96 resultados para pessoas em fim da vida
The present study aims to investigate the conceptions of teachers and management team of the Colégio Nossa Senhora das Neves - Natal / RN about curriculum, school architecture and possible relationships established between these components. To develop the study, we rely on the theoretical contributions of Viñao Frago (2001), Escolano (2001); Benconstta (2005), among others, about the architecture school, and with regard to curriculum, ancoramo us in theoretical reflections Silva (2000, 2006, 2008). We assume that the school place is a social construct and as such, reflects the interests of certain groups, to organize, establish ways to condition their unctions and uses. In this space, people's lives is planned, both those who work there, as those who study there. Thus, the architecture school promotes, through representations, signs, symbols and shapes, certain charges that impact the ways of being and acting subjects by establishing appropriation and expropriation of rights and legitimate forms of inclusion and exclusion. Thus, it is an expression of power. A power that is expressed in the form of lead the way people should behave in a certain space. Clarity on these aspects of the architecture school is important, since in the same way that the opinion of several experts is important to discuss the adequacy of school architecture (environmentalists, architects, engineers, planners), the / the teacher / and the / as managers / must also meet the educational nature of the architecture school, so as to present its share of contribution in order to make the post-school conducive to learning multiple. From this perspective, we analyze the concepts of four teachers and eight individuals who are part of the management team of the CNSN, whose views were seized through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. The construction of the data indicated levels of conceptual curriculum varied, ranging from those rooted in traditional theories of curriculum as those regarding the curriculum tied to discursive and contextual aspects. The conceptions of architecture school, predominantly focused on the aspects of the architecture school materials and most established subject, differently, relations between curriculum and school architecture
Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES≥1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component
A descriptive and exploratory Study, quantitative in nature, with the aim to assess the Quality of Life (QL) of the elderly leaving in a Long Residence Institution (LRI) according to their own perception. It was conducted in six Public Institutions of Long Residence for Seniors, in the municipality of Natal - RN, in the period of July to August 2007. The data was collected using two structured interview forms: the first, containing questions about socio-demographic aspects and the second - the WHOQUOL-OLD, prepared by the World Health Organization to assess elderly s quality of life. The reference population was 266 old persons, and a random sample, of 43, being 28 women and 15 men, who account for 30%. The results indicated there is a predominance of older women (65.1%) and the average age is 76.6 years; the predominant religion is the Catholic - 44.2% and, 32.6% are unmarried without children. As for schooling and precedence, 41.9% are illiterate and 67.4% come from the rural area. The time of residency in the institution goes between 1 to 5 years for 69.8% of the elderly, 37.2% of them residing in the institution for not having another option. Most elderly informed using medicines. 51.3% said they are taking anti-hypertensive. As for the other aspects of QL: sensory aspects, autonomy, past, present and future activities, social participation, death and dying and intimacy, the WHOQOL-OLD, showed an average total score of 52.9% (scale of 0 to 100), with a tendency to neutrality, denoting that the elderly, in this study, evaluated their QL as neither satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Of all the facets of the instrument of QL, the sensory facet secured the highest average scores (68,1%), showing that the elderly are "happy" in the situation in which they find themselves, not showing significant disabilities. The facet of autonomy, which refers to the independence and the ability to make decisions on their own life, received the lowest average scores (40.7%), showing the dissatisfaction of the elderly on this aspect. The evaluation of the elderly on other facets were: social participation (48.2%); activities past, present and future (44.6%) and intimacy (50.6%), all perceived as neither unsatisfactory or satisfactory. On the item death and dying, the elderly people declared themselves satisfied, with average score of 65.5%. The analysis of the reliability of the WHOQOL-OLD by the Cronbach Alpha showed 0.57, considering the 24 items that cover the instrument, showing regular internal reliability of the instrument, in our reality. The result is probably due to differences between the regions south and east and the broader sociocultural diversity. We believe that the elderly in this study, tended to realize their QL as neutral, considering it as neither unsatisfactory or satisfactory, result likely related to the resignation with the destine, characterized, at the time, by the finitude of life, feeling very common among elderly, or perhaps, even for an accommodation, often accompanied by discouragement, present in the daily life of many of them
