74 resultados para grego clássico


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The work presented here is the result of research on the issue of human rights in the face of conflicting issues such as the incorporation of international treaties, the sovereignty of states, globalization and multuculturalism. Specifically, we will investigate the origin of human rights, alongside his growing recognition, from the Revolutions until its completion in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The question, however, has become broader, when analyzed from the perspective of the internationalization of these rights as conditions and limits of democracy. Given the convergence on the reception of international treaties on human rights, we analyze a series of positions, including recent placements of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Amendment n.45/2004. The study aims to review the classical concept of sovereignty, now within a new perspective based on the appearance of certain limitations of the state and a crisis in the face of the protection of human rights. We analyze the phenomenon of globalization in light of its complexity and its relation to sovereignty and human rights in pursuit of an expansion of democracy. The theme is consistent also with the line of contemporary constitutionalism, since their approach has a close connection with the issues of sovereignty and globalization, as well as a current relationship with the protection of human rights. The research aims to analyze the formation of a new society within a global vision of the constitutionalization of international law. It seeks to glimpse the invocacion model of foreign precedents and the possibility of dialogue betweem States as a way of protecting and enforcing the protection of human rights


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The aim of this work was to describe the methodological procedures that were mandatory to develop a 3D digital imaging of the external and internal geometry of the analogue outcrops from reservoirs and to build a Virtual Outcrop Model (VOM). The imaging process of the external geometry was acquired by using the Laser Scanner, the Geodesic GPS and the Total Station procedures. On the other hand, the imaging of the internal geometry was evaluated by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).The produced VOMs were adapted with much more detailed data with addition of the geological data and the gamma ray and permeability profiles. As a model for the use of the methodological procedures used on this work, the adapted VOM, two outcrops, located at the east part of the Parnaiba Basin, were selected. On the first one, rocks from the aeolian deposit of the Piaui Formation (Neo-carboniferous) and tidal flat deposits from the Pedra de Fogo Formation (Permian), which arises in a large outcrops located between Floriano and Teresina (Piauí), are present. The second area, located at the National Park of Sete Cidades, also at the Piauí, presents rocks from the Cabeças Formation deposited in fluvial-deltaic systems during the Late Devonian. From the data of the adapted VOMs it was possible to identify lines, surfaces and 3D geometry, and therefore, quantify the geometry of interest. Among the found parameterization values, a table containing the thickness and width, obtained in canal and lobes deposits at the outcrop Paredão and Biblioteca were the more relevant ones. In fact, this table can be used as an input for stochastic simulation of reservoirs. An example of the direct use of such table and their predicted radargrams was the identification of the bounding surface at the aeolian sites from the Piauí Formation. In spite of such radargrams supply only bi-dimensional data, the acquired lines followed of a mesh profile were used to add a third dimension to the imaging of the internal geometry. This phenomenon appears to be valid for all studied outcrops. As a conclusion, the tool here presented can became a new methodology in which the advantages of the digital imaging acquired from the Laser Scanner (precision, accuracy and speed of acquisition) were combined with the Total Station procedure (precision) using the classical digital photomosaic technique


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The objective of this dissertation is the development of a general formalism to analyze the thermodynamical properties of a photon gas under the context of nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED). To this end it is obtained, through the systematic analysis of Maxwell s electromagnetism (EM) properties, the general dependence of the Lagrangian that describes this kind of theories. From this Lagrangian and in the background of classical field theory, we derive the general dispersion relation that photons must obey in terms of a background field and the NLED properties. It is important to note that, in order to achieve this result, an aproximation has been made in order to allow the separation of the total electromagnetic field into a strong background electromagnetic field and a perturbation. Once the dispersion relation is in hand, the usual Bose-Einstein statistical procedure is followed through which the thermodynamical properties, energy density and pressure relations are obtained. An important result of this work is the fact that equation of state remains identical to the one obtained under EM. Then, two examples are made where the thermodynamic properties are explicitly derived in the context of two NLED, Born-Infelds and a quadratic approximation. The choice of the first one is due to the vast appearance in literature and, the second one, because it is a first order approximation of a large class of NLED. Ultimately, both are chosen because of their simplicity. Finally, the results are compared to EM and interpreted, suggesting possible tests to verify the internal consistency of NLED and motivating further developement into the formalism s quantum case


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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We considered prediction techniques based on models of accelerated failure time with random e ects for correlated survival data. Besides the bayesian approach through empirical Bayes estimator, we also discussed about the use of a classical predictor, the Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (EBLUP). In order to illustrate the use of these predictors, we considered applications on a real data set coming from the oil industry. More speci - cally, the data set involves the mean time between failure of petroleum-well equipments of the Bacia Potiguar. The goal of this study is to predict the risk/probability of failure in order to help a preventive maintenance program. The results show that both methods are suitable to predict future failures, providing good decisions in relation to employment and economy of resources for preventive maintenance.


