92 resultados para Antropologia das emoções


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The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions of pregnant women, mothers and health professional about preeclampsia and the relation between professional and patient. A qualitative approach was chosen, together with semi-structured interviews, participative observation and Test of Free Association of Words (TFAW). The data were collected in February and June 2007 at Maternidade-Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC), Natal, RN, Brazil with 61 pregnant women and 87 professionals, 20 of each group were interviewed. An interpretative and understanding perspective was used similar to that of Gadamer s hermeneutics and with the construction of themes and empirical categories. The pregnant women showed fear preeclampsia and its consequences, and to know very little about the subject and also a desire to know more. The changes that occurred with the illness were more related to the emotional order than to the healthy lifestyle they have adopted. Some lack of preparation of the basic units was observed, in order to meet and guide the pregnant women to the reference unit. Professionals knew the customers characteristics, about their fear and about their little knowledge on this illness. Nevertheless, they did not include them in the treatment. It was observed the absence of conversation over the illness between professionals and patients and also the inability of the former to deal with emotional issues. A new way of looking into the preeclampsia assistance is necessary. A way that focuses on the collective construction of intervention and approach strategies; one which includes subjective aspects in an hermeneutic perspective of health


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The aim of this study is to understand the perception of medical students at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) about humanization in the context of their medical formation, using a qualitative approach. The focus group and participant observation techniques were used, involving a multidisciplinary team composed of professionals from the areas of anthropology and psychology, as well as professors from the medical course, who studied two groups of nine students in their final year. The data were analyzed using the categorical thematic content analysis technique, from which emerged three categories: student/patient relationship, teaching/learning and student/professor relationship. The first allows us to identify that student-patient contact is an essential experience for adopting a more humanized view of the disease process. The second category shows that unqualified professors in the pedagogic practices inherent to the teaching profession and the theory the practical dichotomy hinder the autonomous and holistic formation of knowledge. Similarly, the lack of practices outside the academic environment and the absence of multiprofessional stimulation interfere in the construction of an integral view of the individual. From the third category, the student/professor relationship, emerge two opposing subcategories (professor model and assymetric relationships), which reflect the importance of the professor`s ethical humanist position, as opposed to an authoritarian attitude, to form the professional attitude of the student. The results point important aspects of the medical formation that may open a discussion about humanization, in the context of new national curricular guidelines


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Temáticas emergentes e estratégicas da política de saúde em nível mundial têm suscitado reflexões para ações sócio educativas com idosos. Esta pesquisa questiona as aspirações desse segmento social face às experiências de qualidade proporcionadas pela atividade física. Objetivo: investigar as representações sociais da atividade física na terceira idade. Método: pesquisa de corte transversal com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. A amostra foi nãoprobabilística e por conveniência apoiada na Teoria das Representações Sociais e a Teoria do Núcleo Central. O estudo foi realizado com alunos de um projeto para a terceira idade com sede no Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET), no município de Natal/RN, Brasil. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se de questionário semi-estruturado, composto de três partes: A Parte I, para a caracterização social da amostra e identificação da percepção da atividade física para a saúde; a Parte II, com evocação livre de palavras e a Parte III, com uma questão aberta. Análise dos dados: A exploração do material deu-se a partir dos seguintes softs: do SPSS para análise de freqüência simples (parte I); do EVOC (parte II) e do ALCESTE (parte III). Complementarmente, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo a fim de inferir/corroborar sobre os núcleos de sentido da comunicação. Resultados: O núcleo central da representação foi composto por felicidade/saúde/dança e ginástica, revelando diferentes entendimentos e mostrando também que o conhecimento construído da atividade física assume um papel preponderante na vida de idosos, adquirindo gradativamente, a representação de vida com mais saúde e qualidade na velhice . A composição do núcleo central ao considerar elaborações mentais, emoções, práticas e explicações oriundas do cotidiano que se introduzem na constituição da representação social em foco, poderá influenciar as escolhas e estratégias de se desenvolver melhora nos padrões de saúde e na qualidade de vida dos idosos.


