96 resultados para método de aplicação
In this master thesis, we propose a multiscale mathematical and computational model for electrokinetic phenomena in porous media electrically charged. We consider a porous medium rigid and incompressible saturated by an electrolyte solution containing four monovalent ionic solutes completely diluted in the aqueous solvent. Initially we developed the modeling electrical double layer how objective to compute the electrical potential, surface density of electrical charges and considering two chemical reactions, we propose a 2-pK model for calculating the chemical adsorption occurring in the domain of electrical double layer. Having the nanoscopic model, we deduce a model in the microscale, where the electrochemical adsorption of ions, protonation/ deprotonation reactions and zeta potential obtained in the nanoscale, are incorporated through the conditions of interface uid/solid of the Stokes problem and transportation of ions, modeled by equations of Nernst-Planck. Using the homogenization technique of periodic structures, we develop a model in macroscopic scale with respective cells problems for the e ective macroscopic parameters of equations. Finally, we propose several numerical simulations of the multiscale model for uid ow and transport of reactive ionic solute in a saturated aqueous solution of kaolinite. Using nanoscopic model we propose some numerical simulations of electrochemical adsorption phenomena in the electrical double layer. Making use of the nite element method discretize the macroscopic model and propose some numerical simulations in basic and acid system aiming to quantify the transport of ionic solutes in porous media electrically charged.
In this master thesis, we propose a multiscale mathematical and computational model for electrokinetic phenomena in porous media electrically charged. We consider a porous medium rigid and incompressible saturated by an electrolyte solution containing four monovalent ionic solutes completely diluted in the aqueous solvent. Initially we developed the modeling electrical double layer how objective to compute the electrical potential, surface density of electrical charges and considering two chemical reactions, we propose a 2-pK model for calculating the chemical adsorption occurring in the domain of electrical double layer. Having the nanoscopic model, we deduce a model in the microscale, where the electrochemical adsorption of ions, protonation/ deprotonation reactions and zeta potential obtained in the nanoscale, are incorporated through the conditions of interface uid/solid of the Stokes problem and transportation of ions, modeled by equations of Nernst-Planck. Using the homogenization technique of periodic structures, we develop a model in macroscopic scale with respective cells problems for the e ective macroscopic parameters of equations. Finally, we propose several numerical simulations of the multiscale model for uid ow and transport of reactive ionic solute in a saturated aqueous solution of kaolinite. Using nanoscopic model we propose some numerical simulations of electrochemical adsorption phenomena in the electrical double layer. Making use of the nite element method discretize the macroscopic model and propose some numerical simulations in basic and acid system aiming to quantify the transport of ionic solutes in porous media electrically charged.
Trace gases are important to our environment even though their presence comes only by ‘traces’, but their concentrations must be monitored, so any necessary interventions can be done at the right time. There are some lower and upper boundaries which produce nice conditions for our lives and then monitoring trace gases comes as an essential task nowadays to be accomplished by many techniques. One of them is the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), which consists mathematically on a regression - the classical method uses least-squares - to retrieve the trace gases concentrations. In order to achieve better results, many works have tried out different techniques instead of the classical approach. Some have tried to preprocess the signals to be analyzed by a denoising procedure - e.g. discrete wavelet transform (DWT). This work presents a semi-empirical study to find out the most suitable DWT family to be used in this denoising. The search seeks among many well-known families the one to better remove the noise, keeping the original signal’s main features, then by decreasing the noise, the residual left after the regression is done decreases too. The analysis take account the wavelet decomposition level, the threshold to be applied on the detail coefficients and how to apply them - hard or soft thresholding. The signals used come from an open and online data base which contains characteristic signals from some trace gases usually studied.
