89 resultados para Infra-estrutura (Economia) - Política governamental


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One of the most important decisions to turn a substation automatic and no attended it relates to the communication media between this substation and Operation Center. Generally energy companies uses radio or optic fiber, depending of distances and infrastructure of each situation. This rule applies to common substations. Mobile substations are a particular case, therefore they are conceived for use at provisional situations, emergencies, preventive or corrective maintenance. Thus the telecommunication solution used at common substations are not applied so easily to mobile substations, due absence of infrastructure (media) or difficulty to insert the mobile substation data in existing automation network not long. The ideal media must supply covering in a great geographic area to satisfy presented requirements. The implantation costs of this big infrastructure are expensive, however a existing operator may be used. Two services that fulfill that requirements are satellite and cellular telephony. This work presents a solution for automation of mobile substations through satellite. It was successfully implanted at a brazilian electric energy concessionaire named COSERN. The operation became transparent to operators. Other gotten benefits had been operational security, quality in the supply of electric energy and costs reduction. The project presented is a new solution, designed to substations and general applications where few data should be transmitted, but there is difficulties in relation to the media. Despite the satellite having been used, the same resulted can be gotten using celullar telephony, through Short Messages or packet networks as GPRS or EDGE.


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The growing accumulation of people in urban centers caused chronic problems of the cities to begin to take an increasingly unsustainable. Primarily related to lack of infrastructure coupled with sanitation and lack of investment in critical sectors such as health, education, housing and transportation, these problems start to deteriorate markedly the quality of life of city dwellers and put into test management policies of the spaces urbanized. To reverse this situation, shows is essential to the use of tools (highlighting this harvest rates and environmental indicators) that help in assessing the current conditions and may assist in predicting future scenarios. From the information listed above, now put the research seeks to present an index called ISBA Environmental (Sanitation Index) which looks at the four urban systems (water, sewer, solid waste and urban drainage) from the viewpoint of application in a geographical cutout specific - in this case the Drainage Basin XII, defined by the Plan of Urban Drainage Stormwater in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. This index, together with analysis of other factors sought to trace the current conditions of the basin and thus, assist in proposing the best solutions. For the preparation of the index was applied a questionnaire with a sample of 384 (three hundred eighty-four) households that aimed to study two variables: access to services and satisfaction of the population in relation to these. The ISBA has shown that the system is the most deficient collection and disposal of effluents (ICE = 47.66%), followed by the drainage of rainwater (IDAP = 54.17%), water supply (AAI = 61, 36) and solid waste collection (IRS = 78.28). With the ISBA was possible to verify that the qualitative data shows whose subjectivity is evident (as is the case of user satisfaction) can be of great importance when an assessment, since we obtained the correlation coefficient between the variables "Access" and " Satisfaction "equal to 0.8234, showing a strong correlation between the existence / quality of service offered and the impressions of the population that receives them


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In Natal/RN, 68% of the population uses some kind of individual system for their domestic sewers treatment, being that the most used it is septic tank, followed by sumidouro. Every treatment system of sewers, usually used, generates a by-product denominated sludge. That residue presents some components, in its constitution, undesirable under the environmental and sanitary point of view. In such case, to assure that the system treatment has satisfactory results, it is necessary to do the adjusted disposition of the sludge sewage. Several countries are looking for technical alternatives for the use and disposition of residues. Under technical and environmental conditions appropriate, these materials can be used, decreasing the consumption of the natural resources and the treatment need, storage or elimination of the wastes, what decrease the risks created. Some of the alternatives of recycling of the sludge sewage are: the application in the agriculture, in the production of energy and as raw material in the civil construction. This study evaluated asphalt mixtures behavior that partially substituted conventional aggregates by septic tank sludge. The septic tank sludge gave origin to two raw materials called raw sludge and sludge ash. The raw sludge was put as a small aggregate and the sludge ash as filler. In the first experiment it was made a comparison between the mixture with conventional aggregates and the mixtures that replaced sand by raw sludge in the proportions from 5% to 40%. In the second experiment, it was made comparison between mixtures with 1%, 2% and 3% of sludge ash and cement. The stages developed along the study were: physical characterization of the conventional materials; physical, chemistry, thermal, mineralogical characterizations and analysis of environmental risk of the raw sludge; physical characterization and analysis of environmental risk of the sludge ash; analysis of the mixtures performance through its volumetric and mechanical characteristics; forecast of the mixtures susceptibility in the moisture presence. For the grain size composition used and with the percentage asphalt adopted, the mixtures with up to 7,5% of raw sludge in his composition attend to the National Department of Transports Infrastructure (DNIT) specifications. However, in agreement with the mixtures susceptibility in the moisture presence, the mixtures with addition of raw sludge don't present satisfactory acting. In such case, they could be used in arid and semi-arid areas. The raw sludge application in mixtures increased their voids volume and their stability. However, it damaged mixtures adhesiveness. Mixtures with sludge ash and with cement presented similar behavior. However, mixtures with sludge ash presented a better performance than mixtures with cement as for their stability and their tensile strength ratio. The mixture with 1% of sludge ash is better. The wastes studied don't represent environmental risk


