121 resultados para Figado - Infecção


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The oral manifestations due to HIV infection are, a lot of times, the first clinical signs of the disease. These injuries may also function as beepers and sentries of the curse and progression of the HIV infection and AIDS. The objective of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of the oral injuries in HIV positive patients, relating them with the CD4+ cells counting and the viral load in patients from the Hospital of Infected contagious Gizelda Trigueiro in Natal-RN. One hundred and one patients were evaluated, where after the clinical exam of the oral cavity, these ones were conducted to the peripheral blood collection for the counting of CD4+ lymphocytes. We observed a prevalence of 25,6%, that is, 31 cases. The Oral Candidiasis was the most commum injure, followed by Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, linear gingival erytema, lips herpes, gingivitis and periodontitis - HIV. The average counting of cells CD4+ of the injury carrying patients was of 250 cells/mm3. We did not observe relation between the presence of injuries and the viral load of the individuals


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Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a relatively common, cronic inflammatory disease. Its etiopathogenesis is no completely understood and several factors have proposed in attempt to explain the appearance, variety of clinical manifestations and periods of exacerbation and remission of the symptons of the lesions. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of local factors, systemic diseases and levels of anxiety in patients with OLP, investigating their association with the clinical characteristics of the lesions. The sample consisted of 37 patients with histopathologically confirmed OLP that were submitted to a clinical exam to evaluate the presence of smoking habits, consumption of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The existence of skin lesions, as well as the time course, clinical form, symptomatology, number and location of the oral lesions were also registered. The trait anxiety was measured by Spielberger s Stai-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and to associate the variables we used the chi-square or Fisher s exact test. It was observed that females were the most affected (75%) and the mean age of the patients was 53,3 years. Most cases were non-smoker (97,3%) and none was drinker. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were present in 10,8% e 16,2% of the sample, respectively and only one patient was HCV-seropositive (2,7%). Moderate levels of anxiety were seen in most cases (78,4%) and 21,6% had elevated levels. The oral lesions persisted in 95% of the cases for a period of 6 months to 13 years. The erosive form was the most prevalent (57,1%) and symptons were reported by 45,7% of the patients. Multiple lesions were frequent (60%), affecting mainly the buccal mucosa, followed by gums e tongue. There was no significant association of the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety with the clinical form or symptomatology of the oral lesions (p>0,005), despite a trend in patients with hypertension to have erosive lesions. It was concluded that, in the sample studied, moderate levels of anxiety were commonly observed, and the HCV infection apparently is not related to the onset of the OLP. In this study, the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety seem not to be associated with the clinical characteristics of the lesions of OLP


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been strongly implicated on development of some cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, the immunological system somehow reacts against the presence of this virus. Among the cells involved on such mechanism of defense detaches the Langerhans cells (LC), which are responsible for processing and presenting antigens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical reactivity for Langerhans cells between HPV positive and HPV negative OSCC, as well as, the relation of the immunoreactivity for this cells and the histological grading of malignancy proposed by Bryne (1998) and modified by Miranda (2002). Additionally, HPV infection was evaluated in relation to sex, age, lesion localization and histological grading of malignancy. In the total, 27 cases of OSSC were evaluated, 09 of them HPV positive and 18 HPV negative. Anti S-100 antibody was utilized for the immunohistochemical labelling, followed by the counting of LCs in 5 highpower fields (400x). No statistically significant difference was verified between the variables sex, age, lesion localization, histological grading of malignancy and HPV presence in OSSC. There was neither association between the immunohistochemical labeling for LCs (S-100+) and HPV infection nor correlation between the quantity of LCs labeled and the histological grading of malignancy of OSSC. The results suggest that despite the absence of statistically significant difference, the presence of HPV in such cases of OSCC can alter the immunological system, particularly the Langerhans cells


