85 resultados para Parâmetros genéticos


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To analyze the effects of electrical stimulation at two frequencies on the EMG parameters (EMG) and dynamometer, in muscles with different typing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a controlled clinical trial, randomized and double blind. Sixty healthy volunteers (23.6 ± 4.2anos; 54.2 ± 7.7kg, 1.62 ± 0.009 cm) of both sexes were divided randomly into three groups: control group (CG), experimental group 1 (SG1) with application of the current Russian 30 HZ and experimental group 2 (EG2) at 70 Hz The volunteers performed an initial assessment (AV1) on the isokinetic dynamometer with three repetitions maximum voluntary isometric (MVC) for knee extension concomitant uptake of EMG for the VM muscle, VL and RF. Later, after application of NMES, they underwent an experimental protocol of isometric fatigue using 70% of MVIC, ending with the completion of a final assessment (AV2) in the same manner as the AV1. RESULTS: By analyzing the profile of the 60 subjects in three broad, VM showed a higher value of RMS behavior when the VL and RF (p = 0.03 and p = 0.02). With respect to Fmed the RF muscle (p = 0.001) showed a higher value for the VM. The VM muscle showed significant increases of Fmed (p = 0.05) after electrical stimulation at 70 Hz when compared the AV1 AV2 and RF showed significant decreases (p = 0.009) after stimulation at 30 Hz during the fatigue showed an increase RMS in the VM and VL, with a reduction in RF. For the variable Fmed was observed in three broad decline during fatigue. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide evidence that the muscles VM, VL and RF fiber typing are different besides indicating that the frequency of NMES tend to relate to the muscle stimulated. Finally suggests the surface EMG as a noninvasive method for characterizing muscle


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Introduction: The Frailty Syndrome is characterized by the decrease of energy reserve and the reduced resistance to stressors. Studies indicate that the neuroendocrine markers can be related to the appearance of this syndrome. The main endocrine answer to stress is the increase of cortisol levels. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the frailty syndrome the salivary cortisol in elderly residing in nursing homes. Method: A traversal study was accomplished, in João Pessoa city, PB, with a sample composed by 69 institutionalized elderly. The collected data refer to the frailty phenotype (weight loss, exhaustion, slowness, weakness, and lower level of physical activity) and to salivary cortisol parameters (first measure - 6-7h; second measure - 11-12h; third measure - 16-17h). In the statistical analysis the Pearson s correlation test was used, Chi square Test and Anova and Simple Linear Regression analyses. Results: The sample was composed by 37.7% of men and 62.3% of women, with age average of 77.52 (±7.82). There was a percentile of 45.8% frail elderly. The frail elderly obtained higher cortisol values in the third measure (p=0.04) and the frailty load was significantly associated to the first measure (r=0.25, p=0.04). The simple linear regression analysis presented a determination rate (R2=0.05) between frailty load and first cortisol measure. Conclusion: The largest cortisol values in the morning and before sleeping among the frail elderly supply indications that can have a relationship of cortisol increase levels and the frailty presence in elderly from nursing homes.


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Venous wounds cause physical, psychological and financial problems that impact the quality of life of patients. Treatment alternatives are investigated in order to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of life of people affected by this problem. Physical resources, such as therapeutic ultrasound (US), are being considered in the treatment of ulcers as a potential healing agent. This study aimed to investigate the application of US as a treatment for venous ulcers. Subjects were divided into two groups: US group, where treatment consisted of 5 sessions of pulsed US (3 MHz, 1W/cm²) associated with compression and kinesiotherapy; and sham group, where individuals went through the same procedures, but with sham US therapy. Subjects were evaluated for wound size by planimetry and digital photography, visual analogue scale for pain, quality of life by the questionnaires SF- 36 and VEINES-QoL/Sym and enzymatic activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography. It was observed mean reduction in wound area of 41.58±53.8% for the US group and 63.47±37.2% for the placebo group, maintenance of quality of life scores in the US group and significant improvement (p<0.05) in the placebo group by VEINES questionnaire. It was observed decreased perception of pain in the placebo group. Sample feasibility for analysis of the protein activity of metalloproteinases 2 and 9 by zymography collected by swab method was also confirmed. Our data did not give us evidence to support the theory that the US accelerates healing of venous ulcers in a short-term analysis. However, we observed that standard care associated with compression therapy and kinesiotherapy were able to significantly shorten the progression of chronic venous ulcers


