74 resultados para Pragmática inferencial
This research had as main aim to verify the motivational quality of music students at four public universities in the Northeast of Brazil, based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This perspective was proposed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (1985, 2000, 2008a, 2008b), and considers the qualitative aspects of motivation. It defends that the individuals have a natural tendency to self-regulation; it adopts the concept of internalizations through a continuum of self-determination conceived in the mini-theory of organismic integration. The research presents a descriptive, exploratory and correlational approach. To collect data, it was submitted a self-report questionnaire, based on the Academic Motivational Scale, translated and validated by Guimarães and Bzuneck (2008), which allow us to verify the motivation types according to a selfdeterminational continuum. According to this application, the instrument has shown evidence of satisfactory validity, with a good internal consistence and correlations from weak to moderate scale. The obtained data were collected from 380 music students, analyzed through a descriptive and inferential statistics, considering a few procedures: frequencies, averages, standard deviation, factorial analysis, internal consistence analysis through Cronbach Alpha, Pearson’s correlational analysis and variance analysis. The analyzed data show that high averages in the evaluation of self-determined motivation and low evaluation in demotivation and less autonomy motivation. Many students revealed strong intention to conclude the course. It was identified less autonomous motivation and more motivation among the students with intention to work in other areas, some of them concluded the final training process in Music Course, and say that they are in this course because they had no other option. We conclude that those graduated in Music Course, represented in this sample, show a good motivational quality. But after a few time there is a tendency in decreasing autonomous motivation because of some requirements of an academic course. In this sense, the courses must create strategies to maintain a self-determined behavior so that students can realize their autonomous motivation, identifying its importance, value and meaning along the Course.
Increasingly, the Information Technology (IT) has been used to sustain the business strategies, causing increased its relevance. Therefore IT governance is seen as one of the priorities of organizations at the time. The search for strategic alignment between business and IT is debated as a factor for business success, but even with that importance, usually the main business managers are reluctant to take responsibility for decisions involving IT, mainly due to the complexity of your infrastructure. Since cloud computing is being seen as an element capable of assisting in the implementation of organizational strategies, because their characteristics enable greater efficiency and agility in IT, and is considered as a new computing paradigm. The main objective of the analyze the relationship between IT governance arrangements and strategic alignment with the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) of public cloud computing. Therefore, an exploratory, descriptive and inferential was developed, with approach to the problem of quantitatively research, with descriptive survey method and cross section. An electronic questionnaire that was applied to the ISACA chapters Associates of São Paulo and the Distrito Federal, totaling 164 respondents was used. The instrument used based on the theories of Weill and Ross (2006) for array of IT governance arrangement; Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) and Luftman (2000), for maturity of the strategic alignment model; and NIST (2011 b), ITGI (2007) and CSA (2010) for infrastructure maturity as a service (IaaS) public in its essential characteristics. As regards the main results, this research proved that with public IaaS decision-making structures have changed, with a greater participation of senior executives in all five key IT decisions (IT governance arrangement array) including more technical decisions as architecture and IT infrastructure. With increased participation of senior executives the decrease was also observed in the share of IT specialists, characterizing the decision process with the duopoly archetype (shared decision). With regard to strategic alignment, it was observed that it changes with cloud computing, and organizations with public IaaS, a maturity of strategic alignment with statistically significant and greater difference when compared to organizations without IaaS. The maturity of public IaaS is at the intermediate level (level 3 - "defined process"), with the elasticity and measurement achieved level 4 - "managed and measurable" It was also possible to infer in organizations with public IaaS, there are positive correlations between the key decisions and the maturity of IaaS, especially at the beginning, architecture and infrastructure, and the archetypes involving senior executives and IT specialists. In the correlation between the maturity and mature strategic alignment of public IaaS therefore the higher the strategic alignment, the greater the maturity of the public IaaS and vice versa.
