77 resultados para Grupo Hospitalar Conceição. Serviço de Saúde Comunitária.
This thesis seeks to uphold the idea that the therapeutic residential service, as hybrid device and recent process of deinstitutionalization in mental health, works as a problem producer while it also indicates challenges and potentialities in this process, the attention on mental health and on its own care production. To that end, we work with the prospect map with which we approach reality as the subjectivities production field which transformations and intensities are the major thought propellants. From this perspective, it was possible to produce three "purpose maps" from meetings with actors and groups involved with the TRS and the theoretical study carried out. On the first map we mapped the conditions of possibility of this device and its design in the midst of the process of institutionalization and health policies. We indicate on it the TRS configuration as a hybrid and we hassled its proposition as a means of "social rehabilitation" that can work as a social homogeneity mechanism. On a second map, we cartographied mental captures through images and ways historically built from madness presented in the biopolitical contemporary game and we indicated that the resistance to such catches should be built on a politic daily basis as important vectors of the institutionalization process in mental health. Finally, on a third map we mapped the carefulness produced in the TRS, by analyzing the transition psychiatric hospital - TRS and the caregivers´ team work. On this mapping, the care, for the weakness in the coresponsibility field, is reveled crossed by mental, disciplinary and normality elements, but it is also built in resistance born from links in the intersubjective field of the caring work. We conclude, then, that the TRS power and the deinstitutionalization process itself were in building and strengthening affective labor micro political networks of life and liberty producers
Considerando o papel do ensino superior em saúde para a sociedade brasileira, em que os egressos dos cursos ofertados na área serão os profissionais prestadores de serviços à população, este estudo objetivou analisar o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família - Natal-RN na formação de estudantes dos cursos de graduação em saúde da UFRN. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com análise de documentos das disciplinas SACI e POTI datados entre 2009 e 2011 (portfólios, avaliações de desempenho e oficina de avaliação), mediante o auxílio do software Alceste© e análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Na análise foi encontrado como potencialidades: o alunato trabalhando em grupo tutorial multidisciplinar, cuja interação e contato com a Unidade de Saúde da Família, incluídos os profissionais, bem como a comunidade, instiga nos aprendizes o diálogo consigo mesmo e com o outro, numa construção dos ser/agir no mundo. Os textos trabalhados durante as aulas permitem refletir e teorizar a respeito da realidade observada, auxiliando-os na identificação dos problemas e no traçar estratégias de intervenção. Já a observação da realidade reveste o aluno de humanização. Este passa a captar as necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pela comunidade observada. Nas fragilidades ficaram evidenciados: problemas de relações interpessoais entre os estudantes da SACI; a maioria dos projetos de intervenção ocorrendo numa perspectiva paternalista, reproduzindo o modelo de prestação de serviços na saúde mais praticado nas sociedades brasileiras; dificuldades em aprofundar no aprendiz, a importância da teorização dos assuntos; problemas de financiamento de projetos de intervenção; descumprimento do plano de ensino em alguns grupos tutoriais; e, por fim, dificuldades dos alunos e monitores em acompanhar as atividade de pesquisa e extensão do PET-Saúde, pela falta de integração dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos. Conclui-se que o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família adota metodologias ativas de ensino na inserção de alunos na Atenção Primária em Saúde, proporcionando uma formação dentro de princípios éticos e humanísticos a partir do trabalho em equipe e da inclusão reflexiva dos alunos na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Apesar da existência de fragilidades concernentes às relações interpessoais, descompasso entre as proposições multiprofissionais e interdisciplinares da SACI e POTI e as dificuldades de pô-las em prática em currículos fragmentados e organizados por disciplinas pouco flexíveis, potencialmente, ao fim dessas experiências conectadas a Atenção Primária, os discentes apresentam uma nova visão do cuidado com a saúde, próxima às necessidades da população, iniciando uma tomada de postura crítica e reflexiva, entendendo-se com sujeitos ativos no construir a saúde coletivamente
