106 resultados para josé reinaldo de lima lopes


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Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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This paper presents an analysis of technical and financial feasibility of the use of a solar system for water heating in a fictitious hotel located in the Northeast region. Thereunto it is used techniques of solar collectors´ sizing and methods of financial mathematics, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback. It will also be presented a sensitivity analysis to verify which are the factors that impact the viability of the solar heating. Comparative analysis will be used concerning three cities of distinct regions of Brazil: Curitiba, Belém and João Pessoa. The viability of using a solar heating system will be demonstrated to the whole Brazil, especially to the northeast region as it is the most viable for such an application of solar power because of its high levels of solar radiation. Among the cities examined for a future installation of solar heating systems for water heating in the hotel chain, João Pessoa was the one that has proved more viable.


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Information retrieval is of paramount importance in all areas of knowledge. Regarding the temperatures of Natal, they were simulated and analyzed. Thus, it was possible to recover, with some accuracy, the temperatures of days they were not collected. For this we constructed a software that displays the temperature value at each moment in the city. The program was developed in Delphi using interpolated polynomial function of third degree. The equations were obtained in Excel and data were collected at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). These functions were changed from a correction factor in order to provide values to temperatures between those who were not collected. Armed with this program you can build tables and charts to analyze the temperatures for certain periods of time. The same analysis was done by developing mathematical functions that describes the temperatures. With the data provided by this software is possible to say which are the hours of highest and lowest temperatures in the city, as the months have indexes with the highest and lowest temperatures.


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The great importance in selecting the profile of an aircraft wing concerns the fact that its relevance in the performance thereof; influencing this displacement costs (fuel consumption, flight level, for example), the conditions of flight safety (response in critical condition) of the plane. The aim of this study was to examine the aerodynamic parameters that affect some types of wing profile, based on wind tunnel testing, to determine the aerodynamic efficiency of each one of them. We compared three types of planforms, chosen from considerations about the characteristics of the aircraft model. One of them has a common setup, and very common in laboratory classes to be a sort of standard aerodynamic, it is a symmetrical profile. The second profile shows a conFiguration of the concave-convex type, the third is also a concave-convex profile, but with different implementation of the second, and finally, the fourth airfoil profile has a plano-convex. Thus, three different categories are covered in profile, showing the main points of relevance to their employment. To perform the experiment used a wind tunnel-type open circuit, where we analyzed the pressure distribution across the surface of each profile. Possession of the drag polar of each wing profile can be, from the theoretical basis of this work, the aerodynamic characteristics relate to the expected performance of the experimental aircraft, thus creating a selection model with guaranteed performance aerodynamics. It is believed that the philosophy used in this dissertation research validates the results, resulting in an experimental alternative for reliable implementation of aerodynamic testing in models of planforms


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We present two models of blocks made of composite material obtained from the use of cement, plaster, EPS crushed, shredded tire, mud, sand and water, for the construction of popular housing. Were made metal molds for the manufacture of blocks to be used in the construction of a residence for low-income families. Performed tests of compressive strength of the composite for various formulations that met the specific standard for blocks used in construction. To study the thermal conductivity of the composite for further study of thermal comfort generated in a residence built with the proposed composite. We also determined the mass-specific and water absorption for each formulation studied. Using a home already built with another composite material, made up the closing of a window with the building blocks and found the thermal insulation, measuring external and internal temperatures of the blocks. The blocks had made good thermal insulation of the environment, resulting in differences of up to 12.6°C between the outer and inner faces. It will be shown the feasibility of using composite for the end proposed and chosen the most appropriate wording


