70 resultados para Anestesia - Efeitos fisiológicos
Radiobiocomplexes are used to obtain images in nuclear medicine and employed in basic research. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) have also been employed as radiobiocomplexes and used also experimental model for evaluation of the biological effects of natural or synthetic drugs. The analysis of the morphology and the morphometrics parameters (perimeter/área ratio) can be used to evaluate the effects of drugs upon the structure of the membrane of red blood cells. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) is a spice used as herbal medicine to treat diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro and in vivo treatment with an aqueous cinnamon extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphology of red blood cells from Wistar rats. In the in vitro treatment, isolated blood sample from animals were incubated with cinnamon extract. In the in vivo treatment, blood samples were also withdrawn from animals treated with cinnamon extract. In both cases, the radiolabeling of blood constituents was done. The morphological analysis of red blood cells was also done. As control, blood or animals treated with NaCl 0.9%. The data obtained on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc experiments indicated that the in vitro treatment with cinnamon extract was capable to decrease signiicantly (p<0.05) the percentage of radioactivity in cellular compartments and on the fixation of cellular and plasma proteins. These effects were not observed on the in vivo treatment. The results obtained for the morphology of red blood cells suggest that the in vitro and in vivo treatments did not alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio. The in vitro treatment with aqueous cinnamon extract could affect the membrane structures related with the oxidation status of the stannous ion pertechnetate ion, altering the labeling of blood constituentes with 99mTc. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Medicinal plants have been studied and used in the world. Lantana camara has medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The aim was to verify the effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, and to evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara on the morphology of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The results showed that lantana extract has decreased the fixation of radioactivity on the IF-P. This effect was not observed in the BC compartment and in IF-BC. The BC-%ATI was decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC was washed. The osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried out. In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated that (i) an increase of the hemolysis and (ii) modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the Lantana camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the chemical compounds of this studied extract
Radionuclides have been used in Nuclear Medicine for diagnostic and treatment. In basic research, cellular and molecular structures are labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) and used as radiobiocomplexes. Some natural or synthetic drugs are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as in the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Arctium lappa (Bardana) has been used to treat inflammatory processes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of an extract of Bardana on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells, on the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells and on the biodistribution of radiophamaceutical sodium pertechnetate in Wistar rats. Extract of Bardana was capable to alter the labeling of cellular compartment with 99mTc. Plasma and cellular proteins did not present alteration on the percentage of radioactivity (%ATI). Extract of Bardana was also capable to alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells. On the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in animals treated with the extract of Bardana, it was observed a small and significant uptake in liver, tooth and tongue, and a high and a significant uptake in stomach, lung and testis (p<0.05). In conclusion, these findings could be justified due to the effects of some chemical compounds in the Bardana extract. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Blood constituents labelled with technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used with radiobiocomplexes in several procedures in nuclear medicine. Some natural and sintetic drugs are capable to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells (RBC) and on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. The aim of this study was evaluate the effect of an extract of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa on the labeling of blood constituints with 99mTc, on the morphology of RBC and on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium perthecnetate in Wistar rats. On the in vitro studies the Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa decreased significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI on plasma proteins and on the in vitro morhology of RBC, the