The present study deals with the exercise of professional social workers in private health care plans registered with the Regional Council of Medicine/RN, in the city of Natal/RN, with regards to the demands/tasks, work conditions, and the professional response, given the climate of restructuring the capital. The set of socio-historical transformations, as a results of the dynamic capitalist, is a process of new configurations in relation to state and society that interfere directly in relation to working conditions, social rights historically won by workers. In this context, the operator of health plans arises as a possibilities to provide services in health, through the logic of the market, in which the subjects of law, become consumers contributing to the displacement of the responsibilities of the State. Obligating workers to lessen the burden with the reproduction of their workforce. This involves changing societal context for social service, since it is one of the professions that are active in terms of the immediate social issue, and come as part of the collective worker. From qualitative research based on a theoretical and methodological perspective and critical dialectics, it was possible to unveil some features and trends of the exercise of(a) social operators in private health care plans. The survey results indicated that : a) the demands and duties for certain social service, are associated with the redevelopment of the capital, whose requirements and responsibilities professionals have with their needs, particularly the guarantee of profit, services rendered; b) in the conditions of work there is a trend of insecurity uncertainty and dismantling of professionals; c) the answers professionals suffer the limits and contradictions present in the daily training, mainly depending one the characteristics of management and operation of the operators, which has professional relative autonomy
The process of decentralization of health policy in Brazil has evolved throughout the second half of the twentieth century, advancing by leaps and bounds in the last two decades. The various public institutions have assumed the function of responding to a growing demand for medical care and hospital. Monsenhor Hospital Walfredo Gurgel - H.M.W.G. fits into this context as an institution par excellence-oriented service the demand for medium and high complexity. This paper presents some questions about the process of decentralization and devolution occurred in Brazil. To do so is a brief historical background and politics, showing the concepts of reform and counter-reform and how the processes mentioned in the Country Correlates develop local social development of the decentralization process and discusses the modifications in policies social intervention in recent decades and the state health policies. Presents the implementation of a Health System in Brazil and the state showing how the decentralization of health policy occurs in Rio Grande do Norte. Finally, it explores the role of H.M.W.G. in health policy in RN. For this, portrays the institution and is located within the decentralized structure of health policy in the state and capital. An analysis of the demand for hospital care and the budget situation is realized at the close of work, correlating the role of HMWG with the decentralization of health policy in Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology used for the preparation of this work was based on documentary research, systematic nonparticipant observation, field diary and analysis of data, documents and content. This set shows a quantitative and qualitative methodology that strips the institution, enabling the understanding of their role, boundaries, threats and opportunities
The health worker is seized in this research beyond the mere applicability of legal devices concerning the legislation of Labor, in order to be established correlations with activities alluding to the public power in the ambit of State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). This dissertation is an cutting of analysis circumscribed in the research, "Accidents at work: law, citizenship and justice," of the Grupo de Estudos Seguridade Social e Trabalho (GESTO) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The overall goal turned to apprehend and relate contradictory elements inherent compliance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the supermarket which showed the highest occurrence of legal violations recognized by the Labor Justice of RN in the period between 2006 and 2008 . The specific objectives turned to identify, from the condemnatory sentences, violations inherent in the protective direction of the OH & S legislation; analyze the relationship of health damages to workers at the supposed recognition of rights claimed in condemnatory sentences and correlate violations inherent in the legislation OSH impacts on the health of workers, from data contained in expert reports. The justification for perform the research backed up, among other factors, in the fact that class of activity has been presented as the most recurrent in condemnatory sentences, since it chose to focus the analysis on documentary evidence from the supermarket which showed greater expression in relation to violations of the OSH legislation. From a qualitative perspective, the methodological approach was based on content analysis of thirteen condemnatory sentences, handed down by the potiguar labor justice, and three expert reports from a large supermarket in the city of Natal/RN. Aftermaths are evidenced relating to the cyclical processes of reorganization of capital, demanding requirements for labor organizations whose strategies for survival include identifying mechanisms to extract as much of the work force. Structural determination and ideological context that puts into question the historical achievements of workers, for example the legal devices aimed at preventing workplace accidents, expressed in this research as relativized, showing limitations of reach, as was inferred the indemnities, by material and moral damages, arising from Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSDs'S), recognized by the laborite judiciary
Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a concretização da reforma psiquiátrica em natal, partindo de um dos serviços substitutivos que compõe a rede psicossocial deste município. A política de saúde mental tem passado por mudanças paradigmáticas, definindo como objetivo maior o processo de desistitucionalização. Redirecionando sua ação para os serviços substitutivos e não, mas o hospital psiquiátrico tradicional. Nesse cenário os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) se mostram estratégicos para materialização dos objetivos pretendidos pela reforma psiquiátrica. O estudo transcorre dentro da perspectiva materialista dialética. A presente pesquisa teve como lócus de investigação empírica o primeiro Centros de Atenção Psicossocial implantado em Natal/RN. A escolha por um serviço extra-hospitalar vai ao encontro de uma postura defendida pelo movimento de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Considerando o CAPS um serviço substitutivo estratégico em saúde mental para a efetivação da Reforma Psiquiátrica, neste sentido objetivamos apreender as contradições que marcam o processo de concretização da Reforma Psiquiátrica através da vivência dos usuários e de suas famílias, no interior de uma unidade integrante do novo modelo de atenção em saúde mental. Partimos do pressuposto de que os usuários e seus familiares são sujeitoschave no processo de reforma psiquiátrica, por vivenciarem em seu cotidiano as mudanças concretas realizadas, que acenam para um processo de re-inserção social, mas também, contraditoriamente, os limites e entraves desse processo
Nowadays we can observe in Natal city, the development of the structure and the health s private service. However, the spatial distribution of these services will be marked by an uneven distribution on the places, what will be in according with the conditions offered by the same in each historical period. Accordingly, the objective of this job is analyze the use of the territory by the health s private service and the dynamics that promotes in Natal city in the technical scientific information period. Thus, seeking to search this goal, realized literature, documentary, empirical, considering the process of development and the spatial distribution of the health s private service in the city. From a topology we can observe that prevails in the city a service s concentration at all levels of complexity in only a few neighborhoods, being Tirol and Petrópolis, which are neighborhoods that have high densities of engineer system, bigger fluidity, and the best level salaries of the city, which present a greater number of these establishments. However, equal this concentration has occurred a dispersion of these services to other neighborhoods, as for example Lagoa Nova which is presenting the same attractiveness in the view of attributes territorial, begins to protect services presenting the same profile like the firsts. However, the city has a significant demand to this kind of service found in these neighborhoods, some events provided the emergency of another type of market of health s private service, that are those created to attend guests with a lower purchasing power, which will have their establishments in the same way selectively distributed in some areas of the city, which will not be the same pursued by the other, showing how selective is the installation of an enterprise guide by the logic of capitalism reproduction. So, the imperative of spatial selectivity presented by the health s private sector exposes an use of the differential territory for these services
O objetivo dessa investigação foi avaliar a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (SAMU 192 RN), na visão dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, avaliativo com delineamento longitudinal e abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em quatro etapas: construção de perfil dos atendimentos do SAMU 192 RN; revisão integrativa para levantamento dos indicadores de avaliação da qualidade da assistência em serviços pré-hospitalares móveis de urgência; construção e validação de conteúdo do instrumento e definição dos indicadores de estrutura e processo; e aplicação do instrumento aos profissionais de saúde para avaliação da qualidade da assistência. A populaçãoe amostra foram compostas por todos os profissionais do SAMU 192 RN, atuantes no período do estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre janeiro e dezembro/2012. Participaram do estudo: 11 enfermeiros, 24 médicos, 56 técnicos de enfermagem e 88 condutores, totalizando 179 profissionais. O estudo foi aprovado (Parecer nº 437/2010 e CAAE: 0025.0.294.051-10) pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, nesta foram utilizados os programas Microsoft-Excel XP e SPSS 20.0, com uso do índice Kappa (K) e Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), considerando K ≥0,61 e IVC>0,80. Além disso, foi considerando nível de significância estatística de ρ-valor < 0,05. Entre os 179 profissionais, 100,0% tinham menos de 5 anos de tempo de serviço, 55,9% tinham menos de 5 anos de experiência na área de urgência, 88,3% referiram trabalhar na instituição porque gosta, 55,3% possuiam outro vínculo de trabalho, 54,3% com jornada semanal de 30 a 40 horas, 98,9% participaram de treinamento, 83,2% valorizam o treinamento em serviço, 87,2% têm boa frequência de participação no treinamento e 96,6% sentem necessidade de realizar mais treinamentos. Com relação à categorização dos itens em indicadores de estrutura ou de processo, os juízes determinaram para estrutura: estado de conservação das ambulâncias; estrutura física geral do serviço; conforto dentro da ambulância; disponibilidade de recursos materiais; segurança para o usuário dentro da ambulância; segurança para o profissional; educação permanente; segurança demonstrada pela equipe profissional; remuneração do profissional e a satisfação profissional. E