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Periodontal disease is an infection initiated by oral periodontal pathogens that trigger an immune response culminating in tissue destruction. This destruction is mediated by the host by inducing the production and activation of lytic enzymes, cytokines and the stimulation of osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of factors involved in bone resorption, RANKL (Ligand Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B), OPG (Osteoprotegerin) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor alpha) between the gingival healthy, gingivitis and chronic periodontitis and correlate them with clinical parameters. The sample consisted of 83 cases and 12 clinically healthy gums, 42 gingivitis and 29 periodontitis, from 74 adolescent and adult patients with a mean age of 35 years, without systemic changes and non-smokers, predominantly female and race brown. There was no statistically significant difference for the expression of anti-RANKL (p = 0.581) and RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.334) when comparing the three conditions, but the anti-OPG and anti-TNF-α showed statistically significant between the types of injury (p = 0.001 and p <0.001, respectively), showing greatest expression in periodontitis. In cases of periodontitis, the variable clinical attachment loss (PIC) was statistically significant and positive correlation, respectively, with immunostaining of anti-RANKL (p = 0.002, p = 0.001 and r = 0.642), anti-OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.014 and r = 0.451), anti-TNF-α (p = 0.032, p = 0.014 and r = 0.453) and the percentage ratio of RANKL / OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.002 and r = 0.544). The tooth mobility (MB) showed a statistically significant difference only with immunohistochemical anti-RANKL (p = 0.026), and probing depth (PD) was positively correlated with anti-RANKL (p = 0.028 and r = 0.409), both in cases of periodontitis. Only in cases of gingivitis TNF-α was positively correlated with RANKL (p = 0.012 and r = 0.384) and the RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.027 and r = 0.341). Given these results, we conclude that the greatest expression of TNF-α in periodontitis demonstrates a relationship with the progression and severity of periodontal disease and the correlation between all antibodies and clinical attachment loss demonstrates their involvement in periodontal bone resorption


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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy in oral cavity and human papillomavirus (HPV) may have an important role in its development. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the HPV DNA and viral types in 90 cases of OSCC. Moreover, a comparative analysis between the cases of OSSC with and without HPV DNA was performed by using cell cycle markers p21 and pRb in order to detect a possible correlation of these proteins and HPV infection. DNA was extracted from paraffin embedded tissue and amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) with primers PCO3+ e PCO4+ for a fragment of human β-globin gene. After this procedure, PCR for HPV DNA detection was realized using a pair of generic primers GP5+ e GP6+. Immunohistochemical study was performed by streptoavidin-biotin technique and antibodies against p21 and pRb proteins were employed. Eighty-eight cases were positive for human β-globin gene and HPV DNA was found in 26 (29.5%) of then. It could not be detected significant correlation between HPV and age, sex and anatomical sites of the lesion. The most prevalent viral type was HPV 18 (80.8%). Regarding the immunohistochemical analysis, it was detected significant association between HPV presence and pRb immunoexpression (p=0,044), nevertheless, the same was not observed in relation to p21 protein (p =0,416). It can be concluded that the low detection of HPV DNA in OSCC by the present experiment suggests a possible role of the virus in the development and progression in just a subset of this disease


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The control of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants is usually done with anthelmintics. However, due to the emergence of ever-increasing parasite resistance to these drugs, looking up an alternative control parasites. One of this is sought in pasture management, as these are the sources of animals` infection by L3 infective larvae of helminths. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of sheep to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes grazing Panicum maximum cv. Massai and cv. Aruana, and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã and cv. Marandu. The work was conducted from May to August-2011 with 48 male sheeps SRD versus Santa Inês breed. The animals were naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, and maintained in four different cultivars of tropical forage grasses, naturally contaminated with eggs and larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. Each week the animals were phenotypically characterized by parasitological examinations (eggs per gram of feces - EPG, and feces culture), hematological (packed cell volume PCV, and blood eosinophil count) method to evaluate the Famacha© colorof ocular mucosa, and the measures of body condition score and weight. In pastures was made the recovery of infective larvae in order to determine the quantity of L3 present in the pasture. The experimental design was a randomized completed block with two replications and before the entry of animals in the paddocks, they have been wormed. The experiment was ended when the animals reached 32.0 kg liveweight, and then were slaughtered and autopsies performed for the recovery and identify parasites of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine. Results were subjected to analysis of variance, t test and Tukey`s test. The animals kept on pastures of Marandu grass had lower EPG counts, higher percentage of packed cell volume and higher average weight; those who remained in the Piatã pasture had lower eosinophil counts per microliter of blood. About the Famacha©, the highest prevalence was Famacha 2, and the body condition score ranged between 2 and 3. The results of feces cultures and recovery of larvae on pastures showed the presence of larvae of Trichostrongylus sp., and at the necropsy too. This way, it was concluded that the grass cultivars influences the sheep parasite load; the Famacha, together with EPG and packed cell volume are important indicators for use in controlling gastrointestinal nematode infections. The Trichostrongylus sp. was the most prevalent parasite in sheep during the rainy season


