126 resultados para deslocamento químco
Amongst the results of the AutPoc Project - Automation of Wells, established between UFRN and Petrobras with the support of the CNPq, FINEP, CTPETRO, FUNPEC, was developed a simulator for equipped wells of oil with the method of rise for continuous gas-lift. The gas-lift is a method of rise sufficiently used in production offshore (sea production), and its basic concept is to inject gas in the deep one of the producing well of oil transform it less dense in order to facilitate its displacement since the reservoir until the surface. Based in the use of tables and equations that condense the biggest number of information on characteristics of the reservoir, the well and the valves of gas injection, it is allowed, through successive interpolations, to simulate representative curves of the physical behavior of the existing characteristic variable. With a simulator that approaches a computer of real the physical conditions of an oil well is possible to analyze peculiar behaviors with very bigger speeds, since the constants of time of the system in question well are raised e, moreover, to optimize costs with assays in field. The simulator presents great versatility, with prominance the analysis of the influence of parameters, as the static pressure, relation gas-liquid, pressure in the head of the well, BSW (Relation Basic Sediments and Water) in curves of request in deep of the well and the attainment of the curve of performance of the well where it can be simulated rules of control and otimization. In moving the rules of control, the simulator allows the use in two ways of simulation: the application of the control saw software simulated enclosed in the proper simulator, as well as the use of external controllers. This implies that the simulator can be used as tool of validation of control algorithms. Through the potentialities above cited, of course one another powerful application for the simulator appears: the didactic use of the tool. It will be possible to use it in formation courses and recycling of engineers
No espaço tridimensional, um corpo rígido qualquer pode efetuar translações e ou rotações em relação a cada um de seus eixos. Identificar com precisão o deslocamento realizado por um corpo é fundamental para alguns tipos de sistemas em engenharia. Em sistemas de navegação inercial tradicionais, utilizam-se acelerômetros para reconhecer a aceleração linear e giroscópios para reconhecer a velocidade angular registrada durante o deslocamento. O giroscópio, entretanto, é um dispositivo de custo mais elevado e com alto consumo de energia quando comparado a um acelerômetro. Essa desvantagem deu origem a pesquisas a respeito de sistemas e unidades de medidas inerciais que não utilizam giroscópios. A ideia de utilizar apenas acelerômetros para calcular o movimento linear e angular surgiu no início da década de 60 e vem se desenvolvendo através de modelos que variam no número de sensores, na maneira como estes são organizados e no modelo matemático que é utilizado para derivar o movimento do corpo. Esse trabalho propõe um esquema de configuração para construção de uma unidade de medida inercial que utiliza três acelerômetros triaxiais. Para identificar o deslocamento de um corpo rígido a partir deste esquema, foi utilizado um modelo matemático que utiliza apenas os nove sinais de aceleração extraídos dos três sensores. A proposta sugere que os sensores sejam montados e distribuídos em formato de L . Essa disposição permite a utilização de um único plano do sistema de coordenadas, facilitando assim a instalação e configuração destes dispositivos e possibilitando a implantação dos sensores em uma única placa de circuito integrado. Os resultados encontrados a partir das simulações iniciais demonstram a viabilidade da utilização do esquema de configuração proposto
Present work proposed to map and features the wear mechanisms of structural polymers of engineering derived of the sliding contact with a metallic cylindrical spindle submitted to eccentricity due to fluctuations in it is mass and geometric centers. For this it was projected and makes an experimental apparatus from balancing machine where the cylindrical counterbody was supported in two bearings and the polymeric coupon was situated in a holder with freedom of displacement along counterbody. Thus, the experimental tests were standardized using two position of the two bearings (Fixed or Free) and seven different positions along the counterbody, that permit print different conditions to the stiffness from system. Others parameters as applied normal load, sliding velocity and distance were fixed. In this investigation it was used as coupon two structural polymers of wide quotidian use, PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene) and PEEK (poly-ether-ether-ketone) and the AISI 4140 alloy steel as counterbody. Polymeric materials were characterized by thermal analysis (thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic-mechanical), hardness and rays-X diffractometry. While the metallic material was submitted at hardness, mechanical resistance tests and metallographic analysis. During the tribological tests were recorded the heating response with thermometers, yonder overall velocity vibration (VGV) and the acceleration using accelerometers. After tests the wear surface of the coupons were analyzed using a Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) to morphological analysis and spectroscopy EDS to microanalysis. Moreover the roughness of the counterbody was characterized before and after the tribological tests. It was observed that the tribological response of the polymers were different in function of their distinct molecular structure. It were identified the predominant wear mechanisms in each polymer. The VGV of the PTFE was smaller than PEEK, in the condition of minimum stiffness, in function of the higher loss coefficient of that polymer. Wear rate of the PTFE was more of a magnitude order higher than PEEK. With the results was possible developed a correlation between the wear rate and parameter (E/ρ)1/2 (Young modulus, E, density, ρ), proportional at longitudinal elastic wave velocity in the material.