passion fruit peel flour altered the shape and the perimeter/área ratio. On the in vivo estudies the extract did not altered the %ATI in blood constituents, and did not altered the shape of RBC. Although, on the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate (Na99mTcO4) this extract decreased significantly (p<0.05) the uptake in duodenum, spleen, pâncreas and blood, and increased the uptake in stomach. It can be suggested that the effects presented by this extract could be a result of some substances contained in this extract that could alter the binding of 99mTc to plasma proteins, the morphology of RBC and the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium perthecnetate. This study was multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Radiobiocomplexes are used in nuclear medicine to obtain images and to treat diseases. Blood constituents have been used as radiobiocomplexes. Natural or synthetic products can influence on the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc), the morphology of red blood cells and on the stannous chloride (SnCl2) action on plasmid DNA. Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra are used in popular culture for treating diseases. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the extracts of Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on morphology of red blood cells of Wistar rats, on the topology of plasmids DNA and the action against the SnCl2 effects on the DNA of plasmids pBSK. On the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc it was verified that both extracts were capable to decrease significantly the radioactivity in the cellular compartment and in the insoluble fraction of plasma. Sambucus australis also decreased the labeling of insoluble fraction of blood cells with 99mTc. Both extracts did not alter the morphology of red blood cells. Moreover, it was verified that Sambucus nigra did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmid DNA, but decreased the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. These last results sugest a genotoxic effect and a protective action of Sambucus nigra extract against the SnCl2 action on plasmid DNA. This work was developed with the contribution of several Departments of biomedical area of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, of the UERJ, characterizing a multidisciplinary experimental research
Effects of a Cordia salicifolia (porangaba) extract on the labeling of blood cells (BCs) with technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) and on the morphology of red BCs were evaluated. Labeling of cellular and molecular structures with (99m)Tc depends on a reducing agent. Some physical characteristics, as visible absorbance spectrum, electric conductivity, and refractive index of this porangaba extract, were also determined. Blood samples from Wistar rats were incubated with porangaba extract or with 0.9% NaCl (control). Labeling of blood constituents with (99m)Tc was performed. Plasma (P) and BCs, both soluble (SF-P and SF-BC) and insoluble (IF-P and IF-BC) fractions, were separated. The radioactivity in each fraction was counted, and the percentage of radioactivity incorporated (%ATI) was calculated. Blood smears were prepared, fixed, and stained, and the morphology of the red BCs was evaluated. Data showed an absorbance peak at 480 nm and electric conductibility and refractive index concentration-dependent. Porangaba extract decreased significantly (P < .05) the BC, IF-P, and IF-BC %ATI, and no modifications were verified on the shape of red BCs. Analysis of the results reveals that some physical parameters could be useful to aid in characterizing the extract studied. Moreover, it is possible that chemical compounds of this extract could have chelating/redox actions or be capable of binding to plasma and/or cellular proteins
The Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the axial skeleton, leading to limitation of spine mobility and functional disability. Physical therapy, especially exercise, is an important part in your treatment. The Global Postural Reeducation(GPR),a method that uses stretching based on evaluation of muscular chains, with significant interference in postural changes may be a complementary alternative for the treatment of this disease. The aim was to evaluate the effects of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and compare GPR with group conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises. This is a controlled interventional study of 38 patients divided into 2 groups: a GPR group (n = 22) and a control group (n = 16). Both groups were treated over four months. With the GPR group patients, positions that stretched the shortened muscle chains were used. With the control group patients, conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises were performed. The variables analyzed were: pain intensity, morning stiffness, spine mobility, chest expansion, functional capacity (Health Assessment Questionnaire - Spondyloarthropathies - HAQ-S), quality of life (Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 Healthy Survey-SF-36), and disease activity (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index - BASDAI). Statistical analysis was used with a significance level of p < 0.05. There was a statistically significant difference for all the parameters analyzed between pre and post-treatment in both groups. In the inter-group comparison the GPR group showed a statistically significant improvement in morning stiffness (p = 0.01), spine mobility parameters, except finger-floor distance (p = 0.11), in chest expansion (p = 0.02), and in the physical aspect component of the SF-36 (p = 0.00).Finally, we observed that this sample of patients with AS ,treatment with RPG 60 seems to have a better response in some clinical measures, than the conventional self stretching performed in groups. Further studies are needed to further evaluate this therapeutic alternative in the EA
