93 resultados para Implantação de estratégias


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This study focuses on the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native fish species in relation to environmental variables of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish and environmental data were collected monthly during the period September 2008 to February 2010, in the Marechal Dutra reservoir and River Acauã a tributary of Piranhas- Assu. The fish were measured, weighed and dissected, and the gonads were removed, weighed and examined macroscopically for identification and determination of gonad maturation stages. The results of this work generated seven articles. The first article is about the fish fauna composition of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin, Rio Grande do Norte. The 602 fish samples captured were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic to the Caatinga ecoregion. The order Characiformes was more representative followed by Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes. The second article is about the length-weight relationship and growth of seven native fish species Crenicichla menezesi, Cichlasoma orientale, Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Pimelodella gracilis, Prochilodus brevis and Leporinus piau from a semiarid Brazilian reservoir. The third article is about the reproductive aspects of Crenicichla menezesi. Males were larger, heavier and with a slight predominance as compared to females. Four stages of gonadal development were characterized, being immature, maturing, mature and spent. The females reached sexual maturity earlier than males, with an average fecundity of 398 oocytes per batch. The spawning was partial with a long reproductive period. The fourth article deals with the reproductive strategy of Leporinus piau a neotropical freshwater fish in semi-arid region of Brazil. The population of L. piau (n = 211) showed a slight predominance of males (55%), with larger and heavier females. The males matured earlier than the females. This species presented total spawning, with an average fecundity of 55,000 mature oocytes. Rainfall and concentration of dissolved oxygen acted as influential factors during the spawning season. L. piau shows a seasonal reproductive strategy. The fifth article is related to the morphometric-meristic characteristics and reproductive aspects of freshwater sardine, Triportheus angulatus from River Acauã of the Caatinga biome. There was a predominance of larger females, reaching first maturation before males. There was total spawning during the rainy period of the region. The sixth article reports on the reproductive strategy of Psectrogaster rhomboides. The sex ratio was 1M: 1F, with negative allometric growth. Males reached sexual maturity earlier than females Females and males showed four stages of gonadal development and spawned during the rainy season. The fecundity was low and this species presented total spawning. The seventh article reports on the dynamics of territorial behavior of Crenicichla menezesi. Ten agonistic behaviors displayed by the males were observed: frontal and lateral threat, chasing, circular chasing, perpendicular, lateral and mouth attacks, escape, parallel positioning and stationary. The formation of four social groups was observed among males: without interaction; interaction with submission and escape; with frontal and lateral agonistic interactions. In social interactions between males and females, it was observed that the larger males interacted more among themselves and with the larger females. The large male established its territory and the two small males along with the small female were excluded from the other groups. These studies clarified the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native species Crenicichla menezesi, Leporinus piau, Triportheus angulatus and Psectrogaster rhomboides of the Piranhas- Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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The use of games as educational tools is common, however the effectiveness of games with educational purposes is still poorly known. In this study we evaluated three different low-cost teaching strategies make and play your own board game, just play an educational science game and make a poster to be exposed in the school regarding: (1) science learning; (2) use of deep learning strategies (DLS); and (3) intrinsic motivation. We tested the hypothesis that, in these three parameters evaluated, scores would be higher in the group that made and play their own game, followed respectively by the group that just played a game and the group that made a poster. The research involved 214 fifth-grade students from six elementary schools in Natal/RN. A group of students made and played their own science board game (N = 68), a second group played a science game (N = 75), and a third group made a poster to be exposed at school (N = 71). Our hypothesis was partly empirically supported, since there was no significant difference in science learning and in the use of DLS between the group that made their own game and the group that just played the game; however, both groups had significantly higher scores in science learning and in use of DLS than the group that made the poster. There was no significant difference in the scores of intrinsic motivation among the three experimental groups. Our results indicate that activities related to non-digital games can provide a favorable context for learning in the school environment. We conclude that the use of games for educational purposes (both making a game and just playing a game) is an efficient and viable alternative to teach science in Brazilian public school