Trace gases are important to our environment even though their presence comes only by ‘traces’, but their concentrations must be monitored, so any necessary interventions can be done at the right time. There are some lower and upper boundaries which produce nice conditions for our lives and then monitoring trace gases comes as an essential task nowadays to be accomplished by many techniques. One of them is the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), which consists mathematically on a regression - the classical method uses least-squares - to retrieve the trace gases concentrations. In order to achieve better results, many works have tried out different techniques instead of the classical approach. Some have tried to preprocess the signals to be analyzed by a denoising procedure - e.g. discrete wavelet transform (DWT). This work presents a semi-empirical study to find out the most suitable DWT family to be used in this denoising. The search seeks among many well-known families the one to better remove the noise, keeping the original signal’s main features, then by decreasing the noise, the residual left after the regression is done decreases too. The analysis take account the wavelet decomposition level, the threshold to be applied on the detail coefficients and how to apply them - hard or soft thresholding. The signals used come from an open and online data base which contains characteristic signals from some trace gases usually studied.
The thermodynamic performance of a refrigeration system can be improved by reducing the compression work by a particular technique for a specific heat removal rate. This study examines the effect of small concentrations of Al2O3 (50 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in the mineral oil based lubricant on the: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and lubrication characteristics as well as the overall performance (based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics) of the refrigerating system using R134a or R600a as refrigerants. The study looked at the influences of variables: i) refrigerant charge (100, 110, 120 and 130 g), ii) rotational speed of the condenser blower (800 and 1100 RPM) and iii) nanoparticle concentration (0.1 and 0.5 g/l) on the system performance based on the Taguchi method in a matrix of L8 trials with the criterion "small irreversibility is better”. They were carried pulldown and cycling tests according to NBR 12866 and NBR 12869, respectively, to evaluate the operational parameters: on-time ratio, cycles per hour, suction and discharge pressures, oil sump temperature, evaporation and condensation temperatures, energy consumption at the set-point, total energy consumption and compressor power. In order to evaluate the nanolubricant characteristics, accelerated tests were performed in a HFRR bench. In each 60 minutes test with nanolubricants at a certain concentration (0, 0.1 and 0.5 g/l), with three replications, the sphere (diameter 6.00 ± 0.05 mm, Ra 0.05 ± 0.005 um, AISI 52100 steel, E = 210 GPa, HRC 62 ± 4) sliding on a flat plate (cast iron FC200, Ra <0.5 ± 0.005 um) in a reciprocating motion with amplitude of 1 mm, frequency 20 Hz and a normal load of 1,96 N. The friction coefficient signals were recorded by sensors coupled to the HFRR system. There was a trend commented bit in the literature: a nanolubricant viscosity reduction at the low nanoparticles concentrations. It was found the dominant trend in the literature: increased thermal conductivity with increasing nanoparticles mass fraction in the base fluid. Another fact observed is the significant thermal conductivity growth of nanolubricant with increasing temperature. The condenser fan rotational speed is the most influential parameter (46.192%) in the refrigerator performance, followed by R600a charge (38.606%). The Al2O3 nanoparticles concentration in the lubricant plays a minor influence on system performance, with 12.44%. The results of power consumption indicates that the nanoparticles addition in the lubricant (0.1 g/L), together with R600a, the refrigerator consumption is reduced of 22% with respect to R134a and POE lubricant. Only the Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in the lubricant results in a consumption reduction of about 5%.
