151 resultados para Educação superior e globalização


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This a research on pedagogical experiences about Environmental Education carried out in selected schools of the municipal education net of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. This study occurs in a where social and environmental problems reach great dimensions and provoke discussions all over the planet. Inside this social context where education is taken as a form intervention in the world, several methodological and theoretical approaches emerge indicating Environmental Education tendencies as different ways to face challenges due to environmental crisis. The maim question pursued by the research is to inquiry how schools have developed their Environmental Education experiences. Pedagogical experiences on Environmental Education are analyzed in selected schools having as theoretical framework ideas for social change, by human action accordingly to Hanna Arendt‟s thought, and Marx‟s idea of praxis, (1989). The objective is to identify, to know and to map the pedagogical experiences on Environmental Education carried out in selected schools of the municipality teaching net having sociological cartography as a methodological strategy for analyzing empirical data. The results of the research pointed out existing reductionist and behaviorist-pedagogical perspectives as for as Environmental Education is concerned as well as environmental understanding, showing a predominance of the conservative Environmental Education tendency inside schools


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La Educación a distancia (EAD) ha sido una realidad en la formación de profesores a través de la ofrenda de diversos cursos de licenciaturas por todo Brasil, posibilitando el crecimiento de ingresantes a la enseñanza superior por estudiantes de regiones más alejadas de las grandes capitales. A esa modalidad se atribuye un valor social al tiempo que posibilita la democratización de la enseñanza por medio de la inclusión a la ciudadanía. La vida de los alumnos del interior, que desean la formación superior en el área de enseñanza, es el objeto de estudio de esta pesquisa, a través de la cual será enfatizada la historia de vida de 76 alumnos, desde el período en que realizaron el ingreso a la universidad hasta la obtención del nivel superior a través de la EAD, una modalidad de gran valor social. Se reflejará sobre la enseñanza superior en el contexto de la globalización, la importancia de la acción de esta modalidad y la manifestación de ella a través del curso de Letras Portugués/ Español en la formación de esos 76 profesores, así como la visión de los alumnos que participaron de esta formación, especialmente en la interpretación de las etapas vividas en el curso por medio de los memoriales. El proyecto de pesquisa fue realizado en el Estado de Sergipe, en El interior de Porto da Folha, localizado a 190 km de la capital Aracaju, donde los alumnos cursaron Letras Portugués/ Español en la modalidad EAD, dentro de los cuales traen perfiles diferenciados. El acceso al curso ocurrió a través del convenio entre la Universidad Tiradentes (Unit) e la Secretaria de Estado de Educación (SEED) donde este financió 100% del curso para los alumnos, que quedaron exentos del pagamento desde el inicio hasta el término del curso. A través de la investigación, in loco, documental, bibliográfica e de los memoriales, se desarrollaron las observaciones, encuestas, talleres y declaraciones, donde se buscó conocer un poco más sobre el cotidiano de los alumnos y los temas abordados en esta pesquisa. Con eso se pude ver la contribución de la EAD, como forma de democratización y emancipación social de ciudadanos de regiones lejanas, como el sertón de Porto da Folha, la cual puede ayudar a comprender y valorar la inclusión a la diversidad a partir de los saberes construidos en esa experiencia


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This work was developed in the research line: "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in the basic education of metropolitan area Natal" which is being developed with the support of CAPES by the Centre for Education. Acts, especially the problem of academic performance of students in basic education of the public in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN). Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a typology of students in the 9th year of basic education, attending the public schools (state or municipal) of MRN, 2009, and assess, according to these profiles, what personal characteristics student and their families: economic, social and cultural capital as well as teaching practices create environments capable of favoring a good educational development as measured by the performance obtained in the assessments in mathematics and English language. The data used were provided through the microdata Brazil Exam 2009 held by INEP. We used the methods Grade of Membership (GoM) for construction of profiles relevance of students according to the characteristics already mentioned. With these profiles was verified, which were effectively generating good performance in school curriculum components evaluated. The findings indicate that students belonging to the profile considered good environment, able to achieve better school performance both in Portuguese as in Mathematics, compared to the extreme profiles and adverse deficit


