143 resultados para Literatura e Currículo de Ensino Fundamental. Curitiba. Norbert Elias
O presente trabalho consiste em uma investigao acerca das concepes de estudantes sobre o que um inseto. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que os alunos expressam concepes errneas no momento de identificar os representantes do txon Insecta e que isso consequncia das experincias do cotidiano e de erros conceituais oriundos da formao escolar incorreta. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram investigar sobre concepes alternativas acerca dos insetos com alunos do ensino fundamental II e propor situaes para promoo de uma aprendizagem mais ativa. Os dados para analise foram coletados em trs turmas de escolas diferentes: uma escola em Nova Parnamirim, da rede privada, e duas da rede pblica municipal de ensino: uma do municpio de Natal/RN e a outra do municpio de Parnamirim/RN. Utilizou-se como instrumento um questionrio aplicado em duas fases. Na primeira etapa foram feitas trs questes abertas e duas fechadas. Na segunda, aplicaram-se mais trs questes. Nesta oportunidade foram apresentados aos alunos uma lista com imagens de insetos e animais considerados no insetos. Os resultados dos questionrios mostraram que os alunos apresentaram na sua maioria, 62%, sentimentos negativos sobre os insetos, expressos por palavras depreciativas, entre elas: nojentos, feios, asquerosos, perigosos, sendo estes mais da metade dos alunos da amostra. Sentimentos positivos representaram 20%: fazem bem ao homem, Deus criou, so bons, so bonitos, e 18% apresentaram neutralidade nessas categorias. Outro resultado apresentado foi que 82% generalizaram os animais artrpodes como sendo insetos. Como forma de resolver problemas relacionados as concepes uma unidade didtica foi aplicada em uma das escolas envolvidas na pesquisa, validando assim um instrumento pedaggico que incluiu atividade ldica constituda de um jogo de tabuleiro proporcionador de uma vivncia de aprendizagem focada em conceitos cientficos sobre os insetos fceis de serem apreendidos
This work aims to propose and to discuss methodologies and practical activities for Astronomy teaching in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the primary education and in the adult education. The proposals presented here were applied to students from the metropolitan region of Natal (RN), including students of the called normal education (formerly magisterial education) and of the undergraduate formation in pedagogy at the Instituto de Formao Superior Presidente Kennedy , and also, in particular, to teachers and students of public municipal school Escola Municipal Djalma Maranho at the district of Felipe Maranho II, also analyzing some didactic books used by these institutions. Several elements which we confronted with during this didactic-pedagogical experience were systematized, indicating principles, contents, reflections and procedures related to Astronomy teaching to students of those levels of education. Doing this we aim to make such an experience accessible to those interested in developing a similar approach involving the themes treated here as well as other ones related to Astronomy for those levels of education. The resources and practices implemented here aim to contribute to the effective realization of an interdisciplinary and contextualized education according to orientations proposed by the Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines). In order to guarantee a broad accessibility to what we propose in this work, we intend to make available in printed form and also in an Internet page the procedures, instruction materials and texts we developed
This dissertation presents the investigation and possible interference in the current teaching of physics, specially of optics, in the eighth grade/ ninth year / fourth cycle of junior high school. The context of the current science teaching is also presented. Besides, the following aspects are discussed: the preparation of the eighth grade teachers, their professional needs, the pedagogical practices and the theoreticmethodological difficulties faced by them. Another important issue in Science Teaching, which is also discussed in this dissertation, is the need for an efficient scientific literacy so that the citizen may express value judgment about Science and Technology issues. The data about the context were gathered from questionaires answered by the teachers. In value of this information, lesson plans were elaborated and implemented. The goal was to point out alternatives for the development of a teaching-learning evaluation which would be both pleasant for the teachers in relation to the implemented methodology, end meaningful for the students by adding elements such as: interdisciplinary approach, contextualization and preparation by competences. Furthermore it was carried out a deeper analysis of the Brazilian curriculum references (LDB, DCN, PCN, RCB) and content aspects (concepts, procedures e attitudes) to be executed by that branch of human knowledge, aiming at a really Contextualized Science Teaching, qualified and pleasant for the eighth grade level. It is also presented in this paper the profile or the Professional which teach this level at state public schools in Russas, state of Cear, Vale do Jaguaribe Region. The efficacy of the lesson plans were also analysed by using evaluation procedures with the eighth grade students of the following schools: CAIC Senador Carlos Jereissati and EEF Manuel Matoso Filho, from which the concepts acquired during the implementation of the classes became evident in the students
