37 resultados para revolução
Entre los años 30 y 40 del siglo pasado, México vio surgir de las cenizas de la revolución mexicana, una figura singular. Frida Kahlo es descrita hasta la fecha de hoy, por el imaginario social – en sus pinturas, en sus fotografías – como una mujer que ha marcado una época y se ha convertido en un símbolo de luchas, y esto se extiende hasta la contemporaneidad. Se ha creado en torno a la pintora mexicana, varias imágenes sociales que se describen en el juego dialógico entre sus obras y sus interlocutores. Teniendo por referencia estas afirmaciones, la investigación aquí presentada ha tomado como procedimiento realizar un análisis de seis cartas escritas por Frida a sus interlocutores amados/amantes – tres hombres con los que estuvo involucrada, emocionalmente, durante diferentes períodos de su vida – y, como objetivo, hacer un mapeo de los ethé construidos por ella en enunciados en los cuales ella "pinta" verbalmente una imagen de sí misma que se revela en las opciones léxicas elegidas para hablar de amor, de traición, de amistad, de dolor y de su estar en el mundo. Por lo tanto, hemos refinado una imagen estética e ideológica de Frida Kahlo que se cubre de pasionalidades distintas y de diversos grados dialógicos. Hay, en el recorte temporal y axiológico que hicimos para esta investigación, una mujer de naturaleza amante y que transformó ese amor en el tono de sus enfrentamientos con los interlocutores con quienes estuvo involucrada emocionalmente. Nuestro análisis está anclado en los postulados teóricos del Análisis Dialógico del Discurso (ADD), cuyo teórico base es el filósofo ruso Mikhail Bakhtin (2003, 2009, 2013) – sobre todo cuando se trata de estilo – y en la teoría de la enunciación de Maingueneau (2008, 2005) y Charaudeau (2006) – en lo que se refiere al ethos discursivo. Esta investigación se inserta en el área de Lingüística Aplicada y tiene un enfoque cualitativo-interpretativo.
The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.
The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
Environmental education started to be discussed since the intensification of the human activity, as a consequence of the industrial revolution. In Brazil, the proposal has gained attention due to the National Environmental Policy, which suggested inserting environmental education in all education levels and later as a crosscutting topic pervading the contents offered in all courses, according to the National Curricula Parameters. Faced with such a challenge, this work aimed to identify how environmental concerns is being considered in physical education licentiate courses at Rio Grande do Norte. For this purpose, we have adopted a descriptive method starting from interviews with coordinators of six institutions offering a physical education licentiate degree (UFRN, UNI-RN, UNIFACEX, FANEC, and UERN – Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros Campi), the application of a questionnaire with 30% of graduating students in the second half of 2015, and observations from the pedagogical projects and syllabi of the institutions that have provided such documents. Results have pointed out the acknowledgement of students and coordinators on the importance of addressing environmental concerns in physical education. However, coordinators and students contradict each other in all investigated institutions. According to the coordinators, environmental education effectively is in some courses of the curriculum as a mandatory requirement from the Brazilian National Ministry of Education. Nonetheless, in practice, most graduating students have no knowledge about environmental education in their courses, stating that they do not have training suited to meet these concerns. When requested to exemplify how they would deal with environmental education, a fragile education to address this topic in their future workspaces was revealed, showing uncritical activities. Despite the obligatoriness in the educational context already exists for decades and the importance of this topic revealed in the speeches of professionals, environmental education is still shy in physical education curricula and education courses, thereby showing the need of a curricular restructuration and a new understanding on this topic, as well as making it to be more present in the daily activities of the future teachers who should take it into consideration in their classes.
Augusto Boal (Brasil) y Heiner Müller (Alemania) son dramaturgos del siglo XX que vivieron en países y contextos evidentemente distintos. Sin embargo, con la crisis del teatro burgués y de las condiciones de legitimidad del régimen de producción de este teatro, ambos presentan puntos de contacto en sus líneas y vectores teatrales que, frente a la universalidad cuestionable de la dramatización, llevan a la concepción de un teatro múltiple y perturbador del orden de lo sensible. Los procesos de escenificación contemporánea exige un adelantamiento del sentido político, desviando del juego de representaciones sociales, para dar lugar al trabajo deconstructor de imágenes como cisión entre la palabra y lo representado, entre lo legible y lo visible. Frente al expuesto, las escritas escénicas y, por eso, literarias de estos autores, sitios de singularización – no con ausencia de paradojas – capaces de movilizar manifestaciones e impases cuanto a las imágenes que ordenan o desordenan los textos dramáticos, traen para la contemporaneidad tensiones que llevan al teatro mismo, tanto a interpelarse como, en su fuerza plural, a encontrar pasajes para el nuevo. Llevar a la superficie aspectos políticos en las imágenes de los textos dramáticos, considerándolos en su inscripción literaria: “La misión: recuerdos de una revolución”, de Heiner Müller, y de “El hombre que era una fábrica”, de Augusto Boal, se hace un desafío, una vez que las imágenes pretendidas son aquellas con formas o materialidades todavía no visibles en la escena, podríamos decir, en estado virtual. Como imágenes pensantes, ellas suceden en el plan de inmanencia del lenguaje (Deleuze y Guattari). Siendo lo “político” una perturbación en lo sensible, contrario a la política (Rancière), la dramaturgia se abala en multiplicidades, desplazando y desnaturalizando las funciones de autor/dramaturgo y lector/actor, teatro/literatura. Dramaturgia simultánea, imagen, fragmento y colaje se muestran como procedimientos artísticos y literarios creativos que se encuentran apropiados sea en la teoría del teatro del oprimido (Boal), sea en el teatro pos-dramático (Hans-ThiesLehmann), a pesar de que, al confrontarlas, sobresalían en desentendimientos: la primera coincide con la lógica de la identidad y la segunda, esta se desarticula, movida por la diáfora, contestación, o desacuerdo. Tales relaciones – no apriorísticas – se suceden en cuanto acontecimiento de la lectura o de la literatura como acontecimiento en que lo político en las imágenes se da, antes, en las lagunas y obscuridades, aludiendo a lo que está más allá de lo sentido, de la escena del gesto y de la palabra. El lector no se para para atribuir sentido, se interroga frente a las metamorfosis y formas oblicuas de acontecimientos insospechables que componen lo político estableciendo la gestión colectiva de la enunciación. En este caso, el texto de Boal y el texto de Müller se inscriben en la producción de una literatura menor, o de un teatro menor, o que los califica como agentes de devenires revolucionarios, agitando, a través de la política en las imágenes, e irrumpiendo contra el problema del poder en las artes.
The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities