75 resultados para Ensino de astronomia. Abordagem humanística. Estações do ano e ambiente. Sol. Astronomia cultural
Compreendemos o esporte como um dos fenômenos mais expressivos no âmbito da cultura de movimento. Dessa forma, descrevemos uma experiência pedagógica, tendo o esporte como conteúdo e a concepção de aulas abertas como norteadora didático-pedagógica. A experiência realizou-se em uma escola privada, da cidade de Natal, com uma turma do 5º ano, a partir de temas geradores. Com a duração de seis aulas, ocorreu durante o 3º bimestre do ano letivo de 2008, tendo como fechamento da unidade a explanação temática das pesquisas dos alunos na Feira de Ciências da escola. A partir dessa experiência, foi possível observar a realização de um trabalho com a turma que contemplasse o conteúdo esporte numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, abrangendo a Educação Física e os demais componentes curriculares, com a participação maciça dos alunos e suas opiniões na construção das aulas
In this study, we sought to address the weaknesses faced by most students when they were studying trigonometric functions sine and cosine. For this, we proposed the use of software Geogebra in performing a sequence of activities about the content covered. The research was a qualitative approach based on observations of the activities performed by the students of 2nd year of high school IFRN - Campus Caicfio. The activities enabled check some diculties encountered by students, well as the interaction between them during the tasks. The results were satisfactory, since they indicate that the use of software contributed to a better understanding of these mathematical concepts studied
The evidence of the water theme in news reports is configured as an important topic of interest to contextualize, problematize and/or generate meaning in the midst of discussion of a content from different levels of education and/or disciplines of basic education. The possibilities to use this theme in classroom is also highlighted in Brazilian official documents that guide the practice of teachers of all Brazilian curricular components of this educational level. So, the theme water can be used as subsidy to teach chemistry, since contextualises the teaching of this discipline aiding in the discussion of different chemical concepts. In this perspective, the meaningful learning theory, developed by David Ausubel, has constructivist nature and says that an individual learns significantly when he can relate new information with a specific knowledge structure that integrates the prior knowledge of its structure. In this sense, the use of water as a theme for the approach prior knowledge of chemical concepts has already been characterized as an important topic that can give meaning to the content of education in chemistry. In this dissertation, a teaching unit potentially significant (TUPS) is presented based on meaningful learning theory of David Ausubel approaching the theme water. approaching the theme water. The unit was used in a class of thirty-five students of the 2nd year of high school, a public school in the city of Extremoz-RN, metropolitan region of Natal / RN. Through it was possible to discuss an issue of interest to students of the school to address the chemical contents, such as solutions, physicochemical aspects and stages of water treatment. At first, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the students' previous ideas on the topic under study to the concept of chemical solutions. It was subsequently developed and implemented a series of activities based on students' ideas. To subsidize the sequence, it was prepared four booklets that worked the content of chemical solutions, contextualizing the theme water. The results of this work showed that the alternative conceptions that students have about concepts related to the chemical solutions are similar to the ideas of other students presented in the literature and that the development of the TUPS, allied to the contextualization strategy with the theme water, not only motivated the students for the teaching of chemical content, as yet provided the learning of chemical concepts not in isolation, but making a connection between their ideas and experiences with scientific knowledge. To this, beyond of dialogued lectures, were also used strategies as experimental activities, problem solving, group discussions and construction of concept maps. The final evaluation of the unit was conducted by a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, answered individually by students, who approved the unit as conducive to teaching and learning of chemistry process
Portuguese language textbooks, according to what has been preconized on the official document to education, have been configured on discursive genres imported from diverse spheres of human activity. Adverts, genre of ample social circulation, spread from the Advertising sphere to the schools and started being approached by these collectaneas as an object and a tool for teaching. Therefore, this research deals with the approach of ads in Portugese textbooks. These discursive practices matter for the impact or appeal they exert over the (new) consumers, among which High School students; for their representation in the capitalist system, which guides us on our relationships and social practices; and for the mix of languages that end up at their composition, once they encapsulate the spirit of our time, par excellence, the one from the verbal-visual genres. To understand the treatment given to these advertising pieces, from questions/commentaries related to them, two collections were selected by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – Textbook National Program (PNLD 2012) among the ones more used by public High Schools in Natal/RN. From Applied Linguistics, from mestizo, nomadic and inter/transdisciplinary identity (MOITA LOPES, 2009), this study falls within the discursive chain of the interpretive tradition of historical-cultural approach (FREITAS, 2010) and names the Bakhtin Circle and its language‟s dialogical conception as inescapable partners. The data of the colletaneas show that the genre approach can happen as concrete utterance, as linguistic artifact and as hybrid, at work with questions and without questions, with the predominance of its occurrence in the portion of the volume devoted to the study of grammar. In the literature chapters and production/interpretation of compositions, it insert is incipient or it doesn‟t happen in the volume. Such a provision has implications for multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012) of the citizen student, once the lack or the abundance of critical reading proposals for this genre, that demand from the student the exercise of knowledge that is necessary to the construction of linguistic and social meanings, can be responsible for guide to a more conscious consumerism (material and cultural) by the chief customers of the work under review. The approaches of the genres seems to indicate a gradual transition that such material have undergone, which means, from the focus on clauses to the focus on utterances, or even the approach as linguistic artifact to hybrid and the concrete utterance, in search of overcoming the traditional tendency of taking advantage of formal aspects of the language, to the detriment of enunciative ones, and for coming into harmony with the guidelines and parameters of teaching in contemporary times, bringing the school duties close to the rights in life.
