86 resultados para Programa Saúde Família


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The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full


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El presente trabajo se constituye en un estudio sobre la pobreza y las desigualdades socio territoriales en el Brasil, problematizando la perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas sociales observando la distribución espacial del Índice de Desarrollo de las familias (IDF) en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN, así como las principales políticas sociales, a ejemplo del Programa Bolsa Familia. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de esa disertación se dió en la tentativa de comprender la importancia de la lectura previa del territorio para la reflexión sobre la pobreza en su aspecto multidimensional y para la territorialización de las políticas Públicas sociales construidas en el intento de minimizar la problemática de la desigualdad social, observando la distribución espacial do IDF en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN. A partir del objetivo general trazado, hicimos una revisión teórica sobre los temas, pobreza, desigualdades sociales y políticas públicas, en el primero caso atentando para el aspecto multidimensional de esta, abogando la importancia de analizarnos la pobreza no apenas por el nivel de rienda, pero considerando otras dimensiones que corroboran para la constitución del ser pobre, como habitaciones precarias, falta de saneamiento básico e infraestructura, el no acceso a la salud, la educación y los otros servicios que posibilitan el individuo vivir con el mejor dignidad. Comprendiendo la importancia del conocimiento previo del territorio para que ocurra las debidas reflexiones e intervenciones en la realidad territorial buscamos reflexionar acerca de ese concepto en sus nexos con la construcción e implementación de las políticas públicas sociales teniendo la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social (PNAS) como política esencial y también el el Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF), una vez que buscamos compreender su importancia a partir de la visión del sujeto, o sea las beneficiadas del PBF en el Municipio de Pau dos Ferros. Para tanto, hicimos entrevistas orales con las beneficiadas del PBF que fueron elegidas aislada a partir de los equipos del CRAS, además de la aplicación de cuestionarios semiesctructurados y abiertos con gestores y asistentes sociales del muninicipio.Buscamos además trabajar con algunos datos del CadÚnico para el município en estudio proponiendo analisar las condiciones sociales y económicas de las famílias cadastradas. Algunos resultados fueron posibles, a saber, es necesario interpretarse la pobreza a partir de varias dimensiones para no tener el riesgo de quedarnos solamente en la perspectiva financiera, o sea de la rienda, que mismo sirva para lo emergencial no es suficiente para transformar las condiciones de vida de las famílias; PNAS puede ser considerada como un avanzo de la política social en el Brasil una vez que posuye importancia fundamental en la familia. Sin embargo, es preciso avanzar en la interpretación del territorio que en la política y en el habla de los agentes sociales , es interpretación apenas como un recorte donde deberán ocurrir las acciones para minimizar la pobreza ; al fin, o PBF es un programa de urgencia moral una vez que combate lo mas emergencial que es el directo de sobrevivir , pero aun no conseguió transformar de una manera significativa la pobreza en el país


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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Investigar os fatores relacionados á percepção que os profissionais das equipes do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) possuem frente à realidade da política de atenção à saúde do idoso nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde dos municípios litorâneos do Estado da Paraíba. Trata-se de um estudo observacional descritivo com uma amostra constituída por 120 profissionais de saúde de três categorias distintas (enfermeiro, médico e odontólogo), sendo 104 respondentes como profissionais e 16 respondentes como coordenadores de equipes. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário auto-aplicável de avaliação fechada e de questões de múltiplas escolhas. Os dados foram processados e armazenados no Programa Estatístico SPSS versão 15.0 e analisados à luz da estatística descritiva. Os resultados indicaram que os profissionais tiveram dificuldade em perceber a realidade da política integral e integrada de saúde do idoso junto aos serviços de saúde em que atuam. O estudo revelou ainda a necessidade de uma definição de estratégias para qualificação dos profissionais garantindo à atenção integral à saúde do idoso sob uma nova visão de atuação