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In this work we present the results of a research that aims to study the chronicle gender produced in a class of native language. The texts were written by students of a high-school class, under the orientation of the teacher who conducted a didactic sequence in order to explore this gender. In our analysis we observed aspect such as the structure of the general structure of the texts, types of speech and linguistic sequences, some mechanisms of textualization and the characteristics of the gender. In order to attain that, we adopted the theoretical presuppositions of Textual Linguistics and of the Socio-discursive Interactionism, grounding the study of texts and gender in Bronckart (2003; 2006) and Koch (2002; 2004). As a background of the Chronicle Gender we used the studies of Coutinho (1987); Moisés (2003); Sá (2005); Bender; Laurito (1993); Melo (1994); Cândido et al. (1992) among others. The corpus, made up of 15 texts, showed that the narrative is the most used linguistic sequence in the producing of the texts, the discursive world prevailing in the narrative and some instances of the world of exposing. As for the gender characteristics, the daily life was used in order to amuse the reader and make him to reflect upon the daily life. Humor, irony, social criticism and colloquial language were also observed in the texts produced by the students. Although some texts presented the characteristics of the gender, explored in the classroom, some were typically school narratives. That make us believe that a work with textual production under the approach of a text gender is viable, but it is not consolidated yet in many schools as the main object of the central teaching of the Portuguese language. This make us defend a better systematization of the teaching contents having as the main point the reading practice and text production in order to contribute for the growing of the students´ discursive potentialities and, therefore, their effective participation in the language social practices


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Machado de Assis understood his time and brought his perception of Brazilian society in the 19th century, with its multiple aspects economy, politics, culture, amongst others - to the texts he wrote. Through the tensions lived in his novels and short stories, Machado displays Brazilian social reality and the changes it had been undergoing. Mariana and Pai contra mãe show the crisis of the slavery system, the relation of dependency, the treatment given to the captives and the lack of coherence of a country that intended to adopt Liberalism as an ideology, but which kept on living under the shadow of slavery and its consequences. A country where the priorities were given to the landlords, owners of slaves, in protection of their interests. O caso da vara tells about how the crias da casa little black girls who lived in the household and learned how to make spool embroidery were treated. What were the punishments for desobedience and how they were levelled out, how should be the behaviour of a child who lived as a social outcast. Thus, this paper aims at playing a game of mirrors between History and fiction. Not only to play it, but to analyze how Machado deals with the reflections of 19th century Brazil on his short stories


