205 resultados para Ensino e pesquisa


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This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively


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This work addresses the study of interdisciplinarity in higher administration education, a topic of great relevance in the present context, due to guidelines issued by Ministry of Education through the National Curriculum Guidelines -NCGs for undergraduate courses in Management. The attention on the subject emerges from the gained experience of a researcher and teacher working as manager of an undergraduate course in Business Administration who set up interdisciplinarity through interdisciplinary projects in a management course pedagogical project at a private university in State of Pará/Brazil. The work rebuilds and reports experiences, and studies the practice of lecturers involved in those interdisciplinary actions. The study aimed to identify changes in pedagogical practices of teachers involved in the searched interdisciplinary experience. To address the questions that directed the work and achieve proposed objectives, from a qualitative approach, a significant bibliographical and documentary work was conducted on the topic. In the survey carried out on secondary sources such as publications of major authors and scientific papers reporting interdisciplinary experiences in higher administration education, it was found that interdisciplinarity for its ambiguous character is still poorly understood by teachers, and reports on its application in administration teaching are incipient. This study also used data collected from primary sources, from dialogues through interviews with educational fellows - teachers and officers of the institution that served as locus of the research, who had the opportunity to experience the studied interdisciplinary experience. Data were processed and analyzed using content analysis technique. Research results showed that teachers of the institution of research have a good understanding of meaning of interdisciplinarity as a link between disciplines; it was also found substantial evidence of changes in teaching practices and actions of such teachers based on their participation in interdisciplinary projects. Although the experience studied can be considered innovative and challenging, much needs to be done in the course management for achievement of interdisciplinary actions in the course, particularly regarding to the removal of institutional, methodological, psychosocial, epistemological obstacles in operationalizing interdisciplinary practices, with emphasis on the need of a process of continuous and specific training aiming at developing skills for interdisciplinary acting, to the extent that these education professionals do not perceive themselves able to act as interdisciplinary lecturers


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Le thème du patrimoine culturel architectural et urbain continue d avoir une place importante dans le milieu technique et scientifique. Le concept s est élargi et aujourd hui comprend différentes procédures de projets d intervention. L importance accordée au thème amène à l inclusion de la matière de techniques rétrospectives et aux contenus qui en sont liés: conservation, restauration, restructuration et reconstruction d édifices et ensembles urbains, dans les parcours des cours d architecture et d urbanisme au Brésil établies par le Ministère de l Education Nationale (MEC) dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, postérieurement incorporés dans les directrices disciplinaires nationales. Nous partons des discussions théoriques et conceptuelles du Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel, ainsi que des principales théories pédagogiques d enseignements et d apprentissage articulées au projet. Dans ce contexte les objectifs principaux de cette thèse consistent à systématiser et à analyser les principales procédures méthodologiques contribuant pour la construction de méthodes d enseignement tournée vers des activités pratiques dans ce domaine. Pour cela, la recherche a été systématisée dans une approche à deux niveaux. En ce qui concerne le premier, basé sur des données secondaires, neuf cours d architecture et urbanisme ont étés identifiés entre institutions publiques d enseignement supérieur dont huit brésiliennes et une française, considérées représentatives en ce qui concerne les pratiques d enseignement de projet et de patrimoine culturel. Trente disciplines dédiées à la matière ont été également reconnues initialement, et postérieurement, cinq disciplines qui possèdent un emploi du temps dédié à la pratique de projet ont aussi été reconnues. Dans le deuxième cas, basée sur des données primaires, ont étés analysées les méthodologies et les stratégies d enseignement de projet basées sur les définitions des matières et des autres éléments des plans de travail avec des observations, des entrevues et des questionnaires en trois ateliers. Par rapport aux résultats nous avons constaté que toutes les écoles possèdent les contenus de la matière, mais peu d entre elles privilégient la relation du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel. Nous avons constaté que les questions des projets dans ce contexte, même s elles sont considérées complexes, ont privilégié le listage et l analyse du site. L atelier qui intègre les fondements des théories de préservation, l histoire de l architecture et urbanisme et techniques anciennes et actuelles, est mis en valeur comme un modèle cohérent avec les propositions d intégration des connaissances théoriques et pratiques du projet appliqué à la discipline. Basé sur ces constatations il est possible de démontrer quatre étapes du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel: 1ª) les fondements généraux qui concernent les bases théoriques sur la préservation, histoire et technique rétrospective, par exemple, l appropriation de lois et normes et la sensibilisation de l élève sur les questions de patrimoine culturel; 2ª) le contacte avec la réalité qui inclut l appropriation du problème à partir de ces acteurs, de ces échelles, de cette lecture de site et l analyse de l objet d étude; 3ª) le développement de la proposition qui inclut programmes (fonctions existantes et propositions), définitions du partit (types d intervention), conception (hypothèse et discussion) et définition de proposition; 4ª) la finalisation du projet qui consiste à développer la proposition avec sa représentation graphique et sa présentation finale. Nous concluons que le projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel demande une attention spéciale et doit être présent dans les cursus considérant les principes généraux nécessaires à la formation de l élève. Le binôme projet / patrimoine signifie avoir dans le cursus universitaire les contenus et questions nécessaires les connaissances, les variables et possibilités existantes dans le projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel de façon à ce que ces connaissances soient incorporées dans l exercice de projet et n apparaissent pas comme un simple contenu théorique sans articulation avec la pratique. Naturellement ces conclusions n épuisent pas la réflexion sur la question. Nous espérons que les analyses faites contribuent à définir des méthodologies d enseignements capables d êtres vérifiées et testées dans la pratique en salle de cours, et puisse collaborer avec les nouvelles recherches surtout celles qui ont pour but des nouvelles théories pédagogiques d enseignement apprentissage du projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel


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O objeto de estudo desta tese é o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadêmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemológica e cognitiva, a partir da produção científica dos Seminários UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de três estados constitutivos: conservação, permanência e transformação. A metodologia de investigação é qualitativa e seus pressupostos são investigad os por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipóteses conduzem: primeiro, à investigação e caracterização de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, à investigação e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptação às mudanças e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar práticas pedagógicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores proporções, ainda se conservam ações e posturas pedagógicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepção arquitetural; não apresentam clareza metodológica na abordagem da problemática arquitetônica; os contextos urbanos são pouco explorados na experimentação; utilizam um sistema de concepção baseado em princípios estéticos canônicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformação da arquitetura contemporânea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relação às novas perspectivas encontradas, a análise da produção científica demonstrou que a prática pedagógica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformações críticas valiosas. Essa constatação foi percebida, por meio, também, de reflexões e de práticas pedagógicas que valorizam a integração de conteúdos; que possuem um discurso crítico e conciliador com relação à necessidade de renovação de práticas, paradigmas, meios e conteúdos; que estão abertas às posturas cooperativas e às estratégias para a constituição de um corpo teórico-prático para o ensino do projeto que não se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importância das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepção projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratégias que atualizam as soluções projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espaço acadêmico como um lugar propício para as experiências projetuais e pedagógicas; que manifestam um esforço em considerar a participação do usuário, assim como em realizar um processo de apreensão de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorização do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educação do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos à inclusão da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referência para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada à racionalidade técnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediação, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratégia que supera qualquer antecipação programática e viabiliza a transformação e a construção do próprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo é necessário para a formação do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prática


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This work supports the formalist education s improvement of the Brazilian architect and urban designer through a better application and systematization of the computer science s teaching potentialities. The research analyzes the discipline introduction in the Brazilian courses: Computer Science Applied to Architecture and Urbanism (InfoAU) in the Architecture and Urbanism Courses of Brazil (CAUs). It goes since the discipline was obligated by the MEC s Regulation nr. 1.770 from 1994 until the CNE/CES Resolution nr. 6 from 2006; it comprehends the discipline implantation, development and current context, in order to get more detailed, the research analyses three federal universities from the Northeast of the country: UFRN, UFPB and UFPE. Once identified the historical educational needs in the CAUs, the study focus on the computer science s increasing potential as an agent of integration, communication, development and knowledge/data management. It points out new social perspectives for a better use of this tool/mechanism, which adequately structuralized and integrated, creates propitious educational and professional performance/recycling conditions and a propeller instrument of research and extension activities. Among this work, it is suggested the aggregation of elements, which are complementary to the InfoAU discipline s reorganization, throughout a computerization s plan for the CAUs, extensive to the professional formation, generating a virtuous cycle in several activities of the academic, administrative and, research and extension s departments. Therefore, the InfoAU in the Brazilian CAUs context was analyzed; the main solutions and problems found were systemized; the possibilities of computer science s uses inside AU ware structuralized, InfoAU discipline s improvement plan was also defined, as well as strategies for the implementation of the computerization s plan for the CAUs, which would guarantee its maintenance in a continuity perspective


