29 resultados para multi-profile social choice


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The work objective was to investigate the influence of social practices social in the choise decision of a tourist destination. For in such a way, a survey with the aid of a questionnaire, was used as being the research instrument. The study used a simple random sample without replacement, due to elements of the population had a equal probability different of zero, to be selected for forming part of the sample. The used collection method of data was personal interview. The data was collected at Augusto Severo International Airport at the moment in which tourists were embarking in return to the residence place or another tourist destination. For determination of sample size, it was considered the tourist who had visited Natal in November and December, 2004, supplied by the Secretariat of Tourism in the RN. The sample for the research was of 403 people. Results showed that the interviewed express the existence of high level of competitiveness in the tourism industry. It was observed that 42.5% of the interviewed believes to exist a very aggressive competition, and 47.5% believed that the competition is aggressive in the tourism industry. 10.4% of the interviewed expressed much interest in knowing about social practices in the tourism industry and 2.8% had not presented any interest in knowing about social practices in the tourism industry. For the interviewed, the travel agency image is a significant item in the choice for a tourist package, because of 35.6% believed that this factor is very important in the choice. 5% of the interviewed only find that little important or that sometimes the travel agency image can be seen as s decisive factor in the tourist package choice


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Research in the area of teacher training in English as a Foreign Language (CELANI, 2003, 2004, 2010; PAIVA, 2000, 2003, 2005; VIEIRA-ABRAHÃO, 2010) articulates the complexity of beginning teachers classroom contexts aligned with teaching language as a social and professional practice of the teacher in training. To better understand this relationship, the present study is based on a corpus of transcribed interviews and questionnaires applied to 28 undergraduate students majoring in Letters/English emphasis, at a public university located in the interior of the Western Amazon region, soliciting their opinions about the reforms made in the curriculum of this Major. Interviews and questionnaires were used as data collection instruments to trace a profile of the students organized in Group 1, with freshmen and sophomore undergraduates who are following the 2009 curriculum, and Group 2, with junior and senior undergraduates who are following the 2006 curriculum. The objectives are to identify, to characterize and to analyze the types of pronouns, roles and social actors represented in the opinions of these students in relation to their teacher training curriculum. The theoretical support focuses on the challenge of historical and contemporary routes from English teachers initial education programs (MAGALHÃES; LIBERALLI, 2009; PAVAN; SILVA, 2010; ALVAREZ, 2010; VIANA, 2011; PAVAN, 2012). Our theoretical perspective is based on the Systemic Functional Grammar of Halliday (1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994; 2004) and Thompson (2004). We focus on the concept of the Interpersonal meaning, specifically regarding the roles articulated in the studies by Delu (1991), Thompson and Thetela (1995), and in the Portuguese language such as Ramos (1997), Silva (2006) and Cabral (2009). Moreover, we ascribe van Leeuwen s (1997; 2003) theory of Representation of Social Actors as a theoretical framework in order to identify the sociological aspect of social actors represented in the students discourse. Within this scenario, the analysis unfolds on three levels: grammatical (pronouns), semantic (roles), and discursive (social actors). For the analysis of interpersonal realizations present in the students opinions, we use the computational program WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2010) and its applications Wordlist and Concord to quantify the occurrences of the pronouns I, You and They, which characterize the roles and social actors of the corpus. The results show that the students assigned the following roles to themselves: (i) apprentice to express their initial process of English language learning; (ii) freshman to reveal their choice of Major in Letters/English emphasis; (iii) future teacher to relate their expectations towards a practicing professional. To assign the roles to professors in the major, the students used the metaphor of modality (I think) to indicate the relationship of teacher training, while they are in the role of a student and as a future teacher. From these evidences the representation of the students as social actors emerges in roles such as: (i) active roles; (ii) passive roles and (iii) personalized roles. The social actors represented in the opinions of the students reflect the inclusion of these roles assigned to the actions expressed about their experiences and expectations derived from their teacher training classroom


