66 resultados para Espanhol língua estrangueira


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The low level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown to be effective in promoting the proliferation of different cells in vitro, including keratinocytes, osteoblasts, endothelial cells and stem cells. It has been speculated that the biostimulatory effect of LLLT could cause undesirable enhancement of tumor growth in neoplastic diseases, since the malignant cells are more susceptible to proliferative stimuli. Within this context, this study evaluated the effect of LLLT on epidermoid carcinoma of the tongue cell line (SCC25) proliferation and invasion. Cultured cells were irradiated with an InGaAIP diode laser, 660nm, 30mW using two energy densities (0.5J/cm2 and 1.0J/cm2). Proliferative activity was assessed through trypan blue staining method and through cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. The invasive potential was measured through cell invasion assay using matrigel. Cyclin D1, E-cadherin, -catenin and MMP-9 expressions were analyzed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry and related to the investigated biological activities. Proliferation curve demonstrated that SCC25 irradiated with 1.0J/cm2 had the highest proliferative rate when compared to the control group and the group irradiated with 0.5J/cm2 (p<0.05). LLLT affected cell cycle distribution and energy density of 1.0 J/cm2 promoted a higher percentage of cells in S/G2/M phases, with statistically significant differences at 24h interval (p<0.05). LLLT, mainly with 1.0J/cm2, revealed significantly higher potential for invasion and influenced the expression of cyclin D1, E-cadherin, -catenin and MMP-9, promoting the malignant phenotype. In conclusion, our results indicate that LLLT has an important stimulatory effect on proliferation and invasion of SCC25 cells, likely due to altered expression of proteins associated with these processes


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This research aims at studying the use of greeting cards, here understood as a literacy practice widely used in American society of the United States. In American culture, these cards become sources of information and memory about people‟s cycles of life, their experiences and their bonds of sociability enabled by means of the senses that the image and the word comprise. The main purpose of this work is to describe how this literacy practice occurs in American society. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BAYHAM, 1995; HAMILTON, 2000; STREET, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1993, 2003), the contributions of social semiotics, associated with systemic-functional grammar (HALLIDAY; HASAN 1978, 1985, HALLIDAY, 1994, HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), and the grammar of visual design (KRESS; LEITE-GARCIA, VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2004, 2006; KRESS; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Methodologically, it is a study that falls within the qualitative paradigm of interpretative character, which adopts ethnographic tools in data generation. From this perspective, it makes use of “looking and asking” techniques (ERICKSON, 1986, p. 119), complemented by the technique of "registering", proposed by Paz (2008). The corpus comprises 104 printed cards, provided by users of this cultural artifact, from which we selected 24, and 11 e-cards, extracted from the internet, as well as verbalizations obtained by applying a questionnaire prepared with open questions asked in order to gather information about the perceptions and actions of these cards users with respect to this literacy practice. Data analysis reveals cultural, economic and social aspects of this practice and the belief that literacy practice of using printed greeting cards, despite the existence of virtual alternatives, is still very fruitful in American society. The study also allows users to comprehend that the cardholders position themselves and construct identities that are expressed in verbal and visual interaction in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, it is understood that greeting cards are not unintentional, but loaded with ideology and power relations, among other aspects that are constitutive of them.


