42 resultados para deficiências de zinco e manganês
Introdução: o zinco é um importante micronutriente para numerosos processos bioquímicos em animais e humanos, desempenhando papel de destaque no crescimento e desenvolvimento. Em populações mundiais, a deficiência primária grave de zinco não é comum, embora, a deficiência leve seja bastante prevalente. Considerando que o zinco é essencial para a saúde humana e regula o sistema hipotálamo, hipófise, fígado e osso, buscamos averiguar os seus efeitos no eixo GH-IGF1-IGFBP3 agudamente, mediante administração intravenosa com o elemento zinco, e cronicamente, mediante suplementação oral com o elemento zinco, usando doses fisiológicas de 0.06537 mg Zn/kg (via intravenosa) e 10 mg Zn/dia (via oral). A inclusão de crianças pré-púberes aparentemente saudáveis e eutróficas sem deficiência de zinco é raro na literatura, pois grande parte das publicações foram reportadas em crianças apresentando deficiência de zinco. A metodologia aplicada foi absolutamente inovadora e original, tornando o estudo altamente relevante para a interface entre endocrinologia e nutrição. Objetivo: investigar os efeitos da suplementação oral e administração intravenosa com o elemento zinco sobre a secreção de GH, IGF1, IGFBP3, OCN, ALP, TRAP e PT em crianças aparentemente saudáveis e eutróficas sem deficiência de zinco. Métodos: o estudo foi conduzido durante um período de três meses, e caracterizado por ser randomizado controlado triplo cego. As crianças foram selecionadas por amostragem não probabilística de conveniência, provenientes de escolas públicas municipais, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária compreendida entre 8 e 9 anos de idade, divididas em grupo controle (20 crianças recebendo solução placebo contendo 10% de sorbitol) e grupo experimental (20 crianças suplementadas com o elemento zinco na forma de sulfato de zinco heptahidratado – ZnSO4.7H2O). As crianças foram submetidas à suplementação oral de zinco elementar (10 mg Zn/dia) e à administração intravenosa de zinco (0.06537 mg Zn/kg de peso corporal), na forma de ZnSO4.7H2O, cujas amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas em 0, 60, 120, 180 e 210 minutos. Foram realizadas avaliações antropométricas e dietéticas e dosagens bioquímicas e hormonais nas crianças estudadas. Resultados: após a suplementação oral, foi observado no grupo experimental (i) aumento significativo dos valores de ingestão de energia total, proteína e gordura total (p = 0.0007, p< 0.0001, p< 0.0001, respectivamente), (ii) aumento significativo do zinco sérico basal (p< 0.0001), aumento significativo das concentrações plasmáticas de fostatase alcalina (p = 0.0270), e (iv) correlação positiva com o IGF1, IGFBP3, OCN, comparando antes e após a suplementação (p = 0.0011, p< 0.0001, p< 0.0446, respectivamente). Durante a administração venosa de zinco, as concentrações plasmáticas de IGF1 e IGFBP3 aumentaram significativamente no grupo experimental (p = 0.0468, p < 0.0001, respectivamente). Em relação o cálculo da adequação aparente, segundo as DRI, para o cálcio, houve inadequação da dieta com 85% de confiabilidade dos dados; para o ferro, adequação da dieta, com 85% de confiabilidade dos dados. Para o zinco, adequação da dieta, com 50% de confiabilidade dos dados. Conclusões: a suplementação oral com o elemento zinco pode ter estimulado um aumento na ingestão de energia total, proteína e gordura total, assim como, nas concentrações basais de zinco sérico e nas concentrações plasmáticas de fosfatase alcalina. A administração intravenosa de zinco aumentou as concentrações séricas de zinco e as concentrações plasmáticas de GH, IGF1 e IGFBP3 no grupo experimental.