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The fauna of Brazilian reef fishes comprises approximately 320 species distributed along the coast of the mainland and islands ocean. Little is known about the levels of connectivity between their populations, but has been given the interest in the relations between the offshore and the islands of the Brazil, in a biogeographical perspective. The oceanic islands Brazilian hosting a considerable number of endemic species, which are locally abundant, and divide a substantial portion of its reef fish fauna with the Western Atlantic. Among the richest families of reef fish in species are Pomacentridae. This study analyzed through analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop), the standards-breeding population of C. Multilineata in different areas of the NE coast of Brazil, involving both oceanic islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and of St. Peter and St. Paul) and continental shelf (RN and BA). To this aim, partial sequences were used in the region HVR1 of mtDNA (312pb). The population structure and parameters for the estimates of genetic variability, molecular variance (AMOVA), estimation of the index for fixing (FST) and number of migrants were determined. The phylogenetic relationships between the populations were estimated using neighbor-joining (NJ) method. A group of Bayesian analysis was used to verify population structure, according to haplotype frequency of each individual. The genetic variability of populations was extremely high. The populations sampled show moderate genetic structure, with a higher degree of genetic divergence being observed for the sample of the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. At smaller geographical scale, the sample of Rio Grande do Norte and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha do not have genetic differentiation. Three moderately differentiated population groups were identified: a population group (I), formed by the Rio Grande do Norte (I') and the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (I''), and two other different groups formed by the island population of the archipelago of Saint Peter and St. Paul (II) and Bahia (III). The genetic patterns found suggest that the species has suffered a relatively recent radiation favoring the absence of shared haplotypes. C. multilineata seems to constitute a relatively homogenous population along the West Atlantic coast, with evidence of a moderate population genetic structure in relation to the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. These data supports the importance of the dispersal larvae by marine current and the interpopulation similarity this species.


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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The concept of facial esthetics has been increasingly diffused, being of interest to both the general public and the surgeon-dentists. However the difficult standardization and high variability in parameters aesthetic existing in the literature result in a huge difference of opinions between professionals and layperson. In this way, objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of periodontistas, protesistas, orthodontists and layperson about aesthetics smile. The sample included 30 periodontistas, 30 protesistas, 31 orthodontists and 37 layperson. The data collection was performed through an interview indirect, by the site, which had fifteen photos to be assessed by the participants. Each photograph was intentionally modified, with four increments 1mm for each amendment, in the program Adobe Photoshop CS2 version 9.0, adding-four aesthetic alterations: exposure gingival, recession gingival, absence of papilla and contour gingival. The smile for periodontistas, 3mm for orthodontists and laity and 4mm for protesistas. And changes in recession gingival, have undertaken the aesthetics of smiling from 2mm in accordance with the periodontistas and protesistas and 4mm for orthodontists and lay people. The end of the research was possible to conclude that the perception of periodontistas, protesistas, orthodontists and layperson are different in relation to aesthetics smile, and that among the changes in the research evaluated the papilla and recession have undertaken the aesthetics of smile


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The Epidermoid Carcinoma (EC) is the most common lesions located in the region of the head and neck and, despite advances in treatment modalities, the prognosis is still poor. The malignant cells show an increase in glucose uptake, process mediated by glucose transporters (GLUTs). Increased expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 is related to the aggressive behavior of this lesion. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through immunohistochemistry, the expression of GLUTs 1 and 3 in EC of the lower lip. The sample consisted of 40 cases of EC of the lower lip, of which 20 had regional lymph node metastasis and the remaining 20 with absence of metastasis. The percentages of immunostained cells in front of tumor invasion and in the center of tumor were evaluated. These results were related to the presence and absence of lymph node metastasis, TNM classification and histological grading. The percentage of cytoplasmic/membranous expression of GLUT 1 ranged from 77.35% to 100%, while for GLUT 3 this value ranged from 0.79% to 100%. As for nuclear staining for GLUT 1, this percentage ranged from 0 to 0.42%, however. GLUT 3 showed only one case with nuclear staining. Despite the significant expression of tumor cells related to the proteins studied, we observed no statistically significant relationship between the variables and the antibodies analyzed, regardless of the region evaluated. However, there was a moderate positive correlation between cytoplasmic/membranous immunoexpressions of GLUT 1 in invasion front and in the tumor center (r = 0.679, p <0.001). Similarly, moderate positive correlation was found between the nuclear immunoexpressions of GLUT 1 in the invasion front and in the tumor center (r = 0.547, p <0.001). For GLUT 3, was also observed a moderate statistically significant positive correlation between cytoplasmic/membranous expression in tumor invasion front and in tumor center (r = 0.589, p <0.001). We also observed that the immunoreactivity for GLUT 1 was higher than GLUT 3 expression in invasion front (p <0.001) and tumor center (p <0.001). From these results, this study suggests that tumor hypoxia is a remarkable characteristic of the EC of the lower lip and GLUT 1 may be primarily responsible for glucose uptake into the interior of the malignant cells


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Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and -9 (MMP-9) modulate important functions strictly related to the development, invasion and metastasis of several human cancers among them the squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT). However, individual genetic factors such as the functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) influence the pattern of protein expression of these MMPs and thus may be related to the variability observed in the clinical behavior of patients with SCCT. In this context, the present cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the association between the frequency of the functional SNPs MMP-7 -181 A/G and MMP-9 -1562 C/T and the clinical (age, gender and metastasis) and pathological (malignancy histological grading and immunohistochemistry expression) features of SCCT cases. Genotyping of these SNPs were performed by PCR-RFLP on DNA samples from 71 cases of SCCT and 60 individuals without cancer who constitute the control group. Among the results of this research, it was observed that the frequency of the polymorphic alleles MMP-7 -181 G and MMP-9 -1562 T in SCCT patients was 28% and 12%, respectively, and the frequency of the heterozygotes A/G (PR = 2.00; p < 0.001) and C/T (PR = 1.54; p = 0.014) were significantly higher in the patient group than in the controls. The prevalence of patients carrying the combination of SNPs studied was significantly associated with SCCT cases (PR = 2.00; p = 0.011) and metastasis (PR = 2.00; p < 0.001). Furthermore, with the frequency of SNPs analyzed, the age, gender, histological grading and immunoreactivity of MMP-7 and MMP-9 formed clinical and pathological parameters relevant to the identification of population subgroups more related to the development of SCCT and metastasis. Based on these results, it is suggested that the protein expression levels of MMP-7 and -9 substantially influence the balance between their pro- and anticancer biological functions and hence the clinicopathological profile of the squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue


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Periodontal disease is an infection initiated by oral periodontal pathogens that trigger an immune response culminating in tissue destruction. This destruction is mediated by the host by inducing the production and activation of lytic enzymes, cytokines and the stimulation of osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of factors involved in bone resorption, RANKL (Ligand Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B), OPG (Osteoprotegerin) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor alpha) between the gingival healthy, gingivitis and chronic periodontitis and correlate them with clinical parameters. The sample consisted of 83 cases and 12 clinically healthy gums, 42 gingivitis and 29 periodontitis, from 74 adolescent and adult patients with a mean age of 35 years, without systemic changes and non-smokers, predominantly female and race brown. There was no statistically significant difference for the expression of anti-RANKL (p = 0.581) and RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.334) when comparing the three conditions, but the anti-OPG and anti-TNF-α showed statistically significant between the types of injury (p = 0.001 and p <0.001, respectively), showing greatest expression in periodontitis. In cases of periodontitis, the variable clinical attachment loss (PIC) was statistically significant and positive correlation, respectively, with immunostaining of anti-RANKL (p = 0.002, p = 0.001 and r = 0.642), anti-OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.014 and r = 0.451), anti-TNF-α (p = 0.032, p = 0.014 and r = 0.453) and the percentage ratio of RANKL / OPG (p = 0.018, p = 0.002 and r = 0.544). The tooth mobility (MB) showed a statistically significant difference only with immunohistochemical anti-RANKL (p = 0.026), and probing depth (PD) was positively correlated with anti-RANKL (p = 0.028 and r = 0.409), both in cases of periodontitis. Only in cases of gingivitis TNF-α was positively correlated with RANKL (p = 0.012 and r = 0.384) and the RANKL / OPG ratio (p = 0.027 and r = 0.341). Given these results, we conclude that the greatest expression of TNF-α in periodontitis demonstrates a relationship with the progression and severity of periodontal disease and the correlation between all antibodies and clinical attachment loss demonstrates their involvement in periodontal bone resorption