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This documental research in a qualitative and interpretative nature is inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics and its object of study is teachers‟ writing in a literacy event (public exam) held for teachers of Portuguese Language by municipality in Natal city - RN in 2008. Overall, we have aimed to investigate the textual production of these teachers, considering their knowledge about writing, their sayings in relation to themselves and their views on new technologies and teaching. Specifically, we have chosen the following objectives: a) identifying what knowledge about writing have emerged from teachers' written text; b) analyzing the written text production of teachers, considering the knowledge they have revealed about themselves; c) mapping the sayings of the teachers about the teaching profession and new technologies. Our discussion is grounded theoretically by Bakhtin studies of language (BAKHTIN [1934], 1990; [1952-1953], 2000; BAKHTIN; VOLOSHINOV [1929], 1999); in studies of critical literacy as formulated by STREET (1984, 1995, 2006, 2010, 2014); KLEIMAN (1995, 2005, 2006, 2008); (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON; Ivanic, 1991); studies on teacher training in critical educational perspective (GIROUX, 1986; 1987; 1997; 1999) FREIRE, 1999; 2001). The corpus of this study is consisted of written texts by participants of this examination about the Writing Test, in which they were asked to produce an opinion paper. The research has allowed us to realize that, in relation to the writing, despite the recurring negative discourse on literacy teachers, especially the Portuguese ones, these, in the fabric of their texts, both have revealed to have dominion over the formal structure, particularly in respect to prototypical schema of argumentative sequence, as proposed by Adam (1992, 2008) and the mechanisms of textualization postulated by Bronckart (2007), and on those enunciation-discursive strategies relating to opinion genre. The relevance of this research is justified by seeking to understand the teacher‟s writing beyond the language system, i.e, writing as speech, assuming it as a contrapalavra (BAKHTIN, [1934], 1990) to those voices that insist on underestimating literacy teachers and they do so much harm to society, to the extent that foster a sense of disbelief in the qualification of teachers' work and distrust of the social role of these professionals in the preparation of future generations


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Portuguese language textbooks, according to what has been preconized on the official document to education, have been configured on discursive genres imported from diverse spheres of human activity. Adverts, genre of ample social circulation, spread from the Advertising sphere to the schools and started being approached by these collectaneas as an object and a tool for teaching. Therefore, this research deals with the approach of ads in Portugese textbooks. These discursive practices matter for the impact or appeal they exert over the (new) consumers, among which High School students; for their representation in the capitalist system, which guides us on our relationships and social practices; and for the mix of languages that end up at their composition, once they encapsulate the spirit of our time, par excellence, the one from the verbal-visual genres. To understand the treatment given to these advertising pieces, from questions/commentaries related to them, two collections were selected by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – Textbook National Program (PNLD 2012) among the ones more used by public High Schools in Natal/RN. From Applied Linguistics, from mestizo, nomadic and inter/transdisciplinary identity (MOITA LOPES, 2009), this study falls within the discursive chain of the interpretive tradition of historical-cultural approach (FREITAS, 2010) and names the Bakhtin Circle and its language‟s dialogical conception as inescapable partners. The data of the colletaneas show that the genre approach can happen as concrete utterance, as linguistic artifact and as hybrid, at work with questions and without questions, with the predominance of its occurrence in the portion of the volume devoted to the study of grammar. In the literature chapters and production/interpretation of compositions, it insert is incipient or it doesn‟t happen in the volume. Such a provision has implications for multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012) of the citizen student, once the lack or the abundance of critical reading proposals for this genre, that demand from the student the exercise of knowledge that is necessary to the construction of linguistic and social meanings, can be responsible for guide to a more conscious consumerism (material and cultural) by the chief customers of the work under review. The approaches of the genres seems to indicate a gradual transition that such material have undergone, which means, from the focus on clauses to the focus on utterances, or even the approach as linguistic artifact to hybrid and the concrete utterance, in search of overcoming the traditional tendency of taking advantage of formal aspects of the language, to the detriment of enunciative ones, and for coming into harmony with the guidelines and parameters of teaching in contemporary times, bringing the school duties close to the rights in life.