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Dans les premières décennies du XXème siècle, un groupe d intellectuels brésiliens a pris pour soi la mission de conduire la nation aux chemins du progrès, en réfléchissant sur les transformations des villes et, souvent, en proposant et en mettant en avant des actions et mesures qui dirigeraient la modernisation du pays. Dans ce contexte, la ville apparaissait comme un synonyme de progrès en opposition à la campagne, en donnant emphase à la construction du Brésil urbain. À Natal, celui-ci a été une période de sensible modification dans l espace urbain, en suivant les préceptes de l hygiénisme et de l esthétique racionaliste, qui ont orienté les réformes entreprises dans beaucoup de villes brésiliennes. Les élites politiques et socioéconomiques de la capitale du Rio Grande do Norte ont developpé le discours en faveur de la modernisation qui avait pour objectif de justifier les interventions dans la ville et l introduction de l infra-structure de services urbains, par exemple, les services d illumination et de transport, qui à partir de 1911, ont commencé à être stimulés par l électricité. Cette modernisation est matérialisée par de nouveaux équipements et services, par des espaces remodelés en accord avec la rationalité technique de l urbaniste, pour l utilisation de nouvelles sources d énergie (gaz, électricité), en plus de la croissance de la population résidente en ville. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas oublier que la construction de la ville moderne est passée tant par des transformations physiques, matérielles, comme par l absorption de valeurs, symboles, gestes, vocabulaires, objets, adoptions de nouvelles normes de comportement et par la formation de nouvelles sensibilités sur l espace urbain et la vie en ville. De cette manière, les nouvelles normes technologiques, comme l électricité, ont rendu possible des transformations dans la structure matérielle de la ville et en vie urbaine dans ses plus divers aspects. Ce travail propose d analyser la relation entre énergie électrique et la vie urbaine à Natal entre 1911 et 1940, en prenant en compte, pour cela, les actions d intervention de l État sur l espace urbain et les perceptions d intellectuels face aux transformations urbaines dont ils étaient les témoins. À partir de cette analyse, nous cherchons à préciser les efforts gouvernementaux pour la manutention des services d électricité et conservation des équipements urbains; comprendre comment l utilisation d énergie électrique a aidé à produire de nouvelles situations quotidiennes et comment elle a été perçue, traduite en sentiments et perceptions fondées dans la cohabitation avec cette innovation technique. Les élites locales désiraient diffuser des habitudes considerées modernes, en construisant une identification avec la manière de vie urbaine, fortement inspirée dans la vie dans les villes Européennes et Américaines. L électricité a rendu possible des expériences et sensations qui allaient caractériser l habitant de la ville


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A maioria da soluções apresentadas como candidatas à implementação de serviços de distribuição de áudio e vídeo, têm sido projetadas levando-se em consideração determinadas condições de infra-estrutura, formato dos fluxos de vídeo a serem transmitidos, ou ainda os tipos de clientes que serão atendidos pelo serviço. Aplicações que utilizam serviços de distribuição de vídeo normalmente precisam lidar com grandes oscilações na demanda pelo serviço devido a entrada e saída de usuários do serviço. Com exemplo, basta observar a enorme variação nos níveis de audiência de programas de televisão. Este comportamento coloca um importante requisito para esta classe de sistemas distribuídos: a capacidade de reconfiguração como conseqüência de variações na demanda. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo que envolveu o uso de agentes móveis para implementar os servidores de um serviço de distribuição de vídeo denominada DynaVideo. Uma das principais características deste serviço é a capacidade de ajustar sua configuração em conseqüência de variações na demanda. Como os servidores DynaVideo podem replicar-se e são implementados como código móvel, seu posicionamento pode ser otimizado para atender uma dada demanda e, como conseqüência, a configuração do serviço pode ser ajustada para minimizar o consumo de recursos necessários para distribuir vídeo para seus usuários. A principal contribuição desta dissertação foi provar a viabilidade do conceito de servidores implementados como agentes móveis Java baseados no ambiente de desenvolvimento de software Aglet.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Middleware platforms have been widely used as an underlying infrastructure to the development of distributed applications. They provide distribution and heterogeneity transparency and a set of services that ease the construction of distributed applications. Nowadays, the middlewares accommodate an increasing variety of requirements to satisfy distinct application domains. This broad range of application requirements increases the complexity of the middleware, due to the introduction of many cross-cutting concerns in the architecture, which are not properly modularized by traditional programming techniques, resulting in a tangling and spread of theses concerns in the middleware code. The presence of these cross-cutting concerns limits the middleware scalability and aspect-oriented paradigm has been used successfully to improve the modularity, extensibility and customization capabilities of middleware. This work presents AO-OiL, an aspect-oriented (AO) middleware architecture, based on the AO middleware reference architecture. This middleware follows the philosophy that the middleware functionalities must be driven by the application requirements. AO-OiL consists in an AO refactoring of the OiL (Orb in Lua) middleware in order to separate basic and crosscutting concerns. The proposed architecture was implemented in Lua and RE-AspectLua. To evaluate the refactoring impact in the middleware architecture, this paper presents a comparative analysis of performance between AO-OiL and OiL