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Space Science was built using a composite made of plaster, EPS, shredded tires, cement and water. Studies were conducted to thermal and mechanical resistance. Inside the mold EPS plates were placed in order to obtain a higher thermal resistance on the wall constructed, as well as to give it an end environmentally friendly in view of both the tire and the EPS occupy a large space in landfills and year need to be degraded when released into the environment. Compression tests were performed according to ABNT blocks to seal, measurements of the temperature variation in the external and internal walls using a laser thermometer and check the temperature of the indoor environment using a thermocouple attached to a digital thermometer. The experiments demonstrated the heat provided by the composite values from the temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces on the walls, reaching levels of 12.4 ° C and room temperature in the interior space of the Science of 33.3 ° C, remaining within the zone thermal comfort for hot climate countries. It was also demonstrated the proper mechanical strength of such a composite for sealing walls. The proposed use of the composite can contribute to reducing the extreme housing shortage in our country, producing popular homes at low cost and with little time to work


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To take care of to the demand of the new constructions in the low income communities and to develop the production of a strengthened alternative brick with staple fibers of coconut, capable to contribute mainly with the recycling of the green and mature coconut in the urban and agricultural lexes, this research was developed, to confection bricks of soil-cement with coconut fiber. Ecologically correct material and of low cost, since the greenhouse use of or oven for burning will be manufactured without. The study it presents a set of tables and graphs that prove good indices found in the values of the density, water absorption, axial compressive strength and isolation term acoustics, with evidential results that make possible the production in industrial character with press mechanics or the place of the workmanship with manual form. The preparation of coconut staple fibers was made of natural form without use of chemical products not to deprive of characteristics the properties mechanical physicist-chemistries and of the same ones. The sixty bricks produced in simple and manual press had been carried through in four lots of fifteen units. The mixture of aggregates was made in four different traces composites for: ground erinaceous, cement, fiber of dry coconut and water; the bricks had been compact in the press and cured in natural way under an area covered during the minimum time of seven days


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It presents a direct exposure to solar dryer for drying of food, built from a scrap of luminaire. The dryer works under direct exposure to natural circulation. Will be presented their methods of construction and assembly of that dryer that allows the reuse of materials, constituting a environmentally correct recycling dryer main features proposed are its low cost and simple manufacturing processes and assembly. Test results will be presented for the drying of foods that prove the feasibility and cost of thermal solar drying alternative system proposed. It is worth emphasizing the social importance that such application is for the most excluded since the value-added fruits, vegetables, legumes and other foods in relation to fresh may represent an option of income generation. It will also study the transformation of some of dry food meal and demonstrated that the drying times for the foods tested are competitive and sometimes pointed in the solar literature


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With a view to revitalizing public environments through criteria that include economy, tourism, aesthetics and respect for the environment, this paper proposes a model of kiosk manufactured with composite material blocks, to be employed as a public instrument. . The model consists of a structure composed of planned blocks and manufactured in cement-based composite, gypsum, ground and water, having the styrofoam inside filled with pet bottles of 500 ml dose. The social and environmental issue is the critical point of the work when it can, through the reuse of environmentally harmful materials such as polyethylene terephthalate PET, using such modules for the construction of various areas of Commerce, promoting the protection of the environment combined with the improvement of the quality of life of the population. The tourism factor, which is significant in the economy of the North, is also considered as the modulated kiosk has a visual aspect innovative and differentiated. The environmental issue is addressed by encouraging the reuse of PET material and EPS (polystyrene)


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Composite materials can be defined as materials formed from two or more constituents with different compositions, structures and properties, which are separated by an interface. The main objective in producing composites is to combine different materials to produce a single device with superior properties to the component unit. The present study used a composite consisting of plaster, cement, EPS, tire, PET and water to build prototype solar attempt to reduce the manufacturing cost of such equipment. It was built two box type solar cookers, a cooler to be cooled by solar energy, a solar dryer and a solar cooker concentration. For these prototypes were discussed the processes of construction and assembly, determination of thermal and mechanical properties, and raising the performance of such solar systems. Were also determined the proportions of the constituents of the composite materials according to specific performance of each prototype designed. This compound proved to be feasible for the manufacture of such equipment, low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly processes


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It presents a new type of insulation for ductwork hot water, which can be used in solar systems for heating water, which consists of a composite of different compositions based on plaster, cement and EPS ground, palm and water. This composite has as its main features easy assembly and manufacturing processes and low cost. Comparative results will be presented on the tests of materials and thermal tubes proposed. Four formulations were used to manufacture tubes with three diameters 70, 65 and 42mm. It was also tested conventionally used for elastomeric foam insulation to 110 ° C, for a comparative analysis with the composite pipe insulator proposed. It will demonstrate that the cost of manufacturing of such tubes is competitive with alternative elastomeric foam tested, but results of the composite tube to the temperature range studied, are lower. Another drawback of the composite insulator tube is its large mass. It would be important to test such a composite for greater levels of temperature to a diagnostic technique competitive with conventionally used insulators. A positive factor of using the proposed composite-tube would be the recycling of EPS so damaging to the environment, representing an environmentally friendly application of science


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Due to the increasing need to promote the use of resources that support the environment and the clean industry, the science has developed in the area of natural resource use as well as enhanced use of the renewable energy sources. Considering also the great need for clean water and wide availability of salt or brackish water, added to the great solar energy potential in northeastern of the Brazil, it was developed a solar distiller whose main difference is its system of pre-solar heating also. From experimental adjustments, the system was developed by the use of a cylindrical solar concentrator coupled to a conventional distiller. The system is designed such that attempt to facilitate the process termination trap to ensure constant movement of the fluid mass and thus enable higher temperatures to the system and thus fetch a higher amount of distillate collected. In a stage of the experiment were used a forced circulation to try to further increase the amount of energy exchange system. To develop the study were set up four settings for comparison in which one was only distiller simple as basic parameter, the second proposed configuration were with the coupling of the concentration triggered manually every 30 minutes to monitor the sun, the third configuration occurred with automatic triggering of a timer, and the fourth configuration was also used a pumping system that tried to improve the circulation of the fluid. With the comparative analysis of the results showed a gain in the amount of distillate system, especially in the forced model


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The lubricants found in the market are of mineral or synthetic origin and harm to humans and the environment, mainly due to their improper discard. Therefore industries are seeking to develop products that cause less environmental impact, so to decrease mainly, operator aggression the Cutting Fluids became an emulsion of oil / water or water / oil. However, the emulsion was not considered the most suitable solution for environmental question, therefore the search for biodegradable lubricants and which no are toxic continues and so vegetable oils are seen, again, as a basis for the production of lubricants. The biggest problem with these oils is their oxidative instability that is intensified when working at high temperatures. The process transesterification decreases the oxidation, however changes some physical and chemical properties. Therefore soybean oil after the transesterification process was subjected to tests of density, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity which is calculated from two parameters mentioned, flash point and acidity. Besides the physico-chemical test the soybean oil was subjected to a dynamic test in a tribometer adapted from a table vise, whose induced wear was the adhesive and ultimately was used as cutting fluid in a process of turning in two different materials, steel 1045 and cast iron. This latter test presented results below the mineral cutting fluid which it was compared in all tests, already in other experiments the result was satisfactory and other experiments not, so that chemical additives can be added to the oil analyzed to try equate all parameters and so formulate a biolubrificante not toxic to apply in machining processes of metalworking industry


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The proposed design provides a solar furnace alternative, box-like, low-cost operation to be used in cooking, comprising three scrap tires to make the recycling thereof. The tires were coupled to each other, forming an enclosure, which stood on its bottom covered by a parable multiple mirrors made from a urupema (sieve indigenous) and the inner sides of the oven aluminum sheet painted black, obtained from beer cans, thus being made to obtain the increase in the concentration of solar radiation incident on the inside of the prototype studied. Two tires were attached, leaving an air layer between them, with the function of thermal insulation. The third tire aimed to support the other two and thermally insulate the bottom of the oven. Externally was placed a metal frame with flat mirrors to reflect the incident rays into the oven, having a mobility to correct the apparent motion of the sun. Its primary feature is the viability of clean, renewable energy to society by tackling the ecological damage caused by the large-scale use of wood for cooking food. The tests show that the furnace reached the maximum temperature of 123.8 °C and baking various foods such as pizza, bun, and other lasagne in an average time 50 minutes. Proves the feasibility of using the oven. Presenting still able to improve their performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques