52 resultados para projeto político pedagógico


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The present investigation deals with the Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices of Young and Adults, EJA, and articulates with the conceptions and beliefs of teachers sitting. The empirical scope of this investigation consisted in the Municipal School Francisca Leonísia, located in the Agrarian Reform Settlement Serra Nova, city of Florânia/RN. Seeks to analyze the relationship between the Curriculum and Educational Practices of Young and Adult EJA - conceptions beliefs of these teachers. This work is based on qualitative research, interpretative character reflective and makes use of documentary analysis, structured interviews and reflective sessions as methodological procedures which ensure the achievement of our goals in research. These procedures allowed us to enter the practice setting and curriculum for teachers to understand how they think, prepare and practice of adult education in school curriculum research field. The documentary analysis provided the rethinking of the curriculum selected references, Political Pedagogical Project and Proposed Course of EJA, from a critical reading of concepts and conceptions given in these references, with a view to construction and reconstruction of concepts that reclaim the identity of young people and adult field, inserted in the Rural Workers Movement landless/MST. As reflective sessions were constituted in spaces of collective training and allowed the group to selfreflection e collective reflection about the ideas and beliefs that permeate the curriculum and guide their practices education in adult education. In these areas of training are also discussed current problems of adult education, the construction of an educational project of the adult education field to, warranties of learning and cultural identity of the adult education field and placed in the context of the MST. Under this view, it is concluded that the conceptions and beliefs of teachers seated directly relate to the curriculum designed, developed and practiced in adult education, as well as the educational practices that permeate the curriculum. This relation is in the midst of adversities of Rural Education, inserted in the Movement of Landless Rural Workers-MST, and requires the commitment of teachers to the necessary changes to an education are critical and emancipatory


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The present research to explorer the configurations that come being given to the autonomy of the school, since the decade of 1990. We investigate the implementation of the principle of the autonomy in the public system of education of the State of Pernambuco and, specifically, in four school units and this schools its in the quarters of Stubborn Brasilia Teimosa and Casa Amarela, both located in Recife. We try to know if the implementation of the autonomy of the school is circumscribed in the process of productive reorganization, it was evidenced that the inclusion of this principle in the educational politics - in the scopes national and state - obeyed the dynamics of retraction that, in the neoliberal context, the performance of the State in relation to the public education and the school characterizes, with consequence impact in the investigated schools. From the empirical inquiry it was identified to the occurrence of a movement realized for the social actors of the schools research in direction to the construction of the pertaining to school autonomy; this movement presenting some limits and fragilities. It was evidenced despite this movement varied of intensity in the measure where the social actors of the schools had developed levels of dinamics processes (in greater or minor degree) related with the diverse expressions of democratic management that can occur into the school, such as: elaboration of the Politician-Pedagogical Project, institution and functioning of the Pertaining to school Advice, etc. The set of the carried through analyses made possible that it concluded that, in the context neoliberal and delimited to the investigated time and space, the implementation of the autonomy of the school comes if giving in way to a complex movement of construction


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The school inclusion presents a number of challenges that has been mobilizing initiatives and studies about its effectiveness. If on one hand in such studies and initiatives it becomes important to emphasize on the role and training of teachers, on the other, there is few studies about the role (and performance) of the pedagogical coordination in face of this process. In this sense, this research focuses on the role of educational coordination in face of the school inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and it undertakes the following study s questions: has the action by the coordinator contributed to the process of including students with Special Educational Needs? How is it presented in the process of inclusion of students with SEN in regular education? And it aims to: investigate the role of the pedagogical coordinator in the process of inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs of Primary Education at regular schools; and to analyze the limits and possibilities of the coordinator actions in the process of inclusion of students with SEN. For the effectiveness of the research, a state school of Elementary School located at the city of Natal/RN was taken as an empiric field. It was selected as research subjects 4 coordinators, 2 teachers of the Multifunctional Resources Room and 2 teachers of 6th to 9th grades. The methodological approach that was used in this research is consistent with the qualitative approach, and it is configured as a case study, as it is understood that this type of research responds to the objective of the study, assuming the observation of everyday school life, the educational document analysis and interviews with the subjects as procedures and tools to build data. The construction and analysis of the data were followed by a dialogue with the literature dedicated to coordinating education and school enrollment. Considering the responsibilities of the contemporary pedagogical coordination due to the challenges and possibilities of schooling for all students, specially regarding to what is referred as collaborative work and ongoing training of teachers, this study points out to the lack of an articulated action related to the school inclusion process, considering the monitoring of the teaching activity and its dialogue with the Multifunctional Resources Room. Moreover, the emphasis on meeting the daily school routines and the compliance with bureaucratic procedures, put it into second, restructuring of the Political-Pedagogical and the possibility of mobilization of school around the problematization and systematization of an inclusive school project. The effectiveness of school s inclusion, therefore, implies the scaling of the functions of the pedagogical coordination, as well as the reorganization of the school it self, to ensure the mediation of collaborative actions, contemplating the teachers continuing education, having as a landmark difficulties, problems and experiences constructed in the school context