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This study has as main objective to verify the effect of the tax and financial incentives granted by the brazilian states, specially in the reduction of ICMS on the investment decision of the entities, which in the last years led to the companies to decide new projects in based on the region that presented the better infrastructure beyond lesser tributary expense. For in such was made an economic valuation of the companies with focus in the beneficiary s optics using an adaptation of the Discounted Cash Flow method to measure the impact of the tax incentives in the value of the companies, this study selected the textile industry segment located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The results indicated that such incentives created addition in the value of the companies, however the inexistence of incentives would not be enough to a negative decision of investment in the Rio Grande do Norte. The smallest difference between the value with and without incentive observed was 8.9%, and the biggest 31.7%, and the average of value aggregation with the tax incentives represented 18.9%


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This paper aims to describe the familiar cotton culture in the districts of Tangará and Triunfo Potiguar, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It relates specific problems that small cotton agriculturists face in the cotton production and sale as well as their perception in relation to public policies that have been put into practice in these districts. The research revealed soils with potentiality for the cotton culture, but that are not being cultivated for anything else but subsistence, not being able to become productive, specifically through the cotton culture. That activity should be practiced so that it preserves the environment and the familiar farmers themselves, since it was verified they are constant1y exposed to health problems due to insecticides use. In what refers to fomentation policies it was observed that bureaucracy delays the liberation of the money destined to production, seeds delivery and other actions related to production and commercialization. Some procedures such as information and training about productivity development and attention with the environrnent and infrastructure are recommended. The results indicate lack of investments, rural credit and technical help, main1y in Triunfo Potiguar. There is unanimity, from the rural farmers of that district in what refers to the desire of improving the production and remaining in that activity. In this sense, the contribution of this research for the most appropriate culture production can be materialized through the technique of tissue's culture, aimed at obtaining plants that are resistant to diseases. The data indicated that the hormonal supplementations used induced regenerative calluses making in vitro morphogenesis possible in alI tested varieties. The use of the activated coal antioxidant was efficient, reducing oxidation, however not suppressing it. The results lead to an opportunity for the familiar tàrmers from Rio Grande do Norte enlarge the cotton culture, because to obtain plants that are resistant to diseases implies in insecticides reduction, propitiating smaller impact to the atmosphere and less cost


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Through the comparative critical analysis of the demanded urbanistic parameters in the legislation and of the urbanistic index found in the Rocas neighbourhood, having as study object the already consolidated constructions of residential use, intended to demonstrate that the neighbourhood needes specific norms and that the limits established for recognition of Special Areas of Social Interest for the urbanistic legislation of the City of Natal would have to be reviewed and to be brought up to date, once they show occupations like the ones of the reffered neighbourhood. At a first moment, bibliographical revision and elaboration of the theoretical referencial had been made, , to analyze afterwards the urbanistic legislation for the neibourhood of Rocas, that determines relative parameters for the sizes of land lots, coefficients of exploitation, minimum taxes of occupation and retreat. Through a field research in the area, a study on the occupation description was done at first, characterization of the neibourhood through the study of the social-economic aspects, of the existing infrastructure in the place, environmental aspects, morphologic and tipolgic analysis of the neibourhood as a whole. From the grouping of the found characteristics, sub-zones had been delimited, where the real object of study was detached to be analyzed. From the Sub-zoning, a statistic sampling was carried through with the intention to examine which of the urbanistic index is found in the dwellings of that already materialized place. This sampling, of one hundred and eighteen residences, was carried through by measurement of the lots and existing constructions in these places. Through this survey, for each habitacional unit, area of the lot, constructed area, retreats and coefficient of exploitation had been calculated. The comparison between the legislation parameters and the index found in the place reveal an expressive index of urbanistic irregularity and the necessity of special regulation for the Rocas neibourhood due to its specific social-space characteristic