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Among several theorems which are taught in basic education some of them can be proved in the classroom and others do not, because the degree of difficulty of its formal proof. A classic example is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra which is not proved, it is necessary higher-level knowledge in mathematics. In this paper, we justify the validity of this theorem intuitively using the software Geogebra. And, based on [2] we will present a clear formal proof of this theorem that is addressed to school teachers and undergraduate students in mathematics


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A necessidade de uma precisão e de uma aproximação dos resultados numéricos zeram com que diversas teorias surgissem: dentre elas, destacamos a Matemática Intervalar. A Matemática Intervalar surgiu na década de 60 com os trabalhos de pesquisa de Moore (MOORE, 1959) , em que ele propôs trabalhar com uma Matemática baseada na noção de intervalo real e não mais com um número como aproximação. Com isso, surgiu a necessidade de revisitar e reformular os conceitos e resultados da Matemática Clássica utilizando como base a noção de intervalo de Moore. Uma das áreas da Matem ática Clássica que tem tido muitas aplicações em engenharias e ciências é a Análises Numérica, onde um dos seus pilares é o Cálculo Integral e em particular as integrais de linha. Assim, é muito desejável se ter um cálculo integral dentro da própria Matemática Intervalar. No presente trabalho apresenta-se uma noção de Integral de Linha Intervalar baseada na extensão de integração proposta por Bedregal em (BEDREGAL; BEDREGAL, 2010). Para a fundamentação apresenta-se incialmente uma introdução sobre a pespectiva em que o trabalho foi realizado, considerando alguns aspectos histórico-evolutivos da Matemática Clássica. Os conceitos de Integrais de Linha Clássica, bem como algumas das suas aplicações mais importantes. Alguns conceitos de Matemática Intervalar necessários para o entendimento do trabalho. Para nalizar propomos uma aplicação da integral de linha em um experimênto clássico da mecânica quântica (a difração de um elétron em uma fenda) que graças ao fato de ser a Matemática Intervalar utilizada, nos dá um foco mais detalhado e mais próximo da realidade


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The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraíba and Ceará states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE


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The Palestina Graben is one of the NE-trending asymmetric grabens of the Araripe Basin. This basin rests on the precambrian terrains of the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province, immediately to the south of the Patos Lineament. It is part of the Interior Basins province of Northeastern Brazil, being related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and the opening of the South Atlantic ocean. The Palestina Graben trends NE-SW and presents an asymmetric geometry, controled by the NW extensional eocretaceous strain. The graben borders display distinct geometries. The SE border is a flexural margin, characterized by the non conformity of the eopaleozoic Mauriti Formation (the oldest unit of the basin) overlying the crystalline basement, but also affected by normal faults with small displacements. On the opposite, the NW border is continuous and rectilinear, being marked by normal faults with major displacements, that control the general tilting of the layers to the NW. In this sense, the Mauriti Formation is overlain by the Brejo Santo, Missão Velha (which also occurs in the Brejo Santo-Mauriti horst, to the NW of the fault border) and Abaiara formations, the latter restricted to the graben. The interpretation of available gravity data and a seismic line indicates that the main fault has a variable dip slip component, defining two deeper portions within the graben, in which the sedimentary column can reach thicknesses of up to 2 km. Regarding to the stratigraphy of Araripe Basin in the study area, the sedimentary package includes three distinct tectonosequences. The Paleozoic Syneclisis Tectonosequence is composed by the Mauriti Formation, deposited by a braided fluvial system. The Jurassic Tectonosequence, whose tectonic setting is still debatable (initial stage of the Neocomian rift, or a pre-rift syneclisis ?), is represented by the Brejo Santo Formation, originated in a distal floodplain related to ephemeral drainages. The Rift Tectonosequence, of neocomian age, includes the Missão Velha Formation, whose lower section is related to a braided to meandering fluvial system, outlining the Rift Initiation Tectonic Systems Tract. The upper section of the Missão Velha Formation is separated from the latter by a major unconformity. This interval was originated by a braided fluvial system, overlain by the Abaiara Formation, a deltaic system fed by a meandering fluvial system. Both sections correspond to the Rift Climax Tectonic Systems Tract. In the area, NE-trending normal to oblique faults are associated with NW transfer faults, while ENE to E-W faults display dominant strike slip kinematics. Both NE and E-W fault sets exhibit clear heritage from the basement structures (in particular, shear zones), which must have been reactivated during the eocretaceous rifting. Faults with EW trends display a dominant sinistral shear sense, commonly found along reactivated segments of the Patos Lineament and satellyte structures. Usually subordinate, dextral directional movements, occur in faults striking NNW to NE. Within this framework bearing to the Palestina Graben, classical models with orthogonal extension or pull-apart style deserve some caution in their application. The Palestina Graben is not limited, in its extremeties, by E-W transcurrent zones (as it should be in the case of the pull-apart geometry), suggesting a model close to the classic style of orthogonal opening. At the same time, others, adjacent depocenters (like the Abaiara-Jenipapeiro semi-graben) display a transtensional style. The control by the basement structures explains such differences