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This study aims to analyzing the implementation of the Matrix Support proposal with professionals of Substitutive Services in Mental Health in the city of Natal/RN. The Matrix Support (MS) is an institutional arrangement which has been recently adopted by the Health Ministry, as an administrative strategy, for the construction of a wide care net in Mental Health, deviating the logic of indiscriminate follow-through changed by one of co-responsibility. In addition to this, its goal is to promote a major resolution as regards health assistance. Integral attention, as it is intended by the unique health system, may be reached by means of knowledge and practices interchange, establishing an interdisciplinary work logic, through an interconnected net of health services. For the accomplishment of this study, individual interviews of semi-structured character were used as instrument, with the coordinators and technical staff of the CAPs. The data collection was done in the following services: CAPS II ( East and West) and CAPS ad ( North and East), in the city of Natal/RN. The results point out that the CAPs to initiate of the discussion the process in the implementation of the MS aiming, to promote the reorganization and redefinition of the flow in the net, thus not acting in a fragmented way. Nevertheless, there is no effective articulation concerning the basic attention services, there is a major focus of the attention in mental health on the specialized services, little insertion in the territory and in the everyday life of the community


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Violence is a complex and multifarious phenomenon that has convoked the government to think about strategies to face the question. This work is about one of these strategies proposed by brazilian Health Minister: the Individual notification/investigation Card - Domestic Violence, Sexual and/or others Interpersonal Violences . This instrument is a notification protocol which is been implanted in all of the country. This process is in course in Natal/RN. This work is a report of one research realized in five units of basic health care network of Natal/RN concerning this process about the implementation of the violence notification card. The study aims to cartography all the process of card implantation, discussing the used strategies, the drawn course, difficulties and possibilities as well as how the researcher intended to map subjective process involved at health professional acting at violence case and the propose to use the card. Meetings were held at each unit and a daily fieldwork report was used as research instrument. In this investigation it was observed that notifying violence involves a complexity that is not present in other kinds of notification as consequence of the phenomenon characteristic and health workers are invited to act in different perspective that knowledge and instruments of traditional health fieldwork available does not work. It was observed that the notification card, as a possible instrument of intervention, are considered important detectors from process of work at health basic care and health policies. Depending the way the instrument is used, it may incentive different discussions and manners to offer health care or in other way it can reproduce control and vigilance logics. Consequently it is necessary to consider some factors pointed out at this experience, implanting instruments like this, thinking about these limits and possibilities


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Insanity was victim of several arbitrary acts perpetrated on behalf of the science. Psychiatric reform constitues an important movement which has attempted to rescue dignity and humanity in the treatment of mental disorder patients. Some countries have advanced in the implement of substutive models that work on the construction of a new social place for madness. The model of attention to mental health in Brazil has also suffered extensive modifications due to the wearing out of the psychiatric hospital model. In Santos, a town in the State of Sao Paulo, we have found a landmark in the development of an anti internment politics, through the creation of a dail care service, including psychosocial assistance. It is in this context that it has been founded in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, the NAPS and CAPS ( Nucleus and Centres of Psychosocial Attention), municipal strategies that put into effect the law # 10.216/2001, which estabilishes the gradual extinction of psychiatric hospitals. This work has the purpose of carrying out a study about the historical process of psychiatric reform implantation in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, emphasizing the actors involved in process, their trajectory, achievements, improvements, and the movement s perspectives of achieving the ideal of reinstating mental disorder patients. In order to accomplish this purpose, it was necessary to understand the process occurred at the Municipal Secretary s Office for Health, since 1992, for it was the impelling experience towards the reflections about the psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used for this work were documentary analysis, through reports, legislation and handbooks, as well as the staments of people involved in this process. Through the statements analysis, we attempted to estabilish the social actors identity, their perception, emphasizing congruences and incongruences concerning the history of psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is also analyzed the contribution of Psychology in this process, which has become a protagonist in the struggle for the rights of mental disorder patients


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Learning strategies can be understood as a planned sequence of procedures or activities, selected in order to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of information. Although important to the learning process, the knowledge on these strategies is still insufficient, especially with regard to students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize learning strategies used by blind and sighted students, registered in elementary education in schools and special institutions. Were participants 23 teachers, male and female, aged between 26 and 51 years, and 102 students, of whom 25 were blind and 77 seers, of both genders, registered on the 3rd to the 9th grade of elementary school, aged 7 to 16 years old. The instruments used were: field diary (students and teachers); structured questionnaire (teachers); sociodemographic questionnaire, interview and Assessment Scale of Learning Strategies for Elementary School (students). Initially were made observations in the classroom and the teachers received the questionnaires, with instructions for completion. Then were made the interviews with blind students and the scale was administered with these and with the seers. All instruments were administered individually. We conducted content analysis of the questionnaires with teachers and the interviews with blind students. The scale of strategies and sociodemographic questionnaire were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was noticed that the blind students use few learning strategies in the classroom, regardless of city, series, sex or age. It was found that teachers didn t receive training to deal with blind students, either during graduation or after have completed it, in such a way that few of them were able to inform about the learning strategies the students use, and demonstrated low ability to deal with these inefficiencies. It was also found that the blind and the sighted use cognitive and metacognitive strategies during learning, but those used by the blind seem to be more basic, low complexity, given that the seers have achieved higher scores on all subscales. We conclude that the repertoire of learning strategies for blind students is inflexible, requiring increments so that they can achieve significant results. It is important that teachers receive training to understand the learning strategies and how they positively influence learning


