47 resultados para Ciclo de Vida Profissional do Professor - CVPP
This present Thesis, is explorer work and presents an analysis of e-wastes of the industry of cellular mobile telephony, evaluating the evolution of the telecommunications nets and as if it holds the global and Brazilian market of cellular telephony. It approaches the elements gifts in the cellular devices that can badly cause to the environment and the health, the discarding of the devices in end of life cycle is made. It analyzes the new European regulation of electric equipment residues and electronic, the WEEE, as it influenced the strategy of the companies manufacturers of mobile phone cellular and of that she forms is possible to create a Brazilian national industry for recycling of devices of cellular, with conditions to globally competition. For this some possible models of being implanted in Brazil are presented. The project of law 203/91 on solid residues is argued and as it would be interesting if to persist some proposals presented to the project, to create a Brazilian market of recycling with capacity of global competition for use to advantage of the European regulation if to get a competitive advantage
The objective of this work is to draw attention to the importance of use of techniques of loss prevention in small retail organization, analyzing and creating a classification model related to the use of these in companies. This work identifies the fragilities and virtues of companies and classifies them relating the use of techniques of loss prevention. The used methodology is based in a revision of the available literature on measurements and techniques of loss prevention, analyzing the processes that techniques needed to be adopted to reduce losses, approaching the "pillars" of loss prevention, the cycle life of products in retail and cycles of continues improvement in business. Based on the objectives of this work and on the light of researched techniques, was defined the case study, developed from a questionnaire application and the researcher's observation on a net of 16 small supermarkets. From those studies a model of classification of companies was created. The practical implications of this work are useful to point mistakes in retail administration that can become losses, reducing the profitability of companies or even making them impracticable. The academic contribution of this study is a proposal of an unpublished model of classification for small supermarkets based on the use of techniques of loss prevention. As a result of the research, 14 companies were classified as Companies with Minimum Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CMULPT, and 02 companies were classified as Companies with Deficient Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CDULPT. The result of the research concludes that on average the group was classified as being Companies with Minimum Use of Techniques of Prevention of Losses EUMTPP, and that the companies should adopt a program of loss prevention focusing in the identification and quantification of losses and in a implantation of a culture of loss prevention
As a contemporary tendency, it is been evidenced that the environmental changes theme, already admitted as a concernment to international economical and political reality, is also gaining repercussion on industrial and business sector. Firms are implementing actions on trial to minimize their own greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions impacts. However, the great majority of those actions of Corporative Social-Environmental Responsibility (CSR) are referred only to direct emissions of the main production systems. Direct emissions are those derived of an isolate process, without considering the upstream and downstream processes emissions, which respond for the majority of emissions originated because of respective firm‟s production system existence. Because the greenhouse effect occurs globally and the GHG emissions contribute to the environmental changes independently of their origin, it must be taken into account the whole productive life cycle of products and systems, since the energy invested on resources extraction and necessary materials to the final disposal. To do so, it must be investigated all relevant steps of a product/production system life cycle, tracking all activities which emit greenhouse gases, directly or indirectly. This amount of emissions consists in the firm‟s Carbon Footprint. This research purpose is to defend the Carbon Footprint relevance and its adoption viability to be used as an Environmental Indicator on measurement/assessment of CSR. It has been realized a study case on Petrobras‟s seat unity at Natal-Brazil, assessing part of its Carbon Footprint. It has been used the software GEMIS 4.6 to do the emissions quantifying. The items measured were the direct emissions of the own unity vehicles and indirect emissions of offset paper (A4), energy and disposable plastic cups consumed. To 2009, these emissions were 3.811,94 tCO2eq. We may conclude that Carbon Footprint quantification is indispensable to the knowledge of real emissions caused by a productive process existence, must serving as basis to CSR decisions about the environmental changes reversion challenge