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The fundamental social right to education has a lengthy constitutional argument, having been declared as a right to everyone in the Title dedicated to the fundamental rights and warrants and, later, scrutinized in the Social Order Chapter exclusively devoted to this theme, where specific rights are guaranteed and fundamental duties are imposed to family, society, and state. In that which concerns education, the 1988 Constitution is the result of a historical-normative process which, since the days of the Lusitanian Empire wavering between distinct levels of protection warrants in some way the educational process. Nevertheless, not even the State s oldest commitment to education has been fully achieved, namely, the annihilation of illiteracy. Even as other fundamental social rights, education is inflicted with the lack of effective political will to reach its fulfillment, and this is reflected in the production of doctrine and jurisprudence which reduce the efficacy of these rights. The objective of this work is to analyze what part is to be played by the constitutional jurisdiction in the reversal of this picture in regards to the fulfillment of the fundamental social right to education. Therefore it is indispensable to present a proper conception of constitutional jurisdiction its objectives, boundaries and procedures and that of the social rights in the Brazilian context so as to establish its relationship from the prism of the right to education. The main existing obstacles to the effective action of constitutional jurisdiction on the ground of social rights are identified and then proposals so as to overcome them are presented. The contemplative and constructive importance of education in the shaping of the individual as well as its instrumental relevance to the achievement of the democratic ideal through the means of the shaping of the citizen is taken into account. The historical context which leads to the current Brazilian educational system is analyzed, tracing the normative area and the essential content of the fundamental right to education aiming to delineate parameters for the adequate development of the constitutional jurisdiction in the field. This jurisdiction must be neither larger nor narrower than that which has been determined by the Constitution itself. Its activity has been in turns based on a demagogic rhetoric of those fundamental rights which present a doubtful applicability, or falling short of that which has been established showing an excessive reverence to the constituent powers. It is necessary to establish dogmatic parameters for a good action of this important tool of constitutional democracy, notably in regards to the fundamental social right to education, for the sake of its instrumental role in the achievement of the democratic ideals of liberty and equality


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O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é verificar se a demanda de mão-de-obra com formação no ensino médio técnico para o setor de Petróleo e Gás (P&G) está em consonância com a oferta daquela formação no sistema educacional brasileiro. A metodologia aplicada para obter tal informação foi baseada no Censo Escolar 2000 e 2008, em que os dados foram trabalhados de maneira a explicitar o número de matrículas nos cursos de nível médio técnico, demandados pelo setor de P&G. A demanda de mão-de-obra com aquela qualificação teve como fonte de dados o Plano de Negócios 2010-2014 do Programa de Mobilização da Indústria Nacional de Petróleo e Gás Natural (PROMINP). Este Programa identificou a demanda futura de mão-de-obra para o setor de P&G até 2014, onde as categorias ocupacionais mapeadas possuem pré-requisitos de formação e experiência. Com o intuito de entender melhor o objeto deste estudo foi feita uma revisão de literatura no que diz respeito ao ensino técnico no Brasil, como também a importância da educação para o crescimento econômico e as peculiaridades da economia do petróleo nos diferentes países possuidores daquelas jazidas, ou seja, países subdesenvolvidos e desenvolvidos. As análises demonstraram que as matrículas no ensino técnico no Brasil apresentaram um significativo aumento entre as datas de 2000 a 2008. Traz também como característica a desarmonia com a dinâmica dos setores produtivos da economia, devido principalmente ao aquecimento da economia antes da crise mundial de 2008, e a retomada recente do crescimento notadamente no Setor de Construção Civil, bem como no setor de Petróleo e Gás Natural e Engenharia Naval por conta da descoberta de petróleo na camada Pré-sal. Outro aspecto relevante é que um dos grandes problemas da qualificação de mão-de-obra no Brasil se deve a má qualidade do ensino fundamental e médio, que dificulta para o futuro profissional um bom desempenho nas suas funções laborais e na capacidade de aprender novas funções. A aproximação entre a oferta no sistema educacional e a demanda de mão-de-obra com a formação de nível médio técnico para o setor de P&G, demonstraram que a maioria dos cursos técnicos demandados não apresentava matrículas em 2008, ou possuíam poucas matrículas nos 15 estados com demanda prevista, e aquelas matrículas estavam mal distribuídas entre os estados. A análise aponta para a necessidade de uma política pública que possibilite a adequação do sistema educacional (Ensino Médio Técnico) ao setor de P&G, tanto no que se refere ao número de matrículas e a sua distribuição entre os estados produtores de petróleo quanto no que se refere à especialidade técnica oferecida