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The 1988 Constitution was the legal marc to define changes in Brazilian State with major importance to the layout of public politician. In that moment of redefinitions e openness to new ways the redemocratization, participation and decentralization of public school had as their starter the elementary school. This work focus on the manage of FUNDESCOLA, particularly one of its politics called PDE (Educational Development Plan) wich purpose is guarantee a better quality in teaching and spread out democracy throughout its methodology. It was chosen two public schools: Professor Ulisses de Góis and Antonio Campos. The theoretical and methodological orientation is based on the theory of participative democracy developed by authors such as Putnam and Pateman. They says that a cultural background precedes individual participation in society. The collected data (educational legislation, surveys with all sectors of schools and technicians of Natal educational secretary, and relevant documents of de institutions) showed that PDE. Implementation had opposite runnings in the schools studied. In one, as a consequence of bad preparations of its teachers to absorve its methodology, PDE failed. In another way, PDE achieved its goals, especially helping the structure of action plans of the school and the administrative organization making possible several pedagogic activities planned. The work concludes that the main factor the failure or success of PDE relies on the organizational (both political and pedagogical) structure of each school. This discovery implies three important guidelines when comes to formulation of public politicians: a) Constitution of school; b) the local actors who manages the actions; c) the colletive interest in taking part of decisions


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This paper adopts the assumption that religion continues to be a major highlight in the dimension of the contemporary world - characterized by pluralism, the ideas of tolerance and freedom. But for certain streams of Christianity, the postmodern culture seems to be characterized as a highly damaging to their doctrines and principles, since this religious matrix carries a truth claim that would support all its significance, its definition values and their dissemination effort ( evangelism ). This is not to say that Christianity is the only religion that claims to the truth, which would be a gross mistake. Now, religion has been reputed as a phenomenon doomed to disappear, according to the " ideology " of Modernity, given the idea that scientific development would lead us inevitably to the statement that religion was merely a social institution based in the superstition, in fantasy, the imaginary and therefore had nothing "real " unless its existence as an institution capable of aggregating society (give it cohesion), provide values and meaning to different ontological anxieties and doubts of humankind. In the contemporary scenario - seeded by modernity - as Christian ideas, doctrines and principles are in harmony or conflict with postmodernity? These are our starting questions and issues that we intend to stop and reflect. From the assumption that the religious phenomenon has great force in the present day, this research aims to perform central analysis of how religious education, a Protestant denomination specific, harmonizes or clashes with the ideology or ideas more general and emphatic that we can observe in the western world is presented to us from the diagnoses made by the contemporary authors who debate about postmodernism and postmodernity, notably David Harvey, Jean - François Lyotard, Bauman Zygmunt and Fredric Jameson


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This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system


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With a focus on the need for effectiveness of fundamental rights of persons with disabilities, this dissertation held a scientific research to analyze the degree of implementation of reservation of positions and public jobs to people with disabilities in the Brazilian State, because the 1988 Federal Constitution expressly determined such a reservation in your article 37, VIII. Highlight that this subject is enough evidence, given the large number of open public competition in recent years in Brazil, as well as recent proposals to grant equal rights to blacks (Bill nº 6,738/2013). In addition, the wording the constitutional device comes fomenting heated discussions on the subject, which are flowing on the doors of the judiciary and are spicy because such protection Microsystem vulnerable group has several gaps in the regulation of this policy. However, the research produced, unlike other related theme, does not address the problem of inefficiency in its constitutional theory, that is, abstractly, but also focuses on a specific analysis of this ineffectiveness within Brazilian society, so that research based on a bibliographical analysis, plus a study case law, at the national level, as well as in field research, while case study, focusing on the technique of the analysis of everyday life, because it was believed that the degree of realization of the constitutional norm debated is not yet a satisfactory degree of effectiveness. Soon, the methodological procedures chosen confirmed such a hypothesis and contributed to the study of realization of the fundamental right to work of people with disabilities in Brazil, the light of a Constitutional State, proposing a constitutionally appropriate model the greater effectiveness of the constitutional norm studied


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Ce travail etude le protagonisme juvénile en école de enseignement sécondaire publique, avec emphase a l enseignement nocturne. Considere las médiations que determinent le paradigme du protagonisme juvénile defendu pour théoriciens pos modernes et documents de reforme de enseignement sécondaire brésilien. Montre que les explications sur le protagonisme juvénile font part d une conception de pouvoir juvenile, proposé pour organismes multilatérales avec la volonté de mobiliser les jeunes pauvres pour faire actions du combat a pauvreté dans les nations sur le point de développement, conjoncture auquel sont proposées théories et pratiques que viabilizent la subsistance des jeunes pauvres en situation de risque. Discute la question de pouvoir juvenile et indique que la proposition de le protagonisme juvénile via pouvoir ont une espace favorable dans le sphère du enseignement sécondaire, niveau de la plupart de jeunes. Montre que la défense de pouvoir juvenile occulte chances de actions étudiants collectifs que permetent une intervention sociopolitique au élève de enseignement sécondaire, qui ont selement une function de homologation. Propose une recherche de possibilités de incentifs a le protagonisme juvénile collectif ou protagonisme étudiant collectif, auquel le étudiant presente suggestions pour le planification et éxecution de activités didactique pédagogiques dans l`école publique de enseignement sécondaire. Defend que la gestion démocratique, avec emphase en procès participatif, c est la principal déterminacion pour le protagonisme étudiant collectif. Méthodiquement , considere las dimensions suivantes pour le protagonisme juvénile: a) configuration de protagonisme juvénile b) protagonisme juvénile dans perspective légal/institutionel ; c) enseignement sécondaire et protagonisme juvénile ; d) possibilité de construction de protagonisme étudiant collectif dans enseignement sécondaire nocturne en Rio Grande do Norte, état choisi pour recherche. Sistematize une technique de revision de litérature sur le thème et informations d une consultation de documents, au-delà de donné constants de Banc de donées de la recherche Le Enseignement Sécondaire Publique Nocturne :registre et analyse de expérience dans l état de Rio Grande do Norte. Conclusion : il faut contribuer pour débats sur la participation politique de les jeunes dans le enseignement sécondaire nocturne, en presentant possibilités reéles de protagonisme étudiant collectif ; opinions presentées pour élèves sont très importantes a une direction d un rôle académique fait pour institutions scolaires dans ce moment , parce que des étudiants sont correspondants a interlocuteurs privilégiés ; le élève peut et deut être consulté depuis le moment de élaboration jusqu a réalisation de activités scolaires ; bien que il y a des entraves et difficultés immanents au enseignement sécondaire publique nocturne, se forment noveaux espaces de démocratisation de idées


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La poésie occupe, à l école, une place réduite et, la plupart du temps, est reléguée à des dates commémoratives ou, quand utilisée, sert de pretexte à l étude de la grammaire et du vocabulaire. Cette thèse a comme objectif de réfléchir sur l importance de l enseignement de La littérature, et plus spécialement, celui de la poésie dans l enseignement secondaire. A comme principal objectif de montrer la place de la poésie dans l'enseignement secondairepour la formation socio-linguistique, cognitive et affective dês élèves. De plus, tente de démystifier l' idée qu'il est impossible de lire de La littérature et, en particuler, de la poésie, avec des adolescents.Il s agit de proposer des projets afin de travailler de manière adéquate la lecture de poésies en salle de classe par le biais de stratégies productives de lectures littéraires comme celles qui promeuvent la rencontre entre le lecteur et le texte. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une expérience dans une école publique de l état Du Rio Grande do Norte, dans la commune de Natal, avec des élèves adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans. L' expérience a consisté en douze cours de lecture de poésies. Nous avons utilisé, comme instruments de collectes de données, des entrevues, des cahiers de classe et des questionnaires. Les références théoriques adoptées consistent en une bibliographie qui fait référence aux études d esthétique de La réception et de la coopération interprétative comme l ont formulées Jauss (1979), Iser (1996) et Eco (2002); la conception de lecteur et le processus de lecture selon Smith (1989); le socio-interactionnisme de Vigotski (1999; 2000); la médiation (lecture par degré ou scaffolding), de Graves et Graves (1995); la psychologie de l adolescence de Becker (1999), Carvajal (2001) e Gutierra(2003). Les résultats montrent l importance de la présence du médiateur dans La formation du lecteur, sachant qu en plus de contribuer et de potentialiser l intéraction entre le texte et le lecteur, l adhésion des élèves est améliorée. L expérience de vivre la poésie en salle de classe avec dês adolescents sujets de cette recherche, a prouvé qu il est possible, dans l enseignement secondaire, et malgré les difficultés, de réaliser um travail avec la poésie


