40 resultados para Algodão - Resistência à doenças e pragas


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbico sobre o índice de resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (IRCID) e os níveis de autonomia funcional de mulheres idosas. A amostra foi constituída por 25 idosas sedentárias, com idade entre 60 e 75 anos, divididas em dois grupos: grupo experimental com 14 idosas submetidas ao treinamento aeróbico e grupo controle (n=11). A avaliação da resistência da artéria carótida foi realizada pelo método de ultrasom Doppler e a autonomia funcional pelos testes: caminhar 10m (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar-se da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC), levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV) e vestir e tirar a camisa (VTC). O treinamento aeróbico foi realizado na forma de caminhada, 30 minutos por dia, 3 vezes por semana, durante 3 meses. Para o controle da intensidade da caminhada foi utilizado o índice de esforço percebido, com valores padronizados pela escala de Borg onde a intensidade deveria corresponder a uma faixa entre os valores 13 a 15 pontos, correspondente a uma situação orgânica derivada de um exercício compreendido como ligeiramente cansativo e a frequência cardíaca de treino (FCT) entre 50% a 80% da frequência cardíaca de reserva. Para analise estatística foi utilizado a ANOVA de medidas repetidas. O grupo experimental quando comparados com o grupo controle obteve uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa na resistência da artéria carótida interna direita (p=0,021), e um aumento significativo nos testes: C10m (p=0,000), LPS (p=0,035) e no LCLC (p=0,016). Estes resultados sugerem que a prática de exercícios físicos aeróbicos foi eficaz em diminuir o IRCID e melhorar os níveis de autonomia funcional em mulheres idosa


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Nas últimas décadas, houve grande aumento da prevalência de obesidade, inclusive na faixa etária pediátrica. Com isso, aumentou o número de crianças e adolescentes afetados por síndrome metabólica (SM), diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) e doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), doenças anteriormente consideradas quase exclusivas de adultos. Os objetivos do estudo foram identificar e correlacionar marcadores antropométricos (IMC- índice de massa corpórea, CA- circunferência abdominal, RCQ- razão cintura/quadril, RCArazão cintura altura e PSE- prega subescapular), PAS e PAD- pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, respectivamente, e laboratoriais (CT- colesterol total, HDL, LDL, TGL- triglicérides, I/G- razão insulina glicose, HOMA- homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance) de risco para o desenvolvimento de SM e observar a sua prevalência em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso. Foi conduzido estudo transversal, em amostra aleatória, de conveniência, onde foram avaliadas 60 crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso, atendidas no ambulatório de endocrinologia pediátrica do Hospital de Pediatria da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) com idade mínima e máxima de 7 e 15 anos, de maio de 2009 a abril de 2010. Foram admitidos os indivíduos que apresentavam sobrepeso (IMC P > 85 e < 95) ou obesidade (IMC P > 95) (CDC, 2000) e história familiar positiva para DM2 em parentes de primeiro ou segundo grau ou algum dos sinais de resistência insulínica (acantose, hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, síndrome de ovários policísticos). 2 O componente individual para SM mais prevalente foi o percentil da CA ≥ 90 (58,3%), seguido de HDL ≤ 40 mg/dl (36,6%). Na regressão linear simples, observaram-se as variações para mais nos parâmetros laboratoriais e de PA para cada unidade de aumento de IMC, CA, RCA, RCQ e PSE, sendo significantes as seguintes correlações: CA com TGL, HOMA IR, I/G, PAS e PAD; RCQ com TGL, HOMA, I/G, LDL e glicemia; RCA com TGL; PSE com TGL, HOMA-IR, I/G e PAS; e IMC com HOMA IR, I/G, PAS e PAD. De acordo com os critérios da IDF (Federação Internacional de Diabetes International Diabetes Federation) 2007, o diagnóstico de SM foi encontrado em seis indivíduos (10%). Do total, oito (13,3%), estavam em situação de sobrepeso e 52 (86,6%), obesos. As evidências de correlação CA e RCQ, medidas de obesidade centrípeta, com vários marcadores como TGL e HOMA, já sabidamente relacionados à SM, chamam atenção para a necessidade de utilização dessas medidas de forma mais rotineira na prática pediátrica, por serem de fácil obtenção, baixo custo e método não invasivo. Os valores de CA, RCQ, RCA e PSE, quando elevados devem justificar maior detalhamento na avaliação laboratorial de possível resistência insulínica. É importante a identificação de crianças e adolescentes que preencham os requisitos para o diagnóstico da SM, pois são indivíduos de maior risco metabólico e devem ser adequadamente acompanhados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (DLPC) are lymphoid system diseases characterized by the abnormal proliferation of mature lymphocytes that affect B cells, T lymphocytes and NK cells. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relevance of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry in patients with prolonged lymphocytosis and / or cytomorphological changes compatible with lymphoproliferative diseases. In this study 460 patients (244 men and 216 women) with DLPC were evaluated. Were analyzed by flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies consisting of CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD10, CD19, CD22, CD23, CD25, CD38, CD45, CD16/CD56, and HLADR heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. It also examines information regarding age, gender of patients and laboratory data as leucocytes, cytomorphological analysis, platelet count and hemoglobin determination. The results showed 398 cases of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders and 62 of DLPC B cell lymphoproliferative diseases T. B showed the following distribution : 253 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 42 cases of multiple myeloma ( MM ), 37 cases of lymphoma non - Hodgkin lymphoma in leukemic phase (NHL) , 17 cases of pro- B lymphocytic leukemia ( B -PLL), 15 cases of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL ), 12 cases of plasma cell leukemia ( PCL), 9 cases of lymphoma Burkitt (Linf B), 8 cases of leukemia villous cells ( LCV), 3 cases of splenic lymphoma with villous cells (LECV), a case of follicular lymphoma (LF) and a Waldenströn macroglobulinemia ( MW). The diseases source NK / T were 23 cases of peripheral T cell lymphoma (LCTP), 14 cases of T prolymphocytic leukemia (T -PLL), 10 cases of leukemia T of large granular lymphocytes (LGL -T) 9 cases of leukemia cells of adult T (LCTA), 5 cases of Sezary syndrome (SS) and a case of large granular NK leukemia (LGL -NK) lymphocytes. In conclusion, the combined use of the monoclonal antibody panel careful cytomorphological analysis was shown to be essential in immune diagnosis and classification of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders. This study was approved by the IRB - HUOL under number 356 / 09