In the current conjuncture, the environmental factor has been changing the position of companies that are practicing or minimally adopting environmental management. Such tool has been used by companies to face the problems caused by solid waste, in particular green coconut waste, which is constantly among the material discarded by society (companies/ consumer). It is a typical tropical fruit whose fresh water is very benefic for human health, and its popularization has caused a progressive increase of its consumption. Following this stream of thought, this present work came up with an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities SWOT analysis on green coconut solid waste management at two agribusiness companies in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, aiming to know the challenges and the potentials of this kind of waste. According to the approach of the problem, this work fits a descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative research. The data collection was obtained by a questionnaire and a structured interview, in order to evaluate the strategic posture of agribusiness companies through SWOT analysis, which is an English acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis is an effective tool to analyze the internal and external environment of an organization. This tool contributes to locate the company at the environment in question and when well applied it enables the detection of mistakes, the strengthening of correct procedures, the avoidance of threats, and the bet on opportunities. The studied agribusiness industries have very similar profiles, such as a long business life span, and a strategy that extends the useful life of the fruit, by using its waste for the manufacturing of new subproducts. In both, the daily quantity of waste resulted of this process reaches approximately 20 thousand units of the fruit in high season, being necessary a focus directed at use and/or treatment of these waste. Further to SWOT analysis, it was ascertained that the agribusiness company A works through a defensive marketing strategy and acts vulnerably, in other words, unable of acting before this market segment, for it has decided to stop using the waste due to a lack of equipment and technology. On the other hand, the agribusiness company B has incorporated an offensive marketing strategy because even not possessing equipments, technology, and appropriated internal installations, it still insists on use and benefits of green coconut waste in its agribusiness. Thus, it is considered that the potential of green coconut waste management for the production of several subproducts reduces the impacts produced by inappropriate placement and generates profits in a short, medium and long term. Such profits being tangible and intangible, as the interest for sustainability actions is not only a matter of obtaining return on capital, but it is an important question in order to move on into business, since it is not enough to have quality on products and process nowadays. It is necessary to establish socio-environmental practices aiming the image of the company as the prevailing role on consumers buying decision
The oil industry`s need to produce with maximum efficiency, not to mention the safety and the environment aspects, encourages the optimization of processes. It makes them look for a level of excellence in acquisition of equipment, ensuring the quality without prejudice security of facilities and peoples. Knowing the reliability of equipment and that this stands for a system is fundamental to the production strategy to seeks the maximum return on investment. The reliability analysis techniques have been increasingly applied in the industry as strategy for predicting failures likelihood ensuring the integrity of processes. Some reliability theories underlie the decisions to use stochastic calculations to estimate equipment failure. This dissertation proposes two techniques associating qualitative (through expertise opinion) and quantitative data (European North Sea oil companies fault database, Ored) applied on centrifugal pump to water injection system for secondary oil recovery on two scenarios. The data were processed in reliability commercial software. As a result of hybridization, it was possible to determine the pump life cycle and what impact on production if it fails. The technique guides the best maintenance policy - important tool for strategic decisions on asset management.
This work presents the research carried through in the industrial segment of confection of clothes of the Great Natal whose objective is to show the profile, enterprise and technological management as also the use of simultaneous engineering in the development of products. The research approaches two studies. The first one presents the current picture of the companies, synthesized through twelve variable. As, through fifteen variable it shows to the level of use of Simultaneous Engineering in the Development of Products and its amplitude in relation to the Integrated Management using tools CAD, PDM and ERP (Computer Aided Design, Product Management Date, Enterprise Resource Planning). The integration of these systems acts aiming the reduction of the cost and the development time of products. The reached results indicate that simultaneous engineering is a competitive advantage and becomes possible: to reduce the life cycle of the product, to rationalize the resources, to incorporate one high standard of the quality to the process and product as well as to personalize the product to take care of the global market. It is important to note that this work also is considered to contribute for the better understanding of the real companies situation of confection located at the Great Natal and its role in the economy of the State of the Rio Grande do Norte
The study focuses on the psychology and Social Well-being Policy encounters. The objective is to understand how the psychologists in the health services of Natal, RN, specifically in the Basic Health Units and social assistance, experience their daily practices. The methodology included observation and interviews of 13 psychologists regarding their daily activities and forms of practice in these services. We utilized an interview protocol directed at the affective memory and the professional life history of these technicians. Field notes were used to produce a cartography of the encounter intensities experienced by the researcher in the investigated context. The data analysis enabled the construction of the following analytic axes: 1) Work processes and proximity/ distancing points between these fields; 2) Forms of government and life management in the well-being context; 3) Experiments of self in the daily services. The first axis showed the precariousness of working conditions (remuneration issues, lack of structure, of training and autonomy for the activities). In the second axis the identified care forms produced in these fields indicated an adherence to the production of ideal subjects characterized as autonomous, productive, healthy and aware of own rights . These were considered normative insofar as they express attempts to break with the established patterns. In the third axis, many technicians experienced constraint with the daily activities because they found themselves in contexts that were adverse to the habitual forms of action. This situation provoked two distinct forms of positioning: a) action expressed by compassion, pity and resentment; b) investment in the practices themselves, so as to overcome its limits and to respond innovatively to the difficulties and/or challenges that these contexts provoke
Este trabalho apresenta uma extensão do provador haRVey destinada à verificação de obrigações de prova originadas de acordo com o método B. O método B de desenvolvimento de software abrange as fases de especificação, projeto e implementação do ciclo de vida do software. No contexto da verificação, destacam-se as ferramentas de prova Prioni, Z/EVES e Atelier-B/Click n Prove. Elas descrevem formalismos com suporte à checagem satisfatibilidade de fórmulas da teoria axiomática dos conjuntos, ou seja, podem ser aplicadas ao método B. A checagem de SMT consiste na checagem de satisfatibilidade de fórmulas da lógica de primeira-ordem livre de quantificadores dada uma teoria decidível. A abordagem de checagem de SMT implementada pelo provador automático de teoremas haRVey é apresentada, adotando-se a teoria dos vetores que não permite expressar todas as construções necessárias às especificações baseadas em conjuntos. Assim, para estender a checagem de SMT para teorias dos conjuntos destacam-se as teorias dos conjuntos de Zermelo-Frankel (ZFC) e de von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel (NBG). Tendo em vista que a abordagem de checagem de SMT implementada no haRVey requer uma teoria finita e pode ser estendida para as teorias nãodecidíveis, a teoria NBG apresenta-se como uma opção adequada para a expansão da capacidade dedutiva do haRVey à teoria dos conjuntos. Assim, através do mapeamento dos operadores de conjunto fornecidos pela linguagem B a classes da teoria NBG, obtem-se uma abordagem alternativa para a checagem de SMT aplicada ao método B
The tracking between models of the requirements and architecture activities is a strategy that aims to prevent loss of information, reducing the gap between these two initial activities of the software life cycle. In the context of Software Product Lines (SPL), it is important to have this support, which allows the correspondence between this two activities, with management of variability. In order to address this issue, this paper presents a process of bidirectional mapping, defining transformation rules between elements of a goaloriented requirements model (described in PL-AOVgraph) and elements of an architectural description (defined in PL-AspectualACME). These mapping rules are evaluated using a case study: the GingaForAll LPS. To automate this transformation, we developed the MaRiPLA tool (Mapping Requirements to Product Line Architecture), through MDD techniques (Modeldriven Development), including Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) with specification of Ecore metamodels jointly with Xtext , a DSL definition framework, and Acceleo, a code generation tool, in Eclipse environment. Finally, the generated models are evaluated based on quality attributes such as variability, derivability, reusability, correctness, traceability, completeness, evolvability and maintainability, extracted from the CAFÉ Quality Model