para processo: acesso ao serviço; acolhimento; humanização; atendimento realizado; tempo resposta; privacidade ao usuário; orientações sobre o atendimento; relacionamento entre o profissional e usuário; oportunidade do usuário realizar reclamações e articulação multiprofissional. O instrumento quando submetido à validação de conteúdo constatou-se que as contribuições dos juízes permitiram melhorar/otimizar o instrumento de avaliação da qualidade da assistência pré-hospitalar móvel de urgência, uma vez que os índices Kappa e IVC foram considerados bons e ótimos e o conteúdo foi validado. Na avaliação da qualidade da assistência, constatou-se que a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo SAMU 192 RN está prejudicada nas dimensões estrutura, com relação à estrutura física, segurança dos pontos de apoio descentralizados, o conforto e o estado de conservação das ambulâncias. Já com relação aos indicadores de processo, os profissionais avaliaram todos positivamente. A avaliação da qualidade da assistência contribui para a busca de soluções dos problemas detectados, permite novas perspectivas e colabora para a consolidação do serviço.
Nowadays the search for growth makes organizations seeking competitive advantages, project management shares this goal, through techniques that assist in the search for an improved management of the various fields of knowledge through a design methodology. The world is driven by projects and the search for ways to better manage activities such as time, cost and term towards the success of a particular project is something constant. A major contribution that IT can make to the health sector is the support for the management area. IT can integrate processes, optimize the interconnection between the various sectors, make hospitals have access to inside information of good quality, as well as support in the healthcare area, sharing pictures, uniting the various aspects of nursing and nursing service. The major challenge faced by the SESAP Information Technology sector at present is in project management in IT , which does not exist makes investments in the area are increasingly difficult due to this deficiency in management develop their own systems without cost additional to the State. This study seeks to build and strengthen the Project Management within the Department of Health through the implementation of a project office that will manage the final result of this work methodology based on PMBOK, and still show the functionality applied to development the state Hospital Management System that will later be installed on all Regional Health Units and proposing measures for the sustainability and development of the sector amid the difficulties of the current public service. Such action will result in a savings of more than R$ 107,000.00 (one hundred seven thousand) regarding spending private software currently used by the assignment of invested by the State of Rio Grande do Norte user licenses, representing more than 5 % of the total budget of the State Department of Public Health of the State
The Health Multiprofessional Residency Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PRMS/UFRN) adopts as guiding keystones the learning process of in-service teaching, the interdisciplinary multiprofessional work and the compliance with the principles and guidelines of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Although PRMS/UFRN have been idealized with a focus on hospital care, the training process in the insertion of residents in the Primary Health Care (PHC) has an important role because they need to experience all levels of care, taking into account that the educational process through work proposed by the Residence is based on the comprehensiveness of health care. In light of the foregoing, the present research has sought to elucidate the insertion of these residents in PHC services, through a qualitative approach of case study, where data collection was held in two different moments: firstly, a questionnaire was accomplished, through an semi-structured script, with the residents of PRMS/UFRN, Natal Campus; subsequently, the focus group technique was accomplished with a group of nine residents, and data were analyzed from the categorical thematic content analysis. From the process of empirical categorization, categories and subcategories were raised, among which, the positive aspects and potentialities of insertion of residents in PHC. We detected the articulation of actions for promoting, preventing and recovering health; training in comprehensiveness of health care, multiprofessional activities and activities aimed at doing the integration among teaching-service-community. Regarding the difficulties found in this experience, we dealt with the organization and planning of rotation activities, the preceptorship, the process of work found in the Basic Health Units (BHU), in addition to factors external to educational practice, such as the issue of safety within these communities. Accordingly, with this situational diagnosis, we became able to realize that residents have identified the importance of this rotation for their vocational training, since these are inserted in post-graduate programs in hospital care. As an immediate product of this study, we will present a report that will provide a space for discussion and assessment of this rotation by the coordination bodies of PRMS/UFRN, in order to seek organizational and pedagogical adaptations, besides the proposition of qualification courses for the actors involved with this process, aiming the implementation of improvements in the rotation of PHC toward the qualified training of professionals for SUS.