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Squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip is among the most common malignant tumors of the oral and maxillofacial region, with good prognosis in more than 90% of patients with 5-year survival. In these carcinomas, the development of lymph node metastasis decreases the prognosis and it has been associated with the formation of new lymphatic vessels. It has been suggested the important role of vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), the receptor type 3 VEGF (VEGFR-3) and hypoxia-induced factor 1 (HIF-1) in this process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α and correlate with intra and peritumoral lymphatic density in squamous cell carcinomas of the lower lip metastatic and non-metastatic. The sample consisted of 50 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip, of which 25 had regional lymph node metastasis and 25, absence of metastasis. The percentages of cells immunostained for VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α in front of tumor invasion and in the center of tumor were evaluated. Microvessel density lymphatic (MDL) was determined by the counting of lymph microvessels immunostained by the anti-D2-40 in five fields (200×), in an area of evaluation with 0.7386 mm2. The invasion of the lymph vessels by malignant cells was also evaluated. Immunostaining was correlated with the presence and absence of metastasis, TNM clinical stage, local recurrence, disease outcome (remission of injury or patient death) and histological grading. The analysis of intra and peritumoral lymphatic density showed no significant association with clinicopathological parameters and immunoexpressions of VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and HIF-1α (p > 0,05). There was a weak positive correlation, significant, between intra and peritumoral lymphatic density (r = 0,405; p = 0,004). VEGF-C showed no significant association with clinicopathological and prognosis parameters (p > 0,05). For VEGFR-3, there was scarce membrane staining and intense and homogenous cytoplasmic staining in neoplastic cells. Percentage of positive cytoplasmic VEGFR-3 in center of tumor, exhibited a statistically significant association with metastasis (p = 0,009), patient death (p = 0,008) and histological grades of malignancy proposed by Bryne et al. (1992) (p = 0,002) and World Health Organization (p = 0,003). A low positive correlation was statistically significant between the immunoreactivity of VEGFC and VEGFR-3 cytoplasmic (r = 0,358; p = 0,011) and between the percentage of positive cytoplasmic VEGFR-3 in front of tumor invasion and in the center of the tumor (r = 0,387; p = 0,005) was also demonstrated. There was no association between HIF-1α, clinicopathological and prognosis parameters, and VEGF-C and VEGFR-3. The percentage of nuclear positivity for HIF-1α was significantly higher in cases without invasion of peritumoral lymphatic (p = 0,040). Based on the results we can conclude that most cytoplasmic expression of VEGFR-3 in center of tumor in metastatic cases, high degree of malignancy and poorly differentiated, contributes to poor outcome of squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip, including patient death. Intra and peritumoral lymphatic density seems to be not associated with lymph node metastasis in these carcinomas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The control of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants is usually done with anthelmintics. However, due to the emergence of ever-increasing parasite resistance to these drugs, looking up an alternative control parasites. One of this is sought in pasture management, as these are the sources of animals` infection by L3 infective larvae of helminths. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of sheep to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes grazing Panicum maximum cv. Massai and cv. Aruana, and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã and cv. Marandu. The work was conducted from May to August-2011 with 48 male sheeps SRD versus Santa Inês breed. The animals were naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, and maintained in four different cultivars of tropical forage grasses, naturally contaminated with eggs and larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. Each week the animals were phenotypically characterized by parasitological examinations (eggs per gram of feces - EPG, and feces culture), hematological (packed cell volume PCV, and blood eosinophil count) method to evaluate the Famacha© colorof ocular mucosa, and the measures of body condition score and weight. In pastures was made the recovery of infective larvae in order to determine the quantity of L3 present in the pasture. The experimental design was a randomized completed block with two replications and before the entry of animals in the paddocks, they have been wormed. The experiment was ended when the animals reached 32.0 kg liveweight, and then were slaughtered and autopsies performed for the recovery and identify parasites of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine. Results were subjected to analysis of variance, t test and Tukey`s test. The animals kept on pastures of Marandu grass had lower EPG counts, higher percentage of packed cell volume and higher average weight; those who remained in the Piatã pasture had lower eosinophil counts per microliter of blood. About the Famacha©, the highest prevalence was Famacha 2, and the body condition score ranged between 2 and 3. The results of feces cultures and recovery of larvae on pastures showed the presence of larvae of Trichostrongylus sp., and at the necropsy too. This way, it was concluded that the grass cultivars influences the sheep parasite load; the Famacha, together with EPG and packed cell volume are important indicators for use in controlling gastrointestinal nematode infections. The Trichostrongylus sp. was the most prevalent parasite in sheep during the rainy season


