66 resultados para Globos Virtuais


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The advent of the Internet stimulated the appearance of several services. An example is the communication ones present in the users day-by-day. Services as chat and e-mail reach an increasing number of users. This fact is turning the Net a powerful communication medium. The following work explores the use of communication conventional services into the Net infrastructure. We introduce the concept of communication social protocols applied to a shared virtual environment. We argue that communication tools have to be adapted to the Internet potentialities. To do that, we approach some theories of the Communication area and its applicability in a virtual environment context. We define multi-agent architecture to support the offer of these services, as well as, a software and hardware platform to support the accomplishment of experiments using Mixed Reality. Finally, we present the obtained results, experiments and products


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We revisit the problem of visibility, which is to determine a set of primitives potentially visible in a set of geometry data represented by a data structure, such as a mesh of polygons or triangles, we propose a solution for speeding up the three-dimensional visualization processing in applications. We introduce a lean structure , in the sense of data abstraction and reduction, which can be used for online and interactive applications. The visibility problem is especially important in 3D visualization of scenes represented by large volumes of data, when it is not worthwhile keeping all polygons of the scene in memory. This implies a greater time spent in the rendering, or is even impossible to keep them all in huge volumes of data. In these cases, given a position and a direction of view, the main objective is to determine and load a minimum ammount of primitives (polygons) in the scene, to accelerate the rendering step. For this purpose, our algorithm performs cutting primitives (culling) using a hybrid paradigm based on three known techniques. The scene is divided into a cell grid, for each cell we associate the primitives that belong to them, and finally determined the set of primitives potentially visible. The novelty is the use of triangulation Ja 1 to create the subdivision grid. We chose this structure because of its relevant characteristics of adaptivity and algebrism (ease of calculations). The results show a substantial improvement over traditional methods when applied separately. The method introduced in this work can be used in devices with low or no dedicated processing power CPU, and also can be used to view data via the Internet, such as virtual museums applications


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The objective of the dissertation was the realization of kinematic modeling of a robotic wheelchair using virtual chains, allowing the wheelchair modeling as a set of robotic manipulator arms forming a cooperative parallel kinematic chain. This document presents the development of a robotic wheelchair to transport people with special needs who overcomes obstacles like a street curb and barriers to accessibility in streets and avenues, including the study of assistive technology, parallel architecture, kinematics modeling, construction and assembly of the prototype robot with the completion of a checklist of problems and barriers to accessibility in several pathways, based on rules, ordinances and existing laws. As a result, simulations were performed on the chair in various states of operation to accomplish the task of going up and down stair with different measures, making the proportional control based on kinematics. To verify the simulated results we developed a prototype robotic wheelchair. This project was developed to provide a better quality of life for people with disabilities


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Currently there is still a high demand for quality control in manufacturing processes of mechanical parts. This keeps alive the need for the inspection activity of final products ranging from dimensional analysis to chemical composition of products. Usually this task may be done through various nondestructive and destructive methods that ensure the integrity of the parts. The result generated by these modern inspection tools ends up not being able to geometrically define the real damage and, therefore, cannot be properly displayed on a computing environment screen. Virtual 3D visualization may help identify damage that would hardly be detected by any other methods. One may find some commercial softwares that seek to address the stages of a design and simulation of mechanical parts in order to predict possible damages trying to diminish potential undesirable events. However, the challenge of developing softwares capable of integrating the various design activities, product inspection, results of non-destructive testing as well as the simulation of damage still needs the attention of researchers. This was the motivation to conduct a methodological study for implementation of a versatile CAD/CAE computer kernel capable of helping programmers in developing softwares applied to the activities of design and simulation of mechanics parts under stress. In this research it is presented interesting results obtained from the use of the developed kernel showing that it was successfully applied to case studies of design including parts presenting specific geometries, namely: mechanical prostheses, heat exchangers and piping of oil and gas. Finally, the conclusions regarding the experience of merging CAD and CAE theories to develop the kernel, so as to result in a tool adaptable to various applications of the metalworking industry are presented


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The incorporation of computing in class instigate the use of the Internet and websites as a content support in the teaching/leaning process. This kind of practice had challenged the students to read through eletronic hypertextual means. In that way, we re trying to undestand which strategies of reading and navigation the students of the second and third grade of highschool levels are using when reading electronic hypertexts from the www.ambientebrasil.com.br website. The research took place in the Escola Estadual Jerônimo Rosado in Mossoró RN. Our theoretical base was estructured on the digital Technology (electronic hypertext estructure and it s navigation modes), in applied linguistics (act of reading) and in cognition (interaction of the reader with the text and the use of reading strategies in the virtual computing enviroment). The applied methodology was the case analysis which was developed with the reunion of collected data through qualitative reseach questionaries, direct observations and video recording sessions. The research demonstrates that reader s ability in the act of navigating on virtual sites activates his/her reading strategies. Also shows how the semantic architecture of the hyperlinks can interfere directly over the strategies of reading and navigation in specific websites. Our research also intend to demonstrate that the student use his strategies of linear text reading when are not accustomed to use the reading through websites in a regular basis. The investigation concludes observing that the amount of hypertexts per pages and the inappropriate use of the multimedia elements were harmful to the reading fluency