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The present study investigated the reproductive dynamics and parasitism of four species of marine fishes: serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Atlantic leatherjacks, Oligoplites saurus and O. palometa,, and Atlantic bumper, C. chrysurus, during the period of August, 2005 to July, 2007, in the coastal waters of Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. The collected fish samples were measured, weighed, dissected, the gonads were weighed and examined to separate the sex. The gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, type of spawning, the breeding season, the macro and microscopic characterization of the gonads were determined. The ectoparasites from the branchial chambers and bucal cavity of the fish were collected, measured, weighed and identified. The sex ratio of the study fish species were approximately 1M:1F, however, there was a predominance of males of O. palometa (3M:2F). The GSI of fishes varied according to their reproductive cycle and the stage of gonadal maturation. The highest values of GSI and the spawning period coincided with the rainy period of the region. The females presented total spawning and the fecundity was positively correlated with the weight of the ovary and the body. Four stages of development of the gonads immature, maturing, mature and spent were identified macroscopically and histological analyses of ovaries revealed the different phases of oocyte development. Three species of isopod parasites were identified in the study fishes: Livoneca redmmanni, Rocinela signata and Cimothoa spinipalpa. The first two species occurred in the branchial cavities of C. chrysurus and S. brasiliensis. The isopod C.spinipalpa (a new species) was registered for the first time in the bucal cavity of O. saurus and O. palometa. The parasitic isopods preferred the branchial chambers and the bucal cavity of the host fishes as these were protected microhabitats. The isopods parasitized the immature, maturing and mature fishes. The prevalence of infection of isopods in the hosts varied from 16 to 21%, though in O. palometa it was 60%. In the rainy period the highest isopod parasitic occurrence was registered, however, this did not prejudice the normal reproductive cycle of the host fish.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that induces behavioral changes in rodents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of infection by T. gondii during the chronic phase in working memory and impulsivity in rodents as well as the effect of antipsychotics to reverse any behavioral changes resulting from infection. Female Wistar rats (n = 40) were infected with 25 cysts of the strain ME-49 T. gondii after 4 months the animals were subjected to behavioral tests: tolerance to delay gratification, in which the animal must choose between two rewards, a smaller and more immediate, but delayed and the test of spontaneous alternation, in which the animal must use spatial cues to remember previously visited arms. Antipsychotic drugs were intraperitoneally administered during the testing of the behavioral experiments, the antipsychotic is haloperidol (1.5 mg / kg) administered 60 min before the start of the session and the antipsychotic clozapine (2.5 mg / kg) 30 min before. Animals infected with the parasite did not show operating deficits of memory, and motor impairment did not develop, however motor impairment was observed only in animals treated with haloperidol. It was found that administration of clozapine and haloperidol increased the percentage of alternation in infected and control groups in task switching espontânea.Não no distinction between control animals and infected the test of tolerance to delay gratification in relation to the percentage of choices greatest reward, during the pre-training and training, in which there is a delay of 15 s to access the great reward, however it was observed that infected animals prefer the greatest reward, when there is a delay of 30 s when compared to control group. The administration of clozapine possible that infected animals chose the greatest reward in the delay of 30 seconds during the test. These data suggest that infected mice do not exhibit deficits in working memory and that clozapine has therapeutic efficacy in improving cognitive performance of mice infected


