106 resultados para Estudos de Intervenção


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Urban growth of metropolitan areas has produced impacts of considerable importance on environment and water resources. Such impacts are in general associated with human activities, such as basin area uncontrolled development. In this context, Pitimbu river watershed, located at Natal metropolitan area, has been affected by uncontrolled development caused by urban expansion. Indeed, such effects have been reflected on water quantity and quality, which may produce social consequences. Pitimbu river is an important water supplier for human consumption, actually supplying a 2600 m3/h water discharge. This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative aspects of water and sediment on Pitimbu river lowland portion. For this purpose, physical-chemical water properties were analyzed, and sediment macro invertebrates benthonic were monitored in two cross sections in a period between November 8th, 2007 and October 3rd, 2008. Monitoring methodology consisted of water and sediment sampling for laboratory analysis. Water quality analysis included Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen Biochemical Demand, Nitrate, pH and Alkalinity, Suspended and Total Solids. The analysis of heavy metals in the sediment included Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Silver and Nickel. Dry season water discharge data were measured and used to adjust recession function parameters, whose values reveal quick recession and strong river-aquifer unconfined interaction. Water quality analysis revealed the absence of degradation by organic composites. However, DO and BOD levels indicate that more consistent results could be provided if sampling time interval were reduced. Biomonitoring showed signs of aquatic ecosystem degradation by the absence of sensitive and abundance of resistant benthic organisms. Obtained results demonstrate the urgent need of effective management measures to provide environmental protection. The increase of environmental degradation will certainly make impracticable the use of water for human consumption


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The Pitimbu River Watershed (PRW), belonging to Potiguar capital metropolitan area, State of Rio Grande do Norte, contributes, among other purposes, to human using and animal watering. This watershed is extremely important because, besides filling up with freshwater approximately 30% of the south part of Natal (South, East and West Zones), contributes to the river shore ecosystem equilibrium. Face to the current conjuncture, this study aims to evaluate the urban development dynamics in the PRW, applying Cellular Automata as a modeling instrument, and to simulate future urban scenarios, between 2014 and 2033, using the simulation program SLEUTH. In the calibration phase, urban spots for 1 984, 1992, 2004 and 2013 years were used, with resolution from 100 meters. After the simulation, it was found a predominance of organic growth, expanding the BHRP from existing urban centers. The spontaneous growth occurred through the fullest extent of the watershed, however the probability of effective growth should not exceed 21%. It was observed that, there was a 68% increase for the period between 2014 and 2033, corresponding to an expansion area of 1,778 ha. For 2033, the source of Pitimbu River area and the Jiqui Lake surroundings will increase more than 78%. Finally, it was seen an exogenous urban growth tendency in the watershed (outside-in). As a result of this growth, hydraulics resources will become scarcer


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The central question of the present study is to identify the epistemological knowledge that the teachers-trainees possess regarding the characteristics (properties) of the decimal numbering system; its purpose is to offer a contribution to the pedagogic practice of the teachers who work within the Basic Literacy Cycle, in terms of what concerns both the acquisition of contents and the development of the knowledge that helps them in the elaboration of adequate strategies to working with the Decimal Numbering System in the classroom. The study is based on the constructivist sociointeractionist approach to teaching Mathematics and it constitutes, in itself, a methodological intervention with the teachers-trainees engaged in the Professional Qualification Program in Basic Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The foundations of the study were found in investigations of researchers who had carried out studies on the construction of numerical writing, showing, for instance, that the construction process of ideas and procedures involved in groupings and changes to base 10 take a lot longer to be accomplished than one can imagine. A set of activities was then elaborated which could not only contribute to the acquisition of contents but that could also make the teachers-trainees reflect upon their teaching practices in the classroom so that in this way they will be able to elaborate more consistent didactic approaches, taking into consideration the previous knowledge of the students and also some obstacles that often appear along the way. Even when teachers have access to the most appropriate dicactic resources, the lack of knowledge of the content and of the real meaning of that content make the Decimal Numbering System, a subject of fundamental importance, be taught most times in a mechanical way. The analisys of the discussions and behaviours of the teachers-trainees during the activities reavealed that they made them reflect upon their current practices in the classroom and that, as a whole, the aims of each of the activities carried out with the teachers-trainers were reached