This study focuses on the child within the hospital environment. Its purpose is to describe children s perceptions of their illness and time in hospital and to identify their main hardships during treatment. This study has a qualitative nature and is theoretically and methodologically supported by the creative and sensitive method developed by Cabral (1998), studies by Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon on child development, and studies conducted by Pinto (2005), Collet (2004), Chiattone (2003), Silva (2002), Lima et.al (1999) on in-patient children. For this study, 13 children between the ages of 7 and 12 at a public hospital institution specialized in child care in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. As a criterion for taking part in this study the children would have to have been in hospital for over three days and be fully capable of physically and emotionally interacting with the researcher at the time the interview took place. Analysis drew on the study of the empirical material made up of interviews and a field diary where notes had been entered for the children s reactions, expressions and gestures. Results show that there is some understanding, on the part of these children, of their illness, with their parents as the main informants. They accept being in hospital because they need treatment, but they realize that life becomes different especially on account of the constraints resulting from the illness and the hospital itself. The main hardships during treatment are: lack of recreational activities in the evenings and on the weekends within the hospital environment; absence of family members, especially brothers and sisters; and lack of explanation on the part of health professionals regarding some procedures as these are being carried out. Our conclusion is that children perceive illness and the hospital environment as something that changes the rhythm of their lives bringing on them perturbations, fears and anxieties. Hence, we suggest that professionals working with in-patient children should be especially prepared to deal with these children and their parents, aiming at bringing down fears and anguishes, clear their doubts and, in addition, advise the parents in respect of their children s treatment while in hospital and after hospital discharge. The hospital environment should also be cheerful and colorful and have a toy room under the coordination of persons especially prepared for that purpose
The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategies used by families living in at-risk-and-vulnerable situations registered with the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) ( Family Health Strategy ) as they face their daily problems. This is an investigation of a qualitative nature, using interview as the main tool for an empirical approach. Ten women from the Panatis location in northern Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, whose families live in precarious social-economical situations were interviewed. The interviews occurred between the months of April and June, 2007. The reports revealed that a mixture of improvisations and creativity was used as strategies for overcoming the privations and necessities of daily life. We also reached the conclusion that these families sought solutions for their problems through religiosity and a gift reciprocity system as resources for obtaining personal recognition and support in adversity. The results, in addition, point to ESF as one of the strategies used by these families in the search for attention and care. From this perspective, ESF has proven to be a place for listening and the construction of ties that are consolidated through home visits, organized groups, in parties and outings that are promoted in the community, reestablishing contact and support among people and signaling a way out of abandonment and isolation. Holders of knowledge constructed through life experiences, the participants of the study led us to induce and infer the need to amplify space that will allow them to express meanings, values and experiences, and consider that becoming ill is a process that incorporates dimensions of life that go beyond the physical. As health professionals, we need to be aware of the multiple and creative abilities used in the daily lives of these families, so that we can, along with them, reinvent a new way of dealing with health
Venous ulcers are lesions resulting from chronic venous insufficiency, venous valvular abnormalities and venous thrombosis. Its occurrence has been growing with the increase in life expectancy of the world population. Considered as fundamental aspects in the approach to the person with venous ulcer care with the interdisciplinary approach, adoption of protocol-specific knowledge, technical skill, coordination between levels of care complexity of the Health System and active participation of patients and their families, a holistic perspective. The construction of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers can help professionals of high complexity services in patient assessment and the establishment of quality care in a systematic way and focused on the factors that interfere with wound healing. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the evidence of validation of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers treated at high-complexity services. This is a methodological study with a quantitative approach, developed in three stages: literature review, evidence of content validity and evidence of validation in the clinical context. Approved by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Research Ethics Committee (Opinion: 147.452 and CAAE: 07556312.0.0000.5537). The literature review was conducted in August and September 2012, becoming the basis for the construction of the protocol. Then the evidence of content validity, which included 53 judges (experts) selected by the Lattes platform to evaluate the protocol items was performed. The judges were contacted by e-mail and rated the protocol via Google Docs
