51 resultados para Zona de cisalhamento


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Several mobile robots show non-linear behavior, mainly due friction phenomena between the mechanical parts of the robot or between the robot and the ground. Linear models are efficient in some cases, but it is necessary take the robot non-linearity in consideration when precise displacement and positioning are desired. In this work a parametric model identification procedure for a mobile robot with differential drive that considers the dead-zone in the robot actuators is proposed. The method consists in dividing the system into Hammerstein systems and then uses the key-term separation principle to present the input-output relations which shows the parameters from both linear and non-linear blocks. The parameters are then simultaneously estimated through a recursive least squares algorithm. The results shows that is possible to identify the dead-zone thresholds together with the linear parameters


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Improving the adherence between oilwell metallic casing and cement sheath potentially decrease the number of corrective actions present/y necessary for Northeastern wells submitted to steam injection. In addition to the direct costs involved in the corrective operations, the economic impact of the failure of the primary cementing aIso includes the loss in the production of the well. The adherence between casing and cement is current/y evaluated by a simple shear tests non standardized by the American Petroleum Institute (API). Therefore, the objective of the present is to propose and evaluate a standardized method to assess the adherence of oilwell metallic casing to cement sheath. To that end, a section of a cemented oilwell was simulated and used to test the effect of different parameters on the shear stress of the system. Surface roughness and different cement compositions submitted or not to thermal cycling were evaluated. The results revealed that the test geometry and parameters proposed yielded different values for the shear stress of the system, corresponding to different adherent conditions between metallic casing and cement sheath


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This paper presents a study on coastal hydrodynamics and the spread of an oil spill in waters off Macau and Galinhos, on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. This area has a very marked coastal dynamic owing to the complexity of its geomorphological features, developed in a regime of semidiurnal mesotides involving reefs, spits, estuaries, mangroves, lakes and dunes. The region also plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of the state, given that the production of oil, natural gas, salt and shrimp is concentrated there. The series of oil platforms is interconnected by a pipeline system that carries oil to the local terminal. This pipeline could leak at any moment, causing immense ecological damage. To gauge the risks of an oil leak and resulting contamination of the coastal region, two hydrodynamic scenarios were simulated. The results obtained were used to implement a contaminant transport model with the creation of various oil leak scenarios modeled at different volumes (from small to large) and intensities (sporadic and continuous), at points considered critical for the model (on two platforms and at two pipeline intersections), under different wind (summer and winter) and tidal (high and low at new, full and quarter moon phases) conditions. The use of hydrodynamic circulation computer models as a tool for representing a real project design has been increasingly frequent in recent years, given that they enable the realistic simulation of the hydrodynamic circulation pattern in bodies of water and an analysis of the impacts caused by contaminants released into the water. This study used the computer models contained in SisBAHIA®, in continuous development in the area of Coastal Engineering and Oceanography at COPPE/UFRJ


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The accelerated pressure of use and occupation of Rio Grande do Norte coastline in the last two decades presented the tourism as its main vector, having as a consequence a strong, articulated and growing real estate speculation of this area. In the Natal County there is a Zona Especial de Interesse Turistico II (Special Zone of Tourism Interest II) (ZET-II), consisted of urban beaches with approximately 8.5 km that is an important seashore of the city. The purpose of this research was identification, characterization and assessment of the process of use and occupation of dunes fields emphasizing the role of ZET-II, whereas the specific goals was the analysis of weather, geology and geomorphology, characterization of use and occupation of soil, and elaboration of an environmental diagnosis with identification and description of its mains consequences. The result of this work was the delineation of geologic-geomorphological map of the area with identification of principals units, determining its use and occupation, the measurement of the area already occupied by equipments, besides the description of the environmental impacts on dune fields: devastation, coastline erosion, ocean pollution by sewer and pluvial waters, contamination of groundwater, distribution inadequate of solid residues, landscape degradation, and occupation of seashore through the privatization of public areas. Concluding that the degrading changes occurred in this areas are resulting from the nature of use and urban seashore regulations, which have been diminishing the natural aspect, altering the landscape definitely, compromising the quality of hydro resources and altering its use, privatizing the areas between tides, complicating the population access and obstructing the scenery visualization of dunes and ocean. There is an urgent necessity of improvement of public politics in order to improve the strategies and organization of use and occupation of space urban-coastline