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The work aims to investigate some of the educational actions developed in the differentiated Tapeba schools (CE), in their pedagogical practices. The reading of these practices as ritual of ethnic cultural resistance is accomplished by the approach of studies of experience and performance in the anthropology, as well as, the analytical perspective suggested by the dramaturgy ideas and social drama. So, taking a critical approach of the school, that conceives it, while time space privileged of possibilities of political social change, this work searches to notice the means of achievement of a differentiated education. I aim at, with that, to observe the ritual moments and performáticos of the pedagogic practices of Tapeba while important political-symbolic expressions of your collective experiences, looking at the process of construction of legitimacy of the school differentiated as scenery of creation of pedagogic rituals of resistance. Then, the Cultural Fair, Tapeba Indian Games, the Walking of Tapeba Indian`s Day and Carnauba Party by one side and the Cultural Classes, by another, promote a re-thinking on the experiences of Tapeba ethnicity, distinguishing also, in this process of identity affirmation, the political pedagogical role fulfilled by land re-taking. Finally, this work makes clear that Tapeba prove to be individuals with rights and at the same time they want to legitimate their differentiated school practices, Tapeba construct the meaning of their social actions in the educative and in other aspects of their communitarian living as well


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This study focuses on a methodology of unchained action by Father Sabino Gentili in Mãe Luiza, suburb of Natal-RN, which has enhanced social participation in what Castells calls project identity. The perception of collective actions, focused on the development of subjects from the perspective of Alain Touraine occurs continuously in a popular neighborhood, whose history marked by conflict mainly related to the resistance in the remaining living space. It is argued that there was an appropriation of resistance identity, which was already present in the community of Mãe Luiza, in order to channel it to create a project identity, through an implicit methodology that has been identified as Pedagogy of Consensus, based on Paulo Freire s concepts of dialogue and participation. Therefore, by means of qualitative research, using tools such as semi-structured interviews and documented sources, we tried to describe the intent of the action of a social actor and the political and educational strategies that motivate the collective action aiming a social change, observing the elements present in this action that allowed the continuity of organizational and participating processes through the dynamics of Mãe Luiza s neighborhood


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Monoculture of mind This idea, presented by Vandana Shiva, reflects the phase that we have experienced in the world: a notion of civilization that, since many decades, characterized by a technocratic big trend, has been shown as dominant and hegemonic. Based on a thinking and acting, felling and whishing standardization, this wave ends implying in what can be called of humanity‟s crisis at civilizational process. Destruction of simpler and more harmonious lifestyles with nature, human relations increasingly distant, values embrittlement, as respect, goodness and love, are some consequences of that behavioral homogenization. In the other hand, appears an archipelago of cultural and cognitive resistance against this devastating wave. Edgar Morin and Ceiça Almeida refer to this archipelago as a South Thought , what is not just a geographic question. Report, therefore, to some places, peoples, island that keep ancient costumes and knowledge, orally transmitted, for instance, from elders to younger, or vice versa, in an almost constant flow. Particular ways of experiencing the world around themselves, the men, animals, plants, rocks, or even not alive beings, masters or enchanted, spiritual guides. Next to a logic of sensitive, as Claude Levi-Strauss proposes, this reading, which is a more attentive, observer and wiser posture of surroundings, is based on touching, smelling, eating, seeing, and, I would add, felling. In light of this, I try to expatiate about certain experiences that I had the pleasure of living in some of these islands of resistance. Talks, perceptions, observations, sensations Stories, prose, poetries, music, photos, graphics Whatever could serve to portray even a bit of the reflections and forms to understand (ourselves) and produce knowledge, such as from a formation/Education to life, was well used at this ethnographic work. Space to the subjectivity and emotions I had, have, and will have a lot Everything for the dear reader may fell traveling around the world of tradition, resistance


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Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES≥1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component


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Unlike adult cancer, where cells usually originate from epithelial tissue and is linked to environmental factors, malignant tumors in childhood are mostly of embryonic origin and have a phase of rapid proliferation. When not started chemotherapy at this stage, the tumor increases in size, reducing their growth rate, thus reducing the response to chemotherapy. Childhood cancer is in Brazil, the second cause of mortality among children and adolescents from one to nineteen. His impact on the ranking of diseases becomes significantly important to public health since the first issue is related to accidents and violence. Many children are still sent to the centers of high complexity for cancer treatment with advanced stage disease. The delay in referral to diagnosis can be family, or the difficulty of access to the health sector, or the characteristics of the disease and lack of health staff regarding theme of childhood cancer. Before this problem, we aimed to assess the performance of health teams in the identification of child and adolescent symptoms of cancer in primary care, through the action research methodology, which includes the teaching-learning, seminars, describing the actions of the group and discussing the activities after the training. This study involved thirty-seven health professionals who provide care for children and adolescents in the USF Felipe Shrimp II, the Support Center for Children with Cancer and the pediatric hospital UFRN during the period from March to December 2010. The data were analyzed simultaneously to evaluate actions, following the direction of the analysis of ideas Freires, having as theoretical reference the primary health care. The diagnosis of current reality, as knowledge of the health team targeted for early identification of signs and symptoms raised through questioning, presented as generative themes: resistance to change, awareness of the need for apprehension of knowledge; prior knowledge through the media, fragmentation of the healthcare network, interfering with the operation of the reference and counter, the stigma of death, among others. The selected themes enabled the choice of content for the preparation of four seminars, such as implementation of collective action for discussion problematical. The teaching-learning process has allowed the study participants awareness of the problem and work through the knowledge acquired by interfering in decreasing the time interval between the identification of signs and symptoms of cancer and early specialist treatment. Their difficulties we are faced with a diagnosis of terminal cancer and associated with delayed access to laboratory tests and imaging necessary for the diagnosis of neoplasms. Thus, we find that when the team is consciously involved in the education process from identification of the problem situation, there may be significant changes in daily activities through awareness of being. However, we also realize that acquisition of knowledge and interest of the team are not enough, since to be efficiency of our service, we need an organization of cancer care network operating in the state of Rio Grande do Norte


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This study aimed to describe nurses' actions in the strategy of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. This is a qualitative study with descriptive approach. The universe consisted of nurses from the Family Health Strategy, totaling 16 participants. For the research project was submitted for approval by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining Opinion No. 187/2012. Data were obtained in two ways: a questionnaire survey to profile the training of nurses and an interview guided by a structured interview. Interviews were treated in the light of analysis of thematic category Bardin. The results showed the central thematic study "Integrated Management of Childhood Illness in the context of nursing activities" category and three analyzes: "Understanding the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness", "Difficulties invibializam use IMCI "and" Working conditions for nurses in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. " It is observed that nurses consider the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness useful, effective and important to keep sick children within the logic curative. However disregard the character of health promotion and disease prevention thereof. It was found that the participants still hold the attendance of crinaças within the biomedical model and that these same professionals are subjected to increasingly precarious working conditions and unhealthy due to lack of human and material resources. It was found that the interviewees do not follow the protocols of strategy because of barriers related to prescription medications by nurses, the medical, the lack of incentives, training and supervision by the municipal health and the Regional Nursing Council