73 resultados para Testes de hipóteses estatísticas
The main goal of Regression Test (RT) is to reuse the test suite of the latest version of a software in its current version, in order to maximize the value of the tests already developed and ensure that old features continue working after the new changes. Even with reuse, it is common that not all tests need to be executed again. Because of that, it is encouraged to use Regression Tests Selection (RTS) techniques, which aims to select from all tests, only those that reveal faults, this reduces costs and makes this an interesting practice for the testing teams. Several recent research works evaluate the quality of the selections performed by RTS techniques, identifying which one presents the best results, measured by metrics such as inclusion and precision. The RTS techniques should seek in the System Under Test (SUT) for tests that reveal faults. However, because this is a problem without a viable solution, they alternatively seek for tests that reveal changes, where faults may occur. Nevertheless, these changes may modify the execution flow of the algorithm itself, leading some tests no longer exercise the same stretch. In this context, this dissertation investigates whether changes performed in a SUT would affect the quality of the selection of tests performed by an RTS, if so, which features the changes present which cause errors, leading the RTS to include or exclude tests wrongly. For this purpose, a tool was developed using the Java language to automate the measurement of inclusion and precision averages achieved by a regression test selection technique for a particular feature of change. In order to validate this tool, an empirical study was conducted to evaluate the RTS technique Pythia, based on textual differencing, on a large web information system, analyzing the feature of types of tasks performed to evolve the SUT
This study aims to analyze tourist information provided by the official websites of the 2014 FIFA World Cup host cities. The framework developed by Díaz (2005) was applied to analyze different aspects, such as: local tourist information, tourist services distribution, communication and interaction between website and users, and website foreign language versions. This dissertation describes how society and tourism are related by analyzing the consequences of technological evolution in the travel and tourism sector, showing the importance of the use of information and communication technology to provide accurate, upto- date and low-cost information to tourist destinations. Because of the nature of the study, the research subjects are the 12 Brazilian host cities represented by their respective official webpages (cities, states and convention bureaus), and also Brazil s official website, totalizing 36 elements to be analyzed. The methodology has been characterized as descriptive and exploratory with quantitative analysis, and also using desk research and survey literature review. In order to analyze the data collected, parametric and nonparametric statistics tests were used, such as: variance analysis (ANOVA and KRUSKAL-WALLIS) to measure means variance between groups combined with multiple comparison tests (Tukey and Games Howell); nonparametric correlations tests (Kendall s Tau b); and cluster analyses. Finally, Microsoft Excel was used to collect data and SPSS for managing data through quantitative analyses tests. Overall, the websites of the south region showed better results than the other Brazilian regions. Despite this result, the data analysis demonstrated that the available tourist information are incomplete as it was verified that tourist host cities websites are unable to provide all the information needed for the web visitors to organize and plan their journey. This means that visitors have to look for more information in other sources
Brazil has about 8,500 km of coastline and on this scale, fishing is a historically important source of animal protein for human consumption. The national fishing background shows a growth of marine fishery production until 1985 and within this period it was recorded a steady decline. From the year 2003 fishing statistics aim to some "recovery" of the total fisheries production, which probably is related to a change in industry practice. The target of commercial fishing became smaller species with low commercial value, but very abundants. The coney, Cephalopholis fulva (Serranidae), is one of these species that have been suffering a greater fishing pressure in recent years. In order to provide data about the current situation of the genetic diversity of these populations, several molecular markers have been being used for this purpose. The prior knowledge of genetic variability is crucial for management and biodiversity conservation. To this end, the control region sequences (dloop) of mtDNA from Cephalopholis fulva (Serranidae) from five geographical points of the coast of Brazil (Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia and Espírito Santo) and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (FN) were sequenced and their genetic diversity analyzed. The FST values were very low (0.0246 to 0.000), indicating high gene flow between the sampled spots. The indices h and indicate a secondary contact between previously allopatric lineages differentiated or large and stable populations with long evolutionary history. Tests of Tajima and Fu showed expansion for all populations. In contrast, the mismatch distribution and SSD indicated expansion just for coastal populations. Unlike other species of the Atlantic which have been deeply affected by events on later Pleistocene, the population-genetic patterns of C. fulva may be related to recent events occurred approximately 130,000 years ago. Moreover, the data presented by geographical samples of the specie C. fulva showed high genetic diversity, also indicating the absence of deleterious effects of over-exploitation on this specie, as well as evidence of complete panmixia between all sampled populations