Several epidemics marked the lives of individuals and communities in all historical periods, and a prime example is leprosy, infectious disease marked by stigma, prejudice and social exclusion. In the past, the compulsory isolation of patients with leprosy caused serious social and psychological problems, resulting in the separation and the partial or total disruption of the family relationship. Children deprived of this living, removed often inhumanely, were kept and bred in preventoriums / educational establishments. This study aimed to: rescue the oral history of life of the children of leprosy patients that were built in preventorium Osvaldo Cruz, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte; develop a contextual analysis about these children; know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments; produce a documentary on the history of life of children of parents separated by leprosy; forming MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state; and implement the I Meeting of MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, approved by the ERC No. 024/024/2012 Liga Norteriograndense Contra o Câncer. We used the contributions of the method and technique of oral history of life as methodological reference. We interviewed 10 individuals egress from preventorium Osvaldo Cruz in Natal/RN, sons of former patients proven to be residents in the city, of both sexes, older than 18, with cognitive, intellectual and emotional conditions preserved. The analysis of the histories obtained from collaborators was performed in the light of Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions are presented through two articles which meet the proposed objectives. The first, called Contextual Analysis on the children of leprosy patients in preventoriums aimed to record the phenomenon of children of leprosy patients in preventorium through four contextual levels, which identified the need to broaden the debate on public policy in the field of leprosy as a way to enable more effective measures to propagate in the search for harm reduction and direct consequences resulting from stigma and marginalization around patients and their healthy children, egress from preventoriums. The second, Leprosy and the denial of history: the story of separated children , aimed to know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients who were institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments. In this article, we discuss the research question through the establishment of three main themes: 1. Losses and damages: disintegration and reintegration into the family and denied childhood; 2. Unforgettable: remarkable things you do not forget; and 3. Expectancy in living new situations: in search of other paths and destinations. These thematic axis highlighted the negative implications for the lives of the subjects, arising from the separation of their parents, leprosy patients at the time of compulsory isolation; however, has also been shown that this separation was not decisive in their life histories, once they have succeeded in providing a new sense of these experiences and lead their lives with dignity and fortitude. It was concluded that these children demonstrated resilience as form of defense and fighting stigma and prejudice, being able to reinvent themselves and build new paths and destinations
The aim of the present study was to understand the feelings and the difficulties faced by the family caregiver in the care of the person affected by Alzheimer`s Disease (AD). It is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, using the oral life history proposed by Bom Meihy as the method. Data collection was conducted in the Basic Health Unit of Candelaria, located in Natal -RN, with five collaborators that carry out the role of family caregivers for people affected by Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and are members of the Group "Caring for those who Care". Caregi vers who resided with the affected family member for at least one year were selected for the study, and as a collection tool, it was opted to use semi-structured interviews via a script of open questions, recorded by permission of the collaborators, then t ranscribed and subsequently returned to respondents for checking the contents described. To analyze the results, the collaborators narrative technique was used in conjuction with the specific literature on the subject.The discussions were organized around five themes inherent to the guiding questions, and defined as follows: the incorporation of the role of the family caregiver; life before and after assuming the role of caregiver, the caregiver`s feelings and attitudes after assuming the care, difficulti es in caring, participation of the group as a foundation for caregivers. The stories showed many difficulties in the daily routine of the caregivers, and also that their participation in the group "Caring for those who Care" helps them in maintaining the q uality of their lives. The results open possibilities for the construction of new forms of approach and care for the people who fulfill the role of family caregiver contributing to strengthening of subsidies that help them better face the daily difficulti es.This study helped shed light on the fact that being a family caregiver of a person affected by AD is a suffered, exhausting and stressful condition involving much self-denial in one´s life. The situation experienced by these collaborators is considered a public health issue, and thus highlights the urgency for governmental political -social actions, besides the programs of care and health promotion for this target group.
This essay aims to analyze different aspects regarding employees satisfaction about their work environment in order to preparethem to deal with quality programs. The study was developed through field and bibliographic research, which was turn in to a comparative analysis between the results obtained in a pilot research and the results from a final research applied to Brazilian Mail enterprise that got the bronze award of the Federal Government Quality Award. The main issue is to define where to act so that employees will be ready to deal with a quality program, identifying why they consider important, their influence in the insertion of the program and the relationship between satisfaction in the work environment and the success of such insertion
