39 resultados para Tripla Negação
Éste trabajo se inserta en el ámbito de los cambios en la Enseñanza Fundamental (EF) brasileño que, por la Ley Federal n.º 11.114/2005 anticipa el EF para seis años de edad, y de la Ley n.º 11.274/2006 que amplia el mismo nivel de enseñanza de ocho para nueve años Tales cambios tienen sido respaldados por el argumento de la importancia de se anticipar y promover un mayor acceso a la educación y garantizar una permanencia bien sucedida del alumno en la etapa obligatoria de la Educación Básica. La inclusión de los niños de seis años en el EF puede ser considerada una conquista en el ámbito de las políticas públicas brasileñas destinadas a la educación de niños. Sin embargo, la sencilla simples anticipación/ampliación de matrículas en el EF puede constituirse en más una forma de exclusión, si no fueren garantizadas las condiciones necesarias para se ofrecer una educación de calidad que considere las peculiaridades de una práctica pedagógica de alfabetización con niños más jóvenes. Evidentemente, muchos son los factores que pueden influenciar la calidad de la educación y el tratamiento escolar financiamiento, gestión, organización del espacio escolar pero la acción del profesor, en ése sentido, es un factor primordial entre otros determinantes. Así pensando, definimos como objetivo de éste trabajo investigar saberes docentes requeridos de el profesor para el desarollo de una práctica pedagógica que tiene por meta la apropiación de la lengua escrita, por el niño de seis años recién-ingresa en la Enseñanza Fundamental respetando su condición de ser niño . Para tanto, en el ámbito del enfoque cualitativo de la encusta, realizamos un estudio de caso en dos instituciones públicas: Escola Municipal Professora Emilia Ramos y Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Marise Paiva, ambas ubicadas en la Zona Este en la ciudad de Natal. De la análisis del contenido de los datos, emergió la temática Saberes Docentes para la Alfabetización de Niños de seis años en la Enseñanza Fundamental que, a la vez, cubre dos categorías de saberes, con suyas respectivas subcategorías: Saberes Docentes Transversales a las Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización y Saberes Docentes Específicos a la Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización. Entre tantos aprendizaje proporcionadas por el estudio, comprendemos que, sea en la Educação Infantil, sea en la Enseñanza Fundamental, el trabajo con el niño no debe constituirse en la negación de su infancia. Sin embargo, en se tratando de el EF, el esfuerzo para no desvirtuar la voluntad política de proporcionar al niño oportunidades de alfabetización debe ser redoblado, una vez que ésa etapa de la educación podrá ser la marca de un rico y agradable proceso de alfabetización, como puede ser motivo para que el niño se torne desinteresado y acobardado para aprender a leer y a escribir, si no fueren respetadas las necesidades y especificidades propias de ése momento de su desarollo. El estudio también ratificó nuestra comprensión de que la Alfabetización es un proceso peculiar, no constituyéndose, por lo tanto, en tarea simple para el docente, ni tampoco para el niño, visto que la lengua escrita, por si misma, ya es un objeto de estudio bastante complejo. Comprendemos, sin embargo, que esa complejidad no puede tornarse obstáculo para que, también en la escuela pública, ya a los seis años, se permita al niño un trabajo de calidad que tiene por meta su alfabetización, hasta porque, mientras participantes de una sociedad letrada, antes de ingresar a la escuela, los niños ya construyeran concepciones previas sobre la lectura y la escrita, a las cuales el profesor debe estar muy atento
I thank to my advisor, João Marcos, for the intellectual support and patience that devoted me along graduate years. With his friendship, his ability to see problems of the better point of view and his love in to make Logic, he became a great inspiration for me. I thank to my committee members: Claudia Nalon, Elaine Pimentel and Benjamin Bedregal. These make a rigorous lecture of my work and give me valuable suggestions to make it better. I am grateful to the Post-Graduate Program in Systems and Computation that accepted me as student and provided to me the propitious environment to develop my research. I thank also to the CAPES for a 21 months fellowship. Thanks to my research group, LoLITA (Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications). In this group I have the opportunity to make some friends. Someone of them I knew in my early classes, they are: Sanderson, Haniel and Carol Blasio. Others I knew during the course, among them I’d like to cite: Patrick, Claudio, Flaulles and Ronildo. I thank to Severino Linhares and Maria Linhares who gently hosted me at your home in my first months in Natal. This couple jointly with my colleagues of student flat Fernado, Donátila and Aline are my nuclear family in Natal. I thank my fiancée Luclécia for her precious a ective support and to understand my absence at home during my master. I thank also my parents Manoel and Zenilda, my siblings Alexandre, Paulo and Paula.Without their confidence and encouragement I wouldn’t achieve success in this journey. If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses Carl Yastrzemski
The concept analysis process carefully examines the description and uses of a word or term, enabling the standardization of language, in addition to providing representation to the profession, and facilitate the work of taxonomies. The aim of the study was to analyze the concept of nursing diagnosis ineffective self-health in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Study concept analysis, based on Walker and Avant model and operationalized through integrative literature review. The databases searched were: SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS and COCHRANE, with descriptors: Selfmanagement, Adherence and Hemodialysis. The inclusion criteria were: articles published in the last five years, complete articles are available free in selected databases; articles available in Portuguese, English or Spanish; and articles that address the self-concept of health, the antecedents and the consequent. And Exclusion: editorials, letters to the editor, theses and dissertations. The survey of the articles occurred in the months from January to March 2014. The initial sample of 16785 articles, with 11748 in PUBMED, 4767 in Scopus, 174 in CINAHL, the Cochrane 70 and 26 in LILACS. After applying the criteria, 76 articles were selected, 19 in CINAHL, 18 in PUBMED, 30 in Scopus, and 9 in LILACS. In analyzing the data, given that the concept was sought in the literature was self-health, was held interpretation to ineffective self-health diagnosis through the transposition in the denial of the attributes, antecedents and consequences identified. It is noteworthy that the terms identified in the literature as defining characteristics and related factors of the diagnosis under study were added to the survey, not even the transposition into opposite term is possible. The results show that the concept developed for the inefficient self-health diagnosis was: the patient's inability to control habits and achieve the negotiated with professionals therapeutic targets, resulting in health complications. 