Considering a quantum gas, the foundations of standard thermostatistics are investigated in the context of non-Gaussian statistical mechanics introduced by Tsallis and Kaniadakis. The new formalism is based on the following generalizations: i) Maxwell- Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy and ii) deduction of H-theorem. Based on this investigation, we calculate a new entropy using a generalization of combinatorial analysis based on two different methods of counting. The basic ingredients used in the H-theorem were: a generalized quantum entropy and a generalization of collisional term of Boltzmann equation. The power law distributions are parameterized by parameters q;, measuring the degree of non-Gaussianity of quantum gas. In the limit q
The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water
Because the penetration depth of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) signals is very limited in high conductive soils, the usefullness of this method in tropical regions is not yet completly known. The main objective of this researh is to test the usefullness of the method in Brazil. Two typical problems where GPR has been used in Europe and North American were choosed for this test: the first one is to characterize the internal structures of a sand body and the second problem is the localization of old buried pipes lines. The first test was done near the city of São Bento do Norte, in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, NE Brazil. In this region, there is a sand dune that is migrating very fast in the direction of adjacent settling areas. To characterize the internal structure of the dune and its relationship to the prevailing wind direction, as a preliminary step to understand the dune migration, GPR profiles using the 400 MHz frequency were performed in E-W, N-S, NE-SW, and SE-NW directions over the sand dune intersecting at the top of the dune. The practical resolution of the GPR data is around 30 cm; this was sufficient to distinguish individual foresets inside the dune. After applying the elevation correction to the data, we identified that dips of bedding structures are smallest for the N-S profile, which is perpendicular to the dominant wind direction, largest for the E-W profile, and intermediate for the SW-NE and SE-NW profiles. Foresets in the E-W profile dip with angles varying from 2 to 6 degrees. In the E-W profile, the water table and a horizontal truncation interface separating two generations of dunes were identified, as well as an abrupt directional change in the foreset patterns associated to a lateral contact between two dune generations, the older one extending to the west. The used high frequency of 400 Mhz does not allow a penetration deep enough to map completely these internal contacts. The second test was done near Estreito, a small town near Carnaúbais city, also in Rio Grande do Norte state. In this locality, there are several old pipe lines buried in area covered by plantations where digging should be minimized. Several GPR profiles using the 400 and 200 MHz frequency were performed trying to intercept perpendicularly the possible pipe lines. Because of the high conductivity of the soil, the raw original data can hardly be use to identify the pipe lines. However, after an adequate processing over the 200 MHz profiles, six pipe lines were identified. As a global result of the tests, GPR can be very usefull if the conductivity of the ground is low or, in the case of medium conductivities of the soils, if adequate processing is performed
Stroke is nowadays one of the main causes of death in Brazil and worldwide. During the rehabilitation process, patients undergo physioterapic exercises based on repetition, which may cause them to feel little progress is being made. Focusing on themes from the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Motor Imagery, the present work describes the development of a digital game concept aimed at motor rehabilitation to the neural rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke in a playful and engaging way. The research hypothesizes that an interactive digital game based on Motor Imagery contributes to patients' raised commitment in the stroke sequel rehabilitation process. The research process entailed the investigation of 10 subjects who live with sequels caused by stroke - it was further established that subjects were over 60 years old. Using as foundation an initial survey regarding target-users' specificities, where an investigation on subjectrelated aspects was carried out through Focus Group (n=9) and Contextual Analysis (n=3), having as subjects elderly individuals, a list with the necessary requirements for the conceptualization of a digital game was fleshed out. The initial survey also enabled the establishment of preliminary interactions for the formulation of game prototypes. At first, low-resolution prototypes were used, with two distinct interaction models for the game - one with a direct approach to the Motor Imagery concept, and another using a narrative with characters and scene settings. The goal was to verify participants' receptivity regarding the addition of playful activities into game dynamics. Prototypes were analyzed while being used by five patients, through the Cooperative Evaluation technique. The tests indicated a preference for option with elements in a playful narrative. Based on these results high fidelity prototypes were created, where concepts close to the game's final version were elaborated. The High Fidelity prototype was also evaluated with four patients through the Cooperative Evaluation technique. It was concluded that elderly individuals and patients were receptive to the idea of a digital game for the rehabilitation from sequels caused by stroke; that, for the success of devices aimed at these cohorts, their contexts, needs and expectations must be respected above all; and that user-centered design is an essential approach in that regard.
A fragilidade brasileira quanto à competitividade turística é um fato observável nos dados da Organização Mundial do Turismo. O Brasil caiu em 2011, da 45ª para a 52ª posição, apesar de liderar no atributo recursos naturais e estar colocado na 23° em recursos culturais. Assim, grandes interesses e esforços têm sido direcionados para o estudo da competitividade dos produtos e destinos turísticos. O destino turístico é caracterizado por um conjunto complexo e articulado de fatores tangíveis e intangíveis, apresentando alta complexidade, dados de elevada dimensionalidade, não linearidade e comportamento dinâmico, tornando-se difícil a modelagem desses processos por meio de abordagens baseadas em técnicas estatísticas clássicas. Esta tese investigou modelos de equações estruturais e seus algoritmos, aplicados nesta área, analisando o ciclo completo de análise de dados, em um processo confirmatório no desenvolvimento e avaliação de um modelo holístico da satisfação do turista; na validação da estrutura do modelo de medida e do modelo estrutural, por meio de testes de invariância de múltiplos grupos; na análise comparativa dos métodos de estimação MLE, GLS e ULS para a modelagem da satisfação e na realização de segmentação de mercado no setor de destino turístico utilizando mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen e sua validação com modelagem de equações estruturais. Aplicações foram feitas em análises de dados no setor de turismo, principal indústria de serviços do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, tendo sido, teoricamente desenvolvidos e testados empiricamente, modelos de equações estruturais em padrões comportamentais de destino turístico. Os resultados do estudo empírico se basearam em pesquisas com a técnica de amostragem aleatória sistemática, efetuadas em Natal-RN, entre Janeiro e Março de 2013 e forneceram evidências sustentáveis de que o modelo teórico proposto é satisfatório, com elevada capacidade explicativa e preditiva, sendo a satisfação o antecedente mais importante da lealdade no destino. Além disso, a satisfação é mediadora entre a geração da motivação da viagem e a lealdade do destino e que os turistas buscam primeiro à satisfação com a qualidade dos serviços de turismo e, posteriormente, com os aspectos que influenciam a lealdade. Contribuições acadêmicas e gerenciais são mostradas e sugestões de estudo são dadas para trabalhos futuros.
Event-B is a formal method for modeling and verification of discrete transition systems. Event-B development yields proof obligations that must be verified (i.e. proved valid) in order to keep the produced models consistent. Satisfiability Modulo Theory solvers are automated theorem provers used to verify the satisfiability of logic formulas considering a background theory (or combination of theories). SMT solvers not only handle large firstorder formulas, but can also generate models and proofs, as well as identify unsatisfiable subsets of hypotheses (unsat-cores). Tool support for Event-B is provided by the Rodin platform: an extensible Eclipse based IDE that combines modeling and proving features. A SMT plug-in for Rodin has been developed intending to integrate alternative, efficient verification techniques to the platform. We implemented a series of complements to the SMT solver plug-in for Rodin, namely improvements to the user interface for when proof obligations are reported as invalid by the plug-in. Additionally, we modified some of the plug-in features, such as support for proof generation and unsat-core extraction, to comply with the SMT-LIB standard for SMT solvers. We undertook tests using applicable proof obligations to demonstrate the new features. The contributions described can potentially affect productivity in a positive manner.