73 resultados para Província Borborema(BR)
The commercial complex Guarapes was during the second half of the nineteenth century most commercial street of Rio Grande do Norte province. In that time frame, you can see its flourishing as one of the central places of trade in the province in 1850, and its subsequent abandonment in 1900. This thesis aims to investigate, in its first part, the paths that help to understand, as the context of the expansion of global markets in the second half of the nineteenth century enabled the conditions for the emergence of the commercial complex. However, trade relations established in this province through the commercial complex, even participating in this global environment, reserved particular characteristics in their social and trade relations, as if dealing with a peripheral province, we look at the uniqueness of the relationship occurred in this space. In the second part, we seek to understand the importance that the rivers Potengi and Jundiaí had to install the commercial complex Guarapes in the second half of the nineteenth century. As the geographical position in relation to rivers, enabled this space became flow zone and confluence of goods distributed to the various parts of the interior of the province. We also monitor the process that made these rivers leave the role of mobility and transport relations in this space, giving way the railways and roads shooting. In the third part, we seek to understand the commercial complex Guarapes in focus. Analyzing their spatial distribution on the landscape, and how the spatial organization held at the same time traces of the Brazilian patriarchy exposed by Gilberto Freyre, but also "modern" features, due to the increase of a new culture inserted material in the province. We also seek to understand elements of material culture that was the environment of the complex, and how these materials are important sources for understanding this society under study. We treat from the biggest to the smallest fragments without hierarchize them. Understanding that, the study associated the written sources and materials provide a gain in understanding of everyday these people who lived in that area of the complex in the second half of the nineteenth century.
The purpose of this research is to apprehend the perception that the ruling elite, especially the Presidents of the province of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, had about the potiguar city, that is, the urban localities existing in the province along the 19th century. By interweaving political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial aspects, the study of this perception involves two distinct moments, which are also linked: a moment of apprehension of the city, that is, how the elite seizes, describes and criticizes the city; and, a second moment, which occurs simultaneously or after the first moment, of intervention in the city, in which the elite exposes its vision and projects for the city and for the territory. Rather than describing the potiguar city in itself, the research is an attempt to reveal how it was perceived along this process from a particular standpoint or discourse, official and elitist, which did not correspond necessarily or completely to what it was in reality. We tried to understand, always through the lens of the discourse, how the ruling elite perceived the potiguar city based on what their members thought about other urban realities, particularly of the advanced countries; how, within an integrated vision, this city was characterized in political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial terms and how it consolidated itself along the period established for the research. Qualitative and historical in nature, this study was also methodologically developed based upon bibliographical and documental research. Given the fact that this research works with descriptions, comparisons and interpretations, it was necessary to make use of tools such as the discourse analysis in order to apprehend, as much as possible, what lay behind the words of the elite. The primary sources used were essentially the official documents produced by the Presidents of the province, as well as other documents written by top government officials and other members of the administration staff, all of them composing the so-called ruling elite of Rio Grande do Norte. Secondary sources were books and other publications, theses and dissertations, among others. The research made possible the identification of a certain perception of the potiguar city in the 19th century, which is certainly limited because it is grounded on a specific discourse - that of the political and administrative elite, but which, in spite of such a limitation, is still useful to understand the city and its evolution along the period established, among other noteworthy remarks
At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities
Since minetics The economics and political promotion along the necessity of flexibility in states actions admited actors partipction and social controlo on process of construction in local development. The Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento à Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) by this framework consists suprass the specific points about contry world in order to embrace territorial dimension of development, focalizing actions that estimulate co-operative pratices among local agents. This work proposal intends to identify advances and regression of PRONAF Infra-estrutura (Framework) by one territorial pact organization considering its administration about mechamisms on advantage conmflicts between distinct actor and their ables to atimulates a construction of new relationships between governors and population. Undderstanding PRONAF action like a process that come from its instrumental proportion surpass looking for substantial elements constructionm on intervention of local development considering administration mechamisms in São Paulo do Potengi (RN) city-council-starting by Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural as well changes of institutional arrangement with território da Borborema erection. Throngh documental studies, bibliography researches and interviews we indenttfy an articulante power of Territorial pact partnerships like one of these political process and its sector character as their limits
La tesis parte del presupuesto que el cine ofrece la imensa capacidad de entretejer de forma compleja realidad e imaginación. Con eso sugerimos que tal cual una "escuela de vida", según la definición de Edgar Morin (2003), el cine, por medio de sus producciones y exibiciones, pude ser capaz de operar un movimiento de reinvención de una estética del vivir en el espacio de lo improbable. De ahi surge la pregunta: ¿Cómo un fenómeno artístico, estético e imagético puede realizar tal movimiento? Tomando como referencia el guión de vida del personaje de la vida real José Isaias de Lucena Filho, más conocido por Zezeco, encontramos pistas de esa reinvención. Residente de una pequeña ciudad del interior de la província de Rio Grande do Norte, llamada Ouro Branco, en la década del 1960, se desplazó hacia el centro-sur de Brasil y retornó a su lugar de partida con la idea de trabajar proyectando peliculas. De manera singular y plural, este sujeto asumió el riesgo y la incertidumbre de enfrentar determinismos sociales, climáticos y culturales para proponer nuevas simbolizaciones por medio del cine itinerante. La presencia del séptimo arte en pequeñas ciudades de hábitos rurales marcadas por la miséria, el hambre, la negligéncia, el coronelismo político y los problemas climáticos, alteró escenários, actualizó mitos y proporcionó nuevas interacciones entre los sujetos. Zezeco entró en las cifras del éxodo rural y emigró hacia Rio de Janeiro, pero su éxodo fue cinematográfico, porque le sirvió como base para la inserción de efectos especiales fantásticos y poéticos en guiones de vidas inmersas en lo trivial y lo contingente. Tal cual un cinematógrafo vivo, capturó el escenário cultural efervescente de Rio de Janeiro y lo proyectó en la pequeña ciudad de Ouro Branco y en otras ciudades del interior de las províncias de Rio Grande do Norte y Paraiba. Con ello le atribuyó un nuevo uso a la vida de su lugar de partida y de retorno. Actuó en la ambiguedad, la ambivalencia y la complejidad entre el sapiens e el demens; real e imaginario; prosa y poesia de la vida; razón y pasión; racional y simbólico; lógico y mítico. El alcance de la investigación contempla entrevistas, memória, registros manuscritos y fotografías de colección particular de habitantes de la ciudad de Ouro Branco-RN. Como referenciales teóricos principales, tenemos las obras de Edgar Morin sobre el cine y de otros autores como Giorgio Agamben y Maria da Conceição de Almeida que expanden la comprensión sobre el entreejido de realidad e imaginación, vida e ideas
In the teaching history course it s found the female teacher entering, reflecting significantly in the continuous process of her identity redefinitions and reconstruction. This entering brings, even in a silent and not explicit way, the confluence of gender identity to professional identity, in which are present the relations of the proper to female. In the mastership case, these relations are found imbricated in the teaching identity construction and in the translation of this profession as female, based in Virgin Mary, through Mariano ideal diffused by the catholic church. Therefore there is a lanck in educational historiography towards the register of female teachers presence, mainly in male religious institute, the reason of this study, in which we seek to investigate: how to explain that a female identity can give support to a highly male educational project? What relations can we establish between this female identity and the entering of female teachers in Maristas Province Schools of North Brazil? We performed a bibliographic research in Maristas Schools Libraries, of Marista historial, in Recife, of Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Catholic University), in Curitiba-PR. We searched for support in studies about pedagogy history, of Marista Institute, Catholic Church, Brasilian Education and of Women; Mariologic studies, the referring to Marista Educational Proposal, to feminization and to teaching identity; and feminist theology productions. The empirical research included 10 schools from referred province and Marista Schools from Lisbon Portugal. Through semi-estructured interviews, we interviewed pioneer female teachers, Marista former Brothers and Brothers from those schools, due to their presence and action within the study period and for the concern to save their memories about the theme. The study reveals the particularities of Mariano ideal as female model and teaching, and her presence in Marista Educational Proposal. This study, in a historical approach, aims to contribute to give visibility to the woman in history and teaching construction in Brazil, mainly in religious institutions from male origin
This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes
La presencia de personas extranjeras radicadas en la província de Rio Grande del Norte trae a la escuela el desafio de recibir alumnos hablantes de otros idiomas. En esa perspectiva, el estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la practica pedagógica desarrollada por una profesora de Pipa - RN, con destaque en la enseñanza de Portugués para niños inmigrantes en la Enseñanza Fundamental. Esa temática se hace relevante al proponer posibles alternativas para el desarrollo de una acción docente reflexiva y mediatizadora de la enseñanza de una língua segunda. Para la concretización de este trabajo disertativo, se há realizado un estudio de caso de tipo etnográfico y de naturaleza qualitativa en una institución privada de la playa de Pipa - RN, en el período de noviembre de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Se há utilizado como procedimientos, la observación participante, la entrevista semiestruturada gravadaen áudio, la análise documental, el registro en diário de campo y el registro fotográfico. Se há elegido como referencial teórico las discusiones de Almeida Filho (1992, 1997, 2002, 2005), Cunha (1999, 2002), Freire (1996, 2004), Moita Lopes (1996), Vygotsky (1998), Wachowicz (1995) y Zabala (1998). La análise revela que, aunque la profesora observada no tenga conocimientos específicos sobre la enseñanza de PL2 en la escuela regular, su acción educativa há demonstrado avanzos, especialmente, al considerar los aprendizes como sujetos del processo de enseñanza aprendizaje, entre ellos los niños extranjeros; contemplar la identidad y las diferencias culturales y linguísticas de estos educandos; incluyese el aspecto lúdico en la preparación de las actividades; articular vínculos sociales, afectivos y cognitivos, entre otros aspectos destacados. Sin embargo, evidenciase la necesidad de una formación pedagógica específica para el trabajo con niños inmigrantes, a través de la interlocución entre los currículuns de los cursos de Filología y Pedagogia de las Universidades brasileñas, a partir del cual estudios y debates podran ser fomentados en la busqueda por uma enseñanza de PL2 verdaderamente comunicativo y democrático.
Brazilian health public assistance is going through two Reforms, Sanitary and Psychiatric, and through these the assistance is guaranteed in the three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. Thus, mental health assistance should be offered since preventive cares until the ones that demand larger technological apparatus. Programs like Health Community Agent's Program (HCAP) and Family Health Strategy (FHS), besides increasing the services coverage, have been making possible the system reorientation in the meaning of integrality, universalization and equity. Thus, united intervention of mental health team and FHS can offer several benefits to the population, providing assistance and follow-up to patients with mental disorder. It was aimed to assess health community agents facing the user of Family Health Strategy in depressive state. This quanti-qualitative study took place in the municipal district of Abaiara-CE. Semi-structured interview was applied with health community agents and Beck Depression Inventory with the users registered in Family Health Strategy. It was verified that among the 64 users interviewed, 12.5% didn't present symptoms of depression, 10.9% presented symptoms of light depression, 14.1% symptoms of moderate depression and 62.5% symptoms of serious depression. For the 22 health community agents interviewed, they all reported the existence of people with symptoms of depression in their personal micro-areas, being difficult to work with them, once the FHS team is not qualified to work with mental health problems. It was verified that the Municipal district doesn't have specialized professionals, making difficult the routing and treatment. Based on these results, it was concluded that in spite of the articulation of mental health with FHS is necessary and benefactor to the population, it still doesn't exist, worsening the situation, mainly in small Municipal districts, once they don't have mental health services. Thus, the population is exposed and without follow-up, which allows the identification of installed diseases and with gravity, like depression, because there are no prevention and control activities. It is recommended, due the extreme need, the elaboration and implantation of a mental health program in these municipal districts, articulated with FHS
There is a growing need to develop new tools to help end users in tasks related to the design, monitoring, maintenance and commissioning of critical infrastructures. The complexity of the industrial environment, for example, requires that these tools have flexible features in order to provide valuable data for the designers at the design phases. Furthermore, it is known that industrial processes have stringent requirements for dependability, since failures can cause economic losses, environmental damages and danger to people. The lack of tools that enable the evaluation of faults in critical infrastructures could mitigate these problems. Accordingly, the said work presents developing a framework for analyzing of dependability for critical infrastructures. The proposal allows the modeling of critical infrastructure, mapping its components to a Fault Tree. Then the mathematical model generated is used for dependability analysis of infrastructure, relying on the equipment and its interconnections failures. Finally, typical scenarios of industrial environments are used to validate the proposal
The development of epidemiological practices in the last years of the nineteenth and early twentieth century was characterized by both an influence of medical geography and the emergence of microbes and vectors of diseases. Both theories were used to explain outbreaks in Rio Grande do Norte specially in Natal. In this process were organized new institutions linked to public health, unhealthy spaces and prescribed hygiene measures. The redefinitions of the spaces were linked to updated elements of Hippocratic medicine such as aerism and emphasis on medical topography. How the physicians of the town were organized in the face of new meanings and fields of expertise in the demarcation of diseases and regulation of their own practices against the illegal medical practitioners? Likewise, the very occurrence of epidemics mobilized people, urban institutions and apparatuses. But how the Hippocratic legacy that leads to the idea of bad air originated by swamps from the eighteenth and nineteenth century has been linked to new microbial assumptions and disease vectors in the early twentieth century? How an invader from Africa, (the mosquito A. gambiae) mobilized transnational efforts to combat malaria and redefined the epidemiological practices? The aim of this work is to understand how epidemiological practices redefine the way we define spaces, practices and disease from both an approach influenced by a relational history of spaces and a theoretical synergy which includes topics in Science Studies, Post Structuralist Geography and some elements of Feminist Studies. Documentary research were surveyed in the reports of the provincial presidents, government posts to the Provincial Assembly, specialized medical articles and theses, and documents from the Rockefeller Foundation and national and international journals. In this regard shall be given to both material and discursive aspects of space-related practical epidemiological that Natal as much (in general) Rio Grande do Norte between bad air and malaria.