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Analyze the work of the school manager who now faces the changes experienced in school management for the last two decades. We propose that there have been changes in school management that have generated a larger number of activities to be developed by managers, causing both the intensification of work and a greater involvement of professionals in the financial-administrative dimension of their work in opposition to the political and pedagogical dimension. This study has a historic-critic approach. That is why we performed semi-structured interviews with school managers of the city schools in Natal RN, BR as a methodological procedure. We also analyzed the literature as well as the documentation relevant to this subject. From the study it was possible to conclude that changes in the field of school management and also teaching have led to an intensification of work of school managers and that such changes have not been followed by corresponding improvement in working conditions and teaching career of these professionals. They, as a rule, are considered by controlling agencies and by the school community as the primarily responsible for the school condition and for creating actions or projects that may improve the institutional objectives and results, including even the maintenance of the institution. Moreover, the growing number of administrative activities represents for obvious reasons extra work for these managers, who, when trying to cope with the growing bureaucratic situations, end up misplacing other political and educational aspects of school work, which may undermine the final purpose of school itself. We stress that we must broaden the discussions on the functions of the school manager, so that this worker can actualize a pedagogical project more committed to an emancipatory nature, despite all the challenge in keeping the school running in often-precarious conditions


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This project was based on an implemented investigation of the institutional self-evaluation at Municipal Emmanuel Bezerra school, located at the west zone of Natal capital in Rio Grande do Norte state, where school individuals were analysed in interaction. A qualitative research was taken under the use of several pieces of information and collected out of several sources, such as: managing, docent and administrative staff interviews; present school legislation, political pedagogical project, scholar regiment as well as the 2013 action plans documental analyses; and the literature review focused in books and articles which treats of evaluation, State Evaluator and the public educational politics in order to promote the dialogue between school theory and reality. The institutional evaluation has been the theme debated through several studies. However, with its major focus on the evaluation systems and High Education aiming to raise competition having implying the reaching of educational quality as justification under liberal view. Notwithstanding, over the controlling function of the educational results and competition trigger amongst the educational institutions to the accruement of the received resources, it is believed that this institutional evaluation, however the system, can assist in the educational services improvement offered to the local public, when endeavoured to the purpose of supporting human development. Having the obtained data, the self-evaluation process implemented at the concerned school, the conceptions which permeate the school environment as well as the community joining given in this object lesson, was described and analysed as dialoguing with the political pedagogical project and comprehending the constitution in a democratic management


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The model of attention to health in Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) presupposes a human-resources policy which prepares professionals of health to guide the services and sanitary practices. The nurse, a member of health staff, takes over an important role in implementation of principles and standards of SUS, being its professional formation necessary to labor organization in this purpose. In this way this study objectifies to analyse the process of formation of the male nurse in the Politic-Pedagogical Project (Projeto Político-Pedagógico PPP) in the perception of learning and teaching of the Faculty of nursing FAEN of the University of The Rio Grande do Norte State UERN. It treats about a descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative and quantitative approach carried out with learning and teaching of the graduation nursing course. In the field research carried out between the months of november, 2006 and february, 2007, were used like instruments the documental research below PPP´s, structured interview directed to the learning and the closed questionnaire applied to the students of eighth and ninth semesters of graduation course. The results of data about the questionnaires elaborated according to National Curricular Patters (Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais DCN) and the Instrument of Evaluation Course of Graduation MEC were organized according to six lists about the profile of the learning and teaching that participate of the research; of the didactical-pedagogical organization and PPP´s objectives to the just-graduates person to the didactical-pedagogical curriculum organization. For considering the interviews it was adopted thematic analysis of content discribed in lexical analysis by informatical program ALCESTE which provided the organization of the material in five categories: daily problems of SUS consolidation versus nurse formation, dichotomies about FAEN´s nursing course of curriculum versus principles of integralization of graduating process, the just-graduated one from FAEN and its professional insertion united to SUS politic-pedagogical project and the concern about the overcoming of dichotomies of graduation process abilities and necessary competences to the SUS performing nurse. The analysis of informations deriving from documental performance and field research resulted on the verification that, in spite of good intentions, the implementation strategies showed themselves fragile to cope with the rendering of expressed ideal on PPP. There is still a great gap between what´s thought as innovating graduating process and what´s being really implemented