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The current research had as main objective to analyze the possibility of knowledge elaboration/re-elaboration about ideas and algorithmic procedures related to basic operations by pupils of the 6th degree fundamental teaching in a significant learning process. This way the study had as basis a methodological intervention developed in a 6th degree class of a Fundamental Teaching Municipal School in the city of João Pessoa, PB. The research had as central steps the application of pre-tests (1 and 2); the execution of semi-structured interviews with the pupils involved in the theme deep studies; the elaboration and development of teaching activities, having as referential the significant learning and the application of a pre-test. The data collected in the pre-tests (1 and 2) showed a low level of the pupils comprehension about the contents related to the four operations. The answers to the post-test questions were analyzed mainly from the qualitative point of view based on the mathematic concepts comprehension theory proposed by Skemp (1980) having as complementary subsidy data collected through interviews. The analysis of the results obtained in the post-test showed that the major part of pupils reached a relational comprehension about the ideas and algorithmic procedures related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Such results showed us that the application of a teaching methodology that privileges the content comprehension, considering the pupils previous knowledge and the reflection about the action along the activities proposed, made possible the elaboration or re-elaboration of knowledge by pupils regarding to contents adopted as theme for our research


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Many discussions about the role of the school are on the agenda, in an increasingly complex society. Sociologists, educators, anthropologists, researchers of different areas seek that role. The objective of this dissertation is to contribute what we can consider the central role for the physics teaching, citizenship training. We have elaborated a didactic proposal to increase the interest of high school students on issues of social relevance and, throughout it, to promote the formation of attitudes of social responsibility, enhancing the formation of a more politically and socially active citizen. For the preparation of the proposal, studies were made on education for citizenship and on attitudes change, using as its main theoretical foundation the researches on the Science, Technology and Society curricular emphasis. The teaching of Nuclear Physics was integrated to our proposal, due to its pedagogical potential for the discussion of social, political and economic subjects related to scientific concepts and associated technologies. The educational proposal we have produced was applied on a high school class of a private school at Natal-RN. It was composed from the controversial issue involving the installation of nuclear power plants in Brazilian northeast. The methodology of role playing, in which students assumed social roles and produced specific subsidies for a public hearing and a later referendum, both simulated. In the analysis of the implementation of the proposal, we highlighted the difficulties but also the possibilities and the relevance of exercising skills such as reasoning, finding information, and arguing about of social problems. The results of the research showed the possibility of meaningful learning on Nuclear Physics contents, through this social, political, economic, scientific and technological contextualization using a controversial and real issue together with mechanisms that trigger for greater popular participation, as public hearing. It has also been identified changes in attitude by some students about issues related to Nuclear Physics. We hope, through this dissertation, to contribute to the formation of future citizens as well as to the initiative of teachers-researchers with pedagogical aims similar to those in the present work


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This research part of the educational context of the Federal Rio Grande do Norte, through the resumption of legal frameworks that characterize it as an institution belonging to the Federal Network of Professional Education and Technology Brazilian, with a focus on continued education policies for the servers who work there specifically teachers, especially those who have their work in the Teaching of Natural Science and Mathematics. To do this the cut in an agreement between the IFRN and UFRN PPGECNM through the professional master's degree Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. This agreement as we have research collaborators 08 master teachers who graduated in the period 2004 to 2010, so we undertook a qualitative and quantitative research aimed to conduct the study in general terms of description and analysis of the impacts caused by the formation of masters IFRN in PPGECNM UFRN, taking into account the production of the same academic (dissertation), his performance in the context of the institution and the historical, social, economic and political aspects involved, and also meet the guidelines of the project at the Observatory in 2008 - MEC / CAPES / BSD-P. We used the theoretical options methodological elements of Comprehensive Interview and multireferentiality, our data collection instrument was the main interview, we also performed the analysis of dissertations by lecturers and teachers featured, from the specific descriptors used in catalogs USP / IFUSP (1992, 1996) and UNICAMP / FE / CEDOC (1998) and by other researchers. In analyzing and understanding the speech of the interviewees were able to identify the implications of teacher education in the school context, the motivation to seek the Master; how was the construction of the object of study of the educational product and its use in teaching practice and intervention, the question of the role of master teachers in the school environment to the post master taking into account changes in professional performance and influence in the working groups, how does the use of research and investigation in the classroom after training and between training and educational quality in the context of IFRN. In reading and analysis of the dissertations were able to identify the main focus and under-explored thematic focus as well as the theoretical methodological references. At the end of the research developed a product that could be used for technical analysis studies and assessment in quantitative terms the results achieved by the master teachers IFRN through his training in PPGECNM UFRN


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This study describes about graduation s students difficulties of to draw functions graph. Specifically, we intend to observe their abilities evolution, as well as their difficulties during Calculus I subject in engineering course. For that, we show them publications about the elaboration of graphs and its difficulties in obstacle terms and some researches witch contain this subject and that it was done during postgraduate studies in mathematical education. It shows by research methodology aspects related to French didatic s mathematic and some theories of cognitive psychology considering the high value between theoretical-methodological relation that was evidenced in both theoretical conceptions about ways to understand and teach mathematic. This methodology is based on didactic engineering purpose, that consist in preliminaries analysis, conception and didactic sequence analysis prior, trials by application followed analysis up and conclusion. We had also used pedagogicals actions and analysis of results achieved, to classify types of errors made by the 2005 s students during second semester, from conceptions related to the episthemologic and didactics obstacles


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Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo la figura intelectual de Caetano Veloso es importante en el escenario de la cultura brasileña, presentando el análisis de algunas canciones de su producción musical, desde el momento heroico del Tropicalismo hasta las composiciones más recientes. Busca también, resaltar lo que el cancionista refleja en sus ensayos, referente a temas esenciales para la interpretación de Brasil en cuanto a la constitución de su identidad cultural. El pensamiento del mestizo de Caetano Veloso se investiga en su proyecto de canciones, para evidenciar su intervención en el mundo de la cultura, posibilitando una discusión que refleja las relaciones significativas entre la literatura y la música, además de favorecer un diálogo evidente con otros discursos estéticos


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Nursing documentation is a literacy practice which is regulated by law. Among the written practices of the literacy field, nursing registration is understood as the attendance resume of the main problems and occurrences on duty. In other words it is a document and a communication instrument used by hospital orderly on duty. It s main goal is to keep a record of the information which is necessary to the continuity of the activities as well as to the assistance to the patients. Taking into consideration the complexity of this kind of literacy practice, this study which took place in a hospital context, aims at studying the nursing registration process in order to explain its implementation in the nursing field. The discussion is situated in the area of applied linguistics, and it makes a linkage between linguistics approaches and language questions which are related to the area of discourse at work. The theoretical foundations come from contemporary literacy studies such as Hamilton (2000) who proposes the following categories: participants, domain, artifacts and activities. The analysis was guided by the principles of the ethnographic methodology which proposes that the researcher spends much time in the field and uses a set of techniques in order to collect data related to the subjects speech as well as their deeds concerning the research main object. The data were collected through field observations, analysis of 100 nursing records, 04 reflective sessions and interviews as well involving 36 nurses. On one hand, the analysis reveals the importance of the nursing records in terms of documentation and communication. On the other hand, it shows informational, compositional as well as normative difficulties in terms of linguistics and legal aspects. For, we conclude that these questions need to be addressed through the process of intervention especially in events of teacher in service activities so that the professional nurses may improve their practice in relation to the elaboration of the nursing documentation on duty


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In this study we have developed a discussion about academic text production in the undergraduate course of Literature and Languages. Specifically, we are going to analyze the monographic text writing in order to verify the meaning effects created from the ways of showing other s discourses that constitute a written production. As a means to do that, we are going to answer the following question: How does a young researcher make use of a theory in order to be part of a particular scientific community? We aim to: 1) analyze the linguistic resources, like quotations and signs of cohesion that demonstrate the other s voice presence in academic writing; 2) observe the meaning effects produced through the ways that the one who writes shows the other s voice in the written text. Firstly, we have selected 23 (twentythree) monographs produced in the last five years by students from a Literature and Languages undergraduate course in a determined public university. However, in this study, we have analyzed just 02 (two) different monographic texts. To develop such an investigation, we have inquired Kuhn s concept of science, which shows the existence of different meanings of science production in the course of the centuries. It allows us to define academic writing as science production that develops and contributes to knowledge production. With the purpose of restricting the meaning of writing conception, we have relied on Coracini, who assumes that all writing production is the registration of the self, in other words, writing comes from the subject s intervention, it is to say that only an imposition of the self guarantees the subject as author of what he writes. We have as theoretical basis the following concepts: 1-) Authier-Revus s enunciative heterogeneity, that allowed us to analyze the written marks of the other in the monographic writing; 2-) Pêcheux s reformulation-paraphrase and Orlandi s polysemy and paraphrase, concepts that present notions of productivity and creativity as ways of meaning production, and allows us to observe how the process of language production in academic writing is established; 3-) Rossi-Landi s concept of exchange-value and use-value, which consider language as a linguistic work, allowing us to verify the differences between use and social functionality in a determined theory; and 4-) Possenti s notion of authorship indicia, with which we have identified attitudes that make the one who writes author of his own text. We have verified that writing characterized for repetition and reproduction may develop a meaning effect that constructs the idea that writing production promotes an author, a concept or a theory. We have also realized that a written text that restricts itself to reproduce other authors discourses and does not articulate a theory with data analysis or with work methodology, when evaluated is approved and legitimates itself as scientific production. That demonstrates the existence of academic productions that do not develop any functionality of the employed theory. The text works as a means to promote its theoretical concepts, and theory. It is to say that the theoretical foundantion, which usually is a way to argue and sustain scientific production, does not have any function. Thus, we consider that the way someone shows the other s discourse in academic writing may work as a way to underline what the other asserts to the detriment of the researcher s words. This fact allows us to comprehend that a way of writing may evidence a meaning effect of the author s, theory s or theoretical concepts promotion


