127 resultados para Utilização dos serviços de saúde


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In the case of Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, mental health juvenile reveals itself as a great challenge, with major gaps in terms of needs, services and actions on mental illness in children and adolescents. This research is a qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory, having to analyze the actions and practices of mental health juvenile articulated between the Psychosocial Care Center juvenile (Caps i) and the basic care in Natal-RN, and specific, identify the limits and possibilities for an important precedent of the care network. After submission to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtained approval contained in opinion number 777.067 / 2014. For the data collection, it was initially carried out a documentary research in the Municipal Health Department of Christmas about the phenomenon under study, and subsequently, applied semi-structured interviews with the subjects of the research, which were workers Caps i of Natal-RN. The analysis was woven as the thematic analysis technique, understood within the method of content analysis. The results and discussions were organized by categories and subcategories, namely: CATEGORY 1: Limits and weaknesses in the linkage between the Caps i and basic care, with the subcategories: 1.1 Lack of specialized services and devices articulators in network, 1.2 The diversity of situations in the demand juvenile assisted; CATEGORY 2: possibilities for an effective network, with the subcategory: 2.1 Intersectoral collaboration as a strategy for solving attention. The analysis revealed that the integration and coordination of mental health services juvenile and primary care in the city of Natal-RN, has incipient initiatives and/or inadequate for the resolvability intersectoral, where the devices of attention to health involved cannot establish bonds effective and long-lasting in the perspective of co-responsibility and sharing of care. On the other hand, it appears that the existing shares and practiced, configure an exercise in approximation to the dialog between mental health juvenile and basic care. It is highlighted that the shared care and the establishment of intersectoral collaboration within and outside of the health sector is possibility of facilitating the necessary dialog between the services and professionals involved, thus, enabling a better prospect of resolvability of the Network of Psychosocial Care for the youth in reality being investigated.


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The definition of the boundaries of the firms is subject that has occupied the organizational theorists long ago, being the seminal work of Coase (1937) indicated as the trigger for one theoretical evolution, with emphasis on governance structures, which led to a modern theory of incomplete contracts. The Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Agency Theory arise within this evolution, being widely used in studies related to the theme. Empirically, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has established itself as a suitable tool for analysis of efficiency. Although TCE argues that specific assets must be internalized, recent studies outside the mainstream of theory show that, often, firms may decide, for various reasons, hire them on the market. Researches on transaction costs face with the unavailability of information and methodological difficulties in measuring their critical variables. There`s still the need for further methodological deepening. The theoretical framework includes classic works of TCE and Agency Theory, but also more recent works, outside the mainstream of TCE, which warn about the existence of strategies in use of specific assets that aren`t necessarily aligned with the classical ideas of TCE. The Brazilian oil industry is the focus of this thesis, that aimed to evaluate the efficiency of contracts involving high specificity service outsourced by Petrobras. In order to this, we made the categorization of outsourced services in terms of specificity, as well the description of services with higher specificity. Then, we verified the existence of relationship between the specificity of services and a number of variables, being found divergent results than those that are preached by the mainstream of TCE. Then, we designed a DEA model to analyze the efficiency in the use of onshore drilling rigs, identified among the services of highest specificity. The next step was the application of the model to evaluate the performance of drilling rigs contracts. Finally, we verified the existence of relationship between the efficiency of contracts and a number of variables, being found, again, results not consistent with the theory mainstream. Regarding to analyze of efficiency of drilling rigs contracts, the model developed is compatible with what is found in academic productions in efficiency of drilling rigs. The results on efficiency show a wide range of scores, with efficiencies ranging from 31.79% to 100%, being low the sample efficiency average. There is consonance between the model results and the practices adopted by Petrobras. The results strengthen the DEA as an important tool in studies of efficiency with possibility to use for analysis other types of contracts. In terms of theoretical findings, the results reinforce the arguments that there are situations in which the strategies of the organizations, in terms of use of assets and services of high specificity, do not necessarily follow what is recommended by the mainstream of TCE


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CARVALHO FILHO, Antonio M. et al. Estudo qualitativo sobre resíduos sólidos e perfuro-cortantes no município de Itaguatins, TO. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 28, 2009


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A violência constitui hoje a principal causa de morte em crianças de 5 a 19 anos, o que tem imposto aos profissionais de saúde um olhar mais atento a estas questões, bem como uma formação que busque compreender este fenômeno sobre os vários prismas que a circunscreve. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar a experiência vivenciada com alunos do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte numa aula-vivência sobre esta temática. A aula foi baseada numa prática pedagógica de ação reflexiva. Desenvolveu-se a partir da integração dos conteúdos teóricos e práticos, articulando-os com temas sociais, políticos e econômicos. A aula foi dividida em três momentos: um momento de sensibilização; um segundo momento onde foi apresentado e discutido o arcabouço teórico, científico e legal que envolve o tema; e um terceiro, que visou estimular uma reflexão sobre a realidade vivenciada nos serviços de saúde por profissionais que atuam diante de situações de violência. Nos três momentos da aula pudemos proporcionar ao aluno a inquietação e a reflexão necessárias para pensarmos sobre a violência em toda a sua complexidade, pluricausalidade e com toda a carga de preconceito em que esta se encontra envolvida


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There was a significant decline in hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in children younger than 1 year of age in Brazil between 1992 to 2001. The less economically developed state of Rio Grande do Norte is a case example of the national trend. In this work, we show a significant association between improvements in socioeconomic variables as well as increased access to sanitation and the decreased rate of hospitalization. Additionally, we observed a positive, seasonal correlation between rainfall and hospitalizations. Most notably, however, we show that improvements in income and inflation were positively correlated with a decline in hospitalizations. Improvements in public health infrastructure, socioeconomic variables like education and literacy, and increased investment in health services were important in reducing severe early childhood diarrheas. However, the data suggests that increased buying power and reductions in poverty played an equally crucial role in reducing hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in infants in Brazil. The work includes elements of the demography of the period for the age groups involved, children under one year, women in fertile age and fertility rate


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Hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy (HSP) are configured as one of the major complications in the pregnancy and postpartum period and can lead premature newborn and subsequent hospitalization of the newborn to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This study aimed to analyze the perceptions, meanings and feelings of mothers on the hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy and premature obstetric labor. The research was qualitative and has a theoretical methodological the Social Representations Theory(SRT) in the approach to the Central Nucleus Theory. The study included 70 women, mean age 29 years, predominantly school to high school, most of them married or in consensual union, primiparous and prevalence of cesarean delivery occurred between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.The data were collected from may to december 2008 in the Maternity School Januário Cicco in Natal , and obtained through the following instruments for data collection: questionnaire including questions about socio-demographic status; the Free Words Association Test (FWAT) and and verbalized mental image construction used three stimuli: such as pregnancy with high blood pressure, preterm birth and NICU, and interview with the following guiding question: what it meant for you to have a pregnancy with high blood pressure and consequently the birth of a premature baby? Data analysis was performed using multi-method obtained from the data processing by EVOC (Ensemble Programmes Permettant L 'Analyze des Évocations) and ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte) and thematic analysis in categories. The results will be presented in four thematic units under the following representative universes: HSP, prematurity as a result of HSP, NICU and the social representations of mothers on the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy sequenced premature birth and hospitalization of the child in the NICU. The results obtained by multimethod analyses showed similar constructions and point to death as the central nucleus and negative aspects, coping strategies, need of care, knowledge about the disease, fragility and meanings of the NICU as peripheral elements. It is considered that the perceptions, meanings and feelings of puerperal women in relation to HSPs and to premature delivery are a negative social representation, with representational elements that may have influenced the adverse effects on the disease and its consequences. We suggest action on the peripheral elements of this representation, with adequate orientation, early diagnosis, effective conduct, receptive attitude on the part of the team, health promotion measures and effective public policies, in order to improve the care provided to puerperal women, making them feel welcome and minimizing their suffering


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Introdução: Os idosos constituem os maiores consumidores dos serviços de saúde, especialmente os de reabilitação, tornando imprescindível a avaliação da qualidade da assistência fisioterapêutica prestada. A satisfação do paciente tem sido considerada uma das melhores e mais eficazes formas de avaliar o cuidado e direcionar o provedor do serviço para suprir as necessidades e expectativas do paciente-cliente. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os principais aspectos (preditores) que contribuem para a satisfação do paciente geriátrico com o tratamento fisioterapêutico ambulatorial. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo com enfoque epidemiológico, transversal e descritivo de cunho exploratório. Foi utilizado o instrumento de avaliação da satisfação do paciente com a fisioterapia, desenvolvido e validado para a população brasileira por Mendonça em 2007, com uma escala de satisfação do paciente composta por 23 itens. Os dados foram coletados na sala de espera de 29 clínicas de Fisioterapia da rede privada da capital do RN/Brasil e a amostra selecionada de forma não-probabilística constou de 221 pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos, que realizaram entre 5 e 60 sessões de fisioterapia onde os dados foram coletados, deveriam ser usuários de plano de saúde e ter condições cognitivas preservadas. Resultados: A análise fatorial indicou a existência de quatro fatores com autovalor maior que 1: interação pacienteterapeuta (7 itens) α = 0,901; acesso e atendimento de recepcionista e pessoal de apoio (8 itens) α = 0,888; ambiente físico e satisfação global (5 itens) α = 0,835; e conveniência (3 itens) α = 0,711. Os itens com maiores escores de satisfação completa foram os contemplados nos aspectos de interação paciente-terapeuta, especialmente o respeito e a gentileza do fisioterapeuta. As associações realizadas através do teste do Qui-quadrado e regressão logística binária entre a satisfação do paciente e as variáveis sócio-demográficas, percepção do estado de saúde e capacidade funcional demonstraram que a satisfação do paciente idoso associa significativamente com o sexo e estado civil. Os achados revelam que as mulheres mostram-se mais satisfeitas com a fisioterapia. Conclusão: Os aspectos interpessoais demonstraram ser preditores relevantes para assistência fisioterapêutica satisfatória, especialmente na população idosa que requer atenção além do suporte puramente técnico


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Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) é um dos principais agentes de infecções associadas a serviços de saúde em todo o mundo. No Brasil, há a predominância de um clone de MRSA multirresistente denominando clone epidêmico brasileiro (CEB). Entretanto, novos clones nãomultirresistentes com alta virulência têm sido descritos em infecções comunitárias e hospitalares. O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar a caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de cepas de MRSA isoladas na cidade do Natal/RN. Inicialmente avaliamos 60 amostras de S. aureus quanto a resistência à meticilina através de diferentes técnicas fenotípicas, utilizando a detecção do gene mecA por PCR como padrão. O antibiograma de todas as cepas foi realizado utilizando 12 antimicrobianos conforme descrito pelo CLSI. As cepas de MRSA foram caracterizadas geneticamente através da tipagem do cassete cromossômico estafilocócico mec (SCCmec) e da eletroforese em campo elétrico alternado (PFGE). Dos 60 S. aureus estudados, 45 foram resistentes à meticilina. Observamos que para algumas cepas de MRSA os testes de triagem em ágar com 6μg/mL de oxacilina e difusão em meio sólido com oxacilina-1μg apresentaram dificuldades na sua interpretação. No entanto, todas as 45 amostras de MRSA, foram facilmente detectadas pelos testes com o disco de cefoxitina-30μg e pesquisa da PBP2a. A análise molecular das cepas de MRSA mostrou 8 padrões distintos de PFGE (A-H), com predominância do padrão A (73%), relacionado ao CEB. Estas carreavam o SCCmec tipo IIIA, e apresentaram uma considerável variedade de subtipos (A1-A16). Cinco cepas de MRSA portando SCCmec IV também foram xiv identificadas, três delas relacionadas geneticamente ao clone USA800 (Padrão B). Destas cinco, três (2 padrão F e 1 padrão B) foram altamente susceptíveis as drogas testadas, entretanto, dois outros isolados, padrão B, apresentaram multirresistência. As amostras restantes pertenciam a padrões de PFGE distintos dos clones internacionais predominantes em nosso continente. Para realização deste projeto de pesquisa, a metodologia exigiu a interação com pesquisadores de áreas como: infectologia, microbiologia e biologia molecular. Portanto, esta dissertação apresentou um caráter de multidisciplinaridade e transdiciplinaridade no seu desenvolvimento


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We study the health care focused on care in an intercessor and dialogical relationship with the User, which involves the construction of therapeutic projects essential to the quality of the treatment of the user in health services, and it is necessary individual and collective actions. It is intended to acknowledge and analyze the perception of social subjects, users and professionals on the treatment given to a user of a Specialized Outpatient Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Especializado SAE) in STD/HIV/AIDS state reference in Natal, RN. The study is structured in a transdisciplinary vision of science and knowledge, theoretical and methodological principles that give meaning to the expression of the institutional features of care and health care reconnecting them to the social context. As a research strategy we seek the expressions of 56 subjects of social research, which agreed to participate in the sample, from a symbolic map of the attention, coupled with the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the results, five categories of analysis were established: the meaning of the service, care perception, process of communication and interaction, treatment perception and organization and evaluation of the service. It is argued that the attention and care are developed in a technical health care assistance to the disease, focusing on attention based on treatment, on diagnostic and drug therapy of antiretroviral drugs, reflecting the traditional biomedical paradigm of attention to the disease. This is also the mode of organization of practical actions in daily SAE: the therapy proves to be fragmented in several specialties, vertical and feeds the same model, generating tension and overload for professionals; showing impersonal care focused on structured and informative technology, unrelated to an interactive dialogic. From the speech of the subjects, the SAE is understood as the place of confrontation with the disease, but also enables greater elaboration of the illness by meeting their peers. Living with HIV and AIDS is living with concern, apprehension and fear, but mainly with the stigma, prejudice and exclusion, which require that the disease is kept in secret. There is a movement of forces and power, expressed in the knowledge-power of those who dominate the technical and administrative capabilities, devices that concentrate the maintenance of the medicalization of care, rapid consultations and with little attention, making it difficult to interact with and listen to, combined with structural failures, organizational and inadequate management of the service. We conclude that there are dimensions that are not considered in the internal dynamics of the care service multiple forms, characterized by care conflicting models, marked by individual interventions related to the disease. The subject is not considered together with his speech as technical discourse is imposed and care production based on material technology is observed


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Esta tese versa sobre as cidades médias no atual contexto do desenvolvimento urbano brasileiro e nordestino. Na região Nordeste, o processo de urbanização foi lento, atomizado, geográfico e economicamente disperso, o que resultou numa rede urbana truncada, constituída principalmente por suas nove capitais regionais e cerca de duas dezenas de cidades de porte médio, em sua maioria, interiorizadas. Foi a partir dessa rede urbana nordestina interiorizada que nos propomos a estudar Pau dos Ferros, no Rio Grande do Norte e o papel que ela desempenha na rede urbana nordestina e potiguar. Compreender os determinantes da produção do espaço urbano-regional de Pau dos Ferros que o caracterizam como cidade média, com fins a refletir sobre o seu papel no desenvolvimento regional foi o objetivo geral desta pesquisa. Nossa hipótese é que, a despeito de um contingente populacional pequeno, Pau dos Ferros vem desempenhando na rede urbana do Nordeste e do Rio Grande do Norte as funções de cidade média, particularmente, na oferta dos serviços de educação superior e saúde, além da oferta de empregos, notadamente no comércio e nos serviços públicos, o que nos permitiu tratá-la à priori, a partir do conceito de cidade (inter) média. Para esta investigação, partimos da proposta de estudo e do pensamento de autores como Faria (1978), Benko (1999) e Brandão (2007), os quais propõem o estudo do urbano a partir de situações concretas que permitam compreender os fenomenos em sua múltiplas causalidades. Dessa forma, o fio condutor desta análise foi o modo como vem se reconfigurando as cidades médias e como essa reconfiguração tem afetado de diferentes formas as relações entre as cidades e entre as cidades e as regiões. Os resultados das análises apontaram que os investimentos públicos em saúde e educação têm contribuído para a atração de investimentos privados em suas respectivas áreas, e também em outras, o que tem ajudado a dinamizar a economia da cidade, inclusive modificado parcialmente sua estrutura ocupacional. Pau dos Ferros se destacou como um polo comercial e de serviços na rede urbana potiguar, formando um outlier no Alto Oeste, organizando uma bacia de empregos na sua área de influência que constatamos ser composta por 55 municípios do RN, CE e PB. Ao se consolidar como polo regional na oferta dos serviços de saúde e de educação superior, ampliou-se o fluxo de pessoas que realizam movimento pendular para trabalho e estudo. Em síntese, constatou-se que, a despeito do pequeno contingente populacional, a configuração urbano-regional de Pau dos Ferros, tanto em termos de sua dinâmica urbana, como de sua abrangência regional, fazem dela uma cidade média na rede urbana nordestina interiorizada


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Comprehending social representations of users relatives of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) from Natal-RN, about their participation in the activities of these services, was the purpose of this study. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview, led to 28 relatives of users of East and West CAPS II, East and North CAPS-ad, involved in the Relative Therapeutic Group, in Relative Meeting, in the Assembly of Users, Technicians and Relatives, according to the therapeutic schedule of each health services, between August to November 2007. Data obtained in family and users identification were characterized with the aid of charts and boards in absolute and/or percentage values. The discursive material from the guide from interviews was submitted to the informational resource ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble of Segments of Texte), and analyzed on the basis of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory. Most of the relatives were women, married, aged over 50 years, who participated for more than two years in CAPS activities, and a coexistence of more than 11 years with the user. From the classification system of ALCESTE were selected categories, identified by: Category 1, Treatment Improvements and Expectations; Category 2, Living User Before and After; Category 3, Activities Relevance, Contradictions and Suggestions; Category 4, Guidelines -- Psychopharmacology and Medicalization; Category 5, Family Participation and Activities; and Category 6, Therapeutic Conditions Thanks, Tips and Vulnerability. The social representation of the family exists in the desire for change, identifying that we need to promote change by the continuity of therapeutic activities and overcome the detected inconsistencies, targeted by strengthening and by the stability of improvements in living and health conditions of users, experienced in CAPS treatment. The central nucleus had corresponded to positive changes in health and living conditions of users, and the peripheral elements were constituted by family conducts before and during treatment, and the expectations of changes in activities, especially in workshops. Despite this family participation be considered important, it still does not meet conditions to promote the inclusion of family, under an emancipating point of view, capable of causing in subject the hope for autonomy, initiative, individual and collective growths, a closer and active involvement in therapeutic activities, in workshops and discussions


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This work is an investigation related to issues of those who take home care of people who suffer from Alzheimer disease (AD). Thus, it is justified by the need to acknowledge how these relatives perform this task and in which ways they do this. The study has is analytical and qualitative methodology with the use of a thematic oral history approach. The subjects of the research were nine relatives of those who suffer from AD that participate in the home care group in the Candelária neighborhood in the city of Natal in Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and interview that was booked in advance and had full support from the care takers. After information collection, three thematic axles were defined. After this procedure, three analisys subcategories were also defined. The first thematic axle emphasizes the so called movement of rite of passage, when the relative becomes a care taker of a person with AD. The second category deals with the care takers strategies, either related to their own behalf or on their relative. It is possible to infer that amongst other forms of help, the care taker needs to rely on a support network, such as health services, groups composed by multiprofessionals that enable better articulation between family and collaborators. The dimension related to faith and spirituality was also observed and pointed out as an important aspect in the emotional support process for these relatives. In the third axle the perspectives of struggle, conquests of the right to health and life quality of those who suffer from AD as well as their relatives was observed. These also deal with dreams and hope


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It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach aimed at understanding the impact of the teaching / service between the Nursing College of University of Rio Grande do Norte (FAEN / UERN) and health services in the city of Mossoró / RN on student s learning process. Hence, it was inquired to rescue and over-elaborate the trajectories experienced by students who were graduating in the year of 2009 the Nursing graduation course. It was used, as guidance tool a questionary with both open and objective questions to support the data collection. The data analysis was accomplished based on the precepts proposed by Bardin. The research revealed a clear need of bond establishments with the involvement of the students on services as well as professionals inserted on Academy, in a way that knowledge can be built collectively and the difficulties can be eased.