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Due to its high resolution, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used to image subsurface sedimentary deposits. Because GPR and Seismic methods share some principles of image construction, the classic seismostratigraphic interpretation method has been also applied as an attempt to interpret GPR data. Nonetheless some advances in few particular contexts, the adaptations from seismic to GPR of seismostratigraphic tools and concepts unsuitable because the meaning given to the termination criteria in seismic stratigraphy do not represent the adequate geologic record in the GPR scale. Essentially, the open question relies in proposing a interpretation method for GPR data which allow not only relating product and sedimentary process in the GPR scale but also identifying or proposing depositional environments and correlating these results with the well known Sequence Stratigraphy cornerstones. The goal of this dissertation is to propose an interpretation methodology of GPR data able to perform this task at least for siliciclastic deposits. In order to do so, the proposed GPR interpretation method is based both on seismostratigraphic concepts and on the bounding surface hierarchy tool from Miall (1988). As consequence of this joint use, the results of GPR interpretation can be associated to the sedimentary facies in a genetic context, so that it is possible to: (i) individualize radar facies and correlate them to the sedimentary facies by using depositional models; (ii) characterize a given depositional system, and (iii) determine its stratigraphic framework highligthing how it evolved through geologic time. To illustrate its use the proposed methodology was applied in a GPR data set from Galos area which is part of the Galinhos spit, located in Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. This spit presents high lateral sedimentary facies variation, containing in its sedimentary record from 4th to 6th cicles caused by high frequency sea level oscillation. The interpretation process was done throughout the following phases: (i) identification of a vertical facies succession, (ii) characterization of radar facies and its associated sedimentary products, (iii) recognition of the associated sedimentary process in a genetic context, and finally (iv) proposal of an evolutionay model for the Galinhos spit. This model proposes that the Galinhos spit is a barrier island constituted, from base to top, of the following sedimentary facies: tidal channel facies, tidal flat facies, shore facies, and aeolic facies (dunes). The tidal channel facies, in the base, is constituted of lateral accretion bars and filling deposits of the channels. The base facies is laterally truncated by the tidal flat facies. In the foreshore zone, the tidal flat facies is covered by the shore facies which is the register of a sea transgression. Finally, on the top of the stratigraphic column, aeolic dunes are deposited due to areal exposition caused by a sea regression


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Profound changes have marked Greek society from the fourth century B.C.. Conquests, wars and epidemics altered drastically the Greek’s posture regarding his public life, his conception of gods and hence the construction of their spaces, whether sacred or profane. Through the fonts, we perceived that the cult of god Asklepeios turned very popular, in this context, for the peculiar way that the god relates to his devotees, through the dreams. We know that the dream was held, for the Greeks, as a space of real existence, it was sacred, and could be accessed in the healing rituals of Asklepios. Our work intends, thereby, to understand the curious and peculiar oniric space, mainly through the inscriptions, architectural structures of the sanctuary and the ancient texts that refer to the context of the period, because we understand that this space was the essential condition for the popularization of the cult, it placed the individual in direct contact with the divinity, a rare closeness between men and gods accepted by the greek imagery until then.