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This study aims to analyze the communication graphics of layouts of hypermedia interfaces oriented to Distance Education via the Internet. This proposal is justified by widening the offer of courses that modality and the consequent application of items of hypermedia for teaching-learning. The method of analysis involved the search nethnographic, addressed to the cycle student intermediary of the Training Program Continuing Medias in Education, and the evaluation heuristic of the interfaces of Virtual Learning Environment "E-Proinfo" and of the modules of the Cycle. This evaluation we observed the implementation of the attributes of usability and the degree of interactivity of each interface. The results revealed an inefficient implementation of the attributes of usability, which meant a consequent reduction of the levels of interactivity. As proposing the present Design Virtual Learning, a model of hypermedia layout, designed to generate usability for Virtual learning environments and extend the acquisition of literancy for students and tutors. This proposal design not hypermedia aims the demarcation of models pre-conceived, but the proposal of layout in which each element of hypermedia is applied with a view to generate a seaworthiness intuitive, more agile and efficient, in these ambients


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This research deals with textualization issues present in educational forums in distance learning environment. The research aims to analyze textualization regarding communication practices between tutors and distance learning students. Specifically the research aims to verify if the educational forum is considered pertinent for knowledge construction as well as identify subject´s behavior in e-Proinfo environment. The research also aims to understand the dynamics of the teaching and learning techniques related to the forum´s printed material. This is done in order to acknowledge discourse on behalf of subjects through the presented educational assignments. In order to address the issue, the work dealt with the relations present in distance learning forums, the forms in which the assignments are made, the way social actors interact and how this debate happens in the virtual environment. The research emphasized an educational forum used in a higher education institution at Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Thus the research corpus is composed by messages that were posted in the forum in the module called computer material . This module is one of the last in a set of six modules that are part of The Basic Cycle for Media Training promoted by the Center for Distance Learning in a public university at Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. The research deals with a qualitative type approach in the perspectives of Merriam (1988), Cresswell (1994) and Minayo (1996). In order to achieve this analysis, the research dealt with theoretical landmarks related to distance learning present in (Silva, 2008; Brait, 1993; Sperbe and Wilson, 1986; Marquesi and Elias 2008 as well as Xavier, 2005, amongst others. As for aspects related to media and technological perspectives present in the forum, the research dealt with (Baranov, 1989; Neuner, 1981; Kearsley and Moore, 1996). Textualization was dealt according to (Marcuschi, 2008; Costa Val, 2004) and the conceptions and functions regarding tutors was seen according to (Salgado, 2002). In the conclusion and recommendations it was seen that these discussions present relevant contributions to distance learning and go beyond the practical universe present in electronical interaction. In the final considerations it is pointed out that this research is relevant for areas such as applied linguistics and presents guidelines for those involved in continuous education and aim meaningful knowledge that is coherent with distance learning education


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This work discuss about the transformation of public space, based on the recent challenges imposed by communication practices that are renewed and recopying of the sociocultural contexts of everyday life. The study presents theoretical and empirical reports of regional political blogs. In this issue, it looks for understand the political participation in the Internet space, examining the reconfigurations that accompany social relations and new forms of interaction that are merged in the media scene. The ambience of the study limits comments of readers in two political blogs in Rio Grande do Norte, Território Livre, and Thaisa Galvão. The observation concerns about the democratic participation of citizens in matters of collective interest, during the 2010 election. The analysis update the debate on democratic discussion and conversation everyday, trying to grasp changes in social practices in virtual platforms. From this perspective, the work restores some conceptual notions that involve the public places, identifying the changes that appear in the virtual and traditional spheres, with the emergence of new places of conversations, from the Internet usage. Are also compared to similarities and differences between the two elements of the analysis. It is possible, therefore, the communication process of the two discursive spaces with ideas from the public sphere, trying to analyze the duality between public, private, and political participation in these virtual places


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The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic


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Human cooperation is fundamentally affected by reciprocal exchange, but it is also remarkably common on the context of large and symbolically marked in-groups, which promote cooperation through the feeling of belonging to a group. In this thesis, two empirical articles were produced in order to investigate how human cooperation is affected by factors such as reciprocity, in-group behavior, in-group markers and gender. We investigated this subject through the administration of online games consisting of token donations, on which the subjects faced virtual players controlled by the experiment. We found that cooperative behavior is strongly influenced by reciprocity, and it is also affected by the in-group behavior, observed on the context of the social variables place of birth, ethnicity, and religions, once all of them acted as in-group markers. The subjects´ in-group behavior was enhanced when they played with generous in-group opponents, but weakened when their in-group opponents were non-generous. It was also found that cooperation is not affected by gender, but men and women cooperated in different ways under the influence of reciprocity and in-group behavior. Women are much more reciprocal on their cooperative behavior and men are less willing to cooperate with outgroupers, even when they act generously. The overall results contribute to a better understanding of the adaptive value of cooperation, reciprocity and in-group behavior on the solution of important challenges through the human evolutionary history


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O domínio alvo deste trabalho são os sistemas colaborativos distribuídos onde o foco está na troca dê mensagens entre usuários remotamente distribuídos. Nestes sistemas, há a necessidade das mensagens possuírem conteúdo multimídia e poderem ser entregues tanto a um usuário específico quanto a um grupo ou grupos de usuários. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um framework que facilite: a construção desse tipo de sistymas e diminua o tempo gasto com desenvolvimento através da técnica de reuso. Este trabalho apresenta o N2N Framework - Uma plataforma para desenvolvimento de Sistemas Colaborativos Distribuídos. O Framework foi concebido através da análise do comportamento de aplicações com características de multimídias colaborativas, como ambientes virtuais multi-usuários, chats, enquetes, e torcidas virtuais. O Framework foi implementado usando-se a plataforma Java. O N2N Framework facilita o design e implementação de sistemas colaborativos distribuídos, implementando a entrega das mensagens, e direcionando o desenvolvedor de aplicações para a preocupação com implementação de suas mensagens específicas e o processamento que delas decorre


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Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network


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Discutem-se as mudanças constatadas no ensino da Histologia, como a tecnologia tem sido empregada nos contextos de aprendizagem, os aspectos pedagógicos inerentes à utilização de recursos, tais como atlas digitais e microscópios virtuais, e apresenta-se pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem de Histologia, que contou com a participação de alunos e professores em sua construção. Verificou-se que os ambientes virtuais e outros recursos didáticos baseados nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) procuram atender à atual tendência de complementar a educação presencial com ferramentas de educação a distância, que podem ser utilizadas facultativamente no estudo extraclasse continuado. Concluiu-se que, embora as novas tecnologias possam contribuir para o ensino de Histologia, os materiais didáticos baseados em TICs devem se adequar às expectativas docentes e discentes e aos aspectos pedagógicos e ergonômicos, e precisam ser adotados pelos professores não como ferramentas isoladas, mas integrados às estratégias de ensino- -aprendizagem


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A progressiva diminuição de carga horária destinada às disciplinas baseadas em microscopia, os altos custos dos laboratórios e a necessidade de materiais multimídia que integrem a teoria com a prática e incentivem os alunos a estudar têm propiciado o desenvolvimento de atlas interativos e ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, que são, em geral, pouco adotados por professores e alunos. O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de Histologia, baseado na metodologia de design participativo e em princípios da ergopedagogia, no qual alunos e professores conduziram sua construção. Com base na avaliação do protótipo, concluiu-se que, embora os ambientes virtuais devam adequar-se às necessidades de aprendizagem, características dos alunos e ao contexto de uso, é preciso que os professores integrem estes recursos em suas práticas de ensino, para seu uso efetivo


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This study presents the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay and the expression of tactility in humanescente self-training of future teachers of geography. The overall objective was to analyze and interpret as the tactility in the ludopoietic experiences with Sandplay facilitates the sentipensar and boosts the humanescent self-training. The qualitative research approach follows the principles of existential research-action into the etnofenomenologic perspective, that considers studies of the ethnography and the phenomenology with ethnomethodology. In this study we used the sedimentary rock called sandstone and your mineral grains as cognitive operator to stimulate the discussions of the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay. The members of research were students of the Geography degree of IFRN. To achieve the research objectives were organized experiential meetings and virtual meetings. The ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay revealed the impact of tactility to humanescente self-training, indicating the importance of touch for apprehend and experience the world with beauty, joy and tenderness. These experiences showed the ludopoietic system properties, the threads of embodiment and the meaning of the sentipensar of tactility as a phenomenon that drives the humanescent self-training, evidenced by etnofenomenologie. Data were obtained through Sandplay, sensitive listening, experiential diary, photographic and movie records. In the process of data analysis were revealed the of etnofenomenological principles of experientiality indiciality, reflexivity, self-organizability, filiability, archetypality and humanescencialidade. Through the tactility, the Sandplay favors the awareness of the condition of being, takes life stories, providing the construction of knowledge in a meaningful and contextual way