The study aims to examine the methodology of realistic simulation as facilitator of the teaching-learning process in nursing, and is justified by the possibility to propose conditions that envisage improvements in the training process with a view to assess the impacts attributed to new teaching strategies and learning in the formative areas of health and nursing. Descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach, as action research, and focus on teaching from the realistic simulation of Nursing in Primary Care in an institution of public higher education. . The research was developed in the Comprehensive Care Health discipline II, this is offered in the third year of the course in order to prepare the nursing student to the stage of Primary Health Care The study population comprised 40 subjects: 37 students and 3 teachers of that discipline. Data collection was held from February to May 2014 and was performed by using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. To do so, we followed the following sequence: identification of the use of simulation in the discipline target of intervention; consultation with professors about the possibility of implementing the survey; investigation of the syllabus of discipline, objectives, skills and abilities; preparing the plan for the execution of the intervention; preparing the checklist for skills training; construction and execution of simulation scenarios and evaluation of scenarios. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, percentage, and qualitative data through collective subject discourse. A high fidelity simulation was inserted in the curriculum of the course of the research object, based on the use of standard patient. Three cases were created and executed. In the students’ view, the simulation contributed to the synthesis of the contents worked at Integral Health Care II discipline (100%), scoring between 8 and 10 (100%) to executed scenarios. In addition, the simulation has generated a considerable percentage of high expectations for the activities of the discipline (70.27%) and is also shown as a strategy for generating student satisfaction (97.30%). Of the 97.30% that claimed to be quite satisfied with the activities proposed by the academic discipline of Integral Health Care II, 94.59% of the sample indicated the simulation as a determinant factor for the allocation of such gratification. Regarding the students' perception about the strategy of simulation, the most prominent category was the possibility of prior experience of practice (23.91%). The nervousness was one of the most cited negative aspects from the experience in simulated scenarios (50.0%). The most representative positive point (63.89%) pervades the idea of approximation with the reality of Primary Care. In addition, professors of the discipline, totaling 3, were trained in the methodology of the simulation. The study highlighted the contribution of realistic simulation in the context of teaching and learning in nursing and highlighted this strategy while mechanism to generate expectation and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students
Scientific education has been passing by redefinitions, contestations and new contributions from the research on science teaching. One contribution is the idea of science and technology literacy, allowing the citizens not only knowing science but also understand aspects on the construction and motivation of scientific and technological research. In accordance with this idea, there is the Science-Technology-Society (STS) studies which, since the 1970s, has been contributing for science teaching and learning according to the comprehension of the relationships with society in the Western countries of the North. In Brazil, this approach began to gain projection from the 1990s when the first essays on the theme were published. Currently, there is a clear influence of this approach on the national curriculum guidelines, especially for the area of Natural Sciences, and also on the textbooks chosen by the High School National Program (Programa Nacional do Ensino Médio). However, there seems to be a gap in relation to the discussion on the specific curricular component seen in college on this approach. Thus, this study aims at adopting the approach STS, face to the preparation of complimentary educational material on acid and bases concepts studied in the course of General Chemistry of the Natural Sciences graduation program. To this end, it was performed a bibliographical research aiming at making the state-of-the-art in in these concepts in specific literature to science teaching. It is divided in two stages: systematic study (with sixteen journals chosen according to Qualis-Capes and an unsystematic study with direct search in databases and references in the papers of the systematic study. The studies had their content analyzed and the categories chosen a priori were the level of education, the acid-base theory adopted, and the strategy/theoretical frame of reference adopted. A second stage aimed at identifying attitudes and beliefs on STS (Science-Technology-Society) and CSE (Chemistry-Society-Environment) of students in the teacher and technologist training course in three diferent institutions: UTFPR, UFRN and IFRN. In this study, it was used two questionnaires, composed of a Likert scale, semantic differential scale and open questions. The quantitative data reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha method, and tha data were treated according to classic statistics, using the mean as the centrality measures, and the mean deviation as dispersion. The qualitative data were treated according to the content analysis with categories taken from the reading of answers. In the third stage, it was analyzed the presence of STS and CSE content in chapters on acid and bases concepts of nine General Chemistry textbooks, frequently used in graduation programs in public institutions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that there are few proposals of acid and bases teaching, and they are generally aimed at High School or at instrumentation for teaching courses, and no course for General Chemistry. The student’s attitudes and beliefs show the presence of a positivist point of view based on the concept of Science and Technology neutrality and the salvation of its mediation. The books analysis showed just a few content on STS and CSE are found in the studied chapters, and they are generally presented disjointedly in relation to the rest of the main text. In the end, as suggestion to solve the absence of proposals STS in General Chemistry books, as well as the student’s positivist attitudes, it was developed some educational material to be used in the course of General Chemistry at College. The material is structured to introduce a historical view of the concepts preparation, present the use of materials, the industrial and technological processes, and social and environmental consequences of this activities
Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.