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A practical approach to estimate rock thermal conductivities is to use rock models based just on the observed or expected rock mineral content. In this study, we evaluate the performances of the Krischer and Esdorn (KE), Hashin and Shtrikman (HS), classic Maxwell (CM), Maxwell-Wiener (MW), and geometric mean (GM) models in reproducing the measures of thermal conductivity of crystalline rocks.We used 1,105 samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks collected in outcroppings of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil. Both thermal conductivity and petrographic modal analysis (percent volumes of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and sum of mafic minerals) were done. We divided the rocks into two groups: (a) igneous and ortho-derived (or meta-igneous) rocks and (b) metasedimentary rocks. The group of igneous and ortho-derived rocks (939 samples) covers most the lithologies de_ned in the Streckeisen diagram, with higher concentrations in the fields of granite, granodiorite, and tonalite. In the group of metasedimentary rocks (166 samples), it were sampled representative lithologies, usually of low to medium metamorphic grade. We treat the problem of reproducing the measured values of rock conductivity as an inverse problem where, besides the conductivity measurements, the volume fractions of the constituent minerals are known and the effective conductivities of the constituent minerals and model parameters are unknown. The key idea was to identify the model (and its associated estimates of effective mineral conductivities and parameters) that better reproduces the measures of rock conductivity. We evaluate the model performances by the quantity  that is equal to the percentage of number of rock samples which estimated conductivities honor the measured conductivities within the tolerance of 15%. In general, for all models, the performances were quite inferior for the metasedimentary rocks (34% <  < 65%) as compared with the igneous and ortho-derived rocks (51% <  < 70%). For igneous and ortho-derived rocks, all model performances were very similar ( = 70%), except the GM-model that presented a poor performance (51% <  < 65%); the KE and HS-models ( = 70%) were slightly superior than the CM and MW-models ( = 67%). The quartz content is the dominant factor in explaining the rock conductivity for igneous and ortho-derived rocks; in particular, using the MW-model the solution is in practice vi UFRN/CCET– Dissertação de mestrado the series association of the quartz content. On the other hand, for metasedimentary rocks, model performances were different and the performance of the KEmodel ( = 65%) was quite superior than the HS ( = 53%), CM (34% <  < 42%), MW ( = 40%), and GM (35% <  < 42%). The estimated effective mineral conductivities are stable for perturbations both in the rock conductivity measures and in the quartz volume fraction. The fact that the metasedimentary rocks are richer in platy-minerals explains partially the poor model performances, because both the high thermal anisotropy of biotite (one of the most common platy-mineral) and the difficulty in obtaining polished surfaces for measurement coupling when platyminerals are present. Independently of the rock type, both very low and very high values of rock conductivities are hardly explained by rock models based just on rock mineral content.


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In line with the model of grammar competition (Kroch, 1989; 2001), according to which the change in the syntactic domains is a process that develops via competition between different grammars, we describe and analyze the superficial constructions V2 / V3 in matrices / roots sentences of brazilian personal letters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The corpus, composed by 154 personal letters of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte, is divided into three century halves: (i) latter half of the 19th century; (ii) first half of the 20th century; and (iii) latter half of the 20th century. Our focus was the observation of the nature of preverbal constituents in superficial constructions V2 (verb in second position in the sentence) and V3 (verb in third position in the sentence), with a special attention on the position of the subject. Based on the various diachronical studies about the Portuguese ordination standards (Ambar (1992); Ribeiro (1995, 2001); Paixão de Sousa (2004); Paiva (2011), Coelho and Martins (2009, 2012)), our study sought to realize what are empirical ordination standards that involve superficial constructions V2 / V3 and how these patterns structure syntactically within a formal theoretical perspective (Chomsky, 1981; 1986), more specifically, in accordance with studies of Antonelli (2011), and Costa & Galves (2002). The survey results show that the data from the second half of the 19th century – unlike the first and second half of the 20th century data – have a greater balance in relation to the syntactic nature of preverbal constituent (contiguous or not), so that, in this period, the occurrence of orders with the subject in a preverbal position arrives at, at most, 52% (231/444 data); while in the 48% (213/444 data) remaining, the preverbal constituents are represented by a non-subject constituent, almost always an adverbial adjunct. Seen the results, we advocate that the brazilian personal letters of the 19th century have ordination patterns associated with a V2 system and an SV system, configuring, therefore, a possible competition process between different grammars that instantiate or a V2 system or an SV system. In other words, the brazilian letters of the 19th century instantiate a competition between the grammar of Classic Portuguese (a V2 system) and the grammars of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (an SV system). Therefore, that period is subject to the completion of two distinct parametric markings: (i) verb moved to the Fin core (grammar of Classic Portuguese) and (ii) verb moved to the T core (grammar of Brazilian Portuguese /European Portuguese). On the other hand, in the personal letters of the 20th century (first and second halves), there is a clear increase in ordenation patterns associated with the SV system, which shows more stable.


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The research proposes a reflection on tutorial videos from Youtube, seen as a form of gift in modern society. Our reflection parts form a perspective of mutual exchange, which avoids the patterns of trade with current economic purposes. We present these video producers as craftsmen of cyberculture due to the skill and competence which they transmit their knowledge. The research is consisted by the observation of video tutorials on YouTube over the Linux operating system and its distributions. Analyzing the interactions between video producers, users and the website. The analysis is based on the classic Mauss (2003) and his reinterpretations of Caille (1998, 2001, 2002, 2006), Godbout (1992, 1998) assisted by Aime Cossetta (2010) and Sennett (2009) to help understand the idea of the craftsmen. The Internet as an open territory in expansion ables us to understand that the relationship in this medium also constitutes the reciprocal links pointed out by Mauss in the early twentieth century. The circulation of intangible property, in this case the knowledge beyond the establishment of social links, promotes a collaborative extent to produce the common in cyberspace.