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La enseñanza desarrolló, así como los métodos y las técnicas de enseñar. Aquí el he/she piensa un método instrucción, en que el estudiante está más de un oyente simple: además la parte íntegra, él se llama para intervenir continuamente, mientras tocando una parte ancho, interactivo e involucrando, del contextualização del tema para ser trabajado -inclusivo, asocie día a día al his/her y contextual al programa de la disciplina de Química, hasta la manera como ese tema debe explorarse. La leche, el tema pone en correlación al origen del grupo de los estudiantes seleccionados, fue explorado, dentro de una visión sistémica, bajo el punto de vista de la composición de las propiedades de la industrialización y de la comercialización. Buscando prever los caminos de la construcción y organización del conocimiento de los estudiantes, se usó el modelo de administración mental de Antoine de La Garranderie y la teoría de aprender de Ausubel. El conocimiento de los estudiantes se supervisó antes, durante y al final de las actividades desarrolladas, práctica que permitió verificar la evolución y el nivel de asimilación conceptual de éstos con respecto al tema en el estudio. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos, después de la aplicación de una encuesta que contempla veinte asuntos, todo pertinentes al tema, demostró un nivel del uso sobre el promedio, lo que merecido la pena el método de enseñanza propuesta


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The retinal projections in mammals usually reach, classically, three major functional systems: the primary visual system, the accessory optic system, and the circadian timing system. But the retinal projections also reach areas classically considered non-visual, one of which groups the neurons of the zona incerta (ZI), target this study. The primary visual system includes thalamic lateral geniculate complex is formed by the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, intergeniculate leaflet and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus and other Components. The accessory optic system is composed of the small nuclei: nuclei terminal dorsal, lateral, medial and the interstitial nucleus of the superior posterior fasciculus. These nuclei are involved in visuo-motor activities. The circadian timing system is comprised of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, that act as master circadian pacemaker, entraining pathways and efferents pathways to the efectors, and the intergeniculate leaflet, that seems to act as a modulator of the pacemaker. The retinal projections too reach classically considered non-visual areas, including the zona incerta. This region is localized in the ventral thalamus and has been implicated in various functional properties including nociceptive and somatosensory processing, motor response, sociosexual behaviour, feeding and drinking, in symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases, arousal and attention. It also displays connection with several areas of central nervous system. The aim of this study was characterize the retinal projection in the zona incerta of Callithrix jacchus (sagüi), a primate of the New World through the anterograde axonal transport of the cholera toxin subunit b and analyze the citoarchicteture using Nissl and NeuN, and neurochemical substances such as serotonin, GABA, VIP, VP, GFAP and binding-calcium proteins. The zona incerta showed a different division of the literature in citoarquitetura, both by means of Nissl as neurochemical by NeuN, with a subdivision ventrolateral and dorsomedial. The neurochemical to the other substances corroborate with this subdivision. The GFAP was almost completely negative for the zona incerta, result non evidenced in previous studies yet. The 16 retinal projection in sagüi, unlike other primates and rodents, reached the caudal portion only. This work helps to make further studies are conducted based on this subdivision and the localization of the neurochemical substances associated with possible behaviors that the zona incerta is involved


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To clarify the functional mechanisms of habitat use is necessary to analyze it in conjunction with the conduct performed by animals. The occurrence, distribution and use of space are characteristic of a species resulting from habitat selection that is in search of conditions favorable to its survival. One can relate the physical and biological factors of the environment with the ecological characteristics of the species, since these factors act by regulating the ecological success of organisms, and from there you can get important information about the habitat use and behavior of individuals. This study aimed to characterize the use of habitat and diurnal activity expressed by the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis in an estuarine area of Sergipe state, Brazil, analyzing the influence of tide and time days on the occurrence of animals and behavior s state, and group s size and composition in this cetacean species. From March 2009 to February 2010, focal groups observations of dolphins were made from fixed - point and records snapshots of data taken every 5 min. in the interval from 6 a.m to 6 p.m, in alternating shifts. The results showed that the constant presence of animals in the area of the Sergipe River estuary indicates that this is an important area of occurrence of S. guianensis, which use the region mainly in the morning, at low tide and as a feeding. As in other regions of northeastern Brazil, small groups formed 2-12 individuals were most common, with adults and immatures. The high frequency of immature animals may indicate that this area of the estuary is used as brood area and parental care of pups and young animals, since the immature animals were very associated with adults and monitoring the activities of foraging / feeding may be related to a form of learning or training of such behavior