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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii transforms the innate aversion of rats for cat urine into a fatal attraction, that increases the likelihood of the parasite completing its life cycle in the cat s intestine. The neural circuits implicated in innate fear, anxiety, and learned fear all overlap considerably, raising the possibility, that T. gondii may disrupt all of these nonspecifically. In this study, we evaluated immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in areas associated with innate fear of infected male swiss mice. The latent Toxoplasma infection converted the aversion of mice to feline odors into attraction. This loss of fear is remarkably specific, as demonstrated by Vyas et al (2007), because infection did not diminish learned fear, anxiety-like behavior, olfaction, or nonaversive learning. However, the neurochemical mechanism related to alterations in innate fear due to T. gondii infection remains poorly studied. 20 mice were inoculated with bradyzoites (25 cysts) from a Toxoplasma gondii (Me-49 strain). The brains were removed after 60 days, sectioned and processed for TH immunohistochemistry. The correlation between the amount of cysts per area and the densitometric analysis of neurotransmitter reactivity was low in the areas implicated in innate fear of infected animals, when comparated with noninfected controls


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Urinary incontinence (UI) is a geriatric syndrome that is especially prevalent in institutionalized individuals, and that causes economic and social impacts derived from treatment costs and overload of caregiver. UI also entails physical consequences to the health of the elderly, such as urinary tract infections or pressure ulcers, among other health problems. However, the existing national research on this condition is still scarce and comprises serious methodological biases. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated factors in institutionalized elderly. A cross-sectional study is presented herein, conducted between October and December, 2013 and carried out in 10 nursing homes in the city of Natal (Northeast Brazil). UI was verified through the program Minimum Data Set version 3.0, which was also used to assess fecal incontinence, urinary devices and UI control programs. Data collection included sociodemographic information, UI characterization, as well as variables related to the institution itself and to health conditions (comorbidities, medication, pelvic floor surgery, Barthel Index for functional capacity and Pfeiffer test for cognitive status). Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-Square Test (or Fisher‟s Exact Test) and the Linear Chi-Square Test, calculating the prevalence ratio with 95% confidence interval. Variables with p value under 0.20 were included in the multivariate analysis, which was performed using the Stepwise Forward logistic regression. The inclusion of variables in the final model depended on the likelihood ratio test, absence of multicollinearity and on the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. A statistical significance level of 0.05 was considered. Six (1.8%) hospitalized elderly, one individual in palliative care (0.3%) and one (0.3%) individual under the age of 60 were excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 321 elderly, mostly females, with a mean age of 81.5 years. The prevalence of UI was 59.43% and the final model revealed statistically a significant association between UI and white race, physical inactivity, stroke, mobility constraints and cognitive decline. The most frequent UI type was functional UI due to physical or cognitive disability, and incontinence control measures were applied only to a minority of residents (approximately 8%). It is concluded that UI is a health issue that affects more than half of the institutionalized elderly, and is associated with white race, physical inactivity, stroke and other geriatric syndromes such as immobility and cognitive disability. Most of these associated factors are modifiable and therefore the findings of this study highlight the importance of UI prevention and treatment in nursing homes, which include general measures, such as physical and psychosocial activities, and specific measures, such as prompted voiding


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A iniciação sexual é um marco significativo na vida do indivíduo, ocorrendo geralmente na adolescência. Importantes transformações biopsicossociais ocorrem nesta fase, denotando vulnerabilidades à vida do adolescente, dentre elas, as decorrentes da iniciação sexual, sendo o risco de infecção pelo HIV/aids a mais grave. A infecção pelo HIV/aids constitui atualmente um importante problema de Saúde Pública, estando os jovens no centro da epidemia mundial. No Brasil, dados do último boletim epidemiológico, lançado em 2013, apontam para a tendência de aumento de sua prevalência na população jovem. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação entre iniciação sexual e o perfil sociodemográfico, o indicador de conhecimento das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e fatores biopsicossociais autoestima e habilidades sociais, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do nível médio técnico integrado, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 200 alunos que responderam de forma anônima a quatro instrumentos: perfil sociodemográfico, questionário da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Práticas na População Brasileira (PCAP), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes de Del-Prette (IHSA). A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do exato de Fisher (α <5%). A média de idade para a primeira relação sexual foi de 15,96 anos, com o início mais cedo para o sexo masculino. Verificou-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre iniciação sexual e as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, situação conjugal, religião, renda familiar, autoestima e o repertório de habilidades sociais. Observou-se ainda que apenas 11% dos adolescentes possuíam conhecimento correto acerca das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids. Conclui-se que os esforços para a prevenção das DST/aids precisam ser direcionados a campanhas e programas mais eficazes, que considerem não somente o caráter informativo, mas também os fatores psicossociais já que estes mostraram-se associados ao início da vida sexual


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A infecção por HIV/Aids (vírus da imunodeficiência humana/síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida) constitui um importante problema mundial de Saúde Pública. Dados do último boletim apresentado pela UNAIDS (Organização das Nações Unidas para Aids) em 2013, apontam que mais de 35 milhões de pessoas vivem com HIV em todo mundo. No Brasil, a epidemia é concentrada, com prevalência de infecção menor que 1% na população de 15 a 49 anos, porém chegando a 10,5% entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH). O diagnóstico precoce do HIV se associa a uma redução da morbidade, mortalidade e também da transmissão desta infecção. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência e fatores associados à testagem prévia para HIV na população de HSH dos municípios de Natal/RN e Parnamirim/RN. Os participantes respondiam a um questionário contendo perguntas referentes a dados sociodemográficos, padrões de relacionamento sexual, conhecimentos sobre HIV/Aids, uso de preservativo, consumo de álcool, drogas e busca de testagem para HIV e sífilis. Em seguida, os que desejassem poderiam realizar teste rápido para HIV e sífilis. No total, foram pesquisados 101 sujeitos, destes, 70 foram recrutados com a utilização da técnica Respondent Driving Sample, e 31 com uma amostra de conveniência. O teste de HIV havia sido realizado por 63,3% dos homens pelo menos uma vez na vida. A testagem prévia para HIV foi associada à idade (27 anos ou mais), realização prévia do teste para sífilis, conhecimento sobre locais onde o teste de HIV é feito gratuitamente e resultado positivo para sífilis no momento da pesquisa. A prevalência de testagem para HIV na amostra foi baixa, semelhante ao verificado em outros estudos com a população HSH. Ações que priorizem a divulgação de locais onde o anti-HIV pode ser realizado gratuitamente e direcionadas para o público jovem parecem ser as mais adequadas para a ampliação da testagem entre os HSH na nossa realidade


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This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF


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Congenital Toxoplasmosis results in severe systemic disease. If mother is infected for the first time during gestation, she can infect the fetus causing substantial damage. However, relatively little is known about the seroprevalence and epidemiological and economic factors of Toxoplasmosis infection in pregnancy in the most state in northeastern Brazil and knowledge about this can be essential in determining effective and acceptable prevention strategies. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in pregnant woman consulted by reference Maternity Escola Januário Cicco in Natal, a city in Northeastern Brazil, which belongs to the public health system, correlating to the risk factors involved in the infection and to accomplish active Search in the Hospital of Pediatrics Profº Heriberto Bezerra of the damages caused by the Toxoplasmic infection in children up to 12 years of age. The study was conducted from March to December 2007 and sera obtained from 190 pregnant women were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies avidity to Toxoplasma by Microparticle enzyme immunoassay (Abbott AxSYM system - Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL, USA). Data were examined with univariate analysis. Chi-squared (x2) and Odds ratio was calculated (IC 95% p 0,05). Of these women, 126 (66,3%) had only IgG antibodies high-avidity against T. gondii; 01 (0,52%) had a IgM and IgG high-avidity antibodies against T. gondii and 63 (33,1%) have neither IgM nor IgG against T. gondii. Our studies shown that the direct contact with cats or dogs was highly associated with the Toxoplasma gondii infection (OR, 2.72, p<0.001, 95% CI 1.46 5.02). The years school (p<0,001), socioeconomic status and knowledge about the disease (both p value 0.05) also were associated with Toxoplasmosis. The pattern of risk factors for infection presents regional variations, however our data corroborate others studies in Brazil. In children up to 12 years, one case of Congenital Toxoplasmosis was just registered in seven years (2000 - 2006). There were several suggestive cases, with signs and characteristic symptoms, but that the infection was not confirmed due to lack in the researches through laboratorial and images exams that addressed that it zoonosis