80 resultados para Jovem, comportamento


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A iniciação sexual é um marco significativo na vida do indivíduo, ocorrendo geralmente na adolescência. Importantes transformações biopsicossociais ocorrem nesta fase, denotando vulnerabilidades à vida do adolescente, dentre elas, as decorrentes da iniciação sexual, sendo o risco de infecção pelo HIV/aids a mais grave. A infecção pelo HIV/aids constitui atualmente um importante problema de Saúde Pública, estando os jovens no centro da epidemia mundial. No Brasil, dados do último boletim epidemiológico, lançado em 2013, apontam para a tendência de aumento de sua prevalência na população jovem. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação entre iniciação sexual e o perfil sociodemográfico, o indicador de conhecimento das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids e fatores biopsicossociais autoestima e habilidades sociais, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do nível médio técnico integrado, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Natal. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída aleatoriamente por 200 alunos que responderam de forma anônima a quatro instrumentos: perfil sociodemográfico, questionário da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Práticas na População Brasileira (PCAP), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes de Del-Prette (IHSA). A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do exato de Fisher (α <5%). A média de idade para a primeira relação sexual foi de 15,96 anos, com o início mais cedo para o sexo masculino. Verificou-se associações estatisticamente significativas entre iniciação sexual e as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, situação conjugal, religião, renda familiar, autoestima e o repertório de habilidades sociais. Observou-se ainda que apenas 11% dos adolescentes possuíam conhecimento correto acerca das formas de transmissão do HIV/aids. Conclui-se que os esforços para a prevenção das DST/aids precisam ser direcionados a campanhas e programas mais eficazes, que considerem não somente o caráter informativo, mas também os fatores psicossociais já que estes mostraram-se associados ao início da vida sexual


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This paper proposes discusses the theme of the youth and of the violation of rights in the context of the Young Agent Program developed in the local authority of Arez/RN, sugar cane region of the Brazilian northeast. We take like empirical reference, the young people in the age group from 15 to 17 years old that were participating of the activities of the Program, in the period of April to July of 2008. Objectives of this study were constituted, economical-partner apprehended the conditions and cultural of the young participants of the Young Agent Program, in the context of violations of rights; as well as the analysis of the limits and means, of the bases theoretician-politician, methodological and of the activities developed in the Program. In the persecution of the objectives we use like methodological instrumental the observation, activities in group with the focal group technique and the application of semi-structured interviews. As result, we notice that the violation of rights of the young persons inserted in the Young Agent Program of Arez sets itself up as reflex of the multiple determinations of the social question, inherent in the capitalist society, specified in the context of the poverty and of the social unequality that they acquire visibility in the hunger, in the unemployment / menial job, in the precarious dwelling, in the low schooling, for lack of leisure, in the violence between others. The approximations systematized in this healthy work relevant for the Unveiling of the reality of the Brazilian youth, specifically of Arez young people, in such a way that they come to subsidize future inquiries, are eaten by me also it promotes the discussion around the way like the Social Politics Programs they are implemented and driven in the capitalist society, in its neoliberal format, where the focusing and the selectivity is put on top to the detriment of the universal access of the democratic rights. So, the great challenge that is put for the XXI century is to cause to the voices from these which they do and this which build this country, in the continuous and tireless search of the rights realization in the struggle against the barbarism installed in the capitalist societycapitalista


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Checking the conformity between implementation and design rules in a system is an important activity to try to ensure that no degradation occurs between architectural patterns defined for the system and what is actually implemented in the source code. Especially in the case of systems which require a high level of reliability is important to define specific design rules for exceptional behavior. Such rules describe how exceptions should flow through the system by defining what elements are responsible for catching exceptions thrown by other system elements. However, current approaches to automatically check design rules do not provide suitable mechanisms to define and verify design rules related to the exception handling policy of applications. This paper proposes a practical approach to preserve the exceptional behavior of an application or family of applications, based on the definition and runtime automatic checking of design rules for exception handling of systems developed in Java or AspectJ. To support this approach was developed, in the context of this work, a tool called VITTAE (Verification and Information Tool to Analyze Exceptions) that extends the JUnit framework and allows automating test activities to exceptional design rules. We conducted a case study with the primary objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed approach on a software product line. Besides this, an experiment was conducted that aimed to realize a comparative analysis between the proposed approach and an approach based on a tool called JUnitE, which also proposes to test the exception handling code using JUnit tests. The results showed how the exception handling design rules evolve along different versions of a system and that VITTAE can aid in the detection of defects in exception handling code


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Mainstream programming languages provide built-in exception handling mechanisms to support robust and maintainable implementation of exception handling in software systems. Most of these modern languages, such as C#, Ruby, Python and many others, are often claimed to have more appropriated exception handling mechanisms. They reduce programming constraints on exception handling to favor agile changes in the source code. These languages provide what we call maintenance-driven exception handling mechanisms. It is expected that the adoption of these mechanisms improve software maintainability without hindering software robustness. However, there is still little empirical knowledge about the impact that adopting these mechanisms have on software robustness. This work addresses this gap by conducting an empirical study aimed at understanding the relationship between changes in C# programs and their robustness. In particular, we evaluated how changes in the normal and exceptional code were related to exception handling faults. We applied a change impact analysis and a control flow analysis in 100 versions of 16 C# programs. The results showed that: (i) most of the problems hindering software robustness in those programs are caused by changes in the normal code, (ii) many potential faults were introduced even when improving exception handling in C# code, and (iii) faults are often facilitated by the maintenance-driven flexibility of the exception handling mechanism. Moreover, we present a series of change scenarios that decrease the program robustness


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In this work the use of coconut fiber (coir) and bamboo shafts as reinforcement of soil-cement was studied, in order to obtain an alternative material to make stakes for fences in rural properties. The main objective was to study the effect of the addition of reinforcement to the soil-cement matrix. The effect of humidity on the mechanical properties was also analyzed. The soil-cement mortar was composed by a mixture, in equal parts, of soil and river sand, 14% in weight of cement and 10 % in weight of water. As reinforcement, different combinations of (a) coconut fiber with 15 mm mean length (0,3 %, 0,6 % and 1,2 % in weight) and (b) bamboo shafts, also in crescent quantities (2, 4 and 8 shafts per specimen) were used. For each combination 6 specimens were made and these were submitted to three point flexural test after 28 days of cure. In order to evaluate the effect of humidity, 1 specimen from each of the coconut fiber reinforced combination was immersed in water 24 hours prior to flexural test. The results of the tests carried out indicated that the addition of the reinforcement affected negatively the mechanical resistance and, on the other hand, increased the tenacity and the ductility of the material.