45 resultados para estímulo alimentar
O tema proposto nesta tese vai ao encontro do atual debate em curso no Brasil e no mundo acerca de duas dimensões da cadeia agroalimentar: produção e consumo. Desse modo, as questões de como se dá essa relação frente às estratégias locais por diferentes atores, terá ênfase. Para isso, como campo empírico foram escolhidos três municípios localizados no território Centro-Sul do estado do Paraná: Irati, Inácio Martins e Fernandes Pinheiro que desde 2004 estão inseridos no Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), mais especificamente na modalidade Compra com Doação Simultânea (CDS). A hipótese que embasa este estudo é de que o PAA poderá ser capaz de assumir um caráter estruturante - a partir do seu viés pedagógico, capacidade organizativa de produção, manutenção da diversidade ou resgate da policultura (e aqui se privilegia a agroecologia), bem como uma alternativa viável de acesso a um tipo de mercado (mercado institucional) -, não por altruísmo dos atores, mas por ser mais vantajoso ser parte integrante, do que estar à parte do processo, aliando a isso melhorias nas condições alimentares tanto das suas famílias, quanto das entidades receptoras. O objetivo principal foi analisar as relações sociais e as práticas alimentares de um grupo de agricultores(as) agroecológicos entre as responsáveis pelo recebimento dos alimentos doados buscando compreender se o PAA possibilita a Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SSAN) de grupos sociais (como das famílias rurais) e das pessoas atendidas por estas entidades. A metodologia utilizada foi a de estudo de caso. Como procedimentos foram empregados entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aplicação de questionários como: Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar(EBIA) e Questionário de Frequência de Consumo Alimentar(QFCA). A amostra foi composta por agricultores(as)/ fornecedores(as) do PAA, nutricionistas e, coordenadora de uma das entidade dos seus produtos é, de fato, o que os mobiliza a continuar produzindo em maior diversidade e quantidade. Após a vivência dos(as) agricultores(as) /fornecedores de estarem inseridos no Programa foi possível para estes atores se sentirem parte do processo e, assim, repensar suas práticas de produção de alimentos, seja ela destinada ao autoconsumo, seja voltada à comercialização. Para além da discussão acerca da produção destinada ao autoconsumo, ficou claro o processo de recampesinização entre as famílias de agricultores(as). O processo de (re)conexão se apresenta de forma frágil, considerando, sobretudo, as considerações feitas pelas mediadoras. Trazer à tona o debate acerca da produção-consumo de alimentos, tanto na perspectiva de quem produz, como na de quem consome, e tomando por referência a operacionalização de políticas públicas, viabiliza a ampliação de debates e a concretização de ações mais contundentes numa perspectiva de minorar a situação de vulnerabilidade (social e alimentar) e de pobreza rural
Octopus insularis, target species in this study, is the dominant benthic octopus of the North and Northeast Brazil. Studies on behavior and ecology of the species have been conducted primarily on oceanic islands, with little information on the continental populations. In this study, two regions of the coast of RN, Rio do Fogo and Pirangi, were chosen for the characterization of the niche by O. insularis populations. The dietary niche, habitat and distribution of O. insularis of oceanic islands and the mainland, were compared. In addition, individual characteristics of feeding behavior in a population at Atol das Rocas was studied, taking into account the size of individuals, the proximity of the dens and characteristics of their "personality". The diet of the Rio do Fogo population was composed mainly of bivalve molluscs (82%), unlike Pirangi population that has a diet consisting mainly of crustaceans Decapoda (68%), similar to that described for the populations of the islands. Consequently, the feeding niches of the island populations were more similar, with greater overlap, but the niche breadth of the continent was larger. The habitats of occurrence on the coast includes reefs, rocks, gravel and an environment called Restinga, a plateau composed of biogenic gravel, sand, sponges and algae, showed a high density of animals. Similarly to that found in the islands, O. insularis in the continent, had a clumped distribution, and a bathymetric segregation between small and large individuals. The differences in diet composition among populations were explained by differences in habitat and coverage of the substrate, which may be directly influencing the diversity and prey availability in these environments. The individual analyzes of the population at Atol das Rocas, showed no relationship between the degree of individual specialization and the different personalities, or the distance between dens. The results suggest that the foraging strategy with greater availability of prey in the environment has an influence on diet octopuses over preferences or personalities
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Post-menopause is characterized as the period beginning one year after the permanent cessation of menstrual cycles, which is typically related to medical disorders that, in association with Metabolic Syndrome (MS), represent a set of cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: To assess dietary intake and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women, according to the level of physical activity. Methods: The sample consisted of 82 women, evaluated in the Northern Zone of the city of Natal / RN who were participants in the Natal Active Program. People completed a Food Frequency Consumption Questionnaire (FFCQ) and were interviewed about physical activity. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical tests were used to diagnose MS (Metabolic Syndrome). Result: The active women consumed more protective foods (flaxseed, nuts, whole wheat bread, brown rice and olive oil) than inactive women. Risky foods (sugar, crackers, white bread, white rice, margarine and beef) were consumed more by the group of inactive women. The prevalence of MS was higher in inactive women (53.30%) than in physically active women (46.70%). Conclusion: Active post-menopausal women had a higher daily intake of protective foods in relation to cardiovascular disease, while the inactive post-menopausal women had higher intake of risky foods for such diseases