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The Zona Incerta (ZI) is embryologically derived from the ventral thalamus, in continuity with the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Studies usingneural tracers technics have allowed identify a complex connectional map including the ZI. Futhermore, cytochemical, molecular and functional data have shown abundant variability in the neurochemical contend in the ZI, as well as,the involvement of the ZI in the modulation of nociception, attention, alertness, control and maintenance of posture and control of visceral activity. This work aims to characterize the cytoarchitecture, neurochemical content of the ZI in the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), and a direct retinal-ZI pathway present in this species. The Nissl staining is effective for the delineation and characterization of ZI citoarchitecture. ZIc receives a contralateral retinal projection showing varicosities, suggesting a modulatory character of photic information. The ZI in the rock cavy, as in others rodents and primates, is characterized by a complex neurochemical signature. The ZI neurochemistry presents great diversity, especially in the medial portion of ZIr, where we have found immunoreactivity of all neuroactive substances investigated, and that NOS-IR, GFAP and CR helped the delimitation of middle ZI in ZId and ZIv. Nevertheless, just 5-HT-IR fibers are present in all subdivisions of the ZI. These data demonstrate the great wealth of the neurochemistry of rock cavy s ZI and a direct retinal modulation in the ZI, helping to explain it s broad functional repertory


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The study aims to analyze the perception of managers on intangible assets as strategic and competitive resources in small hotels in Natal/RN, through the theory of the Resource Based View (RBV). This is a qualitative study of exploratory and descriptive, conducted with managers of the means of hosting small the capital of Rio Grande do Norte through semi-structured interviews, which was applied later, the technique content analysis based on the results of the information obtained in the interviews. Thus, research has shown that managers of small hotels visited (A, B, C) are not sufficient and satisfactory knowledge to set as their unique intangible assets of the company and makes use of them, on an occasional basis, without understanding or in essence understand its true value as a resource that can be used strategically for sustainable competitive advantage in the hotel market in Natal/RN. This means that managers do not know how to create new attributes and use them strategically. And they need to expand their partnerships with stakeholders. Given the importance of the subject of the present research, the information achieved by this analysis may contribute to the provision of information to establish a current situation with regard to the attributed to the knowledge and use of resources (intangible assets) importance as a strategic source and competitive for the internal management of the company by managers and thus, enabling a differential and greater economic profit over time in this segment


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The research is developed in areas of horticulture in the city of Natal, in the neighborhoods of Lagoa Azul, Pajuçara and Redinha, along the Doce River, border area with Extremoz city, Rio Grande do Norte State. The region of the fluvial plain of Doce River is located in an Environmental Protection Zone (ZPA-9). This is one of the ZPA which is not under the regulatory marks and there are several environmental problems caused by use and land occupation, featuring an evident disregard of environmental laws and whose protection is hindered by the lack of specific legal mechanisms. This study aims to provide an overview of the use of pesticides in the lower course of the Doce River, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and to assess environmental degradation in the area through chronic toxicity tests using the microcrustaceous Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard 1894 (Cladocera, Crustacea) as test organism. Visits were made to the area in 2009 and 2010. To obtain information a diagnosis of the local situation was accomplished based on personal observation and non-participatory photographic record, with the aim of assessing the environmental characteristics, population diversity and work processes of horticulturists. During the visits four different points of the Doce River were chosen to collect water for ecotoxicological tests and survey of physico-chemical parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, turbidity, conductivity and temperature), which were measured in the field using Multiparameter Probe (TROLL 9500). The adverse effects of pesticide use in the lower course of the Doce River is a major problem for both the environmental and human health, since many of the substances and active principles that enter in the composition of the products are synthesized molecules whose effects can only be evaluated through different studies on their actions and behavior at short, medium or long term


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This dissertation is about new real estate development in the southward expansion area in Natal, Brazil, by use of high-rise condos, so-called club-condominiums. The area includes part of the neighboring municipality, Parnamirim, and focuses on the role played by urban developers in the housing market. The main feature in these condos are common areas filled with leisure equipments, allegedly to grant quality of life, comfort and tranquility to residents. The rapid development of the area takes advantage of large plots of land available as well as of urban infrastructure. Overall preference of middle-class sectors for the South area of Natal (and adjoining part of Parnamirim) is also a factor worth of note. For this reason, this part of the city constitutes one of the preferred areas of urban developers. This dissertation includes a discussion of Henri Lefebvre s production of space, emphasizing its tridimensional features. It draws on David Harvey s works to deal with transformations of the built environment regarding the dynamics of real estate markets; in particular, it considers the idea of creative destruction. Finally, the dissertation discusses the concepts developed by Pedro Abramo regarding the forms of operation by urban entrepreneurs, in particular the concepts of urban convention and spatial innovation. For the empirical work, a number of interviews with key entrepreneurs and civil servants were undertaken. In more general terms, it is worth observing that there is a direct relationship between the location of such developments and the process of spatial fragmentation, seen both as a consequence and a strategy of the way urban developers operate