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This work aims to understand the teaching of English at the Federal Institute of considering the recommendations of official and technical documents for the integrated secondary school and the perspective of the English teachers settled in one of the campuses of the Institute. It is also an objective of this research to infer as to what extent the perspective of teachers is articulated to the documental recommendations. For this purpose, several official and technical documents (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986), such as the PCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2000), the OCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2006) and the Political-Pedagogical Project of the Institute (IFRN, in press) were gathered, and a questionnaire was submitted to six teachers of English from one of the campuses of the institution. The theoretical references of the research include, among others, Bakhtin (1997; 1999), Widdowson (1991), Almeida Filho (2011; 2004), Celani (1988; 2009), Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998). The results show that the teaching of English according to the documents predicts the instrumental use of the foreign language, but suggests the development of competences and skills as contextualized social practices, aimed at the education of the student as a professional-citizen. The perspective of teachers, in turn, points to a concern that the teaching of English serves as a tool for improving student life through the instrumental use of language as a means of accessing information and professional training. This finding reveals that the articulation between the documental recommendations and perspective of teachers does not go beyond what refers to the instrumental language teaching, since teachers do not show, when reporting their practices, the teaching of language as social practice, as mentioned in the legal texts


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La reflexión crítica sobre la escuela y los quehaceres docentes ha favorecido la producción y la sistematización de nuevos saberes basados en fundamentos científicos, principalmente sobre las prácticas pedagógicas. En la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa, las investigaciones buscan comprender lo qué y cómo se enseña y se aprende durante la escolarización. En esa perspectiva, realizamos un estudio sobre la formación del profesor de Lengua Portuguesa y sus implicaciones en la clase, buscando observar la actuación de los alumnos-maestros en el contexto escolar, durante la realización de las Prácticas. Para tanto, elegimos como objetivo general, investigar cómo la carrera de Filología de la UFRN/CERES/Campus de Currais Novos promovía la formación de futuros profesores para atender a las expectativas de las políticas públicas para la enseñanza de Lengua Materna. Como referencial teórico, estudiamos los PCN, el proyecto político pedagógico de la carrera y autores del área de enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa y de Educación, entre ellos, Geraldi (1996), Travaglia (1996, 2003), Antunes (2003, 2007, 2009 y 2010), Lomas (2003), Figueiredo (2005), Marcuschi (2001, 2008), Oliveira (2010), Riolfi et al. (2008), Possenti (2003), Alarcão (1996, 2001) Imbernón (2011), Pimenta y Lima (2010) y Schön (1993). El estudio está situado en el ámbito de la Lingüística Aplicada y se caracteriza como investigación cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativista, a partir de un abordaje de inspiración etnográfica del ambiente de las Prácticas. En los resultados constatamos que los alumnos-maestros privilegian la enseñanza prescriptiva, fundamentado en una concepción de lengua como sistema, direccionando la enseñanza de la lengua para la dirección contraria al abordaje funcionalista (lengua / uso), distanciándose considerablemente de la propuesta de formar un alumno crítico y agente de transformación. Respecto a la visión de los alumnos-maestros sobre la carrera, fueron listadas algunas cuestiones relevantes, entre ellas, los contenidos que hacen parte de la carrera, la distribución de la carga horaria de los componentes curriculares, la revisión de las ementas, la oferta de asignaturas de inclusión social, la reorganización de las actividades de la práctica en relación al acompañamiento y orientación a los alumnos-maestros y, especialmente, la desarticulación teoría / práctica que fue considerada como responsable por muchas de las dificultades encontradas por los referidos alumnos en la fase de regencia de clase en la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa en los niveles de enseñanza fundamental y media. De ese modo, a partir del análisis de estos significados construidos por los alumnos-maestros sobre el proceso de formación en esa carrera de Letras, constatamos la necesidad de una revisión del proyecto de la carrera, pues éste presenta esas fragilidades que necesitan ser analizadas en función de la mejoría de la calidad de la enseñanza de la graduación