The present work has an objective of investigate the acceptability of consumption of the goat meat and studies the perception of university students on the productive sector of goats in the Northeast. The habit to eat goat meat has strong regional traditions and has been suffering the demographic, cultural, economic and personal influences. Currently, a new habit in the food consumers is observed and has been configuring itself a trend that concern with the health and welfare in general, in countries mainly developed. This fact comes directly contributing for the modernization of the production models, including the ambient conscience. The methodology applied includes bibliographical research, data-collecting through questionnaires applied in the UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte ) and analysis of the data using statistic techniques assisted for software Statistica V6. It is concluded that the rate of consumption of goat meat is low in the population studied. The frequency of consumption is higher in times of leisure or to visit relatives. The descriptive analysis of the responses of interviewees shows ignorance of the production of goat meat and its importance to the state of Rio Grande do Norte.
This study aimed to analyze the percentage of compliance, related to the requirements of Practice, achieved by 23 supermarkets in neighborhood after the deployment of Food Insurance Program. For its development research methodology adopted was the application start and end of a check-list (tool-specific SBP) in 23 supermarkets, target of this study. After the deployment of PAS was made a comparative study where it was possible to see that these companies need to improve conditions related to food safety, because according to the study, none of the 23 supermarkets evaluated met the criteria recommended by the SBP to 100% of compliance for the items critical of the check-list. Only 04 of the 23 supermarkets were in the range of 80 to 90% of the overall percentage of compliance, representing only 17.3% of the sample. Most of the sample submitted in a regular situation, according to the methodology of Cardoso (2001). Of the 23 supermarkets studied, 03 supermarkets were classified as poor (13.04%), 13 as scheduled (56.52%) as good and 07 (30.43%). You can see improvements in a small part of the sample, but the decline in the percentage of compliance of 02 companies after working for the implementation of the program, showing lack of responsibility and commitment of companies which should have as its top priority to food safety that market
The damselfish, Stegastes fuscus Cuvier, 1830 (Osteichthyes: Perciformes: Pomacentridae), is abundant in the coastal reefs of Búzios Beach, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil and they play an important role in the reef community ecology. The present study investigated the feeding strategy of this species considering the food habits and morfo-histology of the digestive tract. Influence of the environmental correlates such as temperature, rainfall and luminosity in the tidal rock pools were studied. The fish were captured on a monthly basis from September 2004 to August 2005, during which period 842 individuals of S. fuscus were captured, 125 males, 437 females and 280 individuals without sex identification. The sex ratio observed was 1 M : 3,5 F. The total body length of males varied from 3.6 to 11.3 cm, with a mean of 7.77 cm; that of females varied from 2.9 to 11.4 cm, with a mean of 7.85 cm, and that of sex grouped individuals varied from 2.9 to 11.4 cm, with a mean of 7.83. However, there was no difference between males and females in total body length. This species presented a positive alometric growth and the equations obtained for the relation between body mass and total body length were: Wt =0,0174Lt 3,1123 for males; Wt =0,0137Lt 3,2294 for females and Wt = 0,0148Lt 3.1928 for sex grouped individuals. The relation between total body length and standard length was L t = 1 ,3223Ls + 0,1527 for sex grouped individual s. February to August was associated to a long period of gonadal resting. The fish spawned during January and in September -October. The frequency of fish with empty stomachs occurred during August to December, whereas frequency of fish with food contents i n stomachs occurred during January to July. This species is considered as a preferential herbivore based on the volume of macroalgae in its diet composition. The morfo -histological aspects of S. fuscus confirm herbivory. Among the environmental factors con sidered only rainfall showed a correlation with the feeding habits of this species
This study investigated factors that influence the group size during the behavior foraging of estuarine dolphin Sotalia guianensis in the coast south of the state Rio Grande do Norte (RN), it also characterized the diet of estuarine dolphins and elaborated an otoliths catalog for aid in the identification of the preys found in the stomach contents. In relation to the group size during behaviour foraging, inside of the Curral Bay, larger frequency of solitary hunt was observed. Factors as tide variation, group composition and seasons didn't present correlation with the number of animals observed during a feeding episode. Capture success for participant was shown significantly larger when the animals hunted alone, what possibly explains the largest frequency of solitary hunt inside of the Curral Bay. About diet, were identified 18 bone fishes species, with predominance of species the families Haemulidae and Sciaenidae and five cephalopods species, including two new species in the diet of Sotalia guianensis in Brazil. Our results indicated that estuarine dolphin in the coast oriental from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) feeds predominantly of fish that form shoal, of habitat estuarino and producing of sounds. The analysis of the images, otoliths of 43 species of coastal fish of the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), aided by the offered descriptions, demonstrated to be an effective methodology for the knowledge of those structures, as well as it represented a form of reducing the subjectivity in the identification of the bone fishes found in stomach content
The use of habitat is an important part of a species biology. One resource of great importance for the survivor and reproduction of an individual is the food resource. Thus, the social interactions an animal has during the feeding activities are of extremely importance within its behavioral aspects, which represents the part of an organism trough which it interacts with the environment, adapting to changes and variations. Herons are known to form feeding aggregations of even more than thousands of individuals, in which social components of foraging have been identified and studied for several species. More profound studies of these aspects are yet to poor for the Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the social behavior (display postures, vocalizations and co-specific interactions) and the territoriality of the specie during the feeding period in an area of mud bank in the estuarine system of Cananéia, south coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. The defense of a fixed and exclusive area, closest to the mangrove, trough expulsion was observed; some thing that have not yet been registered with concrete data for the specie. Higher capture and success rates, and lower investment rates (steps/min and stabs/min) were registered for individuals foraging in areas corresponding to the defended territory. This could be one of possible reasons for the establishment of territories in the area. Four display postures were registered for the specie, two of then new in the literature, which are used in the interactions between individuals; one vocalization, that apparently is important in the social context of foraging for the specie and, possibly, has a function of advertising and proclaiming the dominance position of the territorial individual within the group. A territorial individual uses three behaviors, of the ones described: expulsion, vocalization and encounter (agonistic encounter between individuals, without physical aggression). Of these, the expulsion is apparently used in the actual defense, actively; while the other two behaviors are used in a more passive way, in the maintenance of the dominance position of the individual, helping it in the defense of its territory in a less direct manner. Therefore, with the results presented in here, new components of the social utilization of the feeding resource for the Little Blue Heron were identified, incorporating aspects of the territorial behavior for a future understanding of its possible adaptive significance. And it also reinforces the importance of the social interactions of herons foraging in great aggregations, in areas ecologically important
The competition for resources is one of the costs of group living. The scramble competition is considered an indirect type of competition, mainly associated with factors like group size and distribution of resources. Contest competition occurs when individuals compete directly for resources. In species that exibit this type of competition the establishment of dominance hierarchy can occur, resulting in differences on feeding and reproductive benefits for each member of the group. In these cases, aggressive and submissive behaviors are expected as a way to signal social status. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of social hierarchy over food ingestion in Callithrix jacchus. Data recording was from September/2006 to March/2007, eight days by month, at Floresta Nacional de Açu do Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade. The observation time started at 05:00 AM and finished after the last animal was on the sleeptree. Analyses of aggressive interactions, behavioral profile and diet, reveals a lot of advantages for dominat animals in the study group. Dominant individuals had higher intake of animal matter that subordinates. The last ones, consumed fruits, exsudate and, eventually, explored itens that were not common to the diet. We suggest that dominance hiearchy enable the reproductive female to assure priority on access to food resources, a important caracteristc to supply tha costs to maintain tha high reproductive taxa of the specie. We also suggest that reproductive male, due to the participation on food transfer, had the forage efficience reduced
Shrimp culture represents an important activity to brazilian economy. The northeastern region has presented high levels of production because of its climatic conditions. An important factor for the activity´s major development is related to the introduction of the species Litopenaeus vannamei. The use of an exotic species can disturb the ecosystem. In the last decades, L. vannamei has been the only species cultivated in Brazilian farms, there not being an alternative species for shrimp culture. So, there is an urgent need to developing new studies with the native species, which might represent an alternative concerning shrimp production, with emphasis on Farfantepenaeus subtilis. Another important aspect related to the activity is feeding management, once it is quite usual that feed offer on the pond does not take into account either the species´ physiology and behavior or the influence of environmental variables, such as light cycle and substrate. That knowledge may optimize management and so reduce the impact of effluents in the environment. This study´s objective was characterizing feeding behavior of F. subtilis