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood impairment, alternating between mania/hypomania and depression, and its exact pathophysiology is already unknown. The treatment of bipolar disorder is based on prevention of the manic and depressive episodes using mood stabilizers. Nociceptin/orfanin FQ (N/OFQ) is an endogenous heptadecapeptide which binds as an agonist to NOP receptor, which is a G-coupled inhibitory receptor. N/OFQ and its receptor modulate a lot of functions in the organism, including emotional processes. It is known that the plasmatic concentration of N/OFQ is altered in patients in both phases depressive and manic of bipolar disorder and it is assumed that this system has a role on the etiology of this disorder. Concerning mania, the animal models used in research tend to focus in an unique aspect of the manic behavior, as hyperactivity or agressivity. In the 60’s, the hole board test was proposed, and it consists of an apparatus with holes where a behavior known as head-dippings is measured. High levels of head-dippings are suggestive of neophilia, while low levels can be characteristic of an anxious-like behavior. As the increase of exploratory and goal-directed behavior are characteristics of manic behavior, this test could help in mania research. Thus, this work was organized in 3 steps and aims to: (1) investigate the induction of a manic-like state promoted by ouabain, a Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor, in the mouse open field test; (2) set up the hole board as a test to measure manic-like behaviors; and (3) investigate the N/OFQ effects in prevention of this kind of behavior on hole board. Male Swiss mice were used in this study, and they take part of only one of the described steps. Depending on the step performed, mice received one or more of the following treatments: (1) ouabain 10-6 , 10-5 , 10-4 , 10-3 or 10-2 M, intracerebroventricular (icv); (2) sodium valproate 300 mg/kg, intraperitoneal (ip); (3) sodium valproate 400 mg/kg, ip; (4) diazepam 1 mg/kg, ip; (5) methylphenidate 10 mg/kg, ip; and (6) N/OFQ 0,1 or 1 nmol, icv. The results suggest that hole board can be used to evaluate a manic state, through analysis of different animal behaviors. However, it was not possible to standard the model of Na+ /K+ -ATPase dysfunction through ouabain administration in mice. Moreover, the data suggest that N/OFQ, at the doses tested, has not affected the methylphenidate-induced mania-like behavior. Taken together, the results point to a new approach of manic research, through the hole board using. However, more studies are necessary in order to verify the role of N/OFQ system on bipolar disorder.
The time series analysis has played an increasingly important role in weather and climate studies. The success of these studies depends crucially on the knowledge of the quality of climate data such as, for instance, air temperature and rainfall data. For this reason, one of the main challenges for the researchers in this field is to obtain homogeneous series. A time series of climate data is considered homogeneous when the values of the observed data can change only due to climatic factors, i.e., without any interference from external non-climatic factors. Such non-climatic factors may produce undesirable effects in the time series, as unrealistic homogeneity breaks, trends and jumps. In the present work it was investigated climatic time series for the city of Natal, RN, namely air temperature and rainfall time series, for the period spanning from 1961 to 2012. The main purpose was to carry out an analysis in order to check the occurrence of homogeneity breaks or trends in the series under investigation. To this purpose, it was applied some basic statistical procedures, such as normality and independence tests. The occurrence of trends was investigated by linear regression analysis, as well as by the Spearman and Mann-Kendall tests. The homogeneity was investigated by the SNHT, as well as by the Easterling-Peterson and Mann-Whitney-Pettit tests. Analyzes with respect to normality showed divergence in their results. The von Neumann ratio test showed that in the case of the air temperature series the data are not independent and identically distributed (iid), whereas for the rainfall series the data are iid. According to the applied testings, both series display trends. The mean air temperature series displays an increasing trend, whereas the rainfall series shows an decreasing trend. Finally, the homogeneity tests revealed that all series under investigations present inhomogeneities, although they breaks depend on the applied test. In summary, the results showed that the chosen techniques may be applied in order to verify how well the studied time series are characterized. Therefore, these results should be used as a guide for further investigations about the statistical climatology of Natal or even of any other place.