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The Shelters are responsible for caring for children and adolescents whose families or guardians are temporarily unable to fulfill his role as care and protection. The activities to be developed by psychologists in these services are greatly important for the elaboration and development of political- pedagogical project of the same, and for reasons pertaining to the present and future of children and adolescents received judgments. The psychologist puts up the challenge of contributing to a better care of children, also cooperating with the implementation of the new care standards of childcare. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the professional psychologist in assistance to children and adolescents in 13 Shelters in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN. For both set out to make visits to the institutions to know how it is organized the field work of the psychologist, his routine work and activities developed. Nine psychologists interviewed according to a semi-structured interview script. The data analysis is supported by the theoretical aspects of dialectical materialism historical and theme content analysis was used. Results were presented from three angles: psychologists and institutional framework; activities, resources and methods of work; psychologists and legal frameworks of the Institutional Hospitality. The study points out the recent entry of the psychologist in Shelters, combined with considerable turnover of these professionals. This work has been organized through the Individualized Service Plan, prioritizing the return to family of origin. Moreover, in general, perform joints with the service network, reporting, individual consultations and follow-adoption processes . Staff members, however, feel a lack of specific and continuing training on special protection, including due to the distance between the proposed theory and practice. It was thus observed a movement of psychologists distance themselves from welfare or repressive practices, however the structural difficulties of services and lack of continuing education appear to limit the development of a performance focused on the transformation of the reality of children and adolescents treated and their families


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This thesis has as main objective to reflect about the defining conceptual elements of the embodied curriculum concept, ident ified curriculum conception from the analysis about the rationality employed in the doctoral work of teacher Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, entitled The construction of the curriculum in popular critical perspective: the significant words to the context ualized practices , written and defended in the Postgraduate Program in Education: Curriculum, in the Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo, in 2004. We looked, also, on the problematization of the affinities between postcolonial theories – analytical perspectives towards the discussion about coloniality and their effect on contemporary social weaving – and the embodied curriculum concept. We argue that the reflections present in the aforementioned work bring an articulated curriculum concept based on three conceptual symbiotic elements, namely: negativity, dialogue and praxis, which, by endorsing the possibility of a curricular ingrained practice in the life context of the individuals, have some post - colonial inclinations that lead to the problematizat ion about the neo - colonial manifestations in curricular sphere, outlining a critique of the modus operandi of the colonialism, particularly, in its cultural and epistemic dimension from which the education is inseparable. For that, we used as methodologica l procedure the symbolic cartography, knowledge building strategy systematized by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, which allowed us to construct interpretive maps that enabled the symbolization of the universe which we longed to understand, that is, the concept ual categories mentioned above, which, in our view, underlie the concept of embodied curriculum. In this direction, we anchored ourselves in a meaningful dialogue with the theoretical approach of Paulo Freire and some of his interpreters regarding the disc ussion on curriculum, especially the reflections dev eloped by Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, and authors whose theoretical developments resonate in prospects for humanization, social justice and empowerment, among which we highlight: Theodor Adorno, Hug o Zemelman, Wilfred Carr, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, among others. We seek, in the same manner, on the contributions of authors considered post - colonial, as Hugo Achugar, Gayatri Spivak, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Enrique Dussel, to name a few, the reason s why we consider the embodied curriculum as a place of political - pedagogical enunciation, conducive to an educational praxis that engages in a curricular work of reality translation in order to see what overwhelms it to, then, elicit the construction of a school curriculum as an awareness project for releasing in relation to what is unjust and inhumane. We consider, finally, that the success of this curriculum embodied translation implies a larger number of speakers mobilized in the production of knowledge that yearns for social emancipation and contribute to the enrichment of human capabilities as the maintenance of the life and the dignity of people.


