126 resultados para Conselho Geral


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A hanseníase é um problema de saúde em nível mundial devido principalmente ao seu potencial incapacitante. A estratégia de combate à doença adotada pelo Ministério de Saúde é o diagnóstico e tratamento precoces, prevenção e tratamento de incapacidades físicas e vigilância dos contatos domiciliares. Tudo isso fundamentado na educação em saúde como sustentáculo para compreensão do processo de adoecimento, da doença em si, sua aceitação e, principalmente, das ações de autocuidado para prevenção de sequelas. Nesse contexto, questiona-se: Qual a implicação da assistência de enfermagem focada na educação em saúde para o autocuidado em portadores de hanseníase? O objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos adquiridos pelos portadores de hanseníase sobre a doença, o tratamento e autocuidado abordados durante a consulta de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes. Respeitou a resolução 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde e foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética sob nº 387.769 e CAAE 17468213.0.0000.5537. Envolveu 14 portadores de hanseníase em tratamento no ambulatório de dermatologia do HUOL. Os dados foram coletados no período de 23 de setembro a 04 de novembro de 2013 por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada; e analisados a partir da analise de conteúdo de Bardin. Os resultados e discussões são apresentados através de um artigo, o qual atende os objetivos propostos, denominado O autocuidado realizado por portadores de hanseníase . Esse objetivou identificar as ações de autocuidado de portadores de hanseníase em uma unidade de referência a partir de três eixos temáticos emersos dos discursos dos sujeitos: 1.as complicações/sequelas da hanseníase conhecidas pelos portadores da doença; 2. as ações de autocuidado adotadas pelos portadores de hanseníase; 3. as possíveis contribuições de um grupo de autocuidado para os portadores de hanseníase. Constou-se aparente superficialidade no conhecimento dos pacientes sobre as complicações da hanseníase, como também, das ações de autocuidado realizadas por eles. Verificou-se também a importância da assistência de enfermagem ao portador de hanseníase, tanto na atenção primária, quanto nos demais níveis de complexidade 11 da assistência. Considera-se que o enfermeiro é um potencial colaborador da educação em saúde como alicerce para o controle e eliminação da hanseníase


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Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available


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The present work is based on the applied bilinear predictive control applied to an induction motor. As in particular case of the technique based on predictive control in nonlinem systems, these have desperted great interest, a time that present the advantage of being simpler than the non linear in general and most representative one than the linear one. One of the methods, adopted here, uses the linear model "quasi linear for step of time" based in Generalized Predictive Control. The modeling of the induction motor is made by the Vectorial control with orientation given for the indirect rotor. The system is formed by an induction motor of 3 cv with rotor in squirregate, set in motion for a group of benches of tests developed for this work, presented resulted for a variation of +5% in the value of set-point and for a variation of +10% and -10% in the value of the applied nominal load to the motor. The results prove a good efficiency of the predictive bilinear controllers, then compared with the linear cases


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In this work, a performance analysis of transmission schemes employing turbo trellis coded modulation. In general, the performance analysis of such schemes is guided by evaluating the error probability of these schemes. The exact evaluation of this probability is very complex and inefficient from the computational point of view, a widely used alternative is the use of union bound of error probability, because of its easy implementation and computational produce bounds that converge quickly. Since it is the union bound, it should use to expurge some elements of distance spectrum to obtain a tight bound. The main contribution of this work is that the listing proposal is carried out from the puncturing at the level of symbol rather than bit-level as in most works of literature. The main reason for using the symbol level puncturing lies in the fact that the enummerating function of the turbo scheme is obtained directly from complex sequences of signals through the trellis and not indirectly from the binary sequences that require further binary to complex mapping, as proposed by previous works. Thus, algorithms can be applied through matrix from the adjacency matrix, which is obtained by calculating the distances of the complex sequences of the trellis. This work also presents two matrix algorithms for state reduction and the evaluation of the transfer function of this. The results presented in comparisons of the bounds obtained using the proposed technique with some turbo codes of the literature corroborate the proposition of this paper that the expurgated bounds obtained are quite tight and matrix algorithms are easily implemented in any programming software language


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The food industry is interested in natural products. Anthocyanins are phenolic antioxidants of great importance with health-relevant applications. Several studies have linked the intake of fruits and vegetables with reduced risk of chronic degenerative diseases because of its antioxidant properties. This study aimed to compare different strategies for obtaining natural pigments from red jambo (Syzygium malaccence) and analyze its functional potential. Two different strategies were studied: (1) solid-liquid extraction (SLE) in reactor with controlled parameters, (2) powder obtention. The investigation of the functional potential was conducted taking into account the total phenolic content (TPC), the antioxidant activity (AA), the total anthocyanins concentration (TA) and α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition. The best extracts obtained by SLE showed TPC of 174.15 mg GAE/100g, AA of 3.56 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 133.59 mg cyd-3-glu/100 g. The best results for the second strategy were TPC of 1024.22 mg GAE/100 g, AA of 29.03 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 1193.41 mg cyd-3- glu/100 g. It was observed moderate amylase inhibition (26.30%) and high glucosidase inhibitory activity (97.47%). Skin extracts showed, in general, superior results when compared to whole red jambo, with superior values for dehydrated products. Based on our result, red jambo can be considered as a rich source of phenolic antioxidants, as well on amylase and glucosidase inhibitors


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Coalho cheese is a typical product of the Northeastern Brazil, which is consumed both raw and cooked. The present work aimed to study the characteristics of artisanal and industrial processes in the production of coalho cheese sold in Natal / RN in order to evaluate its quality and consumer s profile. Four artisanal cheeses plants were monitored and a questionnaire was sent to different cheese industries. Besides this, eight cheese samples (four artisanal and four industrial) were evaluated in regard to the microbiological quality, physical-chemical and sensory attributes. The sensory acceptance was evaluated by using 108 non-trained panelists by using the hedonic scale. The consumer s profile survey was applied to 400 consumers of coalho cheese. The lack of hygiene control was detected at the artisanal cheese production, which uses raw milk as its raw material. Research has shown that the industrialized cheeses are made from pasteurized milk provided by their own production or by a third party, as observed in cheese making dairies. In general, the results indicate variation in the manufacturing process of coalho cheese, which results in the lack of product standardization. Regarding the physical-chemical analysis, most artisanal and industrial samples presented moisture content between 36 and 40 %, classified as medium moisture cheese, which is the only parameter that showed no significant difference (p>0.05). However, the water activity (Aw), pH and acidity results differed significantly. All artisanal samples showed coliform contamination at 35 °C, which confirms the poor hygienic conditions. In regard to coliforms at 45 °C, 75 % of artisanal coalho cheese samples had value higher than 103 MPN / g, a value above the lawful limits determined by RDC nº 12. Fifty percent of industrial coalho cheese samples showed coagulase-positive Staphylococcus values above the limit allowed by the RDC nº 12, indicating poor handling. The sensory evaluation revealed that the taste was the only parameter that showed significant difference, and this difference was only between two industrial brands. The consumer s survey showed that the coalho cheese flavor is the most important reason for buying this kind of cheese. Although coalho cheese is mainly bought in supermarkets, open street markets and country shops are still important selling points. It is concluded that there is no coalho cheese standardization in the RN state, which leads to variations in physical-chemical and sensory attributes. Moreover, it is necessary greater hygiene control in the production and handling procedures of coalho cheese.