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The Family Health Strategy (ESF) is emerging as a possible restructuring of services and new practices of intervention in health care; it requires skilled professionals to work with that framework. Within this purpose, we established the Education Programme for Work and Health (PET-Saúde), in order to integrate teaching and service activities, focusing on primary care. On this basis, the aim of this work is to apprehend the social representation of nurse, doctor and dentist (Project PET-Natal Health RN preceptors) on the ESF, while practice field of them. It is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in 07 Family Health Units (USF) included in the PET-Saúde Natal (RN). The population was composed of 35 professional components of the primary care team with bachelor's degree of the USF linked to this project. The sample was composed of 05 nurses, 05 physicians and 05 dentists, for a total of 15 subjects. Data were collected through three instruments: the drawing-themed story, a semi-structured individual interviews and field diary. The data relating to the identification of the subjects were entered and tabulated by the Microsoft Excel software 2007 version. The drawing analysis and interpretation is given by the significance attributed to the resource chart from title and keywords assigned by the subjects, considering the ESF as an inductive term. The stories and interviews were transcribed and typed and then subjected to read/listen the material and a lexical analysis through Alceste. After this process, the discursive material was analyzed and discussed by theoretical and methodological feature of the Social Representations theory. The majority of health professionals were female, aged between 46 and 52 years old, married, income less than six minimum wage, time since graduation ranged from 22 to 29 years and working time in the ESF range from 02 to 11 years. From the classification system ALCESTE were selected categories identified by: Category 1 - ESF: relations and territory; Category 2 - Training and bond profile; Category 3 - Working process in the ESF; Category 4 - Articulation between teaching and service; Category 5 - Health care and disease prevention. The representational field construction, while a process, followed the logic of structural cores in existing categories. In this sense, it is clear that the ESF is an environment rich in diversity, experience and relationships with potential such as the relationship "very subject-subject" and the link established between professional-community, but also has some weaknesses such as poor working conditions, lack of popular participation and management support, thus difficulties in the achievement of teamwork. Being essential to that end, the teaching-service aimed at the formation of a new health professional able to work in the ESF. In this research, the training of the representational field encountered a diversity of structural cores, or thoughts on training, about the ESF because of the greater emphasis on the here and now of the interaction between health professionals, the ESF, the community, PET Health-UFRN and students, emphasizing that such proposals are still considered as concepts in the context of recent health and that, therefore, are not fully realized in the social imaginary


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Introduction: Falls among older adults is a public health problem, therefore it is necessary preventive actions, however the adherence is the major problem faced by practitioners and researchers working on falls prevention programs. Objective: To evaluate the variables related to the adherence to falls prevention programs among the elderly enrolled in a Basic Health Unit (BHU). Methods: Was performed an observational cross-sectional analytical study. All elderly registered in a BHU and able to ambulate independently were invited to participate in a falls prevent program. The Elderly who Adhered to the Program (EAP) were evaluated at BHU; and the Elderly Not Adhered to the Program (ENAP) were identified and assessed at home. The assessment for both groups was performed using an evaluation form containing personal data, measures and clinical scales to assess cognitive status, balance, mobility, fear of falling, handgrip strength. Data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0. In addition to this assessment, the ENAP underwent a semi structured interview, in which we used the qualitative approach based on the figure of the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: The study included 222 elderly, 111 EAP and 111ENAP, most aged between 70 and 79 years (48.2%), female (68.5%), married (52.3%) and illiterate (47.7%). Consolidated as protective factors for adherence, worst rates of physical activity (p = 0.001), balance (p = 0.010) and cognition (p = 0.007). The interview of ENAP identified two themes: "Local implementation of programs for the prevention of falls" and "Relationship between BHU and the elderly health care," and found that the elderly who did not adhere were unable to displace and did not mention that primary care programs are related to health care in elderly. Conclusions: Elderly who do not adhere to the program differ from elderly who adhere as worst indices of cognition, balance and physical activity which implies greater risk of falling; and they were unable to participate in falls prevention program and by to be caregiver and showed displacement difficult


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The purpose of this research was to analyze the working profile of dentists from the Family Health Program (PSF Programa de Saúde da Família, Brasil) of some Municipal Districts of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) in order to understand the way they handle the experience acquired with the work developed in that Program. This discussion evolves a reflection about the perspectives of consolidation of the FHP as well as the possible advancements of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde). The target population was composed of dentists from the FHP of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus we performed twenty-one interviews orientated by a semi-structured guidebook with open questions and identification data. We opted for recording the speech of all the professionals in order to ensure the accuracy of the information gathered. The main results found were: predominance in the female gender; the majority of dentists has no post graduation courses; in those few cases of dentists with some post-graduation a lack of correlation with Public or Collective Health was observed; the dentists interviewed present a profile directed to clinical activities; the dentists used to develop basic restorative and periodontic treatment, simple surgeries and educative and preventive activities, even though the last two ones are carried out in an extremely traditional way (lectures and topical application of fluoride). In addition, as biggest difficulties to manage the work dentists pointed out the lack of permanent and consumer material, inadequate infrastructure, no transport to take them to distant places, no integration with the Health Family Team, technical difficulty such to perform educative and preventive activities as to provide adequate service to a repressed lawsuit. The results indicate the existence of a necessity to lead them to reflect and redirect their practices. In order to reach this aim it must be considered as initial measure the investment and encouragement toward to permanent education as well as a close follow-up and evaluation of the actions developed by them


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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This study examined in municipalities of Northeast of Brazil with more than one hundred thousand people who incorporation of Oral Health Teams (OHT) into the Family Health Strategy (FHE) the possible impact on oral health indicators. Sought to answer whether implementation OHT brought the best indicators of health problems and coverage, compared to areas without coverage by the FHE through a community trial in parallel, quasi-randomized. In each of the municipalities surveyed were 20 census tracts, 10 were located in areas covered by oral health teams in the ESF and 10 industries in areas not covered. The final sample consisted of 59.221 individuals. We compared oral health indicators related to health problems, access to services and coverage of oral health actions. The analysis strategy was based on the calculation of prevalence ratios and confidence intervals, adjusted for confounding factors through Poisson regression with robust variance. It also has measured the association between an indicator of social inequality for comparison between areas. The best results are associated with indicators of access and coverage of oral health actions at the expense of the indicators of health problems, suggesting a possible maintenance of a traditional model of practice yet. The results also suggest a possible effect of a specific policy in the area of primary care on inequality in access. From the discussions presented throughout this work, we can see that the impact analysis of public policy, obtained by comparing areas with and without the intervention, not only captures the effect on the target population, but other dimensions of organization service and therefore should be understood as one of the analytical possibilities related to the management


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A úlcera venosa constitui importante problema de saúde pública, gera repercussão social, econômica e mudanças nos hábitos de vida, dor, sofrimento, acarretando diminuição da qualidade de vida. O estudo objetivou avaliar a assistência prestada às pessoas com úlceras venosas atendidas pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. É um estudo analítico, transversal e quantitativo, realizado com 59 pessoas com úlceras venosas, atendidas em 36 unidades da Estratégia Saúde da Família. O estudo obteve aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se instrumento testado, entrevista, exame físico e informações dos prontuários. Os dados foram organizados em planilha do Microsoft Excel 2007, exportados e analisados em software estatístico por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, considerando nível de significância estatística de ρ-valor < 0,05. As pessoas com úlcera venosa eram do sexo feminino (71,2%), ≥ 60 anos (67,8%) e estavam em tratamento > 1 ano (69,5%). Possuíam tempo de lesão > 6 meses (64,4%), dor na úlcera/membro (86,4%) e leito com ≤ 30% de granulação/epitelização (78,0%). A qualidade da assistência foi ruim (< 5 aspectos positivos) em 57,6% (ρ=0,000) e os aspectos que mais interferiram foram as seguintes inadequações: profissional que acompanha/realiza curativo (ρ=0,002, coeficiente de contingência (CC) =0,458, razão de chance (RC) =13,9), produtos nos últimos 30 dias (ρ=0,038, cc=0,334, RC=7,3) e acesso a consulta com angiologista (ρ=0,041, cc=0,305, RC=4,1). Os aspectos clínicos que contribuíram para o aumento do tempo de assistência foram: tempo de lesão >6 meses (ρ<0,001), dor (ρ=0,043), recidiva (ρ<0,001); nos aspectos assistenciais: inadequação dos produtos com 83,1% (ρ=0,036). Essas características dificultaram a cicatrização tecidual, prolongando o tempo de tratamento das lesões,que podem ter contribuído para a cronicidade das úlceras


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazilian cities of the Northeast, expanding coverage, analyzing the progress, challenges and innovations. Methods: Multicentric Evaluation Research, Studies Baselines in urban centers, using as a case study method. Selected cases of Aracaju, being capital, advanced coverage with extended team, and Fortaleza, capital coverage incipient and minimal staff. In Fortaleza, purposive sample of 11 Units Primary (APS), 03 managers, 53 professionals and 109 users. In Aracaju, 09 units of APS, 02 managers, 36 professionals, and 90 users. Structured interviews for managers, and structured to professionals and users. Descriptive analysis focusing on the political and institutional dimensions, organization and comprehensive care. Results: There was consensus that the ESF is the preferred port users and acts as inducing changes in care. In the case of Fortaleza, the specificities were: care protocols and community activities aimed at chronic conditions (100%) , with greater participation of doctors and nurses (93%) ; conjunction with more complex services, but the teams reported difficulties with the examination center and experts, the long waits and poor access to local services were the main difficulties reported by users., As innovative practice, the therapeutic group of elderly caregivers mentioned by respondents; There was intersectoral initiatives and teams 87 % of users have participated in meetings about health problems. In the case of Aracaju, care protocols were directed to the lines of care and formulated locally, 85 % coverage of the population with FHS counterpart local financing; employees hired by public tender; 70 % of teams with expertise in public health center for continuing education acting; democratization in management; access technologies, welcoming and computerization in different integrated networks, and evaluation matrix. Conclusions: The ESF has promoted access to health care and inclusion of disadvantaged populations. Different perceptions and practices in the organization of care, with distinct trajectories of reorganization. In the case of Fortaleza, predominance of model programs valuing older, with evidence of advances in care practices and teamwork, but restricted to primary care practices and incipient in public policy perspective. In Aracaju, had network integration with technologies related to the family, in which the ESF is consolidated as public policy. It can be argued that the XII APS expanding coverage, exhibited efficacy, despite the challenges inherent to the different degrees of implementation


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This study approaches the topic of humanization in health that involves the set of policies implemented by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Its aims are directed towards a reflection on the guiding theoretical and organizing axes of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) and their repercussions on municipal health policy of Natal, Brazil; an analysis of the results of the policy at the local level; knowledge of the views and experiences of the humanization agents in the daily work process and identification of the main challenges of the policy. The empirical field of investigation was the Family Health Strategy (FHS) of the city of Natal. The assumption of the study is that the FHS has produced local experiences with potentialities that must not be wasted, in which there are difficulties and discrepancies between the real and proposed model. The contradictions and challenges in the social and political context of Brazil in the early XXI century and their consequences in the field of health reflect anti-utilitarian aspects anchored strongly in the theoretical concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about the sociology of privations and emergencies as well as of the work of translating. The predominantly qualitative approach collects some complementary quantitative data. The study procedures used were the following: bibliographic research; documental research; interviews; and direct observation. Interpretation of the information obtained was based on documental analysis and on the symbolic cartography of the social representations. Cartographic evidence suggests that practices still take place under dehumanizing conditions that compromise the quality of care given. However, there is a movement aimed at changing the work process that has been strengthening the link and widening the measures developed, incorporating new directions in diversity, integrality and solidarity. The map drawn shows a reality manifested by explicit intentions in a political agenda, by concrete solutions marked by an assortment of difficulties and expressed in the words of the agents and by latent clues identified in successful local experiences, posing many challenges for the consolidation of the proposed changes


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This qualitative research aimed to understand the educational activities carried out in Family Health Units, of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. It was used symbolic cartography to organize and present data from reality. It started on the approach of Health Education and knowledge transformation practice, aiming at the development of autonomy and responsibility of individuals and healthcare, publicized by the appreciation of the interpersonal relations area established in services, such as educational emancipator practices contexts. Individual and collective interviews were realized, conducted with health professionals and users of ESF, about themes, activities, membership, the difficulties, the potential and the design of health education that permeate everyday Family Health Strategy. From what was apprehended, thematic maps were done with the analysis of educational practices of professionals belonging to the Family‟s Health. Links are built with the wires of conceptions of education reflected on themes and activities of family health teams. The storylines are rebinded by voices about the difficulties and the potential of educational processes for emancipator postures. For users, health education means proper care and information on disease prevention. Professionals understand that it is all information that is given to users, about health, social well-being, economic and general condition of human being as a way of preventing and treating disease. Mark printed on voices denote that activities and themes worked don‟t motivate users enough for their participation, being that physicians and dentists also get excluded themselves from educational practices. Elderly groups are those who get most involved with the activities. The size of the contained area and its seclusion from community make harder the access of users, as well as diminishing the quality of educational actions and links users-professionals. Therefore, the searching for medicines, medical consultations and wish to be well served are trademarks of voices from the users that interconnect with enlightening information and guidelines offered by professionals to users. It brings out practices that need to incorporate the social, the subjective and act with practices of prevention and health promotion, on the basis of lifestyles. The dialogical model, which needs to be approached since planning phase of health education actions could arouse interest of involved groups; promoting a relationship of dialogue and listening; discussing the local reality; stimulating practical methodological dialetics; promoting processes of deconstruction of concepts, values and attitudes, as more necessary than construction, using multiple languages. The defended thesis denotes paths to other studies aimed at understanding a dialogical template committed to exchanges of knowledge, and discover strategies that encourage formation of critical consciousness and the discovery of how is the training of new generations of healthcare professionals to belong to the project of society, in its technical, scientific, pedagogical, ethical, political and humanistic dimensions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life