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This thesis is the result of a bibliographic and field research, with the purpose to answer in what way the process of education developed by the CUT, expressed in the experience of the Project Vento Norte, developed in the Amazônia has colaborated in the sense of the possibility of a articulation between work, education, and develpoment. The bibliographic reasearch was based in the studies of theoreticals like Gadotti (1999), Marx (1998, 1998a), Pochman (2002), Brandão (1985, 2002), Adorno (1999, 2000), Horkeimer (1976), reseachers that in the process of their studies, thinked about the theme, related to work, to education and to developement. The field research was done by the intervews with CUT s educators and managers from the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. The thesis s process of elaboration is done in a cobweb of elements articulated to socioculture values from the habitat of amazônia people. The conclusions point to us that the hypothesis of the CUT, by the Project Vento Norte, develops a propose of education that articulates Work, Education and Development that is confirmed. But, the partiality of the project is presented by the limitations of the CUT s possibility in continuation of the project. Thats why the thesis suports the idea of the project and it consolidation in the Amazônica Region, by the conception of the syndicate managers and educators


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The society consists of the inter-relations between diverse symbolic fields of performance, where some agents if identify for values, habits and goals. The present thesis analyzed, taking for base the Theory of the Social Field of Pierre Bourdieu, the ambient field and the university, leaving of the principle that the university is one of the propitious places for the quarrel, study, knowledge elaboration, and that the ambient education is one of the ways of dissemination of knowledge and action in favor of the ambient question. It was looked to contextualize and to identify the main factors that configure the university while a social field, and to evidence the conflict and connector links with the ambientalism. It is perceived university as space of tensions, whose produced capital stock in the academic scope must be enough convincing in the direction of the social transformation, of the expansion of conscience, the critical matureness, and thus to appear as agent of social transformation. The joint between the diverse social fields, promoted for the university, will be able to contribute for knowledge formularization that can consist base for elaboration of politics and programs to answer to the problems of the society contemporary. It has the inter-relationship between the two fields, however, this relation still is fragile, needing that a continuity practical social that they make possible that the ambient question is part of the culture of the university. This will be able to give with the intensification of the actions and the inclusion of the ambient questions in the communication mechanisms and administrative management. To surpass discontinuities caused for changes of groups leading and for interests politician conjunctural are necessary that they create habitus, what passes for the institutionalization of practical and the constitution of a culture that the agents allow if to reorganize defending the interests of social transformation front to the economic interests, as much in the university how much in the ambient field


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This work is a research and action in the field of enviromental education, oriented for the construction of the land s distribuction of the Maria da Paz Settling, in João Câmara/RN, as process of social learning, collecive production of new knowledge, values and attitudes related to the environment. It was consolidated through a partnership beteween the UFRN (GERAH/DARQ and GEPEM/DEPED), MST and INCRA/RN. The drawing that represents the way the space organization of the settling was made constructed through effort of many people, in a process of dicussion with the community had as technical support the environment inventory (soil, vegetation, water resources, and others) allowing the agro-ecology zoning of the settlers participation conditions, their contradiction and conflicts, the challenges that appear in the search for consensus and the factor that creat chages


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The focus of this thesis is the discussion of stories from the fairy tales genre in reading classes of Children´s Literature. Its main purpose is to investigate the argumentative action in the mediation pedagogic process.The evidence from this study is that the argumentative action is a fundamental component of teacher´s mediation as far as story discussion is concerned. The concept of mediation in this thesis comes from principles of interacionist Psychology articulated with THE theory of argumentation. It is understood that argumentative action is a process that objectives to obtain and to intensify the interlocuter´s adhesion through speech. The analysis of the story discussion activity is based on Psycholinguistic, particularly on the study of prevision ability; on the Theory of reception with special reference to the theory of the aesthetic effect, which considers the reader´s reactions and reader´s replies to the text; and on sociocognitive conflict study highlighting conflicts modalities brought up by the discussion of texts. The corpus analysed is composed by discussion episodes of stories from reading classes of Children´s Literature realized through participative observation.The subjects were children aged five-six years old from a public pre-school located in Natal-RN, Brazil. The study highlights mediation acts of argumentative nature such as direct question; illustrations from the book; rereading that were used by the teacher-researcher in story discussion. Among its conclusions it is revealed that argumentative action in stories discussion favors and intensifies the agreement of children´s to the activity. It increases the interaction between text and reader; it favours children´s organization and explicitation of their thoughts. The analysed material shows children´s exposing their ability to argue when having adequade scaffolding by an argumentative mediator the teacher