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Le Poète Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), l un des artistes les plus controversés du XXème siècle, se déclarait comme un chrétien gnostique. Malgré cela, il ne s est aligné sur aucune institution et/ou doctrine établie. Mais, il a eu dans la dimension religieuse sa thématique préférée. La proposition de ce travail est de comprendre la religiosité chez Pessoa par le moyen de la lecture d images suscitées à partir de la lecture de son oeuvre, et ainsi, mettre en évidence dans sa vaste production, des significations poétiques qui peuvent être associées à des signes de religiosité, soit dans son contenu manifeste, soit dans le contenu latent de son oeuvre. Ceci, en comprenant que Pessoa, dans tous ses personnages créés par l intermédiaire de l hétéronymie, a fait usage dans son écriture du langage symbolique des univers religieux les plus distincts pour composer sa propre forme de religiosité. Il apparaît que celle-ci est pluriforme et a peut-être com objectif de contrarier les limites sociales établies pour l exercice de la foi


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The following text addresses the magical-religious experience carried on by many individuals when they seek to solve their love, financial and health problems by means of white magic spells done by pais-de-santo e mães-de-santo (saint s father and saint s mother) from umbanda. The rites through which this seek can be detected are free love spells, troublesolving spells, and healing spell. The concept of experience, here understood as the thing which gives sense to the sense, has been the main guiding idea of the reflections here enclosed. People who seek the umbandista spells as a way of solving their daily afflictions have the opportunity of living a rich magical-religious experience in which several dimensions intersect. Among these dimensions I decided to study the performance, the knowhow and the subjetivity. Each one gave rise to the opportunity of studying a range of other themes, such as the corporeity, the gestuality, vocality, the world knowledge, the science, the secret, the emotions and the moral. The ethnographic research was carried on in the yards which are named after Dona Luiza, Pai Gledson, Pai Salviano and Dona Terezinha umbanda, all of them situated in the town of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará


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The significance of the body in electronic music parties as a sign for communicating and socializing among participants is the focus of this work. Qualitative research undertaken in this study seeks to investigate how sociability happens at raves and nightclubs in Natal/RN. Sociability is understood here as a play expression involving the dimensions of music, dance and party; the body, seen from a transdisciplinary approach, is understood as a symbolic instance, with its own meanings, as a result and a producer of social and as a cross between the cultural and the biological. The body has a communicative potential, is primary media. An intersection point between nature and culture, it serves as the seat of emotions and sociability, since it is through it that social relations are made. In electronic music parties, the body is interpreted based on its communication signs: clothing, accessories, body movements, tactile contact, body language, interactions between the public and dj, the dj and the public, gestures, expressive speech of emotions. Through such signs, body communication and a sense of community among participants develop sociability in the festive place and change the mood of the dancers. The Natal s electronic music parties young goer interacts on parties, adopts cheerful and receptive positions towards the other, maintains physical contact, values dance as a form of communication and lists happiness as the main feeling aroused in electronic music festivals. To achieve this result, a plurimetodological approach was used, which consisted of various methodological devices and various techniques of investigation: ethnographic observation, individual and informal interview techniques, photographic record of the scene, in-depth interview and application thirty questionnaires to patrons of electronic music parties


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Our object of study in this work concerns to the movement of fight for the housing in the Great João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, and looks for to investigate the conditions and context of the occupations of building, public or private, for devoid populations that do not have where to live. Front to the absence of politics effective directed to the habitation or the cities, in a picture of unemployment and impoverishment of the population, the result of the habitation point of view, is the absolute lack of popular housings, the degradation of the cities and the growth of the number of homeless and also of its occupations. The urban occupations today represent a reply of these devoid populations that from an involvement with parties or Not Governmental Organizations, and social movements leave for the class action known by the occupation of abandoning public or private buildings. These occupations, even so initially if assume as pressure instrument or of visibility for attainment of housings, for the delay in obtaining the attention of the public agencies and a solution for the problem, becomes definitive or is drawn out per many years. E this if gives although the deficiencies, of the accumulation or families neither in an adequate, always precarious space nor in sanitary installations, that the necessary privacy does not allow. The study it consisted of an empirical research, through the participant comment and open and half-open interviews, and counted on the audiovisual register of two occupations, one in the downtown of João Pessoa City (old building of the INSS, in the Ponto dos Cem Réis) and other (Community of the Cajueiro), next to the Beach "Praia do Jacaré", in the city of Cabedelo.The choice of the Visual Anthropology as research instrument is on to a concern in better translating other ways of life, therefore the accomplishment of the video in allows them to know with more precision the reality where the citizens of the research live. We also use as methodological resource in the research the deepened interview, in intention to better understand the description of the way of life of the studied families and the movements of fight for the housing, particularly the MDM - Movement of Right for the Housing, and the MNLM- Nacional Movement of Fight for the Housing