Unfavorable working conditions constitute one of the factors that may contribute to cause psychic suffering and behavioral disorders in workers. This research aimed to characterize the working conditions public servant technical- administrative , specifically the auxiliaries and assistants in administration of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal, Brasil, as well to identify the incidence of psychic suffering in this group of public servants. As a strategy, we chose a case study of multi-method type, descriptive with quantitative and qualitative sequential steps. For this, it initially performed desk research by surveying epidemiological data for these public servants working in central campus, to identify the major diseases presented in the period from January 2011 to June 2014. Then, we proceeded to diagnostic step of the aspects related to work, by applying online and in loco of Working Conditions Survey (already validated by Borges et al., 2013a) in 11 sectors selected according to the following criteria: high number of workers public servants and major and minor percentage of absences for health care for ICD-F (according to records of Sector of Workers Health Care - DAS). In the treatment of the data the spreadsheet editor software Microsoft Office Excel and statistical SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences were used and made qualifying type of content analysis of open questions. Applied to this study 174 public servants and the results show a predominance of absenteeism due to mental or behavioral disorders (ICD F), musculoskeletal diseases (ICD M) and respiratory system (ICD J). Among the factors that were significant are the working hours (contractual and legal); Physical Effort (M = 2.59) and workspace (M = 2.58) - physical and material conditions; encouraging collaboration (M = 3.5) - processes and characteristics of the work; and participation (M = 1.78) - social-management environment. Therefore, it infers the existence of a relationship between these factors and some of the reasons for absenteeism reported by participants. It is suggested the expansion of this research with studies involving other professionals (including scholarship workers and contractors) and specific sectors.
Avaliação dos impactos do uso do sistema de gestão hospitalar no Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes
The object of this study was motivated by the need to know the possible causes of differences in results achieved in the implementation of a Computerised Management System (CMS) in a Federal University Hospital, located in northeastern Brazil, to understand the factors that influenced the results in different groups when was used the same systems implementation methodologies. Considering the implication of managers, health professionals, other professionals involved and the existing organizational structure in the period when implantation occurred, aimed to know the perception of these people about the development of CMS in the deployment process in your group or sector and also in the organization.The methodology used in this study was the content analysis which provides a rich set of methodological tools for evaluating speeches,enabling us to discourse from the unknown analysis and subjectivity, but with scientific rigor, allowing, at the end, to understand the disparity in results in the implementation of CMS.It was used as a research tool, a semi-structured interview, which exploits a qualitative approach, as suggested by the authors. It was used the approach of the episodic interview, to be more narrative about the experiences of the interview participants in their practical experience along the CMS deployment process in the hospital.Were interviewed three groups of professional and a group of managers, all with higher education in their professions and who participated in the entire implementation process from the beginning.It followed the Bardin's methodology (2009) in all the phases of treatment and interpretation of data, where emerged three categories: the "Thought and Knowledge"; the "Practices and Changes"; the "Obtained Results". From the category "Thought and Knowledge"emerged three subcategories: the "Administrative", the "Institutional" and the "IT Knowledge". From the category "Practices and Changes" emerged three subcategories: "Reality Prior to CMS"; "The IT Project and the implementation of CMS" and "Impacts of the CMS Implementation". From the category "Results Obtained" emerged three subcategories: "Benefits Promoted by CMS", "Dissatisfaction Observed" and "Level of Use and Understanding CMS ". It was observed that the lack of integration of the sectors was a determinant problem in the implementation of CMS. The CMS implementation project was not well dimensioned and divulged in the institution. Different models of leaderships and of objectives of the sectors influenced in the course of the CMS implementation process. We can mention that an CMS should be a consolidation of organizational practices tool already institutionalized and of integration amongthe sectors and not supporting to isolated practices and personalistsfrom sectors of the institution.