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The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone


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The Palestina Graben is one of the NE-trending asymmetric grabens of the Araripe Basin. This basin rests on the precambrian terrains of the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province, immediately to the south of the Patos Lineament. It is part of the Interior Basins province of Northeastern Brazil, being related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and the opening of the South Atlantic ocean. The Palestina Graben trends NE-SW and presents an asymmetric geometry, controled by the NW extensional eocretaceous strain. The graben borders display distinct geometries. The SE border is a flexural margin, characterized by the non conformity of the eopaleozoic Mauriti Formation (the oldest unit of the basin) overlying the crystalline basement, but also affected by normal faults with small displacements. On the opposite, the NW border is continuous and rectilinear, being marked by normal faults with major displacements, that control the general tilting of the layers to the NW. In this sense, the Mauriti Formation is overlain by the Brejo Santo, Missão Velha (which also occurs in the Brejo Santo-Mauriti horst, to the NW of the fault border) and Abaiara formations, the latter restricted to the graben. The interpretation of available gravity data and a seismic line indicates that the main fault has a variable dip slip component, defining two deeper portions within the graben, in which the sedimentary column can reach thicknesses of up to 2 km. Regarding to the stratigraphy of Araripe Basin in the study area, the sedimentary package includes three distinct tectonosequences. The Paleozoic Syneclisis Tectonosequence is composed by the Mauriti Formation, deposited by a braided fluvial system. The Jurassic Tectonosequence, whose tectonic setting is still debatable (initial stage of the Neocomian rift, or a pre-rift syneclisis ?), is represented by the Brejo Santo Formation, originated in a distal floodplain related to ephemeral drainages. The Rift Tectonosequence, of neocomian age, includes the Missão Velha Formation, whose lower section is related to a braided to meandering fluvial system, outlining the Rift Initiation Tectonic Systems Tract. The upper section of the Missão Velha Formation is separated from the latter by a major unconformity. This interval was originated by a braided fluvial system, overlain by the Abaiara Formation, a deltaic system fed by a meandering fluvial system. Both sections correspond to the Rift Climax Tectonic Systems Tract. In the area, NE-trending normal to oblique faults are associated with NW transfer faults, while ENE to E-W faults display dominant strike slip kinematics. Both NE and E-W fault sets exhibit clear heritage from the basement structures (in particular, shear zones), which must have been reactivated during the eocretaceous rifting. Faults with EW trends display a dominant sinistral shear sense, commonly found along reactivated segments of the Patos Lineament and satellyte structures. Usually subordinate, dextral directional movements, occur in faults striking NNW to NE. Within this framework bearing to the Palestina Graben, classical models with orthogonal extension or pull-apart style deserve some caution in their application. The Palestina Graben is not limited, in its extremeties, by E-W transcurrent zones (as it should be in the case of the pull-apart geometry), suggesting a model close to the classic style of orthogonal opening. At the same time, others, adjacent depocenters (like the Abaiara-Jenipapeiro semi-graben) display a transtensional style. The control by the basement structures explains such differences


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This work presents a study on the environmental vulnerability of the coastal region of Pititinga, Rio do Fogo/RN. The coastal erosion of Pititinga beach was analyzed and considerated as one more process that produces environmental vulnerability in the area of study, taking into account its human and natural environment and establishing the relation between them, to understand the arrangement that produced its spatial configuration. The natural environment was expressed by thematics maps with geology, geomorphology, vegetation and soil themes, while the human environment was expressed by the use and occupation of the soil map. The coastal erosion was put in an erosion vulnerability map. The methodological procedure to generate the thematics maps, vulnerability maps and of the erosion coastal involved the bibliographic research, field visits with check-list form fill, collect and analysis of sediment sample, photo-interpretation techniques, integration of the information in a database, data store and spatial analysis in a Geographic Information System (GIS) ambient. The natural vulnerability map shows a predominancy of environments with low (29,6%) or medium (42,4%) vulnerability, pointed the frontal and mobile dune as the areas with the highest vulnerability. The environmental vulnerability map, presents a predominancy of environments with low vulnerability (53,8%), with the high vulnerability concentrated on Pititinga community. The coastal erosion vulnerability presented distinct behaviors on three sections among the coastal line according each one characteristics. Where there are frontal and transgressive dunes, vulnerability are, generally, medium or low, respectively, and in the absence of them, as what occurs in Pititinga community, the vulnerability is predominately very high