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In the past twenty years, there has been a significant increase of researches about teacher s professionalization. In that context, the investigations concerning teacher s knowledge represent an important contribution, as they aim to identify and to rescue the base of knowledge that sustains the teacher s profession. In particular, the reflections and propositions of Lee Shulman have been constitute a fundamental subsidy to the teacher s professionalization in the sense of harnessing the pedagogic knowledge to the content s knowledge, establishing the pedagogic knowledge of the content that characterizes and differentiates the teacher and the bachelor in a certain field of knowledge. Among the indispensable knowledge for the Chemistry teacher's professional practice, in this research we have pointed out the pertinence of the knowledge on the use of models in Chemistry classes in the middle and high school. Those knowledges regard the comprehension of students concerning the understanding and models elaborated in science and the models implemented in the Chemistry teaching, as well as the abilities to plan didactic situations that use models. In this research, we aimed to identify the contributions and barriers during the Chemistry teacher education, in UFRN, in relation to the construction of knowledge that subsidize training teachers in the elaboration of teaching activities that involve the use of models. The investigation was accomplished in UFRN, in the Course of Degree in Chemistry, along with 13 student teachers that studied the subject Practice of Chemistry Teaching. For this research, the following instruments were used: questionnaires with open and closed questions, elaboration of a plan of activities for the Chemistry teaching and an interview to answer the established study s questions. The data was analyzed in an established criteria, classified and tabled. The results showed that the student teachers representations regarding scientific knowledge contemplated, among other topics, the idea of a method for his/her construction. In some cases, the models role was emphasized in that construction, as well as the social dimension in the validation of that knowledge. The scientific models were highlighted by most of the student teachers, as a representation method to explain, understand and interpret the chemical phenomena. On the other hand, the didactic models stood out, in most of cases, as a method of aiding the Chemistry students of the Basic Education to understand the scientific models. The representations regarding those categories contemplated important aspects, although in a superficial way, reflecting the limitations of reflections during the formative process. In the elaboration of teaching activities that use models, difficulties were evidenced, in the process of plan construction, relative to the didactic structure and to the proposition of activities that contemplated models, although the student teachers have mobilized different elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content. Such verifications evidence the urge for the teacher development programs to promote changes in the teacher education in order to propitiate, during this process, reflections, discussions and propositions of activities regarding categories highlighted in this research, contributing to the construction of initial elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content that will be developed throughout teaching, therefore corroborating to the teacher s professionalization


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The present thesis studies the appropriate education of the literary gender based in an approach of trans-disciplinary teaching. The main objectives will be to survey the degree of trans-disciplinarity of the literary reading in classrooms and to propose the literary reading as an alternative of trans-disciplinary teaching. The theoretical contributions, which sustain the lines of central argument of this thesis, are related to the critical theories on the epistemological and methodological crisis in the speech of the modernity; the emergency of an emerging paradigm under the optics of the speech of the post-modernity; the theories concerned to curriculums and their interrelations with the school teaching; the theories of the complexity and of the inter and trans-disciplinarity; theories of the reading and of the literature, more precisely the literary semiology and the aesthetics of the acceptance; theories about the pedagogic mediation starting from presupposed and trans-disciplinary principles. The methodological foundations, of the type inter and trans-disciplinary, which anchor the approach of the study is related to a line of qualitative analyses applied the teaching-learning situation accomplished during the data collection during the empiric stage of the research. The analyzed corpus is composed of episodes originated from the classes with literary texts accomplished in the months of June and December of 2005, under the orientation of a complex and trans-disciplinary didacticism. The involved subjects are students in the age group of 9 and 13 years of age from a public school in the county of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, in the State of Pernambuco. Starting from the discoveries found during the research, so much bibliographical, as that of the field, it is possible to conclude, among other things, that the literary reading, when mediated accordingly in the classroom, is a trans-disciplinary object of high degree, because the literary reading can allow and make it possible to the real reader, through a necessary process of speculation on life and its unfolding, solid reflection around the individual and collective occurrences so much in simpler instances as in more complex ones


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The present study has as goal to analyze the aplicability of the computational technology as mediator in the english-speaking teaching in the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte-CEFET/RN. The object of study was centered in the use of the computer incorporated in the teaching of English by four institution groups. The research was ruled metodologically in the study of case, adopting a qualitative and quantitative boarding of interpretative-reflexive mark. We support ourselves on a bibliographical literature revision that cares of the use of the computational technology matter into the class-room, aiming an education new practice, regarding the current reality conceptions in what we live in the technological education. We also use a referencial for a pedagogical action, trying to offer subsidies for a practice that provides the knowledges generation through the interaction, aiming a subject reflexive and critical education. For materialization of this study, we used esrutuctured action, as interviews for the teachers and students, besides the observations of the dayly in class-room, in order to get the necessary datas for analysis. During this study, we oserved that the use of the computer, while pedagogical support instrument in the english-speaking teaching, has acted like mediator of the teaching-learning process. The results demonstrate use of the computer use has been each more a practice adopted by other institution languages teachers. The conclusions confirm the hypothesis showed at the beginning of the work and evidence that the teachers are warden of forming thinking, reflexive and critical subjects. For that, they need to be prepared to face situations in which they can take the pedagogical practice to tune with the technological advances, consequently providing an effective technological education