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The problematic that gives shape to this research is the question of the historical process of demobilization of the movement of the working classes in your accented contemporary moment. Their object of study, however, and that it particularizes, it relates to a portion this problematic; it relates to set of determinations that comprise a broader set of determinations of this historical process: it is a set of determinations forged and mediated by bourgeois strategies of management for the conformation of the circumstances necessary for the domination and for the conduct of labor force on operations in work processes for the production of surplus value. What we investigated are, because, the strategies of disarticulation that the bourgeoisie utilizes, under the mantle of subsidies conceptual and interventive of its management of work processes and the sieve of class struggles, to obstruct the union of workers; hamper the movements proletarians. Managerial strategies that intentionally or unintentionally, instill in the social relations of production means to produce and reproduce, activate and reactivate conditions of incitement of individualism and competition between the workers themselves. We shall see, thus, by analyzing means, centrally, from some of the fundamentals of disarticulation in the managerial strategies bourgeois and some of the fundamental strategies of management bourgeois hegemonized with the restructuring productive of 1970, that the disarticulation, and also the demobilization, is a concrete condition, is an objective condition, that is beyond a question that can be "solved" only by enlightenment cognitive, only by formation criticism intellectual. In everyday of the work spaces permeated by managerial strategies bourgeois there elements, then, operating as a material force putting difficulties important for the articulation of the workers, the solidarity of the proletariat; elements that constitute obstacle significant to an awareness of class and belonging; elements act in favor of the atomization of the worker - even if engenders, in the same process, as a contradiction, potentiality of resistance and fight the forces of labor


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Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a concretização da reforma psiquiátrica em natal, partindo de um dos serviços substitutivos que compõe a rede psicossocial deste município. A política de saúde mental tem passado por mudanças paradigmáticas, definindo como objetivo maior o processo de desistitucionalização. Redirecionando sua ação para os serviços substitutivos e não, mas o hospital psiquiátrico tradicional. Nesse cenário os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) se mostram estratégicos para materialização dos objetivos pretendidos pela reforma psiquiátrica. O estudo transcorre dentro da perspectiva materialista dialética. A presente pesquisa teve como lócus de investigação empírica o primeiro Centros de Atenção Psicossocial implantado em Natal/RN. A escolha por um serviço extra-hospitalar vai ao encontro de uma postura defendida pelo movimento de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Considerando o CAPS um serviço substitutivo estratégico em saúde mental para a efetivação da Reforma Psiquiátrica, neste sentido objetivamos apreender as contradições que marcam o processo de concretização da Reforma Psiquiátrica através da vivência dos usuários e de suas famílias, no interior de uma unidade integrante do novo modelo de atenção em saúde mental. Partimos do pressuposto de que os usuários e seus familiares são sujeitoschave no processo de reforma psiquiátrica, por vivenciarem em seu cotidiano as mudanças concretas realizadas, que acenam para um processo de re-inserção social, mas também, contraditoriamente, os limites e entraves desse processo


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Vriesea minarum is a rupiculous bromeliad species, with naturally fragmented populations, restricted to the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is a threatened species, which is suffering from habitat loss due to the growth of cities and mining activities. The knowledge of genetic variability in plant populations is one of the main branches of conservation genetics, linking genetic data to conservation strategies while the knowledge about plant reproductive biology can aid in understanding key aspects of their life story, as well as in the comprehension of their distribution and survival strategies. Thus, the study of diversity, richness, and genetic structure, as well as the reproductive biology of populations of V. minarum can contribute to the development of conservation actions. Chapter 1 presents the transferability of 14 microsatellite loci for V. minarum. Among the results of this chapter, we highlight the successful transferability of 10 microsatellite loci described for other species of Bromeliaceae, all of which are polymorphic. In Chapter 2, we present the genetic analyses of 12 populations of V. minarum that are distributed throughout the Iron Quadrangle. We used the 10 microsatellite loci tested in Chapter 1. The results show a low population structuring (Fst = 0.088), but with different values of genetic richness (mean = 2.566) and gene diversity (mean = 0.635) for all populations; and a high inbreeding coefficient (Gis = 0.376). These may be the result of pollinators action and/or efficient seed dispersal, thus allowing a high connectivity among populations of naturally fragmented outcrops. The reproductive biology and floral morphology of a population of V. minarum, located in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Moça, are studied in Chapter 3. This reserve is the only public environmental protection area where the species occurs. As a result of field experiments and observations, we found that the species has its flowering period from January to March, with flowers that last for two days and that it has a mixed pollination syndrome. It is primarily alogamous, but also has the capacity to be self-ferilized. It is expected that data obtained in chapters 1, 2 and 3 serve as basis for other studies with species from the ferruginous rocky fields, since until now, to our knowledge, there are no other survey of endemic species from the Iron Quadrangle, seeking to merge the genetic knowledge, with the data of the reproductive biology, with the ultimate aim of biodiversity conservation. Considering the great habitat loss for the species by mining, it becomes crucial to analyze the creation of new protected areas for its conservation