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The competition for resources is one of the costs of group living. The scramble competition is considered an indirect type of competition, mainly associated with factors like group size and distribution of resources. Contest competition occurs when individuals compete directly for resources. In species that exibit this type of competition the establishment of dominance hierarchy can occur, resulting in differences on feeding and reproductive benefits for each member of the group. In these cases, aggressive and submissive behaviors are expected as a way to signal social status. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of social hierarchy over food ingestion in Callithrix jacchus. Data recording was from September/2006 to March/2007, eight days by month, at Floresta Nacional de Açu do Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade. The observation time started at 05:00 AM and finished after the last animal was on the sleeptree. Analyses of aggressive interactions, behavioral profile and diet, reveals a lot of advantages for dominat animals in the study group. Dominant individuals had higher intake of animal matter that subordinates. The last ones, consumed fruits, exsudate and, eventually, explored itens that were not common to the diet. We suggest that dominance hiearchy enable the reproductive female to assure priority on access to food resources, a important caracteristc to supply tha costs to maintain tha high reproductive taxa of the specie. We also suggest that reproductive male, due to the participation on food transfer, had the forage efficience reduced


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This master s dissertation deals with motivation and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done considering a cognitive perception. Work is understood here under a social and subjective comprehension, once it deals with significance attribution. Motivation is the process that rules choice of the different possibilities of individual behavior, all of which according to the Expectation Theory. This study aims to analyze the implications of the productive restructure, since it is related to technological innovation, organizational changes and management, in motivation and work significance. Thus, the objective of the research is to verify motivational differences and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done in two distinct moments of the productive restructure of bank employees in Natal-RN. The research is divided in two parts. In the first one, changes that occurred in banks between 1999 until 2005 were identified by the means of interviews with 7 bank managers. The analyzed perspective was training intensifying, quality emphasis of customer attendance, the use of automation/technology, staff stabilization, change in staff profile, work intensification, etc. In the second study the Inventory of Motivation and Work Meaning was applied. Thus, questions related to work focus, social demographic data, in 187 bank employees were dealt with. The collected data was compared to data from previous work. It was observed that productive restructure has a reflection in the meaning of work increasing self-expression, economical reward, and responsibility in work conditions. All of the item mention beforehand maintain the level of inhumanness and consummation and respond as being the characteristics of the real work environment. On the other hand, bank employees value less justice, self-expression and more the survival perspective, implying instrumental values to work. As for motivation, it is increased among bank employees. These employees have greater expectations that their work produce results since they believe in their interference in work results


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This paper analyzes the political participation of Social Workers at the Social Service Regional Council Region 14th. The theoretical and methodological framework of this investigation has as its perspective the totality of social life and its determining relations within the object of study. To the production, analysis and collecting of data it was used a qualitative approach considering a bibliographical and documental research as well as a series of twelve interviews with 2005-2008 and 2008-2011 managing counselors of CRESS/RN. It was also used the data obtained from other special interviews held with the social workers in the period between 2007 and 2008. The results of this study allow and affirm the political dimension of Caseworkers and the CRESS/RN as a space of political activity with opportunities for effective and collective elaboration of strategies in order to reach the fulfillment of the ethical and professional policy of the Social Work. From a historical viewpoint, the beginning of this process is marked by the struggle for democracy, the end of military dictatorship, the establishment of the State of Human Rights. The Democratization of the so called Federal Council of Social Workers and its Regional Councils of Social Workers, CFAS / CRAS, respectively, area a result of the participation of the category in an effort to fight for democratization in Brazil. The objective of this research, so, is to understand which the socio-historical determinants are, that focus objectively and subjectively in the demobilization of social workers in CRESS Region 14th - in the contemporary and historical context. Among the results obtained we identified the ignorance of some professional workers and also of some advisors, regarding the existence and the role of the Council, as well as the commercialization of Education that compromises the quality of the professional training in its theoretical and methodological, ethical and political dimensions. According to our understanding, this shows a the presence of a non-critical professional profile based on a false reality, on the precariousness of employment contracts which undermine the political organization and submit the worker to various social exploring mechanisms such as double shift and ultimately the fragility of the management of the Regional Council -, as a consequence of the offensive capitalist system that ideologically invests to stop the political organization founded in a critical and democratic perspective. The low participation of some advisors and, in general, the category in CRESS / RN, despite its objective conditions, is a reality and it is presented to us as a challenge to future managements and policy consolidation to society. Inasmuch as the category intends to guarantee the high quality of its social workers, the demands of future counselors, their skills and abilities in dealing with regulatory issues, administrative policies that pervade the everyday life of CRESS / RN are necessary