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The Ponta Negra borough is a part and the originally core of Ponta Negra quarter, placed on the South area of Natal/RN city. Its population was constituted by fishermen whose, beyond the fishing work, cultivated small plantations, made carbon and lace. For a long period of time, the borough was isolated from the rest of the city because of the great ground distance and due the fact that the local inhabitants found their own maintenance on the place. The scenery was being little by little modified from de 80 s because of the neighborhood urban development, that became one of the most searching tourism places in the city that turns the borough into a expensive place to live, with plenty of entertainment and high income, due the new habitation standards, new economic activities, new inhabitants belonging to higher social classes, new habits and way of living. The present work aims to verify weather or not, in the middle of all changes, the original social actors that still live in the Ponta Negra borough, are able to keep the traditional community bounds that once guided their existences. On that sense, we will analyze the conflicts that pass through the community, with attention on the sociability, space usage and appropriation


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Dans ce travail, nous étudions la construction narrative du passé de la ville de Nova Cruz, dans l´agreste potiguar. Les récits soulignent l´existence d´un corpus narratif homogène qui fait référence à l´occupation du lieu et à l´évangelisation de ses habitants. Ainsi, les images des saints et des missionaires civilisateurs de l´espace qui domestiquent les manifestations d´un esprit autochtone sauvage, habitants du milieu naturel, sont recurrentes dans la description des personnages du passé. Observant la continuité sémantique des différentes versions de l´histoire de la ville, nous nous proposons d´analyser d´une manière conjointe les textes de l´historiographie locale et les témoignages oraux collectés. Comme il a été possible de le constater, les chemins de l´écrit et de l´oral se croisent en plusieurs occasions, obéissant à des logiques locales de représentations du passé. Ainsi, notre étude porte sur des champs communs à l´Anthropologie, à l´Histoire e à la Littérature. Les reconstructions narratives du passé local sont aussi activées par des faits plus récents, des "marques de la mémoire" comme le marché, le train, la croix et le réservoir, symboles d´une époque d´abondance qui suit l´action civilisatrice des personnages ancestraux


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Si les études sur les groupes noirs ruraux connaissent un essor dans l´Antropologie brésilienne contemporaine, au Nordeste, et spécialement au Rio Grande do Norte, ce genre de recherches restent rares. Ce travail a comme principal objectif de faire une description ethnographique des communautés du Pêga, do Arrojado e do Engenho Novo, dans la commune de Portalegre/RN, désignées comme des descendants africains et dont les membres se reconnaissent comme appartenant a une "grande famille". Ainsi, nous voulons analyser les processus d´élaboration d´une identité collective et comprendre le rôle des relations de parenté dans la vie cotidienne, festive et religieuse de Portalegre. En effet, nous pouvons observer que les "parents" développent des stratégies économiques et affirment leur alterité, reprennant des traits culturels et religieux qui leur sont propres pour se présenter comme un groupe doté d´une grande cohésion face a la société environnante. Nous utilisons la méthode ethnographique et la technique de l´observation participante, alliée à l´analyse des sources historiques primaires dans le but de décrire ces pratiques et stratégies. Nous pensons que la participation des membres du groupe à la production agricole, spécialement dans la confection de la farine de manioc, la construction des relations sociales au quotidien et l´organisation de la danse de São Gonçalo représentent autant d´occasions où la mémoire du groupe se fortifie, l´identité collective se cristallise et où la sociabilité se trouve consolidée. Nous analysons ces pratiques collectives et ces moments festifs comme des moyens de réaffirmation d´une identité locale centrée sur les relations de parenté


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This study was elaborated based on our research of the work Mithologiques by the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), which affirms that languages, indigenous myths and music are related. He proposes that the understanding of myths occurs in a similar manner as with an orchestral score. In the course of his tetralogy we investigated the musical terms used in the analysis and in the division of the chapters, especially in the first volume of his work. Several compositional procedures and forms are named. Composers in pairs are categorized: Sebastian Bach for the code, Ludwig van Beethoven for the message, and Richard Wagner for the myths. In this deduction, we structured in parts: theme and variations, sonata and fugue with the aforementioned composers. Within the greatness of anthropological study, from among over 800 myths, we selected the first five of the indigenous tribe Bororo to discuss within the Theme and Variation segment. In the Sonata part there are two myths with the same theme: The wife of the jaguar which relates to the compositional structure, and four myths about The origin of women. Finally, in the segment related to the Fugue, we collected four myths that address The shortness of life. Honoring the many terms expressed in opposition, contrast, or symmetry under consideration in Levi-Strauss work, we entitled this thesis emphasizing the migration between the tempos Largo and Prestíssimo as these are oppositional presentations in music. Fifteen musical myths accompany the work supported by selected narratives. In light of this we questioned, we questioned: how are incest, murder and other events part of a society that elevates nature as an extension of life itself? And how did Lévi-Strauss think that anthropology harmonized with music? In the preparation of this study, philosophers like Peter Sloterdijk discuss the circular territory of Mythology