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The present work is a study which deals about the stakeholder approach towards the issue of tourism development in a city of Rio Grande do Norte state: Sítio Novo. As a goal, we sought to understand the stakeholders action and interaction mechanisms in the implementation process and, consequently, tourism planning in the municipality. Regarding to the methodology, the study is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach, given the intention of trying to understand meanings and situational characteristics presented by the research subjects. The interview was the instrument used to collect information, and it was performed with 10 (ten) actors of tourism in the municipality, documents about tourism development (Proceedings of the Regional Council of Polo Agreste Trairi were analyzed Sítio Novo municipality incorporates the Polo, and the Strategic Plan for Tourism). The study shows that public actors are the majority in the destination, notes that there is a minimal involvement of civil society in actions for tourism in the municipality, highlights that representatives of the municipality participate effectively in meetings of the Regional Council of Tourism Polo Agreste Trairi, to discuss actions related to the development of the activity in the locality, and attests that local actors interviewed, mostly understand their functions regarding to tourism development, however, do not perform actions consistent with the role they have, which have as purpose the planning and development of tourism. For that matter, this paper concludes that the participation and coordination among the stakeholders of the municipality should be reconsidered in order to seek and/or propose alternatives that gather in a more adequate way the local actors, so that something more effective about the tourism development in the destination could be done


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The Brazilian coast has a wide variety of complex environments and ecosystems along the coast, about 80% are represented by sandbanks and dunes. The coastal ecosystems were the first to suffer the impacts man and places, as the very fragile ecosystems, are somehow altered. Are few areas of restinga well as natural features, very few protected in conservation units. Only in the last two decades the Brazilian restinga have been studies that are showing their importance for biodiversity of the country, though its economic importance remains largely unknown. In Rio Grande do Norte in the restinga vegetation and dune environments extend for almost the entire coast. The dunes are distinguished in the coastal landscape of the state due to the exuberance of its forms, heights and coating plants. The dune system is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of coastal urban settlements, especially for the city of Natal, acting on the hydrological dynamics of water table and reducing the effect of wind and movement of grains of sand to the interior and thus avoiding the burial City. However, the ecosystem of restinga and dune environments have been weakened and destroyed according to the intense urbanization and the knowledge of the vegetation of restinga installed on the dunes are still scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the structure and floristic composition of vegetation established on a dune in the Dunes State Park Christmas and gather information to develop a model of recovery of the dune ecosystem. This dissertation is composed of 2 chapters, the first being: Structure of the vegetation of the dunes Dunes State Park in Natal, RN with the objective of describing the structure and composition of species of tree-shrub vegetation of restinga dunes of the Parque das Dunas and second: Recovery of degraded areas in a sand dune, which aimed to review the terms and concepts used in the theme of recovery and the techniques for recovery of degraded areas with emphasis on sandy environments and poor in nutrients, reporting some experiences within and external to Brazil the country, mainly in the Northeast and dunes positive and negative aspects that should be followed in building a model to be adopted for the recovery of local dunes


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In urban, flooding and landslides are among the troubles that most bring human and material loss. Therefore, this study objected to perform an analysis on the risk perception on the population living in social environmental vulnerable places in order to understand what is the way this population realize the risks they are exposed to and what are the outbrave strategies the develop. The first analyzed area was Complexo Passo da Pátria for the flooding risk problematic and then the Cidade Nova neighborhood threatened by the dunes slides. The areas locate, respectively, in the West and East zones of Natal-RN. Using an interview screenplay adapted from risk perception researches from different brazilian cities, it was collected primarily data on the variables: perception, evaluation and choice, safety threshold, adjustment, decision and participation. Due to the studied areas characteristics the qualitative approach adjusted itself to the difficulties for accessing the areas. The studied places characterize for its insecure situation like selling/using drugs, robbery and murder among others. Due to this situation the interviewed individuals were the ones that could be found more accessibly and available in the moment and the interviews were made in the community leader presence of each area. Through the discourse of the respondents analysis it was able to conclude that the interviewed population is exposed to a high vulnerability grade and risks. However it was identified substantial differences between the perception and risks of Complexo Passo da Pátria and bairro Cidade Nova, because in the first area the intervied ones can recognize the high risk they are exposed to in a more emphatic way to the interviewed ones for the Cidade Nova neighborhood. Furthermore, there is a heavy dissatisfaction for the population of the two places about the city hall positions relating to the present problems in the studied areas. It was also identified the strategy development of acquaintanceship with the risk in the research places beyond a feeling of belonging and affection between the dwellers and the places, yet it was more evident for Complexo Passo da Pátria. Though this analysis it was possible to understand and perceptions and the behavior of the individuals or social groups facing the risks as acceptance and rejection of determined risks beyond adaptation measures of living together with the persistence presence of risks. Therefore, qualitative nature researches emphasizing the perception approach are in the fundamental importance in the studies about risks making it possible to offer aids to the urban planning and management in the implement of effective preventive measures and compatible with the population aims


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As transformações em curso no sistema mundial evidenciaram, dentre outros aspectos, a necessidade de (re) significação da noção de desenvolvimento e a compreensão das modificações significativas na relação Estado, mercado e sociedade. Nesse cenário, redefinemse papéis de atores sociais, que passam a fazer parte da efetivação de propostas de desenvolvimento que se materializam nos espaços locais. Em meio a essa reconceituação, pode-se incorporar a dimensão da responsabilidade social empresarial. Assim, desmistifica-se a globalização como geradora de um modo homogêneo de vida, permitindo visualizar outra sociabilidade possível, induzida pelo agir multifacetado dos participantes da dinâmica local


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Societal concerns about environmental sustainability has lead to the development of ecologically-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides for crop protection. One such alternative is biological pest control. In particular, baculoviruses are well suited as insect biopesticides due to their narrow host specificity and relative ease of propagation. In Brazil, the baculovirus Anticarsia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) is the main biological control agent employed for the soybean pest, Anticarsia gemmatalis. This baculovirus biopesticide is currently produced using caterpillars, but increasing market demand for the product has encouraged the development of an in vitro manufacturing process, which can be scaled up to much higher virus productivities. In this study, three wild-type AgMNPV isolates (AgMNPV-2D, AgMNPV-MP2 and AgMNPV-MP5) and a recombinant form (vAgEGT-LacZ) were characterised in terms of occlusion body (OB) production and infection kinetics, to enable future optimisation of the in vitro production process. These viruses were propagated using a Spodoptera frugiperda (IPLB-SF21) insect cell line grown in shaker-flask batch cultures. Among the virus isolates tested, AgMNPV-MP5 was found to be the best producer, yielding (5.3±0.85)x108 OB/mL after 8 days post infection. The characterisation of vAgEGT-LacZ propagation in suspension cell cultures has not been previously reported in the literature; hence it became the main focus for this thesis. In particular, it was carried out a study on the effect of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) on OB production. Five successive batches were performed getting a final production (8.9±1.42)x1014 occlusion bodies, considering that production is related for a bioreactor with final volume of 10m3. A low MOI associated with a fed-batch process for vAgEGT-LacZ production was found to support a 3-fold higher OB yield when compared to the default batch process (1.8x107 and 5.3x107 OB/mL, respectively). This yield is competitive with regards to the production process.


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The robustness and performance of the Variable Structure Adaptive Pole Placement Controller are evaluated in this work, where this controller is applied to control a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus. The evaluation of the robustness of this controller will be accomplished through simulations, where the control algorithm was subjected to adverse conditions, such as: disturbances, parametric variations and unmodeled dynamic. It was also made a comparison of this control strategy with another one, using classic controllers. In the simulations, it is used a coupled model of the synchronous generator which variables have a high degree of coupling, in other words, if there is a change in the input variables of the generator, it will change all outputs simultaneously. The simulation results show which control strategy performs better and is more robust to disturbances, parametric variations and unmodeled dynamics for the control of Synchronous Generator