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This work aims to describe how is occurring through the process of institutionalizing the Administration distance course of UFRN. To this end, structured into two parts: through research and analysis of content, sought to impound as if gave historic process of creation, as well as identify variables isomórficas, proposed by Powell and DiMaggio (1991), on the actions undertaken, and still present, institutional actors-having been found three typologies; then investigated the process itself, analyzing the factors of institutionalization suggested Esman (1966-1972), internal structure doctrine, leadership programme, resources, links and exchanges, from the political plan educational course. As the research methodology was defined as qualitative, even though I used survey to collect, reviewed the second ANOVA. The results found in this step pointed out that only the doctrine and internal structure variables are consistent with the assumptions of model; we found for other, discharged indicated a gap between the political acts contemplated in teaching and the actions taken so far, unfavourable element to its legitimacy. However, although the implications found in the analysis of these factors suggest that this course can derive one more discontinuous Government proposal of distance course, this study believes that are still reasonable assistance to facilitate and promote the process aimed at strengthening the progress achieved so far in the success of its institutionalization


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On this paper, I propose a reflexion on the formation of a youth maroon, as a political subject , based on experience, personal expectations and social projects in the construction of a political identity in the community quilombola Capoeiras, which is located in the district of Macaíba (RN). I observed two social situations; the projects of the Pau-furado Youth and the Swingueira Quilombola , those kinds of dances that have as protagonists or as audience the youth people who lives in the community here mentioned, those people that legitimize and innovate in these traditions and roles they play and crucial positions in the construction of ethnic identities and generation within a political community. It seeks to understand the place of youth in this new context of political affirmation and identity. It is, therefore, to understand the diversity in their local youth from different social, cultural, political and economic


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Our object is to analyze the experiences in participative management in the cities o Natal and Maceió. The center of our interests is to evaluate if the operational changes in public administration in Brazil have really caused transformations in the municipal government which tend to constitute democracy in our country. The enlargement of civil society participation experiences in public management (at least as a proposal) has led to a great diversity of results even when executed by individuals from the same political party or with the same ideological interests. Thus, we investigate why the participative management process takes place in different forms even when the managers belong to the same party and share the same ideas. We based our analysis in the analytical scheme developed by Esping-Andersen (1991) in his studies about the cause for different welfare states in the world. We defend the thesis that the specifities in management are explained through an integrative analysis between the capacity of organization existent in society, the kind of govern coalition and the institutional legacy present in both cities. The complete analysis of the two experiences studied shows that there are similarities specially in the mayors government forms and in the importance they give in their speech to the participation of society as the element which sustains the management. Nevertheless, although both mayors are connected to the political party project, there are also differences in the advance of such process mainly because of the basis work performed by the left party among the popular movement, the kind of govern coalition which has been developed in the city and by the institutional legacy left by the former administration


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Crées par leDécret n° 7.566, le 23 septembre 1909, les 19 Escolas de Aprentizes Artífices (Écoles d Aprentis Artisans) stratégiquement situées dans les capitales des états brésiliens, répresentaient l une de plus importantes réalisations pour la formation de main-de-oeuvre qualifiée dans les premières décennies de XXème siècle. Alors, ce travail est constitué par une recherche historique ayant eu pour base les informations apportées par des documents divers (Lois, Décrets, Rapports et Messages Gouvernementales, Livres des Immatriculations) et des nouvelles publiées dans le journal A República, disponibles à l Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Norte IHG-RN, à l Arquivo Público do Estado et au Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET RN). On montre la configuration que l expérience de l École d Aprentis Artisans a constituée au Rio Grande do Norte à partir de 1909, crée avec le niveau élémentaire jusqu au 1942, quand la Lei Orgânica do Ensino Industrial a changé cet enseignement en le modifiant pour le niveau secondaire. Dans l état du Rio Grande do Norte(RN), ce genre d école a été crée au 3 janvier de 1910. La finalité était la formation des ouvriers et contremaîtres par l enseignement pratique et technique nécessaires aux mineurs qui puissent apprendre un métier. L école du RN a contribuée pour la consolidation du projet politique-idéologique de la construction de la nationalité brésilienne, par des pratiques des contenu patriotique et civique-militaire, en détachant l insertion du scoutisme scolaire comme expression de la militarisation des pratiques éducatives pour le contrôle des corps. Malgré l enseignement professionnel avoir été utilisé pour l imposition des modèles culturelles sous-jacents aux rapports de production capitaliste qui étaient exigés des travailleurs, la Escola de Aprendizes Artífices de Natal a répondue à la demande locale, ce qui renforce l idée que sa création dans ce moment historique a attendu surtout le but politique-idéologique plutôt que celui du développement économique et éducationnel de la population norte-riograndense