The variability / climate change has generated great concern worldwide, is one of the major issues as global warming, which can is affecting the availability of water resources in irrigated perimeters. In the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil it is known that there is a predominance of drought, but it is not enough known about trends in climate series of joint water loss by evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze whether there is increase and / or decrease evidence in the regime of reference evapotranspiration (ETo), for the monthly, annual and interdecadal scales in irrigated polo towns of Juazeiro, BA (9 ° 24'S, 40 ° 26'W and 375,5m) and Petrolina, PE (09 ° 09'S, 40 ° 22'W and 376m), which is the main analysis objective. The daily meteorological data were provided by EMBRAPA Semiárido for the period from 01.01.1976 to 31.12.2014, estimated the daily ETo using the standard method of Penman-Monteith (EToPM) parameterized by Smith (1991). Other methods of more simplified estimatives were calculated and compared to EToPM, as the ones following: Solar Radiation (EToRS), Linacre (EToL), Hargreaves and Samani (EToHS) and the method of Class A pan (EToTCA). The main statistical analysis were non-parametric tests of homogeneity (Run), trend (Mann-kendall), magnitude of the trend (Sen) and early trend detection (Mann-Whitney). The statistical significance adopted was 5 and / or 1%. The Analysis of Variance - ANOVA was used to detect if there is a significant difference in mean interdecadal mean. For comparison between the methods of ETo, it were used the correlation test (r), the Student t test and Tukey levels of 5% significance. Finally, statistics Willmott et al. (1985) statistics was used to evaluate the concordance index and performance of simplified methods compared to the standard method. It obtained as main results that there was a decrease in the time series of EToPM in irrigated areas of Juazeiro, BA and Petrolina, PE, significant respectively at 1 and 5%, with an annual magnitude of -14.5 mm (Juazeiro) and -7.7 mm (Petrolina) and early trend in 1996. The methods which had better for better agreement with EToPM were EToRS with very good performance, in both locations, followed by the method of EToL with good performance (Juazeiro) and median (Petrolina). EToHS had the worst performance (bad) for both locations. It is suggested that this decrease of EToPM can be associated with the increase in irrigated agricultural areas and the construction of Sobradinho lake upstream of the perimeters.
The climate is still main responsible for the variations soybean productivity (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), exerting a limiting action on these agricultural systems. The bomjesuense cerrado, this culture has proved, over the years, an increase of cultivated areas, however, productivity does not keep the same pace, going through periods of oscillations. Thus, although the crop is added to high technology, culture has great vulnerability to climatic adversities. Thus, the present study aims to analyze possible trends in meteorological variables, which can influence the soybean yield in Bom Jesus. For this purpose, different datasets were used, as follows: i) two periods of daily data (1984-2014 and 1974-2014), both obtained from the National Meteorological Institute (INMET); ii) climate normals from 1961-1990 as defined by INMET; iii) local agricultural production data of soybean-year (1997/1998 to 2012/2013) obtained from the Municipal Agricultural Production (PAM) dataset, which is management by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The analysis procedures included calculations of climate normals for 1984 to 2014 period and some statistical applications, as follows: i) the Wilcoxon test, used to evaluate differences between climate normals (1961 to 1990 and 1984 to 2014); ii) the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test, in order to analyze the linear trend of agrometeorological variables (rainfall, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and diurnal range of temperature; iii) cluster analysis by Ward method and the Spearman correlation test (rs) to identify the relationship between agrometeorological variable and soybean annual productivity. We adopted a statistical significance level of 5%. The results indicate changes in seasonality of the 1984-2014 climatology with respect to past climatology for all variables analyzed, except for insolation and precipitation. However, the monthly analysis of precipitation indicate negative trend during October and positive trend in December, causing a delay in start of rainy season. If this trend is persistent this result must be considered in futures definitions of the soybean crop sowing date over the region studied. With Mann-Kendall test was possible to identify positive trends with statistical significance in maximum temperature for all month forming part of soybean cycle (from November to April), which in turn tends to cause adverse effects on crop physiology, and consequently impacts on the final yield. Was identified a significant positive correlation between soybean yield and precipitation observed in March, thus precipitation deficit in this month is harmful to the soybean crop development. No statistically significant correlation was identified among maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and DTR with annual soybean productivity due these range of meteorological variables are not limiting factors in the final soybean yield in Bom Jesus (PI). It is expected that this study will contribute to propose planning strategies considering the role of climate variability on soybean crop final yield.
The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.