O baço, como maior órgão linfóide do corpo humano, desempenha funções imunológicas relevantes, tais como depuração de bactérias da corrente sangüínea, produção de anticorpos e interação com a função hepática. A esplenectomia tem sido evitada sempre que possível, mas quando realizada pode provocar uma série de efeitos indesejáveis. O radiofármaco 99mTc-fitato é usado no diagnóstico de doenças, especialmente no fígado, através de exames de imagem, na dependência de sua biodistribuição. Algumas drogas e intervenções cirúrgicas podem interferir na biodistribuição de radiofármacos e inexistem na literatura dados sobre efeitos da esplenectomia no metabolismo do 99mTc-fitato. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar se a esplenectomia interfere na biodistribuição hepática do 99mTc-fitato e na função do fígado em ratos Wistar. Sob anestesia e técnica asséptica, os animais do grupo SP (n=6) foram esplenectomizados. No grupo C (controle; n=6) os animais não foram operados. Após 15 dias de observação, foi injetado de 0,1ml de 99mTc-fitato via plexo orbital (0,66MBq) em todos os animais. Após 30 minutos, foram retiradas amostras hepáticas para determinação do percentual de radioatividade/grama (% ATI/g), usando-se contador gama Wizard Perkin-Elmer. Realizou-se dosagem sérica de ALT, AST e LDH, e leucometria. Estatística pelo teste t, com significância de p>0,05. Observou-se diferença significativa (p=0,034) comparando-se o %ATI/g no fígado dos ratos esplenectomizados (0,990,2) com os controles (0,400,2). ALT, AST e LDH tiveram dosagens significativamente menores e houve leucocitose nos esplenectomizados (p=0,01), comparando-se com os controles. Concluiu-se que, em ratos, a esplenectomia provavelmente provocou alteração na captação de 99mTc-fitato pelo fígado, coincidindo com alterações na função hepática. A realização deste estudo teve caráter multidisciplinar, envolvendo pesquisadores de diversas áreas como Medicina Nuclear, Cirurgia, Análises Clínicas e Estatística. Este aspecto preencheu os requisitos da multidisciplinaridade do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde
Derivatives of propionic acid NSAIDs are irreversible inhibitors of cyclooxygenase enzyme widely used. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through different experimental models, biological effects of derivatives of propionic acid (fenoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen and ketoprofen) in cellular and molecular level. The labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc) and morphological analysis of erythrocytes of blood of rats, as well as growth, survival of cultures of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and the assessment of bacterial plasmid electrophoretic profiles were models used for experimental evaluation of possible biological effects of antiinflammatory drugs. The results show that, in general, anti-inflammatory drugs evaluated were not able to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, the morphology of red blood cells from blood of rats, as well as the growth of cultures of E. coli and the electrophoretic profile of plasmid DNA. However, naproxen appears to cytotoxic effect on bacterial cultures, plasmids and genotoxic effects in reducing the action of stannous chloride in cultures of E. coli. The use of experimental fast performance and low cost was important for assessment of biological effects, contributing to a better understanding of the properties of propionic acid derivatives studied. anti-inflammatory, blood constituents, technetium-99m, stannous chloride, Escherichia coli; DNA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
A analgesia pós-operatória eficaz é especialmente importante após cirurgias torácicas, pois, além de aliviar a dor, facilita a retomada de atividades normais, incluindo a deambulação, a respiração e a tosse. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo são: avaliar a eficácia analgésica da associação entre anestesia geral e raquianestesia com morfina e ropivacaína mais esquema multimodal em relação à anestesia geral e esquema multimodal em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio; analisar a eficácia analgésica da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína e analgesia multimodal na remoção de tubos torácicos em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. A metodologia consiste em ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, envolvendo 58 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 59,8 8,9 anos, estado físico ASA II e III. Os participantes foram alocados em dois grupos, sendo o GI composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina 400μg e 6 ml (30mg) a 8 ml (40mg) de ropivacaína a 0,5% e analgesia multimodal; já o GII foi composto por indivíduos submetidos à anestesia geral associada à analgesia multimodal. Foi avaliada a dor, ao despertar, nas primeiras 24 horas, e ao realizar exercício respiratório, ao retirar drenos de torácicos e o tempo para extubação. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos testes do Qui-quadrado e Teste t de Student e o teste de Fisher. O resultado obtido foi o seguinte: o GI apresentou menor intensidade de dor ao despertar (p= 0,001), nas primeiras 24 horas (p= 0,001) e durante a realização dos exercícios respiratórios (p= 0,004). Houve maior necessidade de analgesia complementar no grupo GII, com maior consumo de morfina (p= 0,05), e os efeitos colaterais leves, como náuseas (p= 0,001), vômito (p= 0,002), prurido (p= 0,030), predominaram no GI. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (P= 0,47), em relação à intensidade de dor na remoção dos drenos. Após as observações feitas, o estudo sugere que a anestesia geral combinada à raquianestesia com morfina associada à ropivacaína oferece melhor efeito analgésico no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Adicionalmente, o estudo sugere que o efeito analgésico da injeção subcutânea de lidocaína 1% associado à analgesia multimodal não é eficaz
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Drogas naturais ou sintéticas podem ser capazes de alterar a sobrevivência de culturas bacterianas, interferir na marcação de estruturas sanguíneas com tecnécio- 99m (99mTc) e alterar a morfologia das hemácias. De acordo com as instruções do fabricante, a formula denominada de Três Bailarinas (TB) é sugerida para ser usada, como bebida, por pessoas que desejam ajustar o peso sem dieta. Os ingredientes dessa fórmula são a Cassia angustifolia e a Malva verticellate. Informações cientificas sobre TB não foram encontradas no indexador PubMed, e esse fato tem estimulado nossas investigações sobre seus efeitos biológicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, em diferentes modelos experimentais, o efeito de um extrato aquoso de Três Bailarinas: (i) na sobrevivência de culturas de E. coli AB1157, ii) efeito do SnCl2 em culturas bacterianas, iii) na marcação das hemácias e proteínas plasmáticas e celulares com 99mTc e iv) na morfologia de hemácias de sangue de ratos Wistar. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que o extrato de TB não alterou a sobrevivência de cultura de E. coli AB1157 e aboliu o efeito letal do SnCl2 na sobrevivência dessa cultura bacteriana. Na marcação de estruturas sangüíneas com 99mTc o extrato de TB reduziu a percentagem de atividade (%ATI) referente ao 99mTc no compartimento celular e nas proteínas plasmáticas, mas não alterou a %ATI nas proteínas celulares. O extrato de TB não foi capaz de alterar a morfologia das hemácias. Os modelos experimentais realizados mostram a importância dos mesmos na avaliação de efeitos biológicos de agentes químicos, e contribui para um melhor entendimento das propriedades do extrato de Três Bailarinas. Esse trabalho abrange varias áreas do conhecimento, tais como: radiobiologia, botânica, fitoterapia e hematologia
Analyze, in patients with primary hyperhidrosis (PH) who was undergone to videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy, the degree of vascular denervation after surgical transection of the thoracic sympathetic chain by measuring ultrasonografic parameters in carotid and vertebral arteries. Methods: Twenty-four patients with PH underwent forty-eight endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy and were evaluated by duplex eco-doppler measuring systolic peak velocity (SPV), diastolic peak velocity (DPV), pulsatility index (PI) and resistivity index (RI) in bilateral common, internal and external carotids, besides bilateral vertebral arteries. The exams were performed before operations and a month later. Wilcoxon test was used to analyse the differences between the variables before and after the sympatholisis. Results: T3 sympathicotomy segment was the most frequent transection done (95,83%), as only ablation (25%) or in association with T4 (62,50%) or with T2 (8,33%). It was observed increase in RI and PI of the common carotid artery ( p<0,05). The DPV of internal carotid artery decreased in both sides (p<0,05). The SPV and the DPV of the right and left vertebral arteries also increased (p<0,05). Asymmetric findings were observed so that, arteries of the right side were the most frequently affected. Conclusions: Hemodynamic changes in vertebral and carotid arteries were observed after sympathicotomy for PH. SPV was the most often altered parameter, mostly in the right side arteries, meaning significant asymmetric changes in carotid and vertebral vessels. Therefore, the research findings deserve further investigations to observe if they have clinical inferences
Efeitos da deficiência de vitamina A na função pulmonar de crianças após infecção respiratória viral
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico