36 resultados para O turista aprendiz
Business tourism is one of tourist segments with different market characteristics in relation to others segmentations, such as low seasonality, there is no requirement of natural attractions, it serves as destination projection and it generates profitable larger numbers. Due to the context around business travels, the hotel so many times has a fundamental whole among the elements of the production chain in this segmentation. Business tourism in Teresina is the primary segmentation of the capital, since it represents almost 70% of hotel demand; hence this research has as objective to evaluate through the perceptions of business travelers, the level of quality services of hotels of Teresina. The research is exploratory and descriptive, of functionalist character. This study is characterized by qualitative and quantitative research, supported by a basis of methodological pluralism. For primary data collection was performed applying a suitable research instrument of SERVPERF model (Service Performance). The universe of this study were Teresina's accommodations, restricted to only those that fit in hotel category and it was inside metropolitan area of Teresina. The study subjects were business travelers who were hosted in these hotels. For the analysis, it was considered certain factors: descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation matrix analysis of the variables; It was still compiling a graphic of lexicons obtained in the survey about respondent's the notion of quality of vision in the hotel service; Finally, qualitative analysis was based on the theories of marketing, targeting and quality of tourism services applied. The results show that the Teresina hotel service is on a regular average, especially for Reliability and Safety dimensions were highlighted. Whereas, the factor analysis showed the emergence of two factors to explain "Empathy" dimension, one of this is about the organization and the other one is about consumer. And by Lexicometria was possible to observe the importance to the customer of other variables such as: personal aspects, price and location for this tour segmentation.
This study examined the influence of the tourism destination image as well as satisfaction and motivation in the intention of engaging in a positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM) by tourists through Facebook. In addition, it was also specifically expected to assess the sociodemographic profile and frequency of eWOM publications from those who answered the questions; it also assessed the adequacy of the manifested variables for composition of the following dimensions: Quality, Satisfaction, Image, Motivations and Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). And finally, it analyzed a relational model where there are relationships between Quality, Satisfaction, Image and Motivations in the explanation of engagement in the Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). With this aim it was conducted a study, based on a hypothetical-deductive logic, which was descriptive in relation to its goals. The analytical approach was quantitative (a survey). The sampling procedure was non-probabilistic, by the convenience method of sampling specifically, having the choice of the subject been made through the probabilistic systematic method, and using time as a factor of systematization in an attempt of making randomly the selection of the interviewed people. The study sample consisted of 355 tourists. The used instrument to collect information was the structured questionnaire whose answers were collected in the main points of entry, exit and rides of tourists on the Pipa’s Beach/RN. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and multivariate statistics, mainly exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Among the main results, it was possible to confirm that the Motivations, Satisfaction and Image strongly affect the intention of engaging in positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Emphasis is given to the motivations, as they demonstrate bigger impact in explaining the dependent variable; they are followed by the satisfaction and the image. The latter, however, is inversely proportional. Among the motivations, the one with the highest percentage of variance were the social benefits sought by tourists; and presenting the same percentage appears the desire to help other tourists and to vent Positive Emotions. The manifested variables demonstrate to be fully acceptable to be taken as reflexes of their respective factors.
Este trabajo pretende señalar maneras de cambiar el concepto de que los estudiantes de una clase de noveno grado de la escuela primaria en la Escuela de Estado Dr. José Gonçalves de Medeiros, en la ciudad de Acari-RN, tienen de sí mismos, de su entorno cultural y su capacidad de producción poética. Además, las referencias a las desigualdades sociales en Brasil utilizando como eje motivador de leer la poesía de Conceição Evaristo relacionada con la memoria, la lucha y la apreciación de ascendencia africana. Las aportaciones teóricas sobre la situación socio-interaccionismo, la poesía, la poesía en la escuela y la secuencia didáctica colaboran para afirmar que el estudiante de escuela pública en su discurso revela influencia del entorno familiar, social y cultural, sino también el entorno educativo, así como los primeros signos de sentimiento nacional: una mayoría excluida. Su poesía haciendo tiene sus raíces en el entorno socio-cultural y geográfica, lo que denota un principio revuelta, sin embargo, con el reconocimiento de las contribuciones de las clases desfavorecidas para la construcción de nuestro país, el estudiante tiene otras cuestiones, como el mestizo, la identificación África y el orgullo de su origen, la memoria y la cultura. Por lo tanto, se confirmam la relación rizomáticas entre las dos realidades. La elección de la investigación de intervención, en la confluencia con la investigación-acción y la investigación participativa se debe al hecho de que el intercambio de experiencias en la investigación científica es rica y significativa. Con el uso de una secuencia didáctica, cuyo eje sentir la poesía, analizar textos y hacer poesía, el estudiante es llevado a la percepción de las ventanas del universo contenida en este género literario, que es una herramienta comunicativa que ofrece numerosas posibilidades expresión, conocimiento del otro y reconocer mutuamente.
Este trabalho busca compreender o que é a Escola Brasileira de Clarineta a partir da segunda metade do século XX, tomando como referência a experiência e a história de vida de um clarinetista que participou de seu processo de consolidação, a saber, o Professor José Cardoso Botelho. Através da ferramenta da memória social, foi possível se obter dados que coligissem traços característicos desta escola, assim como informações históricas a partir dos quais os aspectos observados parecem ter surgido. A análise demonstrou, ainda, a forte presença do paradigma Mestre-Aprendiz na construção desta escola e como este se relaciona com a pedagogia, formação profissional e concepção ideológica na área das Práticas Interpretativas. A abordagem utilizada confia que a história de vida do personagem investigado envolve-se com a história da própria escola, de sorte que a sua trajetória é permeada por elementos constitutivos da identidade de ambos, o mestre e a escola a que pertence.
The teaching of the lumbar puncture (LP) technique with simulator is not well systematized in the curricula of medical schools. Studies show that training in the simulator provides learning technical skills, acquisition and retention of knowledge, improve self-confidence of the learner and enables the transfer to clinical practice. We intend this study to introduce simulated training in LP in medical course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte evaluating the experience taking into account quantitative aspects (performance on standardized tests) and qualitative (perception of the students regarding the method and the teaching process learning). The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase practical training in PL was introduced in the 3rd year of medical school. Seventy-seven students were trained in small groups, guided by a checklist developed in the model Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (OSATS), at this moment they knew they were not under performance evaluation. They were also asked whether they had prior chances to make an LP in patients. At the end of the first phase the students evaluated training in the following areas: teaching technique, simulator realism, time available per group, number of participants per group and relevance to medical practice. In the second phase, two years later, 18 students trained in first stage performed a new LP on the mannequin simulator, and its performance was evaluated through the same checklist of training in order to verify the technical retention. In addition, they answered a multiple choice test about practical aspects of the LP technique. Each participant received individual feedback on their performance at the end of their participation in the study. In the first phase of the study we found that only 4% of students had performed a lumbar puncture in patients until the 3rd year. The training of LP technique with simulator mannequin was considered relevant and the teaching methods was thoroughly evaluated. In the second phase, all participants were successful in implementing the lumbar puncture on the mannequin simulator, compliance with the most steps in a reasonable time, suggesting that would be able to perform the procedure in a patient.
O objetivo desta tese foi analisar os recursos intangíveis de um destino turístico. Foi feito um estudo de desempenho da cidade de Natal tendo como base a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa para oportunizar a construção de um modelo de medida com vistas à captação de variáveis latentes para os recursos intangíveis existentes no setor do turismo em Natal-RN. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos intangíveis que são evidenciados pelos turistas acerca da cidade. Finalmente, foi feita a investigação de um modelo de estrutura que estabeleceu as relações entre as variáveis latentes dos recursos intangíveis e a percepção de desempenho do turismo na cidade de Natal. Procedeu-se uma revisão de literatura para construção de um modelo inicial acerca dos ativos intangíveis dentro da teoria das capacidades e foram relacionados dez recursos, quais sejam: recursos humanos prestadores de serviços; recursos humanos como gestores; cultura local; conservação do meio ambiente; know-how empresarial; inovação empresarial; tecnologia; marca; preço; e promoção. Estes dez recursos, em conjunto, seriam responsáveis pelo desempenho do destino turístico. Após ser realizada uma análise de equações estruturais, apenas quatro recursos manifestaram relações com o desempenho: marca; cultura; conservação do meio ambiente; e preço. Análisando dos dados, verificou-se que a variável desempenho positivo da cidade na ótica do turista se manifestou fortemente e foi influenciada de forma forte pela cultura local, marca e conservação do meio ambiente em conjunto. O preço foi influenciado pelo desempenho positivo mostrando que o turista sente que o preço pago foi satisfatório diante dos atributos do destino Provavelmente, isso seja um ponto positivo muito forte para o destino turístico de Natal, pois, em termos de recursos intangíveis e de juntos formarem capacidades, eles são inimitáveis, raros e são capazes de se ajustarem às mudanças organizacionais e ambientais, para reconfigurar os ativos e as estruturas de um destino, corroborando, assim, com a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Esses recursos da cidade de Natal, como destino turístico, são únicos e provavelmente têm um peso muito maior para o desempenho da cidade do que problemas existentes na localidade. Logo, esses atributos devem ser estimulados a continuar crescendo e se modificando de acordo com as exigências atuais e futuras de consumo