This work analyzes the behavior of the adversative connectors in the speech of the user of Natal, with views to suggest implications for the grammar teaching in the high school Portuguese languages classes. It is an investigation that sits on the functionalist paradigm, specifically in the protected ideas for Givn. For so much, data of situations of speech from the corpus Discurso e gramtica lingual falada e escrita da cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998). The sample embraces a total of forty interviews, of which the occurrences are cut out whose registrations mark the existence of adversatives constructions in narratives of personal experience and in the opinion reports, modality of oral language, of the mentioned database. The work revisits authors of the grammar, Cunha (1986); Bechara (2006); Perini (2006), among others; authors that contemplate referring approaches to the use of opposition connectors as: Barreto (1999); Tavares (2003); Longhin (2003); Silva (2005); Rocha (2006); Neves (2000, 2006). The results of the panoramic analysis reveal as adversity connectors in use for the habitant of Natal, for recurrence order, the mas, e, a, agora, s que, no entanto and j. Analyzed the results, the same ones are compared with the treatment presented by the traditional grammar, with application of functional iconicity principle, markdness principle and the prototype of the category is chosen. In the differentiated analysis of the item " agora ", structural profile of the constructions is analyzed that involve the item, semantic profile, times, manners and aspects of the verbs that they wrap up in the constructions in reference, trajectory of grammaticalization and comparison with the prototype of the category. Finally, they are suggested implications of whole the study for the teaching of Portuguese language, in the high school classes
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico
According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gesto Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable
Este estudio analiza los efectos de la poltica de financiamiento de la educacin bsica, por intermedio de los Fundos contables, Fundef y Fundeb, y su proposicin en valorar el magisterio, considerando las dimensiones de carrera y de la remuneracin de los profesores de la red pblica estadal de enseanza del estado de Rio Grande do Norte, en el perodo entre 1996 y 2010. Para entender las condicionantes de la evaluacin de las polticas pblicas, se busc tambin las contribuciones de Marx (1996) segundo quin el concreto es concreto y que la dialctica del concreto se puede auxiliar en el intento de captar el fenmeno estudiado. Se utiliz an, el referencial terico bibliogrfico relacionado al financiamiento de la educacin y a la valoracin del magisterio, a partir de la literatura referente a las dimensiones del objeto (fundef y Fundeb) y (carrera y remuneracin). En la investigacin documental, adems de las legislaciones, directrices nacionales y locales pertinentes, se utilizaron datos referentes a los recursos disponibles en la Finbra. Tesoro Nacional, SIOPE/RN, INEP/MEC, datos de resumen del folio y folio de pagamiento de Secretaria de Estado, de la Educacin e de la Cultura (SEEC), y 289 sueldos de 21 profesores. Se realiz entrevista semi estructurada con nueve profesores, referente a la carrera, adems de un cuestionario aplicado a 12 profesores relacionado a remuneracin. Se considera que en los resultados referentes a los indicadores educacionales, en el perodo Fundef ocurri una reduccin en las inscripciones de la red pblica de enseanza, como tambin en las funciones docentes, de la enseanza base (fundamental), que corresponde a 37%. A partir de la vigencia del Fundeb (2007 2010), estos indicadores fueron puestos en ecuacin. En todo el perodo entre 1996 a 2010, ocurre un aumento en las inscripciones de 119,03% y en las funciones docentes de 77,44%. Sobre los datos de financiamiento, se constat que, del mnimo exigido (60%) en la aplicacin de recursos de los Fundos en la remuneracin del magisterio se aplica en el perodo de los dos Fundos, pero el mnimo exigido, o sea, 83,29% a 98,89% de los recursos. Los efectos de los Fundos en la carrera de los nueve profesores, considerando la promocin y la progresin, no han sido satisfactorios. En la promocin de los nueve de estos docentes, apenas uno evolucion el Nivel (titulacin), pero retrocedi en la progresin. En la progresin de los nueve profesores, ocho se hallan con la progresin retrasada, entre dos y cinco clases, acumulando un perjuicio que vara de 10% a 45% en su ganancia. La diferencia de una clase a otra corresponde a 5% en la renta anual. Se observa que las ventajas pecuniarias contribuyen con la remuneracin con porcentaje ms alto que la renta, disminuyendo esta diferencia en el perodo de Fundeb. Sobre la remuneracin, un profesor con 24 aos de carrera, con formacin (magisterio), no consigue, despus de aos de profesin, ganar ni siquiera dos salarios mnimos. El profesor con 30 aos de carrera, con maestra, tiene una renta, en 2010, correspondiente a menos de tres salarios mnimos, o sea, 2,82 y una remuneracin que equivale a poco ms de tres salarios mnimos, o sea, 3,66. Si comparamos la profesin de magisterio con otras que igual exigen formacin superior, la primera es, en general, de bajo nivel, causando un resultado negativo sobre la bsqueda de la profesin del magisterio. Por los efectos en la remuneracin, se concluye que hubo una mejora, pero an insuficiente, sobre todo al comparar con el Salario Mnimo Anual. Se evala, una vez que los fundos Fundef y Fundeb no fueron capaces de promover la valoracin del magisterio en las dimensiones de la carrera y de la remuneracin. Se constatan algunos resultados negativos en la poltica de Fundo ya que tendra que ver, principalmente, con la incapacidad de la referida poltica a valoracin de magisterio, siendo una de las causas, o financiamiento con restriccin de presupuesto.
Este trabajo pretende sealar maneras de cambiar el concepto de que los estudiantes de una clase de noveno grado de la escuela primaria en la Escuela de Estado Dr. Jos Gonalves de Medeiros, en la ciudad de Acari-RN, tienen de s mismos, de su entorno cultural y su capacidad de produccin potica. Adems, las referencias a las desigualdades sociales en Brasil utilizando como eje motivador de leer la poesa de Conceio Evaristo relacionada con la memoria, la lucha y la apreciacin de ascendencia africana. Las aportaciones tericas sobre la situacin socio-interaccionismo, la poesa, la poesa en la escuela y la secuencia didctica colaboran para afirmar que el estudiante de escuela pblica en su discurso revela influencia del entorno familiar, social y cultural, sino tambin el entorno educativo, as como los primeros signos de sentimiento nacional: una mayora excluida. Su poesa haciendo tiene sus races en el entorno socio-cultural y geogrfica, lo que denota un principio revuelta, sin embargo, con el reconocimiento de las contribuciones de las clases desfavorecidas para la construccin de nuestro pas, el estudiante tiene otras cuestiones, como el mestizo, la identificacin frica y el orgullo de su origen, la memoria y la cultura. Por lo tanto, se confirmam la relacin rizomticas entre las dos realidades. La eleccin de la investigacin de intervencin, en la confluencia con la investigacin-accin y la investigacin participativa se debe al hecho de que el intercambio de experiencias en la investigacin cientfica es rica y significativa. Con el uso de una secuencia didctica, cuyo eje sentir la poesa, analizar textos y hacer poesa, el estudiante es llevado a la percepcin de las ventanas del universo contenida en este gnero literario, que es una herramienta comunicativa que ofrece numerosas posibilidades expresin, conocimiento del otro y reconocer mutuamente.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los saberes y las perspectivas docentes en torno al currculum de una escuela pblica rural de Enseanza Fundamental del Ro Grande do Norte considerando, sobre todo, los debates sobre la Educacin en el Campo en Souza (2006, 2007), Arroyo, Caldart y Molina (2004) y Fernandes (2002, 2004). La propuesta surge como alternativa para la elaboracin de proposiciones curriculares para mejorar la calidad de la enseanza en esas escuelas, segn las caractersticas especficas de la educacin escolar en contexto rural, en la expectativa de que esta sea un elemento para el desarrollo local y global de las comunidades rurales. La fundamentacin terica para responder a la investigacin, se respalda en las consideraciones sobre los saberes docentes teniendo en cuenta las lecturas de Gauthier (1998), Tardif (2011), Pimenta (2009), Paulo Freire (1996), Nvoa (2007, 2008) y las referencias sobre el currculum crtico y postcrtico discutidas en Giroux (1997), Silva (1999), Moreira (2008), Moreira y Candau (2003, 2010), Sacristn (2000) e Sacristn e Gmez (1998). La referencia emprica se constituye de una escuela pblica de una comunidad rural en el municipio de So Jos de Mipibu-RN. Los sujetos sociales de la investigacin son cuatro profesores(as) que trabajan en los aos iniciales de la Enseanza Fundamental. Se recurri a la investigacin etnogrfica fundamentada en los estudios de Ldke y Andr (1986), Sandn Estebn (2010) y Gil (2007), una vez que el anlisis del cotidiano escolar, bajo el mirar etnogrfico, a travs de los procedimientos de la observacin participante y de la entrevista semiestructurada, permite el contacto directo del investigador con el ambiente en estudio, registra el no documentado, y percibe la institucin escolar como espacio cultural, caracterizando varios grados de acomodacin, contestacin y resistencia inmersos en una pluralidad de lenguajes y objetivos conflictivos. Las observaciones hechas en la clase y las enseanzas de los profesores y profesoras permiten comprender que los saberes y perspectivas docentes, a partir de las experiencias del profesorado, lanzan expectativas socioprofesionales sobre la docencia e intensifican el papel fundamental del docente en la construccin de los saberes, de las prcticas y concepciones del mundo rural, de la escuela rural y de la funcin social de esta. Los hallazgos de la investigacin con los profesores sobre el contexto rural apuntan para la necesidad en problematizar verdades socialmente construidas, bajo la orientacin de una racionalidad que reconozca el espacio rural como productor de la existencia. A partir de los anlisis construidos, se pudo reconocer la necesidad de una poltica de formacin conceptual especfica para el profesorado de las escuelas rurales, anclada en el concepto histricocultural del rural. Tambin se reitera la urgencia permanente y continuada en revisar los procesos de formacin, vividos en la escuela, que contemplen las peculiaridades de la enseanza rural, en una visin contrahegemnica del urbanocentrismo, a partir de un anlisis crtico sobre el marco legal de la Educacin del Campo.
This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.
This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.
O contedo de cincias no Ensino Fundamental dos ciclos I e II ministrado por um professor polivalente com formao em Pedagogia. Sua formao deve possibilitar uma viso global do fenmeno educativo, o que implica a construo de conhecimentos mltiplos e contextualizados, porm com pouco aprofundamento. Este trabalho objetiva identificar as opinies e dificuldades de licenciandos de Pedagogia a respeito dos contedos de Cincias nos dois primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, mediado por dois questionamentos: Com relao aos contedos de cincias ministrados no I e II ciclos, voc os considera fcil ou difcil? Sendo solicitado que justificasse sua resposta; De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre cincias, cite as principais dificuldades que voc teria (tem/teve) em ensinar cincias nos ciclos I e II. Participaram do estudo 29 licenciandas da turma de Ensino das Cincias Naturais II do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relao ao questionamento referente considerao dos contedos de cincias, 52% das licenciandas consideraram fcil, 31% difcil e 17% no responderam a questo. Foram identificadas trs categorias de respostas: processo de elaborao do planejamento (20,5% fcil e 20,5% difcil), nvel de conhecimento dos alunos (7% fcil e 0% difcil) e natureza dos contedos abordados (14% fcil e 10,5% difcil). Foram classificadas trs categorias distintas em relao s dificuldades em ensinar cincias: natureza dos contedos abordados (50%), aspectos metodolgicos (25%), e conhecimento bsico (25%). A anlise dos resultados revelou que a principal dificuldade das licenciandas em Pedagogia quanto aplicabilidade do ensino de cincias nos primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental esta diretamente relacionada falta de conhecimento bsico destes contedos, que somente foram estudados por elas no Ensino Bsico, indicando a necessidade de incorporao de abordagens de contedos de cincias no currículo do curso de Pedagogia.
At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity
The broad objective of the research The pedagogic use of ICT as development of teaching capacity: the case of ProInfo Natal/RN was to realize an evaluation of this program effectiveness in public schools. Specifically, we ve tried to observe if the program: a) succeeded by promoting the pedagogical use of new ICTs, b) stimulated the improvement of teaching and learning using ICT, and c) performed functionings and expanding its capabilities. The methodology consisted of literature revision; realization of half-structured interviews with administrators and teachers, and leading four focal groups with students in 9th grade of elementary school, were also made observations and analysis about the official documents which regulates the program. Our results showed that ProInfo presents various interferences in its effectiveness, causing a gap between its marks and the actual results of its use in everyday life of schools. We ve concluded that the program needs to challenge these weaknesses in order to contribute to the promotion of functionings and expanding its capabilities
The 1988 Constitution was the legal marc to define changes in Brazilian State with major importance to the layout of public politician. In that moment of redefinitions e openness to new ways the redemocratization, participation and decentralization of public school had as their starter the elementary school. This work focus on the manage of FUNDESCOLA, particularly one of its politics called PDE (Educational Development Plan) wich purpose is guarantee a better quality in teaching and spread out democracy throughout its methodology. It was chosen two public schools: Professor Ulisses de Gis and Antonio Campos. The theoretical and methodological orientation is based on the theory of participative democracy developed by authors such as Putnam and Pateman. They says that a cultural background precedes individual participation in society. The collected data (educational legislation, surveys with all sectors of schools and technicians of Natal educational secretary, and relevant documents of de institutions) showed that PDE. Implementation had opposite runnings in the schools studied. In one, as a consequence of bad preparations of its teachers to absorve its methodology, PDE failed. In another way, PDE achieved its goals, especially helping the structure of action plans of the school and the administrative organization making possible several pedagogic activities planned. The work concludes that the main factor the failure or success of PDE relies on the organizational (both political and pedagogical) structure of each school. This discovery implies three important guidelines when comes to formulation of public politicians: a) Constitution of school; b) the local actors who manages the actions; c) the colletive interest in taking part of decisions