Discussions over the topic of inclusion of handicapped people at school are considered recent, but they have become more and more frequent within the national and international scenario. Such discussion has also being inserted in the speeches and actions of the school institution and with the formation of educators. This investigation is made necessary as a way to collect elements to reconsider the actions for the inclusion of the special education need youth. In special the visually handicapped ones, at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). The creation of a support unit functions as main vehicle for the actions of the institution. It is intended to know what young people with limitations have to say regarding their experiences as a way to signal paths to be and not to be followed by the support unit. Therefore, the experience which these young boys and girls have is of crucial importance. In order to accomplish the task, it was decided to use methodological elements based upon elements supported by the life reports of two deficient students here called Borges and Stéfano. Their reports are from childhood to their arrival at IFRN. From their reports, categories appeared: childhood and the role of family; school life and, finally, related to the actions of the support unit of IFRN, being divided in inclusive actions and obstacles. The first one takes a second look at the actions of the family within the learning-teaching process of these students. The second category presents the moment in which students started to receive formal education per se. The last category constitutes the cornerstone of the investigation, for it analyses the process of inclusion in the institution, according to the perception of the students with visual limitations. The results signaled the need for shared intervention between students with Special Education Needs and school professionals in the elaboration of the Educational Planning, which guarantees the defense of the rights to an efficient teaching practice and effective in the process of inclusion of these students
Diese Masterthese beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung der Frage nach dem Begriff Leben ohne Warum basierend auf den Werken des Meisters Eckhart, genauer gesagt, auf den Deutschen Predigten , auf Das Buch der göttlichen Tröstung , Von dem edlen Menschen , Die Reden der Unterweisung und Von Abgeschiedenheit . Bei der Theorie der Abgeschiedenheit versucht man die Idee des Lebens ohne warum zu verstehen und zu zeigen, die Gott und der Mensch ent-decken kann. So wird erstmals eine Reflexion darüber beschrieben, was Abgeschiedenheit ist, und zwar mittels dreier Dimensionen: Ontik, Ontologisch und Mystik. Die Ontik der absoluten Armut fordert eine Analyse der Ontologie aller Ontik und das bedeutet nach Eckhart das Gotteswesen in seiner Gottheit, die unbegreifbar für den Menschen ist. Unterdessen bringt die Analyse des Wesens Gottes des Menschenlebens wieder die Einheit zwischen dem Ontischen und dem Ontologischen in der Welt. Die mystische Dimension begründet diese Einheit als Absolutum ohne Warum . Aber die Möglichkeit des Sprechens und des Denkens über die Abgeschiedenheit führt zum erfüllten Leben. Es gibt keine endgültige Predigt, keine wundersame Methode, keinen bekannten Weg oder keine leistungsfähige Strategie dafür nur in der Vollendung des Lebens ist es möglich, die subtile Äusserung von Gott, die uns entgeht, zu empfinden. Um diese Erfüllung zu erklären und die Lebensbedeutung als ohne Warum zu verstehen, untersucht diese Masterthese unter vier Perspektiven: arché und telos des Lebens, die Zeit unter dem Begriff des nun, das verbum und das ego sum qui sum, was das Leben als ohne Warum beweist und die Beharrlichkeit in der täglich von der Welt verstandenen Transzendenz. Es ist schwierig die Tiefe des Leben-ohne-Warum-Begriffs von Meister Eckhart auszudrücken, weil seine ganze Bemühung darin besteht, die Kräfte dieser Ent-deckung vor einer begrenzten Bestimmung zu schützen. Und in dieser Hinsicht öffnet er einen neuen Horizont für den Grund des Lebens. Es gibt keine Routine und Determination bei Meister Eckhart. Alles, was ist, spiegelt das Außerordentliche, seine dringende Absicht ist die Widerherstellung der Einheit mit dem Gegenwärtigen, mit dem Wesentlichen, mit dem Leben im Alltag ohne Warum
This research aims to reconstruct and explain the argument proposed by Peter Singer to justify the principle of equal consideration of interests (PECI). The PECI is the basic normative principle according to people should consider the interests of all sentient beings affected when somebody taking a moral decision. It is the join that Singer proposes between universalizability and the principle of equal consideration of interests that constitutes a compelling reason to justify it. The universalizability requires to disregard the numerical differences, putting yourself in other people s shoes, and to consider preferences, interests, desires and ideals of those affected. Singer joins universalizability to normative principle and molds the form and content of his theory. The first chapter introduces the discussion will be developed in this essay. The second chapter deals the historical and philosophical viewpoint from which Singer starts his studies. The third chapter is about the Singer s critiques of naturalism, intuitionism, relativism, simple subjectivism and emotivism. The fourth chapter exposes the design of universal prescriptivism proposed by R. M. Hare. The universal prescriptivism indicates, in the Singer s viewpoint, a consistent way to create the join between the universalizability and PECI. It highlights also the criticism designed by J. L. Mackie and Singer himself to universal prescriptivism. The second part of this chapter shows briefly some of the main points of the classical conception of utilitarianism and its possible relationship with the theory of Singer. The fifth chapter introduces the Singer s thesis about the origin of ethics and the universalizability as a feature necessary to the point of view of ethic, and the way which this argument is developed to form the PECI. The sixth chapter exposes the main distinctions that characterize the PECI. Finally the seventh chapter provides a discussion about the reasons highlighted by Singer for one who wants orient his life according to the standpoint of ethics. This structure allows explaining the main ideas of the author concerning the theoretical foundations of his moral philosophy