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Os sensores inteligentes são dispositivos que se diferenciam dos sensores comuns por apresentar capacidade de processamento sobre os dados monitorados. Eles tipicamente são compostos por uma fonte de alimentação, transdutores (sensores e atuadores), memória, processador e transceptor. De acordo com o padrão IEEE 1451 um sensor inteligente pode ser dividido em módulos TIM e NCAP que devem se comunicar através de uma interface padronizada chamada TII. O módulo NCAP é a parte do sensor inteligente que comporta o processador. Portanto, ele é o responsável por atribuir a característica de inteligência ao sensor. Existem várias abordagens que podem ser utilizadas para o desenvolvimento desse módulo, dentre elas se destacam aquelas que utilizam microcontroladores de baixo custo e/ou FPGA. Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura hardware/software para um módulo NCAP segundo o padrão IEEE 1451.1. A infra-estrutura de hardware é composta por um driver de interface RS-232, uma memória RAM de 512kB, uma interface TII, o processador embarcado NIOS II e um simulador do módulo TIM. Para integração dos componentes de hardware é utilizada ferramenta de integração automática SOPC Builder. A infra-estrutura de software é composta pelo padrão IEEE 1451.1 e pela aplicação especí ca do NCAP que simula o monitoramento de pressão e temperatura em poços de petróleo com o objetivo de detectar vazamento. O módulo proposto é embarcado em uma FPGA e para a sua prototipação é usada a placa DE2 da Altera que contém a FPGA Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. O processador embarcado NIOS II é utilizado para dar suporte à infra-estrutura de software do NCAP que é desenvolvido na linguagem C e se baseia no padrão IEEE 1451.1. A descrição do comportamento da infra-estrutura de hardware é feita utilizando a linguagem VHDL


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The northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State (RN) shows areas of Potiguar basin with high activity in petroleum industry. With the goal of avoiding and reducing the accident risks with oil it is necessary to understand the natural vulnerability, mapping natural resources and monitoring the oil spill. The use of computational tools for environmental monitoring makes possible better analyses and decisions in political management of environmental preservation. This work shows a methodology for monitoring of environment impacts, with purpose of avoiding and preserving the sensible areas in oil contact. That methodology consists in developing and embedding an integrated computational system. Such system is composed by a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS). The SDSS shows a computational infrastructure composed by Web System of Geo-Environmental and Geographic Information - SWIGG , the System of Environmental Sensibility Maps for Oil Spill AutoMSA , and the Basic System of Environmental Hydrodynamic ( SisBAHIA a System of Modeling and Numerical Simulating SMNS). In a scenario of oil spill occurred coastwise of Rio Grande do Norte State s northern coast, the integration of such systems will give support to decision agents for managing of environmental impacts. Such support is supplied through a system of supporting to spatial decisions


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La santé et la maladie sont des objets de préoccupation dans la société. Tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, ils ont été traités sous différents yeux. La géographie est une façon de comprendre les processus liés à des questions de santé et de maladie, de façon privilégiée dans le but d'être une science concernées par la zone géographique où cela implique non seulement une structure de la matière, mais les personnes et les flux découlant de la relation est établie Entre la société et la nature. Un lien est établi entre l'organisation spatiale de la santé-maladie est au c ur de ce travail, avec la coupe Guarapes espace du quartier, situé dans l'ouest de la Région administrative de Natal (plus bolsão pauvreté de la ville) pour la période correspondante de la 1990 par 2004 (jalon important pour le bien et la dynamique des populations de la zone d'étude) et de réduire le temps de la recherche. Au cours de l'analyse procède à l'étude des formes de production et d'organisation de l'espace vécu. Depuis comprendre le quotidien des personnes souffrant d'un réseau de relations, motivés par les besoins et la solidarité qui génèrent des formes et des contenus qui façonnent l'aire géographique. Sur la base de revue de la littérature, la recherche empirique à travers la réalisation des feuilles de route des entretiens avec le représentant des gens du quartier (résidents, des dirigeants communautaires, des coordonnateurs pédagogiques, des infirmières et des agents de santé de la PSF). Outre les visites effectuées à l'Agence de régulation des services d'assainissement de la municipalité de Noël - ARSBAN, le Secrétariat spécial pour l'Environnement et Urbanisme - SEMURB, secrétaire du Travail et de la protection sociale SEMTAS, Secrétariat municipal de la santé - SMS. Sur la base de l'espace vécu voir que les éléments du quotidien local exercer une forte influence sur la santé et La maladie de la population étudiée, avec un accent sur les problèmes découlant de chômage, sous-emploi, l'insécurité et un manque d'assiduité de certains responsables de l'USF - Guarapes. La production et l'organisation de la région convergent à l'apparition de maisons, les rues et les petits commerces non équipés de l'infrastructure de base dédiée à la prise en charge des personnes favorables à l'occupation désordonnée et non planifiée pour plusieurs zones du district, ainsi que l'apparition De vecteurs transmetteurs de maladies