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Techniques of mind & body control seem to benefit human organism in general and cognition in particular, because they involve a mindfulness practice. However, there is still a scarcity of studies with well-controlled methods to investigate the possible effects of Yoga practice. In this study, we investigated the effects of regular Yoga practice, based on Yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques, and meditation exercises, on memory and physiologic and psychological parameters related to quality of life. There were significant improvements on performance tasks of short term memory and long term memory. We also observed significant beneficial effects on psychological and physiological parameters such as mood, anxiety, depression, stress, and modulation of the autonomic nervous system in Yoga practitioners group compared to the conventional physical exercises group. The results suggest the possible influences of stress, emotional state and mental training on cognitive effects of yoga practice. Our results support the indication of practice of Yoga for the treatment or prevention of stress, psychological disorders and their possible cognitive consequences


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The physiological variations of parameters in situations of laboral stress can function like indicator in the sprouting of disorder. Those conditions have led researchers to investigate alternatives that can favor the quality of life in persons under stress laboral. The present research had as objectives investigate the physiological behavior of parameters (blood pressure, heart hat and respiratory hat) of men and women in condition of stress laboral submitted to the technique Watsu. It was used a experimental methodology with a group formed by men and women in reproductive age, that work as salesclerk in a supermarket net in Natal/RN. The seven individuals selected were submitted to the three phases of the study (dependent groups), that consisted of the phase 1 of obtaining from the measure basal (control 1), in the phase 2 of immersion in the water (control 2), and phase 3 from the application the technique Watsu (experimental phase). It was verified that during the phase basal (condition 1) the physiological parameters (BPS, BPD, HH and RH) of both sexes evaluated showed the medium values of the women (average±detour-standard: BSP = 104.1±7.92; BPD = 70.83 ±7.92; HH = 77.58 ±3.87; RH = 19.83 ±2.58) similar those presented by the men (BPS = 118.75 ±7.55; BPD = 75.00 ±9.91; HH = 71.75 ±14.95; RH = 16.62 ±3.99). The evaluation of those parameters before and after immersion of the volunteers in the water (condition 2) showed a significant reduction (W = 3.0: p≤0.05) barely for the values of BPS presented by the sex females after immersion. In the men group, all of the physiological parameters analyzed did not vary significantly. Regarding the profile of those variables before and after application of the watsu (condition 3), was verified a significant increase (W= 0,0: p≤0.05) for the BPS one and SABP in the women. The Men did not show significant variation for all of the physiological parameters. Faced with the results presented, we are able to conclude that the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were the physiological parameters that are on influence from the Technique Watsu, only for the kind females


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Meditation is described as a method for improving attention and promoting psychological and emotional stability, presenting favourable results on memory and stress tolerance as well. Studies have shown differences in physiological and psychological measurements between meditators and non-meditators. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of regular meditation practice on working memory, psychological measurements and quality of life of healthy practitioners. We carried out a comparative study with meditators and non-meditators. Working memory tests and standard inventories of life quality, anxiety, mood, sleep quality, depression and stress were applied. Our study showed that meditators presented better scores in parameters indicative of life quality, mood, depression and stress when compared with non-meditators. Moreover, there was a trend in best performance of meditators in memory tasks (forward digit span task and Hanoi tower). These findings corroborate other studies showing that regular meditation can provide an improvement in general quality of life and affecting positively the behavioral and attentional functions in individuals