This work aimed to promote the synthesis, characterization and propose a plausible molecular structure for coordination compounds involving furosemide (4-Chloro-2-(2- furylmethylamino)-5-sulfamoyl-benzoic acid) with the metal ions Ni+2, Zn+2 and Co+2. The compounds were obtained in methanoic medium by evaporation of the solvent after the synthesis procedure. For characterization of coordination compounds determining the levels of metals by EDTA complexometry, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solubility of compounds in various solvents, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis were made (DTA), determination of the carbon , hydrogen and nitrogen (CHN). The results of infrared spectroscopy in the region suggest that the organic ligand is coordinated in a bidentate fashion to the metal ions, the metal center interactions to occur by the coordination of the nitrogen atom of the amino group and the oxygen atom of the carboxylic acid of the structure of furosemide. With the results of the levels of metal, elemental analysis (CHN) and thermal analysis has been possible to propose the structure of the ligand. The values of the molar conductivity of the complex in acetonitrile behavior suggest the non acetonitrile electrolyte solution. With the solubility tests it was found that the compounds have high solubility in methanol and acetonitrile, as are partially insoluble in water. From the results of thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTA), it was possible to obtain the thermal behavior of the compounds as stages of dehydration, thermal stability, decomposition and the energies involved.
This work was performing effluent degradation studies by electrochemical treatment. The electrochemical oxidation (EO) hydroquinone (H2Q) was carried out in acid medium, using PbO2 electrode by galvanostatic electrolysis, applying current densities of 10 and 30 mA/cm2 . The concentration of H2Q was monitored by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The experimental results showed that the galvanostatic electrolysis process performance significantly depends on the applied current density, achieving removal efficiencies of 100% and 80 % and 10 applying 30 mA/cm2 , respectively. Furthermore, the electroanalytical technique was effective in H2Q be used as a detection method. In order to test the efficiency of PbO2 electrode, the electrochemical treatment was conducted in an actual effluent, leachate from a landfill. The liquid waste leachate (600ml effluent) was treated in a batch electrochemical cell, with or without addition of NaCl by applying 7 mA/cm2 . The efficiency of EO was assessed against the removal of thermo-tolerant coliforms, total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus and metals (copper, cobalt, chromium, iron and nickel). These results showed that efficient removal of coliforms was obtained (100%), and was further decrease the concentration of heavy metals by the cathode processes. However, results were not satisfactory TOC, achieving low total removal of dissolved organic load. Because it is considered an effluent complex were developed other tests with this effluent to monitor a larger number of decontamination parameters (Turbidity, Total Solids, Color, Conductivity, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and metals (barium, chromium, lithium, manganese and Zinc), comparing the efficiency of this type of electrochemical treatment (EO or electrocoagulation) using a flow cell. In this assay was compared to electro streaming. In the case of the OE, Ti/IrO2-TaO5 was used as the anode, however, the electrocoagulation process, aluminum electrodes were used; applying current densities of 10, 20 and 30 mA/cm2 in the presence and absence of NaCl as an electrolyte. The results showed that EO using Ti/IrO2–TaO5 was anode as efficient when Cl- was present in the effluent. In contrast, the electrocoagulation flow reduces the dissolved organic matter in the effluent, under certain experimental conditions.
Objective: To determine the zinc status and reference intervals for serum zinc concentration considering dietary, functional, and biochemical indicators in healthy children in the Brazilian Northeast. Methods: The study included 131 healthy children, 72 girls and 59 boys, between 6-9 years old. Anthropometric assessment was made by BMI/age; dietary assessment by prospective 3-day food register, and evaluation of total proteins was performed. Zinc in serum samples were analyzed in triplicate in the same assay flame using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: All subjects were eutrophic according to BMI/age classification. With respect to dietary assessment, only the intake of fiber and calcium were below the recommendations by age and gender. Biochemical parameters were all within the normal reference range. Reference intervals for basal serum zinc concentration 0.70-1.14 μg/mL in boys, 0.73-1.17 μg/mL in girls, and 0.72-1.15 μg/mL in total population. Conclusions: This study presents pediatric reference intervals for serum zinc concentration, which are useful to establish the zinc status in the population or in specific groups.
This work shows that the synthesis by combustion is a prominent alternative to obtain ceramic powders of higher oxides, nanostructured and of high purity, as the ferrites of formulas Co(1-x)Zn(x)Fe2O4 e Ni(1-x)Zn(x)Fe2O4 with x ranging from 0.2 mols, in a range from 0.2 ≤ x ≥ 1.0 mol, that presents magnetic properties in coexistence of ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic states, which can be used in antennas of micro tapes and selective surfaces of low frequency in a range of miniaturized microwaves, without performance loss. The obtainment occurred through the combustion process, followed by appropriate physical processes and ordered to the utilization of the substrate sinterization process, it gave us a ceramic material, of high purity degree in a nanometric scale. The Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) analysis showed that those ferritic materials presents parameters, as materials hysteresis, that have own behavior of magnetic materials of good quality, in which the magnetization states can be suddenly changed with a relatively small variation of the field intensity, having large applications on the electronics field. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the ceramic powders synthesized at 900 °C, characterize its structural and geometrical properties, the crystallite size and the interplanar spacing. Other analysis were developed, as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), electric permittivity and the tangent loss, in high frequencies, through the equipment ZVB - 14 Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz-14 GHz, of ROHDE & SCHWART.
The cobalt-manganese ferrites (Co1¡xMnxFe2O4 and Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4) has a mixed structure of spinel type and it has been regarded as one of candidates for petitive wide variety of applications in devices from ultrasonic generation and detection, sensors, transformers, as well as in medical industry. Ferrites cobalt-manganese nanostructured were produced via mechanical alloying with subsequent heat treatment and were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy and magnetization. Samples of Co1¡xMnxFe2O4 and Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4 were obtained from the precursor powders Fe3O4, Co3O4 and Mn3O4 which were stoichiometrically mixed and ground by 10h and heat treated at 900°C for 2h. The diffraction confirmed the formation of the pure nanocrystalline phases to series Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4 with an average diameter of about 94nm. It was found that the lattice parameter increases with the substitution of Fe3Å by Mn3Å. The x-ray fluorescence revealed that the portions of metals in samples were close to the nominal stoichiometric compositions. The microstructural features observed in micrographs showed that the particles formed show very different morphology and particle size. The magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at low temperature showed that the saturation magnetization and remanence increased as the concentration of manganese, while the coercive field decreased. The anisotropy constant (Ke f ), was estimated from the data adjustments the law of approaching saturation. It was found that the anisotropy decreases substantially with the substitution of Fe by Mn.
The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between people with disabilities and their labor. Senses and meanings related to work were specifically identified; also describing the impediments of concrete activities, as well the strategies developed for overcoming them. This objective is inspired on the social historic cultural theoretical perspective as well as on the activity's theory. The research has been made possible through the interview of 16 workers from a IES, it categorizes as a multi-method sequential and transversal study of qualitative orientation, making use the technics of narrative interviews and photographic creation. The results indicate that work was described as a necessity, a source of pleasure, recognition and socialization; with emphasis on the importance of working in pairs in order to accomplish good quality work. Senses were obtained from each participant, identified by the way that each of them expressed themselves. Impediments were more deeply related to the physical conditions of the work environment than to the person's disabilities. Conclusion points out that the access to work, acts as a social inclusion tool for peoples with disabilities, and showing that, the laws regarding quota reservations fulfill their objective.
Background: Zinc is an essential nutrient that is required for numerous metabolic functions, and zinc deficiency results in growth retardation, cellmediated immune dysfunction, and cognitive impairment. Objective: This study evaluated nutritional assessment methods for zinc supplementation in prepubertal nonzinc- deficient children. Design: We performed a randomised, controlled, triple-blind study. The children were divided into a control group (10% sorbitol, n = 31) and an experimental group (10 mg Zn/day, n = 31) for 3 months. Anthropometric and dietary assessments as well as bioelectrical measurements were performed in all children. Results: Our study showed (1) an increased body mass index for age and an increased phase angle in the experimental group; (2) a positive correlation between nutritional assessment parameters in both groups; (3) increased soft tissue, and mainly fat-free mass, in the body composition of the experimental group, as determined using bioelectrical impedance vector analysis; (4) increased consumption of all nutrients, including zinc, in the experimental group; and (5) an increased serum zinc concentration in both groups (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Given that a reference for body composition analysis does not exist for intervention studies, longitudinal studies are needed to investigate vector migration during zinc supplementation. These results reinforce the importance of employing multiple techniques to assess the nutritional status of populations.
Background: Zinc is an essential nutrient that is required for numerous metabolic functions, and zinc deficiency results in growth retardation, cellmediated immune dysfunction, and cognitive impairment. Objective: This study evaluated nutritional assessment methods for zinc supplementation in prepubertal nonzinc- deficient children. Design: We performed a randomised, controlled, triple-blind study. The children were divided into a control group (10% sorbitol, n = 31) and an experimental group (10 mg Zn/day, n = 31) for 3 months. Anthropometric and dietary assessments as well as bioelectrical measurements were performed in all children. Results: Our study showed (1) an increased body mass index for age and an increased phase angle in the experimental group; (2) a positive correlation between nutritional assessment parameters in both groups; (3) increased soft tissue, and mainly fat-free mass, in the body composition of the experimental group, as determined using bioelectrical impedance vector analysis; (4) increased consumption of all nutrients, including zinc, in the experimental group; and (5) an increased serum zinc concentration in both groups (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Given that a reference for body composition analysis does not exist for intervention studies, longitudinal studies are needed to investigate vector migration during zinc supplementation. These results reinforce the importance of employing multiple techniques to assess the nutritional status of populations.
Preparação de óxidos mistos de níquel e zinco nanoparticulados a partir de combustíveis alternativos
The field of "Materials Chemistry" has been developing in recent years and there has been a great increase of interest in the synthesis and chemical and physical properties of new inorganic solids. New routes of synthesis and synthesis modified has been developed with the aim not only to optimize the processes in laboratory scale, but also on an industrial scale, and make them acceptable by current environmental legislation. The phenomenology of current solid state chemistry properties coupled with the high temperature superconductivity, ferromagnetism, porosity molecular and colors are evidence affected by the synthesis method, which in turn can influence the technological application of these materials. From this understanding, mixed oxides of nickel and zinc nanoparticulate were synthesized by microwave-assisted combustion route using three specific types of organic fuels employing the weight ratios 1:1/2 and 1:1 of cation metallic/fuel, in order to investigate the influence of such proportions to obtain the solids. The new fuels were chosen to replace, for example, urea or glycine that are the fuels most commonly preferred in this kind of synthesis. The powders without heat treatment were studied by Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and then calcined at 900°C. After heat treatment, the samples were characterized by analysis of X Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The modified synthesis route porposed was effective for obtaining powders. Both the alternative fuels chosen as the different weight ratios employed, influenced in the morphology and obtaining oxides
For the chemical method of synthesis of co-precipitation were produced ferrite powders manganese-cobalt equal stoichiometric formula Mn (1-x) Co (x) Fe2O4, for 0 < x < 1, first reagent element using as the hydroxide ammonium and second time using sodium hydroxide. The obtained powders were calcined at 400 ° C, 650 ° C, 900 ° C and 1150 ° C in a conventional oven type furnace with an air atmosphere for a period of 240 minutes. Other samples were calcined at a temperature of 900 ° C in a controlled atmosphere of argon, to evaluate the possible influence of the atmosphere on the final results the structure and morphology. The samples were also calcined in a microwave oven at 400 ° C and 650 ° C for a period of 45 minutes possible to evaluate the performance of this type of heat treatment furnace. It was successfully tested the ability of this group include isomorphic ferrite with the inclusion of nickel cations in order to evaluate the occurrence of disorder in the crystalline structures and their changes in magnetic characteristics.To identify the structural, morphological, chemical composition and proportions, as well as their magnetic characteristics were performed characterization tests of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX), thermogravimetric (TG), vibrating sample magnetometry (MAV) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These tests revealed the occurrence of distortion in the crystal lattice, changes in magnetic response, occurrence of nanosized particles and superparamagnetism
It is located in an area of increasing oil exploration, the region of the Lower Açu is at the mercy of a possible pollution generated by this economic activity, which includes various chemical substances harmful to health, such as metals. This thesis aims to, diagnose the areas of River Piranhas-Açu, a region of the Lower Açu, which are polluted by traces factors and more. In this study, it was determined the concentration of the chemica elements Al, CD, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, V and Zn, through the technique of ICP-OES analysis and the size of sediments and their contents organic matter. Were mapped by GPS, 12 points from collections. The interpretations of the results, together associating that allowed pollution to a possible contamination by oil activity. The results showed tha some regions have low concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, manganese and zinc unable to promote damage to human health. However, there are places where the concentrations of certain metals chromium, iron and zinc are moderately polluted compared to the results with the reference values of literature and others that are highly polluted by iron. However, due to a greater number of wells in production in those locations, those higher concentrations, it can be suggested a possible influence of oi production in some areas with concentrations of chromium and lead are higher than the rest of the points of monitoring. Moreover, it is observed that the highest levels of metals found in sediment of finer texture and more organic matter content