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Tuberculosis is considered one of the most ancient human diseases, cases were registered 3900 years before Christ, and it is currently regarded as a serious public health problem in the world due to several factors such as income mismanagement, precarious standard of life and some sort of prejudice comprised by the word tuberculosis. Taking this into consideration, it was developed a descriptive and exploratory study aiming at analyzing the social representations of tuberculosis made by its patient from the Unidades de Saúde da Família (Family Health Units a public health program) in Campina Grande City PB, in relation to the decentralization of the policies that administrate the disease. It was interviewed 34 tuberculosis patient that were being treated from 2007 to 2008. The age group of the interviewees varied from 10 to 60 years old, but most of them were between 36 and 60 years old (58,8%, n=20), some were young adult and adult (21 35 years old), with 11 (32,3%) respondents, and, less frequent, children and teenagers (11 20 years old), with 03 (8,8%) participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interview. The questions that guided the research were elaborated based on the operational recommendations of DOTS strategy; that is: access to laboratory examinations; medication guarantee; directly observed treatment. Besides that, the experiences of the patient were considered in their relation with the family and the different social groups. The analysis of the discursive material was submitted to the Analyse Lexicale par Context d un Ensemble de Segments de Texte software - ALCESTE 4.7. Data interpretation showed five categories for the social representations of the tuberculosis patient that participated in DOTS strategy: 1) the accessibility of the health assistance service; 2) the patient perspective of the disease; 3) the change in the operation of the productive life; 4) the signals and symptoms of the tuberculosis disease; 5) the rearrangement and mechanisms used to face the disease. The Central Nucleus reveals that tuberculosis is a transmissible disease that can be prevented by people through educational practices, health promotion, active search for symptomatic respiratory and control of the carriers communication; these mechanisms should be incorporated to the routine of all participants of the family health groups. The Intermediate Elements, based on quotidian life, as well as the individual experiences of the tuberculosis patient, reveals prejudiced attitude and beliefs that lead to isolation and restriction of interpersonal relationship. Peripheral Elements were constituted by themes that showed the patient feelings of indignation because of the social barriers they had to face in the Family Health Units during the treatment. These elements demonstrate a negative perspective of the representation concerning the accessibility, i.e. inadequate structure of the health service; long distance to the Health Centre, this factormakes it difficult for the patient to continue the treatment; scheduling delay; and limited service regarding other requests (doctor, dentist etc). One expects to contribute for the construction of a new perspective of the health question between the different agents who make the assistencial institutions and formation of professionals, either in central or local scope


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The psychiatric care and mental health are undergoing constant change over the History. The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, which brings up the deinstitutionalization as a structuring in the restorative care process. The Reform has as one of the mainly substitutive services the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), which work from the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) in order to restore the autonomy and restore the dignity of users. The therapeutic workshop is some of the resources used and work several kinds of activities as: writing, handcraft, music, poetry, and so forth. This study set up to apprehend the social representations of helping of the music workshop carried out in the CAPS II east of Natal/RN, from the reports given by the participants of the workshop, using the focal group as technique. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. A total of 16 users participated in four musical therapeutic workshops from April to May 2010. The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of UFRN. The discursive material from the workshop was submitted to the informational resource of Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d um Ensemble de Segments de Texte, ALCESTE, and analyzed based on the Theory of Representations and the Central Core Theory. The majority of subjects were men (62.5%), single (62.5%), aged 40-49 years (37.6%) and elementary school level (56.2 %). The reports were transcribed and submitted to the classification system of ALCESTE, which elected the following categories: Category 1 - Experience in the Word Family Sung, Category 2 - Musical Experiences and Approaches, and Category 3 - Feelings and emotions evoked by music. The representation of these individuals is anchored in the experience they have with the CAPS, lived and socialized by common sense, through this particular social group workshop objectified in music therapy as a therapeutic modality enjoyable. The central core revealed the intrinsic relationship between users and the music, establishing a relationship of openness to use the same while its therapeutic use in workshops of substitute services for mental health. Peripherals elements issues are related to listen, share and experience music in the family. Intermediary Elements relate to the feelings and emotions evoked by music, given her close relationship with it. It was found in the study that music can be construed as an artifact of good therapeutic responsiveness to users, configuring it as an invigorating and enjoyable therapy, confirming the need for continuity of this activity, as well as its expansion into the service