The thermodynamic performance of a refrigeration system can be improved by reducing the compression work by a particular technique for a specific heat removal rate. This study examines the effect of small concentrations of Al2O3 (50 nm) nanoparticles dispersion in the mineral oil based lubricant on the: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and lubrication characteristics as well as the overall performance (based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics) of the refrigerating system using R134a or R600a as refrigerants. The study looked at the influences of variables: i) refrigerant charge (100, 110, 120 and 130 g), ii) rotational speed of the condenser blower (800 and 1100 RPM) and iii) nanoparticle concentration (0.1 and 0.5 g/l) on the system performance based on the Taguchi method in a matrix of L8 trials with the criterion "small irreversibility is better”. They were carried pulldown and cycling tests according to NBR 12866 and NBR 12869, respectively, to evaluate the operational parameters: on-time ratio, cycles per hour, suction and discharge pressures, oil sump temperature, evaporation and condensation temperatures, energy consumption at the set-point, total energy consumption and compressor power. In order to evaluate the nanolubricant characteristics, accelerated tests were performed in a HFRR bench. In each 60 minutes test with nanolubricants at a certain concentration (0, 0.1 and 0.5 g/l), with three replications, the sphere (diameter 6.00 ± 0.05 mm, Ra 0.05 ± 0.005 um, AISI 52100 steel, E = 210 GPa, HRC 62 ± 4) sliding on a flat plate (cast iron FC200, Ra <0.5 ± 0.005 um) in a reciprocating motion with amplitude of 1 mm, frequency 20 Hz and a normal load of 1,96 N. The friction coefficient signals were recorded by sensors coupled to the HFRR system. There was a trend commented bit in the literature: a nanolubricant viscosity reduction at the low nanoparticles concentrations. It was found the dominant trend in the literature: increased thermal conductivity with increasing nanoparticles mass fraction in the base fluid. Another fact observed is the significant thermal conductivity growth of nanolubricant with increasing temperature. The condenser fan rotational speed is the most influential parameter (46.192%) in the refrigerator performance, followed by R600a charge (38.606%). The Al2O3 nanoparticles concentration in the lubricant plays a minor influence on system performance, with 12.44%. The results of power consumption indicates that the nanoparticles addition in the lubricant (0.1 g/L), together with R600a, the refrigerator consumption is reduced of 22% with respect to R134a and POE lubricant. Only the Al2O3 nanoparticles addition in the lubricant results in a consumption reduction of about 5%.
Avaliar efeitos do uso tópico do mel da abelha silvestre Melipona subnitida na evolução de feridas infectadas de pele. Método: Ratos Wistar foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em grupos de 6, anestesiados com tiopental sódico 20mg/Kg IP e cetamina 30mg/Kg IM e submetidos a exérese de segmento de 1 cm2 de pele total do dorso. Os ratos do grupo C (não infectado) foram tratados com solução salina sobre a ferida diariamente e no grupo MEL (não infectado) as feridas foram tratadas com mel uma vez por dia. Nos grupos C/I e MEL/I as feridas foram inoculadas com solução polimicrobiana. Culturas foram feitas 24 horas após. Caracterizada a infecção, as feridas foram tratadas com solução salina e mel, respectivamente. No terceiro dia de tratamento foi feita nova cultura. Após epitelização foi contado o tempo de cicatrização e as feridas foram biopsiadas para histopatologia e dosagem de TNF-a, IL-1b e IL-6 no tecido. Resultados: O tempo médio de cicatrização do grupo MEL/I foi menor que nos demais grupos(P<0,05). Verificou-se que a densidade de colágeno, leucócitos, fibroblastos e dosagem de citocinas (especialmente TNF) foi maior no grupo infectado e tratado com mel que nos demais grupos. Houve significante redução de bactérias Gram-negativas e positivas nas feridas após o tratamento com mel. Conclusão: O uso tópico de mel de Melipona subnitida em feridas infectadas da pele de ratos estimulou a resposta imunológica, reduziu a infecção e o tempo de cicatrização
Nowadays, evaluation methods to measure thermal performance of buildings have been developed in order to improve thermal comfort in buildings and reduce the use of energy with active cooling and heating systems. However, in developed countries, the criteria used in rating systems to asses the thermal and energy performance of buildings have demonstrated some limitations when applied to naturally ventilated building in tropical climates. The present research has as its main objective to propose a method to evaluate the thermal performance of low-rise residential buildings in warm humid climates, through computational simulation. The method was developed in order to conceive a suitable rating system for the athermal performance assessment of such buildings using as criteria the indoor air temperature and a thermal comfort adaptive model. The research made use of the software VisualDOE 4.1 in two simulations runs of a base case modeled for two basic types of occupancies: living room and bedroom. In the first simulation run, sensitive analyses were made to identify the variables with the higher impact over the cases´ thermal performance. Besides that, the results also allowed the formulation of design recommendations to warm humid climates toward an improvement on the thermal performance of residential building in similar situations. The results of the second simulation run was used to identify the named Thermal Performance Spectrum (TPS) of both occupancies types, which reflect the variations on the thermal performance considering the local climate, building typology, chosen construction material and studied occupancies. This analysis generates an index named IDTR Thermal Performance Resultant Index, which was configured as a thermal performance rating system. It correlates the thermal performance with the number of hours that the indoor air temperature was on each of the six thermal comfort bands pre-defined that received weights to measure the discomfort intensity. The use of this rating system showed to be appropriated when used in one of the simulated cases, presenting advantages in relation to other evaluation methods and becoming a tool for the understanding of building thermal behavior
Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained
Natural air ventilation is the most import passive strategy to provide thermal comfort in hot and humid climates and a significant low energy strategy. However, the natural ventilated building requires more attention with the architectural design than a conventional building with air conditioning systems, and the results are less reliable. Therefore, this thesis focuses on softwares and methods to predict the natural ventilation performance from the point of view of the architect, with limited resource and knowledge of fluid mechanics. A typical prefabricated building was modelled due to its simplified geometry, low cost and occurrence at the local campus. Firstly, the study emphasized the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, to simulate the air flow outside and inside the building. A series of approaches were developed to make the simulations possible, compromising the results fidelity. Secondly, the results of CFD simulations were used as the input of an energy tool, to simulate the thermal performance under different rates of air renew. Thirdly, the results of temperature were assessed in terms of thermal comfort. Complementary simulations were carried out to detail the analyses. The results show the potentialities of these tools. However the discussions concerning the simplifications of the approaches, the limitations of the tools and the level of knowledge of the average architect are the major contribution of this study
Given the environmental concern over global warming that occurs mainly by emission of CO2 from the combustion of petroleum, coal and natural gas research focused on alternative and clean energy generation has been intensified. Among these, the highlight the solid oxide fuel cell intermediate temperature (IT-SOFC). For application as electrolyte of the devices doped based CeO2 with rare earth ions (TR+ 3) have been quite promising because they have good ionic conductivity and operate at relatively low temperatures (500-800 ° C). In this work, studied the Ce1-xEuxO2-δ (x = 0,1, 0,2 and 0,3), solid solutions synthesized by the polymeric precursor method to be used as solid electrolyte. It was also studied the processing steps of these powders (milling, compaction and two step sintering) in order to obtain dense sintered pellets with reduced grain size and homogeneous microstructure. For this, the powders were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, particle size distribution and scanning electrons microscopy, since the sintered samples were characterized by dilatometry, scanning electrons microscopy, density and grain size measurements. By x-ray diffraction, it was verified the formation of the solid solution for all compositions. Crystallites in the nanometric scale were found for both sintering routes but the two step sintering presented significant reduction in the average grain size
The mixed metal oxides constitute an important class of catalytic materials widely investigated in different fields of applications. Studies of rare earth nickelates have been carried by several researchers in order to investigate the structural stability afforded by oxide formed and the existence of catalytic properties at room temperature. So, this study aims synthesize the nanosized catalyst of nickelate of lanthanum doped with strontium (La(1-x)SrxNiO4-d; x = 0,2 and 0,3), through the Pechini method and your characterization for subsequent application in the desulfurization of thiophene reaction. The precursor solutions were calcined at 300ºC/2h for pyrolysis of polyester and later calcinations occurred at temperatures of 500 - 1000°C. The resulting powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), surface area for adsorption of N2 by BET method, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (HR_SEM) and spectrometry dispersive energy (EDS). The results of XRD had show that the perovskites obtained consist of two phases (LSN and NiO) and from 700ºC have crystalline structure. The results of SEM evidenced the obtainment of nanometric powders. The results of BET show that the powders have surface area within the range used in catalysis (5-50m2/g). The characterization of active sites was performed by reaction of desulfurization of thiophene at room temperature and 200ºC, the relation F/W equal to 0,7 mol h-1mcat -1. The products of the reaction were separated by gas chromatography and identified by the selective detection PFPD sulfur. All samples had presented conversion above 95%
Continuous Synthesis by Solution Combustion was employed in this work aiming to obtain tin dioxide nanostructured. Basically, a precursor solution is prepared and then be atomized and sprayed into the flame, where its combustion occurs, leading to the formation of particles. This is a recent technique that shows an enormous potential in oxides deposition, mainly by the low cost of equipment and precursors employed. The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanostructured has been widely used in various applications, especially as gas sensors and varistors. In the case of sensors based on semiconducting ceramics, where surface reactions are responsible for the detection of gases, the importance of surface area and particle size is even greater. The preference for a nanostructured material is based on its significant increase in surface area compared to conventional microcrystalline powders and small particle size, which may benefit certain properties such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal stability, mechanical and chemical. In this work, were employed as precursor solution tin chloride dehydrate diluted in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Were utilized molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 with the purpose of investigate its influence in the microstructure of produced powder. The solution precursor flux was 3 mL/min. Analysis with X-ray diffraction appointed that a solution precursor with molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 leads to crystalline powder with single phase and all peaks are attributed to phase SnO2. Parameters as distance from the flame with atomizer distance from the capture system with the pilot, molar ratio and solution flux doesn t affect the presence of tin dioxide in the produced powder. In the characterization of the obtained powder techniques were used as thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodiferential analysis (DTA), particle size by laser diffraction (GDL), crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET) and electrical conductivity analysis. The techniques used revealed that the SnO2 exhibits behavior of a semiconductor material, and a potentially promising material for application as varistor and sensor systems for gas
In the ceramics industry are becoming more predominantly inorganic nature pigments. Studies in this area allow you to develop pigments with more advanced properties and qualities to be used in the industrial context. Studies on synthesis and characterization of cobalt aluminate has been widely researched, cobalt aluminate behavior at different temperatures of calcinations, highlighting especially the temperatures of 700, 800 and 900° C that served as a basis in the development of this study, using the method of polymerization of complex (CPM), economic, and this method applied in ceramic pigment synthesis. The procedure was developed from a fractional factorial design 2 (5-2) in order to optimize the process of realization of the cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4), having as response surfaces the batch analysis data of Uv-vis spectroscopy conducted from the statistic software 7.0, for this were chosen five factors as input variables: citric acid (stoichiometric manner), puff or pyrolysis time (h), temperature (° C), and calcinations (° C/min), at levels determined for this study. By applying statistics in the process of obtaining the CoAl2O4 is possible the study of these factors and which may have greater influence in getting the synthesis. The pigments characterized TG/DSC analyses, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) in order to establish the structural and morphological aspects of pigment CoAl2O4, among the factors studied it were found to statically with increasing calcinations temperature 700°< 800 <900 °C, the bands of Uv-vis decrease with increasing intensity of absorbance and that with increasing time of puff or pyrolysis (h) there is an increase in bands of Uv-vis proportionally, the generated model set for the conditions proposed in this study because the coefficient of determination can explain about 99.9% of the variance (R²), response surfaces generated were satisfactory, so it s possible applicability in the ceramics industry of pigments
The present work deals with the synthesis of materials with perovskite structure with the intention of using them as cathodes in fuel cells SOFC type. The perovskite type materials were obtained by chemical synthesis method, using gelatin as the substituent of citric acid and ethylene glycol, and polymerizing acting as chelating agent. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared, scanning electron microscopy with EDS, surface area determination by the BET method and Term Reduction Program, TPR. The compounds were also characterized by electrical conductivity for the purpose of observing the possible application of this material as a cathode for fuel cells, solid oxide SOFC. The method using gelatin and polymerizing chelating agent for the preparation of materials with the perovskite structure allows the synthesis of crystalline materials and homogeneous. The results demonstrate that the route adopted to obtain materials were effective. The distorted perovskite structure have obtained the type orthorhombic and rhombohedral; important for fuel cell cathodes. The presentation material properties required of a candidate cathode materials for fuel cells. XRD analysis contacted by the distortion of the structures of the synthesized materials. The analyzes show that the electrical conductivity obtained materials have the potential to act as a cell to the cathode of solid oxide fuel, allowing to infer an order of values for the electrical conductivities of perovskites where LaFeO3 < LaNiO3 < LaNi0,5Fe0,5O3. It can be concluded that the activity of these perovskites is due to the presence of structural defects generated that depend on the method of synthesis and the subsequent heat treatment