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Studies show the great influence of free radicals and other oxidants as responsible for aging and degenerative diseases. On the other hand, the natural phenolic compounds has shown great as antioxidants to inhibit lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase in vitro. Among these, is highlighted trans-resveratrol ( 3,5,4 `- trihydroxystilbene ) phenolic compound , characterized as a polyphenol stilbene class. The vegetables popularly known as "Azedinha" (Rumex Acetosa) has trans-resveratrol in its composition and from this, the present work aimed to study on the supercritical extraction and conventional extraction (Soxhlet and sequential) in roots of Rumex Acetosa, evaluating the efficiency of extractive processes, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and quantification of trans-resveratrol contained in the extracts. Extractions using supercritical CO2 as solvent, addition of co-solvent (ethanol) and were conducted by the dynamic method in a fixed bed extractor. The trial met a 23 factorial design with three replications at the central point, with the variable reply process yield and concentration of trans-resveratrol and pressure as independent variables, temperature and concentration of co-solvent (% v/v). Yields ( mass of dry extract / mass of raw material used ) obtained from the supercritical extraction ranged from 0,8 to 7,63 % , and the best result was obtained at 250 bar and 90 °C using the co-solvent 15% ethanol (% v/v). The value was calculated for YCER a flow rate of 1,0 ± 0,17 g/min resulting in 0,0469 CO2 ( g solute / g solvent ). The results of the mass yield varied between conventional extractions 0,78 % ( hexane) and 9,97 % (ethanol). The statistical model generated from the data of the concentration of trans-resveratrol performed as meaningful and predictive for a 95% confidence. GC analysis on HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), transresveratrol was quantified in all extracts and concentration values ranged between 0,0033 and 0,42 ( mg / g extract) for supercritical extracts and between 0,449 and 17,046 (mg / g extract) to conventional extractions and therefore, the Soxhlet extraction with ethanol for more selective trans-resveratrol than the supercritical fluid. Evaluation of antioxidant (radical method to sequester 2,2- diphenyl-1- picryl - hydrazyl - DPPH) the supercritical extracts resulted in EC50 values (concentration effective to neutralize 50% of free radicals) of between 7,89 and 18,43 mg/mL , while resulting in a Soxhlet extraction with EC50 values in the range of 6,05 and 7,39 mg/mL. As for quantification of the phenolic compounds (Method Spectrophotometer Folin-Ciocalteau) the supercritical extracts resulted in values between 85,3 and 194,79 mg GAE / g extract, whereas values derived from the Soxhlet extract resulted in values between 178,5 and 237,8 mg GAE / g extract. The high antioxidant activity can not be attributed solely to the presence of phenolic compounds, but the presence of other antioxidants in the existing Rumex acetosa


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The aim of the present study was to extract vegetable oil from brown linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), determine fatty acid levels, the antioxidant capacity of the extracted oil and perform a rapid economic assessment of the SFE process in the manufacture of oil. The experiments were conducted in a test bench extractor capable of operating with carbon dioxide and co-solvents, obeying 23 factorial planning with central point in triplicate, and having process yield as response variable and pressure, temperature and percentage of cosolvent as independent variables. The yield (mass of extracted oil/mass of raw material used) ranged from 2.2% to 28.8%, with the best results obtained at 250 bar and 50ºC, using 5% (v/v) ethanol co-solvent. The influence of the variables on extraction kinetics and on the composition of the linseed oil obtained was investigated. The extraction kinetic curves obtained were based on different mathematical models available in the literature. The Martínez et al. (2003) model and the Simple Single Plate (SSP) model discussed by Gaspar et al. (2003) represented the experimental data with the lowest mean square errors (MSE). A manufacturing cost of US$17.85/kgoil was estimated for the production of linseed oil using TECANALYSIS software and the Rosa and Meireles method (2005). To establish comparisons with SFE, conventional extraction tests were conducted with a Soxhlet device using petroleum ether. These tests obtained mean yields of 35.2% for an extraction time of 5h. All the oil samples were sterilized and characterized in terms of their composition in fatty acids (FA) using gas chromatography. The main fatty acids detected were: palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2n-6) and α-linolenic (C18:3n-3). The FA contents obtained with Soxhlet dif ered from those obtained with SFE, with higher percentages of saturated and monounsaturated FA with the Soxhlet technique using petroleum ether. With respect to α-linolenic content (main component of linseed oil) in the samples, SFE performed better than Soxhlet extraction, obtaining percentages between 51.18% and 52.71%, whereas with Soxhlet extraction it was 47.84%. The antioxidant activity of the oil was assessed in the β-carotene/linoleic acid system. The percentages of inhibition of the oxidative process reached 22.11% for the SFE oil, but only 6.09% for commercial oil (cold pressing), suggesting that the SFE technique better preserves the phenolic compounds present in the seed, which are likely responsible for the antioxidant nature of the oil. In vitro tests with the sample displaying the best antioxidant response were conducted in rat liver homogenate to investigate the inhibition of spontaneous lipid peroxidation or autooxidation of biological tissue. Linseed oil proved to be more efficient than fish oil (used as standard) in decreasing lipid peroxidation in the liver tissue of Wistar rats, yielding similar results to those obtained with the use of BHT (synthetic antioxidant). Inhibitory capacity may be explained by the presence of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity in the linseed oil. The results obtained indicate the need for more detailed studies, given the importance of linseed oil as one of the greatest sources of ω3 among vegetable oils