The integration between architectural design and structur al systems consi sts, in academic education, one of the main challenges to the architectural design education . Recent studies point to the relevance of the use of computational tools in academic settings as an important strategy for such integration. Although in recent yea rs teaching experience using BIM (BuildingInformationModeling) may be incorporated by the a rchitecture schools , notes the need for further didactic and pedagogical practices that promote the architectural design and structur al integration teaching. This pa per analyzes experiences developed within the UFRN and UFPB, seeking to identify tools, processes and products used, pointing limitations and potentials in subjects taught in these institutions. The research begins with a literature review on teaching BIM and related aspects to the integration of architectural design and stru c tur e . It has been used as data collection techniques in studio the direct observation, the use of questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers, and mixed method, qualitativ e and quantitative analysis . In UFRN, the scope of the Integrated Workshop as a compulsory subject in the curriculum, favors the integration of disciplines studied here as it allows teachers from different disciplines at the same project studio . Regarding the use of BIM form initial users, BIM modelers, able to extract quantitative and automatically speed up production, gaining in quality in the products, however learn the tool and design in parallel cause some difficulties. UFPB, lack of required courses o n BIM, generates lack of knowledge and confidence in using the tool and processes, by most students. Thus we see the need for greater efforts by school to adopt BIM skills and training. There is a greater need for both BIM concept, in order to promote BIM process and consequent better use of tools, and obsolete avoiding impairment of technology, merely a tool. It is considered the inclusion of specific subjects with more advanced BIM skills, through partnerships with engineering degrees and the promotion of trans disciplinary integration favoring the exchange of different cultures from the academic environment.
The aim of this action research of mixed-methods was investigating the role of the tasks proposed by the Task-Based Learning, TBL (WILLIS, 1996) in the process of development of speech production in English as a foreign language (EFL) at the public school. Twenty-three students from a grade of secondary school from a state school in Rio Grande do Norte were exposed systematically to the implementation of the learning tasks focused in the speech production in EFL during two months. The instruments used at the data collection – pre and post-questionnaire; field notes; focal group; and pre and post-tests - generated two kinds of data: a) qualitative (the perception of the students about their speech production and the teaching of this ability at the public school; and, the usage of strategies of communication for these learners facing TBL); and, b) quantitative (the development of pronunciation; of accuracy in the proficiency tests (test KET – Cambridge, adapted); and, of Global Oral Proficiency (POG) of these learners after the accomplishment of the learning tasks). The quantitative results of the study indicate that there was a statistically significant development of pronunciation and accuracy at the proficiency tests, after the tasks experience. The qualitative findings, in turn, represented by the learners‟ reports and from the research teacher, show that there has been greater focus on the use of communicative strategies during the learners‟ oral production throughout the intervention with the tasks.
The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as “concluded”, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.
In order to understand the factors involved in the improvement process of argumentative competence by students of 2nd year of high school, we undertook a qualitative approach research and interventional nature, during which we adopted the conduct of participant observation in a school belonging to the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, located on the outskirts of the city of Natal. The analyzed corpus consisted in the interim intervention and entails the answers to a semi-structured questionnaire, fourteen opinion articles and three regrados debates, produced by the students, in addition to video recordings of ten sessions and personal notes pertaining to another six, totaling sixteen sessions observed during the school year 2014. As the most important bibliographical references we study skills and reasoning from the perspective of discursive social interactionism. Analyzing the data we loan the principle of categorization, opting for critical-descriptive presentation and were revealed to us, via the classified evidences, that among the factors involved in the study process, it appears with more relevance to set up an effective intellectual community, which meets in constant interaction subjects, which alternate assuming the conditions of speakers and audience. The constitution of this community depends largely on the teaching mediation and is indispensable to the (re)design of the studied competence, in interactions with her the subjects afforded learn and develop their competence, reshaping the limits of their zone of proximal development.
In order to understand the factors involved in the improvement process of argumentative competence by students of 2nd year of high school, we undertook a qualitative approach research and interventional nature, during which we adopted the conduct of participant observation in a school belonging to the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, located on the outskirts of the city of Natal. The analyzed corpus consisted in the interim intervention and entails the answers to a semi-structured questionnaire, fourteen opinion articles and three regrados debates, produced by the students, in addition to video recordings of ten sessions and personal notes pertaining to another six, totaling sixteen sessions observed during the school year 2014. As the most important bibliographical references we study skills and reasoning from the perspective of discursive social interactionism. Analyzing the data we loan the principle of categorization, opting for critical-descriptive presentation and were revealed to us, via the classified evidences, that among the factors involved in the study process, it appears with more relevance to set up an effective intellectual community, which meets in constant interaction subjects, which alternate assuming the conditions of speakers and audience. The constitution of this community depends largely on the teaching mediation and is indispensable to the (re)design of the studied competence, in interactions with her the subjects afforded learn and develop their competence, reshaping the limits of their zone of proximal development.
The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.
The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.
Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.