The theme of this work is the study of marginal territories of the Cidade do Príncipe, sketch in time than today is constituted as the city of Caicó/RN, with the time frame the years 1880 to 1900. Our goal is to investigate the construction of these territories from multiple speech subjects practitioners of the city. Thus, we propose to discover the mapping of the deviation in the city in question, as they were drawn, those who experienced and through which practices. Investigate the construction of these spaces from the speeches, and fill a historiographical gap, allows to find stories sharp, silenced or ignored, abortions and madness in prison, repressed passions and avenged. To meet these spaces the sources are diverse, such as the newspaper O Povo, the Codes of posture, the Reports of Presidents and Heads of Provincial Police and process-crime. Regarding the methodological aspects of research, we decided by discourse analysis, discourse here conceived not only as what is said about someone or something, but as a set of statements circulating at any given time in society, articulating speech, intentions, actions and thought. The city is then considered from their territories, imagined as a space configured in/by the relations power that the dispute, but also as a space for experiences multiple, different feelings, place and non-place, the discipline and mockery, of power and resistance.
Assuming that the subject is a draft work in permanent invention, the biographical texts, memories written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, between 1967 and 1969 were read as part of a discursive strategy created by the potiguar memorialist regarding the construction of a self-image profoundly connected to the space of his house, which decisively collaborated so that the province teacher and researcher after announcing his official retirement in 1968 was revered in the city where he had been born, grown up and lived throughout his whole life and considered as the prophet of his own country (or rather, as the literary patron of Natal). Our work begins with some reading about the manner as the potiguar memorialist selected, ordered and spatialized his childhood memories. In the following chapter, we problematized the meanings assigned by Câmara Cascudo to his house in Tirol - where the young prince Cascudinho (little Cascudo) used to live - transformed into the neighborhood principality. It finishes with memories from the retired old man with the purpose of making us think about the sacredness process master Cascudo s house has gone through. The space where he had lived for almost forty years of his life and produced a great part of his works, was elected as a monument in his memory, as his own incarnation, as guarantee of his eternity and perenniality, as a sanctuary and place of worship and have been kept by the actions that, still nowadays, institutionalize it as his sacred space
A Produção do Flagelo : a re-produção do espaço social da seca na cidade de Mossoró (1877-1903-1915)
The great droughts re- produced spaces in the city of Mossoró / RN in the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its dimension exceeds the climatic effects becoming social locus when advances over the political and economic sectors, social and cultural of the North / Northeast Brazilian societies during that period. This way, analyzing the re-production of social space in episodes of Mossoró‟s droughts is our toil. So try to reveal each segment, route and aspect of production of space in its size and interface between the perceived, conceived and lived, and subjects related to it - refugees, population and authorities - during the droughts of 1877, 1903 and 1915 within Mossoró city. Therefore, issues such as the constitution and representation of the city and social space in the terrifying experience of the drought of 1877, the production of fixed objects and flows of the urban web through of migrant labor, attempts to control, discipline and spatial planning and ways to resistance to these charges in daily sphere are key issues addressed in this work. For this we use diverse sources as minutes of the city council, reports from provincial presidents, media, memory books and others that sustain us in building our narrative and problematic. This way, the spatial production of Mossoró‟s droughts reveals itself in the field of relations and political-economic transformations and sociocultural, inextricably, that shapes and mobilizes your own social space
This paper analyses the history of Hypolita Maria das Dores, mulatto woman, free born, was enslaved and, by an act of freedom, appealed to court to prove the illegitimacy of her captivity and regain their freedom and their children. The main scenarios of this social and legal struggle are Crato (Ceará) and Exu (Pernambuco), places where she lived in the 19th century. The main objective of this work is to understand how to set the tensions and alliances involving the struggle for freedom inside and outside justice, in differentiated provincial spaces. An approach that belongs to the field of the social history of slavery, we ll prioritize the narrative of life. In it, Hypolita is taken as the subject of her story, as she faces stately and patriarchal values in a slave society. The documentary corpus that allows such vertical investigative consists of parish registers, we examined the baptisms, marriages and death records; analyzed registry documents of postmortem inventories, petitions and crafts; reports of provincial presidents and, finally, the O Araripe s and O Cearense s journalistic information. The investigation of the case allowed the understanding of how, in space and time specific, freedom was understood, usurped and claimed by various social subjects in the frame of morals and justice institutionalized