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This present work has the aim of reconstruct the biographical profile and the practices of the professor and journalist Julia Medeiros in the county of Caico, State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1920 s and 1930 s, justified by the visibility of this professor during the construction of the lettered society from the mentioned State and the participation in potiguar press. How were the women and educator s representations in the 1920 s and 1930 s ? With the aim to get answers, I use as sources, the Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte and the Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, the newspaper of that time, as the available issues of Jornal das Moças (1923-1932), magazines, letters, pictures, and interviews with relatives, ex-students and friends of this intellectual woman. It was noticed that she stood out as a professor at School Group of Senador Guerra and as a journalist, sending opinions about everyday life. With this analysis, it configures, in part, her time and the history of education in Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of teachers. Despite of her importance during the construction of education and citizenship of women, Julia Medeiros lived the two sides of the same coin: visibilty and anonymity


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The Thesis weaved in the (auto) biographical boarding studies the existence of existential teaching, in the scope of Superior Teaching, guided in the experience and the (auto) formative scope as a theoreticianmethodological support present in the classrooms, being three the essential questions: Which the way of (auto) formation traveled by professors of Superior Teaching, what is, for these citizens, the teaching in Superior Teaching and what they understand from existential teaching according to their narratives. The epistemology of this work, based on Program of After-Graduation in Education of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Support of Research: Professionalization and Formation Lecturing emerges, especially, of the studies and research realized by Ramalho and Nuñez (2005, 2006), Morosini (2001), Pimenta and Anastasiou (2002), Nóvoa (2000), Josso (2004), Dominicé (1988), Catani (2002), and Souza (2004), among other authors, yonder the educational practice exercised by researcher and involved citizens in inquiryformation, what it is confirmed from the three methodological tools that given support to the covered way: Eight topic narratives, a participantcomment and seven laboratories or parallel meeting of formation (EPF's) experimented with licensed teachers that actuate in superior teaching institutions (IES), public and private, localized in the city of Natal/RN. The Thesis points out, in this way, existential education in the guideline of viable and concrete methodological alternatives amongst the problematic of the (auto) formation faced for the professors in Superior Teaching


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The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community


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The literature about the Geography teaching has shown that most male and female teachers of this subject go on guiding their teaching practice based on the traditional Geography fundamentals, whose main characteristic consist in the description of places. The incorporation of scientific standards that change the old principles and concepts have not been happening, unless in a punctual way. The overcoming of the traditional Geography, related to the aspects accepted by the scientific field have not happened in Brazil yet, not only because of certain obvious obstacles, as the literature has been pointed out but also by symbolic obstacles, which block the incorporation of the new, of the non habitual action. One of those obstacles that motivated the accomplishment of this study was the social representations that are theoretically studied here under the perspective developed by Serge Moscovici. Then, the focus of this doctorate study is concentrated in the apprehension of the content and structure of the social representation of teaching of Geography and its relation with the habitus that gives form and social visibility to the ones who are teachers of that subject in Teresina. The consecution of this work was especially based on the Pierre Bourdieu´s praxiology, mainly on the concepts of social field, habitus and capital, as well as the theory of social representations, specifically on the approach of central nucleus developed by Jean-Claude Abric and Jean-Claude Flament. The initial hypothesis pointed out the existence of a Geographer´s primary habitus built through the development process of the geographic science field in Brazil, as a basis of production of a social representation of teaching geography . That representation, however, would act as a symbolic obstacle to the incorporation of the new scientific contents and pedagogical practice, which require from the teacher investigative and questionable attitude in the presence of the reality and contents approached in the classroom. That initial hypothesis laid on the theoretical purpose that it has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1997), which states that there is a narrow relationship between the habitus and social representation. The study was developed with male and female teachers of Geography from public schools of Teresina. The methodology involved the use of a questionnaire, the free-word association technique and deep interviews. The achieved results showed the presence of a complex process of representational construction and its articulation with a habitus produced by the synthesis of several situational and cultural referents, from among of them we can point out an insertion in a social field of practice exclusively related to the teaching and the reproduction of a professoral teaching (SILVA, 2003), built through the school development process, which those male and female teachers were exposed. The initial hypothesis that considered the local reproduction of a primary habitus of the Geography was denied, therefore, it was verified that there is not in Teresina the production/reproduction of the structures, rules and practice of the national scientific field, in which this subject is inserted. Hence, the incorporation of the new patterns of the geographic scientific knowledge is difficult because of the inexistence of a scientific habitus, that is, mental schema systems that would let the teachers mentioned above connect themselves appropriately to the science and its practices. So, it has gotten a social representation of teaching geography based on contents strictly related to the reproduction of structures, mental schema from the educational field which attach themselves to the hegemonic pedagogical practices in the national scope