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The study is about the non-insertion of the Social Assistant in the work market of Natal/RN, emphasizing the perception those Social Assistants have about this problem. We try to analyze the relation that those workers figure out about their non-insertion in the work market and their professional formation. The problem is related to the present unemployment rates in our society, which results of the changes that have affected the world of work as a whole in the wake of the Productive Restructuring and State Reformation supported by the neo-liberalism ideological system. We realize that these factors have deeply affected the configurations of the work market in general; especially those related to professions whose challenges multiply obstacles not only to the insertion of new workers, but to their staying in their job. We note that the reality of the work market has been built up on the decrease of the work force opportunities and the increase of the selectivity criteria to insertion of new workers. In consequence, unemployment rates increase everywhere, regardless of place, profession or education level of the workers. Work and management changes have brought about new challenges to professional formation. The presence of neo-liberalism productive and market logic demands a more adequate professional formation to work market from their candidates to a job. Due to the numberless difficulties workers face nowadays to enter the world of work, society itself and workers in general begin to question the profession of their choice, the kind of formation they have got, and frequently they lay the blame of their professional difficulties on it. This result has come out from the research we did with some social assistants not inserted in the professional work market in Natal/RN. The research reveals too that those unemployed professionals see their difficulties connected to their professional formation and they happen to say that the main challenge they face today is to get acknowledgment to the significance and importance of their profession


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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The requirements in the world of work in the contemporary impact on quality of life, health workers in their relations with users and other professionals of the healthcare team. Given this reality, this study discusses the working conditions in health and disease process of (a) having social goals as analyze the implications of working conditions in the disease (the) social workers in state hospitals Metropolitan Region Christmas (NMR); identify the main diseases affecting social workers in hospitals in the SESAP NMR and reveal the relationship between the disease processes of social and working conditions in hospitals in the state NMR. The research was guiding questions to reveal how to configure the work, conditions of work and of the disease process (the) social worker. To grasp the socioeconomic profile of (the) social workers, the characterization of the work, duties and responsibilities in the sociooccupational, factors that interfere with the disease process of (the) social workers of RMN, and actions and investments Policy on Occupational Health RN correlating to illness today is that we set for the unveiling of the movement of the object of study through the methodological approach with documentary research aimed at literature review; extensive direct observation correlated to real life observation and application of 66 (sixty-six) questionnaires. The data from the closed questions were treated using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The open questions were transcribed and then analyzed the light of theoretical work on the subject. The research reveals that social workers are subject to conditions and labor relations precarious illness causing health problems because some of these professionals, among them are: stress, allergies and skin conditions or, Read / WMSD among other diseases. Thus, we understand the need for debates about the relationship work (the) social worker and worker health before the contradictions of capital also present in public health services


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This research comprises a study about the social assessment performed by the Social Worker in the review process of the Benefit of Continued Installment. The Benefit of Continued Installment was implemented in 1996 and guarantees a minimum salary to the deficiency person and to an elder with sixty five years or more and that proves not to have ways to support neither himself/herself nor his/her own family. It is a demand to include in the BPC that the maximum income of a family does not exceed ¼ of minimum salary and that every two years this benefit to be revised to evaluate its continuity based in its original conditions. This study was carried out in the municipality of Natal/RN, with thirteen social workers, being the collection of data performed through interviews and social assessments of the users that count with the benefit. The results show that the users selected by the criterion of the income, present a profile of poverty and deprivations demonstrated through several situations survived in its daily life, indicative of vulnerability. It was demonstrated that the Social workers has relative autonomy in the evaluations along with the users and that it denotes the necessity of inclusion. However, by following the imposed criteria, it corroborates with the logic of exclusion. So, it is identified in the Municipality of Natal/RN, following the orientation given the politics of social work at national level, the implementation of revision of the BPC, for the social workers, from rigorous processes of selection and exclusions