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Beachrocks são rochas sedimentares formadas pela cimentação de sedimentos praiais por carbonato de cálcio em especial, calcita e/ou aragonita em zona de estirâncio. A ocorrência dessas rochas é bastante comum em diversas partes do globo, sobretudo em regiões com latitudes inferiores a 40º. O Rio Grande do Norte possui grande quantidade de beachrocks, os quais afloram tanto em regiões costeiras quanto em zona costa-afora. Os depósitos de beachrocks de zona costeira do referido estado têm sido estudados por diversos autores, os quais abordaram os mais variados temas desde o início do século XX. Por outro lado, os depósitos de zona costa-afora apesar de terem sido estudados por poucos autores têm ganhado atenção apenas nos últimos anos. Porém, nenhum trabalho até o presente fez algum tipo de estudo comparativo de cunho geológico entre os corpos de beachrocks presentes em ambas as zonas: costeira e costa-afora. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação teve o intuito de correlacionar os corpos de beachrocks que afloram em zona costeira aos que estão atualmente dispostos em zona costa-afora, próximo a isóbata de 25 m, levando em consideração seus aspectos petrográficos, diagenéticos e sedimentológicos. Para isso, foram percorridos cerca de 260 km de litoral, correspondendo ao trecho entre os municípios de Extremoz e Tibau, em busca de afloramentos de beachrocks. Seções colunares foram confeccionadas e amostras coletadas em estações de amostragem representativas da zona costeira, ao passo que da zona costa-afora apenas seções delgadas foram analisadas. Trabalhos disponíveis na literatura sobre o tema e área em pauta também foram utilizados. A partir dos dados levantados, observou-se que os beachrocks são formados por diferentes camadas ao longo de um perfil vertical. Estas camadas são claramente identificadas em afloramento pela diferença existente na composição, textura e estruturas sedimentares peculiares a cada uma delas. Seções delgadas foram confeccionadas e analisadas a partir de amostras coletadas nas diferentes camadas de diversos afloramentos. Um afloramento foi escolhido como afloramento modelo sendo este o de São Bento do Norte por apresentar a maior espessura de rocha aflorante (1,9 m). Este tem sido muito bem estudado tanto no corrente trabalho quanto em trabalhos de outros autores. A este foram comparados todos os outros afloramentos analisados. A partir da análise micropetrográfica, foram identificadas 03 microfácies para os beachrocks do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo elas: Quartzarenítica (< 2,9% de bioclastos), Quartzarenítica Bioclástica (entre 3 e 9,9% de bioclastos) e Bio-quartzarenítica (> 10% de bioclastos). Associando essas microfácies às análises sedimentológicas realizadas foi possível propor que as microfácies Quartzarenítica e Bio-quartzarenítica foram depositadas em zona de estirâncio enquanto que a microfácies Quartzarenítica Bioclástica foi depositada em zona de face litorânea superior. A história diagenética dos beachrocks estudados é marcada por quatro principais processos: compactação mecânica, cimentação, dissolução e geração de porosidade secundária, e oxidação. Dentre esses, o processo de cimentação é o mais importante, sendo caracterizado por precipitação de cimento de calcita rica em Mg sob cinco morfologias, a saber: cutículas criptocristalinas, franjas prismáticas isópacas, calcita espática microcristalina, calcita espática equante e agregados pseudo-peloidais. Todas estas morfologias foram formadas durante o estágio de eodiagênese, nas zonas freática marinha ativa ou freática meteórica ativa, corroborando assim com a idéia de que beachrocks têm sua litificação completa a pequenas profundidades. Associando as análises microfaciológicas às diagenéticas foi possível sugerir que a sucessão vertical de camadas vista em alguns beachrocks costeiros representam registros de variações de mais alta frequência do nível do mar durante o Holoceno. A partir daí, baseando-se em informações obtidas através de curvas de variação do nível do mar relativo no Holoceno para o Rio Grande do Norte, disponíveis na literatura, e na correlação aqui realizada entre os beachrocks costeiro e aqueles de zona costa-afora, foi possível inferir que estes últimos representam uma antiga linha de costa formada a idades relativas superiores a 7.000 anos A.P