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En los días actuales, la Educación Inclusiva hay sido eje de amplias discusiones, pues en ella, la educación es direccionada a todas las personas, con discapacidades o no. Por intermedio de ella, todos tienen derechos a una enseñanza de calidad y pueden compartir las mismas oportunidades de aprendizaje. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo hacer un análisis del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua española en un contexto, en lo cual alumnos con y sin ceguera compartían el mismo espacio educacional. Es por lo tanto un investigación de naturaleza exploratória e cualitaviva, en la cual es utilizada como un herramienta para la recogida de los datos la entrevista semiestructurado con preguntas abiertas, realizada con los profesores de lengua española y sus alumnos ciegos. Como aporte metodológico utilizamos el Análisis Proposicional del Discurso – APD (PIRES, 2008) para que los datos pudieran ser analizados. Los resultados señalaron que, aunque los diferentes condicionantes, los alumnos ciegos, cuanto al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua española, presentan dificultades de orden estructural, personal y pedagógica semejantes. Evidenciado a partir de las declaraciones. También se constató una ausencia de preparación por parte de los profesores referentes a la utilización de recursos didácticos y estrategias de enseñanza que pudieran contemplar a las especificidades de aprendizaje de estos alumnos.


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This investigation aims at identifying, describing, analyzing and interpreting how textbooks on Portuguese Language approach, beginning with the linguistic material, the effects of sense in texts that predominately employ injunctives. The corpus of this study is comprised of six collections of textbooks on Portuguese Language, which are part of the National Program Guide for Textbooks (PNLD) from 2010, adopted by the public schools in the city of Natal and the object of study for the Read/Tell Project of the Educational Observatory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Textbooks from the 4th and 5th grades, Elementary School, were analyzed – 12 copies total. For the analysis, we selected 16 writing proposals of injunctive texts. Our study is based on theoretical discussions by Adam (2001a, 2001b) with regard to the genre of: inciting to action. In addition, we consider the work of Koch and Fávero (1987), Koch and Elias (2009), Marcuschi (2003, 2008) Pery-Woodly (2001), Rodrigues (2013), Travaglia (1992, 2007) and Rosa (2007). With respect to discussions on textbooks, we refer to Choppin (2004, 2009), Batista (2003, 2009), Rojo e Batista (2005), and with regard to Portuguese Language textbooks specifically, we consider Soares (1998, 2001, 2004) and Bunzen and Rojo (2005). The proposals for writing in injunctive texts, in the collections analyzed, are tips/recommendations, instructions on making toys and/or games, travel itineraries and cooking recipes, such that 69% of them appear in the 4 th grade textbooks and only 31% appear in the 5th grade textbooks. With respect to the linguistic elements responsible for the construction of directive speech acts and the effects on sense produced by them, the data shows that 50% of the writing proposals do not exploit linguistic categories that implicate the effects on sense using injunctives, or rather, there is no work done dealing with linguistic analysis, while 33% mention the imperative mode and 17% investigate infinitive verbs. In this dissertation, the textual plans of incitation to act genres were studied and in them the linguistic materiality that vehicles injunction. This study might contribute to the improvement of Portuguese language teaching in what concerns the articulation of grammatical studies to textual sequences/types, mainly in the case of Portuguese language textbooks for the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School.


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From the context of the degree‘s creation of Spanish literature and language‘s course, at UFRN, came the motivation to make this research, that presents a literary study of a poet‘s group known as Generación del 27, that came in to light at Spain, on 1920. A lot of aspects of this study are themes of many others disciplines, of this degree (Spanish Literature II, IberianAmerican Literature, Spanish Culture, Translation in Spanish Language). This work will also serve as inspiration to new reflections and proposes of translations, as bridges between the language that goes and the other that comes. It is the Translation as comprehension‘s negotiation between languages, it is the decir casi lo mismo, here in poem‘s form (ECO, 2007), in the attempt to conclude new learning, that will be shared with undergraduate and graduate students, being at teaching area, extension or new researches. To contextualize this generation‘s studies, were elected the anthologies organized by Gerardo Diego, called Poesía Española (Antologías), published on 2007, by Ediciones Cátedras, and the Antología Comentada de La Generación del 27, wrote by Víctor García de La Concha, published on 2006, by Editorial Espasa Calpe. The research took Generacion Del 27 as their object of research and - from many others critical reading about the poetry made by those young poets, their creative vocation of aesthetics and vanguard – wanted to understand the context of literary‘s creation of those poets del 27. We form our foundation with contributions by Antonio Maravall (2009), Eugenio D‘ors (s.d) Severo Sarduy (1999), Lezama Lima (2011), Alfonso Reyes (1958) e Deleuze (2005) among others that brought the comprehension of the baroque‘s language, giving emphasis to pluridirectional movement, deconstructing it‘s linearity, creating others new forms, as returns, circles, spirals favoring encounters, detachment or equal points of departure and arrivals. In this way, the poets del 27 approached the baroque of six hundred on a re-reading, and made of the third centenary‘s celebration of the Góngora‘s a Mirada exuberante death, to the return of baroque‘s spirit. Alfonso Reyes e Rubén Darío said that real lights highlighted the paths of this poets generation: The light that desdobra scintillates on García Lorca, Jorge Gullén, Dámaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego and the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, poets that expressed tributes in big style to Soledades author, at Madrid‘s Caffe and all Spain.


