMC and cerebellum, contralateral to the affected hand (p <0.05). Significant increase in beta values was observed in the following contralateral motor areas: SMA, Cerebellum, PMC and M1 (p<0,005). Moreover, a significant decrease was observed in the following ipsilateral motor areas: PMC and M1 (p <0,001). In S1 a bilateral significant decrease (p<0.0005) was observed.TMS consisted of the analysis of Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) of M1 hotspot. A significant increase in the amplitude of the MEP was observed after therapy in the group (p<0,0001) and individually in 4 patients (p <0.05). Altogether, our results imply that single MT intervention is already capable of promoting changes in neurobiological markers toward patterns observed in healthy subjects. Furthermore, the contralateral hemisphere motor areas changes are opposite to the ones in the ipsilateral side, suggesting an increase system homeostasis.