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Cette étude propose une lecture du sport d endurance, prenant comme perspective théorique l imaginaire radical et considérant les dimensions socio-historiques e subjectives de la pratique de courses de longue distance. D abord, l échantillon la recherche a été composé de huit sujets-atlètes du groupe de courreurs de rue Sport Vida. Ainsi, em même temps que nous faisons une analyse socio-historique de cette pratique sportive, nous considérons l ensemble des aspects sócio-culturels et poursuivons la recherche avec comme objectif de comprendre les sens qui lui sont attribués par les sjuets-atlètes, au-delá de l aspect économique et de la consommation. Nous observons que, même si l altétismo qui est pratiqué a des aspects competitifs (economiques), les atlètes créent d autres sens pour continuer a pratiquer ce sport, comme les amitiés, être ensemble avec les amis. Ils rompent avec la logique déterministe du sport dépasser la limite du corps, vaincre à n importe quel prix, dépasser les collègues -, en cherchant des moments de solidarité, un sport sans violence et affectif. Nous percevons néanmoins des contradictions dans le discours de quelques atlètes quand confessent que le plus important est l amour du sport, les amitiés, mais réclament du manque de sponsorts et d appui pour pouvoir s entrainer tranquillement. Cette recherche a aussi montré que dans la pratique de ce sport, les atlètes construisent une obstination, sachant le sacrifice qu il impose au corps, mais cela se transforme en plaisir, excitation et recherche d émotions fortes. Valeurs éthiques sont aussi construites et valorisées dans l atlétisme, ce qui est observé lorsque que les sujets-atlètes critiquent avec véemence a propos de l usage de substances chimiques par les sportifs. En choisissant l imaginaire radical comme principale inspiration théorique pour cette recherche, il devient évident que le sport peut être ressignifié, à partir du moment que cet imaginaire est potencialisé dans l enseignement de l éducation physique, porvocant chez les élèves une réflexion critique sur la société et sur le sport, qui passe à être redimensionné vers la solidarité, avec démocratie et autonomie. Enfin, l étude a révélé que le sport d endurance est capable de créer des liens sociaux et structurer des relations à partir de cette pratique


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The present study comes from inquietudes of an investigative posture assumed by a Physical Education Graduation Professor, before her educative action with undergraduate teachers. The research was done with 16 (sixteen) Kindergarten and Elementary School teachers, who teach at public schools. The referred teachers are undergraduate students of the Graduating Normal Course at Superior Educational Institute President Kennedy, in Natal/RN. The analysis and discussion of the intertwining of knowledge, within the four Pillars of Education, at the Fountain of Knowledge , is a metaphor, especially created for this study, as for its epistemological and methodological structure, guiding all the investigative process. It provided to show up the repercussion of bathing and drinking these humanizing waters of a pedagogical practice that values the Being, aiming his self-transcendence. The conclusions obtained were the following: 1) The professor, while bathing himself in the Fountain of Life Knowledge, reflects his personal and professional life, recalling feelings and emotions that through time were forgotten, but as they were remembered and lived again, impulse people towards humanity. 2) While bathing himself at the Fountain of Life Knowledge, the professor realizes he is awoken to humane knowledge, caring about his practices, which he develops in the classroom. Practices he considers the learning of knowing, of doing, of living together, and of learning how to be, having and integrated form on the Being. 3) When the worries about the developing of the Being exist coming from the undergraduate teacher there is a practice the shows up the web of corporeity knowledge knowing how to play, how to create, how to feel, how to think, and how to humanize. 4) The presence of the professional of Physical Education, with knowledge and experience of the budgets of corporeity, is essential in the process of graduating the Kindergarten and first years of Elementary School undergraduate teacher, for he, the former, has a huge responsibility as to the learning and developing of the educational process the humanizing developing of the Being In a proposal of education that occurs through the whole life. 5) The Professional of Physical Education has positions to conquer, for the existent gap in the educational process, as for the understanding of the body and of corporeity in the perspective of totality, urges to be modified in name of another mankind, with full humanity