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Portuguese textbook has been the focus of many investigations, nevertheless, the theme still has much to be discussed, reflected and broadened. This conviction mobilized us to perform this research, seeking to answer three questions: (1) how does the author of the textbook induce the student to give his opinion in comprehension questions of text in Portuguese textbook of 4th and 5thgrade? Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the assumption of enunciative responsability? And (3) Which enunciative links are used by the author of the textbook in comprehension questions of text concerning to the non assumption of enunciative responsability? In this direction, we define as objective to id entify, describe, analyze and interpret how the (non) assumption of enunciative responsibility materializes itself in Portuguese textbooks. The theme is echoed in the guidelines of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais PCN (1998; 2001), who assume that all education committed to citizenship need to create conditions in order the student can develop his discursive competence" (BRAZIL, 1998, p. 23). This assertion of PCN (1998; 2001) is closely related to our research object, and therefore, it has corroborated to the accomplishment of this study. So, we analyze the comprehension questions of the texts that are elaborated by the authors of Portuguese textbooks of the 4th and 5th grade, used at public schools in the city of Natal-RN in 2010. As a theoretical basis, we have considered the postulates of Textual Analysis of Discourses ATD and Enunciative Linguistics. Our research was mainly based on the studies of Adam (2011), Nølke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), Nølke, Fløttum e Norén (2004) Rabatel (2004; 2005; 2008; 2009), Guentchéva (1994; 1996). Our data analysis revealed that the authors of Portuguese textbooks explore the reading comprehension, inducing students to answer questions that may be categorized like: (1) induction to the assumption of enunciative responsibility, (2) induction for non assumption the enunciative responsibility, (3) orientation for the study of vocabulary and grammar and (4) orientation of extra themes. The results from the comparison of the books of 4th and 5th grade of the two analyzed collections, we observed through the links of (non) responsability Nølke (1994; 2001; 2006; 2009; 2013), Nølke, Fløttum e Norén (2004), which in 79% of the questions, the authors induce the decoding of a content objectively inscribed in the text. In this sense, the notion of understanding a text is compromised, since it is limited to copying contents or transcription exercises, failing to consider the interactive use of language, or rather, failing to expand the student's knowledge in the (re)construction of the text of the meanings. This shows that there is a lack in the deal with the text that includes the textual discursive resources in the reading activities in Portuguese textbooks. We recall, in this direction, the works of Marcuschi (2005), Antunes (2003, 2005), and Bunzen Rojo (2008), among others authors who contributed greatly to orient the choice of Portuguese textbooks. Finally, we believe that the study about the enunciative responsibility phenomenon in Portuguese texto oks offers, above all, instruments in order to the interlocutors identify the elements present in the enunciation and the effects that these elements bring to the (re) construction of the meanings in texts that they read and write in the classroom.


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This work appears as a reflection on the oral modality of the language in the teaching of Portuguese Language from textbooks proposed for the elementary school. It has as main aim to analyze the textbooks for the Youth and Adult Education - EJA (6th and 7th grade), the collection "It is time to learn", specifically in regard to educational activities focusing on oral proposals in their constituent units. It is a process of reflection with a view to submitting suggestions arising from the discussions held, given the fact that the writing mode has been identified by some scholars, between these Marcuschi (2005), as the most privileged in the classroom and in most manuals that guide the teaching of Portuguese Language. In this work, we start from a broader vision from the principles of dialogic pedagogy by Paulo Freire perspectives towards pedagogical practices that favor the development of linguistic and discursive student skills. In this sense, we emphasize the formation of a critical subject, who can argue and defend points of view, using oral or written language, in various social situations. In this view, this paper set up aims to identify, describe and interpret the activities proposed to the oral modality of Portuguese Language, from interactional theoretical bases, based on authors as Marcuschi (2005, 2010), Fávero, Andrade and Aquino (1999) Schneuwly and Dolz (2004), Antunes (2009), among others. In addition, the objective was to suggest other educational activities, as a way of expanding the existing ones, in order that addressed more efficiently, to aspects of orality been proposed and aspects of formal oral genres. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, in which, from the teaching materials used in the classroom, there was a reflection on the orality and the oral teaching of the Portuguese language and has been proposed an expansion of activities one oral mode. In this reflection, analysis of the results revealed that the books investigated, used in Portuguese classes in EJA, include in their proposals orality as an object and teaching axis. However, we appoint the need to expand the teaching proposals with the existing activities in order to give greater emphasis to important aspects of orality already prioritized, and also to address to the formal public genres. In seeking to make suggestions and educational proposals that integrate with existing, we postulated the most effective development for oral skills for the EJA student, in Freire's perspective, as also we thought in a way to provide subsidies which could guide teachers of the Portuguese Language area at the fundamental level of education.


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The developed research aimed to investigate how students behave on elementary school in a plurilingual context, based on Intercomprehension of Romanic Languages with literary texts in the classroom. The theoretical framework prioritizes authors who consider reading literary text as an essential tool to the formation of reading and writing skills for students, such as: Amarilha (1997; 2003; 2007), Resende (1993), Kleiman, (1999), Villardi (1997), Aguiar (1991), Perrone-Moisés (2000), Lajolo (1993), Zilberman (1991), Cosson (2006), Andrade, Melo-Pfeifer, Santos, (2009), Sá; De Carlo; Antoine (2011), Alas Martins (2014), Doyé (2005), Souza, (2013), and others, according to the intercomprehension approach and plurilingualism. We use questionnaires as a methodological resources for this research, and we applied some activities that was developed based on intercomprehension from literary texts which represent three types of Romanic languages (Spanish, French and Italian), in addition to the participant observation in classes with students of the 8th grade from an elementary public school in the city of Natal (RN). The students could read and (inter) understand some texts of classic literature in those Latin languages and also in Portuguese, whose titles include “D. Quixote de la mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes; “O pequeno príncipe” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; and “Pinóquio” by Carlo Collodi. The data analysis shows that students understood the lessons with plurilingual texts as something which goes beyond the structure of language teaching, awakening themselves to the knowledge of new languages and cultures, and linguistic diversity as motivation at the time of understanding and literature as transforming element to Citizen formation of students.


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Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) has an aggressive biological behavior, with a high propensity for the development of lymph node metastases. In this context, lymphangiogenesis is considered an important phenomenon for the spread of tumor cells and may be influenced by microenvironmental stimuli. Mast cells have been implicated in tumor progression, although their influence in the formation of lymphatic vessels is not well established. The aim of this study was to analyze, in a case series of OTSCC (n=50), possible correlations between lymphatic vessel density (LVD), mast cell count and clinicopathological features, including tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage, histological grade of malignancy (Bryne, 1998), and nodal metastasis. LVD was established as the mean number of lymphatic vessels immunostained by anti-podoplanin (D2-40) antibody, identified in five microscopic fields (200x). For the analysis of mast cells, tryptase-immunoreactive cells were quantified in five fields (400x). Both immunostainings were analyzed in the tumor center and invasion front. Intratumoral lymphatic density (ILD) was higher in cases in advanced clinical stages (III-IV), compared to those in initial stages (I-II), as well as in metastatic cases in respect of non-metastatic (p<0,05). There were no statistically significant differences between low-grade and high-grade malignancy cases with respect to ILD (p>0,05). Peritumoral lymphatic density (PLD) and mast cell counts showed no significant relations with any of the clinicopathological parameters evaluated (p>0,05). Also there were no significant correlations between LVD and mast cell counts, whether in intratumoral (r = -0,004; p=0,977) or peritumoral region (r = -0,154; p=0,285). The results of the present study suggest that intratumoral lymphatic vessels may contribute in part to the progression of OTSCC, although PLD may be insufficient to justify differences in biological behavior. This supports the hypothesis of involvement of other mechanisms in metastatic spread of malignant cells, which could complement the effects of lymphangiogenesis. Although mast cells perform several pro- and antitumoral functions, they do not appear to directly influence aggressiveness of OTSCC. In addition, the quantity of these cells may not be essential for lymphatic vessel formation.


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DNA repair systems play a critical role in protecting the human genome from damage caused by carcinogens present in the environment. Mutations in DNA repair genes may be responsible for tumor development and resistance of malignant cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The major pathway for oxidative DNA damage repair is the base excision repair pathway. The objective of this study was to investigate the immunoexpression of APE-1 and XRCC-1, which are proteins involved in DNA base excision repair and its association with clinical and histopathological parameters in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC), in order to investigate a possible prognostic value for those proteins. The expression of APE-1 and XRCC-1 was evaluated semi-quantitatively by immunohistochemistry in 50 OTSCC cases. Clinical data was collected from patients’ medical charts and histopathological grading was performed for each case. Statistical analysis (Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests; significance of 5%) was performed to determine the association between protein expressions and clinico-pathological characteristics. APE-1 was highly expressed in nucleus and cytoplasm in 56% of cases. XRCC-1 showed overexpression only in nucleus in 60% of cases. High expression of XRCC-1 was significantly associated to clinical stages I and II (P=0.02). Both proteins were not associated to other clinical parameters or histopathological grading. Our findings demonstrate that DNA base excision repair proteins APE-1 and XRCC-1 are upregulated in OTSCC, however, they are not related to clinical and histologic parameters, except for XRCC-1 association to better clinical staging. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical expression of these proteins has no association with prognostic parameters in this tumor.


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DNA repair systems play a critical role in protecting the human genome from damage caused by carcinogens present in the environment. Mutations in DNA repair genes may be responsible for tumor development and resistance of malignant cells to chemotherapeutic agents. The major pathway for oxidative DNA damage repair is the base excision repair pathway. The objective of this study was to investigate the immunoexpression of APE-1 and XRCC-1, which are proteins involved in DNA base excision repair and its association with clinical and histopathological parameters in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC), in order to investigate a possible prognostic value for those proteins. The expression of APE-1 and XRCC-1 was evaluated semi-quantitatively by immunohistochemistry in 50 OTSCC cases. Clinical data was collected from patients’ medical charts and histopathological grading was performed for each case. Statistical analysis (Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests; significance of 5%) was performed to determine the association between protein expressions and clinico-pathological characteristics. APE-1 was highly expressed in nucleus and cytoplasm in 56% of cases. XRCC-1 showed overexpression only in nucleus in 60% of cases. High expression of XRCC-1 was significantly associated to clinical stages I and II (P=0.02). Both proteins were not associated to other clinical parameters or histopathological grading. Our findings demonstrate that DNA base excision repair proteins APE-1 and XRCC-1 are upregulated in OTSCC, however, they are not related to clinical and histologic parameters, except for XRCC-1 association to better clinical staging. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical expression of these proteins has no association with prognostic parameters in this tumor.


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Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.


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Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.