33 antecedents relating to social, psychological and therapeutic aspects and 16 consequential, involving physiological, social, psychological and therapeutic aspects were identified. Thus, it is concluded that the ineffective self-health concept is broad and involves individual patient factors and the therapeutic relationship between patient and professionals. It is believed that the study contributed to the improvement of diagnosis in renal clientele, besides being an important base for the growth of the scientific body of nursing, subsidizing the development of own technology area
During over seven decades of institutionalizing the national heritage protection legal instrument it can be noticed the many ways of the instrument application, according to the approaches that were assigned to the spaces with heritage values and the dynamic of the elaborated thoughts within this theme. For the application of the instrument effectively, there is a long process that is carried out. This process begins with the study elaboration that aims to subsidize and justify the motivation of property protection, as well as the proposal of buffer zones and national protection areas delimitations, completing the process with the denial of the request or with the publication of the definitive national protection area at the Official Gazette. Starting with the relation between the existing heritage values identification into the historical centres and the definition of its protection areas that the area management will be done, based as well into the management intervention norms established for the protection area perimeter. From this context, the present essay has as porpoise to discuss the approach used for the identification and selection of a historical centre liable for national protection and the repercussion of this identification into the national protection area the was established, using a case study of the national protection of the historical centre of the city of Natal. Starting from the assumption that there are inconsistences and distortions about the text speech of the written document and the spatial delimitation of this document, motivated by an area that privileges the edifications rather than the urban space. Beginning with the urban history methodology, we are based on the precepts of Rossi (2011), Lamas (2010) and Cullen (2009) for that space reading, along with what Sant’Anna (2004) defines as “city-document” to make a new reading of this “heritage value space” verifying if the proposed protection area reflects what is defined as motivation for the national protection area process during the recognizing process. Therefore, it is concluded that it is essential that the buffer zones and the national protection areas are aligned with the text presented at the national protection area instruction, so the norms and criteria definition management process are established. We highlight that a site management and the identified values protection become very difficult without a specific law that beacon the decisions that should be taken.
The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.
The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.
The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies
This work aims to understand the phenomenon of corruption in the Brazilian public sphere and its implications for society. It has brought concepts of corruption, and has referred to its highest incidence in the public sphere in the three levels of government (despite its infiltration also in the privative sector) and has called attention to two subjects which intertwine public administration (as a means of ordering social life) and corruption (as a form of denial to the collective welfare). Through literature search whose analysis shows that the phenomenon contains the entire country history, from discovery to present day it was found to be common several dictatorial and democratic political regimes. Finally, it has emphasized the importance and necessity of citizen participation in process, as well as the organization of civil society and media, in addition to highlighting the relevance of autonomy and independence of Powers set for its effective confrontation and fighting
The direct use of natural gas makes the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) potentially more competitive with the current energy conversions technologies. The Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) offer several advantages over the High Temperature SOFC (HT-SOFC), which includes better thermal compatibility among components, fast start with lower energy consumption, manufacture and operation cost reduction. The CeO2 based materials are alternatives to the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) to application in SOFC, as they have higher ionic conductivity and less ohmic losses comparing to YSZ, and they can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). Ceria has been doped with a variety of cations, although, the Gd3+ has the ionic radius closest to the ideal one to form solid solution. These electrolytes based in ceria require special electrodes with a higher performance and chemical and termomechanical compatibility. In this work compounds of gadolinia-doped ceria, Ce1-xGdxO2-δ (x = 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3), used as electrolytes, were synthesized by polymeric precursors method, Pechini, as well as the composite material NiO - Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95, used as anode, also attained by oxide mixture method, mixturing the powders of the both phases calcinated already. The materials were characterized by X ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electronic microscopy. The refinement of the diffraction data indicated that all the Ce1-xGdxO2-δ powders were crystallized in a unique cubic phase with fluorite structure, and the composite synthesized by Pechini method produced smaller crystallite size in comparison with the same material attained by oxide mixture method. All the produced powders had nanometric characteristics. The composite produced by Pechini method has microstructural characteristics that can increase the triple phase boundaries (TPB) in the anode, improving the cell efficiency, as well as reducing the mass transport mechanism effect that provokes anode degradation