The activities in labor judicial sphere are permeated by the use of diverse text genres, which are indispensable instruments to the accomplishment of actions that involve the jurisdictional realm. Among the genres that circulate in this domain, we selected the genre minutes of hearing as the object of study of this research, because it is a document supporting the actions, procedures and deliberations agreed, in hearings, by members involved in work-related litigation. In this study we aim to describe the elements that constitute the referred genre in what concerns its pragmatic, organizational and linguistic dimensions. Therefore, we use the postulations of Sociodiscursive Interactionism as theoretical framework, through the writings of Bronckart (2006; 2007; 2012), supported by Marcuschi studies (2008; 2010; 2011), Koch and Favero (1987), Elias Koch (2011; 2012) and Zanotto (2012). In methodological terms, it is characterized as a qualitative approach research (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2000; MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2006) with aspects of an ethnographic work (ANDRÉ, 1995; CANÇADO, 1994). The discussion proposed inserts into the field of Applied Linguistics for it focalizes ―social issues and creates intelligibility about the social practices in which language plays the main role‖ (MOITA LOPES, 2006, p.14). The analyses indicate – regarding the pragmatic dimension – that the genre in focus constitutes artefact that enables the register of actions, deliberations, testimonials, procedures and occurrences established during the hearings and has as its interlocutors judges, litigants and their legal representatives. Concerning the organizational dimension, despite the genre in scope present a proposal of standardized writing, their examples contemplate variations and flexibility especially with regard to the development and outcome of the text. As for linguistic aspects, it is noticeable the presence of lexical choices inherent in the language used by labor law discourse community. Lastly, stand out the relevance of the research lies in the fact that it approaches, from the perspective of the Applied Linguistics, the forensic writing and, consequently, offers contributions to the understanding of such genre.
This research deals with the relationship locução adjetiva / adjective, focusing the reasons for using one form or the other one, in situations where the speaker has a choice between an adjective or a locução adjetiva virtually correspondent and vice versa. In general, the objective is to investigate the possibility of correlation between locução adjetiva and adjective, and to identify motivations for the use of one form or the other one. The theoretical support of this paper is the Linguística Funcional Centrada no Uso (LFCU), which groups together theoretical and methodological assumptions of North American Functional Linguistics, represented by authors as Givón (1984), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2011), and Cognitive Linguistics, as developed by Lakoff (1987), Langacker (1987) and Lakoff and Johnson (2002). As regards the methodological procedures, this research is of qualitative and quantitative character: at first, we did the survey data in the texts that made up the corpus, followed by analysis of each them, especially the locução adjetiva, by considering the semantic, morphosyntactic, cognitive and pragmatic aspects. The corpus is composed of 36 texts, taken from 12 issues of the Veja magazine, published between January 2013 and March 2013. As for the results, in the case of locução adjetiva with related adjectives, this research has shown that the choice of former is due to semantic change, the use of lexicalized forms, to priming cases or to stylistic motivations. It means that the choices of one of these two forms go beyond lexical issues, since there are other motivations, such as syntactic, semantic and pragmatic ones.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.
The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as “concluded”, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.
In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.
In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.
This research aimed to analyse the effect of different territorial divisions in the random fluctuation of socio-economic indicators related to social determinants of health. This is an ecological study resulting from a combination of statistical methods including individuated and aggregate data analysis, using five databases derived from the database of the Brazilian demographic census 2010: overall results of the sample by weighting area. These data were grouped into the following levels: households; weighting areas; cities; Immediate Urban Associated Regions and Intermediate Urban Associated Regions. A theoretical model related to social determinants of health was used, with the dependent variable Household with death and as independent variables: Black race; Income; Childcare and school no attendance; Illiteracy; and Low schooling. The data was analysed in a model related to social determinants of health, using Poisson regression in individual basis, multilevel Poisson regression and multiple linear regression in light of the theoretical framework of the area. It was identified a greater proportion of households with deaths among those with at least one black resident, lower-income, illiterate, who do not attend or attended school or day-care and less educated. The analysis of the adjusted model showed that most adjusted prevalence ratio was related to Income, where there is a risk value of 1.33 for households with at least one resident with lower average personal income to R$ 655,00 (Brazilian current). The multilevel analysis demonstrated that there was a context effect when the variables were subjected to the effects of areas, insofar as the random effects were significant for all models and with different prevalence rates being higher in the areas with smaller dimensions - Weighting areas with coefficient of 0.035 and Cities with coefficient of 0.024. The ecological analyses have shown that the variable Income and Low schooling presented explanatory potential for the outcome on all models, having income greater power to determine the household deaths, especially in models related to Immediate Urban Associated Regions with a standardized coefficient of -0.616 and regions intermediate urban associated regions with a standardized coefficient of -0.618. It was concluded that there was a context effect on the random fluctuation of the socioeconomic indicators related to social determinants of health. This effect was explained by the characteristics of territorial divisions and individuals who live or work there. Context effects were better identified in the areas with smaller dimensions, which are more favourable to explain phenomena related to social determinants of health, especially in studies of societies marked by social inequalities. The composition effects were better identified in the Regions of Urban Articulation, shaped through mechanisms similar to the phenomenon under study.
A Internet é uma tecnologia que revolucionou o mundo, criando novas formas de interação entre pessoas, organizações e negócios. O setor hoteleiro é um segmento que muito tem se beneficiado dos serviços suportados pela Internet. O objetivo do estudo é identificar os diferentes fatores que influenciam ao uso da Internet sob três dimensões: individual, organizacional e ambiental. Um modelo conceitual foi postulado contendo nove variáveis independentes sobre duas variáveis dependentes, relativas ao padrão de uso da Internet. Os dados foram coletados junto a 52 hotéis localizados no litoral do Recife – PE. O resultado da análise inferencial dos dados mostrou um padrão diferenciado de uso da Internet nos hotéis de pequeno, médio e grande porte e como os fatores acima descritos podem ser mais bem explorados a fim de se atingir um eficiente padrão de uso, aumentando suas posições competitivas. Baseadas na análise e resultados obtidos do estudo, são esboçadas algumas recomendações e implicações para futuras pesquisas. ABSTRACT:The Internet technology has revolutionized the world, creating new forms of interaction among people, organizations and businesses. The hotel sector has reaped many benefits from services supported by the Internet. The object of this study is to explore different factors that influence the adoption of the Internet in three areas: individual, organizational and environment. A conceptual framework was advanced containing nine independent variables and two dependent variables related to the usage of the Internet. Data was collected from 52 hotels located along the coast of Recife, PE, Brazil. Analysis of the data has demonstrated the Internet use in small, medium and large size hotels. Some attributes of the Internet usage could be better utilized by owners and managers in order to achieve a more efficient pattern of use, improving their competitive position. Based on the findings obtained from the study, some recommendations and implications for future research are advanced
Concepções de administração e administrador em tempos de capitalismo flexível: uma abordagem crítica
A tese trata de dois construtos sócio-históricos Administração e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexível. Considerando as mudanças do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepções de Administração e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese é suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepções do campo administrativo sobre a Administração e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexível. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em três pares categóricos dialéticos: (i) história versus naturalização; (ii) práxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienação versus emancipação; privilegiando o pensamento crítico vinculado à primeira geração da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da área de Administração foi revisada mediada pelas duas questões ontológicas que suportam a tese: O que é Administração? e O que é Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de três tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estímulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreensão das narrativas, foi utilizada a técnica de análise hermenêutico-dialética. Os resultados indicam o predomínio da concepção pragmática-instrumental, no tocante à Administração, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ação tecnológica e teleológica, que utiliza saberes múltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relação ao Administrador, há a emergência da concepção estética para apresentá-lo, quando vinculado às organizações. Por esta concepção, há a migração do histórico estereótipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representação do Administrador como um profissional performático. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relação ao Administrador, é o da fuga da profissão. A partir dos pares categóricos dialéticos, esta tese propõe algumas sínteses provisórias críticas: (i) história-naturalização: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organização empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanças que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) práxis social-sistema: pela concepção pragmática-instrumental, as experiências dos Administradores são concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organização-sistema; (iii) emancipação-alienação: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizações e sua Administração quanto a práxis interrompida velada em uma experiência reificada mostram-se como fenômenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatórios. Por outro lado, através do movimento de fuga da profissão, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silêncio fundador da alienação associada à condição de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e não se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto propõe que as possibilidades de emancipação deste profissional residem na tomada de consciência de sua condição como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poderá lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimensões pragmáticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profissão possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por conteúdos substantivos e emancipatórios
The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.
This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style