in laboratory. For that, an ethogram was developed, using 20 wild animals which were observed through ad libitum and all occurrences methods. Two experiments were developed in order to register feeding behavior on different substrates, along 15 days, each. In the first experiment, 40 animals were distributed in eight aquaria, half being observed during the light phase of the 24 hour cycle and the other half in the dark phase, both in halimeda substrate. In the second experiment, 20 animals were distributed in four aquaria, under similar conditions as the previous ones, but in sand substrate. In both experiments, animals were observed respectively one, four, seven and ten hours after the beginning of the phase, for light phase, for the dark phase, in ten minute observation windows, before and immediately after feed offer. The following behaviors were registered: feed ingestion, ingestion of other items, inactivity, exploration, vertical exploration, swimming, crawling, digging, burrowing, and moving by the animals. Observation windows after feed offer also included latency to reach the tray and to ingest feed. Nineteen behaviors were described for the species. F. subtilis presented more behavioral activities in halimeda substrate even in the light phase, while burrowing was predominant in sand substrate. In both substrates, moving, crawling and exploration were more frequent after feed offer, but inactivity and burrowing were more frequent before that. Feed ingestion was more frequent in halimeda, both in light and dark phases. Weight gain was also more prominent in that substrate. In sand substrtate, ingestion was more frequent in the dark phase, which suggests that higher granulometry facilitates feed ingestion in F. subtilis juveniles. Our results demonstrate the importance of studies for the better knowledge of the species, specially its response to environmental stimuli, in order to improve animal management
Callithrix jacchus are small primates that live in cooperative reproductive family groups. They explore their home range in search of fruits, exudates and animal prey. In this study we investigate the existence of traveling routes and its relation with the feeding habits in a group of Callithrix jacchus. The group was followed for 6 months in an area of Atlantic secondary Forest at the FLONA-ICMBio of Nísia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte. Two observers in alternated days collected data referring to the group s location using a GPS navigation device, plotting data in 5 minute intervals, and with a position accuracy under 9 meters. All behavioral recordings were done through focal time samplings. The recording windows were 15 minutes with 1 minute intervals. The main activity was foraging, which propelled the animals to explore the environment with inconsistent intensity through the months, and correlated with the location of fruits, exudates and sleeping sites. From another standpoint, most activities were focused in the core areas that featured most sleeping sites, exudates trees and fruit trees. Insects, mostly Orthopterans, were hunted in all areas. The greater ratio of movement was registered during the last hours of sunlight, when animals returned to the sleeping sites and ate a greater number of fruits. The spatial and seasonal distribution of fruits forced the animals to travel long routes. The capacity to remember the location and navigate efficiently through feeding sources is important to save energy and time costs. Learning and familiarizing with the environment through the use of landmarks and acquisition of new information is extremely important to increase the chances of survival in a constantly changing environment
The genus Callithrix, like other marmosets, presents a cooperative breeding system, characterized by the contribution of parents and non-breeding individuals of the social group in the care of infants. This care is provided through lactation, transport, supervision of infants and food transfers. In this study, we investigated the care of offspring in Callithrix jacchus through the food transfers in family groups under conditions of abundance and scarcity of food resources. We also attempted to verify the relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport of infants and in the food sharing. We observed four families at the Núcleo de Primatologia of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in a total of seven infants, six twins and a single infant. Each infant was observed twice a week, from 1st to 20th week of life using the methods focal continuous and focal instantaneous sampling with one minute intervals. The observations were carried by 10 minutes and beginning with the supply of food for each family. Two families were tested under conditions of scarcity of food resources (experimental condition) and two others were subjected to conditions of abundant food, both conditions with restricted access to food supply. The condition of food scarcity did not influence the rate of food sharing with the infants that, in general, was considered low. All shares observed were passive sharings. Only one family showed higher levels of food begging, probably due to the loss of the mother during the period of lactation of her offspring. In this family, the dominant and subadult males were primarily responsible for the food sharing. The experimental condition influenced the distance of infants in relation to food source, so the infants in families that received abundant food remained closer to the source. However, it is believed that the place of food consumption was not influenced by experimental condition. There was no relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport and food sharing with their young. Therefore, it is suggested that, in general, the transfer of food in C. jacchus is characterized by tolerance to the demands of caregivers, represented by the passive sharing. Rates of sharing with infants were low, probably due to intra-group competition for food generated by the experiment.