It is analyzed through the concepts of tribology and mechanical contact and damage the suggestion of implementing a backup system for traction and passage of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (Pig) from the inside of pipelines. In order to verify the integrity of the pipelines, it is suggested the possibility of displacement of such equipment by pulling wires with steel wires. The physical and mechanical characteristics of this method were verified by accelerated tests in the laboratory in a tribological pair, wire versus a curve 90. It also considered the main mechanisms of wear of a sliding system with and without lubricant, in the absence and presence of contaminants. To try this, It was constructed a test bench able to reproduce a slip system, work on mode back-and-forth ("reciprocation"). It was used two kinds of wires, a galvanized steel and other stainless steel and the results achieved using the two kinds of steel cables were compared. For result comparative means, it was used steel cables with and without coating of Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). The wires and the curves of the products were characterized using metallographic analysis, microhardness Vickers tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Refraction (XRF) and tensile tests. After the experiments were analyzed some parameters that have been measurable, it demonstrates to the impracticality of this proposed method, since the friction force and the concept of alternating request at the contact between the strands of wire and the inner curves that are part ducts caused severe wear. These types of wear are likely to cause possible failures in future products and cause fluid leaks
The great importance in selecting the profile of an aircraft wing concerns the fact that its relevance in the performance thereof; influencing this displacement costs (fuel consumption, flight level, for example), the conditions of flight safety (response in critical condition) of the plane. The aim of this study was to examine the aerodynamic parameters that affect some types of wing profile, based on wind tunnel testing, to determine the aerodynamic efficiency of each one of them. We compared three types of planforms, chosen from considerations about the characteristics of the aircraft model. One of them has a common setup, and very common in laboratory classes to be a sort of standard aerodynamic, it is a symmetrical profile. The second profile shows a conFiguration of the concave-convex type, the third is also a concave-convex profile, but with different implementation of the second, and finally, the fourth airfoil profile has a plano-convex. Thus, three different categories are covered in profile, showing the main points of relevance to their employment. To perform the experiment used a wind tunnel-type open circuit, where we analyzed the pressure distribution across the surface of each profile. Possession of the drag polar of each wing profile can be, from the theoretical basis of this work, the aerodynamic characteristics relate to the expected performance of the experimental aircraft, thus creating a selection model with guaranteed performance aerodynamics. It is believed that the philosophy used in this dissertation research validates the results, resulting in an experimental alternative for reliable implementation of aerodynamic testing in models of planforms
This work presents an optimization technique based on structural topology optimization methods, TOM, designed to solve problems of thermoelasticity 3D. The presented approach is based on the adjoint method of sensitivity analysis unified design and is intended to loosely coupled thermomechanical problems. The technique makes use of analytical expressions of sensitivities, enabling a reduction in the computational cost through the use of a coupled field adjoint equation, defined in terms the of temperature and displacement fields. The TOM used is based on the material aproach. Thus, to make the domain is composed of a continuous distribution of material, enabling the use of classical models in nonlinear programming optimization problem, the microstructure is considered as a porous medium and its constitutive equation is a function only of the homogenized relative density of the material. In this approach, the actual properties of materials with intermediate densities are penalized based on an artificial microstructure model based on the SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalty). To circumvent problems chessboard and reduce dependence on layout in relation to the final optimal initial mesh, caused by problems of numerical instability, restrictions on components of the gradient of relative densities were applied. The optimization problem is solved by applying the augmented Lagrangian method, the solution being obtained by applying the finite element method of Galerkin, the process of approximation using the finite element Tetra4. This element has the ability to interpolate both the relative density and the displacement components and temperature. As for the definition of the problem, the heat load is assumed in steady state, i.e., the effects of conduction and convection of heat does not vary with time. The mechanical load is assumed static and distributed