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The technology of anaerobic reactors for sanitary wastewater treatment has been extensively developed in Brazil, and today it is practically consolidated. They present several advantages, such as low construction and operating costs, and low sludge production, the anaerobic reactors are an attractive alternative to minimize problematic lack of basic sanitation in urban areas, and also of the rural areas. The anaerobic filters have been widely used in Brazil. It produces an effluent with low concentration of organic matter and solids suspended, besides conserving the nutrients, therefore, it is good for use in irrigation, but the practice must be associated with knowledge of the pathogens presence. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters in removal faecal coliforms and helminth eggs, and to verify if the effluent can be used for agricultural purposes, according to the World Organization of Health (WHO, 1989). The protocol used to enumerate helminths eggs was the modified Bailenger method, (Ayres and Mara, 1996) recommended by WHO for evaluation of raw effluent and treated effluent. The membrane filtration method was utilized to determine the concentrations of faecal coliforms. Three different systems of sewer treatment composed by anaerobic filters were analyzed. The results, in a general analysis, showed that all the researched systems reached a larger removal than 93% to helminth eggs, resulting in an effluent with smaller average than 1 egg/L. One of these systems, Sistema RN, reached a larger removal than 99%, confirming the good performance of the anaerobic filters in removal helminths eggs. Even with low concentrations of eggs in the influent, the filters were capable to remove this parameter efficiently. About faecal coliforms, it was observed for all the researched systems an effluent with 106 CFU/100mL. The high concentrations to faecal coliforms in the effluent just allow reuse for restricted irrigation, in agreement with the guidelines of WHO. Although the researched systems have not removed faecal coliforms efficiently, the results indicated a good efficiency of the anaerobic filters in removal helminth eggs


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Urban stormwater can be considered as potential water resources as well as problems for the proper functioning of the manifold activities of the city, resulting from inappropriate use and occupation of the soil, usually due to poor planning of the occupation of the development areas, with little care for the environmental aspects of the drainage of surface runoff. As a basic premise, we must seek mechanisms to preserve the natural flow in all stages of development of an urban area, preserving the soil infiltration capacity in the scale of the urban area, comprising the mechanisms of natural drainage, and noting preserving natural areas of dynamic water courses, both in the main channel and in the secondary. They are challenges for a sustainable urban development in a harmonious coexistence of modern developmental, which are consistent with the authoritative economic environmental and social quality. Integrated studies involving the quantity and quality of rainwater are absolutely necessary to achieve understanding and obtaining appropriate technologies, involving both aspects of the drainage problems and aspects of use of water when subjected to an adequate management of surface runoff , for example, the accumulation of these reservoirs in detention with the possibility of use for other purposes. The purpose of this study aims to develop a computer model, adjusted to prevailing conditions of an experimental urban watershed in order to enable the implementation of management practices for water resources, hydrological simulations of quantity and, in a preliminary way, the quality of stormwater that flow to a pond located at the downstream end of the basin. To this end, we used in parallel with the distributed model SWMM data raised the basin with the highest possible resolution to allow the simulation of diffuse loads, heterogeneous characteristics of the basin both in terms of hydrological and hydraulic parameters on the use and occupation soil. The parallel work should improve the degree of understanding of the phenomena simulated in the basin as well as the activity of the calibration models, and this is supported by monitoring data acquired during the duration of the project MAPLU (Urban Stormwater Management) belonging to the network PROSAB (Research Program in Basic Sanitation) in the years 2006 to 2008


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Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students


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This body of work aims to describe and analyze the behavior of the Aí specificity marker of indefinite Noun Phrases (NP), one of the many functions this linguistic item is developing in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. From the Functional Linguistic theory perspective, the North American declivity, this project intends to outline the possible grammaticalization trajectory taken by the Aí specificity marker. It will be followed from its function as a spatial deitic up to its integration of indefinite NP, and the action of the fundamental principles of the theory, such as iconicity and informativity, will be observed on the use of this item. Following this, Aí specificity marker behavior will be described in respect to various linguistic and social factors: type of text where the occurrence is encountered, language modality in which the latter is produced, syntactic function developed by the NP specified by Aí , the existence or lack of material intervening between Aí and the NP nuclear noun, informational status of the NP adjugated to Aí , and finally, sex, education and age of the speaker. The occurrence of conversational implicatures will also be verified (GRICE, 1982) within the contexts of Aí specificity marker use. Reflections on the teaching of grammar will be made, as well as on the possibility and validity of working with noun phrase specificity markers in elementary and high school Portuguese language classes. The data used in this research project stem from Corpus Discurso & Gramática A língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998), and from Corpus Discurso & Gramática A língua falada e escrita na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (VOTRE; OLIVEIRA, 1995)


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In this research we present a study of cultural aspects in dubbed and subtitled films. As a case study, we chose to compare the original French version of "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain" with both the subtitled and the dubbed versions in Portuguese, with focus on the interaction between the French and the Brazilian cultures. First we considered that (i) the translation process interferes on the perception of cultural relationships; and that (ii) dubbing and subtitling are two methods of translation that result in distinct perceptions from the spectator. Then, we adopted the translation interpretative theory (Seleskovicth; Lederer, 2001; Deslile, 1980) as the general theoretical framework, since it emphasizes the extralinguistic equivalence on the translation process. Furthermore, we based this research on three analytical procedures, which are: the four-step translating operation, the contrastive perception and a translation's typology based on Vinay and Dalbernet's linguistic procedures (Srpová, 1991, 1995, 2004). We extracted forty-six culture-related elements from the film and identified those belonging to the French ethno-universe. Then, the elements were classified with respect to a theoretical typology, based on concepts found in the Ethnography of Communication and a general typology, based on five general thematic groups, defined by the corpus. The results showed that both Brazilian versions tend to preserve those culture-related elements by using lexical loan and literal translation. The visual context, in its association with the linguistic procedures in both Brazilian versions, was also observed as an important element to the comprehension of the culture-related elements as they are considered in the French culture. As a general observation, the perception of culture-related elements in the film seems effectively be oriented by the translation methods


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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In the light of the Functional Linguistic Theory, in its North-American version (HOPPER, 1987, 1991, 1998, 2008, 2010; GIVÓN, 2001; LEHMANN, 2002; HOPPER; TRAUGOTT, 2003; FURTADO DA CUNHA; OLIVEIRA; MARTELOTTA, 2003, among others), the general objective of this research is to demonstrate, based on morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic properties, that AQUI (HERE), AÍ, ALI and LÁ (THERE) are part of an emerging paradigm in Brazilian Portuguese recently constituted and still developing of forms indicating specificity in indefinite noun phrases (NP). The data that make up the corpus of this research were collected in the following large Brazilian oral corpora: the Corpus Discurso & Gramática: a língua falada e escrita na cidade de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998), the Banco Conversacional de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 2010), the Projeto Variação Linguística no Estado da Paraíba VALPB (HORA, 2005) and the Projeto Variação Linguística Urbana na Região Sul do Brasil VARSUL (VANDRESEN, 2002). Firstly, the behavior of the specificity markings AQUI, AÍ, ALI and LÁ is described with respect to many factors of morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic nature: type of construction in which the markers appeared; existence or not of intervening material between the specificity marker item and the NP s nuclear noun; type of noun to which AQUI, AÍ, ALI and LÁ are linked; syntactic function of the specified SN; informational status of the NP to which the specificity markers AQUI, AÍ, ALI and LÁ are attached; occurrence of conversational implicatures (GRICE, 1982) in the context of use of these specificity markers. Next, a possible grammaticalization trajectory is outlined, according to which AQUI, AÍ, ALI and LÁ would had gone from an early spatial deictic indication to the specificity indication. The results point to the existence of forms with varying degree of emergence in this new paradigm of nominal specification, with AÍ being, probably, the item most grammaticalized, followed by LÁ, then ALI and AQUI, which permanence in the paradigm do not yet appear to be consolidated