Considering the constant environmental changes, the ability to introduce new food items in the diet is crucial to omnivore animal survival. For optimal nourishment and lessening of intoxication risks, the animals must detect signs that indicate which items are adequate for their intake. We investigate some factors that interfere in the responses to non familiar food, modulating their neophobic behavior, of marmosets Callithrix jacchus, an omnivore and generalist primate, native to Northeast Brazil, known for being cautious in ingesting not known food. We analyzed the influence of food taste (sweet or salty), pregnancy and sex in feeding behavior and neophobic responses in these animals. 10 captive females were first selected, 5 of them being then pregnant. The females, pregnant or not, ate more when presented to the sweet items than to the salty ones. Pregnant females, however, themselves were less neophobic to both tastes, being also strongly neophilic to the sweets. We verified then the influence of nourishment during pregnancy on young males and females post natal feeding behavior. We observed 10 young divided in two groups, one whose mother ate that food item during pregnancy and one whose mother had no contact to it. In the first group that food was more easily accepted by the young, suggesting that neofobia and feeding behavior had a pre natal influence. Female young also ingested more food and were less neophobic than males, a difference already observed in behavior of adults of these specie. These results suggest that the low neophobic behavior to sweet food showed by females can be adaptive, and might have bestowed more fitness to those who presented it
This study investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the feeding ecology and foraging behavior of the whiptail lizard Ameivula aff. ocellifera, a new species widely distributed in the Brazilian Caatinga, and that is in process of description. In attendance to the objectives, the Dissertation was structured in two chapters, which correspond to scientific articles, one already published and the other to be submitted for publication. In Chapter 1 were analyzed the general diet composition, the relationship between lizard size and prey size, and the occurrence of sexual and ontogenetic differences in the diet. Chapter 2 contemplates a seasonal analysis of diet composition during two rainy seasons interspersed with a dry season, and the quantitative analysis of foraging behavior during two distinct periods. The diet composition was determined through stomach analysis of lizards (N = 111) collected monthly by active search, between September 2008 and August 2010, in the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó), state of Rio Grande do Norte. Foraging behavior was investigated during a rainy and a dry month of 2012 also in ESEC Seridó, by determining percent of time moving (PTM), number of movements per minute (MPM) and prey capture rate by the lizards (N = 28) during foraging. The main prey category in the diet of Ameivula aff. ocellifera was Insect larvae, followed by Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Araneae. Termites (Isoptera) were important only in numeric terms, having negligible volumetric contribution (<2%) and low frequency of occurrence, an uncommon feature among whiptail lizards. Males and females did not differ neither in diet composition nor in foraging behavior. Adults and juveniles ingested similar prey types, but differed in prey size. Maximum and minimum prey sizes were positively correlated with lizard body size, suggesting that in this population individuals experience an ontogenetic change in diet, eating larger prey items while growing, and at the same time excluding smaller ones. The diet showed significant seasonal differences; during the two rainy seasons (2009 and 2010), the predominant prey in diet were Insect larvae, Coleoptera and Orthoptera, while in the dry season the predominant prey were Insect larvae, Hemiptera, Araneae and Orthoptera. The degree of mobility of consumed prey during the rainy seasons was lower, mainly due to a greater consumption of larvae (highly sedentary prey) during these periods. Population niche breadth was higher in the dry season, confirming the theoretical prediction that when food is scarce, the diets tend to be more generalized. Considering the entire sample, Ameivula aff. ocellifera showed 61,0 ± 15,0% PTM, 2,03 ± 0,30 MPM, and captured 0,13 ± 0,14 per minute. Foraging mode was similar to that found for other whiptail lizards regarding PTM, but MPM was relatively superior. Seasonal differences were verified for PTM, which was significantly higher in the rainy season (66,4 ± 12,1) than in the dry season (51,5 ± 15,6). It is possible that this difference represents a behavioral adjustment in response to seasonal variation in the abundance and types of prey available in the environment in each season