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The literary critic Terry Eagleton obtained notoriety in academic circles when he was recognized intellectually for his bestselling book Literary Theory: An Introduction. In this book, the English author boldly proposes the end of literature and literary criticism. However, Eagleton proposed years before, in his book Criticism and Ideology (1976), a scientific system of analysis of literary texts, which seemed less radical, both in theory and in method, than in his later theoretical proposal. Based on this, the objective of this dissertation is to present the English literary critic´s initial method, explaining the reasons that led him to abandon his initial project - of develop a method of analysis of the literary text on a Marxist scientific perspective - and to propose, in the following years, in his most famous book and others, a revolutionary vision that would go beyond textual analysis and make literary texts have a practical intervention in society. Finally, we explain what would be his idea of revolutionary criticism


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Youngsters and teenagers are still a very vulnerable group of DST/AIDS. In order to combat this vulnerability the community intervention project being developed in Mãe Luiza neighborhood in the city of Natal-RN, entitled Strengthening Community Action Network for Prevention in HIV/AIDS: knowledge and Intervene emerged, popularly known as Project Viva Mãe Luiza. The project develops workshops of educomunication whose approach involves the DST/AIDS subject with the following media: video, photography, and theater playbook. This research integrates the activities of the project and has as main objective to investigate how strategies and practices of media communication developed in Project Viva Mãe Luiza through workshops of educomunication, assisted learning for the prevention of DST/AIDS and contributed to the reduction of vulnerability to DST/AIDS among adolescents and young participants of the project residents of Mãe Luiza community. The methodological basis was based on intervention research, with the technique of gathering daily field data, literature and documentary, in-depth interviews and ethnographic observation. The qualitative analysis was based on the monitoring of video workshops, photography, theater and primer, respectively, crossed by transverse to the prevention of DST/AIDS, conducted between June 2012 and December 2013 issues. Interviews with eight multipliers, aiming to understand their perceptions of vulnerability, prevention, multiplication and use of media that were part of the project were conducted. The analyzes show that learning workshops educomunication community health repercussions both in the development of individual skills in communication as changing perceptions about the vulnerabilities to which they are exposed, the awareness about prevention at the individual and differentiated actions multiplication in the community


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This work is part of an effort of consolidation of a daily search for powder technology at the Department of Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. This work objective the study and development of new ceramic materials from raw materials abundant at the region. For this, were studied ceramic mixtures of powders from diatomite-titania to aiming at a new ceramic material from powder technology. The experimental work involved a characterization of ceramic powders from a diatomite-titania mixture. The powders obtained were pressed and then parameters like variation of mass, linear shrinkage, activation energy and the mechanism of sintering are studied in function of the time and temperature of sintering, beyond microstructural analysis. The obtained results allow us estimate the optimizing of sintering conditions of this material


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Physical Exercise (PE) is a necessary component in the management in COPD patients, where respiratory symptoms are associated with reduced functional capacity. Even with the increase in the number of studies that have been published and the therapeutics success using aquatic therapy approach, studies using PE in water in COPD patients are so few. Objective: the aim of this present study was to analyze the effects of low intensity water exercise in COPD patients, developed in two different places aquatic and ground. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial study, 42 patients with moderate to very severe DPOC were recruited for the study, mean age of 63,2  10,9 years old. Randomized in 3 groups: Control Group (CG), Land Group (LG) and Water Group (WG). The PE protocol was performed in a period of 8 weeks, with frequency of 3 times per week. The CG participated in an educational program. All the patients were assessed twice through spirometry, respiratory muscular strength, the 6-min walk test, the quality of life (SF-36 and SGRQ), the LCADL, the MRC, the BODE index and the upper limbs (UP) incremental test. Results: There was a significant difference after the approaches in DP6 from the WG (p=0,02); in VEF1 in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01); in MIP in LG (p=0,01) and WG (p=0,02); in MEP in LG (p=0,02) and WG (p=0,01); the MRC decreases in WG (p=0,00). there was an increase of the weight supported by the UP in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). The LG showed an increase of the quality of life represented by the SGRQ total score (p=0,00). The BODE index decreased in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). In LCDAL, the LG showed a decrease. Conclusion: This data in this present study suggest that both approaches of low intensity exercise showed to be beneficial in moderate to very severe COPD patients. The WG showed additional benefits in physical function, pointing to a new therapeutic modality for COPD patients