The topology optimization problem characterize and determine the optimum distribution of material into the domain. In other words, after the definition of the boundary conditions in a pre-established domain, the problem is how to distribute the material to solve the minimization problem. The objective of this work is to propose a competitive formulation for optimum structural topologies determination in 3D problems and able to provide high-resolution layouts. The procedure combines the Galerkin Finite Elements Method with the optimization method, looking for the best material distribution along the fixed domain of project. The layout topology optimization method is based on the material approach, proposed by Bendsoe & Kikuchi (1988), and considers a homogenized constitutive equation that depends only on the relative density of the material. The finite element used for the approach is a four nodes tetrahedron with a selective integration scheme, which interpolate not only the components of the displacement field but also the relative density field. The proposed procedure consists in the solution of a sequence of layout optimization problems applied to compliance minimization problems and mass minimization problems under local stress constraint. The microstructure used in this procedure was the SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalty). The approach reduces considerably the computational cost, showing to be efficient and robust. The results provided a well defined structural layout, with a sharpness distribution of the material and a boundary condition definition. The layout quality was proporcional to the medium size of the element and a considerable reduction of the project variables was observed due to the tetrahedrycal element
Electro-hydraulic servo-systems are widely employed in industrial applications such as robotic manipulators, active suspensions, precision machine tools and aerospace systems. They provide many advantages over electric motors, including high force to weight ratio, fast response time and compact size. However, precise control of electro-hydraulic systems, due to their inherent nonlinear characteristics, cannot be easily obtained with conventional linear controllers. Most flow control valves can also exhibit some hard nonlinearities such as deadzone due to valve spool overlap on the passage´s orifice of the fluid. This work describes the development of a nonlinear controller based on the feedback linearization method and including a fuzzy compensation scheme for an electro-hydraulic actuated system with unknown dead-band. Numerical results are presented in order to demonstrate the control system performance
Petroleum is a complex combination of various classes of hydrocarbons, with paraffinic, naphtenic and aromatic compounds being those more commonly found in its composition. The recent changes in the world scenario, the large reserves of heavy oils and also the lack of new discoveries of large petroleum fields are indications that, in the near future, the oil recovery by conventional methods will be limited. In order to increase the efficiency of the extraction process, enhanced recovery methods are cited in applications where conventional techniques have proven to be little effective. The injection of surfactant solutions as an enhanced recovery method is advantageous in that surfactants are able to reduce the interfacial tensions between water and oil, thus augmenting the displacement efficiency and, as a consequence, increasing the recovery factor. This work aims to investigate the effects of some parameters that influence the surfactant behavior in solution, namely the type of surfactant, the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the surface and interface tensions between fluids. Seawater solutions containing the surfactants PAN, PHN and PJN have been prepared for presenting lower interfacial tensions with petroleum and higher stability under increasing temperature and salinity. They were examined in an experimental apparatus designed to assess the recovery factor. Botucatu (Brazil) sandstone plug samples were submitted to assay steps comprising saturation with seawater and petroleum, conventional recovery with seawater and enhanced recovery with surfactant solutions. The plugs had porosity between 29.6 and 32.0%, with average effective permeability to water of 83 mD. The PJN surfactant, at a concentration 1000% above CMC in water, had a higher recovery factor, causing the original oil in place to be recovered by an extra 20.97%, after conventional recovery with seawater
A exploração de petróleo está a cada dia em circunstâncias mais adversas, no que diz respeito à profundidade dos poços como também, em relação à fluidez do óleo. Os reservatórios de descobertas recentes não possuem energia própria para produzir ou os métodos convencionais não são eficientes para fazer com que esses reservatórios tenham uma vida útil elevada, devido a alterações das propriedades físico-químicas, como por exemplo a viscosidade, que torna o deslocamento do óleo pelos poros do reservatório até a superfície cada vez mais complexo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a preparação, caracterização e a utilização de nanoemulsões obtidas a partir de sistemas microemulsionados, com e sem a presença de polímero. Esses sistemas foram aplicados como método químico de recuperação de petróleo, com o intuito de obter maior eficiência de volume de óleo deslocado. O interesse por esse tipo de sistema existe devido a sua baixa tensão superficial, o pequeno tamanho de gotícula e, principalmente, pelo baixo percentual de matéria ativa presente em sua composição. Os ensaios realizados para caracterizar esses sistemas foram: aspecto físico, medidas de tamanho de gotícula, índice de polidispersão, tensão superficial, pH e condutividade. Ensaios de reologia e de adsorção dos sistemas foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar sua influencia na recuperação de petróleo. Os ensaios de recuperação foram realizados em um equipamento que simula as condições de um reservatório de petróleo, utilizando plugs de rocha arenito Botucatu. Esses plugs foram saturados com salmoura (KCl 2%) e com petróleo proveniente da Bacia Potiguar do campo de Ubarana. Após essas etapas foi realizada a recuperação convencional utilizando a salmoura e, por último, foi injetada, a nanoemulsão, como método de recuperação avançada. Os sistemas obtidos variaram de 0% à 0,4% de polímero. Os ensaios de tamanhos de partícula obtiveram como resultado uma variação de 9,22 a 14,8 nm, caracterizando que as nanoemulsões estão dentro da faixa de tamanho inerente a esse tipo de sistema. Para ensaios de tensão superficial os valores foram na faixa de 33,6 a 39,7 dynas/cm, valores semelhantes à microemulsões e bem abaixo da tensão superficial da água. Os resultados obtidos para os valores de pH e condutividade se mantiveram estáveis ao longo do tempo de armazenamento, essa avaliação indica estabilidade das nanoemulsões estudadas. O teste de recuperação avançada utilizando nanoemulsão com baixo percentual de matéria ativa obteve como resultado de eficiência de deslocamento 39,4%. Porém esse valor foi crescente, de acordo com o aumento do percentual de polímero na nanomeulsão. Os resultados de eficiência de deslocamento de petróleo estão diretamente relacionados com o aumento da viscosidade das nanoemulsões. A nanoemulsão V (0,4% polímero) é o sistema mais viscoso dentre os analisados, e obteve o maior percentual de óleo deslocado (76,7%), resultando na maior eficiência de deslocamento total (90%). Esse estudo mostrou o potencial de sistemas nanoemulsionados, com e sem polímeros, na recuperação avançada de petróleo. Eles apresentam algumas vantagens com relação a outros métodos de recuperação avançada, como: o baixo percentual de matéria ativa, baixo índice de adsorção do polímero, dissolvido em nanoemulsão, na rocha e alta eficiência de recuperação
Petroleum exists in the nature in certain underground formations where it is adsorbed into the rocks pores. For the conventional recovery methods usually only 30% of the oil is extracted and this can be credited, basically, to three aspects: high viscosity of the oil, geology of the formation and high interfacial tensions between the reservoir s fluids. The enhanced recovery methods use the injection of a fluid or fluids mixture in a reservoir to act in points where the conventional process didn't reach the recovery rates. Microemulsion flooding, considered an enhanced method, has the purpose to desorb the oil from the rock formation and to attain an efficient displacement of the oil emulsion. With this in mind, this work was accomplished with two main objectives: the study of the parameters effect that influence a microemulsified system (surfactant and cosurfactant types, C/S rate and salinity) and the evaluation of displacement efficiency with the microemulsions that showed stability in the rich aqueous area. For the analyzed parameters it was chose the microemulsions composition used in the recovery stage: 25% water, 5% kerosene, 46.7% of butanol as cosurfactant and 23.3% of BC or SCO cosurfactant. The core plugs of Assu and Botucatu sandstones were appraised in porosity and permeability tests and then submitted to the steps of saturation with seawater and oil, conventional recovery with water and enhanced recovery with the selected microemulsions. The Botucatu sandstone presented better recovery parameters, and the microemulsion composed with BS surfactant had larger recovery efficiency (26.88%)
The high concentration of residual oil is one of the greatest problems found in petroleum mature fields. In these reservoirs, different enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR) can be used, highlighting the microemulsion injection. The microemulsion has showed to be efficient in petroleum recovery due to its ability to promote an efficient displacement of the petroleum, acting directly in the residual oil. In this way, this research has as objective the study of microemulsion systems obtained using a commercial surfactant (TP), determining microemulsion thermal stabilities and selecting points inside the pseudoternary phases diagram, evaluating its efficiencies and choosing the best system, that has the following composition: TP as surfactant (S), isopropyl alcohol as co-surfactant (C), kerosene as oil phase, water as aqueous phase, C/S ratio = 1, and 5% sodium p-toluenesulfonate as hydrotope; being observed the following parameters for the selection of the best pseudoternary phases diagram: C/S ratio, co-surfactant nature and addition of hydrotope to the system. The efficiency in petroleum recovery was obtained using two sandstone formation systems: Assu and Botucatu. The study of thermal stabilities showed that as the concentration of active matter in the system increased, the thermal stability also increased. The best thermal stability was obtained using point F (79.56 0C). The system that presented the best recovery percentile between the three selected (3) was composed by: 70% C/S, 2% kerosene and 28% water, with 94% of total recovery efficiency and 60% with microemulsion injection, using the Botucatu formation, that in a general way presented greater efficiencies as compared with the Assu one (81.3% of total recovery efficiency and 38.3% with microemulsion injection)
Nowadays, technology has a direct influence on the relationship student and teacher have with language. The internet is a powerful tool in helping work with the language and, through it, the knowledge comes to the student easily and intensely. Furthermore, this facility has enhanced and made visible what has been called, within the University community, "plagiarism generation." This work assumes that this generation has, in their written texts, symbolic movements similar to those of "copy and paste" applied to research work carried out by high school students. Taking this as starting point, this dissertation aims to analyze how high school students of the 1st year from a school in Natal (RN) construct texts, under the movements known as "Ctrl + c" and "Ctrl + v", with reference to the text of the "other". More specific issues are behind the general objective, namely: 1. how the student appropriates the source-text when he copies and pastes? 2. What are the categories of analysis that allow us to look analytically and theoretically for the "ctrl + c / ctrl + v" practice made by the student? 2. how the studies developed in the fields of "Genetic Criticism" (Grésillon, 1987), the "school manuscripts" (Calil, 2004) and "paraphrase" (Fuchs, 1982) may help in working with writing in the classroom standing as a possible way to minimize the copy and paste effects in the students texts? Thus, we observe the categories of analysis that allow us to look, theoretically and analytically, for the symbolic ritual of the "ctrl + c" (copy) and "ctrl + v" (paste) in high school. Our study shows that the student text is a "hybrid body" whose writing is a drawing entanglement because of the presence of the foreign text, verbatim, and the presence of linguistic elements to paraphrase the original text.This textual embodiment has, behind it, certain operations, namely: replacing, moving, adding and deleting statements. Given the specificity of the data and the research objectives, this study aligns with qualitative research methods (SILVERMAN, 2009) and falls within the knowledge field of Applied Linguistics, which is characterized especially by investigating problems, phenomena in which language in a real situation is taken as central (BRUMFIT, 1995).Theoretically, our work follows the approach of studies on the paraphrase (Fuchs, 1982, 1994a, 1994b; DAUNAY, 1997, 1999, 2002a, 2002b), the studies developed in the field of Genetic Criticism (Grésillon, 1987, 1994, 1992, 2008 ) and those developed by Eduardo Calil (2004) on "school manuscripts"
In this dissertation, we analyze the constitution and functioning of the humorous discourse in discursive genre cartoon from the recognition and analysis of the techniques of humor used to get the desired effects of meaning. We used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis henceforth (AD) for the research. Specifically on the techniques of humor, we rely on authors like Possenti (1998) and Propp (1992) to see how these procedures are present in the cartoons and make the discourse of humor. To achieve this goal, ten (10) cartoons were analyzed dealing with episodes relating to the management of the mayor Micarla de Souza in the city of Natal, RN. These cartoons were published in the newspaper Tribuna do Norte during the year 2012. The research falls within the field of study of Applied Linguistics and is qualitative, interpretive nature. In the first part, we did a rescue of the foundations of discourse analysis, discussing the concept of interdiscourse, then we carry on about the notion of gender discourse from the perspective of AD, and the genre itself cartoon as we work with the cartoon as a discourse genre, and finally, we deal with this humor discourse in cartoons. We then developed some analyzes to illustrate the postulate that all text is founded upon certain conditions of enunciation; that the relationship between the cartoons and interdiscourse is a constitutive relationship that brings out certain cartoons/ discourses and not others, and especially what humor techniques are used strategically by the cartoonist, whose discursive decisions cause certain effects of meaning. The results of this paper find that discursive relations are relations of subjects and meanings, that the discourse of cartoon is built from other sayings and discourses, and that certain textual and discursive procedures/techniques, as parody, irony, lowering the other, the ambiguity and displacement are mobilized in the text to generate the possible effect of the comic, thus building the humor discourse of the cartoons analyzed
As a professor in Curso de Licenciatura em Letras, from Campus Avançado Profa Maria Eliza Albuquerque Maia (CAMEAM),do Estado do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), in the town of Pau do Ferros, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, we had the chance to carry out several writing activities , as well as guiding re-writing activities for the texts produced. From this experience, we started looking at the need of reflecting upon the writing process in higher education. Thus, we aim at analyzing, in this research, the methodology used in the moment of carrying out the writing practices activities in higher education, investigating, in particular, the rewriting practices, concerning the operations used for carrying out such activities, as well as the sense effects produced from the alterations which were made in the texts. Our theoretical foundation is grounded on a conception of text as a verbal action , what reveals a socio-interactional view of the language (MARCUSCHI, 2008; SAUTCHUK, 2003). As the production of written texts, our research focus, we assume that, for this activity, we deal with distinct figures (active writer and internal reader), so that we can, apart from writing, reflecting upon our writing and, this way, deciding about operations which are carried out to make the alterations which are necessary to the rewriting of our texts (SAUTCHUK, 2003). Still about the theoretical foundations used in this research, we made use of the theories from the Textual Analysis of Discourse (TAD) which discusses the belief on the evidence on the existence of the texts, which is opposite to the fixist view of textuality which believes that the texts exist by themselves. (ADAM, 2008; [2005]2010). Under this perspective, we have also adopted, the concepts which come from genetics criticism which is concerned about the relation between text and genesis, using as objects documents which bring traits of the text in progress, on the ground that the text is the result of work in progress, and the writing practice, on the other hand, as an activity in a continuous movement (HAY, [1975]2002; DE BIASI, [2000]2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990]2008; [1992]2002; SALLES, 2008a). The methodology in this research is an ethnography-based one, an approach which focuses on the process, as well as is meaning-based. To understand the objectives proposed in our research, we made use of different procedures of collecting data which include an ethnographic study, such as: observation, note-taking, document analysis. The data which were analyzed were collected during the semester of 2008.2, in a first term classroom of Curso de Letras from CAMEAM, when we were able to collect twenty-one written texts and all of them were rewritten based on rewriting activities, what provides a corpus of forty-two texts which will be analyzed based on the linguistics operations identified by Generative Grammar and adopted by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). From these analyses, we were able to confirm that writing is a process, and rewriting has become an extremely important activity for this process. Still due to these data, we observed that substitution was the most used operation by text authors. We believe that this result is justified by the fact that the substitution, according to what proposes the Genetic Criticism, constitutes the source of all erasure, from which one can easily make a change in writing. Regarding the operations of addition and deletion, we found that they were used in quantitative terms, almost equivalently, which can be explained when we see that the two operations require, by the author of the text, different strategies from those used for the replacement, what includes , respectively, adding or removing a segment. Finally, we found out that the shift operation was the least used, since it works with a segment that will not be replaced, added or deleted, but transferred to another place of text, which requires a greater ability of the author to perform this operation and not compromising the meaning of his/her writing. As a result, we hope to contribute to the reflection on the teaching of writing, considering, in a particular way, those with a Bachelor in Arts. Our analysis will contribute to the teaching of Portuguese language, specifically for activities that guide the production of texts in order to explore with students the ability to rewrite their own text