When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software
Cette étude a comme sujet principal la formation humaine de l instituteur. L objectif général est d analyser et décrire les conditions créées par les vécus d un atelier corps biographique pour la resignification de la corporéité de l instituteur, fixant les questions suivantes pour l investigation : Quelles sont les implications du vécu de l atelier corps biographique dans la vie des instituteurs ? La recherche a été exposée sur l approche qualitative, suivant les principes de la recherche-action reliée à la méthode des histoires de vie. Pour révéler la beauté et la complexité du processus poïétique de la formation humaine, nous nous sommes servi de la métaphore du "dessus de lit en patchwork" comme opérateur cognitif en attachant les principes de la corporéité fondés sur la Théorie de la complexité (MORIN, 2005), la Théorie autopoïétique (MATURANA ; VARELA, 2001), la Théorie du flux (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 1999), les approches de transdisciplinarité (LA TORRE; MORAES, 2008), et d autobiographie (JOSSO, 2004; PINEAU, 2003; PASSEGGI, 2000;), joignant la conception de l éducation comme pratique d autonomie, de liberté, d espoir et de l enchantement (FREIRE, 1996, 1992; ASSMANN, 1995). Nous avons eu comme scène du développement de la recherche, l Unidade Educacional Infantil (UEI), la garderie qui accueille les enfants des fonctionnaires de l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte. Treise élèves (enfants), des institutrices titulaires, vacataires, boursières ont participé de l'investigation. En conptant sur eux, nous avons développé un atelier corps biographique, dans lequel nous avons réalisé 10 vécus dans la période qui a couvert le deuxième semestre de 2007 jusqu au deuxième semestre de 2008, en manifestant la réflexivité autobiographique, le ludique, la créativité, la sensibilité et la réflexivité du vécu. Nous avons utilisé comme instruments pour la construction des donnés, l observation participante, les propres vécus, le port folio, la technique du jeu de sable et l'enregistrement photographique. L analyse a montré que le vécu de la formation humaine à partir des principes de la corporéité, implique dans un parcours vers soi-même dans lequel émergent les expériences qui nous ont constitués en tant qu êtres existentiels. Pour finaliser, nous avons aperçu les répercussions dans la vie professionnelle et personnelle de ces institutrices, qui comme moi pensaient avoir besoin d exposer leur luminosité intérieure pour que l on la redécouvre. Lors des vécus des tissages, les institutrices se sont montrées impliquées aux moments de jeux, de création, de réalisation, d afection et d action réflexive, dans lesquelles la teneur humaine cachée, a été révélée, en ouvrant les possibilités pour le sentiment du mouvement de naissance de l humanisation intérieure. Pour conclure, le corps joyeux de savoir et de beauté a été révélé, et dans sa rencontre avec soi-même et avec l autre, a pu être auto- recréé
Knowledge is understanding. According to the philosopher Gaston Bachelard our immediate contact with the reality is only worth as confusing and provisional data. This phenomenological contact requires inventory and classification. For this reason our first reading on any phenomenon is limited to a basic levels of reality. Elements such as dynamics, functioning or detailed characteristics of what is observed can only be accessed at higher levels of reality, explains the physicist Werner Heisenberg. The ideas woven by these two great intellectuals oxygenates the notion that a well-made thinking does not require only observation and description of the nature, but assigns value and meaning to the knowledge. Based on these ideas and on the cognitive horizon brought by the complexity sciences, this research aims to nurture a reflection on our understanding of the world built from a rational perspective of experience, as an organic sequence of research. This arguments, over the study, describes how the experience is able to oxygenate a well-made thinking, as the concept created by Edgar Morin and expanded by Conceição Almeida. I argue that the experience as a path of investigative research allows one to ventures in the shadows of the unknown to access upper layers of reality. The experience is, therefore, an organic strategy for a well-made thinking - A nutritious mud that oxygenates, regulates, repairs and configures the quality of understanding. As a thread to discuss this ideas I've used my professional journey over a year and a half as a Natural Sciences' teacher on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, where I could see how experiences helped on breaking a simplified understanding of the world. I chose to work with the research problems developed by 398 students over these three semesters. The problems were essential to the questioning of the phenomena that once seemed obvious or uninteresting, bringing out operational reasons and dynamics of the observed structures. Experience, in this sense, is the founder of dynamic thinking, as the need to deconstruct the phenomena's first impressions, assigning value and meaning to gestated knowledge.