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This work deals with the problematic of the determinations that contribute to become the adolescents involved with law. Thus, in this research, the social exclusion is apprehended as one of the most important determining to understand this problematic, once we defend that it is part of the trajectory of this adolescent's life since its birth as a punishment that starts before they becoming envolved in act's that break the law. It is still questioned the discussion of the reduction of the penal age, viewed aa a proposal that will contribute to perpetuate the repression. The objectives of the research were: analyze the problematic of adolescents in conflict with law, where social exclusion is seen here as a main category. The research also aims to understand the situation towards social exclusion and that this public is undertaken in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in Natal. This is dane through analysis of the profile of adolescents that are submitted to the treatment at Centro Integrate de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional - CIAD in 2005. This is dane on arder to identify of the State's and society's actions towards this issue, how it has prevailed in analyzing if there is punishing or social protection. The research also contributed with discussion towards the non penal reduction of for underage minors. The approach realized if of qualiquantitative nature. The research was realized with 190 male adolescent subjects, age ranging from 12 to 21 that were interns at CIAD in the year of 2005. The research shows that their fundamental rights (education, health, amongst others) are disrespected on a daily basis by the State. The State prioritizes economic issues, making social inequality more profound. The main argument is that this problematic has its main oring in the social exclusion and it is imposed to the adolescents as a punishment before thes have been involved with the law going on top of the social protection. When the adolescent goes from being the victim to executioner, the Statute of Children and Adolescents is questioned by many sectors that defend the reduction of penal minority as a solution to reduce the country's violence. Thus, it was aimed here to discuss arguments that point to non exclusion, discrimination and repression. It is proposed that the State should assume children and adolescents as a priority, implementing what the statute establishes as well as assures related to the fruition of denied rights as a way to prevent their future involvement with violence


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This study analyzed the perception of ethics on the part of students of Post-graduation in Tourism, to develop their academic research. It is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, being considered quantitative with some elements analyzed qualitatively. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire, originated in google docs and sent via e-mail to 54 students in three graduate programs in Tourism: The Tourism Master of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the Master in Tourism and Hospitality of the University of Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) and Master of Tourism at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), resulting in 22 responses. The study presents a profile of the dissertation research of post-graduate students, their perception about research ethics, as well as the difficulties encountered in the research process. Notes that research of dissertation are geared mostly for the historical and cultural aspects of tourism and the choice of topics for the essays came in first place, due to the influence of the guiding lines of research and, secondly, due to social relevance. The methods used in post-graduate research are descriptive, the literature and exploratory. It also notes that most students graduate in tourism (81%) attaches great importance to ethics in carrying out their dissertation research, students claim that ethics brings credibility and seriousness to research. Furthermore, it was realized that they have no knowledge about the practice of misconduct by researchers in the field of Tourism. Demonstrate that the major ethical challenge encountered by students is in relationship with the research subject, what happens during data collection. It also notes that none of the respondents sent any project to be evaluated by an Ethics Committee (CEP), moreover, most do not know the resolution 196/96, which has the main guidelines on research ethics at national level. Concludes that the students post-graduate in tourism have little knowledge about the standards and guidelines on research ethics. They demonstrate ignore the benefits of research ethics in regarding the protection and preservation of the participant, as well as the benefits it generates for society