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In theory say the education as a knot of meanings made in the body. We take as a reference for demonstration of this argument the shows Folguedos, Guarnicê and Flor do Lírio and built within such spectacles cultural, symbolic and aesthetic meanings, which reveal the education woven in the body. Education that can happen not only in the formal space like the classroom or the university, but also in the area of art and the inclusion of individuals in the world of culture. So during the construction of the thesis we reflect on the following issues: what is the construction of culture and art that have in the Parafolclórico group? What way theses shows in their buildings bring significant elements that might compose an educational activity. How objectives sought asking the dichotomies present in the concepts of art and culture; critically systematize a work of artistic, cultural and educational production in the group, in addition to expanding the understanding of education, considering the body experiences. The phenomenological attitude of Merleau-Ponty, is a reference methodology of this study, which places the reference knowledge as a result of our experience in the world, our world lived. Thus, this study considers the experience of the researcher in the three shows in tariff, represented by scenes described, as a dancer and spectator. Therefore we understand that Folguedos, Guarnicê and Flor do Lírio in their artistic, aesthetic and cultural languages, allow many meanings that occur in the body, which invites the perception and extend the experience of the subject, demonstrating an education that allows sight and knowledge, seeking new sensations and experiences, we show our intimacy with the world, with the objects and with the other. The art is understood as virtuality, as a human creation that carries the reality and that allows many readings and experiences, each perception can recognize and know new horizons, having as base and material the culture. This entails the heterogeneous, is not closed but that individuals can interpret it entered and recognize the symbols they created the same way, confirming a unit. The art and culture show us significant evidences of an education woven in the body


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This thesis proposes that the idea expressed in Juvenal s quotation Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, produced in the Ancient Greek-Roman civilization includes undestandings of body, heath and education that were reapropriated and reorganized by scientific and pedagogical theories in the XIX and XX centuries. These theories, especially the ones that received contributions from the biomedical sciences, have influenced Physical Education in the search of becoming a science. In order to realize this reapropriation, we have analyzed the transformations in the concepts of body, health and education produced in the area discourse, aiming at pointing out elements to the configuration of a theory that is being called Corpore Sano. The theory constitutes in possible systematization of scientific, philosophical and pedagogical concepts, and as such, an understanding of the scientific fundaments of Physical Education. The corpus of this analysis was composed by 148 articles that were published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte digitalized in the period between 1979 and 2003 and selected according to theme: body, biology, physical activity, effort physiology and health. The analysis of the content and the referential interpretation allowed the combination of philosophical reflection with attention to the empiric field as a comprehensive dimension. Based on the corpus of the analysis it is possible to configure meta-arguments about the concepts of body, health and education in the scientific production of Physical Education. As a metaresearch. Our study did not intend to judge the analyzed production, but look for theoretical elements that may generate a reflection about the scientific rationality in Physical Education and developments in the pedagogical field and in body practices. Such a reflection might be recognized as a theory of the living body, susceptible to modifications and interrogations that are proper of knowledge and practices of Physical Education. It is a theory rejects the idea of the complete truth and holds the comprehension that the truth is built historically through relations among different kinds of knowledge and Physical Education practices