114 resultados para Concepção de conhecimento
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) no sistema petrolífero do Rio Grande do Norte, considerando possíveis inovações resultantes dessa gestão. Inicialmente, foi feita uma abordagem com relação as características do sistema de petróleo e gás do RN, com base em conceitos disponíveis na literatura. Visou atender aos seguintes objetivos: diagnosticar a rede de empresas do setor petrolífero do RN, identificando qual o estágio de GC em que elas se encontram; identificar e avaliar as práticas de GC utilizadas internamente na Petrobras e nas suas interações dentro da aglomeração; caracterizar a ocorrência das relações entre a UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) x Petrobras. Para alcançar tais objetivos foi desenvolvido um formulário baseado em indicadores de GC e na PINTEC2005 (IBGE), o qual foi aplicado em três grupos: PETROBRAS, Fornecedores da PETROBRAS e UFRN. Como resultados obtidos têm-se: uma análise da GC na PETROBRAS, da GC nos Fornecedores e da cooperação para inovação entre os participantes do sistema, sendo apresentado um estudo da parceria para inovação entre a UFRN x PETROBRAS. Conclui-se que o sistema é uma aglomeração e que apresenta características de um Cluster. Conclui-se ainda que a GC na PETROBRAS encontra-se em fase avançada de implantação no âmbito da corporação, e a parceria entre UFRN e Petrobras pode ser utilizada como modelo de sucesso de integração entre empresas e instituições de pesquisa. Ao final são apresentados, em especial, os resultados obtidos com relação à gestão do conhecimento para a inovação na rede de empresas que operam o sistema petrolífero no Rio Grande do Norte, objetivo principal desta dissertação
The Knowledge Management in organizations is a continuous process of learning that is given by the integration of data, information and the ability of people to use this information. The Management Skills is concerned to understand the powers of officials in the face of organizational skills (teams) and professionals (or tasks positions) want. Joints are located in the greater context of the economy of organizatio s and have the same assumption: that the possession of scarce resources, valuable and difficult to imitate gives the organization a competitive advantage. In this sense, this thesis proposes a model of knowledge management based on analysis of GAP of powers, namely the gap between the skills needed to reach the expected performance and skills already available in the organization, officials and trainees of Coordination of Registration of conductors of DETRAN-RN. Using the method of survey research could make an analysis of academic skills, techniques and emotional individual and a team of officials and trainees, identifying levels of GAP's competence in that sector of the organization and suggest a plan for training , A level of expertise for each sector of coordination, and propose a model for Knowledge Management to help the management of GAP's identified
This dissertation presents a discussion on the level of risk awareness of students who have welding practice in the laboratories at CEFET/PI, both in Teresina and Floriano. Its main goal is to investigate risk factors involving students, teachers and employees that work in these laboratories. It s an empirical survey, held among a certain amount of students from the course in Mechanic Technology. For data analysis, the concept of risk was compared to the students direct measure of perception. The main results suggest the students must be better informed, more risk aware and more competent, in order to avoid accidents. They also point to a strong need for a more formal and effective performance to assure full consciousness about the risks involving the welding practice.
This paper proposes a methodology for building Information Technology solutions in the form of virtual environments that allow for collaborative construction and democratization of knowledge for and about supply chains, providing tools for collaboration iteration and the social actors involved, valuing its environmental variables and assisting in its development. The scope of supply chains of aquaculture and fisheries and www.redeagua.com.br were the objects of research and prototyping of this paper. AVA Moodle was chosen to create the environment in question by their full fitness the socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience and the structure of existing digital inclusion, making necessary the development of strategies to generate interest from productive agents in their effective participation as collaborators and not just as recipients of content. The structure of this survey work will be qualitative-quantitative, using both traditional elements such as forms and interviews as sources typical of virtual environments, such as statistical reports of visitation and placement in search engines on the Internet
This study discusses the use of information technologies for knowledge management in networks of franchises in the Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, whose management and operation are complex activities, characterized by the geographic spread of their network unities, creating barriers to communication and information sharing between franchisors, franchisees and final customers. In view of this, the following hypotheses were formulated: the knowledge management can be a positive alternative for improving communication between units; and information technology can eliminate many problems related mainly to capture and share knowledge. In general, it aims to investigate, in qualitative and quantitative aspects, how information technology can support knowledge management in networks of franchises. Specifically purposes to register the existence of managerial practices related to knowledge management in enterprises at the franchising sector; to verify whether they have the technological resources with the potential to facilitate the sharing of information; to identify what are the technologies of information and communication used in the organizational environment; and suggest measures that will facilitate the process of organizational learning, using information technology and communication as tools. It concludes that knowledge management becomes a positive alternative, especially in strengthening of bonds of communication and sharing of knowledge between the franchises. In this regard, information technology must provide all the services of the corporation to facilitate communication between franchisor and franchisee, through a single and integrated system. However, they still show unsuitable for more sophisticated technology platforms
The study examines the process of Knowledge Management and Technological Innovation in Small and Micro Enterprises (SME) in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and proposes actions that can contribute to regional development and competitiveness of SME. Presents as technological innovation can help to make the SME entrepreneurial activities with innovative and competitive. Defines the phases and activities of the construction of knowledge in small organizations. Examines the process of Innovation, Research and Development (R & D) in SME. Identifies the use of knowledge management and technological innovation in management practices and social interaction to influence the competitiveness of SME. Covers the communities of practice as a diffuser of knowledge and learning. To obtain the data were used questionnaires with closed questions with multiple choice, direct observations and interviews with companies. The questionnaires and interviews covered the topics of Innovation, Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence on SME. The sample consisted of a total of 13 Small and Micro Enterprises Award winning MPE Brazil Competitiveness, sponsored by SEBRAE in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The assessment questionnaires dealing with the Knowledge Management (KM Diagnostics - Model Bukowitz and Williams, 2002) and the process of Technological Innovation (Adaptation of ANPEI - National Association for Research, Development and Engineering of Innovative Companies). With the analysis, we concluded that the SME perceive knowledge management, but not formalized management practices so as to facilitate the dissemination of information. Soon, these companies need additional supports to direct them to the innovative activities that generate added value and competitiveness in the market
The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Attacks to devices connected to networks are one of the main problems related to the confidentiality of sensitive data and the correct functioning of computer systems. In spite of the availability of tools and procedures that harden or prevent the occurrence of security incidents, network devices are successfully attacked using strategies applied in previous events. The lack of knowledge about scenarios in which these attacks occurred effectively contributes to the success of new attacks. The development of a tool that makes this kind of information available is, therefore, of great relevance. This work presents a support system to the management of corporate security for the storage, retrieval and help in constructing attack scenarios and related information. If an incident occurs in a corporation, an expert must access the system to store the specific attack scenario. This scenario, made available through controlled access, must be analyzed so that effective decisions or actions can be taken for similar cases. Besides the strategy used by the attacker, attack scenarios also exacerbate vulnerabilities in devices. The access to this kind of information contributes to an increased security level of a corporation's network devices and a decreased response time to occurring incidents
The opening of the Brazilian market of electricity and competitiveness between companies in the energy sector make the search for useful information and tools that will assist in decision making activities, increase by the concessionaires. An important source of knowledge for these utilities is the time series of energy demand. The identification of behavior patterns and description of events become important for the planning execution, seeking improvements in service quality and financial benefits. This dissertation presents a methodology based on mining and representation tools of time series, in order to extract knowledge that relate series of electricity demand in various substations connected of a electric utility. The method exploits the relationship of duration, coincidence and partial order of events in multi-dimensionals time series. To represent the knowledge is used the language proposed by Mörchen (2005) called Time Series Knowledge Representation (TSKR). We conducted a case study using time series of energy demand of 8 substations interconnected by a ring system, which feeds the metropolitan area of Goiânia-GO, provided by CELG (Companhia Energética de Goiás), responsible for the service of power distribution in the state of Goiás (Brazil). Using the proposed methodology were extracted three levels of knowledge that describe the behavior of the system studied, representing clearly the system dynamics, becoming a tool to assist planning activities
In the last decade, biological purification of gaseous waste has become an important alternative to many conventional methods of exhaust air treatment. More recently, biofiltration has proved to be an effective and inexpensive method for the treatment of air contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A biofilter consists in a reactor packed with a porous solid bed material, where the microorganisms are fixed. During the biofiltration process, polluted air is transported through the biofilter medium where the contaminant is degraded. Within the biofilm, the pollutants in the waste gases are energy and carbon sources for microbial metabolism and are transformed into CO2, water and biomass. The bed material should be characterized by satisfactory mechanical and physical properties as structure, void fraction, specific area and flow resistance. The aim of this research was the biofilter construction and study of the biological degradation of ethanol and toluene, as well as the modeling of the process. Luffa cylindrica is a brazilian fiber that was used as the filtering material of the present work. The parameters and conditions studied were: composition of nutrients solution; effect of microflorae strains, namely Pseudomanas putida and Rhodococcus rhodochrous; waste gas composition; air flow rate; and inlet load of VOCs. The biofilter operated in diffusion regime and the best results for remotion capacity were obtained when a microorganisms consortion of Pseudomanas putida and Rhodococcus rhodochrous,were used, with a gas flow rate of 1 m3.h-1 and molar ratio nitrogene/phosphore N/P=2 in the nutrients solution. The maximum remotion capacity for ethanol was around 90 g.m-3.h-1 and 50 g.m-3.h-1 to toluene. It was proved that toluene has inhibitory effect on the ethanol remotion When the two VOCs were present in the same waste gas, there was a decrease of 40% in ethanol remotion capacity. Luffa cylindrica does not present considerable pressure drop. Ottengraf and van Lith models were used to represent the results obtained for ethanol and toluene, respectively. The application of the transient model indicated a satisfactory approximation between the experimental results obtained for ethanol and toluene vapors biofiltration and the ones predicted it
This work proposes a transdisciplinary approach that integrates transpersonal psychology exercises with astronomy teaching, seeking to allow one to reintegrate the sky in his/her daily life, expand his/her environmental awareness and eventually experiment the unity between human and cosmos. This proposal intends to collaborate with the supplying of education, which lacks initiatives of this kind, with the promotion of an integration of the scientific knowledge with the human experience that transcends the materialistic and fragmentary objectives of the current educational system. As a result of that lack, the teachers formation is also poor as for an integral and transdisciplinary approach. Besides, we also approached in this research the necessity to propose alternatives so that the educators may work in a more assertive way with the environmental and anthropological crisis in which we are living. Our working hypothesis is that the contents of astronomy, when they are dealt in a holisticanthropological focus and are related with transpersonal psychology practices, can come to be an efficient cultural-academic vehicle, capable of propitiating an expansion of consciousness and changes in the way one conceives the world. Such changes are necessary so that a more solidary, fair and ecologically balanced life may come to exist and prevail in the planet. Part of the collection of data was done through the ethnographic method, once an anthropological interpretation is inextricably associated with this kind of educational intervention, which will naturally include ethno-visions of the universe as well as specific cultural elements. In the beginning the scope of this research was a group of students attending the Astronomy assignment in an undergraduate Geography course (UFRN), in which we accomplished participant observation, half-open interviews and the first experimental practices mentioned. After the evaluation of the first data collected from that initial group, we elaborated an academic extension course, Laboratory in Cosmoeducation, and we offered it to teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles of the fundamental level of the Alceu Amoroso Lima State School, located in the North Zone of Natal. We prized self-experimentation in that course, so that the teachers could enrich their repertoire of personal experiences, stimulating meditative reflections and eventual changes in the ways of conceiving the world and in their pedagogical practice. The transdisciplinary attitude permeated all our educational action, because this approach transcends the boundaries of disciplines, seeking essentially the integral development of the human being. The process has made us realize that the practice of looking at the sky , as a way of reintegrating it into daily life, provokes a process of expansion of the consciousness and of reintegration of the self in a wider level of environmental interrelation. According to the results, the occurrence of conceptual and existential changes of the world vision of the participant teachers was evident, reassuring ourselves of the idea that the interface between astronomy teaching and the practices of transpersonal psychology can contribute to the recovery of a holistic relationship between the human being and the cosmos and to inspire the arising of a more wide-ranging ethics, based on universal, impartial and sustainable values
The subject of Classic Gravitation is part of the actual curriculum for High School in Brazil, and it is taught in the first year of that education level. This master thesis presents a research regarding the subject Classic Gravitation in High School. This research was based in two complementary guidelines of research and action. The first guideline was the analysis of 21 didactic books of physics which are the more frequently used in High School, in the city of Natal/RN. The second guideline, worked after being verified the most common deficiencies presents in the didactic books, was the elaboration, followed by a practical application, of a course suggesting how to approach that subject in the classroom. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National Curricular Parameters for High School PCNEM) defend that Classic Gravitation is very important in the student s formation and that its study helps the comprehension of many nature s phenomena. Because of this vision of that subject by the PCNEM, the 21 analyzed books were separated in two groups: the first one, containing 10 books, was edited before the spreading of PCNEM, and the second, with 11 books, after that spreading. Whatever the group to which the didactic books belonged, the great majority of them let that subject in a second plan; two of them even suggesting, in the teacher s orientations, that the subject Gravitation can be suppressed in case of insufficient time . These analyses points that the PCNEM had produced no changes in the conception of the authors that wrote books regarding that subject. To analyze the didactic books, we elaborated a script which was used as an analysis tool, in which we put in evidence the relative importance of the historic and philosophic contextualization of the subject, the quotidian experience of the students and the interdisciplinary approach, among other aspects. It became evident that the didactic books give very little emphasis to historic aspects of the knowledge construction, to the relations with the day-by-day questions and to the interdisciplinary character of the subject Gravitation. It calls attention the non concordance among the authors opinions regarding the necessary previous knowledge or prerequisites the students should fulfill in order to begin to study Gravitation. The course we elaborated was given to a group of teachers as well as to students. In those courses we treated theoretical and practical aspects and emphasized historical questions and the ones which are related to people s daily life. The course for teachers was realized as an extra-mural activity of the UFRN and was given by the author of this thesis at the Escola Estadual Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti (a state public school in Natal/RN). There were 23 teachers present, from several public schools and several fields of knowledge. The thesis supervisor and the master degree s colleagues of the author acted as collaborators , reporting the participants opinions and speeches. The course to the students, on the other hand, had the participation of 300 regular students who belonged to 6 different 1st year classes of the High School Escola Marista de Natal (RN), in which the author acts as a physics teacher. The student s course was realized as part of the regular curriculum activities, in which three classes stood under the responsibility of the author and other three classes in charge of another Marista s teacher, who participated as a collaborator . The teacher s course as well as the students one were given in two stages, with five hours each. The first stage was divided in two moments, the first one focused on the survey of the spontaneous conceptions about gravitation, in which we worked basically with experiments of free throwing and pendulum, and the second one focused in theoretical presentations and quarrels about universe s models. In the second stage of the course we improved the study of Kepler s laws and the Newton s Universal Gravitation law, and we used as motivating tools some practices involving the construction of the solar system in scale. As instruments for evaluating both courses we used questionnaires and reported the speeches with participants opinions, beyond usual written evaluations in the course for the students. The teachers who participated in the course showed very good wills in realizing interdisciplinary practices; nevertheless, according their own speeches, they frequently came across the difficulty of how to do . From the experience we had in both courses, we conclude that the approach we propose hear to the teaching of the subject Classic Gravitation , supported on the tripod theory, practice and historical and philosophical aspects, is viable and effective. One hopes that this research may contribute in the formation of a opinion, among the teachers, concerning how to approach the subject of Classic Gravitation, and may offer suggestions in order those who want to apply that approach may develop classroom practices aiming to improve the teaching of that subject, which has a singular importance in the formation of High School students
The present study constitutes a discussion about the application of Structured Activities to the construction of the mathematical knowledge, proposed by Richard Skemp. The discussion is based on the research that the author carried out in a public school of the state education chain buy using procedures of the research-action. It investigates the possibility of adoption of the proposal of Skemp in a new reality. It utilizes explanations from several theorists to understand the necessity and, at the same time, to enhance the efficiency of the referred activities in first grades of elementary school when students have their first mathematics teachings. It emphasizes the important rule of the teacher, as mediator to the mental constructions of the child. It presents considerations about the results achieved by the research, noticing the possibility of adoption of the studied proposal even though it is necessary an adjustment of the procedures to appropriate didactic-pedagogic requirements to the educational reality in which this project was done
This master dissertation presented to the Language Studies Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte aims present an analysis about the initial teacher training, the knowledge about discursive genres and its usage in basic education professional classrooms. Therefore, it was analyzed, from teachers of fourth and fifth grades of elementary schools, if the initial training provides enough useful tools to be applied in Portuguese classes, i.e., if during the teacher training process concepts of discursive genres emerge, which of these concepts can be noticed and how this knowledge helps teachers in their classrooms. In order to achieve this aim, it was taken into account studies about the initial teacher training, about the knowledge diversity that is part of the teaching knowledge and also about discursive genres based on Bakhtin‟s conception, which is used in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). This research is qualitative of interpretative basis and has taken an opened questions questionnaire and classroom observations with audio recording data as corpus of analysis. As results of this investigation, it is possible to emphasize that the initial teacher training has left some gaps in discursive genres concepts and usage in Portuguese classes, that it is not only one kind of knowledge that compound the teacher knowledge and, because of this, working with disciplinarians knowledge, specially about discursive genres, is to emphasize one among many others.