Tourism is configured as an activity that presents constant movement could boost local development in the economic, sociocultural and human in locations with potential for structuring and such. Because it is a dynamic activity, tourism allows changes in its flow, extending the periods of seasonality. To this end, in view of the aforementioned dynamics, it becomes relevant to the presence of tourism planning, initially starting from the government so that it create laws and standards and develop projects for the management of activities in an orderly way, seeking citizen participation, making essential the presence of actors and agents in local tourism, expanding democracy and knowledge of their place of origin. In this scenario, the Ministry of Tourism is emerging with the National Tourism Plan which incorporates among its actions, the Regionalization Program Guide, adopting a model of regional local management, a participatory manner, through the bodies of governance imposed at the poles, and the shares of public policy in their various departments most responsible for promoting tourism in pole Seridó. This scientific work aims to analyze the pole Seridó, under the theory of tourism area life cycle (TALC) proposed by BUTLER (1980), locating actions for tourism and chronology of the locality applied the proposed process activity. For both the methodology is descriptive and exploratory, qualitative approach, historical, descriptive and narrative level, non-probability sampling, using secondary sources, through documents and other records occurred during the planning processes in the region, in order to have access to information related to the planning process of tourism in Seridó, using as a way to research the data collected the technique of content analysis. As a conclusion of this study it is observed that from the survey in relation to the history of tourism in the region, economic activities of livestock, cotton industry, mining and ceramics industry were responsible for the initiation of tourism in the locality through the flow directed to the same, the insertion of the first hotels and performing traditional events, giving rise to the demand for public policies that aided in directing the activity being, therefore, inserted into the engagement phase, the second phase proposed by BUTLER (1980) model, and the study was terminated with suggestions for the continuation of tourism in the region.
This work aims to study about the importance of cinema for cultural and professional training of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The educational potential of cinema is emphasizing by different authors, which also reveal the teachers' training gap in this issue (media). In this study, we defend the audiovisual language of cinema as an integrating element of Arts and Science for cultural and professional training of teachers. This subject has been developed by different authors, in which the emphasis has been the importance of intelligent dialogue with the world. Specifically, the training of science teachers and mathematics, by the approach of Cinema in its formation, It envisions the possibility of minimizing the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific training, already much discussed by some researchers. Educational products contribute to an effective experience and reflection on the cultural and educational role of the Seventh Art. Considering the Cinema as a possible "bridge" between the two cultures (scientific culture and humanistic culture) and promoting ownership of audiovisual language in teacher training It was accomplished the I Exhibition - Cultural Spring: Cinema and Science Education in UFRN. The production of the booklet "Topics of History, Language and Art of Cinema for Science and Mathematics Teachers," and its application in a short course in the XXI National Symposium on Physics Teaching also aimed to contribute to the approximation of Science and Art in training teachers.
Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) became popular ways to develop software over the last years. During the life-cycle of a software system, several components and services can be developed, evolved and replaced. In production environments, the replacement of core components, such as databases, is often a risky and delicate operation, where several factors and stakeholders should be considered. Service Level Agreement (SLA), according to ITILv3’s official glossary, is “an agreement between an IT service provider and a customer. The agreement consists on a set of measurable constraints that a service provider must guarantee to its customers.”. In practical terms, SLA is a document that a service provider delivers to its consumers with minimum quality of service (QoS) metrics.This work is intended to assesses and improve the use of SLAs to guide the transitioning process of databases on production environments. In particular, in this work we propose SLA-Based Guidelines/Process to support migrations from a relational database management system (RDBMS) to a NoSQL one. Our study is validated by case studies.