41 resultados para ATtitudinal Loyalty


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This thesis presents a contribution to the study customer satisfaction models, analyzing the relationship between antecedent variables satisfaction and customer loyalty, through a survey with car s buyers in Natal. The theorical survey is focused in concepts of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and in the customer satisfaction index models. For the field survey, was applied a questionnaire, based on the Norwegian Customer Satisfaction Barometer (NCSB), considered by Johnson et al. (2001), with 106 customer of concessionary Fiat, the Pontanegra Automóveis. The main results obtained by the multiple regression analysis reveal that, considering the Fiat, the satisfaction is influencing by reliance degree in the firm seriousness and by complaining handling, the loyalty is influenced by possibility of again pay the same value if was again buy a car, the satisfaction degree with a car, affective commitment relationship firm customer of the own car and the complaining handling. Considering the concessionaire, the satisfaction is influenced by reliance degree in the firm seriousness, ability degree of the concessionaire in delivery service and by complaining handling, already the loyalty is influencing by possibility of again pay the same value if was again buy a car, affective commitment relations to be concessionaire s customer, by calculate commitment in relation the economic loss of bought this car of this firm and complaining handling


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This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of tourist in Natal. It is used a survey questionnaire applied at the airport in the departure moment of the tourist. The final sample results on 198 cases. Is is used a multiple regression analysis as the method to verify the factor affecting satisfaction and loyalty. Two models arise from the analysis. The first model concerning satisfaction results with cleaness and hygiene of the bathroom, leisure facilities, employees promptness, and price as the significant factors affecting satisfaction. The model has a R2 of 0.6430 and the also check in service, cleaness of the apartment and the hotel in general, bedroom setting have colinearity with some factors entering the model. The loyalty model results with satisfaction, affective commitment as the main factors affecting loyalty, with a R2 0.5396, and also image has collinearity with satisfaction. A small part of the sample has complained and this factor was not considered in the models. The results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that it is not the only one factor to explain loyalty


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The customer loyalty became strategy factor for the sustainability of business enterprises. And will be them competitive is important to describe the factors than the consumers consider for to choose the business than will buy the product or service. The dissertation objective is to know the factors that influence the consumer s satisfaction and loyalty in gas stations of Natal/RN, using the index national of customer satisfaction. The literature review was directed for strategy concepts, service quality, satisfaction and fidelity consumer and index national of customer satisfaction. The method used was descriptive-explicative, with application of a survey, from march 15 until april 15 of 2013, with 391 consumers of gas station. In relational analysis, we considered eight constructs: quality, price, complaints, satisfaction, image, loyalty, affection and commitment calculated. For customer satisfaction, the factors that influence have resulted in fuel quality, technical skills of vendors and duration of service. For customer loyalty, the factors that influence resulted in: image, feeling for distributor flag post, location and overall satisfaction with the gas station


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This Master s thesis presents a discussion on customer satisfaction models investigating the relations of antecedent variables service quality, price index, complaint handling, image, affective and calculative commitment, with satisfaction and loyalty. The scope of the research is the influence of service dimensions in the car buyer s satisfaction and loyalty. A sample of 91 customers was surveyed among new cars buyers of one brand in Natal city, Brazil, and the data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The literature review covers subjects such as customer satisfaction, management system, customer satisfaction measurement index models. The main findings suggest that satisfaction with the car brand is mainly influenced by customization of the service, time for accomplishing servicing, and the way the dealer handle complains. Regarding the dealer itself the main variable related to satisfaction is also time for accomplishing servicing. Considering customer loyalty, the customer satisfaction with the dealer explain strongly the loyalty with the brand/manufacturer. Also, the satisfaction, affective commitment and complains handling were found related to loyalty, as the stronger variables explaining the loyalty variance. One main conclusion is that service provided by dealers is one key factor influencing the customer satisfaction and loyalty in auto industry


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In recent decades, changes have been occurring in the telecommunications industry, allied to competition driven by the policies of privatization and concessions, have fomented the world market irrefutably causing the emergence of a new reality. The reflections in Brazil have become evident due to the appearance of significant growth rates, getting in 2012 to provide a net operating income of 128 billion dollars, placing the country among the five major powers in the world in mobile communications. In this context, an issue of increasing importance to the financial health of companies is their ability to retain their customers, as well as turn them into loyal customers. The appearance of infidelity from customer operators has been generating monthly rates shutdowns about two to four percent per month accounting for business management one of its biggest challenges, since capturing a new customer has meant an expenditure greater than five times to retention. For this purpose, models have been developed by means of structural equation modeling to identify the relationships between the various determinants of customer loyalty in the context of services. The original contribution of this thesis is to develop a model for loyalty from the identification of relationships between determinants of satisfaction (latent variables) and the inclusion of attributes that determine the perceptions of service quality for the mobile communications industry, such as quality, satisfaction, value, trust, expectation and loyalty. It is a qualitative research which will be conducted with customers of operators through simple random sampling technique, using structured questionnaires. As a result, the proposed model and statistical evaluations should enable operators to conclude that customer loyalty is directly influenced by technical and operational quality of the services offered, as well as provide a satisfaction index for the mobile communication segment


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In practically all vertical markets and in every region of the planet, loyalty marketers have adopted the tactic of recognition and reward to identify, maintain and increase the yield of their customers. Several strategies have been adopted by companies, and the most popular among them is the loyalty program, which displays a loyalty club to manage these rewards. But the problem with loyalty programs is that customer identification and transfer of loyalty points are made in a semiautomatic. Aiming at this, this paper presents a master's embedded business automation solution called e-Points. The goal of e-Points is munir clubs allegiances with fully automated tooling technology to identify customers directly at the point of sales, ensuring greater control over the loyalty of associate members. For this, we developed a hardware platform with embedded system and RFID technology to be used in PCs tenant, a smart card to accumulate points with every purchase and a web server, which will provide services of interest to retailers and customers membership to the club


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The research aims to evaluate the contributions of a teaching unit to enhance the learning contents ecological green areas in elementary school. The work was conducted with elementary students in a public school in Natal-RN. We sought to identify the students´ previous knowledge about the contents of ecology, develop and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU; assess learning of ecological concepts in Teaching Unit Potentially Significant; assess the contribution of interpretative trail as strategy teaching to learning content ecology. The survey of students´ previous knowledge through the pre-test was essential to identify the appropriate subsumers and partially correct, since they served as "anchor" for further expansion of scientific concepts contained in this research. The green areas of the school as an educational, contributed the motivational aspect, as students were protagonists throughout the entire process of teaching and learning. The method of stimulated memory was effective to evidence learning ecological concepts in interpretive trails. The use of diverse activities organized on a PMTU promoted intellectual autonomy of the students and facilitated the acquisition of new meanings through progressive differentiation, and integrative reconciliation consolidation of ecological content and concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the central ideas thematic Life and Environment. The development of procedural skills to capture and share meanings, observe, collect and record data, hypotheses, ability to explain, to apply knowledge to solve problem situations, argue, identify, compare, differentiate and relate concepts, negotiate meanings, reflecting Critically, systematize data was evidenced. Collaborative activities promoted the incorporation of attitudinal contents as developing respect for differences, learn to work in teams to plan, develop and implement actions together for citizenship and environmental responsibility. The application of the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU showed evidence of Critical meaningful learning ecological concepts covered in elementary school.


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This work suggests a discussion about methodologies and didactic-pedagogical activities for the teaching of Astronomy in first and second cycles of the primary school, in a perspective of literacy and inclusion. The presented proposals have been developed in a group of the Public School Alceu Amoroso Lima, North of Natal city, with children since six years old, amongst which two considered as being with special needs . This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to develop with those children the contents of Astronomy, while they participate of the process of literacy and inclusion. From this, we are searching a theoretical-practical contribution so that the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian Nacional Curricular Guideness) include the referred contents in first cycle of primary school. For the accomplishment of this research, Experiential Astronomy was initially proposed. Later on, many workshops had been carried through (clay, ripping , crepon paper, plasticine, cardboard and gastro-lunar ). All the proposed activities were based on the conjunction of contents, which characterized the interdisciplinarity. Through the approach we adopted and the practices we proposed, we could evidence that not only children considered as being normal , but also that ones who carries special needs could appropriate themselves of our writing code, develop and incorporate a daily relationship close to the stuffs of the sky, learn many information about all of this, besides constructing attitudinal, procedural and conceptual contents


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Focusing on the empirical assessment issue, proposed by Language change theory (cf. cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, [1972] 2008), this research assists to clarifying Portuguese teacher s attitudes in Natal- RN, regarding (a) to proclisis in three specific contexts: in the beginning of a simple/compound sentence (V1), after the subjects (SV), and proclisis after the secondary verb in complex verbal structures (V1V2); (b) to students who use such patterns in usage. Specific contexts were gathered thanks to their representing of the standard variety, as many studies have proven (Martins, 2012; Schei, 2003; Biazzoli, 2010, 2012). The research aims at: (i) verifying by means of a classroom assessment test, whether Portuguese teachers correct proclisis on referred contexts; (ii) identifying, via attitudinal tests what actions teachers take regarding to the usage of standards above mentioned, as well as students as users of those. Twenty Portuguese teachers, picked at random out of different of public schools in Natal-RN, responded to a classroom assessment test in addition to other two attitudinal ones. Results achieved point to a recurring high proclisis correction index of 50% in simple/compound sentences, even though such variety has been implemented to pronominal usage standards in Brazilian Portuguese. This setting of usage was generally assessed negatively, having no commonality between this assessment and the neutral one used by students. Unlike previous setting, the proclisis after subject did not receive any correction of the twenty teachers, what proves coherence with the positive evaluation both the varieties and the students attained. As for the second verb of complex verbal structures, proclisis correction went negative on presenting single results, despite their proximity, with correction indexes of 20% (infinite structures), 10% (present progressive structures) and 25% (participle structures). The assessment on these contexts of proclisis ranged between positive and neutral, also valid for the one students utilized. It means that proclisis in the beginning of simple/compound sentences are yet seemingly spotted in writing school scenario, much likely due to the negative evaluation, opposite to students . Later to subjects and earlier to secondary verbs in structures, proclisis appears to be acknowledged in writing school scenarios, which reflects on teachers assessment as compared to students who use proclisis in these contexts; being in general either positive or neutral


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This dissertation aims to analyze the causal relationship between the quality of tourist services, satisfaction with the attributes and globally, fidelity and image of tourist destinations. Therefore, it was conducted an exploratory, descriptive research with quantitative analytical approach. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire addressed to tourists at the Augusto Severo International Airport and Bus station of Natal, the main points of entry and exit of tourists. The composition was simple random sampling by reaching the final number of 400 tourists interviewed. Among the main results, is an assessment of the quality of the components of the destination. It was noted that nine are the dimensions of perceived quality of tourism products and services of ―Sun and Sand‖ segment, that is, Beaches and Facilities, Public Equipment, Catering Services, Transportation, Hotel Equipment, Hotel Services, Entertainment & Attractions, Access to the Hotel and Hospitality. Moreover, it was concluded that the Preview Tourism Destination Image has little direct influence in the Consumer Satisfaction, and only indirectly in the Post-Purchase Behavior. While the Complex Tourism Destination Image exerts strong and direct influence on both factors, in the Customer Satisfaction Process and Loyalty, the dimensions of quality also claimed to be strongly influences both factors


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The competition among tourist destinations environmental generates the emergent need to find different strategies to close down if the purpose of delight and retain their visitants. A customer satisfaction, loyalty and the development of attachment to place form a solid compound in search of promotion a tourist destination. This study presents the general objective analysis of the relationship between attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty of visitors, in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha / PE. Therefore, a model will be used as reference, where they will be analyzed various constructs related to attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as the relations between them. The methodology used in the study consists of an exploratory, descriptive, where the sample is random and consists of individuals who visited Fernando de Noronha on a pre-defined period of ten days. Based on a sample table, we defined a quantitative equivalent of 246 questionnaires, which will be applied when the visitor leaves the destination, the departure lounge of airport. A proposal focuses on the possibility to get results able to understand the subjective and intriguing relationship that involves the triad attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, trying to thus provide subsidies for optimizing environmental tourist destination