110 resultados para Literatura norte-americana
The current dissertation is linked to the research line Poéticas da modernidade e da pós-modernidade (modern and post modern poetics), which is being developed for the Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem (Program of post graduation in language studies), in the area of Literatura Comparada (comparative literature) CCHLA/UFRN. The main aim of the research is to show the reading of Primero sueño by sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, in the middle of the contemporary age, through an eclectic analysis which elucidates the baroque in its most recent concept; the social context and the life as a nun of sor Juana and the analysis of the poetry starting from the glance to the literary text. The perception of the baroque eon universal as a constant artistic movement from its appearance to the present time thus highlighted based on the most modern studies by the baroque specialists: Eugênio d Ors, O barroco (s/d), Severo Sarduy, Barroco (s/d) and Gilles Deleuze, A dobra: Leibniz e o barroco (1991). In that research, it will be presented the translation/transcreation of the study object corpus still guided by the translatological theories of Haroldo de Campos (2004), Da tradução como criação e como crítica, Walter Benjamin (1971), A tarefa do tradutor and Jacques Derrida (2006), Torres de Babel
This research was based on a study regarding the myth, the landscape and then man in Bolivian literature, a country whose cultural tradition transcends myth and reality, with an exotic nature, inherited from extraordinary people from a remote time, with archeological remains that show its glory, making it particular among other Latin American literatures. To contextualize the literary study of this nation, rich in fantasy literature, understanding its traits in the current literature, we have sought to rescue the history of its first inhabitants, the Kollas, and the cultural reference they inherited and reviewed in the acculturation process between indigenous and Spanish people. This study is based on the contributions of Latin American theorists, such as Antonio Conejo Polar, Nestor Canclini, the Cuban ethnologist Fernando Ortiz, and especially the concept of transculturation of the Uruguayan critic Ángel Rama. Thus, we have tried to rescue a study about the Andean past, approaching the fundamentals of mythic component in literature, addressing landscape and nature as the ones that illustrate, characterize and give life to the mythical characters and social problems of the Andean man
La escritura de Clarice Lispector fue consagrada por la academia a través de sus libros direccionados al público adulto . Este trabajo pretende entre sus objetivos compartir sus obras infantiles con el medio académico y desvincular, desde la escritura clariciana, el ámbito de una menoridad literaria de la literatura infantil. Repensar la infancia y problematizar sus lugares de escrita. De ese modo, el corpus teórico de las obras de Deleuze y Guattari nos conducirá en la desconstrucción de tales territorios hacia un desterritorializar y al reterritorializar de la literatura infantil a través de un reinvento narrativo clariciano, lo cual llamamos de Fábula de la Modernidad
The diachronic studies marked the first decades of the 20th century in Brazilian linguistics, passing by an ostracism period after the 50s. Mainly from the 90s especially with the project, created in 1997, Para a história do português brasileiro (PHPB), which has systemized, in national ambit, the programme related to the area of diachrony the historical studies retake forces and have gradually increased since then. Our work is set in the new scene of Brazilian historical linguistics and it is associated to two research programmes: i) the constitution of a diachronic corpus; ii) the diachrony of text and discourse. As regards the first programme, we made effort to constitute a diachronic corpus of official letters about Rio Grande do Norte, we called cartas oficiais norte-rio-grandenses, written in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The chosen for bureaucrat letters occurred for they represent a textual category very productive in historical contexts, mostly 18th and 19th centuries, in which the command of writing was the least and also because they bring, almost always explicitly, the information of where, when, for whom and from whom, as remembers Fonseca (2003). The rules for constituting the corpus were based, although not strictly, on the orientation from PHPB. In respect to the second programme, we set up on the ideas of coserian base came from the studies on discourse traditions (TD) (Koch, 1997; Kabatek, 2006) amongst which that the texts are shaped so as to follow their own tradition (Coseriu, 2007), and we turned to Diplomatics (Belloto, 2002) in order to do the characterization of this corpus by the application of concepts from Diplomatics and TD as well as by the presentation of the structures that form those official letters: their textual genres, a kind of TD, with their macrostructures; and some of their formulaic expressions (microstructures), another sort of TD. This stage of characterizing will pay attention, as far as possible, to the dynamic between tradition and innovation that happen in the actualization of those textual structures along the centuries. This work intends to contribute with the researches connected to Historical Linguistics in Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically the ones related to the constitution of diachronic corpora and to TD; and with the study of official documents, textual category about which there are almost no studies (cf. Silveira, 2007)
This work has as study object the representations that teachers have about literacy, and schooling, as well as their memories and their reading and writing practices in the formation process of teachers in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. We focused our discussion in literacy practices constructed on language workshops, assumed as necessary for the teacher formation, the existence of a pedagogical context that allows developing the appropriate teaching action. These workshops aimed at creating a space of constant reflection and action. The corpus is composed of letters written by teachers in formation workshops and interviews emphasizing questions of literacy, schooling, memories and reading and writing practices. These teachers make use of literacy practices related to the plots which they belong to. This research is informed mainly by studies that discuss the Literacy (Street, 1984, 1995; Barton, 1998; Freire, 1978, 1980, 1990, 1996), focusing its political character and of inclusion to the literate world, the Social Representations (Moscovici, 1978) and the studies on genre as a discoursive practice (Fairclough, 2001). Methodologically, this research is of critical ethnographic nature (Cameron, 1992). The letters are disclosed as identity practices - pictures of life histories of the teachers. The analyses of the interviews, in turn, show the literacy multifaceted character, evidencing innumerable views on the phenomenon
The objective of this paper is to analyze how the female figure was portrayed in discursive narratives in the bi-weekly newspaper O PORVIR , which circulated in Currais Novos, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between May 2, 1926 and January 20, 1929. Our analysis was based on the semantics of the text, by applying one of the primary concepts used in Textual Analysis of Speeches, Discursive Representation (ADAM, 2011; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Textual Analysis of Speeches has its roots in Textual Linguistics and consists of a theoretical and descriptive approach (ADAM, 2011). This research is characterized as documentary (SEVERINO, 2007) and its corpus includes a review of 39 editions of the aforementioned newspaper, of which we extracted 292 articles that dealt with the female figure and 396 statements for analysis. We used the following semantic categories: referencing (CASTILHO, 2010; NEVES, 2007; KOCH; MARCUSCHI, 1998; MARCUSCHI, 2008; KOCH, 2009); predication (NEVES, 2007; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010); modification (ADAM, 2011); and spacial and temporal localization (RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Our analysis revealed that lady, mother, wife and homemaker were most represented, and always combined with questions about motherhood, marriage and devotion to the home. Such representation does not diverge from pre-colonial models in the early twentieth century, which served as a standard for the female figure
Considering the theoretical and methodological presuppositions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, [1972] 2008), in this dissertation, we describe and analyze the process of variation/change involving the personal pronouns tu and você, and its extension in the pronominal paradigm in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), in three sets of personal letters written by people from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) along the 20th century. The discursive universe of those letters is news from the cities in which the informers lived and the themes from their everyday life (trade, jobs, trips, family and politics). Part of the analyzed letters integrate the written by hand minimum corpus of the Projeto de História do Português Brasileiro no Rio Grande do Norte (PHPB-RN). We are based on previous studies about the pronominal system in BP Menon (1995), Faraco (1996), Lopes e Machado (2005), Rumeu (2008), Lopes (2009), Lopes, Rumeu e Marcotulio (2011), Lopes e Marcotulio (2011) e Martins e Moura (2012) , which register the form você replaces tu from the end of the first half of 20th century and attest the following situation: while (a) the imperative verbal forms, (b) the explicit subjects and (c) prepositional complement pronouns are favorable contexts for você, the (d) non imperative verbal forms (with null subject), (e) the non prepositional complement pronoun and (f) the possessive pronoun are contexts of resistance of tu. The results got in this dissertation confirm, partially, the statements defended by the previous studies regarding the favorable contexts for the implementation of você in BP: (i) there are, in the letters from the first two decades of 20th century (1916 to 1925), high frequency of the usage of the form você (98%); (ii) in the personal letters of RN especially in the love letters, in which there are higher recurrence of intimate subjects the discursive universe proved to be itself very relevant in the determination/conditions of the forms of tu; (iii) the unique feminine informer of our sample uses, almost categorically, the forms of tu in letters of the period from 1946 to 1972; (iv) the letters corresponding to the period from 1992 to 1994 present a significant usage of the forms associated to the innovating você, letting appear the change is already implemented in the system of BP and there are, in that set of letters, strong evidences that make us state the pronominal forms of non prepositional complement (accusative/ dative) related to tu are also implemented in a system with an almost categorical usage of você
In this dissertation, we analyze the constitution and functioning of the humorous discourse in discursive genre cartoon from the recognition and analysis of the techniques of humor used to get the desired effects of meaning. We used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis henceforth (AD) for the research. Specifically on the techniques of humor, we rely on authors like Possenti (1998) and Propp (1992) to see how these procedures are present in the cartoons and make the discourse of humor. To achieve this goal, ten (10) cartoons were analyzed dealing with episodes relating to the management of the mayor Micarla de Souza in the city of Natal, RN. These cartoons were published in the newspaper Tribuna do Norte during the year 2012. The research falls within the field of study of Applied Linguistics and is qualitative, interpretive nature. In the first part, we did a rescue of the foundations of discourse analysis, discussing the concept of interdiscourse, then we carry on about the notion of gender discourse from the perspective of AD, and the genre itself cartoon as we work with the cartoon as a discourse genre, and finally, we deal with this humor discourse in cartoons. We then developed some analyzes to illustrate the postulate that all text is founded upon certain conditions of enunciation; that the relationship between the cartoons and interdiscourse is a constitutive relationship that brings out certain cartoons/ discourses and not others, and especially what humor techniques are used strategically by the cartoonist, whose discursive decisions cause certain effects of meaning. The results of this paper find that discursive relations are relations of subjects and meanings, that the discourse of cartoon is built from other sayings and discourses, and that certain textual and discursive procedures/techniques, as parody, irony, lowering the other, the ambiguity and displacement are mobilized in the text to generate the possible effect of the comic, thus building the humor discourse of the cartoons analyzed
Este trabajo busca analizar cómo algunos aspectos presentes en la obra de ficción del escritor catalán Enrique Vila-Matas permiten pensar las prácticas de la escritura literaria contemporánea. A partir de una forma híbrida que reconsidera las relaciones tanto entre los géneros como entre los discursos crítico y de ficción, la obra del autor se propone reflexionar sobre sus propias posibilidades en el contexto sociocultural contemporáneo. De este modo, a través de una ficción que muchas veces adquiere los atributos del ensayo, Vila-Matas trae al centro de sus enredos la discusión de cuestiones relacionadas con los impases de una escritura que vuelve su atención para el destino de una tradición literaria desvinculada de los preceptos meramente mercadológicos contemporáneos. Su manera crítica de abordar la literatura y la experimentación en busca de nuevas posibilidades permite asociarlo tanto a Laurence Sterne como al proyecto literario de Jorge Luis Borges. Estos autores tienen propuestas que tratan de superar los límites del texto, ya que ahí está el deseo de acogerse a la ficción para demostrar la inestabilidad de los elementos de una cultura, apropiándose y desestabilizando los discursos y las claras distinciones entre los saberes. En este sentido, las diversas formas en que Vila- Matas se apropia de los textos de otros y construye una obra de carácter fuertemente intertextual denuncian jerarquizaciones y modos de circulación de textos que permiten aproximarse de la tensión existente entre temas como influencia, citación, prácticas de lectura y escritura
The text, to be held in different linguistic spheres, in many aspects absorbs the changing processes through which language passes as a result of socio-historical changes. In this sense, this research proposes a study on gender sorted, motivated by the desire of understanding how the text incorporates traces of change and how to keep its constituents over time, in order to point out what are its characteristic traits. Our analysis is centered on the newspaper s section called classificados of Tribuna do Norte, state of Rio Grande do Norte, between the XX and XXI centuries. From the survey data a descriptive and analytical analysis was performed with a corpus of 250 listings, divided between the years 1951-2010. Based on a diachronic analysis, we also seek to investigate the macro-structural aspects of gender and microstructural compositional elements from the opportunities section that originated the Caderno de Classificados . For this reason, this approach has focused on particular Roman German Philology, especially in the works of Coseriu (1980) and Kabatek (2006). The analysis revealed that since its inception in Brazil, the classificados have fixed constituent elements, such as the use of "sell" and "rent" in the title or introduction, but also shows traces of change in the closure of the text, and especially with regard to the division of classificados by area of interest, that in the newspaper called Tribuna do Norte started in the Opportunities section
La tese avvicina le Memorie dal carcere, di Graciliano Ramos e i Quaderni dal carcere di Antonio Gramsci, in una prospettiva in cui essi erano uniti per lo stesso ideale politico della prima metá del XX secolo e rappresentavano la resistenza intellettuale di fronte alla repressione. Entrambi furono vittime dell autoritarismo dei poteri fascisti e registrarono il periodo di prigione in differenti forme memorialistiche. Questi scrittori sono uniti anche per il contesto nazionale molto simile per la differenza economica tra le regioni. Condividono, inoltre, anche il concetto di arte e la certezza che l alienzazione dell intelligenza può essere superata solamente attraverso la ricostruzione delle basi nazionali per mezzo della conoscenza, dell educazione e della cultura. Si vuole mostrare come i concetti di Gramsci sono presenti non solo nella convinzione politica di Graciliano, ma in tutto il suo stile letterario memorialístico. Il lavoro, ancora, paragona le Memorie del carcere con due testi memorialistici di prigione in Italia, che sono Le mie prigioni, di Silvio Pellico, e Se questo è un uomo, di Primo Levi, per dimostrare che la proposta della letteratura gramsciana è molto più vicina allo scrittore brasiliano che ai due suoi conazionali.
The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Football, understood as a phenomenon of sports practice and nearly universal coverage, can also be seen as a game whose operation circumvents the cultural universe of people who practice it. Much more than just a sport, so this game is a cultural phenomenon par excellence, bearing a communicational and aesthetic dimension whose occurrence has been spotted in various fields of scientific and cultural. Therefore, it is as game and as a phenomenon of culture, we intend to focus on football here as an object of study. Our aim is to investigate the sport in Brazil taking the Literature and Journalism as privileged instances of their representation in the media. Thus, the central idea of this research is to show when and how football has become a recurrent theme in Brazilian literature, starting with its journalistic approach until we get an overview of the aesthetic representation of the game, Literature as the main focus of attention and taking the genre of fiction story as material fact of their representation. With this approach, we intend to develop an overall view, overview of the literature about football in our country and at the same time, particularize this vision in some representative authors of it, like the writer-journalist Mario Filho (the historian, essayist on the modernization of chronic specific theme), José Lins do Rego (writer passionate about the game), Nelson Rodrigues (the esthetician that elevated the sport to the status of art by chronic), Lima Barreto (who along with Antonio de Alcantara Machado pioneered the formalized within the fiction) and the storytellers of the topic itself. In the end, we intend to infer the results of evaluations and reviews of books and authors listed, we have examined a wide sense, but also vertical (and which were focused on a socio-historical perspective and critical-aesthetic) within the assumption that seems be a homology between the way football practice amongst us will historically winning characteristics as to form a Brazilian school of football, and how our writers, journalists will be addressing the topic, which also would focus on creating a "Brazilian way" of telling literary football. The proof of this hypothesis operational work together with the development of historiography and the necessity arising from it, creating a "Guide to Reading football theme in fictional tale of Brazil" shut the focal perspective of this study
Mutations on TP53 gene are common in human cancer but not in cervical cancer where they are rarely found and the inactivation and degradation of p53 protein are attributed to the action of E6 viral oncogene from high risk human papillomavirus (HPV). Analysis of cervical cancer cell lines suggests that HPV negative samples shows mutation on TP53, but clinical approaches didn t confirmed this hypothesis. However, in most TP53 mutations studies on cervical cancer, only the exons 5 to 8 were analyzed. Approximately 90% of mutations described are on this region. Recent studies on several cancer suggests that mutation frequency in the other exons must be considered. The aim of this work was to verify whether mutations on coding and non-coding regions occur in cancer tissue from cervical cancer in patients from Rio Grande do Norte using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) as screening tool. Exons 8 to 11 were analyzed including some introns from 80 tumor samples and 8 peripheral blood samples from healthy women. DNA were submitted to PCR using primers with GC clamp on the end of one of them. The results were observed for each region after DGGE and silver staining. It was observed no amplified fragment with different migration profile from those obtained from DNA of peripheral blood. These results agree with those from literature where TP53 mutations in cervical cancer have been described in a very low frequency