In the context of current capitalist society, marked by the logic that restricts the human person their status as workforce, in order to generate profits, old age is often treated as an underprivileged life stage. This reality becomes more intense considering the sharp aging process that affects brazilian society is accompanied by the country's entry into a globalized world and tensioned by the dictates of capital. Thus, despite the increasing development of policies to strengthen the guarantee of elderly rights, it is necessary to establish effective strategies of these measures to ensure a higher quality of life to these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to develop studies that problematize the issue of the elderly, which represent a growing portion of the population, and hence have more visible demands, including in health. With the increase in the elderly population in Brazil it is possible to realize the country is going through a demographic transition and epidemiological changes that contribute to change the landscape of health care of the elderly, especially the hospitalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the multiple aspects of ensuring the rights of elderly patients admitted to the State Hospital Dr. Ruy Pereira dos Santos (HRPS), located in Natal / RN, whose most patients are elderly. Specifically sought to understand the aging process, its social consequences and the vulnerability to which it is exposed, especially during the disease situation; understand the process of construction of the Brazilian public health and their actions for older people; learn the expressions of citizenship formation in Brazil with regard to policies for older people; and investigate the design of health professionals about the guarantee of the right of hospitalized elderly. Starting from an integrated coordinated theoretical and practical possibilities, a qualitative research and literature character, documentary and field was held. For this, there were four semi-structured interviews with health research locus Hospital professionals - namely, two social workers, a doctor and a nurse - as well as life stories with the hospitalized elderly patients, one in each deck the said Hospital, totaling three. The results pointed to the difficulty of health policy become effective as law and stressed one historical scenario violation of the rights of elderly hospitalized patients, which persists due to the precarious situation and the difficulty of effective implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS ) and other public policies to that end.
The current discussion on Education and Health has shown the need for greater integration between health services and academia, and this issue has been addressed by researchers in the area as being of great importance. How do we say what we need to do? The National Policy on Education Permanent Health proposes the dissemination of pedagogical skills at SUS, so that the public health clearance to constitute an area of teaching and learning in work performance. This study aimed to know how is the process of integration between education and health services in primary health care, from the knowledge on the role of mentors in the training of undergraduate students in the healthcare field in UFRN. Qualitative Methodology possible, from the use of the techniques of Semi-Structured Interview and Direct Observation of achieving this goal. The analysis of data taken from the Hermeneutic-Dialectic Approach, taking as mediators knowledge of the areas of Education, Health Education and Public Health, showed that the performance of preceptors constitutes an important strategy to enable the integration of teaching and service, and the professionals involved in the preceptorship educate themselves while they educate. The educational process is permeated by knowledge and experiences heterogeneous, highly favorable to the training of students and professionals factor. Innovative educational practices proven capable of starting the mediation of preceptors and other professionals involved in the Work Programme Education for Health, extend learning. The curriculum components Integrated Activity of Health, Education and Citizenship, and Tutorial Program for Integrated Health Work chosen as the basis for this experiment set, for preceptors, the need to seek new knowledge, allowing each actor transcend its specific area of academic training and interact with other areas, which makes learning interesting, enjoyable and meaningful.
The present study regards an applied qualitative social research (descriptive) which approaches the matter between old age and Brazilian social actions performed in social projects, aiming a qualified life and citizenship for this group of age. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age regarding social actions from the government directed to old age individual treatment for life quality improvement. The theoretical fundamentals of this work is, in a first moment, about old age and certain existing theories about aging process, as well as the differences and perspectives that come up throughout this process. In a second moment, some reflections are developed about the relation between life quality and leisure regarding old age, with the conception and historical rescue about these questions, as well as the evidence of leisure as an instrument of well-being feasibility and a better life quality in old age. Then the study contextualizes Brazilian government treatment to old age individuals, cutting off the Constitution of Republic from 1988 and some social attitudes taken by the government in a try to reach this specific group. Finally, the study presents the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age , as a social program which belongs to extension activities from Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), which aims old age treatment and their citizenship and life quality. After the application of a semi-structured interview using the technique of Analysis of content for the Analysis and Discussion of Results, it is possible to conclude that the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age fulfils its objective regarding contribution, through offered leisure activities, for old age well-being and life quality improvement. Hence, on this regard, it is possible to observe the importance and value of government actions, social projects and programs assisting old age individuals, for they are able to provide this group the opportunity to live out activities that allow their citizenship and socialization, regarding well-being and life quality improvement.