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The knowledge of the phytoplankton community, as an integral and dynamic processes of eutrophication, provides information essential for proper management and handling. A growing problem of cyanobacteria in reservoirs around the world as a result of artificial eutrophication processes, generating a particular concern, because some species produce cyanotoxins, which can cause adverse effects on human health. The present work aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton, assessing their potential as ecological indicator of water quality in reservoirs semiarid region. The samples of water were collected monthly between 2009 and 2011, at three points along the dam Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves / RN. In each sample were measured physico - chemical analysis of water and biological components. We conducted a scientific dissemination activity, with distribution and reading primer on eutrophication, informative talk about water quality, questionnaires and performing a play in a public school in the city of Itajá / RN. The reservoir was considered eutrophic in three points, taking into account the values of chlorophyll -a and phosphorus, adopted to characterize eutrophic environments of semi-arid areas. High density of cyanobacteria, with a maximum value of 2.227.862 cél.ml- 1 and minimum of 43.456 cél.ml- 1 was recorded in lentic and semilêntico points throughout the study, exceeding the levels of drinking water (20.000 cél.ml- 1) established in 2.914/2011 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. All samples contained microcystin, and 44 % had values superiores1μg L- 1. The thermal pattern of the water column showed micro stratifications with differences of less than 1 ° C from five feet deep. The distribution pattern was the type profile clinogrado with oxygen deficit in the bottom of the reservoir. Oxiclina from 10 meters depth was observed during the rainy season (May-June) in the two years of study. The phytoplankton community was represented by 10 functional groups: S1, M, H1, Lo, P, F, Sn, P, W2 and R. The assessment of the ecological status of the system by the index Q showed poor water quality. The results of the study show that the vertical variations were less pronounced than the seasonal variations of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton community in general in the reservoir. The presence of cyanotoxins confirms the need for the monitoring of water quality and measures to reduce eutrophication in water supply reservoirs semiarid RN and demonstrates the challenge for water managers and health authorities to ensure water quality and consequently minimize risks to human health. Compared to the lecture, the primer was considered more efficient in sensitizing the participants, featuring a dynamic practice, differentiated learning, create opportunities for students to rethink attitudes of respect and care for the environment, and shall have the opportunity to learn the subject content from your reality and living environment. The knowledge generated from the activity of scientific were seen as essential for raising awareness of some of the region`s environmental problems , such as eutrophication


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This study consists of a study on the presence of relationship between social capital and solidarity groups to endorse the Center for Support to Small Businesses - CEAPE - PI, the capital was measured by confidence levels and associations, considering trust as the expectations want, and learned associations between people and how the interactions among members within a group and between groups. The central research question seeks to identify whether there are linkages between the levels of social capital and the profile of members of the solidarity group CEAPE-PI. The overall objective is to analyze the level of social capital and whether these vary with the change in the profile of the solidarity group members. The method adopted in perspective cross-examined the level of social capital found in 300 of solidarity group members, collected through a survey research related to the profile of the solidarity group members, obtained with the CEAPEPI. The data show that micro-credit groups have relatively high levels for most variables, but to relate to the profile of microcredit results demonstrate the interesting points of analysis


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The tectonics activity on the southern border of Parnaíba Basin resulted in a wide range of brittle structures that affect siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. This tectonic activity and related faults, joints, and folds are poorly known. The main aims of this study were (1) to identify lineaments using several remotesensing systems, (2) to check how the interpretation based on these systems at several scales influence the identification of lineaments, and (3) to contribute to the knowledge of brittle tectonics in the southern border of the Parnaíba Basin. The integration of orbital and aerial systems allowed a multi-scale identification, classification, and quantification of lineaments. Maps of lineaments were elaborated in the following scales: 1:200,000 (SRTM Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission), 1:50,000 (Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite), 1:10,000 (aerial photographs) and 1:5,000 (Quickbird satellite). The classification of the features with structural significance allowed the determination of four structural sets: NW, NS, NE, and EW. They were usually identified in all remote-sensing systems. The NE-trending set was not easily identified in aerial photographs but was better visualized on images of medium-resolution systems (SRTM and Landsat 7 ETM+). The same behavior characterizes the NW-trending. The NS-and EW-trending sets were better identified on images from high-resolution systems (aerial photographs and Quickbird). The structural meaning of the lineaments was established after field work. The NEtrending set is associated with normal and strike-slip faults, including deformation bands. These are the oldest structures identified in the region and are related to the reactivation of Precambrian basement structures from the Transbrazilian Lineament. The NW-trending set represents strike-slip and subordinated normal faults. The high dispersion of this set suggests a more recent origin than the previous structures. The NW-trending set may be related to the Picos-Santa Inês Lineament. The NS-and EW-trending sets correspond to large joints (100 m 5 km long). The truncation relationships between these joint sets indicate that the EW-is older than the NS-trending set. The methodology developed by the present work is an excellent tool for the understanding of the regional and local tectonic structures in the Parnaíba basin. It helps the choice of the best remote-sensing system to identify brittle features in a poorly known sedimentary basin