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The work aims to investigate some of the educational actions developed in the differentiated Tapeba schools (CE), in their pedagogical practices. The reading of these practices as ritual of ethnic cultural resistance is accomplished by the approach of studies of experience and performance in the anthropology, as well as, the analytical perspective suggested by the dramaturgy ideas and social drama. So, taking a critical approach of the school, that conceives it, while time space privileged of possibilities of political social change, this work searches to notice the means of achievement of a differentiated education. I aim at, with that, to observe the ritual moments and performáticos of the pedagogic practices of Tapeba while important political-symbolic expressions of your collective experiences, looking at the process of construction of legitimacy of the school differentiated as scenery of creation of pedagogic rituals of resistance. Then, the Cultural Fair, Tapeba Indian Games, the Walking of Tapeba Indian`s Day and Carnauba Party by one side and the Cultural Classes, by another, promote a re-thinking on the experiences of Tapeba ethnicity, distinguishing also, in this process of identity affirmation, the political pedagogical role fulfilled by land re-taking. Finally, this work makes clear that Tapeba prove to be individuals with rights and at the same time they want to legitimate their differentiated school practices, Tapeba construct the meaning of their social actions in the educative and in other aspects of their communitarian living as well


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Prétendant contribuer au progrès sur le champ épistémologique de l éducation environnementale, nous avons défini l objetif principal de cette recherche visant construire et évaluer initialement des structures éco-vécues appliquées aux sentiers écologiques interprétatifs dans des zones de protection environnementale. Pour conduire la tâche de l investigation écophénoménologique, l objectif présent a été déplié spécifiquement de la façon suivante: 1. Approfondir la discussion sur le rôle de l émotion et du sentiment dans l éducation. 2. Démarquer un trajet de sentier écologique du Parque das Dunas en identifiant des aires éco-sensorielles pour le développement du vécu écologique. 3. Construire des structures des vécus écologiques pour les environnements préalablement définis dans un sentier du Parque das Dunas. 4. Vivre l expérience des structures éco-vécues en tant qu éducateurs, visant leur validation méthodologique. 5. Présenter la conception de l éducation environnementale corpororalisée qui valorise les émotions et les sentiments dans les structures des éco-vécus. Pour orienter notre investigation écophénoménologique à fin de construire et évaluer des structures des éco-vécues appliquées aux sentiers écologiques interprétatifs, quelques présupposés ont été définis pour agir comme une boussole pendant toute notre promenade écologique: Du point de vue biologique, l amour est l émotion qui constitue le domaine des actions dans lequel l autre est accepté comme il est dans le présent, sans attente par rapport aux conséquences de l intimité, même si c est légitime de les attendre (Maturana e Verden-Zöller, 2004). Éduquer dans la biologie de l amour est s occuper du développement, de la pensée et des intelligences et, au même temps, éduquer l écoute du sentiment et l ouverture du coeur (Moraes, 2003). La corporéité est le siège radiant, le premier et le principal le critère éducationnel (Assmann, 1995). Les activités qui fluent, proportionnent la sensation de découverte, un sentiment créatif qui transpose l individu vers une nouvelle réalité (Csikszntmihalyi, 1992). Ressentir le sentiment fait exalter la portée des émotions (Damásio, 2004). L ethnographie et l écophénoménologie ont été les approches méthodologiques utilisées dans l étude. Onze éducateurs ont participé du processus de l expérience vécue et de l évaluation des structures éco-vécues construites dans la perspective d une Education Environnementale Corporalisée. Le développement de la conception d une Education Environnementale Corporalisée à partir du vécu sur les sentiers écologiques du Parque das Dunas, à Natal-RN, nous a amenés à structurer un système autopoïétique pour proposer des propriétés ou des principes configurant les intentions fondamentales d une Éducation Environnementale Corporalisée. Telle conception considère la métaphore de la Toile de la Corporéité vécue dans la Base de Recherche Corporéité et Éducation BACOR/UFRN et le phénomène de la ludopoïèse capable de faire émerger la joie de vivre la vie avec le sens de luminescence humaine. Associés à la Biologie de l amour, nous espérons pouvoir contribuer à la présence des émotions et des sentiments pour une perspective transdisciplinaire et corporalisée pour l Education Environnementale. Nous présentons cinq principes de guidage pour la concrétisation d une Education Environnementale Corporalisée: Ecopréservation, Ecoterritorialité, Ecoconectivité, Ecovaleur, Ecojouissance