The stimulation of motor learning is an important component to a rehabilitation and type of practice used is de basic importance to Physiotherapy. The motor skills are the types more basic of behavior that subjects must acquire throughout its lives and observational learning one of forms for its acquisition. Objective: This study aimed to compare performance of patients post- stroke on test of recognition of activities of day life using self-controlled and externally determined practice. Intervention: Forty subjects had been evaluated, 20 stroke patients (the mean age was 57,9?}6,7 years, schooling 6,7?}3,09 years and time of injury 23,4?}17,2 months) and 20 health subjects (the mean age 55,4?}5,9 years and schooling 8?}3,7 years). All was evaluated about independence functional (FIM) and cognitive state (MMSE), and patients were also evaluated about neurologic state (NIHSS). Later, all realized a recognition of activities of day life test (drink water and speak to telephone) on self-controlled (PAUTO and CAUTO) and externally determined (P20 and C20) frequency. The stroke subjects also were examined for a three-dimensional system of kinematic analysis, when they have drink water. The statistic analysis was realized for chi-square and t Student tests. Results: This was not difference, about number of rightness, between groups of self-controlled and externally determined practice (p0,005), and also not between patients and control groups (p0,005). Patients mean velocity (PAUTO: 141,1mm/sec and P20: 141,6mm/sec) and peak velocity (PAUTO: 652,1mm/sec and P20: 598,6mm/sec) were reduced, as well as the angles reached for elbow (PAUTO: 66,60 and 124,40; P20: 66,30 and 128,50 extension e flexion respectively) regarding literature. Conclusions: The performance on recognition of activities of day life test was similar between on self-controlled and externally determined frequency, showing both technique may be used to stimulate motor learning on chronic patients after stroke
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affected approximately 171 million people in the world in the year 2000 as described by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because DM is a multisystem disease it can cause several complications especially those related to the cardiovascular system. The Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) of the lower limbs and the Diabetic Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy (DDSP) can affect the DM patient causing consequences as the diabetic foot and eventually amputations. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of PAD and sensorial impairment in 73 type 2 DM (DM2) patients and also assess the impact of PAD on quality of life, level of physical activity and body composition. For clinical assessment it was used: the ankle-brachial index (ABI); quantitative sensorial test for tactile sensibility (ST), pain (SD), vibration (SV); Achilles tendon reflex (RA); quality of life questionnaire (SF-36); modified Baecke physical activity questionnaire and bioelectric impedance. Prevalence of PAD in the studied population was 13.7%. ABI was inversely correlated to age (p=0,03; rhô= -0,26), diabetes duration (p=0,02; rhô= -0,28) and blood pressure (p= 0,0007; rhô= -0,33). There were lower scores for physical health summary on the SF-36 in DM2 patients; however, the presence of PAD predominantly mild did not significantly impact quality of life, body composition or physical activity level assessed by questionnaire. Fourteen patients (19.2%) present bilateral and symmetrical alterations in two or more sensorial tests compatible to DPN diagnosis. Abnormalities in ST, SD and SV were present in 27.3%, 24.6% and 8.2%; respectively. There was association of results from ST abnormalities with RA and mainly with SD, suggesting the importance of 10g monofilament use in DM2 routine assessment. In conclusion, the prevalence of PAD in subclinical DM2 was slightly higher compared to the general population and in agreement to previously published data in DM patients. The PAD severity was predominantly mild and still without repercussion on quality of life and body composition. Our study demonstrated a significant prevalence of both PAD and DPN in DM2 without previous diagnosis of these complications and indicates the necessity of early preventive and therapeutic interventions for this population
The cerebral vascular accident is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that leds to development of motor sensibility, cognitive, perceptive and language deficits. Despite the fact that the main sleep disorders in stroke patients are well known, it is still necessary to analyze which mechanisms of regulation of sleep and wakefulness are affected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wakefulness in stroke patients and the correlations with quality of life and level of physical activity. The study analyzed 22 stroke patients (55± 12 years old) and 24 healthy subjects (57 ±11 years old). The instruments used in this study were questionnaires on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, quality of life, physical activity level and the actigraphy. The data were analyzed using the Student `t test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA and Spearman's correlation tests. The results showed stability in the sleep-wake circadian expression with changes in the amplitude of the rhythm. However, significant changes were found related to the homeostatic component characterized by increased sleep duration, increased latency, fragmented sleep and lower sleep efficiency. Additional data showed decreased quality of sleep and increased daytime sleepiness, as well as decreased quality of life and level of physical activity. The results indicate that the interaction of circadian and homeostatic control of sleep-wake is compromised and the main reason might be because of the homeostatic component and the lower activity level resulting from the brain damage. Thus, further studies may be developed to evaluate whether behavioral interventions such as increased daytime activity and restriction of sleep during the day can influence the homeostatic process and its relation to circadian component, resulting in improved quality of nocturnal sleep in stroke patients